Author Topic: Dolphin Rider Koishi - The End  (Read 314188 times)


  • He who knew and lived.
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #510 on: September 26, 2012, 10:58:18 PM »
Koishi's Heart-Throbbing Adventure.

« Last Edit: September 26, 2012, 11:12:11 PM by King_Rule »
World Domination, Baby!


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #511 on: September 26, 2012, 11:31:50 PM »
This is going to be interesting. And I have a feeling to know who is going to save the day.

It is kind of obvious.

Which brings up another thing: Rou, why the hell did Iku just do something that's pretty much certain to turn Satori against her? Really, that's just extremely ****ing stupid on Iku's part. I realize this sort of thing happens in a lot of magical girl series, but it's stupid there, too. As far as I'm concerned, it's just bad writing, and you're a better writer than that. Surely you could have come up with a better trigger for Satori to switch sides, one that didn't rely on Iku taking hold of the Idiot Ball.

This chapter was something of a major plunge in quality, IMO. Here's hoping the next one is back up to previous standards.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2012, 11:34:34 PM by GuyYouMetOnline »


  • Master of the lurk
  • *sips tea*
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #512 on: September 27, 2012, 01:21:35 AM »
Well from the way I see it, Iku is trying to kill either of the Komejis by having them fight it out. Satori doesn't have the mindcoil removal powers Koishi does, so she'll have to kill Koishi if she wins. That'll probably break Satori when she realizes what she has done, and even if she refuses to continue fighting for the Black Claw, she's mindcoil material. If she kills herself, the Black Claw will extract the shirikodama teardrop. If Koishi wins, the Black Claw has something better than a mind reader under its control. Win-win.

...Of course, this is based on bad guy logic. Good guy logic declares that Koishi will power through the not-a-mindcoil through faith in her friends at the crucial moment.
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #513 on: September 27, 2012, 01:27:38 AM »
Satori's defection would hurt the Claw far more than just from losing a member. Don't forget about how much she no doubt knows about them.


  • Master of the lurk
  • *sips tea*
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #514 on: September 27, 2012, 01:40:48 AM »
Satori's defection would hurt the Claw far more than just from losing a member. Don't forget about how much she no doubt knows about them.
And that's why they mindcoil her! Then she can't do anything anyways!
Plus, they can keep her fighting under them, that way. I'm such a great bad guy!
And just like a bad guy, there might be something I'm overlooking. Nothing that I can find, though.
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #515 on: September 27, 2012, 02:34:02 AM »
It's not about what would work; it's about what was done. And remember that Iku can't exactly take Satori by surprise, nor can she hide what was done (mind-reader and all that).

Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #516 on: September 27, 2012, 04:07:02 AM »
Isn't it possible that Iku is still just a minor pawn in a bigger game?
She might've been ordered to "Mindcoil every siren" and not gotten the memo about Satori's plans. It's only been a day at most, after all, and we don't know how the Black Claw gives out orders.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #517 on: September 27, 2012, 07:31:51 AM »
True, but that's one of the possibilities I was thinking of when I mentioned the possibility of Iku as the Claw leader being a 'lame-ass fakeout'.

Joveus Molai

  • Bear the Word, and the Word will bear you.
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Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #518 on: September 28, 2012, 01:25:16 AM »
Going back and reading the early bits with Iku made me go all  :o

"You seem to be troubled, Komeiji-san. Can I assume that you're feeling guilty about not being able to do more in that little scuffle?"

Koishi jittered a little in her chair. Right on the mark, yet again.

" do you do that, Nagae-sensei?"

"Woman's intuition. And please, call me Iku."


"Komeiji-san. I just want you to know that if anything is troubling you, you can come to me and speak in private. I'd offer you a chance to talk now, but..."

She glared out the window, towards the silhouette of Sango standing outside the door. She was keeping vigil, watching the nurse's office almost like a guard.

Not to mention...

She cursed in the empty classroom.

"The damned Order made it there first?! Son of a submariner!"

And finally...

[Iku] sighed. [Koishi and Sango] made her job so difficult sometimes.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2012, 04:10:57 PM by Joveus Molai »


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #519 on: September 28, 2012, 04:50:33 AM »
I think it has to do with information. As a story continues, the readers generally learn more about the plot, and as I know from experience, it's much easier to keep readers interested when they don't know what's going on than it is when the answers start coming.

I would say, however, that this last chapter is the only one I've truly disliked. Yeah, the last few haven't been as good as the rest of the story, IMO, but given the overall quality of this story, it could fall pretty far and still be good. And despite my opinion on the last chapter, I think the rest of the story's going to be good, too.

I'm aware, though, that I seem to be in the minority opinion when it comes to the most recent chapters. Which isn't surprising, given that, generally, I'm very much not a fan of magical girl stories, this story being an exception, mainly because of how well-written it is (aside from the think with Iku I already mentioned, but nobody's going to be at the top of their game all the time). I'm definitely going to keep reading, because despite the last chapter, it is still a good story.

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #520 on: September 28, 2012, 05:21:05 AM »
I think we all are aware that you dislike the last installment, Guy. Quit beating a dead horse. And as much as I dislike taking out my mod hat in PSL, you can consider this post a warning.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #521 on: September 28, 2012, 05:43:01 AM »
I have no intention of saying anything more (hell, I had no intention of saying it more than once at all, but then a conversation got started). I don't intend to bring it up again.

Joveus Molai

  • Bear the Word, and the Word will bear you.
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Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #522 on: September 29, 2012, 04:22:22 PM »
Some more  :o moments, gained from a thorough rereading of previous DRK arcs (emphasis in bold):

This, once again, left Nurse Iku all by herself.

She sighed to break the familiar silence, taking a seat back at her tiny desk in the far corner of the room. It was mostly littered with her various trinkets - memoirs of the 60s, in her opinion the pinnacle of human history - but beneath them was all sorts of difficult financial paperwork. At the bottom, a large red number stared her in the face, asking for a fee that no amount of time in this school could ever hope to pay. As if to seal the deal, it wasn?t even looking for credit - the bill was only going to be resolved with cold, hard cash.

Now, keep in mind what happened previously in the arc:

The woman shrugged, nonchalantly. This man was too simple-minded for his position sometimes. It had been easy to win his trust; she had both money to finance operations, and if necessary she had men to carry them out. Or at least, creatures who looked enough like men to fool him.

?I?ll pay back your debt personally. Cash, of course, just how you like it. But leave the hunt for Miss Izayoi to me.?

The amount lost would be a sizable chunk of her finances, but it was payable. The last thing she needed was to have Morichika turn on her now. At the sound of her offer, the man?s expression loosened slightly. This was the first time she?d let him down, and if she was willing to pay for her short comings he was willing to give her a second chance.

And once again...

As she struggled to throw the numbers together, Iku?s thoughts drifted back to Koishi now and again. All it would take is a few minutes with the girl away from this ?friend? of hers, and she could make everything work out....

And don't forget the scene where Koishi talks to Iku about her family...

Thanks for coming to see me, Koishi-san. I really appreciate it.?

Iku was doing her best to ease Koishi in, a hand on her shoulder and a smile on her face. She was more or less ignoring Sango, who was standing outside the door and twiddling her thumbs.

?But does she always have to come over??

...which in this new light is rather  :o


  • I never talk to you
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  • People say that I should
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #523 on: September 29, 2012, 05:06:31 PM »
I remembered the latter comment pretty well. Didn't seem to recall anything else, though. Debt?

Joveus Molai

  • Bear the Word, and the Word will bear you.
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Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #524 on: September 29, 2012, 05:12:39 PM »
I remembered the latter comment pretty well. Didn't seem to recall anything else, though. Debt?

In that arc, Sakuya had won a fat wad of cash off of Morichika's gambling den via skill and her yet undiscovered Siren powers. This was not supposed to happen; what was supposed to happen was Tewi and the casino's dealer were supposed to work together to win all the earnings, superficially for Tewi but in reality for Morichika.  Morichika therefore got pissed and ended up working with the Lady In Black (Iku  :derp:) who presumably promised to get both Sakuya and Morichika's money back.

However, a timely intervention by Koishi and Sango meant that Iku's plan failed. Since Iku still wanted Morichika in her pocket, she decided to make up his monetary loss by simply paying him back in cold hard cash.


  • Formerly Roukanken
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  • blub blub nya
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #525 on: October 03, 2012, 06:14:24 PM »
Komachi had seen more than her fair share of anxious culprits in her line of work. Watching them tremble in the defendant?s chair was a difficult experience, like watching an ant squirm under a magnifying glass. If she thought about it too long, it made her job as a prosecutor almost unbearable, so she had learned to tune it out a little.

So seeing Keine?s sorry state had little effect on her, and she stepped forward to stand next to Sakuya as the second interrogator.

?The nurse? What?re you talking about??

Keine was still on her knees, sniffling and rubbing at her nose. Her eyes swiveled around the room, finding no angles of escape. She almost seemed to be shrinking, growing smaller to the point where Komachi might step on her if she wasn?t careful.

?I-It was Iku-san,? Keine stammered. ?She told me I had to do it.?

Mokou?s eyes widened. ?You mean Nagae-san? The disco nut??

Keine nodded, which only made Mokou?s eyes pop out wider. She murmured exclamations to herself while the rest of the Sirens continued the questioning.

?If I asked you to jump off a cliff, would you do it?? Sakuya?s voice was cold and humourless. ?Maybe you need to be told this, but most people wouldn?t commit arson simply because an acquaintance suggested it.?

Keine let out a squeak as Sakuya stepped forward again. Komachi made to hold her back, but she was beaten to the punch.

?Easy, Miyo,? Youmu said, taking Sakuya by the shoulder and nudging her backwards. ?She won?t co-operate if we push too hard.?

Sakuya complied, but only after a condescending ?hmph?. She stepped away, a few paces from Keine, but still standing clearly between her and the door.

?Answer the question, Keine-san,? Komachi said, trying to speak with a little more delicacy than her companion. It was an art she had left to rust for some time now. ?Why did you agree to this??

Keine looked up at Komachi, a glimmer of relief shimmering in her eyes. She must have seen Komachi as the good cop to Sakuya?s bad cop. Komachi couldn?t remember the last time she?d been on that side of the dynamic.

?She had the tape,? Keine said after a long silence. ?I did some...bad things to my other pupils, and she had evidence.?

?You mean what happened to Sango-san, right?? Mokou asked from the back of the room.

Keine nodded. ?She said she?d send it to the authorities if I didn?t co-operate. She would destroy my career. But...? She hung her head, her words vanishing into another sobbing fit. Her mouth hung open, but every attempt she made to speak devolved into a miserable howl. Sakuya made to push forward and press the issue, but again Youmu held her sister back.

It was a whole minute before Keine had calmed down enough to speak again, her voice barely above a whisper. ?She said she understood what I was. She wanted to help me, and she said that after I did a favour for her she would-?

?Wait, hold up,? Komachi said. ?She understood what you were? What does that mean??

Keine stopped abruptly, the colour flushing from her face. She looked up at Komachi, tears still hanging in her eyes.

?What do you think it means? I?m a freak, a monster. No-one wants anything to do with me. I can?t live here, I can?t live with the youkai, and I don?t know anyone else who?s as broken as I am.?

Every word was a lash on her own back, every syllable laced with self-hatred as she leaned further and further forward. Komachi almost wanted to slap the pity right out of her, but the situation was a touch too sensitive for that. She settled for taking on the role of stern matron.

?Keine-san, we can?t help if you aren?t gonna tell us everything. What are you??

Keine didn?t answer, hanging her head so low that Komachi couldn?t see her face. When she pulled it up again, her eyes were flickering with scorn.

?You want to know that badly? Fine. I?ll show you.?

She rose to her feet, and the Sirens spread out in case she tried anything dangerous. Keine steeled herself, closing her eyes and clenching her teeth. She made no attempt to move, taking slow deep breaths.


The first change Komachi noticed was in Keine?s shoulders. Her muscles grew outwards, filling out what had previously been a rather baggy dress. The teacher growled, shuddering as if desperately trying to hold something inside. Growls gave way to grunts as she dug her fingernails into her palms. Komachi felt the air in the room grow heavy, Keine?s growing presence pressing down on her shoulders. She pulled out the Titanic in case Keine got any ideas; at her sides, the other Sirens were drawing their weapons as well.

?Hnnnnh, gnnnnnh...?

Keine sounded like she was fighting with the urge to scream. Her body began to warp in shape, arms and legs pulling outwards, muscles twisting and contorting. She gained six inches of height in the space of five seconds, her teeth sharpening into fangs as her nails grew into claws. Her breaths were ragged pants now, and she finally let out a cry of anguish as she grabbed at her head.


Two bull-like horns burst out of her scalp, droplets of blood on their tips. Her whole body tensed as her transformation came to its conclusion. She fell to her knees, covered in sweat, panting and gasping for dear life.

? I am.?

Komachi maintained her distance. She could feel the power emanating from Keine?s new form. Not just physical strength, but a hint of magic as well - whatever it was, it was enough to make Komachi uncomfortable.

?Disgraceful, isn?t it?? Keine looked away with a sad smile. ?I?m not a human, but I?m not a youkai either. No wonder neither side wants anything to do with me.?

?Then what does that make you?? Youmu asked, still holding up her blade as a precaution. ?A half-youkai??

Keine nodded. ?My father told me we happen once in a while when youkai try to live a human life. He ran off with me shortly after I was born so my mother wouldn?t find out the truth about him. He taught me about magic, kept me at home where I couldn?t hurt anyone. Even now I have to lock myself up when there?s a full moon, or I just lose control of myself.?

Komachi looked the half-youkai over. Those arms looked like they could break bones with a single punch, and the horns were unimaginably sharp. Small trails of blood seeped into her hair, but instead of going red it shifted into a pale green.

?He left me when I came of age. Said it was too dangerous for him to hang around in case anyone noticed he wasn?t really getting older.? She made no attempt to hide her disgust. ?So I?ve spent the last fifteen years in a world where I have to hide what I am to everyone I know. Even animals don?t want anything to do with me.? She hung her head again, trying to stare holes into her jagged nails. ?Do you have any idea what it feels like to live like that??

?Spare me the sob story.? Sakuya spat out the words, folding her arms in disgust. ?You?ve done some pretty wretched things in your time.?

?And what was the deal with Sango-san?? Mokou said, speaking up again. ?You knew she was a youkai, didn?t you??

Keine?s knees shook as the words hit her. ?I wanted to see how the humans reacted to her. I thought maybe if they were okay with her being a youkai, they?d be okay with me as well. But when it fell through, I had to...? She shook her head violently, as if to dislodge a thought from her head. ?Iku-san was going to ruin me if I didn?t go along with her. She told me you?d all use your magic to fix the fire before anyone got hurt. She said to run if it went wrong, but-? Now she nodded just as hard, biting into her lip with a fanged tooth. ?Why do I have to run away? This isn?t my fault, it?s Iku-san?s! She made me do it, she made me!?

Komachi snarled. This was another ugly habit of a criminal caught in the act - passing the buck to avoid responsibility. It wasn?t just an attempt to protest innocence - it was self-denial, where the culprit refused to accept their own part in the crime.

She?d seen plenty of that in her time in law as well. More than enough, in fact.

?Keine-san.? Komachi?s voice was powerful enough to make even the half-youkai freeze in place. ?Remind me again. How did the fire start??

Keine?s eyes widened. Komachi primed the Titanic again, ready to fire if she tried anything.

?You?re missing the point,? Keine said. ?It?s not about me, it?s about-?

?You didn?t answer my question.? Komachi felt her blood heat up. It wasn?t even the crime that disgusted her as much as Keine?s refusal to own up to it. ?Was it Nagae-san who started the fire? Did she light the match that burned down the orphanage??

Keine?s mouth bobbed open and shut in rapid succession. Her claws pulled back, looking ready to swing forwards, but with every Siren pointing her weapon at her Keine had little chance. The teacher stepped backwards, her back pinned against the wall.

?You didn?t have to burn that orphanage down, Keine-san. You could have let Nagae-san carry out her threat, and then you?d be paying for your old crimes rather than piling up more charges on top of ?em. It?s not a pleasant choice, but it?s there - and as long as you have a choice in the matter, a part of the blame is gonna rest with you.?

Keine slumped forwards, beginning to shrink. Her transformation receded along with her will, the horns receding and her muscles compressing to their original size. She still shook her head weakly, murmuring to herself incessantly.

?No, no, not like that, it can?t be like that. I would never...?

She seemed lost to the world now, caught up in her own delusions. Komachi sighed to herself. This wasn?t something that people snapped out of instantly - unless it was Koishi doing the talking, but she seemed to have a special talent for fixing people. Mere mortals like Komachi could only hope that Keine would come to terms with her actions eventually.

?I think we?d better take her to Nitori-san,? Mokou said, every word chosen delicately. ?She?s probably not going to threaten anyone in this state, and the Claw might visit to tie up loose ends.?

?Good idea,? Youmu said. ?We?ll escort her so she doesn?t make an attempt to escape. Does that seem fair??

?Actually, you won?t be doing that.?

The voice from the front door caught everyone?s attention. The Sirens lowered themselves into battle stances, with Keine trying to burrow herself into the wall.

The voice?s owner stepped out into the doorway. Mokou was the first to react.


Komachi only vaguely recalled the woman who entered the room. She was the one who had knocked her out in the alley, from what she remembered. Though the wolf-ears poking out of her hair were something she definitely didn?t recall.

?What?re you doing here?? Sakuya asked. ?I thought you were meant to be looking after that reporter woman.?

?I was. But it?s been a while now, so I can afford to leave Aya-san on her own for a day or two.? Momiji reached out, grabbing Keine by the arm. ?I?m here to bring our suspect to Kawashiro for questioning.?

?But we were about to do that.? Mokou pouted. ?Don?t tell me you still don?t trust us or-?

?You have somewhere else to be.? Momiji?s voice was unusually absent of snark. It left Komachi feeling uneasy. ?Something?s come up.?

Youmu?s hand clasped around her blade as she circled around the chair. ?What?s happened? Are the Black Claw attacking??

?Worse than that.? Momiji looked back towards the Sirens, the first signs of desperation rising in her eyes. ?They got to Koishi-san.?


So cold...

Koishi was soaked through. She?d been struggling for an hour, maybe two. It was hard to keep track of time in this other world she?d been confined to. Black walls surrounded her on all sides, a cage that pulsed in time with her own heartbeat.

The mindcoil had a cruel sense of irony. It had locked her away in a glass tank, half-flooded, with its walls too high for Koishi to grab at. Her Ring of Breath had been snatched away by the weeds at the bottom of the tank, coiling around her legs and trying to pull her under. She could barely keep her head above water as she fought them, fighting simply to stay alive.

Her knee was in agony now. Every time she kicked it sent another jolt of pain into her system. The weeds had already picked it out as her weaker leg, pulling harder on it than the other. It made an already difficult struggle that little bit more difficult.

Even inside her own mind, she had her limits. Her muscles ached. Her lungs burned. The frigid water was draining away her heat. Her teeth chattered as she took short, shallow breaths, biting her lip to numb the pain a little.

?Familiar, isn?t it??

A voice echoed through the air. The throbbing wall split open, and a figure stepped out of it to examine the tank. Looking down on her, Koishi almost mistook her for herself - except, of course, for the holes where her eyes should have been.

?It wasn?t part of my duty to design a trap for you, but I couldn?t help but be creative about it.? She curtseyed, pulling at the edges of her long black dress. ?Your memories were delectable. I couldn?t turn down the chance to bring up an old trauma, could I??

Koishi had figured that out by now. The lake. The weeds. The pain. It was all like that incident back in cram school, only this time Satori wasn?t here to save her. Nobody was.

?What...? Koishi spoke between gasps for air, head bobbing beneath the surface now and again. ?What...are you??

?Oh?? The second Koishi tilted its head. ?You?re the first human to ever ask me that. Most of them are too busy with the begging and pleading to play 20 Questions.?

Its lips twisted into a wretched smile. ?You?re an interesting one. Well, I suppose you?d have to be if Leviathan wants me to play with you.?


?That?s what she calls herself when no-one?s looking,? the second Koishi said. ?You called her Iku Nagae, but that?s just a pseudonym.? It giggled, its voice shrill and painful to Koishi?s ears. ?Oh, I wasn?t supposed to tell you that. I can trust you not to tell anybody, right??

Koishi would have been offended if she could spare the energy. Right now she was too busy working to keep her head above water. The weeds tugged harder, dipping her under intermittently and forcing her to push back to the surface.

?You?ve seen my handiwork,? the clone continued, unperturbed by Koishi?s plight. ?My children, my masterpieces. I?m to understand that you are responsible for their deaths, as well.? It grinned slyly, running a finger down the outside of the tank. ?That?s why I decided to step away for a few minutes to watch you suffer first-hand.?

Koishi opened her mouth to respond, but the weeds pulled her under as she tried to speak. She kicked upwards, gasping and spluttering as she coughed up water.

?W...Why? Why would this??

The creature shrugged. ?Why does a fire burn? I simply do what I was created to do.? It circled around the box, and Koishi craned her head around to follow it. ?You see, I was one of Leviathan?s first creations. A private work, so to speak, but she was very proud of me. I was the perfect weapon, she argued, tearing apart a soldier?s will to fight and turning him against his allies. You can imagine how much easier the war effort would have been if I was around.?

It threw its arms around as it began to growl. ?But that Yakumo bitch didn?t like me! She said that I was too easy to use outside of combat, that I could lead to all sorts of warfare between the youkai themselves.? It circled round faster, almost breaking into a jog as it pulled at its hair. ?And so that was it! She wanted me decommissioned, destroyed, before anyone ?misused? me. All that potential, all that power, thrown away for the sake of petty ethics. And yet this woman gave the OK to the Ravager Project!?

It closed its fist, and the weeds squeezed around Koishi?s legs. Her knee felt like it had been set alight. She let out a choked cry as she barely kept herself afloat.

?And then there are people like you,? the second Koishi hissed, pressing its face right against the glass. ?You destroyed everything we made together. Do you know how long it takes to create one of my children? Even with Leviathan as a host, it takes fifty years of toil and effort to create a Mindcoil. You?ve taken centuries of my life, and for what? Saving your wretched human brethren??

It spat on the glass, obscenities forming wordlessly on its lips. Dark grey tendrils seeped out of the holes in its face, each one jerking and slithering along its skin with sickening slurps. Koishi couldn?t bring herself to look at the creature, staring upwards instead.

?I could kill you if I wanted, but that would be too quick. I want to savour your struggling for as long as I can. I want to see the last glimpse of hope die in your eyes.? She giggled with a too-childish voice. ?You know what the best part is? It?s your fault this is happening to you. If you had just turned down this adventure back at the beginning, you would never have had to endure this. You could have been an ordinary girl, but instead you threw it all away by trying to play the hero.?

It wore a devil?s smile. ?And who knows? Maybe if you hadn?t been around, Shou-san would still be alive right now.?

Koishi gasped as she heard Shou?s name. Her eyes misted up, her kicks growing more violent as she fought back a scream. She barely had enough strength to stay above the water, and every muscle in her body was crying out in pain.

The second Koishi turned on its heels. ?Well, I have work to be doing. Don?t spoil my fun by drowning too early, will you?? It split apart the pulsing veil with a hand, stepping through to leave Koishi on her own again. Koishi couldn?t even hear its footsteps as it left.

She was cold. Tired. Numb. Alone. Only sheer instinct kept her kicking against the weeds. Dark thoughts began to swirl around inside her head; thoughts of despair, resignation, surrender.

She reached down to her chest, fingers circling the hole above her heart. She had thought it would drain away every emotion she had, but she had been wrong. It had taken out everything good in her, pulling down the facade of heroism she?d been wearing until now. All that was left was the useless sack of flesh she had been when all of this had started.

I knew it. I knew I didn?t have what it takes to be a hero.

?Help...someone, help...? she whispered. She looked down at the weeds trying to pull her into a watery grave. Their offer was becoming more alluring by the minute.

Maybe it would be better if I just gave in...


Youmu had never visited the Gensouto aquarium before.

It was a small, easy-on-the-eye building with a smiling whale for a logo. Pictures and signs on the walls advertised the plethora of fish and animals that were housed there. Bright colours pulled her eyes in all directions at once, but she could feel a tiny glimmer of childish curiosity well up in her.

It was a shame that the place was surrounded by police officers and had a maniac storming the halls.

The aquarium was all but deserted by the time the Sirens arrived, a small group of armed officers covering the entrances. They helped the last few stragglers out of the building while keeping anyone else from gaining entrance. Their leader, a woman in a low-cut skirt and vest, flashed her badge about to scare off a nearby reporter hungry for a scoop.

Komachi waited for the news hound to disappear from view before approaching the head of the operation with a bow.

?You really pulled out all the stops on this, Kawashiro-san.?

Nitori sighed with sheer exertion. ?You have no idea. I had to call in about half a dozen sleeper agents to play along.? She motioned to the other officers, all wearing hats to hide what were presumably animal ears. ?I say we have about half an hour before the cops realise we aren?t the real deal. Then we need to start running, and fast.?

Youmu barely noticed her mouth was hanging open. This was her first time seeing the fabled Nitori Kawashiro in action, and already her sheer level of preparation was astounding. The ?officers? were in full uniform, and if they?d been placed against real cops she?d have never been able to tell the difference.

?So,? Mokou said, a hint of reluctance in her voice. ?What are we dealing with??

Nitori?s shoulders slumped on reaction to the question. ?It?s like Momiji said. The Black Claw have implanted Koishi-san with a Mindcoil. This one?s a little different from what we?re used to, though.?


?She?s not behaving like Mindcoil victims are supposed to. Typically the Claw sends them out for the express purpose of murder, but...for some reason, Koishi-san targeted the aquarium instead. From what I?ve heard from the witnesses, she?s been babbling about ?liberating the animals? or something like that. Luckily she hasn?t hurt anyone too badly. Apparently humans are too beneath her to be worth fighting.?

?I see,? Sakuya said, nodding to herself. ?Perhaps they wanted her to be noticed.?

?Maybe. But with Shou-san?s Teardrop still unaccounted for, it seems too early for them to make a move like that.?

?So what can we do about it?? Youmu asked. ?Normally, we would have Koishi-san to deal with the Mindcoil, but-?

?I know.? Nitori grimaced. ?If it was an ordinary Mindcoil, I?d tell you that it was hopeless, but this is something I?ve never witnessed before. If it?s a different strain, maybe it has a weakness of some kind. All I can suggest is that you do everything you can to snap her out of it. There might be a little bit of Koishi-san still trapped in there.?

The Sirens nodded. There was no good reason to believe it, but they all wanted it to be true.

?It shouldn?t be hard for you to find her,? Nitori said as she stepped away from the entrance. ?Remember, you won?t have a lot of time in there. I?ll keep up the charade for as long as I can, but you?d better be done by the time the real police officers show up.?

She offered the Sirens a salute as they stepped around her into the aquarium. ?Good luck, girls. And...if you can, save her.?

Komachi, at the back of the pack, gave Nitori a wink. ?What made you think we were gonna do anything else??


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #526 on: October 03, 2012, 11:27:42 PM »


Joveus Molai

  • Bear the Word, and the Word will bear you.
  • *
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #527 on: October 03, 2012, 11:56:00 PM »

We know that Iku mindcoiled Koishi not just to get her out of the way, but also to keep Satori's morale up. Why, then, did the mindcoil force Koishi to do something as...brash as running to the nearest aquarium and demand the freedom of all the fishies therein? One would expect  the mindcoiled Koishi to come along with Iku to wherever her lair is, or otherwise lay low. But we also know that Iku is no fool; there must be some reason, therefore, that Koishi's mindcoil making her do these things instead of something seemingly more...sensible.  Was it for some sort of trap? If it is a trap, what is it about the aquarium that makes it such a compelling place to ambush the other Sirens (aside from the obvious :V)? Does Iku even have strict control over this particular mindcoil?

Tl;dr:  :ohdear:

Waiting eagerly for the next chapter!


  • You better stop,
  • and think about what you're doing
    • Music interests and whatnot
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #528 on: October 09, 2012, 07:13:04 PM »
Oh hell yes.

Though, honestly, I was expecting a collective of "oh shit" reactions from the Sirens if Momiji's talk went on for a bit longer.

Tl;dr:  :ohdear:

But take this into consideration, if it takes years to get the mindcoil phlebotinum, think about what kinds of depths of hell they pull out to create the fishmen.

So, uh, yeah. Possibly-not-plot-related pun aside, I am really going to be at the edge of my seat by the end of this.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2012, 10:54:49 PM by Soichirou W. »


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #529 on: October 10, 2012, 09:58:21 PM »
As Nitori had said, Koishi had left an obvious trail. Torn signs and cracked floors lay in her wake, but the fishtanks themselves had been spared her wrath. Most of the fish were pressing against the glass in curiosity. Mokou wondered what the creatures were thinking as she pushed past them, gaining on Koishi with every step.

?Koishi-san really went to work, didn?t she?? Mokou said, examining the destruction that surrounded her. Entire walls had caved in, and the ceilings were riddled with holes. It really was a miracle that no-one had died during this wrecking spree.

?I can hardly believe she accomplished this all by herself,? Sakuya said, already shuffling her deck. ?Perhaps she has some fishman cohorts to accompany her.?

?I doubt it,? Mokou said. ?Those things are big and strong, but they?re not exactly smart. I?ve fought enough of ?em to know that.?

?But then who did help her?? Komachi asked. The question hung in the air for a few seconds, with none of the girls being able to offer an answer.

As the trail grew more and more recent, the sounds of crashes and bangs echoed through the corridors. Koishi?s destruction was far from over, and the sound just made her easier to find.

?Look at all of this! Doesn?t it disgust you?? There was something missing from Koishi?s voice that Mokou couldn?t place. Whatever it was, it sent a shiver down her spine. She thought she heard someone reply, but it was too quiet to make out at this distance.

At last they emerged in the central attraction of the aquarium. Fish-tanks ran along the walls, and in its centre was a massive stone fountain. It had four layers, each one almost as high as Mokou was tall. Massive chunks had been torn from the stone, and water gushed down through the gaps to cover the floor in puddles.

Standing on the top layer, Koishi Komeiji knocked off the tip of the fountain with a solid swing of her trident.

?Hahahahaha! Look how easy all of this is to break! Don?t you agree, girls??

The three figures standing on the layer below Koishi did not respond. Each of them wore a pale-grey business suit. None of them seemed to mind that they were knee-deep in water, standing at attention with their eyes on the Siren.

Mokou gasped. She had never seen two of the guards - the one with the cat ears, or the one with the wings. But the one in the middle was someone she knew very well.


Sango turned around at the sound of her name. There was no emotion left in her, her eyes pulsing a faint yellow.

?Koishi-sama,? she said, her voice lifeless. ?We have guests.?

Koishi turned away from her wanton destruction. She brushed at the frilly hems of her long black dress, still clinging to her trident with the other. Something red wriggled about in the pupils of her eyes. A wicked grin rose to her face.

?Well, if it isn?t the hero parade!? She applauded as she took a seat on the edge of the top layer. ?It took you long enough, didn?t it? I was scared you weren?t going to make it before the police arrived.?

Youmu unsheathed her blades. ?You were waiting on us??

?Oh, of course I was.? She kicked her feet about, looking ready to break into a whistle at any time. ?Taking apart this little prison of yours was fun, but it was only an appetiser. You four were always meant to serve as my main course.? She licked at her lips, examining the Sirens with care. ?Hmmm, I wonder who I should start with-?

Her sentence was cut short by Sakuya throwing a dagger at her. The blade flew true, set to lodge itself into Koishi?s arm - but with a deft swing, she caught it between the prongs of her trident and deflected it.

?Well, aren?t you rude?? Koishi pouted like a child. ?Don?t you know it?s bad manners to interrupt someone when they?re speaking??

Sakuya didn?t humor her with a response. ?Who are you, and what have you done with Koishi-san??

The red dots in Koishi?s eyes swirled about. She smiled again. ?You wouldn?t be interested in who I am. And I can assure you that your friend is having a wonderful time in here.? She looked down on herself. ?Should I give you an impression??

For an instant, her body jerked about, the red light flickering. Koishi?s neck pulled back, and she gasped for breath as her whole body trembled.

?H-Help...please, help me-? She only had time to murmur a few words before the red dots flashed back to life. ?Well? Adorable, isn?t she? She?s just been whispering that to herself for hours now. Time is slower inside the mind, but that just means I get to savour her struggle that little bit longer.?

Mokou felt her blood flare up in her veins as she looked up at Koishi. ?If you say one more word I am going fly up there and crack each and every one of your ribs.?

Koishi stepped backwards, every movement slathered in melodrama. ?Oh, no! The big scary phoenix girl wants to beat me up!? She held her arms out, beckoning Mokou in. ?Well, if you want to kill me, now?s your chance. Go wild, featherface!?

Mokou cursed. The Coil had called her bluff. After a few seconds without action, Koishi pulled her arms back with another smirk.

?See? I knew none of you had the guts to kill poor little Koishi-san. If it had been anyone, I thought it would have been Little Miss Cardsharp over there.?

?It?s tempting,? Sakuya said. ?But I owe Koishi-san my life, in more ways than one. Killing her would be a poor way to repay the favour.?

?Besides,? Komachi said, cracking her neck. ?Just ?cause we can?t kill you doesn?t mean we can?t rough you up a little.?

?Is that so?? Koishi let the last word dance around her lips as she rose to her feet. She pulled her trident forward, droplets of water falling from its prongs. ?Well, I hope you don?t mind if my friends and I are a bit more aggressive.?

She clicked her fingers with her free hand. ?Sango. Rin. Utsuho. Be good little pets and murder those girls for me, would you??

The three youkai turned to the Sirens and nodded in unison. ?Yes, Koishi-sama,? they said at once. They leaped forwards, each moving at inhuman speed. They landed on the bottom layer of the fountain, then jumped again to swing at the Sirens.

Sango stormed Mokou head on, forcing the phoenix to block with both arms. Rin charged Sakuya, taking momentum before the cardsharp could use her knives. Komachi found herself face-to-face with Utsuho, too close to use the Titanic as anything other than a blunt object.

?Youmu-san! Get up there!? Mokou yelled, looking at the top of the fountain. Youmu nodded, splitting into her two halves and jumping one layer of the fountain at a time to attack Koishi. The dolphin rider had already lifted her trident, looking for an opening to hurl it at a distracted Siren. When she saw Youmu approaching, she pouted and returned to her usual stance.

?So the lookalike wants to dance, does she??

She jumped off the top layer of the fountain, bringing herself down on top of Youmu. The swordsman trapped the trident?s middle prong between her blades, while her shadow caught one at the side. Combined, they were more than strong enough to push Koishi backwards.

Beneath them, three brawls had broken out. The two pets were not exemplary fighters - they were strong and swift, but they lacked in finesse and technique. Sakuya managed to bob and weave around Rin?s blows, and Komachi blocked with the barrel of her gun. Utsuho?s attempts to punch her did more damage to the raven than they did to the Siren.

Sango was more experienced in comparison, but so was Mokou. The two were at a standoff, Sango?s fluid swings trading with Mokou?s raw power. In a slugfest, the Siren would win out on sheer stamina. None of the three were in any danger, and as Youmu readied her swords again Mokou couldn?t imagine a single way for Koishi to defeat her in melee combat.

The swordsman hesitated. This turned out to be a mistake.

?Time to see what this body can really do,? Koishi murmured. She closed her eyes, focusing for an instant, and the air around her began to ripple.


Mokou gasped, watching the ripple engulf Youmu and spread throughout the room. It struck her as she blocked another of Sango?s blows, but there was no pain, no numbness, no sign that it had done anything. She looked around - Komachi and Sakuya were fine, and even Youmu seemed unfazed even though she?d been at the centre of the attack.

A bluff? Mokou thought.

As Koishi came in with another swing, Youmu brought up her blades to parry again. It was a textbook block, one that she should have been able to perform in her sleep.

She was half a second too late.

?What the-?

The sword barely grazed the side of the trident, deflecting a blow meant for Youmu?s heart. It cut along her side instead, the prongs mercilessly sharp. Youmu growled to numb the pain as she stepped backwards a few paces.

Mokou was too busy with her own fight to see how Youmu?s ended. Sango grabbed her arm mid-swing, using the opening to send a palm into her chest. Mokou brought back her other arm to catch the strike, almost without thinking about it. It was only when she felt the breath leave her lungs that she realised she had missed.

The hell?! She saw her arm, only now finishing its journey backwards. At her sides, Sakuya?s dodges had become almost sluggish, and Komachi?s blocks barely capable of deflecting Utsuho?s strikes. They?d all slowed down - just the tiniest fraction, but it was all the difference in a fight.

?What?s going on?? Mokou began to lose ground, Sango pushing her back step by step. She could barely bring her hands back to block. ?What?s she done to us??

?She?s-? Sakuya winced as Rin?s kick smacked into her thigh. ?She?s in our heads!?

?What do you mean, in our heads?!?

?The kid jumps into your brain when she takes out a mindcoil, right?? Komachi yelled across the room. ?Well, maybe she?s fiddling around in there this time!? Komachi tried to swing in with the barrel of her gun, but Utsuho sidestepped it with little issue. The raven brought a fist straight into Komachi?s gut, and the lawyer coughed out a spray of blood.

At the top of the fountain, closest to Koishi, Youmu had it worst of all. Her body seemed to move in slow-motion compared to the rest of the world. She swung with one strike after another, her shadow?s blades dancing alongside hers. Koishi giggled as she skipped through the holes in Youmu?s attacks, making no effort to counter. After thirty seconds of evading, she grew tired of the game and kicked Youmu square in the chest. The swordsman fell backwards onto the layer below, her back smacking against the stone edge of the fountain. From the way she wretched backwards, the pain must have been unbearable.

Mokou couldn?t focus too much on that. She had her own problems. Sango?s eyes were empty, every move mechanical but perfectly calculated. She struck at Mokou?s wrists, her knuckles, her elbows, her knees. Each blow was comparatively weak, but they only served to slow down Mokou even more. She wouldn?t be able to hold out much longer, but if one of the other Sirens were to finish their fight-

?Gyaah!? Sakuya cried out as Rin?s foot slammed into the back of her head. The impact sent her flying backwards, spinning in the air before crashing into the wall behind her. She slumped against the wall, eyes closed as blood seeped down the side of her face.

?SAKUYA-SAN!? Mokou cried, looking to her right for an instant. She turned back just in time to see Sango thrusting a finger into her chest. ?Ah-? As she pressed on a nerve, Mokou felt every muscle in her body go tense before shutting down completely. She landed on her back, struggling simply to breathe as her body refused to follow her orders.

A pressure point, Mokou thought to herself. And I left myself wide open.

Seeing her companions finishing up, Utsuho grew tired of taking on Komachi hand-to-hand. She grabbed the Siren by the waist and took to the sky, lifting Komachi ten feet into the air.

?H-Hey! Get off, dammit!? Komachi brought her gun down on Utsuho?s head. The raven barely noticed her, bringing her slamming into the floor in a brutal piledriver. The ground cracked where Komachi landed, and Mokou could almost see the impact rocking her body. Utsuho dropped her, limp and defenseless, onto the floor.

The three youkai looked down on their work without any sort of pride. Mokou had been disabled, Sakuya seemed barely conscious, and Komachi would be lucky to walk in her current state. Youmu had yet to stand up after her crash landing, using her swords as crutches in an attempt to right herself. Koishi reached out and snatched one of the swords from her hands, throwing it into a distant corner of the room.

?Well, aren?t you useless?? Koishi kicked at the fallen swordsman, rolling her face-down and stepping on her back. ?The almighty Sirens, heroes of the White Pearl. Beaten by a high-schooler, a dolphin, a cat and a raven.? She grinned, pressing down on the spot where Youmu?s back had hit the ground. The swordsman howled in pain beneath the water.

Mokou?s eyes felt heavy. It was hard to breathe, to think, to stay functioning. Sango hung over her, ready to deliver the killing blow whenever Koishi gave the order. Sakuya and Komachi had yet to move, and Mokou wasn?t sure if they were even conscious anymore.

?In fact, it was almost too easy.? Koishi frowned as she examined the fallen Sirens at her feet. ?I was hoping to enjoy your suffering a little longer. Although...? She gasped, eyes glimmering as she put on a bright smile. ?Ah, that should make your deaths a little prettier.?

Mokou craned her neck back to watch Koishi. She was barely awake, the last embers of resistance flickering inside of her.

?You all came here to save Koishi, didn?t you? You wanted to rescue your saviour from the clutches of the Black Claw.? She clapped her hands together, looking on with wicked glee. ?Well, it saddens me to tell you that Koishi wasn?t the hero you thought she was.? She shrugged like she had just told a bad joke. ?In fact, from the very beginning, her only wish was to find someone who would look after her. She?s been pulling a brave face from the start, and all of you fell for it.?

Mokou managed a tiny gasp. The real Koishi had never told them about her wish before. Was it possible that the girl who had saved her, the girl she owed her life to, had really been so weak and dependent on the inside?


Sakuya shuffled about, coming to at the sound of Koishi?s words. Mokou saw the same indecision flaring in her eyes that was plaguing her own mind. At her other side, Komachi was struggling to pull herself off of the floor.

Could Koishi have said that? Could she have been as weak as the Mindcoil was claiming she was?

?Your friend has been treading on eggshells for months now.? Koishi smiled again, kicking at Youmu while pressing her down further. The swordsman had all but given up on fighting back, growling and screaming as Koishi abused her broken body. ?There was something dark and black inside of her long before I showed up. She?s been trying to hide it while she played hero, and seeing Shou die just shattered her little soul like glass. Really, I?d be laughing if it wasn?t all so pathetic.?

After one last kick at Youmu, she yawned. ?But I?m bored of you now. I?ve taken everything I can get.? She clicked her fingers. ?Whenever you?re ready, girls.?

The youkai nodded, pulling back for the killing blow. Sango was the first to step forward, bringing a hand back for a final strike at Mokou?s heart. There was no remorse in her eyes as her punch whistled through the air.

Mokou grabbed it by the wrist.


Sango went rigid in bewilderment. For all intents and purposes, Mokou should have been unable to move. She struck again with her other arm, and again Mokou brought a hand up to catch it.

?You said...she was slowing us down, right?? Mokou rose to her feet, aching all over. She felt like her muscles had been set alight, hearing a hiss as her hands burned at Sango?s skin. ?Then all I?ve gotta do is get a little faster.?

She let go, bringing one violent straight punch in at Sango?s face. Her arm moved faster than it had any right to, powered by a dozen different emotions at once. Even as Koishi?s field played with her head, the punch was more than fast enough to reach its target. Sango tumbled backwards, her head smacking against the fountain and knocking her clean out.

Koishi?s eyes almost popped out of her head. ?W-What? How did you-?

?You made one mistake,? Mokou said, her eyes shining a bright red. ?You can beat me down until I?m a pile of dust if you want. But don?t you ever think you can get away with talking about my friends like that.?

Panic started to seep into Koishi?s expression. She looked down on the two pets, still lingering above their targets. ?What are you doing?! Kill them, already!? she screamed.

Rin nodded, turning back to Sakuya. The cat raised an eyebrow, noting a tiny difference in the fallen Siren from how she had been lying before. This time, her hand was clasped around her pocketwatch-

?Private Square!?

Time screeched to a halt. In the time it took Mokou to blink Sakuya had scrambled to her feet, burying her fist into the back of Rin?s skull. When the world started up again, Rin slumped forward onto the floor.

Utsuho flinched, turning away from Komachi to witness her partner?s defeat. She only turned fast enough to see a glimpse of Sakuya?s foot just before it collided with her face. The raven?s neck jerked backwards, and she spun full-circle in the air before crashing into the ground.

?We?re not as weak as you think we are,? Sakuya said, turning back to Koishi. She stumbled slightly, clutching at the bloody wound on one side of her head. ?We have faith in Koishi-san, and she has faith in us. She?s proven herself over and over again.?

Koishi looked set to cry for a moment, before looking down at the body beneath her. She raised her trident, ready to stab it into Youmu?s back. Before she could make it, a mighty roar flooded the room as a bullet hurtled towards her.

?Aaaah!? She jumped backwards, the bullet bursting past and slamming into the stone behind her. A chunk of the fountain collapsed completely, bringing up a wall of dust in front of Koishi.

Komachi managed a smirk as she blew the smoke from the barrel of her gun. She sat up to look at her target. ?Maybe Koishi-san really was that weak when she made her wish. So what? We were all weaker before we got involved in all this Siren stuff. Koishi-san isn?t gonna be any different.?

Koishi landed on her bad knee, and her balance gave way beneath her. She coughed and spluttered as the dust clouded her vision, rubbing the water into her face to clear her eyes. She was too distracted by it to see her own hostage rising to her feet, commanding her other self to take form behind Koishi. By the time the dust cleared, Koishi had one sword at her throat and the other at the back of her neck.

?You can break our bodies, but you will never break our spirits.? Every word from Youmu was strained, her legs wobbling as she struggled to stand. ?We came here to rescue Koishi-san, and that?s what we?re going to do.?

Koishi stood bug-eyed as she stared down Youmu. Tears began to slip down her cheeks, and she seemed ready to collapse.

?...I see. You humans really are an interesting lot.?

Then her panic passed, and she faced the swords at her neck with an almost disturbing calm. Even on the verge of defeat, she still wore a confident smile.

?Do what you want with me, then. But don?t expect me to give up your precious friend any time soon. You can kill me, but you can be damn sure I?ll be dragging her down along with me.? The corner of her lip twisted upwards. ?Your dear Koishi-san doesn?t have much left in her. I left her the option of ending her own life, and it?s getting very tempting. I?d say she only has a few minutes before-?

Youmu?s blade smacked into the side of Koishi?s head before she could finish the sentence. She fell backwards into the water, unconscious.

?That was for kicking me when I was down,? Youmu growled. ?Be glad you?re in Koishi-san?s body, or I?d have made that a lot more painful.?

Youmu picked up the fallen Siren, slowly carrying her down the many layers of the fountain. The rest of the Sirens pulled themselves over to the foot of the monument, tending to their respective injuries as best they could.

?So now what?? Mokou asked as Youmu laid the body on the floor. ?How are we supposed to help her when we?re stuck out here??

?We talk to her,? Komachi said. ?Kid?s fighting something inside her head. She?s gonna need some support if she?s gonna pull through.?

?And that?s it?? Mokou frowned. ?What if it doesn?t work??

?It?ll work,? Sakuya said with a cold glare. ?Don?t even think about the alternative.?

?Alright, alright.? Mokou gulped. Now, more than ever, she had to stay strong. ?I?ll start, then.?

Mokou leaned over the fallen Siren, putting her mouth right next to Koishi?s ear. If any sort of message was going to reach her, it would be this one.

?Koishi-san. Can you hear me??


  • The problem is, you're a friend that likes to talk!
  • *
  • ...well, I am too!
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #530 on: October 11, 2012, 12:19:08 AM »
It's on now.
[23:02] <~Iced> You have sown the seeds of your own destruction Amra.
[23:20] <Stuffman> enjoy your personally crafted hell Amra


  • Master of the lurk
  • *sips tea*
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #531 on: October 11, 2012, 01:42:12 AM »
Power of friendship, don't fail the sirens now!
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.


  • You better stop,
  • and think about what you're doing
    • Music interests and whatnot
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #532 on: October 11, 2012, 02:05:34 AM »
Power of friendship, don't fail the sirens now!


Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #533 on: October 13, 2012, 05:03:59 AM »
Between the red eyes, the trident and the black dress, I have to wonder if Koishi is Nue.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #534 on: October 13, 2012, 07:25:16 AM »
...That just got me to thinking. What if this Special Mindcoil is Nue?
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Joveus Molai

  • Bear the Word, and the Word will bear you.
  • *
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #535 on: October 15, 2012, 01:35:58 PM »
It would be especially hilarious if Nue were also the new Siren  :V


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #536 on: October 17, 2012, 04:26:13 PM »
Koishi?s arms hung limp at her sides, her legs barely squirming against the vines. Slowly but surely her will to fight had fallen away, and her struggling grew quieter and quieter. Her head was already half-submerged, her nose just barely poking above the surface.

She?d had all she could take.

Hurry up and pull me down already.

The vines obeyed her, tugging her to the bottom of the tank. She made no attempt to resist them, floating lifelessly in the water as her breath slowly trickled from her lips. It would only be a few minutes before she drowned, and the pain would finally stop.

Strangely, she wasn?t afraid. When she?d drowned as a child it had been terrifying, and she?d been desperate to stay alive. Now death seemed more like a relief than rescue would ever be. It would save her from the world, from the Mindcoil - but more than anything, it would save her from herself.

Yes, Koishi thought. Just a few minutes more-

Koishi-san. Can you hear me?

She trembled as a voice echoed through her mind. It pulled her out of the trance she?d fallen into.


Of course. The other Sirens wanted to help her. They didn?t understand that Koishi didn?t want to come back. She curled up into a ball, putting her hands over her ears to try and silence the sound.

Koishi-san, listen to me. I know it's hard for you in there, but you can't give up.

Mokou?s voice was too loud for Koishi to drown out. She growled, another stream of bubbles slipping out. Wasn?t a girl allowed to die in peace nowadays?

You?re thinking about Shou-san, aren?t you? Mokou managed a chuckle. Don?t ask how I know. Lucky guess, or something like that.

Koishi trembled. She didn?t want Shou to be her last thought before she died. She shook her head, silently begging for Mokou to stop. The voice in her head did not comply.

There was nothing you could have done, Koishi-san. You already went further than anyone else could have. Don't let it destroy you like this.

Shut up. Koishi tugged at her hair, her head shaking violently now. How could Mokou talk like that? She made it sound so simple, but she didn?t understand what Koishi was going through. She didn?t see the hole in Koishi?s chest, the one that had drained away every little ounce of her courage. They hadn?t seen how useless and cowardly she really was-

Koishi-san. Sakuya?s voice this time, cold and ruthlessly blunt. We know that you wished for someone to look after you.

Koishi went tense. How did they find out about that? Even Sango didn?t know what she had wished for.

And...if they know what I wished for, why are they still trying to help? Nothing made any sense. They knew she?d been running on false bravado the whole time, so what made her worth saving?

Koishi-san, you?re stronger than you think you are. The same heartlessness as ever hung in Sakuya?s voice, speaking as if she was reciting a simple fact. It doesn?t matter how you coped with it - you?ve done some amazing things over the last few months. All of us owe you our lives, and a whole lot more on top of that.

Something was seeping back into her, Koishi realised. The strength that had poured out of her was coming back through the hole in her chest. In primal panic, she grabbed at her heart to try and seal the gap. She didn?t want to be strong anymore. She didn?t want to doubt her decision. She just wanted to die.

Kid, we all have times when we wish we could have done more. Komachi now, with that eerie seriousness she rarely showed. But lingering in the past like that is only gonna work you into an early grave. You?ve gotta learn from it and get stronger for the next time.

Koishi wanted to scream. She knew her friends were trying to help her, but everything they had said to her felt so wrong. They didn?t understand. They couldn?t understand what she felt like. She wanted to let out what was left of her air and end it, but now she couldn?t find the nerve.

Koishi-san, death won?t solve anything. Youmu was the last to speak, her voice sombre and full of pity. Think of what will change if you die. The Black Claw will still be here. You?re leaving all of us behind, and Sango-san as well. And what would your sister think if she found out you?d died?

No. No no no no. Why did they have to mention Satori? Koishi had kept her sister out of her head until now. It would have been so much easier that way. Why wouldn?t they just let her die in peace?

You don?t get it! Koishi wanted to yell. I don?t have a choice in this! I had to save Shou-san, didn?t I?! That?s what I do! If I?m not a hero, I?m-

She caught herself mid-thought. I?m...what am I?

Without thinking, Koishi pulled her hand away from her chest. Something leaped through the hole, so quick that it almost knocked the last of her breath out of her lungs.

The world fell away again.


?It?s a reflex, y?know?? Her own words echoed in her ears. ?I just do it without thinking. When I see someone in trouble, I kind of jump into action and do everything I can. Isn?t that what heroes do??

Her brain was on fire. Her whole adventure played in front of her eyes like a slideshow, locking onto tiny snippets as it went.

?Onee-chan went to a lot of effort to save me. I'm not about to throw that life away trying to be a hero.?

She thought she had hidden away that part of herself, painted over it for good. But as her fingers traced the edges of the hole in her chest, she realised it had always been there. There were stitches, childishly large sutures that had given way under the tiniest pressure. She had never come to terms with herself - she?d only learned how to cover it up.

I?m still broken, aren?t I? She shook her head, agreeing with herself. All this time, I?ve just been running away.

She closed her eyes, and for a moment she heard the current swirling about her. When she opened them again, the room around her had disappeared. Now she was caught in the murky depths of the lake by the school, weeds still tickling at her legs. Everything felt smaller than she remembered it - or rather, she was larger than she had been before.

Floating limply in front of her was a young girl in a school uniform, almost engulfed by the seaweed. She still held a treasure map in one hand, while the other grabbed at her neck. Her eyes had glazed over, and her lips were a lifeless blue.

Koishi felt understanding wash over her as she looked upon herself.

How long have you been down here?

She already knew the answer. This was the part of her that had never come back after the incident in the lake. Cobwebs ran between the girl?s fingers, and dust had shaded her hair an ancient grey. She had needed help for so long, and Koishi hadn?t given it to her. Now was as good a time as any to start.

Leaning forward, Koishi pressed her lips against the girl?s and blew.


Almost immediately the girl murmured, her eyes fluttering open. Koishi wrapped her arms around her and squeezed her tight.

It?s okay. I?m here now.

The girl blushed, returning the hug and clinging to Koishi for support. They pulled away from each other, and Koishi felt her need to breathe fade away completely.

?You finally came,? the girl said, looking set to burst into tears at any moment. ?I?ve been waiting for you forever.?

?I know.? Koishi squeezed her harder, slowly kicking to the surface. The weeds pulled away almost by themselves. ?I?m sorry I took so long.?

The schoolgirl shook her head. ?It?s okay. Better late than never, right??

Koishi chuckled. ?I guess.?

The girl rested her head on Koishi?s chest, right above her heart. She began to shine, her whole body immersed in an orange light. Koishi kept hold of her as her body began to dissipate, breaking into a million glittering fragments.

?We?ll be together now, won?t we?? the girl asked, looking up at Koishi. She had the bright smile only a child could possess.

Koishi nodded, hugging closer. ?Yes. I?ll never let go of you again.?

The girl chuckled, her last words fading into the water as she came apart in Koishi?s hands.

?I always knew you would find me again someday.?

The glittering fragments surrounded Koishi, a thousand constellations drifting about the lake. They flew towards her, passing into her skin without resistance. Koishi could feel their warmth seep into her and renew her strength. The fears and doubts that had plagued her vanished into nothingness. The hole in her chest closed over, filled at last.

All this time, I only wanted to help people, Koishi thought. But the girl who needed my help more than anyone was in front of me all along.


The glass shattered.

Koishi dropped to the floor as the tank burst apart. She gasped and panted for air as the water sprayed across the floor, the weeds flapping about for an instant before falling still.

?Haaah, haah, haaah...?

For a moment, she?d been somewhere else, somewhere even deeper in her mind. She felt like a door had been unlocked inside her, and a guest that had been locked away was free at last.

?What the hell was that?!?

A shrill voice cried out from the other side of the pulsing curtain. Koishi was still catching her breath as the wall split apart and her impostor walked in on her.

?You?re-? It jumped at the sight of Koishi, staring with its empty eye-sockets. The walls themselves shook in terror. ?You?re free? How is that even possible?!?

Koishi stared the monster down. She forgot her fatigue as she rose to her feet, raw courage flowing through her veins.

?You stole my body. You hurt my friends. Ever since you came into the world, you?ve done nothing but destroy.?

She raised an arm into the air. An orange gem took form between her fingers, brighter than it had ever been before. She closed her fingers around it, chanting as she was absorbed by its brilliance.

?Forged in light, a candid friend
On whom the people can depend
Answering the Siren?s call
The Ocean Princess fights for all!?

A long white dress formed along her body, with layers of scales building up underneath. Blue waves leaped and crashed along the fabric. Her gloves slipped onto her hands as before, but now instead of a dolphin they had the emblem of an ocean wave. White thighhigh boots clicked onto her feet to complete the getup.

Her trident took form in front of her. She plucked it from the air, pressing a new button on the side of the hilt. The weapon flashed, morphing into an ornate golden sword with a brilliant edge. She pointed it at her other self - no, at the woman claiming to be her.

?Your crimes end here. For the sake of Gensouto, I?ll banish you forever!?

The Mindcoil howled. A violet tentacle leaped from its eye-socket, jumping right for Koishi?s neck. Koishi?s sword cut through it with a golden flash, the tendril falling to the ground and collapsing into dust.

?What ARE you?!? it screamed. ?No-one?s ever - no-one?s ever managed to-?

Koishi didn?t give it the chance to speak. She charged forward, her third eye pulling open for an instant.

?Tides of Doubt!?

The air rippled around her, scattering and pulsing across the length of the room. The coil winced in slow-motion as the wave struck it. It waved one arm in an arc, and the wall split open to devour Koishi. Dozens of tendrils leaped in her direction, but each of them missed her by a comfortable distance.

The mindcoil?s face warped in despair. She leaped backwards as Koishi?s blade lunged at her. The sword dug in a few inches, an oily ooze soaking its tip for a moment before crumbling away. The monster squealed again, the walls themselves trembling at her voice.

?Why won?t you die like the rest of them?!? This time she swung both arms inwards. The walls creaked, snapped, then fell towards Koishi, squirming and pulsing all the while. In one fluid motion Koishi pressed the button on the hilt, reclaiming her trident, then stabbed its prongs into the ground beneath her.

?Cleansing Column!?

The ground flickered white for an instant. Then a brilliant pillar emerged around Koishi, dissolving every inch of Mindcoil that touched it. The walls collapsed, their throbbing slowing down before finally going silent. Koishi?s imposter went deathly white.

?N-No...this isn?t possible...? It fell to its knees, its pride long since discarded. It crawled along the ground, looking up with its empty eyes in desperation. ?Y-You don?t have to do this! W-We can share your body! I can take you to Leviathan, and she?ll make you the strongest Siren there is!?

Koishi didn?t hesitate for an instant. She held out one hand, focusing her energy on the ghostly figure in front of her. A magic circle opened up at the mindcoil?s feet, and with a blue flash a bubble emerged to encase her.

?The sea is the hand that cradles the earth,? Koishi chanted. ?From its darkest depths came the roots of life.? She lifted her hand upwards, the bubble rising along with it. Three circles spun around its axis like satellites.

?Now, rest forever in its frigid embrace!? Koishi closed her fist, and the bubble?s glow grew brighter. More magic circles emerged along its length, spinning faster and faster as the spell reached its climax.

?Marianas Blast!?

The entire structure caved in on itself in an instant, reduced to a single dot in the air. Then it exploded outward, flooding the room with a deafening roar and a blinding light. The Mindcoil?s final cries were barely audible in the spell?s aftermath, but when the flash faded away any trace of the monster had disappeared. A shower of rain fell across the room, a thousand ripples spreading along the soaked floor.

Did I do it?

The remnants of the pulsing walls began to melt, the water burning at them like acid. Koishi felt a weight lift from her mind as the last few tendrils crumbled into nothing. With the Mindcoil gone, Koishi saw the inside of her own mind for the first time.

?Oh. It?s...?

The walls were laced with pictures that had never been taken, little moments that Koishi had committed to memory. Her first day of school, where Satori had taught her to tie her laces. Her seventh birthday, when Satori had talked all of their friends into setting up a surprise birthday party. The day Satori brought home a crow and a raven to be their new pets.

The same face showed up over and over in every picture. Satori. Satori. Satori.

Right. I still have a lot of work to do, don?t I?

She nodded to herself, examining her own memories with a soothing nostalgia. She remembered simpler times, before the accident, before the Sirens, before everything. She reached out for one picture, sliding a finger down the golden frame, before turning her back to it.

I?d better wake up now. Everyone must be worried sick.

A familiar fatigue began to wash over Koishi. She let it take her in, falling on her back as her eyes slid shut.



Koishi?s first sensation was a throbbing at the back of her head. She winced, fidgeting about as she pulled her eyes open. Her field of vision was filled entirely by Mokou?s face.

?Holy-? Mokou leaped backwards, almost tripping up as she pulled away from Koishi. ?Guys, she?s awake!?

Before Koishi could pull herself to her feet, she was surrounded on all sides by her fellow Sirens. Sakuya grabbed her by the hands, while Youmu snatched at her ankles to keep her from standing up.

?H-Hey!? Koishi yelped. ?What are you-?

?Gimme a minute,? Komachi said, bending down to bring her face almost painfully close to Koishi?s. ?Let?s see if we need to knock you out again.?

So that was where the headache had come from, Koishi thought to herself. Youmu looked away, blushing and murmuring.

?Do I at least get a say in-?

?Nope,? Komachi interrupted before Koishi could finish. ?Sorry, but we?ve got a good reason to be cautious here.?

She pulled up one of Koishi?s eyelids, looking straight into her eye. Koishi saw the lawyer?s expression shift from serious to hopeful to relieved in the space of a second.

?I think we did it, girls.? She sounded like she was struggling to believe the words coming out of her own mouth.

?Really?!? As Komachi pulled away, Mokou came right back to take her place. ?Koishi-san, is that you? You?re not gonna break my neck or anything, right? Say something only the real Koishi-san would say!?

This was not what Koishi had been expecting in the first 30 seconds after waking up. She squirmed about, wishing that her lips were more than a few inches away from Mokou?s.

? need to invest in breath mints? Because really, your breath is kind of overpowering.?

Mokou?s brow furrowed. ?I already said I was in a rush last night, didn?t I? I didn?t have time to-? She stopped mid-sentence, jaw dropping open. ? really is you, isn?t it??

The hands holding her down moved away. Koishi pulled herself up, sitting up and using the fountain behind her for support. Four pairs of eyes were staring at her, jumping between joy and disbelief.

?Of course it is,? she said with a smile. ?Who else would I be??

She was promptly engulfed in one of the largest hugs she?d ever experienced.

?You actually did it...? Mokou buried Koishi?s face in her chest, squeezing her for dear life. ?Koishi-san, don?t even think of scaring us like that again, you got it? I was worried you?d be gone for good, and we?d have to-?

?I hate to interrupt,? Sakuya said, ?but I?m pretty sure Koishi-san still needs to breathe.?

Koishi nodded rapidly in agreement, flapping her arms about at her sides. Mokou?s face went bright red as she pulled away, giving the Siren some breathing space.

?Oh, uh...sorry,? she murmured. ?It?s just that I wasn?t sure if it was gonna work, and I got really really worried for a bit when you didn?t respond right away.?

?I?ll be honest,? Youmu said with a sigh. ?I wasn?t expecting you to come back to us either. The Mindcoil seemed confident that it had broken you.?

Koishi nodded. She remembered the sorry state she?d been in before the Sirens spoke with her. No wonder the Mindcoil had been eager to boast.

?It came close,? she said. ?It was horrible in there. I was scared, and cold, and...I almost gave up.? She looked upwards, smiling again. ?But then I heard all of you cheering me on, and you made me realise something about myself.?

She dropped to her knees and bowed forward. ?Everyone, I can?t thank you enough. If you hadn?t been there to help me, I don?t think I?d be alive right now.?

The Sirens shared a chuckle at Koishi?s expense, the tension fading away in seconds. Komachi stepped forward, ruffling at Koishi?s hair.

?S?okay, kid. Just payin? back what we owe you.? She smirked. ?Though if you try to kill us again, I can?t make any promises.?

?Understood.? Koishi brought herself to her feet, a familiar throbbing in the base of her knee. If anything it was more painful than before. ?I didn?t do too much damage, did I??

That was apparently the wrong question. The Sirens bit their collective lips, taking a few cautious steps backwards. With some distance Koishi could notice the scrapes and injuries they?d each picked up.

?Koishi-san, a word of advice,? Sakuya said. ?We may not want to hang around for very long.?

Koishi tilted her head. She looked around for the first time since waking up, her attention finally pulling away from the Sirens. She found herself looking at a half-devastated fountain, spraying puddles all across the floor. More pressing were the three bodies lying unconscious around the room - Sango had smacked her head against the fountain, Rin was lying on her stomach with a bump on the head, and Utsuho was drooling as she slumped onto her side.

?Oh.? There was no word Koishi could find that adequately explained how she felt at that moment. It was a potent mixture of embarrassment and astonishment at how much damage she had managed to do.

?How are we getting them out of here?? she asked. She pointed at the blatantly obvious wings on Utsuho?s back. ?That would probably attract a lot of attention.?

?Would you believe I have a plan for that??

Nitori leaped out of the corridor, grabbing everyone?s attention at once. She?d changed into a nurse?s outfit, and she was carrying along a stretcher with another youkai carrying the rear end.

?Morning, Koishi-san. Good to see you back.? She winked. ?Now, could you girls help me out? We?ve got a van to get you out of here, but I?m gonna need some help with these bodies...?


Koishi had seen plenty of hospital rooms in her time, but none of them had been quite so unwelcoming.

The walls were made of solid concrete, and there wasn?t a window in sight. A pillar lodged in the centre of the room had forced Koishi?s bed into the far corner. If it wasn?t for the patient?s gown she was wearing and the words GET WELL SOON drawn on the opposite wall, she?d have struggled to think it was any sort of medical facility.

Nitori had been quick to explain that making the ?hospital? anything more lavish would attract undue attention. It was only for use when members of the White Pearl needed medical attention without pesky officials pushing to find out how they got hurt in the first place. No-one was meant to be admitted for more than a few days, so aesthetics were something Nitori had never given much attention to.

It would have been alright if she had someone to talk to, but she?d been put into her own room until Nitori had given her the all-clear. She couldn?t even walk around the corridors - her knee was still in a sorry state, and walking more than a dozen steps was too painful for her. With nothing else to do, she spent her time thinking over the events of the last twenty-four hours.

She thought of Shou, of Keine, of Satori. The whole experience had bombarded her faster than she could take. Now that the danger had passed, her brain had the chance to recover and process the events one at a time. There was little else for her to do in a room that offered no distractions.

She could still picture the fluttering flames that had ravaged the Institute, the blood oozing onto the floor as Shou?s life leaked out of her body. She remembered Satori?s eyes, filled with cold conviction as she promised to fight her own sister to the death. And as she looked down the corridor, hearing the murmured banter of the other Sirens, she recalled just how close she had come to murdering her own friends.

It?s okay. It wasn?t your fault.

A young girl?s voice whispered into Koishi?s ear. The dim, ghost-like figure of her younger self stood at the side of the bed. She was soaked through, her uniform ruined and her hair hanging in messy coils around her face.

Yet Koishi had never seen a girl with such a radiant smile before.

We?re together now, remember? Koishi heard the girl speak, but her lips were motionless. We can make it through this as a team.

The girl spoke with a childish confidence that Koishi had forgotten. There was so much power in her words that Koishi couldn?t help but nod along with her.

?I understand,? she said. ?Thank you.?

The girl nodded back, her smile still as brilliant as before. Then, in the time it took Koishi to blink, she had disappeared.

?Are you talking to yourself??

Nitori?s voice called out to Koishi from the corridor. The Siren sat up, jerking back into reality.

?It?s not like I have anyone else to talk to.?

?Sorry about that.? Nitori slid through the open door, carrying a tray of curry rice and milk. ?Precautions and all. You don?t get anywhere in this line of work without being paranoid.?

Koishi?s stomach growled in thanks as Nitori laid the meal beside her bed. She opened her mouth to speak, but a dozen different questions mixed together and canceled each other out. She swallowed, shaking her head before starting again.

?How is everyone??

?Stable, as the experts would put it,? Nitori answered. ?The girls are getting along fine, and your pets will be alright, too. That said, you?ve all been roughed-up a bit, so I?m keeping you in for a couple of days. That?s an order, before you ask - I?ve already had to tell Youmu-san that she can?t leave early for good behaviour.?

Koishi chuckled. She appreciated the joke - now, more than usual.

?Was there any luck finding Nagae-san??

Nitori shrugged. ?There?s no sign of her in her apartment. I?m not sure if she ever lived there to begin with. We?ve got Keine under house arrest for now, but it doesn?t look like she has any useful information for us.?

?What about the aquarium? I didn?t really leave it in the best state.?

?I?m working on that. The cops are suspicious, obviously, but I gave the security cameras a quick wipe. And there should be an ?anonymous? donation to pay off the damages in the next few days.? Nitori made inverted commas with her fingers along with the word ?anonymous?. She smiled, patting Koishi on the shoulder. ?Don?t worry about it. Things?ll be fine.?

It was strange hearing Nitori say that, Koishi thought. That morning, Rin had said something similar to her, and she?d been unable to believe it. This time, though, she could make out the light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe things could work out after all.

?Anyway, right now what I?m most worried about is how you?re feeling.? Nitori leaned over, bringing out what looked like a penlight. ?Open your left eye for me, please.?

Koishi sighed, falling back into her bed and holding one eye open. She felt it begin to water as Nitori?s light pointed right into it. The kappa examined her for what felt like forever before finally pulling away. She nodded to herself, scribbling a few lines of text onto the chart at the foot of Koishi?s bed.

?Mokou-san told me you pulled out some new tricks in that fight.? Nitori raised an eyebrow as she wrote. ?Could you explain them to me??

Koishi nodded. Even though she had tapped into this power only a few hours ago, it felt as if she had known it all of her life.

?My third can do more than send me into someone?s mind. Now I can plant ideas into people?s heads. Sometimes it?s just white noise to make them hesitate in fights, but the Mindcoil used that power to take control of Sango-san and the others.?

Nitori flinched. ?You?re not going to-?

?Of course not,? Koishi answered before Nitori could finish. ?I can?t bend someone to my desires like the coil did. It was the Black Key that gave it that power. All I can do is distract people and make suggestions.?

Even after Koishi?s promise, the kappa seemed perturbed by the claim. She scribbled onto the chart a little faster, biting her lip.

?How did this power manifest, exactly? What happened to you in there??

Koishi opened her mouth to respond, then hesitated. It was difficult to find words for what she had found inside herself. The answer was slow and meticulous.

?I, if that makes any sense.? Nitori tilted her head in confusion. Koishi stuttered as she began to clarify. ?What I mean is that being a Siren was my reason to live. I had to help people, or I was worthless. When Shou-san died, I couldn?t handle it. I came apart.?

She felt a young girl?s hand squeezing at her own. Strength trickled down her fingers, pouring into her heart as she found the will to continue.

?I was neglecting myself from the beginning. I spent so long helping other people that I never stopped to think about how much I needed help.?

Nitori?s eyes wavered with a glint of understanding. She nodded, her writing slowing down to a crawl.

?Do you think you?ll want some more time off?? she asked. ?When you?re walking again, I mean. It sounds like you have a lot to think about.?

This was the question Koishi had been trying to answer by herself while she was alone. She?d been thinking everything over just to prepare herself for this moment.

She clenched her hand into a fist as she shook her head. ?No. I can still fight.? She spoke with such force that Nitori almost stepped away from her. ?Satori was right. I was weak last night, and she proved it. But I can - no, I will get stronger. I made it this far because everyone had faith in me. I?m not going to let them down now.?

?And your sister?? Nitori said. ?What are you going to do about her? Sooner or later, you two will have to fight.?

Koishi clenched her teeth. ?I know. And that?s why I have to come back, Kawashiro-sensei. I think I?m the only one who can get through to her.?

She couldn?t believe Satori was going along with the Claw. Maybe they had lied to her, or maybe she was being blackmailed. Whatever it was, if anyone had the power to make her see sense and switch sides, it was going to be her sister.

?She?s not a bad person, Kawashiro-sensei. I have to talk to her, to try and understand what?s going on.? She bowed forward as far as she could in the hospital bed, pressing her face against the blanket. ?I promise I won?t let you down again. Just give me another chance.?

Nitori was silent for a few seconds. Koishi was afraid she?d be turned down until the professor gave her a pat on the head.

?You really have grown up, haven?t you??

Koishi sat up, eyes widening. Nitori smirked, giving the Siren an emphatic thumbs-up.

?I?m fine with it. I?m sure the rest of the girls will be glad to see you back on the team, too.?

Koishi almost wanted to cry. She nodded, wiping at her face as a precaution. ?Thank you, Kawashiro-sensei. I?ll be up and ready in no ti-aah!?

She made to stand up, taken in by her own speech, until a familiar jolt of pain sprung through her leg. She fell backwards onto the bed, wincing slightly. ?...Actually, I think I might need a couple of days.?

Nitori barely held back a laugh at Koishi?s expense. She batted the chart about, one hand over her mouth as she rose to her feet. She took a deep breath before bringing her hands back down to her sides again.

?Don?t push yourself too hard, alright? After all you?ve been through, you deserve a few days of R&R.? As she turned for the exit, she stopped again. ?And I?ll see about getting you moved into the main ward with the rest of the girls this evening. Sound good??

?Sure.? Koishi waved Nitori off, watching her wander down the corridor towards the other Sirens.

It was only when Nitori was halfway down the corridor that Koishi realised she had forgotten something.

?Ah, Kawashiro-sensei, there was something else.?

Nitori poked her head through the doorway. ?What?s up??

?The Mindcoil...? Koishi closed her eyes, trying to summon up the memory. ?It told me something about Nagae-san, another name she called herself. It was...Leviathan, I think.?

As Koishi opened her eyes again, she saw pain riddle Nitori?s face for an instant. The kappa grit her teeth, the chart almost splintering in her hands.

?Eh? Kawashiro-sensei, what?s wrong??

The professor didn?t answer. Koishi watched her swallow the bile rising in her throat, a line of sweat running across her brow.

?It?s nothing. I?ll explain later.? She looked to the tray. ?Shouldn?t you start on that? Your dinner?s getting cold.?

That was the end of the discussion, as Nitori bolted into the corridor before Koishi could find out what the name Leviathan meant.

She already knew that it was nothing good.


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #537 on: October 17, 2012, 04:30:17 PM »
So that's the end of another arc.

This was honestly a segment of the story I was really looking forward to writing, pretty much from the very start. Now that it's actually over I'm kinda amazed how far I've managed to get with this. As of this arc, DRK's word count has finally passed the monumental 250k word mark. o.o

Usual shoutouts to everyone who's been so supportive about my work, and especially to Iced for being my main sounding board and anti-psychotic medication. Seriously man I'd be in a loony bin by now if it wasn't for you. >.<

Can't give a date for arc 7, sadly - right now third year uni is taking up a lot of my time. I've done a lot of planning, but it's all about finding the time to actually put pen to paper. What matters is that I'm going to do everything in my power to make the last few arcs as high-quality as I can. This story's taken up 2 years of my life, so I may as well go out as large as possible.

Until next time.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #538 on: October 17, 2012, 04:47:32 PM »
Broukan, you are better than Broseidon, King of the Brocean.

I will wait warmly until Arc 7 comes along. Gladly.


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Dolphin Rider Koishi - Arc 6
« Reply #539 on: October 17, 2012, 05:52:02 PM »
Oh man, that was pretty awesome~

Can't wait to see what you do for Act 7! :3

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.