Author Topic: Himiko's Shorts  (Read 34240 times)


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Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #90 on: May 26, 2014, 01:13:05 AM »
Ahaha...I took writing prompts again and the first one was reimari, from hungrybookworm.  I hope I did your OTP justice ;w;

?Reimu!  Let?s train!? Marisa shouted.  The purple-haired shrine maiden, busy sweeping the pathway, gave her the usual glare and grunt of displeasure at the little witch?s presence.

?Go away, Marisa,? she grumbled.

?Hey, Reimu!  Fight me!?  Marisa waved her wand and shot multicolored orbs of light at Reimu, who was sitting on her porch and having a cup of tea.  Reimu flicked away one of the bullets and frowned.

?Check out this spell I made, Reimu!? Marisa urged the other girl.  She drew a magic circle on the ground in chalk, and wriggling green snakes emerged from it.  Reimu shrieked and fled to the shrine.

Marisa swooped down onto the shrine pathway, bristling with excitement and holding up her new broomstick.  ?Reimu, let?s??

?Whatever it is, no!? Reimu exploded.  Marisa flinched and, after fixing her hat, mounted her broom and flew back to the Forest of Magic.


??so I came back here,? Marisa explained, holding her hands against the warm mug of cocoa on the counter.  ?What do I do, Lady Mima??

The evil spirit was sitting across the table from her and resting her cheek in her hand.  Her eyes were narrowed and her mouth was set in a deep frown, and for a while she was quiet?something that was uncharacteristic of her.  Marisa, looking at Mima like she had just taken away her Halloween candy, was enough for the evil spirit to sit up a little straighter.

?Well, it?s obvious you?re just annoying her,? Mima said.

?Aw, come on!?  Marisa sighed and slumped over on the table.

Mima grinned.  ?I?ve known her longer than you have.  Just because she?s strong enough to beat you in a fight doesn?t mean she enjoys it.  In other words, she?s lazy.?

Marisa puffed out her cheeks.  ?This isn?t helping.?

Mima grinned.  ?What I?m saying is, you?re not appealing to her interests.  If you want to get closer to her, you need to try a different approach.  Here?s an idea??


It was late at night, and Reimu was already in bed and drifting off to sleep.  Something rustled outside, but her mind was hazy with exhaustion, and she thought little of it.  She rolled over on her side and buried her face in her pillow.

Just as she was about to fall asleep, she heard someone knocking on the door.  This brought her to full attention: her eyes snapped open, and she jolted into an upright position.  She swung her arm out and threw an ofuda, and it smacked into something?no, someone.  A familiar girl with bobbed red hair and purple robes fell onto her back, clutching her nose and groaning.

?What the hell are you doing in my house?!? Reimu whispered through gritted teeth.  Marisa got up and pushed the sliding door open a little wider.

?Come with me,? Marisa said, holding out her hand.  Reimu, still in her pajamas and completely bewildered, stared at her.  Then, the following back-and-forth ensued:


?Come on!?

?Marisa, I told you I don?t want to fi??

?It?s not a fight, it?s something better.?


?I wanna show you something cool.  Now come on!?

Reimu?s expression softened.  By all rights, she should have been kicking Marisa out of her shrine and putting up a barrier to ensure she wouldn?t come back, but?

She sighed.  ?Okay.  Just let me get dressed.?

Marisa beamed.  ?Great!  I?ll be waiting outside.?

Ten minutes later, Marisa was dragging Reimu along by the hand through the Forest of Magic, broom over her shoulder and a bounce in her step.  Reimu yawned, still feeling the sleep that had almost caught up with her.

?Are we there yet?? she complained.

?Almost.?  Marisa lead her through a grove and into some bushes, both girls having to crouch to get through.  When they emerged on the other side, they were facing a stone wall that seemed to stretch in either direction for miles.

Etched in the wall face with the grace of someone smashing their fist into a plate was the entrance to a cave.  Even if it were lighter out, it would have been hard to spot because of the foliage covering it.  Marisa and Reimu approached the entrance and peered inside.

?What is this place?? Reimu asked.

?It?s a little cave Lady Mima told me about.  She said there?s something amazing in here,? Marisa replied.  Reimu frowned.

??Amazing?, huh?  What if it?s a bear?s den??

?Trust me, it?s not,? Marisa said, and squeezed Reimu?s hand in a reassuring gesture.  Reimu shivered, but it wasn?t from cold or fear.  ?If it were, I could totally take it down.?

?You?d take down a bear,? Reimu said with a scoff.

?Yeah, I totally would.?  The two girls ventured into the cave.  It was a tight fit, and they had to walk single file while the stone ceiling brushed against their hair.  Marisa hugged her broom to her chest, careful not to scuff it against anything.

For a while, it was just the two shuffling along.  The path widened out and they were able to walk side-by-side, but it was still dark.

Reimu could have said a lot of things during that time.  She could have complained about how dark it was, or asked Marisa to make a light source so they weren?t stumbling around blind.  She could have asked what was so great that Marisa dragged her out of bed in the middle of the night to show her, or how she found this cave.  It was ridiculous.  Here she was, going on an adventure with a girl who had done nothing but come to her shrine and bother her day after day, and yet?

?Look!  Here we are!? Marisa cheered.  The two emerged in an open cavern, and Reimu?s jaw dropped.  The tunnel, which was pitch black before, was now awash in pale blue light that came from the moss that covered the walls and floor.  Tiny specks of light floated in the air, and burst into sparks when Reimu reached out to touch one.  Still holding Marisa?s hand, she walked along the ground with her eyes wide in wonder.

?and yet, if Marisa had done things like this with her from the beginning, she wouldn?t have minded at all.

Marisa giggled.  ?This stuff is super rare.  I?hey, what?s wrong?  Why are you crying??

Reimu wiped her eyes with her sleeve.  ?It?s nothing.  It?s just?really pretty, is all??


?Are you okay now?? Marisa asked.  The two were flying back to the shrine, sharing Marisa?s broom.  Reimu gingerly held onto Marisa?s shoulders and bowed her head.

?Uh-huh,? she said.  The broom dipped, and the two landed on the front path.  Reimu dismounted and ran off towards the shrine.  Before she went inside, however, she stopped and turned around.

?Hey, Marisa!? she called.


?There?s somewhere I want to take you, too, so?meet me here tomorrow morning??

Marisa?s eyes were huge.  She stood there with a blank expression before, a smile burst onto her face.

?Got it!?

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character


  • Shipper On Board
Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #91 on: May 26, 2014, 11:19:14 AM »
Aaaah that was so cute! Little PC-98 Reimari's so adorable (and Mima was in it too yes)! Thank you thank you~


  • It's a cheer up charm!
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  • ふそそそそそ
    • Hydrangeamaiden
Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #92 on: May 28, 2014, 01:16:54 AM »
Chirei requested Koishi build a pillow fortress.

The heavy rain, a rare occurrence in the Underground, poured on throughout the day.  Activity in the Ancient City?s streets burst, and oni danced and partied and cheered every time thunder shook the cavern walls.  The Palace of the Earth Spirits stood away from the commotion, and was eerie and quiet in comparison.  Suika stood on the front step, her hair slick from the rain and her clothes clinging to her skin.  There was no overhang to seek shelter under while she waited for the owner of the palace to answer the door.

As she watched the city from the distance, she heard a clicking sound and turned to see someone opening the door.  A hell raven with unruly black hair and a dazed smile was looking down at her, with one hand on the doorknob and another holding a measuring cup.

?Hi th?unyuu.?  The hell raven stepped aside as Suika strode into the mansion.  ?Ahhh, you?re still wet!?

Suika took a deep breath and held out her hand.  The water in her hair, on her clothes and skin rose off her and flew towards the center of her palm as if drawn by a magnet.  Within seconds, Suika was perfectly dry and holding an orb of water.  Even the water the little oni had tracked in was off the floor.


?Cool, huh, Okuu??  Suika grinned and tossed the orb outside, where it splashed into the grass.  Okuu shut the door behind her and skipped after Suika into the house.  Suika kicked off her shoes and looked around.  ?So what?d you call me here f??

Suika bumped into something large and soft, and fell over.  Okuu gave her a bright smile.


Suika looked up at the main hallway, which was obstructed by pillows.  This was really saying something?it was a big hallway, and to Suika?s knowledge it led into an even bigger room with more rooms?but right now she could only see a small opening barely big enough to fit her horns, and through that there was nothing but pillows.  It was a pillow tunnel.

?The heck is this?? Suika asked as the corners of her mouth twitched.

Okuu ran forward and leapt into the tunnel opening.  ?It?s the pillow fortress Lady Koishi made.  Isn?t it cool??

?Yeah, I guess??  Suika reached out and tried to gather the pillows, but found that something was resisting her.  ?Ehh, I don?t think I can use my powers on these.  They?re packed too tight.?

There was also the matter of what she would do with them, but Okuu didn?t seem bothered in the slightest.  She said, ?It?s OK.  We can just play inside until we find Lady Koishi.?

?Didn?t ?cha say you lost your favorite necklace in here?  What about that?? Suika asked.


Suika looked back up at the pillow fortress.  ?Where?s Satori??

?She?s sick so she?s asleep upstairs,? says Okuu.  At that moment, Suika knew she wouldn?t be able to just go back to the city and party, as much as she wanted to.  If left to their own devices for too long, Satori?s pets and sister would end up doing troublesome things like this.  This was her chance to say ?you?re on your own, kid,? and leave Okuu to deal with this herself, but she didn?t dislike Satori enough to leave this mess in her hands when she was sick.

Suika sighed and took a swig from her gourd.  ?Alright!  Let?s dive on in.?

Okuu cheered.  ?Yeeees!?


Suika was lost, lost in a sea of pillows.  She did not know where she was crawling to, and where she was crawling from.  Her horns dragged along cushions and spilled stuffing onto the path, causing Okuu to slip as she crawled behind the oni.  A network of paths had been built in the tightly-packed pillows, creating a soft fluffy labyrinth.  Every now and then they?d pass a cat or a bird or something napping in the pillows, out of the way of anyone passing by.

?Where?d you last see your necklace?? Suika asked.

?Hmm?dunno!? Okuu said.  Suika slapped her forehead and continued on.  Soon, they came to a narrow wall of pillows.  It stretched a few meters above them and ended in an opening of pillows that had been somehow arranged in an arch.  Suika gripped the wall and tested her foot on it, but it didn?t give.  With a shrug, she started to climb.  Okuu?s wings flapped this way and that as she tried to balance herself on the way up, and almost fell over.  Suika, now at the top of the wall, reached down and grabbed her hand.

?You know you can fly, right?? she said.

?Oh.  Why aren?t you flying, then?? Okuu challenged her.

?Because it?s more fun like this,? said Suika.  ?Anyway, let?s keep going.  I think I see someone up ahead.  She pulled Okuu up over the rest of the wall and jerked her thumb over her shoulder.  There was a piece of dark blue cloth sticking out of one of the openings in the pillow wall.

?Uugh?oh??  A grumble came from inside the opening.  Suika and Okuu approached and took a look inside.  The cloth they saw was part of a dress, being worn by a pointy-earred blonde girl curled up with her face buried in the floor.  When Suika and Okuu entered, she let out another groan.

?Parsee?!? Suika cried.

?Welp, time to check somewhere else.?  Okuu turned around and started crawling away.  Suika hesitated.  At that moment, Parsee stirred and sat up.

?Are you okay?? Suika asked.  Parsee frowned and fluffed out her hair, which was sticking out in odd angles from lying down for so long.

?Not really.  I swear I was just at my bridge, but for some reason I ended up here.  I envy whoever was able to build such a nice, comfy place,? Parsee sniffed.  Suika laughed a little, but stopped when the bridge princess scowled at her.

?What?s taking you guys so long?? Okuu called.

?Coming!? Suika shouted in reply.  ?Let?s go, Miss Bridge Princess.?

?This better be good,? Parsee said as she followed Suika out.  The three continued crawling along the path, which grew narrower and narrower until Okuu had to fold her wings and Suika could go no further: her horns were stuck in the pillows.  Parsee climbed around the two of them and went on ahead.

?Be careful,? Suika warned her.  ?I don?t want this place to collapse and smother us.?

Suddenly, Suika heard a girl?s voice say, ?I don?t understand why you don?t just shrink yourself.  You can do that, can?t you, sis??

?Wha??  Suika gasped, and then sighed as she saw a kasha trot past her.  ?Oh, it?s just you.?

?Okuu, c?mon!  Don?t tell me you forgot how to turn into an animal again,? said the kasha.  Okuu giggled and shrunk until she was a large black bird.  However, it was still small enough to walk on unimpeded.  Suika, too, manipulated her density until she was about the cat?s height.

?I sure wish I could shrink,? Parsee sighed, but Suika was only half paying attention to her.  She was more focused on the opening ahead, about the size of those large books people put on their coffee tables.  She rushed out and into a domed space.  More openings of various sizes were spaced evenly on the walls, with one big round one on the ceiling. 

As Suika wondered how this was even possible, she heard a fwump sound and Parsee?s startled scream.  She wheeled around to see Parsee, half out of the tunnel that had just collapsed on her.  Her hands clawed at the pillowed that had landed on the lower half of her body, but to no avail.

?Oh noooo!?

?Hold on, Parsee!?  Orin turned back to her human form and rushed to Parsee?s side.  ?Don?t struggle, it?ll make it worse!?

But Parsee wasn?t listening.  Okuu turned back to human form as well, but just sat there with a confused expression.  More pillows fell onto Parsee?s head, and she grunted as if they were hurting her.

?Go on without me, I?m no use anyway,? she moaned.

Suika frowned and turned back to her normal size, and then bigger.  She stomped over to Parsee (?But how can you get trapped by pillows?? asked Okuu) and grabbed a hold of Parsee?s arms.

?No!  I won?t leave you behind,? Suika said, and pulled.  Parsee came popping out like a cork, and Suika hugged her to her body as they went flying back.  During Suika?s fall, her horns raked against the walls and she slammed against the opposite wall, sending pillows everywhere.  Orin and Okuu fled screaming, and Suika swung her arm to bat the pillows away.

When the commotion finally subsided, Suika squinted and looked around her.  The dome had caved in, revealing the marble ceiling of the Palace of the Earth Spirits.  It was close enough that she could reach out and press her palm against the smooth surface.  They must be high above the ground.

While Orin and Okuu popped out of a pile of pillows nearby, Suika looked down at a dazed and confused Parsee.

?Are you okay??

?Somehow?? Parsee groaned.  Without so much as a ?thank you?, she slid off of Suika?s lap and into the pillows, sending a cloud of feathers into the air.  ?Whee!?

?Great.  So now what?? Suika sighed to herself, but Orin seemed to have conveniently noticed something, because she stood up and pointed somewhere to Suika?s right.

?Over there!? she cried.  Everyone looked and saw a light-haired girl standing there, wearing yellow and green clothes with a wide-brimmed hat.  Her most noticeable feature, however, was the blue eye and accompanying veins on her chest.

Okuu sprung forward and flew towards her with a startling swiftness.  As she dived towards the girl, she squawked, ?Come back here!?
The girl dove into the pillows and out of sight.  Okuu leapt in after her with much less grace, throwing pillows every which way.  Orin ran after her, calling her name.  Suika shrunk back to her normal size and waded into the pillows.

?Wait for me!? she called.  There were no paths this time, just an endless sea of pillows.  Suika plunged in and was aware of Parsee shuffling in after her, but she couldn?t spare time to tell her to stay behind or make conversation.  She dug through the pillows, plowing through them and struggling with all the oni strength she could muster.  At full power, she was able to keep up a steady free stroke.  She breathed in through her nose and out through her mouth, barely able to hear the pets? yelling over herself.

After what felt like an eternity, she fell through the pillows and into another, wider tunnel.  This one was wide enough that she was able to stand up and spin around without her horns getting caught on anything, so she took off in a sprint.  Up ahead, she could already see Orin and Okuu getting out spellcards as they prepared to face off against the girl?no, against Koishi.  Suika, under any other circumstances, wouldn?t have believed that the littlest satori would show herself so willingly, but they were in a pillow fortress.  This all had to be a game to her.

?You guys are gonna bring the whole damn place down!? Suika roared, shaking her fist as danmaku began to fly.  She looked over her shoulder and saw Parsee tumble through the opening she had just come out of, and was impressed that she had made it that far.

Just as Suika was going to shout words of encouragement to her, a pillow hit her head.  Then another.  Then pillows started raining from the heavens.  A spellcard had been declared, and just as Suika predicted, everything started to collapse.  Suika gave one final bellow of frustration before she was buried.


??Oh, god, I?m dead, I?ll never see Yuugi agai?ack!  You didn?t hear me saying that.?

Suika took a pillow off her face and sat up.  She saw Parsee?s legs sticking out of the pillows nearby, kicking furiously as her muffled voice spouted complaints from down below.  Suika stood up, walked over, and yanked her out.  Parsee let out a short shriek, before realizing what was going on.

?Oh.  Uh?thanks,? she grumbled, before getting up and climbing away over a pile of pillows.  Suika looked around, and realized that she was in the palace?s tea room.  It was a very big room with the stairs and the hallway leading to the kitchen and everything.  Outside, thunder rumbled, and chills of pleasure went down her spine.  The floor was no longer visible thanks to all the pillows, but at least they weren?t packed tighter than bullets in a high-level spellcard.

Over by the stairs, two youkai Suika recognized as Kisume and Yamame emerged from the pillows, cheering.

?We made it!?

?We?re free!?

All around, other youkai were pulling themselves from the wreckage, praising the heavens or whatever else they believed in.  Okuu, after much struggling, pulled herself free and held up a thin black chain with an aquamarine attached to it.  She waved it around, and Suika couldn?t help but think how contagious her goofy smile was.  Orin, laying on top of a cushion, blew her bangs in the air and folded her arms.

?Coulda got Lady Koishi good.  Where?d she??

?Um, what?s going on??

A soft voice called from the top of the stairs.  Everyone went quiet and looked up to see Satori, wrapped in a fluffy robe and looking down at the carnage with a small frown.  Suika laughed a little bit.


Satori held up her hand.  ?No, you don?t need to say anything.  Koishi??

Koishi popped up out of the remains of the fortress, giggled, and almost got away when Suika tackled her to the ground.

?Awww, no fun,? Koishi pouted.  Satori sighed heavily.

?What were you thinking, you?? she asked.  ??You know what, nevermind.  Orin, go put on some tea.  The rest of you, help me pick this up.?

A chorus of ?oookaaayys? resounded through the hall.  Thanks to Suika?s gathering abilities, the pillows were taken care of in no time and arranged in a saner manner.  Ten minutes later, Satori was lounging on them with Orin in her lap, Okuu at her feet, and a teacup in her hand.  The youkai, including Parsee, Yamame, and Kisume, had already gone home.  Koishi was curled in a fetal position close by, fast asleep.

?Go ahead.  I never have visitors,? Satori said, gesturing to the tea tray between them.  Suika took a biscuit in her hand and ate it whole.  Totally worth it.

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character


  • It's a cheer up charm!
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    • Hydrangeamaiden
Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #93 on: May 29, 2014, 02:18:20 AM »
Sect requested "Reimu and Konngara go shopping but can't decide where to go for dinner because they have different tastes in food".

?Look how cute this dress is!? Reimu gushed.  She twirled around in said article of clothing, which was knee-length and red with a floral pattern.  ?I can?t believe they have stuff in my size here.?

??Uh-huh.  It?s cute,? was all the oni nearby had to say as she stared idly at the jewelry rack.

Reimu frowned at her reflection in the mirror.  ?Y?know, Konngara, most girls would be enthusiastic about this kind of thing.?

Konngara covered her mouth with one hand and giggled.  ?Ehe.?

Reimu, probably too comfortable in the dress to want to take it off, went to flag down a store clerk while Konngara picked up a straw hat and turned it over in her hands.  There wasn?t really much of a reason to wear these kinds of things in the Underground, where there was no sunlight, but then again, she had her sword with her on a shopping trip.

?I paid for it!  Let?s go!? Reimu called out to her.  She put down the hat and followed Reimu out of the store and into the streets.

It was late in the evening, about the time when activity in the Ancient City really started to pick up.  To compensate for the lack of natural light, lanterns had been strung along the streets, and all the shops were well-lit.  This was one of the nicer parts of the city, where the streets weren?t as dirty and there were stores that sold things that were difficult to find?clothes from the Outside World, for instance.  It was also the district closest to the newly-constructed bathhouse, which would be opening next week.  Visitors from the surface were rare despite this, so when Reimu asked to take her there, Konngara was kind of surprised.

Things had gone well so far?it was actually pretty fun to just waste time going shopping?but the real problem was finding somewhere to eat.  The two walked along down the street, Reimu appearing satisfied with her new dress and the other shopping bags she was carrying.  They eventually came to a stop near a lamp post while looking around at the shops nearby.  The scent of food picked up in the air, and Reimu said,

?I?m starving.  Let?s get something to eat.?

Konngara nodded, and Reimu continued to look around.

?Hmmm?hey, how about that steakhouse over there?? Reimu suggested.  Konngara shook her head.  ?Wow, okay.  Let?s go get fish then.?

Konngara shook her head.  ?There?s a pub over there??

?Ew.?  Reimu grimaced.  ?I don?t like fried food.?

?How about Mexican.  Everybody likes Mexican food?? Konngara said matter-of-factly.

?Well I don?t,? Reimu said, and an awkward silence ensued.  If Reimu were alone, she would have looked lost for all the desperate looking around she was doing.  Finally, she pointed to a building across the street with a pair of brightly-lit golden arches on the sign above it.

?There!  Let?s go there, that looks like a safe choice.?  She started off towards it.  Konngara would have said something in protest, but she didn?t recognize this place.  Instead, she just followed quietly.

It was fairly busy inside, with most of the tables taken up by oni who were eating and talking and generally being louder than was socially acceptable.  Reimu made a beeline for the front counter and looked up at the menu.  Konngara caught up with her, took one look at the menu, and grinned.

?What happened to ?I don?t like fried food?, huh??? she asked, repeatedly poking Reimu on the side of the head.  The shrine maiden responded by smacking her hand away and puffing her cheeks in anger.

?Shut up!?  Reimu reached into her sleeve and started digging around.  ?Ugh.  The Happy Meal seems pretty cheap, what are you gonna get??

?Fries and?a shake, I guess??  Konngara shrugged.  It seemed like a safe bet.  A lot of the items listed here looked kind of intense, and she?d rather save that for when she was hanging out with Yuugi or someone who was a big eater.

Five minutes and a short wait later, Konngara and Reimu were walking out of the building with their food.  It was too crowded inside, so they started looking for a bench to sit down on while they ate.  Just as Konngara had spotted one, she heard Reimu scream.  Alarmed and thinking another oni was trying to drag the girl away, Konngara reached for her sword.

However, when she turned around, she only saw Reimu, bristling up and holding the red and yellow Happy Meal box in front of her.  On her face was an expression of terror.

?Reimu?  Wha??  Konngara looked over Reimu?s shoulder and blanched.  On the box were an uncanny smile and a pair of eyes, leering back at her.  Reimu, unprepared for this, was shaking too hard to retrieve the food stored inside this monstrosity.

?What the heck is this?!? Reimu cried.  ?This?this is??

As she stood there in shock, Konngara held out her own bag of food.

?Want a fry??

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character


  • It's a cheer up charm!
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  • ふそそそそそ
    • Hydrangeamaiden
Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #94 on: June 02, 2014, 11:44:34 PM »
The final request, based off this comic based off this post.  Will the requester please stand up.

Mima cackled to herself.  For a record-breaking eighty-seventh time this month, everything was going to be a disaster, and it would all be her doing.  She flew through the gates of the underground shrine, brushing off the sparks of warding magic that stung her as she passed.  There was a light coming from inside the shrine, but only one of its occupants was inside.  The other, a small, purple-haired girl, was outside kicking a soccer ball around.

Without waiting another moment, Mima swooped down and grabbed her.  The girl laughed and squirmed as Mima carried her off, making it difficult to keep a hold on her.  Trying her best to ignore her, Mima looked at her surroundings: the tunnel in the distance, leading out of the cavern; the city, a blur of light; the wastelands, nothing but rock for miles; right ahead, a bronze orb floating a few meters off the ground. 

 ?What are you doing?? asked the orb as Mima approached.  Inside the orb was a woman, who looked as calm as someone who was witnessing a kidnapping attempt for the umpteenth time.  Mima grinned broadly.

?Babysitting,? said Mima.  ?She was home alone, thought I?d keep her company.  Teach her a few magic tricks.?

?Liar,? Kikuri said.  The child in Mima?s arms reached out and made grabby hands.  Mima leaned over to allow her to slap her little hands against the glass.

?Kiki!? the girl cried.

?Kikuri, dear,? she corrected with a gentle smile, and then made a much less pleasant face at Mima.  ?You really should put her back.?

Mima smiled.  ?Nope.?

?Konngara will be mad??

?NOPE.  Shhhshhshh.?  Mima clapped her hand over Kikuri?s mouth.  At least, she would have if the orb wasn?t in the way, so she just settled for covering the glass in front of Kikuri?s mouth. 

Kikuri frowned deeply, but merely sat back in her orb and sighed to herself.  As Mima flew off, she wondered why her friend didn?t bother to stop her beyond scolding.  Just as she was thinking this, she heard the door to the shrine open.  Konngara wandered out into the front yard?but really, Mima only called it that for convenience?and looked around.  Evidently not noticing Mima, she looked down at the abandoned soccer ball and frowned.

?Reimu?? she called.  Kikuri made a slight coughing sound.  Konngara turned around and muttered something, and Kikuri jerked her thumb in Mima?s direction.  Konngara looked up at Mima, who was unable to keep from laughing.

?Later, jackass!? Mima called out to her, before speeding off towards the city.

Meanwhile, at the shrine, Konngara took out her sword (?Oh my god.?) and raced off after them.  Kikuri sighed another long, drawn-out sigh and ascended back to the cave ceiling.  There was nothing she could do but wait for them to return.

The city was bustling.  It was early evening, the end of a workday, and the oni were going home or having dinner.  The streets were packed, and if Mima were to drop Reimu here she really would be in trouble.  She kept along the rooftops at a fast pace, not stopping even when Reimu pulled at her hair and struggled to get out of her arms.

?Pu? me down,? Reimu demanded. 

?Hush,? said Mima.  Seeing an opening beneath the rooftops, she dove into a narrow back street.  She didn?t have much of a destination in mind, so she figured she might as well enjoy the scenery.  The walls, untended to in these parts, were covered in vines and creeping plants that reached to the roofs and dangled in the air.  Mima pushed them aside and kept going. 

At the end of the road, there was a bright light and many loud voices.  Mima pulled her cloak over Reimu and soared out into the main street.  A few oni jumped back, some cursing at her for her sudden entrance, as she zoomed out into the open.  Thrilled at her precarious situation, Mima rushed back to the rooftops while cackling.

Farther away, Konngara was roaming the streets with her sword unsheathed and fully aware of how visibly worried she looked.  Perhaps sensing her distress, people nearby moved out of the way.  Seeing her, Yuugi or Suika running around like they were headed somewhere and looking that upset was kind of like seeing an ambulance.  Someone yelled out ?where?s the fire?? and she ignored them and kept going.

Five minutes turned to fifteen, and Konngara was getting increasingly frustrated at the lack of evil spirits she was seeing.  She started to contemplate asking for directions.

Have you seen a three-year old girl about this tall, purple hair, no horns?no, I?m not saying that.

Just then, a lightbulb went off?well, more like a candle being lit.  Konngara had never actually seen a lightbulb before.  She approached a nearby oni, who had to have been almost nine feet tall and carrying a club.

?Have you seen an evil spirit with green hair?? Konngara asked.

?Hrm?an evil spirit with those features??  The oni scratched his head.  ?I saw one headed for the bridge, if yer lookin? for evil spirits?huh??

Konngara was already running off, not bothering to listen to the rest of his thought.  Impatient with the crowded streets, she rose into the air and flew away as fast as she could.
In no time at all, she had reached the cavern that lead to the bridge.  Mima floated along at a leisurely pace.  Reimu squirmed in her arms, and Mima was so busy trying not to drop her that she didn?t notice the footsteps rapidly approaching until they had almost caught up to her.  Mima spun around and flew backwards to avoid the sword slashing through the air.

?Well, well, well,? said Mima.  ?It took you ten minutes longer than usual to catch up to me.  You?d better be faster than that if you don?t want me to run off with lil? Reirei.?

Then, she added, ?But it?s not like I was keeping track or anything.?

?What did you do with her?? Konngara growled, waved her sword at Mima.

?Ohhh, touchy, touchy,? said Mima.  Reimu popped out of her cloak with a giggle, and Konngara sighed.  ?I went through the liberty of hiding her while flying through the city.  You should be thanking me.?

Konngara shook her head.  ?Give her back.?

Mima put a finger to her chin and pretended to think.  ?Hmm?I don?t think so.?

If it were anyone else, Mima?and most likely Reimu?would be intimidated or even scared of the angry oni, but Mima had totally done this on purpose.  So she did what all evil spirits would do in that situation: lord it up.

?You think you?ve been doing such a good job of protecting lil? Reirei here, but if you can?t even keep her safe from me then you?re doing something wrong.  In the first place, humans don?t belong underground.  They need their fresh air and Vitamin D from the sun.  Last time I checked, there?s no sun down here,? Mima said, laughing a bit as she watched Konngara?s expression change from angry to hurt.  ?You can?t keep her down here forever, you know.  She belongs with her own kind.?

Reimu, who was busy chewing on Mima?s cloak, slowly stopped and looked up, appearing puzzled.

Konngara began to lower her sword, but hesitated.  Her hands trembled and she said, ??You don?t know anything, Mima.?

?Ohh, really??  Mima flew higher into the air and threw out her arm.  A knife materialized in her hand.  ?Then prove it!?

With those words, she pointed the knife and fired off a round of danmaku.  The cavern was suddenly filled with bright lights and the underwhelmingly quiet sound of bullets hitting rock and colliding with each other.  With a flick of her wrist, Mima sent a stalactite falling to the cave floor.  As more rocks fell, black tendrils shot out and pierced them, turning them into harmless rubble.  They retreated back to Konngara, and she shot a laser at Mima.  Mima held out her knife and deflected it with the blade, where it collided with some stalagmites.

?Careful, careful, you don?t want to hit Reimu, do you?? Mima taunted.  She was still holding Reimu, who was huddled in Mima?s cloak.  Konngara made a loud, frustrated noise.

?Oh my god, Mima,? she groaned as she dodged another deflected danmaku wave.  ?My shoulders ache??  A stray bullet hit her ankle, and she tripped.  ??I missed the bread sale at the market?? She hopped from stalagmite to stalagmite, cornered by Mima?s attacks.  ??and now this.?

She gasped as the stalagmite she was balancing on crumbled, and she almost lost her footing.  Mima floated above her and cackled.

?Looks like I?ve won this time,? Mima said.  Konngara was quiet, but gave her a look as if to say ?you really don?t like to play fair, do you??

Of course, when you push someone far enough, they?ll stop being fair, too.  Konngara picked up a boulder that was sitting nearby and threw it at Mima as she was starting another villainous monologue, catching the evil spirit completely off guard.

?Whoa!?  Mima pointed her knife at the boulder and shot a spray of danmaku at it.  In the process, her cloak flew open and Reimu went flying.  Unfortunately, Reimu couldn?t actually fly, so she started to scream instead.  The tendrils went out to catch her, but then stopped.  Konngara realized that she would not be able to catch Reimu with them.

?Reimu!?  Konngara raced across the cavern.  She reached out her arms, and somehow barely managed to catch Reimu before they went tumbling across the ground and coming to a stop against the cavern wall. 

They both sat there for a few moments, completely disoriented.  Reimu clung to Konngara and shivered in terror, while the latter slumped against the wall, the fight leaving her.

Suddenly, a huge laser struck the wall right above their heads.  Konngara?s eyes widened in shock and, unable to do anything else, slid further down the wall to avoid it.

When the light died down, Mima scoffed and put her knife away.  ?Oh well.  I lost, even though you were the one losing.?

Konngara stood up and walked away at a brisk pace, taking Reimu with her.  Mima flew after her, but more because the only other way out was to the surface.  When it was evident that she was going to be left behind, Mima slowed down and continued at a steady glide.

Later, Reimu watched the activity in the streets as she was being carried from rooftop to rooftop.  They were passing over the part of town where all the food vendors decided to open shop for the day, and all sorts of delicious scents passed by her.  However, there was one thing that she wanted above all else.  She tugged on Konngara?s sleeve.

?I wanna snowcone.?



?You?re back!? said Kikuri, but Konngara just kept walking past her.  ?Um???

?Next time, you stop her instead,? Konngara said, pointing to her in accusation.

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character


  • So those that live now, pledge on your fists and souls
  • Leave a sign of your life, no matter how small...
Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #95 on: June 03, 2014, 02:25:32 AM »
I liked the idea that Mima has kidnapped Reimu so often she's not even upset or very scared, and that Konngara is more annoyed than anything. I liked this, thank you for writing it.
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet


  • It's a cheer up charm!
  • *
  • ふそそそそそ
    • Hydrangeamaiden
Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #96 on: June 08, 2014, 03:32:36 AM »
Yesterday was National Donut Day but it took me longer than a day to write this thing.  Someone on Tumblr requested I write light-hearted Reisato so I wrote this...I hope there's enough Reisato in here.

Sundown was a time to hide indoors, fearing the youkai that appeared after dark, but Reimu led a different life from most humans in Gensokyo.  Tonight, the darkening sky only meant that it was time for her to head on over to the Scarlet Devil Mansion.  As the heat of the day faded, she put on some travelling boots and looked over at the purple-haired guest sitting at her table.

?Ready to go, Satori?? she asked.

?Yes, let?s go,? Satori replied, standing up flying to the doorway to get her shoes.  She squinted at the setting sun.  ?Even in the evening, it?s so bright out.?

?Well, duh,? said Reimu.  The two walked hand-in-hand until they reached the stairs, and then took off into the sky.  In the forest below, cicadas screamed.  Red spires peeked over the treetops in the distance, and as Reimu and Satori got closer, the rest of the large red building became visible.

As they descended onto the path along the lake, Satori asked, ?Do you think they?ll let me in??

?Of course they are.  I told them you?d be coming,? said Reimu, giving Satori?s hand a squeeze.  ?And if they don?t, we?ll just force our way in.?

?Th-that?s kind of??  Satori trailed off, preferring to walk with Reimu along the path until they reached the iron-wrought gates.  Meiling, who was sitting on a stool in front of it, waved to them.

?Just fly on over,? she called out.

Reimu shouted out an ?okay!? and flew right on over, half-dragging Satori along with her.  Satori would have told her to at least say ?thank you?, but they were already at the front door.  Reimu slammed her fist into it about as gracefully as Okuu doing the dishes, until the door opened.

?Hey, Sakuya!?

?Come on in??

Ten minutes later, Reimu and Satori were seated at a small table set up in the ballroom for them, with a lovely view of the greenhouse.  Sakuya poured two cups of tea and, just as Reimu and Satori were about to start drinking, set a platter of donuts on the table between them.  There were chocolate donuts, donuts with powdered sugar, eclairs, custard and cr?me-filled, strawberry donuts, and crullers, to name a few.  Reimu?s eyes grew wide, and she immediately reached for a strawberry one.

?Courtesy of the Mistress,? said Sakuya as Satori reached for a chocolate donut in disbelief.  ?I expect she will be up in a few minutes.?

Sakuya disappeared, leaving Reimu and Satori to feast on the donuts.

?You should take me to pick up your sister more often!? Reimu said.

?You?re going to gain an unhealthy amount of weight if you?oh wait,? Satori said, looking down at her donut.

?You just remembered one of my abilities, didn?t you?? Reimu said with a grin.  She dipped her donut in her cup of tea, took a bite, and shrugged.  ?Meh, this is OK.?

Satori finished her donut and allowed her hand to hover over the platter, looking for the next donut she would eat.  She supposed it was okay to splurge just this once, but Reimu clearly intended to eat everything no the plate.

?Wait, Reimu,? she said.  ?Let?s save some for Koishi.?

?Awww??  Reimu took an ?clair and settled back.  ?What kind of donuts does she like??

Satori gave pause.  ??I don?t know.?

They settled for setting aside a few custard-filled and glazed donuts for Koishi, and as they were starting to feel full (they had eaten three donuts apiece already), Remilia came walking down the stairs and floating towards them.

?The moon is a perfect shade of red tonight,? she announced to them as she approached.  Sakuya followed, carrying an extra chair.

?It?s sunset,? Reimu said with her mouth full of donut.  Remilia ignored her and sat down on the chair Sakuya set up at the table.  Sakuya poured the vampire a cup of tea and stood back next to the tea cart.

?So you are Miss Koishi?s sister, are you not?? Remilia asked Satori, smiling with a mouth full of sharp teeth.

?Yes, I am.?  Satori took a sip of tea, unperturbed.

?Well, she is well-behaved every time she comes here?Is what I have heard from the maids.  I have never seen her myself.?

Reimu took a drink of tea.  ?Well, speak of the devil.  Here they come right now.?

As Remilia choked on her tea, Flandre and Koishi came bounding up the stairs.

?Koishi!?  Satori smiled on reflex.  ?Did you have fun??

?Uh, yeah.?  Koishi grabbed a donut from the table and started to nibble on it.  Flandre took three at once, and then there were none.  Remilia frowned.

?Oh for goodness sake, Flandre, leave some for your friend,? she scolded.  Flandre tore off half the donut that was in her mouth and offered it to Koishi.

?Here you go!?


Satori couldn?t help but giggle.

Reimu and Satori flew back to the shrine under starlight, this time joined by Koishi.  Before the Komeiji sisters went back Underground, they stopped to rest at the Hakurei Shrine first.  Reimu lied on the floor, patted her belly, and groaned while Koishi chased fireflies outside.

?I?m so stuffed!  I never want to eat another donut again,? she complained.  She looked over and came face to face with Satori?s third eye.  ?Just because I can?t get fat off of sweets doesn?t mean I can?t get stomachaches, either.?

?Those donuts were heavy.  You?re just not used to eating heavy foods,? Satori replied, rolling over and resting her head on Reimu?s chest.  ?The trick is to eat slowly.?

?So we can stay there longer?? Reimu asked, threading her fingers through Satori?s hair.  ?Next time, let?s invite ourselves over for lunch or something.  The Scarlet Devil Mansion has good food as long as you ask for vegetarian.  Don?t laugh!  I?m serious!?

?Haha, it?s okay, I believe you.?

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character