Author Topic: Parsee Quest (Part 2)  (Read 73956 times)


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Re: Parsee Quest (Part 2)
« Reply #120 on: January 20, 2011, 08:36:37 PM »
>Mentally facepalm.

>"Well why don't you tell them that? After all, your sister is the reason why I came to find you."

>"You will come back down, won't you? If anything, for Satori at least."

> You mentally facepalm.  It takes everything you have to not actually facepalm.  Mokou scratches her hair, as if that's an acceptable substitute.
> "I wanted to take a rabbit home but they don't like me even though sis likes rabbits," she says.  "I'll go home, but Ican'trelaxwithoutmyhat."  Her smiles wavers, and her hands flutter around the top of her head.

> _

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[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Re: Parsee Quest (Part 2)
« Reply #121 on: January 20, 2011, 08:48:32 PM »
> "Don't worry, I found your hat." Hold up her hat.
> Try to get within touching distance of Koishi. She looks pretty damned frazzled, so we should use a soft touch on her.

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Re: Parsee Quest (Part 2)
« Reply #122 on: January 20, 2011, 09:05:17 PM »
>Do not get within touching distance of the possibly psychotic Satori without Cirno putting her in t a cage first.
>Do get close enough to offer her the hat.
>"You can pop in for a visit, right?"

Re: Parsee Quest (Part 2)
« Reply #123 on: January 20, 2011, 09:13:59 PM »
> Consider knocking her out: she looks like she's dead on her feet.
> Suppress last thought: she's a satori, and all satori read minds, right?

I'm pretty sure we don't know about Koishi's "uniqueness", though it looks like that might have been thrown out the window at this point...


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Re: Parsee Quest (Part 2)
« Reply #124 on: January 20, 2011, 09:18:12 PM »
> "Don't worry, I found your hat." Hold up her hat.
> Try to get within touching distance of Koishi. She looks pretty damned frazzled, so we should use a soft touch on her.

>Do not get within touching distance of the possibly psychotic Satori without Cirno putting her in t a cage first.
>Do get close enough to offer her the hat.
>"You can pop in for a visit, right?"

> You give Koishi her hat back, but you try not to get too close to her.  She looks absolutely delighted to see her hat.  She looks like a mess, but she takes care to adjust the hat carefully on her head.
> Koishi sways on her feet.  Her third eye is still spinning in its socket, but it's going slower now, as if it has exhausted itself out.
> "V-visit wheere?"

> Consider knocking her out: she looks like she's dead on her feet.
> Suppress last thought: she's a satori, and all satori read minds, right?

> You consider knocking her out.  You figure you'd be doing her a favor; she looks like she's going to faint anyway.
> Oh, wait, satori can read minds.  You try to hide that thought.  Koishi looks at you, then Mokou, and then at you again.

> _

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[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Re: Parsee Quest (Part 2)
« Reply #125 on: January 20, 2011, 09:33:25 PM »
> "Visit your sister. Get some rest, play with some cats. You'd like that, right?"


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Re: Parsee Quest (Part 2)
« Reply #126 on: January 20, 2011, 09:43:09 PM »
> "Visit your sister. Get some rest, play with some cats. You'd like that, right?"

> "Yeaahh~!  That sounds like fun!"

> _

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[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Re: Parsee Quest (Part 2)
« Reply #127 on: January 20, 2011, 09:45:54 PM »
> "All right, then come with me. I'll take you to see Satori, okay?"
> Reach out with a hand to take Koishi's.

I know it might be a bad idea, but we're going to have to take a risk. Besides, we got Mokou backin' us up, absolutely nothing's going to go wrong!


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Re: Parsee Quest (Part 2)
« Reply #128 on: January 20, 2011, 09:46:21 PM »
> Offer her the last sweet potato.  She seems like she could use it.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Re: Parsee Quest (Part 2)
« Reply #129 on: January 20, 2011, 09:52:43 PM »
Ooh, good idea: nothing like winning them through their stomach.


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Re: Parsee Quest (Part 2)
« Reply #130 on: January 20, 2011, 10:02:03 PM »
> "All right, then come with me. I'll take you to see Satori, okay?"
> Reach out with a hand to take Koishi's.

> Koishi doesn't say anything, but she smiles, and her third eye finally stops moving.
> You reach out to take her hand.  She doesn't do anything to stop you.
> "All ready to see if the others got anything out of that rabbit?" Mokou asks.

> Offer her the last sweet potato.  She seems like she could use it.

> Koishi looks famished, so you give her the last potato.  She sniffs it before taking a big bite out of it.  She really is hungry.
> It looks like she's calmed down, or at least distracted.

> _

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[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Smok, destroyer of thoughts

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Re: Parsee Quest (Part 2)
« Reply #131 on: January 20, 2011, 10:09:31 PM »
>"You really think this is a good idea to bring her to the rabbits, Mokou? Cause I don't think so.... Maybe let's take her to her home first, hm? Would you help in that too?"
>Mokou's heart's pure gold ;.;

Mokou Fan

Re: Parsee Quest (Part 2)
« Reply #132 on: January 20, 2011, 10:14:10 PM »
Um... not sure about that: the entrance to the underground's a ways off. If necessary, we can wait outside of Eientei and Mokou or Cirno relays information to us. Asking Mokou afterwards if she could help us get Koishi at least to the entrance of the underground's a good idea, though. We could even see if she wants to come down to chill (lol).

Anyways, the gameplan should be getting Koishi back home as soon as possible. We need to get that reward, the "special reward" from that cat (fortunately, it's not Koishi giving us the special reward), and tell Yuugi what happened to Suika. After that, we can pay someone to repair our bridge, and maybe try to see if we can figure out who that girl in the hospital is.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 10:17:45 PM by Sect »

Re: Parsee Quest (Part 2)
« Reply #133 on: January 20, 2011, 10:36:46 PM »
Okay, thinking on it, let's go with Smoku's idea and see what Mokou says in response. In addition:

> Start following Mokou to where ever she starts heading off to.

Hello Purvis

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Re: Parsee Quest (Part 2)
« Reply #134 on: January 20, 2011, 11:12:40 PM »
>We'll talk some sense into Koishi if she tries something unintelligent.
>"Hey, um, how'd you lose your hat, anyways?"


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Re: Parsee Quest (Part 2)
« Reply #135 on: January 20, 2011, 11:16:08 PM »
>"You really think this is a good idea to bring her to the rabbits, Mokou? Cause I don't think so.... Maybe let's take her to her home first, hm? Would you help in that too?"
>Mokou's heart's pure gold ;.;

> "Eh, Kaguya can shut them up if they get too loud," Mokou says.  "Should probably at least get things situated before we take this girl home, though."
> You didn't expect Mokou to be as kind as she is.  You assume that when she says "we", she's agreeing to helping you take Koishi home.

> Start following Mokou to where ever she starts heading off to.

> Mokou starts to head back towards the clearing where the others are, so you follow her with Koishi in tow.

>We'll talk some sense into Koishi if she tries something unintelligent.
>"Hey, um, how'd you lose your hat, anyways?"

> You wouldn't put it past Koishi at this point.  You decide to ask her how she lost her hat.
> Koishi frowns at her sweet potato.  "It fell off.  Then a rabbit stole iiit."

> _

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[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Re: Parsee Quest (Part 2)
« Reply #136 on: January 20, 2011, 11:53:27 PM »
> Mokou. So kind. We need to think of a good way to pay her back.
> Also, probably want to make sure that Koishi doesn't see Reisen, just in case. Take care to guide Koishi away from Reisen when we get to the rabbits.
> While we're walking, examine her more closely. Is she still limping, and how badly?


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Re: Parsee Quest (Part 2)
« Reply #137 on: January 21, 2011, 12:07:05 AM »
> Mokou. So kind. We need to think of a good way to pay her back.
> Also, probably want to make sure that Koishi doesn't see Reisen, just in case. Take care to guide Koishi away from Reisen when we get to the rabbits.
> While we're walking, examine her more closely. Is she still limping, and how badly?

> You don't think you would have been able to find Koishi without Mokou's help.  You're going to have to pay her back somehow.
> You decide that it would be best to keep Koishi away from Reisen for the time being.
> Koishi is still limping.  She flinches a little every time she puts weight on her left leg.  Did she sprain her ankle or something?

> _

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[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Hello Purvis

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Re: Parsee Quest (Part 2)
« Reply #138 on: January 21, 2011, 12:09:24 AM »
>"Oh for fuck's sake. Here, lean on me."
>Offer an arm.
>"And, I'll warn you, that rabbit's there. But we got her in a cage, so she's not going to be up to anything."


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Re: Parsee Quest (Part 2)
« Reply #139 on: January 21, 2011, 12:21:29 AM »
>"Oh for fuck's sake. Here, lean on me."
>Offer an arm.
>"And, I'll warn you, that rabbit's there. But we got her in a cage, so she's not going to be up to anything."

> This is ridiculous.
> You offer Koishi an arm so she can lean against you.  She's taken aback, but puts an arm around you anyway.
> When you mention Reisen, Koishi puts a hand over her hat and grits her teeth.
> As you, Mokou, and Koishi reenter the clearing, you notice that the rabbits are starting to return as well.  They give the cage Reisen is in very wide berth, but for some reason they're chattering and generally looking like they're in a good mood.  They're entering from the exact same area, and you hear them calling back into the forest.
> You see that Kaguya is loading Tewi onto another rabbit's back.  Cirno is laying on her stomach on top of Reisen's cage, sticking her fingers through to poke at the rabbit's ears.  Star is...well, she's huddled up much like Kaguya was back at the village.  You wonder if she was only used as a replacement because of her looks.
> The rabbits are also avoiding you, perhaps because you're with Koishi at the moment.

> _

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[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Re: Parsee Quest (Part 2)
« Reply #140 on: January 21, 2011, 12:40:10 AM »
Actually, good thing we're supporting her: if she flips out or something, we can easily subdue her.

> "Hey, Cirno, Kaguya. Did the rabbit say anything?"
> Let's go ahead and have Koishi sit down so we can take a look at her ankle. "You guys had a doctor here, right? Can you get some bandages and ice or something?"


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Re: Parsee Quest (Part 2)
« Reply #141 on: January 21, 2011, 01:05:55 AM »
> "Hey, Cirno, Kaguya. Did the rabbit say anything?"
> Let's go ahead and have Koishi sit down so we can take a look at her ankle. "You guys had a doctor here, right? Can you get some bandages and ice or something?"

> Cirno waves at you.  "We got her to say 'princess' so I guess she remembers her."  She points to Kaguya.
> You have Koishi sit down, and then call for medical assistance.  Upon removing her boot and sock, you see that her ankle is swollen.
> Kaguya glances in your direction.  "You mean Eirin?  She might...I mean, the Inaba are saying that they found her, but you're going to have to wait a minute."  She turns to the nearest rabbit.  "Inaba, go see if you can salvage some bandages or something."  The rabbit salutes Kaguya and scampers off.
> Cirno flies over.  "Ice is too easy," she brags as she conjures up a cube of it.  She then crushes it with her hands, but instead of shattering, it seems to mold into a more organic shape.  Koishi giggles when Cirno puts the ice on her ankle.
> Cirno then notices Koishi's third eye.  "She really does have three eyes!"

> _

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[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Re: Parsee Quest (Part 2)
« Reply #142 on: January 21, 2011, 01:11:56 AM »
> "Yup, though that eye's special."
> Look over at Kaguya. "What's that about Eirin? And just how many rabbits are named Inaba around here, anyways?"


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Re: Parsee Quest (Part 2)
« Reply #143 on: January 21, 2011, 01:22:42 AM »
> "Yup, though that eye's special."
> Look over at Kaguya. "What's that about Eirin? And just how many rabbits are named Inaba around here, anyways?"

> Cirno raises her hand as if she's going to poke the third eye, but Koishi pushes it away before that can happen.
> "They fou--whooaaa!"  Kaguya almost loses her balance as a gaggle of rabbits push past her.  "They found Eirin and they're bringing her here right now, is what they said.  As for the last question--"
> "--that's just Kaguya being lazy," Mokou interrupts.  Kaguya's face turns red.
> "It's what we call the rabbits around here!"  She turns to the Inaba and claps her hands a few times.  "All right, everyone, settle down."

> _

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[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Hello Purvis

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Re: Parsee Quest (Part 2)
« Reply #144 on: January 21, 2011, 01:32:32 AM »
>Stay out of the way of the rabbits. Have a look at Tewi.


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Re: Parsee Quest (Part 2)
« Reply #145 on: January 21, 2011, 01:48:33 AM »
>Stay out of the way of the rabbits. Have a look at Tewi.

> You make sure to keep out of the rabbits' way, and try to get a look at Tewi.
> She's just sleeping.  You imagine the curse's effects are just about gone now.
> The rabbits are getting louder.

> _

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Hello Purvis

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Re: Parsee Quest (Part 2)
« Reply #146 on: January 21, 2011, 01:51:15 AM »
>Take a peek at Tewi's aura, then look at what the rabites are causing a fuss over.

Re: Parsee Quest (Part 2)
« Reply #147 on: January 21, 2011, 01:53:20 AM »
> While we're taking a peek, also get a look at Koishi.



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Re: Parsee Quest (Part 2)
« Reply #148 on: January 21, 2011, 02:26:34 AM »
>Take a peek at Tewi's aura, then look at what the rabites are causing a fuss over.

> You check Tewi's aura.  The black that was swirling around in it before is completely gone now.
> A lot of the rabbits are gathering at the edge of the clearing.  Among all the short rabbits is a tall woman with silver, braided hair.
> Kaguya immediately notices the woman, and practically flies over to her.

> While we're taking a peek, also get a look at Koishi.

> You check Koishi.  Her aura is seafoam green, and extends a little into the cords attached to her third eye.  You also note that there isn't any black swirling around in her aura.  You wonder if she's just in shock.

> _

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[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

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Re: Parsee Quest (Part 2)
« Reply #149 on: January 21, 2011, 02:41:16 AM »
>Might want to check on Reisen's aura too; see if anything has changed.

>Let Kaguya be with Eirin for a while; they can come over to us.