Author Topic: End-of-Summer Library Party! The Great Story Swap Contest  (Read 27191 times)

Lloyd Dunamis

  • aka Amanie
Re: End-of-Summer Library Party! The Great Story Swap Contest
« Reply #30 on: August 28, 2010, 09:34:21 AM »
*visits Bunbunmaru Fiction for the titles*? Oh, there's a new fic up! *saves*

Taking Tengkuami's How to Surprise Friends and Enrage Youkai and Mystia's Magic Sand >w<

Totally have zero idea what I'll whip up with these, but for the sake of happiness~!! |D

Eep! New Page! o_o;; *hides*
« Last Edit: August 28, 2010, 09:37:47 AM by Lloyd Dunamis »
2010.1212 <Sakana> The only time wasted is the time in which you really do nothing at all, not even enjoying yourself
You may send me suspicious files that could be infected/a trojan, and I'll try analyzing it for you. :3 -Mo?ware, your personal Anti-Malware Engineer


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Re: End-of-Summer Library Party! The Great Story Swap Contest
« Reply #31 on: August 30, 2010, 07:56:17 PM »

A young woman sat with her feet up on the desk, absentmindedly spinning her revolver's chambers. Dressed in a dress shirt, long skirt and trademarked hat, nobody could say that she was lacking in fashion style. The room was small, and lit with only a small lamp. On the table lay a phone, and small stack of business cards, reading "Sana's detective agency: We never lose a case!". She took out a cigarette from a pack labelled "Super Player's", lazily lighting it with a match. She took a puff. Nothing like her daily recommended dose of nicotine.

The door burst open, revealing a young man brimming with energy. He was so energetic that he almost dropped the cups of coffee he was holding, which wouldn't have boded well for his white shirt and brown pants.
"Here you go, Sana! Just the way you like it!" he said, handing Sana the coffee.
"Thanks Jan." She set it down on the table, taking another puff from her cigarette.

Jan was a new recruit, hired just a few weeks ago. Sana preferred working alone, but Jan made it impossible for her to refuse his help. Or at least, close to impossible. Sana had no idea how dedicated Jan was in the field or why he wanted to be a detective in the first place, but when it came to something he wanted he was ruthless. Sana had refused to hire Jan for months, and Jan's response was to flood Sana's mailbox, answering machine, and email. For the sake of her sanity, Sana had to make an exception for Jan. Besides, he was great at making coffee.

"You know Sana, those aren't very good for you." Jana said, pointing at Sana's cigarette with disdain.
"We're all gonna die sometime, might as well enjoy it while it lasts, right?" She replied, taking another puff. Suddenly, the phone rang.
"Aaaaaargh, I just lit this too!" Sana said angrily, as she picked up the phone.

"...Hello? Is this Sana's detective agency?" an elegant voice said on the other line.
"Yeah, it is." Sana replied. "What's up?"
"I'd like to hire your services. It's urgent. Please come to the mansion in the middle of town as soon as possible." the voice said.
"We're on our way." Sana hung up the phone.
"What is it? Is it a new case!?" Jan said excitedly.
"Yeah, sounds like some rich kid. I bet she just lost her jewellery or something." Sana said, grabbing her trenchcoat and checking her gun.
"...If it's just some rich person, why are you bringing your gun?" Jan asked.
"A safety precaution. You might want to bring yours too, just in case."
"A-Alright." He nervously holstered his brand new pistol. The thing was so clean you could probably see your face in it.
"Oh right, you've never used a gun outside the range before, have you? Don't worry too much, you probably won't even need to use it." Sana said. Jan looked relieved.

Sana and Jan drove through town in Sana's old Arashico. car. Within minutes, the mansion came into plain view. The Noburi mansion was hard to miss, with its pink gates and pink brick.
"...Why in the world is this entire place PINK!? Even the gates are bright pink!" Sana shook her head. "...Let's just get this over with."

Sana parked the car in the mansion parking lot, and shamelessly walked in without knocking with Jan following close behind. The mansion was truly a strange looking place, built as if the architects didn't care about practicality or style. Western and eastern styles clashed everywhere, with great stone pillars placed willy-nilly, and Japanese style sliding doors instead of western style. There were stairs and an elevator, even though the house only had 3 floors. And to top all of this, the entire interior was also coloured bright pink.

"...This decorator they've got has horrible taste." Sana mumbled to herself. A man exited the elevator, dressed in traditional butler wear.
"Hello, you must be the detective. I am Helepolis, the house butler. Please make yourself at home." He said. "...And you are?"
"Who, me?" Jan said. "I-I'm her assistant!"
"Er-yeah. Right. My assistant. Yeah." Sana nodded.
"Very well then." Helepolis said. "Please, right this way."

Sana and Jan followed Helepolis through several halls, finally reaching a living room of sorts. There were couches on one side of the room, and sitting mats on tatami on the other side.
Two women were sitting next to each other on the mats. One sat with a ferret in her lap, the other with a snake.

"My, you must be the detective." The one with the snake said, looking them over. "Please, have a seat."
Sana decided to sit on a couch, and Jan followed suit.
"Please allow us to introduce ourselves." The one with the ferret said. "I am Matsuri, and this is Nobu. We are the founders of Noburi co., which sells a variety of products."
"...Right. So, what's the problem?" Sana said, cutting right to the chase.
"We've had a bit of an...incident. If you'll follow me, you'll see what I mean." Nobu said, as she got up and motioned for them to follow. The snake hissed at the loss of its comfortable resting place, and settled next to Matsuri.

Sana and Jan followed her through yet another set of hallways, all in pink. Sana took this opprotunity to light another cigarette. Finally, they reached a balcony.

"...I don't really see any problem here." Jan said.
"Oh? Why, just look down and you'll see it." Nobu replied.
Jan peered over the side of the balcony, then immediately jumped back, almost throwing up on Nobu.
Sana looked over as well. On the ground under the balcony was a bloody body, with what seemed to be a shovel of some sort, also covered in blood.
"...I don't see any issue here. The murderer left the murder weapon. Just take some fingerprints of the handle and you've got your guy." Sana shrugged.
"Unfortunately, it's not that simple." Nobu said, smiling sadly. "You see, the fingerprints on the handle are supposedly mine."

Jan almost fell off the balcony in shock.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2010, 08:02:15 PM by Sana »


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Re: End-of-Summer Library Party! The Great Story Swap Contest
« Reply #32 on: August 31, 2010, 12:46:40 AM »
"Unfortunately, it's not that simple." Nobu said, smiling sadly. "You see, the fingerprints on the handle are supposedly mine."


An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: End-of-Summer Library Party! The Great Story Swap Contest
« Reply #33 on: August 31, 2010, 08:54:03 AM »
Think I'll do something with that EVERYONE IS DRUNK screwball bit Ruro did awhile back.


  • Nomnomnom~
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Re: End-of-Summer Library Party! The Great Story Swap Contest
« Reply #34 on: September 04, 2010, 03:44:30 AM »
Oh gawd... I want to try this, but from all those stories :ohdear:

Maybe I'll try using Fresh Faces of the Kaleidoscope or RiG, if they aren't taken. They are complete iirc, and I loved reading both, so why not :3

Edit: Umm, how do I submit my work for this again?
« Last Edit: September 04, 2010, 10:50:05 PM by MysteariousYukari »

Dead Princess Sakana

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Re: End-of-Summer Library Party! The Great Story Swap Contest
« Reply #35 on: September 04, 2010, 12:39:35 PM »
Hehehehehe, I've decided on my entry. That will be fun~ :3

*Sakana cracks knuckles

Re: End-of-Summer Library Party! The Great Story Swap Contest
« Reply #36 on: September 12, 2010, 12:58:08 AM »
I wouldn't be so sure of that :derp:


  • Subconscious Rose Girl, Koishi
Re: End-of-Summer Library Party! The Great Story Swap Contest
« Reply #37 on: September 12, 2010, 01:02:46 AM »
I'd take it, but I'm no good on the PC-98 characters. Otherwise, I'd be all over it like white on rice.

Just go with whatever I had with them already. It should be quite obvious on some of the characters on how they are, and I left it quite open for a nice continuation :P.

Also, Mugetsu/Gengetsu has literally no canon back-story whatsoever, so that's even easier! Only Elly and Kurumi might have some...but again, reading my story should tell you how I developed them :P

Dead Princess Sakana

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  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Re: End-of-Summer Library Party! The Great Story Swap Contest
« Reply #38 on: September 14, 2010, 03:02:25 PM »
Just reminding everyone that the Deadline is in nine days~

Have fun writing~

An Odd Sea Slug

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Re: End-of-Summer Library Party! The Great Story Swap Contest
« Reply #39 on: September 15, 2010, 06:56:50 PM »
Damn my laziness. Doesn't look like I'll have something for this afterall, we'll see though.


  • Nomnomnom~
  • Hooray~
Re: End-of-Summer Library Party! The Great Story Swap Contest
« Reply #40 on: September 18, 2010, 12:20:55 AM »
At this rate I'll be writing on the Deadline date and upload an hour after I start :V That's how I tend to write after all :3


  • _m廿廿m_
Re: End-of-Summer Library Party! The Great Story Swap Contest
« Reply #41 on: September 19, 2010, 03:37:53 AM »
Edit: I'm sure no one cares/read this, but I just think my fic is so embarrassingly bad and wanted to edit it out...
If that's not okay I can revert the post back... :ohdear:
« Last Edit: May 31, 2013, 03:11:13 PM by Thaws »


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Re: End-of-Summer Library Party! The Great Story Swap Contest
« Reply #42 on: September 19, 2010, 02:26:34 PM »
The Bittersweet End of a Forsaken Lover





I'm Sapz, the Bee Hunter, and I have come for you!

I've been waiting for this moment for years.

I will be back, Hibachi, and I will get you!

Several days had passed... And there was no sign of the dreamy Brit who had smitten her heart that fateful day... That forlorn encounter. A duel that seemed out of the ordinary, almost phantasmic in nature. Hibachi had never experienced something of the kind. Ever since then, she continued to face the same old Japanese players who had shown no sense of care for the battle, no sense of emotion, just like robots raging against the system, with only one goal in mind: their score. Every single instance, Hibachi had wondered to herself... When would he come back? Would he come back? Oh... He SAID he would...! Hibachi thought to herself with each passing moment, as every single robotic challenger had systematically dismantled Hachi's being, with all the time to mull over her situation... It was betraying her artificial nature. Her body was overheating each moment she incurred a battle, and though she remained stoic in her fights with these emotionless Nippon-folk... She could not help but feel that there was a single... empty VOID in there...



And then... Some time later... On a Saturday night... Hibachi thought she heard something... Something familiar. Something... heartwrenching. Was it really him? Hibachi kept thinking as the curtain of white faded out once more, and the player's ship rushed into the fray. Hibachi did not waver for a second, instantly she let loose a barrage of deadly bullets, hoping that the ship would approach her very being and attempt for a courageous display of shotgunning... And indeed, that was what she got! The familiar ship rushed forward once again, already familiar with the initial barrage of bullets. "That's right, Hibachi! I'm back for you, once again! It takes two to tango, you know?!" boomed a very familiar and very attractive voice. The pincers inlayed within the piece of Hachi that was all too familiar to this Sapz was quickly taken down with deft movements and good placement of the laser, balanced with the normal shot.

Oh... Oh my...!

Hibachi could feel that Sapz was very much serious. Hibachi then felt obligated to return the favour - she had released a pattern that had completely betrayed the young Brit's expectations... Instead of curving inwards and patterning itself after that of a sine wave, it instead spread out and patterned itself after that of a cosine wave, as if signifying that she too, had prepared herself for this momentous and monumental occasion. Sapz himself smiled. "I see, you too, have decided to return the favour." he exclaimed, after quickly letting loose a well-placed bomb that rendered the change useless, and once again, the shrapnel had seared itself into the workings of Hachi, and yet again, Hibachi got to take a glimpse once more at Sapz's handsome features. The great lifebar that represented Hibachi's strength to fight had diminished at an even faster rate than before.

Who... is this man, really?!

I want to... I want to...!

"What... what a burst of energy! Can this be... 'determination'? (まさか、このエネルギーとは?これは...「自信」?)" Hibachi had exclaimed in her rather distorted synth voice, in Japanese, corrupted by the overflow of "human" emotion that had filled her mind... As if on cue, Sapz had somehow determined the meaning of Hibachi's unnatural words... Inside the ship, Sapz smiled to himself. "That's right, Hibachi! This flaming passion in me! It's all for this moment!!" he exclaimed boldly, effortlessly weaving through the barrages Hibachi had prepared in return, and searing into her an imprint she'll never forget.

For... for me? Ohhh...! What is this...?!

Hibachi had never felt this much before, in her entire existence. As if on cue, the sinews that held Hachi together had by now been destroyed long ago, torn asunder by the passion that empowered Sapz's being, his laser! Far more than one half of that lifebar had been drained by now, and it was time to release the final form, yet again. That trademark cackle, once again. Hibachi also noted that Sapz had only lost precisely ONE of his remaining fighters. He still had two left... And several bombs. The slowdown was far more evident than ever, as Hibachi irrationally filled the screen with more and more waves of weaving bullets in an attempt to wall in Sapz - but time and time again, with utmost precision, he would avoid this with bomb usage.

Aaah... Oh dear, oh my! This is too much... I've no choice...

The constant release of bombs, a representation of the determination Sapz has been so displaying, had driven Hibachi to the limit. She had never felt so invigorated before, even in her first, fateful encounter, she had been driven to even further distances than that. The dwindling lifebar was indication that Sapz was going to take this soon... And out of obligation, Hibachi was not going to let that happen... Not so easily, that is. She realized, while on the fly, that she could... indeed, release a sign... A single sign, that she had hoped, would truly deliver the message once and for all.

"It's... It's over... I'm sorry. (終りだ...ごめんなさい)" She had given up trying to show emotion, already having experienced the aftermath last time... But now, today, this moment, things would be different. Totally different.

"Do your worst." Sapz responded simply.

A scream followed, and suddenly, streams of bullets in a straight line, had positioned themselves to line the outline of a heart... However, Hibachi had failed to consider a fatal flaw... She had revealed a safespot... Right in front of the center of her very being. Sapz had quickly taken advantage of this after receiving warning of the danmaku, sat his ship right in front of the true form of Hibachi, and simply shot... The whole way. There was no need for bombing. No need for streaming. No nothing.

...I... I didn't... Do... Is this...?

Hibachi had not anticipated this at all. As the remaining parts of her lifebar slowly dwindled down, she reflected on the events that had transpired since her encounter with Sapz. This feeling... could it be... Love?

She could not answer her own question as Sapz had ticked down the remaining inch of the lifebar... And all that remained was the flashy show of an explosion. With the last, remaining inch of her will, Hibachi exclaimed...

"THANK YOU!!! (ありがとう!!!)"

Sapz swore he heard the sound of a lady crying.

The aftermath rolls in...

Sapz had attained his 1cc. He had attained a high-score on the leaderboard, too. It wasn't a high one, but Sapz didn't care. He got to show off his shiny 2-ALL. When asked to input his initials, Sapz put in his trademark ANT, and smiled.

"Thank you, too, Hibachi. I finally attained it."

At that moment, Sapz again, swore he heard the sound of the same lady from earlier speaking, this time.

"I... I love you."


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Re: End-of-Summer Library Party! The Great Story Swap Contest
« Reply #43 on: September 19, 2010, 02:33:16 PM »
ohmygod trance you did write it :o :o :o

Iced Fairy

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    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: End-of-Summer Library Party! The Great Story Swap Contest
« Reply #44 on: September 22, 2010, 08:04:01 PM »
Okay, I'm almost done, but I want to actually edit the thing so I'll be posting my entry tomorrow (deadlines yay!)

Don't worry, it'll be shortish.

And to confirm I'll be writing a sequal (of sorts) to The Journal of Patchouli's Loyal Assistant.  I apologize in advance to Coin Spire for the butcheries I'm sure I'm inflicting upon his world's canon, and I hope that what little amusement the work can engender will make up for it.


  • Though the sun may set
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Re: End-of-Summer Library Party! The Great Story Swap Contest
« Reply #45 on: September 23, 2010, 04:13:21 AM »
Hey why does THIS seem so familiar?

Oh right lololololol

Okay, so the story is still in progress, so consider this more of an interlude than a sequel.

Satori sighed pleasantly. The vent system on the Old Hellfires were opened enough to simulate midday, and as such, she was taking a break from her daily bureaucracy as the head of Chireiden.

This was the best time to enjoy a small pastry and a hot cup of tea. Business was continuing in the rest of the Old Hell, but for now, for her, it was time for a rest. This cozy, secluded little balcony had a wonderful view of the city, while she was in the shade of the 'sun'.

Orin intruded on her solitude, though she wasn't unwelcome. She was preceded by a small wheeled table-cart, laden with another tea set and two ornate cups.

"Oh! You already have your tea. My apologies, Lady Satori." She bowed her head.

"No harm done, Rin. Please, join me, if you would. I see you brought two cups with your set; you'd obviously intended to anyways - I don't need my Third Eye to see that." She pushed the chair opposite her away from the table with her foot.

"Please, Lady Satori, call me Orin," the kasha said as she settled into her seat.

"Only if you call me 'Satori'."

"You know I could never be so formal with you, Lady Satori." Orin said nothing, but apparently knew she would be heard anyways. Instead, she busied herself by preparing her own cup of tea.

"You had no problems when that Shinku girl first showed up," Satori teased as she lazily spun her stir-rod through her tea.

"That was different, you know! There was a visitor, and I wasn't expecting them, and you turned to me so suddenly and asked me to fetch Okuu, and and and -"

Satori held up her hand, silencing Orin with a wink. "You know I tease you."

Orin fumed silently, glaring into her cup. She promptly tipped it to her lips, and just as quickly jerked back, sticking her tongue out, fanning it with one hand.

Cat's tongue. She never learns. "Is there any word on how our guest is doing, perchance?" she asked instead, helping Orin distract herself from her mild embarrassment.

"Oh! Yeah. Okuu said she just recently learned how to fly, and she seems to be doing something weird to Okuu's spellcards. I asked her what she meant, and she said she tried using her Nuclear Fire card on Shinku, but it came out wrong. I asked her if she used the right card, but she ignored me, nyah. Meanie-head."

Satori took a lengthy draw from her tea, savoring the flavor and aroma. There was an odd essence about this Shinku's mind - a reflecting aura, something she'd never actually seen before. It seemed as though she was more capable of mimicking or affecting another persons abilities. After all, that was why she'd come here, wasn't it?

Hopefully, she knew what she was getting into by tutoring under Utsuho. The Hell Raven was a little... intense, at times.

Her Third Eye spun in its socket, before finally turning to stare in the direction of Utsuho's roost. Surprisingly, she sensed more than just Shinku and Okuu.

"Oh? The zombie faeries got into the Hellfire Reactors?" she set her tea down and looked at the far-away structure with her regular eyes.

"Hmm? Oh, nyah. Kind of. I sorta sent some there, you know, cuz Okuu didn't really know how to train Shinku on her own. She said Shinku did really well the first time the faeries got in on their own, so she wanted to try it a few more times, give her some more practice with dodging their danmaku."

Interesting. "I see. I trust you're not going easy on her."

Orin blinked at her for a split second. "What?!"
"But, but - she's our guest! I thought we were supposed to be ny-ice to her?" Her kasha ears were flattened against the top of her skull.

"She's our guest. Yes. Remember, however, that as the ruling party of Chireiden, we are not obligated to treat her with any special concessions. She is but a single person, representing only herself. She has no resources to offer us as a political body. We are only obliged to take her in to provide shelter from the wild nature of the Old Hells, and as a body of orderly political power. Nowhere were we expected to allow her to train under Utsuho."

Orin's ears curled back upright, and she openly glared at Satori. "Nyah!" she spat. "No! You were too nice and friendly to her when she arrived to think like that, Lady Satori!"

Satori smiled immediately at Orin. "Correct. We not obligated to treat Shinku as anything other than a vagrant - but we will treat her with respect and as an honored guest for the duration of her stay., anyways. She is welcome to stay with us, and Utsuho, for as long as she needs to. Or, at least, until Utsuho worries her down to the bone. With luck, we can keep that from happening too quickly."

Orin blinked in confusion, and stared into her still-steaming cup of tea.

"I think Lady Satori needs to stop playing tricks on me, nyah. It makes my head hurt."

Ah, but you're so cute when you're flustered. I could never stop teasing you. Satori giggled softly to herself.

How was Shinku doing, anyways..?


Alfred F. Jones

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Re: End-of-Summer Library Party! The Great Story Swap Contest
« Reply #46 on: September 23, 2010, 09:56:23 PM »
With this, I've ruined Rising Star forever, I just know it. Rou, I'm sorrrrrrrrrry. ;__; I knew I should have just gone for the kill-'em-all ending.

?Shou. Shou! Shou, get up!?

I was stunned, so Nazrin had to slap me back to full consciousness.

?Shou!? Nazrin cried out, looking at me with pure relief on her face. ?You're all right, right??

?Uhh,? I moaned, confused. She was showing much more emotion than she ever did normally. And my clothes were torn, and the air around me was moving as a miasma of red light--

My mission came flooding back into me then, and my eyes opened wide.

?Nazrin!? I said, putting a hand on her shoulder-- with the other, I still held my spear. ?What's happened?!?

?The treasure hunters,? she began, deliberately pacing her words so that I would understand in my half-dazed state-- ?they defeated you a while back. The last few defenses of the prison didn't manage to keep them out. And now... well...?

?Where's Murasa? Where's Ichirin and Unzan? And where's...?

?... come with me. You need to see it for yourself.?


Nazrin led me to the final battlefield.

The area around us was scored by small little pockmarks-- danmaku, as I recognized it. The treasure hunters and their quarry stood atop the tallest rooftop in Hokkai, speaking amongst themselves.

I saw the hint of brown-purple gradient hair, and my heart skipped a beat.

Ichirin and Murasa were coming up to the rooftop at the same time Nazrin and I were. The treasure hunters looked at us then, but they were disinterested. Instead, they backed away and let us meet with the person who we had flown a ship out of Gensokyo itself to rescue.

?We still managed to break the seal,? Nazrin said, ?So yes. We did it.?

Byakuren Hijiri was standing there, waiting for us.

She stood in the center of a glowing lotus-shaped formation, looking no older than she had looked a thousand years ago. Her hair, her clothes, her smile-- all unchanged.

Except for the tears of joy in her eyes. Those were new.

We were all stunned. I couldn't move. In my peripheral vision, I saw Nazrin's flickering tail stop, and only Unzan's faint undulating in the air moved at all.

Byakuren closed her eyes as the tears spilled down her cheeks, and descended from the lotus to us.

?So it was you who undid the seal,? she said, opening her eyes. They were sparkling in the light from the lotus beneath her, reflecting off her tears. ?Even after all these years??

She laughed then, and hearing her laugh restored a part of me that I had lost long ago.

?You all worked so hard,? she said, looking at us. My clothes were a bit torn after my run-in with the witch, and it looked like Murasa and Ichirin hadn't fared much better against the shrine maidens. ?All for my sake.?

?Hijiri,? Murasa was the first to whisper.

Byakuren smiled at that, and put her hands on her knees, and bowed to us.

?Thanks to your efforts, I was able to come back to you. Thank you. Thank you so much.?

?Hijiri,? Murasa repeated again, her voice cracking.

?HIJIRI!? Ichirin cried out, breaking away from Murasa's side and rushing to Byakuren. ?Hijiri! Hijiri!?

?Ah--!? Byakuren was taken by surprise when Ichirin threw her arms around her.

?Hijiri, I've missed you!? The youkai girl's eyes were filling with tears of joy as Byakuren put an arm around her shoulders. ?Hijiri, I missed you so much!?

Behind Ichirin, Unzan hung in the air, and it looked like he was shedding tears for her sake as well.

?H-hey!? Murasa objected as she came to Byakuren's other side. She was trying to sound tough, but her voice was too choked with emotion to pull it off. ?That's not fair, Ichirin! You can't have Hijiri all to yourself!?

With that, the grand ghost captain smiled up at Byakuren, tears spilling down her face as well.

?B-because I've waited just as long to hug her as you have, you know!?

Byakuren's own eyes were filling up with tears as she put her other arm around Murasa's shoulders and pulled her in for a hug.

?You waited this long to rescue me?? Byakuren shook her head in happy disbelief. ?You still remembered me??

?I remember everything that happened back then,? a voice cut in. I realized, with a slight shock, that it was Nazrin, standing by my side. She had broken her silence.

But she was still staring at Byakuren with those inscrutable grey eyes.

I had a sudden fear in my chest.

Yes, Nazrin had been eager to find the pieces of the Tobikura-- but there had always been a certain detachment there, a certain ?just doing my job? attitude to her searching that had worried me before. And how could I have forgotten? She hadn't been there to hear Ichirin and Murasa's stories of how Byakuren had saved their lives. When Byakuren had been sealed by Misato, all those years ago, Nazrin had been inside the temple, not even knowing what was going on outside until it was too late.

Nazrin had been trying to keep the truth out then-- but was she doing that now?

It sounded crazy-- why would she have helped save Byakuren when she still hated her? But try as I might, there was still something masked in those grey eyes that not even I could see through right now.

?Everything,? Nazrin repeated, a certain hardness in her voice.

Murasa and Ichirin didn't notice. They were too busy hugging Byakuren and sobbing. But Byakuren did. Perhaps she remembered now, that Nazrin had been seething in the back of the temple while she had been sealed, purposely cutting herself off from anything else to do with the monk.

Her eyes widened just a little as Nazrin stepped towards her.

?I've had a lot of time to think about it, Hijiri,? the mouse youkai said in a low voice. ?An awful long time.?

Oh no. What was she doing?

?But I didn't figure them out fast enough. I never got to settle things with you before you were sealed. You settled them with Shou. But not me.?

Byakuren's face lost some of its happiness then. She was wondering the same thing as I: had Nazrin really held on to her grudge this long? Why hadn't I asked her about it? Instead, we had avoided the topic for as long as we had lived in the ruins of the old temple when it became Gensokyo.

Why hadn't I asked if Nazrin had made peace with the woman who had lied to us?

?It's kind of strange,? she went on, taking another step towards Byakuren. ?When you were being sealed right outside, I was still struggling. You were still a damn liar. I had the idea then to throw you to the mice and let them nibble at you.?

My throat went dry.

?I left before I could hear anything else. I didn't want to hear your excuses, or your subordinates' excuses.?

By now, Murasa had realized that there was something wrong. She had turned to see Nazrin coming up to them, but I couldn't see her face.

?I didn't want to hear anything that could have excused you.?

Nazrin shook her head. I felt my stomach churn.

?But when you were gone, I had a lot of time to think. You can sympathize.?

Byakuren closed her eyes. There was guilt there. Residual guilt. Maybe, after all this time, Nazrin still hated her-- and maybe Byakuren still felt that remorse.

?I realized then, something that I hadn't realized before.?

Ichirin, still under Byakuren's protective arm, was looking up at Nazrin now, sorrow etched out on her face.

?Hijiri,? Nazrin began, her voice beginning to break a little from anger.

?Hijiri, you... you. I trusted you. Shou trusted you. I thought you cared about us. Instead, what I found was that you had used us. You used our confidence and you betrayed it. I thought you cared about us. All you cared about was yourself.?

Ichirin's face didn't change, but Murasa's was slowly changing to a glare.

Byakuren wouldn't meet Nazrin's eyes.

?But after a while of thinking, that changed.?

I held my breath.

?For a long while, I didn't want to admit it. I didn't want to admit that...?

Nazrin lowered her head.

?I didn't want to admit that... my time with you and Shou was the happiest time of my life.?

Byakuren opened her eyes then. She looked at Nazrin.

?I was still annoyed, mind you,? the mouse youkai continued. ?I thought Murasa and Ichirin had exposed you for the fraud you really were. I was still angry.

?Yet after a while of missing you, that all went away. I mean, yeah, I was still a little angry. I admit it. I did hold a grudge for the longest time. Shou didn't know. I kept it from her. I still resented you, Hijiri.?

Nazrin kept her eyes on the ground.

?After a couple hundred years had passed, though, it seemed that I was missing something. I know you missed out on all that, since you were sealed, but Gensokyo was created in that time, as a refuge for youkai, from humans. It took a while, but peace eventually won out, and humans and youkai were able to, well... live in peace with each other. Just like you would have wanted, Hijiri. A country where neither human nor youkai had to live looking over their shoulder in constant fear of one another.?

?But something was missing, Hijiri.?

Nazrin finally looked up then, and a tear slipped from her cheek down to the earth.


Her voice cracked on that last syllable. Suddenly, it was as if she were trying to get all the words she wanted to say out in a rush.

?Hijiri, even in this peaceful land, I still missed you. You saved me, and you saved Shou. You lied, yeah, but everyone makes mistakes. It still didn't change the fact that you cared for me and Shou, that you took us in, that you fed us and warmed us and gave us a new life and loved us--?

Nazrin was tripping over her own words now, and her right sleeve was wet where she had drawn it over her face in a vain effort to hold her tears back.

?-- And Hijiri, it was just so empty without you, you should have been there with me and Shou, with Murasa and Ichirin, enjoying the warm days and cool nights of peace and happiness as a family, as the family that you created, that you sacrificed yourself to save, and you should have been there, you shouldn't have left us behind, you shouldn't have left me behind, I wanted to be there for you just as you were there for me, I wanted to save you no matter what it took--!?

Byakuren had come forth on her own then, Ichirin and Murasa with her, and wrapped her arms around the sobbing Nazrin, holding her as she cried.

?Oh, Nazrin,? Byakuren said, hugging her tight to her chest. ?Nazrin, I'm sorry--?

?I remembered you, Byakuren,? Nazrin said through her choked voice. ?I waited for so long to tell you that I m-missed you. I'm so sorry...?

?No, I'm sorry,? the monk replied, hugging her. Nazrin clung to the woman, resting her head beneath the tall magician's neck and crying. Ichirin and Murasa embraced her with their arms, and together, they all clung to Hijiri, a group hug of four girls who were all just so happy to see each other again that they had to cry for joy.

I stood apart from them, looking on.


Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: End-of-Summer Library Party! The Great Story Swap Contest
« Reply #47 on: September 23, 2010, 09:58:06 PM »
"Anyway. I'm not going to explain this to you in painstaking detail, but these blocks are gonna serve as the catalyst. I don't suppose you have any last words?"

Echoes from the past. Like I had picked up a seashell and held it to my ear, and the words thousands of years past came up from their slumber to pound against my ear again like a wave broke onto a shore.

"You have no intention of honouring them, so I see no point in talking."

"Heh. Guess you understand the situation better than I thought."

The storm that had risen up in me when Nazrin began to speak hadn't abated. Thoughts that were long forgotten came to the surface once more.

"Byakuren Hijiri. You have been found guilty of black magic and youkai sympathising. There is only one punishment fitting for a criminal like you."

I felt a chill of fear run down my back, realizing what was happening.

"You will be imprisoned in the deepest, darkest region of Makai for the rest of eternity, never again to show your face amongst humanity."

That... thing had come up from the depths of my mind, ready to drag me down with it again.

"You will live out your immortality in solitude, and spend every waking moment of your existence praying for a death that will never come."

My brain whirled in all directions, like a small crab caught in the receding waters, being swept away from its shelter by the riptide. Memories of that awful day crashed onto me, bowled me over.

I closed my eyes. The nightmare I had thought I had left behind long ago had returned for me, and there was nothing I could do about it.

Reason tried to take hold of me before I was swept out to sea.

Byakuren was back. Byakuren was back. That was what I had wanted. That's why I had agreed to help Murasa and Ichirin, wasn't it? That's why Nazrin had tried her hardest to find the fragments of the Tobukura. That's why I had used up my finest arsenal of spellcards against those treasure hunters, to keep them away from Hijiri so she wouldn't be sealed up again.

I had tried my best to bring her back. Wasn't that enough?

No. No, it wasn't. I hadn't been able to save her in the first place, had I? That was a crime I could never pay for, and the guilt became a weighted chain, pulling me down into the stinging, cold water.




Around me, in the green waters, I could make out the shapes, the memories of Ichirin and Murasa rushing forward in a last effort to save Byakuren.

"What the-?!"


They had failed, of course-- those gaps had opened up and taken Ichirin, Unzan, and Murasa away. We had all failed in the end.

"...Ku-Kumoi-san? Captain?!"

But at least they had tried. I didn't even have that to my name. And the guilt was lodged further into my chest, pulling me down even faster.

It was a churning, roaring sea beneath me. A maelstrom. I had thought this remorse had died long ago, but no-- it had just been sleeping.

Why hadn't I been faster? Why hadn't I been stronger? Why couldn't I have just given my life to save Hijiri back then?

I stood, legs stiff, unable to move towards Byakuren.

A drop of sweat formed a rivulet down the side of my right cheek. I wished I could reach out to Nazrin, but my voice wasn't coming, and I could not reach out far enough to get her to turn and see my plight.

I needed help before I was caught in that whirlpool of self-loathing that I thought I had escaped long ago--

"Now, let the world be purged of this menace. This earth has no place for youkai and its ilk, and as a Hakurei maiden I sentence you to the bowels of Makai for the rest of your neverending, miserable life."

Nazrin had been there for me, those first few decades. The nights I had woken up, remembering in my nightmares how close Byakuren had been to me during that last moment before she had been sealed away. I could have reached out to her. I could have pulled her out of the way. I could have taken her place. I could have put up with more pain. I could have done a better job of keeping those people away from Byakuren. I could have fought them harder, I could have done SOMETHING different, something that would have saved her.

There was a bitter irony in this, I realized. I could not reach out to Byakuren then, and I could not do it now.

?Byakuren,? I managed to whisper. But she caught it. And she looked at me.

A thousand years of imprisonment had done something to Byakuren's visual cues; instead of hiding her surprise, she looked at me with a sudden concern on her face.


The echo and the present spoke at the same time. Both of them had the same faint smile on their faces.

"Don't hate them, Shou. They're just afraid."

I shook my head. I didn't hate the villagers. I hated myself for letting them take her away.


In my mind's eye, Byakuren disappeared in the flash of light that had trapped her a thousand years ago, as I stood by, too scared to move and do the right thing and save her.

In my mind's eye, the vastness of the void sea swept over me, dragging me down into my guilt once more.

?I... can't,? I said, my voice low as I closed my eyes, trying to hold back my tears of shame. ?I can't, Hijiri.?

Hijiri's smile faltered-- but not in a bad way. She still had Ichirin and Murasa to her sides, and Nazrin in front of her, but her arms were free. Her smile of joy changed to a look of concern for me.

?Shou,? she said again, reaching out her hand to me. ?Please.?

?No,? I replied, my voice cracking. ?I... I'm not--?

?Shou,? she repeated for the third time, tears in her eyes.

?I'm not good enough... to hold you like that!? I sobbed, covering my face with my eyes, dropping my spear, and I did the only thing I could do to deal with the massive swells of guilt roaring from the dark sea within me-- I turned and ran away.


Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: End-of-Summer Library Party! The Great Story Swap Contest
« Reply #48 on: September 23, 2010, 09:59:16 PM »
I secluded myself in the lowest decks of the Palanquin Ship, where the smell of the sea still lingered and the ocean within me felt at home.

I found myself a dry area to sit in the pitch darkness and think.

What I really wanted to do was throw myself overboard.

I wasn't good enough to be seen by Byakuren or Nazrin or anyone right now. I was too guilty for that.

I had failed to save Byakuren. I hadn't even noticed Nazrin dealing with her own remaining demons from that time. And I hadn't been able to let go of my guilt. It was a sinking anchor that I could have let go of if I had had the strength to do it-- and I hadn't. A thousand years hadn't been long enough.

And for not having the strength, my self-loathing grew all the more.

For a tiger, I sure was a coward. I should have fought to the bitter end to save Byakuren back then, no matter what it took. I should have confronted Nazrin earlier about her own struggles.

But... Nazrin had managed to overcome them on her own. That was something I could not claim to do for myself. Instead I held on to my resentment of myself, and I despised myself for it.

The spiral pulling me down to the depths reinforced itself. The maelstrom of guilt grew ever stronger.

And now, I had spoiled the happy reunion between us all by running out on Byakuren's warm embrace. I was selfish, an embarrassment, a failure, a coward, guilty of everything as charged.

And if Hijiri was still the same Hijiri I had known and grown to love all those years ago, then I knew that she would forgive me no matter what I had done. And that was unacceptable.

I could not bear to be forgiven for sins as great as these.

In the darkness, I made up my mind. I had rescued Hijiri, one of the few good things I could say about myself, but that was all I had been required to do. Apart from that... I wanted to be with Hijiri and Nazrin, with Murasa and Ichirin, living in the Palanquin Ship as we had planned. I cared for them. But at the same time, I could not be a burden on them. I could not live with myself, so how could I expect others to do the same?

I made up my mind. I would leave the Palanquin Ship. Eventually I would come back. But I could not allow myself to remain in the company of such warm, loving people when I was being eaten alive by my own guilt. No one would suffer but me, because I was the only one who deserved such torment.

I had my spear, and that would be all I needed. Going to retrieve the jeweled pagoda from Nazrin's room posed too much of a risk; she might tell the others that I was leaving. And she would get good use out of it, anyway. She would be fine. I would send her a letter afterwards, telling her not to worry about me.

I regretted not being able to give her a kiss goodbye, but I knew I wasn't worthy of being that close to her anymore.

As I walked, keeping silent through the corridors of the Palanquin Ship, my plan began to solidify in my head. I could make this work. I had to get away from my friends, first. I didn't want them to have to put up with such an awful person as me.

I would miss Ichirin's calmness-- she was a welcome relief from the turmoil of our everyday lives ever since we had searched high and low around Gensokyo for the Tobikura fragments. I would miss Murasa's crazy antics, her terrible swerving of her ship, her near-crashes and her roars of laughter as she grazed the mountains themselves.

I would miss Nazrin's... oh, who was I kidding? I would miss everything about her. Maybe I could...

No, and no. I struck the thought from my head. I could not see her one last time before leaving. She wouldn't want to be kissed by filth like me, anyway.

As for Byakuren?

By this time, I had found my way to the deck. It was early evening now, and no one was topside. I wouldn't take my time to leave, so I wouldn?t delay, but I did feel that I should have said something, anything to commemorate my departure.

I felt the roaring of my sea of self-loathing inside of me, and I sighed.

?Goodbye, everyone... I'm sorry.?

?Sorry for what??

I turned around to see who had spoken, and my heart leapt into my throat.

It was none other than Byakuren herself, emerging from the shadows of the cabin.

?They wanted to celebrate my return, but I sent Ichirin, Nazrin, and the girls to search belowdecks for you instead,? Byakuren explained, coming closer. ?We promised them safe passage back to Gensokyo. And Murasa?s piloting the ship. She can?t see us right now.?

I realized then what she was saying.

?Why are you leaving, Shou?? she asked.

?I...? I couldn?t think of a good way to say it. ?I can?t stay here any longer, Hijiri. I?m sorry. So sorry.?

?Sorry for what?? she asked, walking to my side. I noticed that she refrained from coming too close?she likely didn?t want to seem like she was threatening me, even though she could single-handedly keep me from leaving.

?I?m sorry for everything I?ve done,? I forced out. ?I feel so ashamed of myself.?

?Ashamed for what, though?? She tilted her head. God, she was beautiful, a thousand years later. Eternally young, eternally kind. I didn?t deserve her kindness.

?It?s just that... I let you down, Hijiri,? I replied, shaking my head. ?I let you down, I let Nazrin down, I let the others down, I let myself down. I?m a failure. I can?t stay amongst you like this.?

?Wait, hold on.? She raised a hand to object. ?How did you fail me? What did you do that was so terrible??

?I failed you right when you needed me the most,? I explained, feeling the guilt rise up in my chest once more. ?I didn?t protect you as best I could, or push you out of the way when Misato sealed you.?

?Nothing could have saved me from that seal,? she replied. ?And you took the beating of a lifetime to protect me, Shou. I couldn?t have asked more of you.?

?I should have fought harder,? I said in a low voice. ?I should have protected the people I loved, and I failed at the very last minute. It?s shameful.?

?You didn?t do anything wrong,? she said, shaking her head. ?Toramaru, stop blaming yourself for every--?

?And Nazrin. I had no idea she was struggling at all,? I said, cutting her off. I had to get this out, or I never would be able to put words to my shame. ?I consider her my other half, and I let her suffer for so long, alone.?

?Shou, stop this--?

?And then I failed just now, when I let those treasure hunters past me,? I continued, ignoring her objections. ?I let them through, and then when you were safe again, I ran out because the guilt was too much. Nazrin was able to get over herself, so why can?t I...??

?Shou, please don?t tell me you?ve been thinking about this for the past thousand years.?

I bit my lip and turned away.

?Shou, please listen to me.? Byakuren came closer, right next to me, leaning on the railing of the Palanquin Ship. She wasn?t looking at me, and instead she looked up at the night sky.

?I?ve done so many awful things to the people I care about,? I said quietly. ?I can?t forgive myself for that.?

?You?ve done nothing wrong.?

?Hijiri, when will you understand that your kindness to me is an insult to everyone else?? I asked her, glaring.

Byakuren turned to me and raised an eyebrow at that.

?To forgive someone who can?t let go of their guilt is to humiliate those who are able to move on. To treat a sinful person like me the same way as you would someone who works hard and does the right thing is just...?

?But you?ve committed no crime,? she replied. ?To treat someone who is a sinner the same way as someone who lives their life well is unrighteous, yes, because then there is no dignity in living a just life.

?But you haven?t done that, Shou. You?ve worked so hard to let me return, and for that, I cannot help but thank you from the bottom of my heart.?

?I did nothing,? I sighed, turning away. ?What I did, I did it to try and make up for what I did in the past. I shouldn?t even be here. It?s disgraceful for me to be loved by someone as good as you.?

?It?s not a disgrace. We?re a family.?

A famil?what?

I looked over at her, my eyes widened slightly.

?Shou, you can?t forgive yourself for anything you?ve done. You hold on to the burden of that guilt as long as you can.? Byakuren met my gaze with her warm brown eyes. ?But you have a family here, and they love you very much. Don?t turn your back on us like that.?

?I can?t be in a family,? I said in a quiet voice. ?I?m not... good enough.?

Byakuren laughed at that. ?If we all had to be good enough, none of us would ever have families.? She smiled at me. ?I accept you, Shou, even if you can?t accept yourself. And so does Murasa, so does Ichirin. And so does Nazrin. Can you really leave them all behind??

?I...? I closed my eyes and shook my head. ?No. I can?t leave them all behind. But I can?t let them have to deal with me, either. I can?t let go of how much I despise myself, and I won?t force that burden on anyone but me.?

?Ha hah, a little too late for that, isn?t it??

?Ah?? I stammered, wondering where that voice had come from.

?The Palanquin Ship is mine, and I am its master, Captain Minamitsu Murasa!? At the top of the crow?s nest, perfectly balanced on the tip of the ship?s mainmast, a transparent silhouette with a cape shone against the light of the early evening moon, swinging around an anchor just for show.

?Down below!? she cried as she leapt off, her cape fluttering behind her. She landed next to me and Byakuren with no sound at all, and saluted us. She was grinning.

?Shou, you?re not going to leave this crew behind,? Murasa said, poking me in the chest with a much smaller anchor. ?Not when this crew wants you to stay so much!?

?How can you want me to stay?? I asked, again feeling the maelstrom of shame in my heart. ?I can?t force you to put up with my guilt.?

?As Murasa said, it?s too late for that,? a much quieter voice said, this time from behind me. I turned. Floating off the edge of the ship was Ichirin, held in Unzan?s hand.

?We might?ve been able to let you go off and suffer on your own, if you weren?t part of this family. Now we?re stuck with you. Woe is us,? Ichirin sighed, a faint smile on her face. ?Oh well. We?ll just have to deal with it somehow.?

?And even if you left, you wouldn?t escape us!? Murasa proclaimed.

?She?s right,? a third voice spoke up, and I felt my heart skip a beat.

The familiar shape of a dowsing rod poked me in the side.

?I?d be able to find you no matter where you were.?

I shook my head as I turned to her. ?You can only find things of value, can?t you??

?That?s the thing, though,? Nazrin replied, looking up at me. ?I?ll always be able to find you. In fact, I won?t have a choice in the matter. Because...?

Her face was burning red. But she said it anyway.

?Because... Shou, you?re my greatest treasure.?

The sea of self-loathing inside of me paused at that. For a moment, there was silence.

Then Murasa burst into howls of laughter.

?Ahahaha, she really said it! She really said it!? she laughed, slapping her knee. ?Oh man, I can?t breathe, I can?t breathe!?

?S-stop it!? Nazrin complained, her face burning in the early evening light. ?Stop that! It?s EMBARRASSING, okay?!?

?Everyone is here,? Ichirin observed, laughing quietly as Nazrin hit Murasa with her dowsing rods. ?We should have just had the party instead.?

?How can we have a party if not everyone decides to stay?? Byakuren said.

She turned to me, her wavy hair falling down her back and a smile on her face.

?Will you stay, Shou? Stay here with your family??

My shame was pounding in my ears. I found myself at a loss for words.


Nazrin turned to look at me then, and also gave me a faint, blushing smile. ?Shou, if you left, I would have to go with you.?

?And I would have to go with you,? Ichirin said, getting down from Unzan?s hand and landing on the deck. ?I have to make sure you?d be safe.?

?And I would have to go to make sure no wild youkai bothered you,? Byakuren added.

?And I would have to go too,? Murasa said with another wide grin. ??course, the ship goes where I go, so we might as well ride on it the whole way, no??

?So you see,? Byakuren continued, turning to me. ?You?re part of this family. Where you go, we?ll go in there after you. Why bother running??

The maelstrom of guilt in my heart began to calm.

?That?s what families do, you know? Even if you hate yourself, we can?t stop lovin? you.? Murasa sighed. ?So stop tryin? to run.?

My shame roared in my chest for the last time.

?We would find you, anyway,? Nazrin said, taking my hand. ?How could we ever let someone so important to us suffer on her own??

The waves of self-loathing receded.

?We can take your burden on ourselves,? Ichirin said. ?And amongst all of us, we can carry it just fine.?

Tears rose to my eyes.

?So, please,? Byakuren said, coming up to me. ?Will you stay??

I closed my eyes, and let the heavy chain of guilt I had been gripping for so long... just slip away, sinking to the depths where it belonged.

?Thank you... thank you.?

I touched Byakuren?s arm, and she pulled me back up to the surface in a warm hug.


Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: End-of-Summer Library Party! The Great Story Swap Contest
« Reply #49 on: September 23, 2010, 10:02:20 PM »
So it turned out that the Moriyas? shrine maiden was actually a really good dancer.

?Same to you,? she said, breathless after that last song.

?I?ve had some practice,? I replied. ?Ichirin?s fiddling is pretty good for pacing.?

?Can I have the next dance?? Byakuren asked, stepping in to ask me as her own partner, Reimu, found Murasa?s hand.

?Sure,? I said, stepping back.

But before the next song started up, she found time to turn to me and give me another quick hug.

?Thank you for making this day wonderful,? she said in my ear.

?No, thank you. For making sure that I didn?t make a terrible mistake.?

?Ah,? she said, motioning to Nazrin, who was also thanking her partner, Kogasa, that umbrella youkai who had been floating along the ship since they left Gensokyo. ?Speaking of, you really should go talk to her.?

I nodded. ?I will. Thank you, Hijiri.?

She smiled and took Sanae?s hand, ready for the next set.

Nazrin let Kogasa go to dance with Marisa, but she herself did not join in. Instead, she looked at me, and we both began to move to the front of the ship so we could talk in peace.

?You were going to leave without me,? Nazrin said in a dour tone as soon as we were out of earshot.

?Nazrin, I?m sorry,? I begged. ?I was kind of...?

She waved her hand. ?It?s fine. You?re just so frustrating sometimes.? She sighed. ?You never tell me what?s going on when I can help you.?

?That... hey, you did the same,? I complained. ?You said earlier that you were brooding for an awful long time about forgiving Hijiri.?

?Yeah, but...? she shrugged and turned away, leaning on the railing?her way of being embarrassed. ?I was only able to get over it for one reason.?

?What was that?? I asked, leaning with her.

I found myself surprised when Nazrin?s hand found mine again.

I looked up, and found Nazrin?s grey eyes looking up at me. ?Because you were with me, idiot. What else??

I felt my heart pound again.

?Oh, Shou, why are you so dense sometimes?? she closed her eyes. ?I mean, why do I always have to be the one to embarrass herse--!?

She didn?t get the chance to finish her sentence.

Her arms wrapped around my neck as she returned my kiss.

?I?m sorry for all the trouble I?ve caused you,? I said with a smile. ?I promise, I?ll try my hardest to be strong.?

?T-thanks,? Nazrin muttered, looking down at herself, her face red in the light of the evening half moon.

Behind us, Sanae was collapsing in a fit of giggling as Byakuren twirled her around, and Murasa and Reimu looked like they were having a danmaku duel instead of dancing. Or both.

?Should we go back to the party?? Nazrin asked.

?No, I don?t think so.? But I caught her arm, and held it there. ?I?d rather spend more time with you.?

She sighed and smiled at me. ?Sure.?

We sat there for a while. Though we didn?t notice, after a few more sets, the tired dancers- save the treasure hunters, who had gone off to investigate some shooting stars- decided to take a break, and joined us on the forward deck of the ship, watching stars rise on the horizon.

?Thank you,? I whispered to Byakuren, who sat behind me, letting me rest my head on her lap as she ran her hands through my hair.

Byakuren smiled at me. ?You?re welcome, Shou.?

?Hey, what about me?? Murasa objected, pointing at herself. ?I helped too, you know!?

I laughed then, the most genuine laugh I?d had in a long time. ?Thank you, too, Murasa. Thank you, Ichirin, Unzan. Thank you, Nazrin. Thank you for... everything.?

Ichirin gave me a soft smile, and Unzan a nod. Murasa grinned.

Nazrin squeezed my hand. I felt my heart soar, and I remembered her words from earlier. She did too, apparently, so she leaned forward to say them again.

?You?re welcome, my greatest treasure.?

I sat up to return her kiss, and before us, the treasure hunters' danmaku shone like fireworks against this romance of the night sky.

And for this, I should exile myself from PSL forever after. Though, can we do my favourite kind of ending first?

Rou I'm so sorry please forgive meeeeeee ;_;


  • Breaking news. Any season.
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Re: End-of-Summer Library Party! The Great Story Swap Contest
« Reply #50 on: September 23, 2010, 10:05:14 PM »
You have nothing to apologize for, Ruro. I'm still reading it and so far it's awesome.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
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  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: End-of-Summer Library Party! The Great Story Swap Contest
« Reply #51 on: September 23, 2010, 11:28:09 PM »

Once again I, _______, take up pen to chronicle an event of importance to my beautiful master Patchouli, and more directly to me her appreciative servant.  While I must admit that this event was not as demanding or dangerous as the previous incident, it was only by the grace of the Heavens (should such a thing be even applicable to a being such as I) that it was not much worse.  Thus I write these journal entries as a warning to myself.

But on to the event in question.

Entry 1:

Day Y, Month Y, Year YYYY

Partially Cloudy

The first sign that something was amiss was when my mistress informed me she was intending to leave the mansion.

At this time of the year Patchouli leaving the mansion was expected.  In fact, since the cherry blossoms had come into bloom, Miss Patchouli was quite frequently out of the library at one of the hanamiru festivals.  However, it was highly unlikely that a flower viewing festival would bring such a fierce scowl to my masters face.  And she would never go to a festival without a book to read.

I questioned where she was going, and when to expect her back.  She hastily informed me that she was heading to the house of our frequent visitor, Miss Kirisame, and that she would be back, ?as soon as she retrieved the damn book,? in her own words.  Miss Patchouli then flew off, leaving me to wonder which book Miss Kirisame could have stolen to make my mistress so upset.

My curiosity increased when my mistress returned, both empty handed and still in a poor mood.  I inquired as to whether I should request assistance in retrieving the lost book.  However, my mistress stated, ?That won't do any good this time.?  It seemed, as unlikely as it sounded, that Miss Kirisame was not the culprit in this theft.

I wondered aloud if the other occasional visitor to the library, Alice Margatroid, might have been responsible this time, as strange as that seemed.  Miss Patchouli stated firmly that this was impossible, as she had possessed the book after Miss Margatroid's last visit.

With the simple leads gone, the only option was to search the library for clues.  Thus, I asked Miss Patchouli which book was missing.  I should have known to worry when my mistress hesitated.

The answer frightened me more then I care to admit.

?The __________.?

The very book that my mistress had used to summon me.

Entry 2:

Day Y, Month Y, Year YYYY


Our search of the library was fruitless.

To be clear.  The act of searching itself was not as hopeless as one might suspect, given the massive size of the library my mistress had created.  She had also developed several spells to help keep the library in order, and I had dutifully learned them as well.  With those, we were able to scour every shelf and floor for the missing __________.  That we were unsuccessful indicated clearly that the book was definitely nowhere within the library's confines.

At this point I must confess I was very worried.  While it was highly unlikely another magician would be able to summon me with the lost work, a failed attempt could possibly break the contract between me and my mistress.

Those who read my previous journal entries will recall I find that incredibly distasteful.

Fortunately my mistress was thinking far clearer then I was.  She narrowed down the possibilities to the following:

1. The book had been misplaced within the mansion itself.  While unlikely it was possible that Lady Scarlet's younger sister or one of our uninvited library visitors had done so.

2. The book had been taken outside the mansion by one of the fairy staff, either due to ignorance or as a prank. 

3. An unknown party had stolen the books for their own reasons.

The third possibility was the most distressing, but almost impossible to check.  However, Miss Patchouli had a few sources of information she could tap on the matter.  Unfortunately I would be near useless in that hunt, unless the matter progressed to levels that were disastrous.

As for the first possibility, Miss Izayoi could search the grounds of the mansion faster then either my mistress or I could.  While there were still some places she might miss, with a full week of searching it became statistically impossible that she would not find the book, were it within the mansion.

Thus it was decided that I would investigate the possibility the book had been taken by one of our fairy maids.  In this matter I actually had an advantage.  The fairy maids consider me a servant of similar level.  While slightly insulting, this camaraderie would allow me to gather information much easier then any of the other members of the household. 

I started my investigations at the dressing rooms, where those fairies leaving and returning to the mansion tend to congregate.  While Lady Scarlet was very strict in person, in general the fairy maids had little supervision and many frequently left and rejoined the mansions cadre of maids at whim.

On my arrival I found two fairies reacquiring their maid outfits.  These two were known to me as maids who usually stayed in the mansion, so they were a good starting point.

They greeted me cautiously.  ?Oh hello.  We don't usually see you around here.?

I did my best to keep my questioning level and dispassionate.  Fairies were creatures of air.  Easily frightened and scattered.  ?Indeed.  I'm searching for a book that one of your number might have taken in error.?

?Huh, did it have runes on it's spine and leather binding??

My heart sped up slightly at the description.  That very well may be the lost book.  I asked them the title that was on the face of the tome.

The two fae creatures considered the matter for a long moment.  ?I couldn't read it.?

I mentally castigated myself for the mistake.  While the fairies who served as maids were bright enough to read Japanese at a fairly competent level, the intricacies of the language of the ___________ would be beyond them.

Still a small lead was better then what we had before.  I asked them if they knew who had taken that book and where to.  At this point they both began answering at the same time so I have summarized the explanation.

They claimed that there was a 'war' among the fairies between two factions, one from the forest of magic, and the other being the ice fairy that lives nearby the mansion.  While mildly intriguing their descriptions of the events were abbreviated, piecemeal, contradictory, and included several events which were impossible.  I made a mental note to mention the matter to my mistress in case she cared enough to investigate that matter further.

The important part of the story was that several maids from the household seemed to have joined in the 'war' on an impulse.  One of their number had apparently brought the book in question to the battlefield.  I questioned them as to the whereabouts of their comrade.

While at the time I had difficulty believing this, apparently the ice fairy, who they referred to as Cirno, was victorious in the war.  Specifically they claimed she had defeated every other fairy that entered the field, and had claimed the title of ?commander of the fairies.?  The maid that had taken the book had chosen to stay under her command.

Armed with this knowledge I set off into Gensoukyo.  Time was of the essence, as fairies got bored quickly.  If I wanted to catch the book thief, I would have to confront the ?commander of the fairies? myself.
Entry 3

Day Y, Month Y, Year YYYY


While my investigations had been fruitful, my quest was still frustrated.  I had not moved any closer to the object my mistress and I desire.

Working off the information given to me I scoured the Misty Lake for signs of the ice fairy that usually flew about it.  When the fairies in the area began to act hostile towards me I realized I was near my target.

I had little trouble dispersing the crowd of fairies immediately in front of me, so I used the time to check to see if any of the creatures was carrying the book.  I was hoping to be able to check magically, but I could not do so and defend myself adequately at the same time.

My defensive actions quickly drew the attention of the ice fairy herself.  She ascended from the lake challenging me.  I did not understand her line of thought, so I shall quote the words for later review.  ?Hey!  Just because I beat a human doesn't mean I want to fight a youkai right away!  Get lost!?  Still, she followed that statement with a shower of icicles, so I considered the battle joined.

Expecting to deal with this matter quickly I found myself surprised when my usual opening danmaku was frozen solid.  In addition, when the ice shattered I received some small cuts.  Deciding sticking to the water based spells I used in the library would be unwise, I cast one of my fire spells.

This had a much better effect.  The ice fairy spent the next few seconds dodging and insisting that using such attacks early in the fight was unfair.

As further conflict would only be likely to drive the fairy I was searching for away, I stopped my barrage and apologized for my hasty reaction.  I informed the fairy that I was merely looking for information, and had no intention of challenging their status.  Fortunately, this strategy was very successful.

When they heard the particulars of my case, Cirno told me the fairy that I was searching for had grown bored and left the group already.  However, said fairy no longer had the book, as she dropped it after being defeated in the 'war.'  While the ice fairy of the lake did not recall where this fairy had been defeated, one of her lieutenants stated with some certainty that the incident had taken place in the forest of magic, near her house.

Once again armed with a clue, I thanked the fairies, and headed to the forest of magic.

To my great embarrassment however, I had forgotten how confusing the forest was, even in early spring.  The trees twisted together, and even those absent of leaves had plenty of moss and fungus to aid them in concealing the sun.  To put the matter simply, I became lost.

While it would take no effort at all to simply fly away, I could not bring myself to do so.  Somewhere in the dark maze of trees was an item that could shatter my happiness and leave it broken for all time.  To allow such a threat to continue was unacceptable.  Thus I searched for many hours, even as the dim light of the forest began to wain.  I was unwilling to give up, even though I had no real clue where in the huge forest to begin my search.

Finally I realized that my continued absence would only inconvenience my mistress, and keep valuable information from her.  While finding the book by myself might bolster my pride, such a desire was unworthy of a familiar.  Especially if it came at the mistress' expense.

With this realization, I forced myself to return to the mansion.

However, my journey was interrupted.  For as the nightingale began it's song, I saw a glint of light in the forest that should not be there.  And as I stared at the light, I was certain that I felt the magical signature of a powerful grimoire.

Thus I stopped my journey home, and sped towards the strange light.  It seemed fortune had smiled upon me after all.

Or perhaps fate was playing a game with me.

Entry 4

Day Y, Month Y, Year YYYY


I had finally reached the object of my search, but I was further away from success then ever.

The place I had entered was as alien to the world of Gensoukyo as the surface of the false moon.  Thus I did me best to commit each scarce detail to memory.  Everything was in grey metal, even the doors, with only tiny signs or striking yellow and black paint stripes to designate their function.  Lights smaller then my finger lined the halls, each color designating a different pipe or wire.

The only things that stood out were the glowing blue capsules that illuminated the area.  Each was big enough to hold a person, and I hoped that I was merely being paranoid in assuming that was one of their functions.

Everything was at a level of technology beyond that of the world outside of Gensoukyo, and I found myself marveling at it.  Thus I was startled when a voice rang through the large room.  ?Welcome!?  Then the room filled with light.

My eyes quickly adjusted to the massive floodlamps, and my wonderment increased.  While the vastness of the room didn't add any new interesting details, the space I was in could not possibly have been contained in the forest clearing I had seen.  While altered space was not impossible, as the library I lived in can attest to, it is incredibly difficult to control.

A distance away two figures stood.  Both were young, but had a confident demeanor.  One was dressing in a sailor uniform, and to my distress, pointing an object that looked decidedly lethal in my general direction.  The other was dressed in red, with a mantle.

In that woman's hands lay the book I was sent to retrieve.  The one that contained the spell that could bind my essence.

The lady in red spoke first.  ?I apologize if our ship distracted you.  We were merely collecting some research items.  Don't worry.  We have no real interest in live specimens currently, so you are free to leave if you wish.?

Seeing as they had greeted me politely I felt compelled to respond in kind.  ?There is no need to apologize.  After all, I did come aboard your ship without your permission.  However, you are holding a book that was stolen from my care.  I would be most grateful if you could return it.?

The red woman frowned at my request, while the sailor suited woman replied, ?What?  That's the item we were hunting for all day!  There's no way we're just going to hand it over.?

?Indeed,? continued the woman who had first spoken.  ?This item contains a great deal of data that will assist in our study of magic.  In fact, it could prove my thesis directly to the public, forcing the scientific community to actually look at my work.  I can't just hand it over to anyone who claims they happen to own it.?

It seemed this would be more difficult then I had been hoping.  Still I pressed on.  Conversation was the safest way of acquiring the work, given the weapon pointed at me.  ?Forgive me, but the book that you have there is very dangerous.  Especially to those who are new to magic.  That is why my mistress wishes it returned to her quickly.?

The red dressed woman's face clouded with suspicion.  ?I can believe it's dangerous.  But you seem a little too eager to get the book back.  What aren't you telling us??

The woman was very perceptive, but I was not going to reveal my weakness to these two strangers.  No good could come of that.  ?Forgive me, but that knowledge would only be detrimental to both of us.  Perhaps we could discuss possible alternatives Ms...??

?Professor Yumemi Okazaki.  My assistant here is Chiyuri Kitashirakawa,? the woman stated in a cheerful voice.  ?Yumemi will do.?

?You can call me Chiyuri,? the other woman added.  Sadly her weapon remained pointed at me.

?Thank you.  You may call me _______.?  I considered the situation.  They obviously were not from within Gensoukyo, which meant that if they left the book could be lost forever, along with my current life.  However I saw little chance of being able to overpower them.  ?Perhaps I could assist you in finding a more suitable book in exchange for the tome you currently hold.  This would allow both of us to achieve our aims.?

?Hm...?  Yumemi seemed to consider my suggestion for some time.  ?This sounds reasonable, but you must forgive me if I don't immediately trust someone who looks like a devil.  I have a counter offer.?

?I've been here before, and I recall you had rules for dueling.  How about a wager? If I win I keep the book if I lose I return it and you find one better suited for us??

?This doesn't exactly seem like a fair wager,? I pointed out.  ?You stand to gain no matter the outcome.?

Yumemi smiled, ?That's true, however I have the outcome I desire.  I see no reason to lose everything after I've already won.?

As much as it pained me, her words were correct.  I had no leverage in the matter.  I was not a strong fighter, but I had no choices left.  My journey could not fail here.  ?I agree to your terms.  Which one of you will I be facing??

Chiyuri stepped forward, but Yumemi put her hand on the other woman's shoulders.  ?Chiyuri, go get the sensors all warmed up.  I'll do the fighting this time.?

As Chiyuri left I took to the air.  To my surprise Yumemi did as well.  Apparently I did not manage to conceal my amazement, since the professor answered my unspoken question. Or perhaps she just liked lecturing.  ?You are wondering how I can fly without magic?  It's simple really.  Using the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle, and my knowledge of your magical universes, I have created a machine that grants me a personal reality.  This allows me to simulate magical effects.?

?Now if you are ready??

I nodded, lest my voice reveal my lack of confidence.  With that we exchanged our opening shots, the simple danmaku that allows one to judge their opponents strength.  Yumemi's attacks were dense, but simply patterned.  I felt a glimmer of hope at this revelation.

Then she unleashed another attack and I involuntarily flinched.  For the cross shaped shot bore the Shield of David, with the seven names of the angels inscribed upon it.

I am a daughter of fire and sin.  Through powerful rites I have been bound to a mortal, my powers locked away, lest they turn on my mistress.  But I am still a creature of the Netherworld, and I could no more stand against that symbol then a fence could stand against a tornado.

I retreated from the blast as more of my enemies bullets flew through the air.  Both simple danmaku and more of David's symbol.

As I moved to dodge, once again the fiery cross blossomed into existence, cutting off my movement.  I managed to retreat and still pass through my foes barrage, but as I reoriented myself I saw yet another attack heading in my direction.  Forcing me to evade again.

I cannot say how long this lasted.  I fired blindly as I dodged, hoping my shots would somehow strike my enemy, but I could not spare any effort to look for her.  Everywhere I turned there was another Shield of David, blocking my movement.  I had to focus on dodging and nothing else.

Thus I didn't notice the bullets that grazed me, tearing my dress.  Nor did I notice the pain from when one of the Shield bearing crosses burned my wing.  I did feel the burn on my leg when I let my guard down, musing about how the very bindings I was attempting to protect were making this difficult.  But most of my thoughts were about dodging.  Reveling each time I passed through the attacks, despairing when my means of escape were cut off.

Then the barrage ended.  This confused me.  Seeing no threats, I allowed myself to sink to the floor.

At some point I realized someone was speaking to me.  ?That's enough!?

My eyes focused on Yumemi, who had a serious expression.  I wondered if perhaps one of my shots had struck her, granting me the victory.  Her clothes and cape looked unharmed, but I admit I was not as clear headed as I liked to be.  ?Did I win?? I asked.

I noticed that Chiyuri had returned when she began speaking.  ?Technically you lost five minutes ago.  But you kept going even after that.  We called off the fight when your vitals started getting out of whack.?

?I see....?  I felt too drained to contemplate the enormity of my failure.

Yumemi stepped forward.  ?However, since I won the book, I can trade it back.  In light of your sincerity, I accept your original deal.?  She presented me the book, which I took, then held tightly to my chest.  The familiar residual magic emanating from the work helped me find my focus.

?I thank you greatly,? I replied.  After a little more time I felt almost back to normal.  ?If you would be so kind, could you accompany me back to my abode to return the book and inform my mistress of my success?  I'm afraid my absence might disturb her.  I will happily find you another book after that is done.?

?Sure.  In fact I think I'd like to meet your mistress.?

Entry 5

Day Y, Month Y, Year YYYY

Light Rain

With that, the incident concluded.  The book that we had searched for was, once again, back in its' proper place, guarded by heavier wards.

Yumemi and Miss Patchouli seemed impressed at each other's knowledge in their respective fields, and agreed to an exchange of knowledge.  Thus I found my search for a more suitable magical tome to be much shorter then I had expected, and in return I received several interesting documents from Chiyuri, which I have filed in Section Z, Row H.

After the negotiations and lectures between the two scholar had finished, and Yumemi had taken her leave, Miss Patchouli came to speak to me about the events.

?You should have informed me earlier.  I would have been able to solve this quicker, and you nearly damaged yourself during the fight.?

Her words were true.  ?I'm sorry mistress.  I was worried about a repeat of the last incident.?

Miss Patchouli looked at me sternly for a moment, then sighed and to my relief smiled.  ?Ah well.  At least the incident ended without anything terrible happening.  Next time however inform me when you learn valuable information like that.  Good familiars should tell their masters everything they need to know.?

I nodded in return, happy that my mistake had caused no harm.  ?Of course mistress.  I'll be more careful in the future.?

I then asked the question that was part of my being.  ?What is it that you wish, my Mistress?"

Patchouli turned from me and picked up the notes she had acquired.  ?I've been feeling pretty good physically, so I'll stay up a bit and read these notes.  Get me some coffee for while I read.?

As a good familiar, I obeyed.


As promised.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2010, 11:32:09 PM by IcedFairy »


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: End-of-Summer Library Party! The Great Story Swap Contest
« Reply #52 on: September 24, 2010, 12:03:02 AM »
I've already given Iced's entry my seal of approval.

Ruro...phweeeeeeee. o_O I don't know what to say other than I love it. Hell, it feels better than anything I could have written to end it. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you~ :P

(Also, if what you say is true, can we expect White Rose to have a Dance Party Ending? :V)


Re: End-of-Summer Library Party! The Great Story Swap Contest
« Reply #53 on: September 24, 2010, 12:09:14 AM »
(Also, if what you say is true, can we expect White Rose to have a Dance Party Ending? :V)

Oh man, I'd love to see this :3

Ruro, I can't read this right now since I haven't read Rising Star just yet and I don't want to come across any spoilers, but I just know it's as good as Rou says it is. I look forward to reading both Rising Star and your addition to it immensely. It's on my to-do list, now. <3
« Last Edit: September 24, 2010, 12:18:47 AM by Shikieiki Matsyxanadu »

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Re: End-of-Summer Library Party! The Great Story Swap Contest
« Reply #54 on: September 24, 2010, 02:21:02 PM »
Late? Infamy, no way I'm late with my entry....
Well... maybe a bit.... still!

Here we go, a sequel to Purvis' Day Planners. Make sure to catch up on the happening of the last days there before you continue reading.


Day 34

Another Day, Another Pain for Reimu Hakurei

X Make sure Suika hasn?t drowned in her sleep
/Take away Suika?s newly acquired ?booze-bucket with drinking-holes?
X Find a board to fix broken donation box
/ Hunt down intruder to the shrine
_ Try to find out where Ruukoto went again
_ Get some of those oni-repelling beans from Alice

Marisa Kirisame's Next Big Day!

/ Wake up, feel good
X Treat remaining wounds
/ Don?t catch a cold
/ Find out where that draft comes from
X Make  sure Mimi-chan?s cupboard is still locked
X Visit Eirin for cold-medicine, make sure to lock door

Tenshi Hinanai's Awesome Plans!

X Make sure not to be found by Iku
/ Try to steal Sword of Hisou back from Iku
X Keep board as sword-replacement
X Visit Hakurei shrine
_ Visit Marisa, apologize for stealing board from the wall of her house

Ruukoto's Tasks

X Break out of shrine basement
XDon?t be discovered by Reimu
X Go to Marisa?s house
/ Have fun with Marisa
X Use hole in the wall to check the cupboard behind it for interesting things
X Reunite with old friend

Utsuho?s stuff to better not forget

X Caww caww. Caww?
X Change into human form
/ Have eggs for breakfast
_ Unyuu
X Go outside to buy more eggs
/ Don?t run into any suspicious people
_ Play with Satori and Orin

KiSume's Stuf

/ DoN?t ruN inTO anyTHng
X GiT riD OFF HedAChe
/ fiND Othr buKIT agN
X drOP oN PEEplez HedS
/ GiT LooT
X lay lOw

Yuugi Hoshiguma's shits to get done

X Make sure Parsee?s still in one piece
X Check on distillery
X See if any mooks need rolling, roll if necessary
X Get more booze
/ Have a nice evening with Parsee

Yukari?s Dream Diary

X Sleep
_ Check Gensokyo?s status, see if anything?s wrong
_ Play with Chen
_ Check Kourindou for new stuff

Day 35

Marisa Kirisame's Next Big Day!

X Wake up without pain
/ Wake up without cold
X Make sure Mimi-chan?s cupboard is still locked
X Find out where that draft comes from
/ Don?t panic
_ Find a way to fix the situation

Utsuho?s stuff to better not forget

/ Waaake up wissout hangover
X Find clothes an dressh
X Gedd outshide
/ Dun fly into thingsh
X Unyuuu
X Take caaaare of shtupid attager
X Ushe all powwah to win
_ Win fight
_ Find eggsh
_ Get baaack to Shatori

Ruukoto's Tasks

X Reminicse with Mimi-chan
_ Persuade Reimu to let Mimi-chan stay at the shrine
/ Keep Mimi-chan from being seen
X Apologize to drunk person
/ Avoid a fight
/ Avoid Mimi-chan getting into the fight

Yukari?s Dream Diary

X Sleep
_ Check Gensokyo?s status, see if anything?s wrong
_ Play with Chen
_ Check Kourindou for new stuff

Another Day, Another Pain for Reimu Hakurei

X Make sure Suika hasn?t drowned in her sleep
X Make Tenshi repair the donation box
X Make Tenshi sweep the yard
X Make Tenshi paint the torii again
/ Prevent Suika from making a mess again
X Make Tenshi fix those holes in Suika?s bucket
X Have tea

KiSume's Stuf

X lay loW
X GiT BaCk uNdrGRawND
/ DonT RuN inTO AnyONe
_ GiT sOMe bunS wiF reAl mEAt

Tenshi Hinanai's Awesome Plans!

/ Wake up without splitting headache
/ Find out who was responsible for that
/ Get back sword-board
/ Don?t be abused
X Don?t be found by Iku
X Wish to be found by Iku anyway

Yuugi Hoshiguma's shits to get done

/ Make sure Utsuho hasn?t drowned in her sleep
/ Find out where Utsuho disappeared to
X Check if Parsee?s still in one piece
/ Keep Parsee from finding out about last night
/ Invite Parsee to dinner
X Find something/someone to let anger out at

Day 36

Yukari?s Dream Diary

X Sleep
/ Find out what that bright flash yesterday was
/ Check Gensokyo?s status, see if anything?s wrong
/ Find Gensokyo
X Find remnants of Gensoky
X Sleep, hope things have normalized until tomorrow
_ Play with Chen
_ Check Kourindou for new stuff

Day 37

Yukari?s Dream Diary

X Sleep
/ Check if Gensokyo is normal again
X Sleep
_ Reconstruct Gensokyo

Day 38

Yukari?s Dream Diary

X Sleep
_ Reconstruct Gensokyo

Day 49

Yukari?s Dream Diary

X Sleep
_ Reconstruct Gensokyo

ZUN?s list of things to drink today

X Check on Gensokyo
/ Wake up Yukari
_ Find a new caretaker for Gensokyo

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: End-of-Summer Library Party! The Great Story Swap Contest
« Reply #55 on: September 25, 2010, 06:30:33 PM »
All right, I think we've got all the submissions we're going to get. Now it's time
to make up some criteria
for the judging. Please to be watching warmly.

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: End-of-Summer Library Party! The Great Story Swap Contest
« Reply #56 on: February 02, 2011, 03:34:12 AM »
Remember, folks, this is meant to be an enjoyable, relaxed contest-- we're saying farewell to the end of summer, so the number one rule is to HAVE FUN! Go forth and be awesome-- this is going to be the best end-of-summer contest ever!
I'm a bad person BV

I never forgot about this, no. I don't forget. I just fall asleep instead.

Kind of like this, except for three months straight.

I'm late, to say the least, but I never forget about things like this. Believe it or not, I, with the help of another judge, was able to get through all of these!
As he did me the favour of writing up opinions, these are written in the first person, but are not necessarily written by me. After this post, my fellow judge can reveal himself at his leisure.

Now, to the entries!

Original: White Rose

Does very well in capturing the atmosphere of White Rose, as well as showing another dimension of Shinki's personality, all with the quality you'd expect from Rou. Good to the point that the author accepted it as canon, which is enough for me.
Score: 10/10


Original: Thought's End and Embodiement of Dreams

To judge this properly, I had to read Thought's End and Embodiement of Dreams, so I printed out the whole thing (over 250 pages front and back!) on my school computers, then read it on the bus. I ended up reading the entire thing in two days, it was that good. Then I went to read this entry. It was light, and it even captured the original author's style of writing to a great extent-- it even dropped a possible new story for the dream to continue on later, with Maribel. The only bad thing I can say about it is that even though Valesta gave his story notes at the end, this piece didn't make too much use out of them. Still, great job.
Score: 9/10


Original: MotK Murder Mystery

Sana should really write more! I like his style and found it captivating somehow, but it didn't feel like much of a continuation or sequel. It had the atmosphere and it's loosely connected to Murder Mystery, but the final result seems unrelated and incomplete-- standing alone, it's not bad, but it feels like it's missing a proper conclusion.
Score: 8/10


Original: Day Planners

I can see how Day Planners could be quite the challenge to write for, since Purvis has a very distinct style-- not to mention, the main story was finished, but there was never a true conclusion. As I read through this, I was wondering 'why did he pick this one?', but then I noticed that he wrote an ending for it, and it all fell into place, all while capturing the atmosphere of the story very well. I liked it!
Score: N/A, staying out of the contest


Original: Element of Surprise

I really, really liked the original Element of Surprise. Vicks did a very good job of setting the story and bringing out emotions from the reader... but this addition here doesn't really capture that at all. I must be fair, though-- this is/was Thaws' first shot at fiction. It was also, as Thaws said, more of an alternate ending than a proper sequel. Not bad, though, given that Vicks didn't give Thaws much to work with (get back here and write some more Element of Surprise, fool!)
Score: 7/10


Original: Sapz x Hibachi

Trance- Aaaah, burning, violent romance, the best kind of romance~. The only true 'sequel' so far, and a damn well-done one, at that.
Score: 10/10


Original: Mystearica's short stories

Bonus points for taking a story that was sometimes hard on the reader and writing an interlude that was much easier on the eyes and mind.
Score: 9/10


Sakura Rurouni
Original: Rising Star

Rising Star was fantastic, and your addition to it is, as well. Even for a part of the story that takes place 1000 years after the original, everything falls perfectly into place. A wonderful job, as usual.
Score: N/A, staying out of the contest


Iced Fairy
Original: Journal of Patchouli's Loyal Assistant

Iced- A sequel as intriguing as the original. Iced captured the essence of the original and ran with it, and I'm quite impressed-- it feels as if it were written by the original author. Very, very nice. Easily one of my favourites to win.
Score: 10/10

With three perfect scores, it came down to Rou, Trance, and Iced. After lots of mental anguish and evaluating and re-evaluating, I eventually chose the one that was the one that most lived up to the expectations of the contest-- the true sequel, the one that used the most elements from the original and carried them forwards.

And that one was Iced Fairy.

Iced, remember how you won Spechul Membah with the last Weekly Writing Contest, and how because Sakana and I haven't judged it yet because we've fallen behind, you've kept it as long as you have? Well, now you don't have to worry about that at all. SM is yours to keep.

Trance, Roukan, I promised Idiot Princess to the second and third placers, but you two are already IPs! Well, the next natural step up is Idiot Maiden, isn't it? Enjoy your IM.

The rest of you, good show! My deepest apologies for having taken this long. Maybe the next contest will be less slow. ^^'

Re: End-of-Summer Library Party! The Great Story Swap Contest
« Reply #57 on: February 02, 2011, 03:54:38 AM »
Iced, remember how you won Spechul Membah with the last Weekly Writing Contest, and how because Sakana and I haven't judged it yet because we've fallen behind, you've kept it as long as you have? Well, now you don't have to worry about that at all. SM is yours to keep.
It's about time he actually got to keep it BV


Re: End-of-Summer Library Party! The Great Story Swap Contest
« Reply #58 on: February 02, 2011, 04:00:13 AM »
After this post, my fellow judge can reveal himself at his leisure.

Hi hi. :3

Seriously, guys. Lots of really good stuff here, and I really enjoyed reading your entries.  Keep up the good work, and congrats to Iced, Trance, and Rou! o/

Iced Fairy

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  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: End-of-Summer Library Party! The Great Story Swap Contest
« Reply #59 on: February 02, 2011, 04:08:40 AM »


I'm actually surprised by this one.  I thought Rou might have had me beat, and Trance's made me laugh again today as I reread it.  The rest of the competition was very strong as well.

Thanks to the judges for their hard work, and thanks to Coin Spire for the inspiration you gave me.  It was interesting trying to write in his very unique style and I enjoyed the original immensely.  I hope he's able to come back soon.