Author Topic: I heard you like request threads...  (Read 39825 times)

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
I heard you like request threads...
« on: July 02, 2010, 07:04:13 AM »
So what'd you expect?

Okay, here's the deal. I kinda wanna write some things. I kinda want some ideas to play with. Yalls probably got ideas.

Lay them on me. If I like them, I might write a short story about them. Or a micro-fiction. Don't expect multi-page epics. Don't expect more than a couple paragraphs.

As for submissions: Make 'em good. Don't just vomit on the keyboard, please. Gimme something that can be worked with and is interesting. I reserve the right to ignore any request, or to mutilate and mangle them to my satisfaction.

Impress me >=[


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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2010, 08:15:26 PM »
Do we PM you suggestions, or post them here?

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2010, 09:16:22 PM »
Put 'em here. That way, others can see them and be inspired.

Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2010, 09:22:38 PM »
If I recall, Koakuma was on vacation during Patchy Quest.

What happened while she was out of the library? There's a lot of different things that could have happened.

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2010, 09:33:47 PM »
Three oranges clash. You know who.


  • Drop the pills!
Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2010, 09:34:13 PM »
Patchouli and Kaguya are both computer geeks.
(Possibly yaoi/yuri fangirls, too.)
They both have the internet, and they have chat convo's.
Chat conversation.
Possibly with funny things going on in the backround(Wriggle VS SDM, Reimu/Marisa attacking, Flandre found the library, ETC), and the girls commenting on it. Through MSN chat.
Japanese progress: To the point where I can read a manga with the help of an electronic dictionary.


  • Developer fairy
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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2010, 10:16:36 PM »
Touhous go to Disneyland

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2010, 10:28:27 PM »
If I recall, Koakuma was on vacation during Patchy Quest.

What happened while she was out of the library? There's a lot of different things that could have happened.

"Damn," mutters a red-haired, bat-winged young woman as she steps onto the sandy beach, wiping beads of sweat from her forehead. She looks upward toward the clear sky, vainly searching for a cloud to cover the sun and give some respite. "Who broke autumn?"

"What're you asking me for, Koakuma?" answers another red-haired woman, wearing a white dress with a blue vest and standing on the prow of a old boat.

"I have a goddamn name, you know!" Koakuma says, glaring daggers at the other woman.

She shrugs. "Sorry. Memory's never been my strong suit. And, on that topic, you really better hope Shiki doesn't come to check in today. She'll gives you three years in Sharp Painful Object Hell for that swimsuit."

"Oh, are you asking me to take it off, Komachi?" says Koakuma, grinning as she reaches for a strap. "Besides, you must be burning up in that dress, let me help you out of it."

"Are you sure you're not a succubus?"


"Perfectly sure? Like, maybe your mom slept around or something."

Koakuma throws her towel to the ground and glares at Komachi. "That's beside the point! I am not a succubus! Are you trying to push my buttons today?"

"Geez, I'm sorry," says Komachi, "I didn't think it was that sore of a point."

"It really gets old after the one hundredth time, you know," Koakuma mutters, as she kneels down to pick up her towel.

"Yeah, I'm sorry," Komachi says. "I was just funning you."

"Weeeeeell," says Koakuma, as she looks up, "I do know exactly how you could make it up to me..."

Komachi sighs. "Look, even if I wanted to, Shiki gives me enough shit for sleeping on the job as it is. I don't even want to imagine how she'd flay me if she caught me sleeping with someone on the job."

"So when are you off work?" Koakuma asks, frowning.

"I wish I knew..." Komachi shakes her head, then sighs again. "Oh well, break's over." She looks to a line of wispy ghosts stretching along the waterline. "Alright, you lot! Come forward one at a time! Empty your pockets ahead of time, and no cutting in line! If you cut in line, the Enma will know!"

Koakuma watches the line of ghosts progress onto the boat for a few moments, then wanders away to find a nice spot on the beach. Once you've seen one or two souls pay the toll, you're pretty much seen them all. She sets out her towel, and lays down on it. She stretches and smiles. Even if it's too hot, it's still a nice day out. If she could live to be ten thousand years old, she swears she will never understand why more people don't come here.

In the distance, a sleek aquatic form, all fins and teeth and easily as large as Scarlet Devil Mansion, bursts from the water with a roar and snaps up a couple of seagulls from the air. It twists its immense form in mid-leap, and descends back into the water nose first. "I will feed you at lunch time, Pochi, and not a second before! I don't care how much you beg!" Komachi shouts, shaking her scythe in its direction. Koakuma watches it splash down, then the incoming waves, giggling as they tickle the bottoms of her feet. Maybe it would be a good time to go fishing in the shade later.


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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2010, 10:33:45 PM »
Touhous go to Disneyland

Yeah, no way this wasn't going to get posted.

A canon explanation for why uncharacters are uncharacters.

Cirno and the Yukkuri Rumia and the Yukkurian Elder Gods

Ayumi Kagu... Kasu... Osaka in Gensokyo.

Letty needing more air time. Possibly also Lily. Mud wrestling?
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2010, 12:00:54 AM »
In the distance, a sleek aquatic form, all fins and teeth and easily as large as Scarlet Devil Mansion, bursts from the water with a roar and snaps up a couple of seagulls from the air. It twists its immense form in mid-leap, and descends back into the water nose first. "I will feed you at lunch time, Pochi, and not a second before! I don't care how much you beg!" Komachi shouts, shaking her scythe in its direction.

Perhaps Pochi is the reason living people don't visit the Sanzu River very often. They try to go for a swim and become snack food.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2010, 02:23:07 AM »
Three oranges clash. You know who.

There is hardly a sound be heard in the night. Chen strains her ears, but there is simply nothing to be heard. Still, alien lights shine on the horizon, painting the darkened sky an angry red. What is this world, she wonders, to have such strange things? She didn't have time to ask for details before, only that Yukari needed her to find a gem. She hadn't really thought to ask why when Yukari had come to her, she was too excited just to have Yukari's faith in her that she dived through the gap without a second thought. But now, alone in this strange place, she wonders why. Where is this place? Is it Makai? Certainly it's strange enough for it. Still, the trees and grass here seem normal enough.

She pushes onwards, going deeper into the trees. Yukari had said to look in the forest. But why was it so quiet here? Where are the howls of the wolves, the yips of the coyotes, the song of the deer? The insects were singing from time to time, but where are the larger animals? Maybe there were none at all? Maybe something terrible happened here? But that doesn't seem right, the trees look healthy enough.

A light up ahead catches her eyes. She freezes, watching it. No, not a light, not exactly. More of a reflection. She watches it, senses sharp. There are still no unusual sounds, no motion save for a slight swaying on the trees in the wind. She creeps forward, watching the reflected light, but keeping her eyes moving. There is a snap above! She dives forward, throwing her hands out to catch herself as something heavy lands behind her! Her hands hit the ground, already she kicks her lefts forward to disperse the force of the impact. She begins her feet around, letting her body flip, and springs upward lightly with her hands as her feet touch the ground. She keeps a wide stance as she assesses the interloper in from of her. "You," she says in a low voice.

"Me," says the interloper, a tall red-haired woman with a white bow in her hair, dressed in greens and yellows. She gives Chen a toothy grin, as she twirls a baton in her fingers. "I can't believe you thought I'd let you just walk up and snag the treasure gem."

"I didn't even know you were here, to be honest!" says Chen, extending her claws.

"What!" Orange shouts. "How did you not kno-"

"But," Chen continues, "now that you are...I suppose there's nothing left to say, is there?" Her ears twitch, as she picks up a sound, something that sounds....weird. A very fast and repeated sound, kind of a drone. What is that? Some trick of her's?

"Girly," says Orange, suddenly stopping her baton twirl and grasping it firmly, "I've waded through rivers of corpses and mountains of blood to get this gem, and if you think some ten year old brat is going to stop me, you have another thing coming!"

"Bring it!" Chen shouts as she springs toward Orange, drawing her arm back. Orange steps away, raising her baton to ward off the blow. Landing on her feet, the attack ruined, Chen darts toward Orange's right side, only to find a baton angled at her head. She ducks under the strike and brings her claws in an upward raking motion at Orange's side. The taller woman backs away from the attack, and the two square off again.

"Damn you!" Orange cries, "Why won't you just hold still and accept the inevitable!"

"You're mom's an inevitable!' Chen says, sneering. That sound is definitely getting closer. Does Orange even notice it? She springs forward again.

"My mom was a saint!" shouts Orange as she jabs the baton forward. Chen's sneer turns into a grin as she twists away from the attack, retracting her claws in her right hand and balling it into a fist. She swings, the, placing the moment of her movement behind the attack and connects solidly with Orange's jaw. The taller woman staggers back, blood flowing freely down the side of her mouth. "You can't even beat a Yakumo rug," Chen cries as she moves forward, pressing her advantage, "let alone Yakumo Chen!" She strikes Orange in the chest, following through with a claw rake to the stomach. Orange screams, flailing widely with her baton, and forces Chen back.

"I've...not even begun to fight," says the taller woman, settling back into a defensive position. "Whatever tricks you might have up your sleeve."

"Surrender, Orange," says Chen, as she starts to circle the taller woman, "Surrender or die in obscurity!" She frowns despite her brave words. That sound is getting way too close.

"I'll obscurity your fa-WHAT THE-?"

The rest of Oranges words are drowned out by the droning noise reaching a deafening level. Light shine down from above! Chen squits upward, and sees some sort of metal...thing. It looks like something the kappa would throw together, a sort of pod-like design with long wing-like planks extending from it and some huge blade thing spinning above it. She has only a few moments to gawk at it, before a huge shadow descends from it. Chen leaps back as the shadow, a huge person-shaped, descends upon Orange elbow-fist. Orange's cry of dismay is cut short as she crumples to the ground.

"Wha-wha-what?" says Chen, as she backs away from this new person. He is huge, easily seven feet tall, and so heavily muscled Chen wonders how he can even stand up straight. His reddish hair is cut close to his scalp, and his face twisted into a permanent scowl. He wears simple clothes, a green shirt, matching pants, and heavy black boots that make Chen think briefly of Alice.

"Can't believe a some woman and a little girl would try to get in the Empire's way," he says in a deep, growly sort of voice as the machine and its droning noise recede. He massages his elbow idly.

"Who are you?!" Chen shouts.

"Name's Orange," says the big man, "Colonel Orange. And while I don't usually take on kids, you made the worst mistake of your life when you tried to get in the Empire's way!" He charges, shouting "I'll take you down with a single blow!" over Chen's scream


"Chen?" comes a voice from above. Chen tries to groan, then decides not to. Everything hurts. Slowly she opens her eyes to see Yukari hovering above her, concern on her face. "Chen, dear? Did you stop Orange from getting the gem, this is very important, I need to know!"

Chen tries to speak, but the sobs and the tears come. Valiantly, fighting against the pain, she says, "Wh-wh-which one?" before giving into a sob.


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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #11 on: July 03, 2010, 02:28:49 AM »
[22:27] * E-Nazrin discovers the third Orange. Loses shit.

Poor Chen, though :V
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
  • Green-Red Divine Clock
Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #12 on: July 03, 2010, 02:55:52 AM »
Well shit.
I am...
done for

Mounting Jaggis

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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2010, 03:33:26 AM »
Random girls find Thromnambular

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #14 on: July 03, 2010, 03:37:18 AM »
A canon explanation for why uncharacters are uncharacters.

"Yukari," Reimu says, as she frowns at the spot were all the people who were voting Nay on the spellcard system she had proposed were standing. "What did you did you send them?"

Yukari shrugs.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #15 on: July 03, 2010, 10:20:16 AM »
Patchouli and Kaguya are both computer geeks.
(Possibly yaoi/yuri fangirls, too.)
They both have the internet, and they have chat convo's.
Chat conversation.
Possibly with funny things going on in the backround(Wriggle VS SDM, Reimu/Marisa attacking, Flandre found the library, ETC), and the girls commenting on it. Through MSN chat.

MSN is bad, you can have an AIM log instead.

BookbinderGodhead: Hey stop lurking.
Bamboo Cutter: What?
BookbinderGodhead: What the hell is your doctor doing here?
Bamboo Cutter: Go ask her, doofus.
BookbinderGodhead: No, she's weird.
Bamboo Cutter: You're weird.
Bamboo Cutter: Weirdelinger.
Bamboo Cutter: Weirdenstein.
Bamboo Cutter: Weirdy McWeirdWeird.
BookbinderGodhead: You done?
Bamboo Cutter: Not yet.
Bamboo Cutter: MC Weird and the Weirdtastic Five.
Bamboo Cutter: There.
BookbinderGodhead: Someday I'm going to find the strangle button on this thing.
Bamboo Cutter: =D
BookbinderGodhead: Oh god you're not turning into one of those S&M Bondage freaky sorts are you?
Bamboo Cutter: Turning into? Hon, I spend the 16th century all over that shit, before it was popular.
Bamboo Cutter: It gets old. I like snuggling now.
BookbinderGodhead: ...God I hate talking to you sometimes.
BookbinderGodhead: I didn't need to know that.
BookbinderGodhead: At all.
Bamboo Cutter: You brought it up.
BookbinderGodhead: Silence.
Bamboo Cutter: Jajajajajajajaja
BookbinderGodhead: Don't you Spanish laugh at me.
BookbinderGodhead: Oh hey Sakuya's yelling at at your doctor.
Bamboo Cutter: Really?
Bamboo Cutter: Why?
BookbinderGodhead: Something about a payment.
BookbinderGodhead: Wow, Sakuya is really shouting. She even literally said highway robbery.
Bamboo Cutter: Haha no one ever says that anymore I haven't even said it in like a century.
BookbinderGodhead: Wow now Flandre's out there trying to figure out what they're screaming about
Bamboo Cutter: What are they screaming about?
BookbinderGodhead: I think it's something about Eirin charging too much? Some billing thing.
BookbinderGodhead: Boring stuff.
Bamboo Cutter: Yeah really.
Bamboo Cutter: So I went on this kickass IC run last night.
Bamboo Cutter: Some death knight tried to take on Muradin.
BookbinderGodhead: Oh god shut up right now.
BookbinderGodhead: No more talking.
BookbinderGodhead: Just stop.
BookbinderGodhead: It's quiet time for royalty.
Bamboo Cutter: I have, calm down.
BookbinderGodhead: loser princess says what
Bamboo Cutter: Huh?
BookbinderGodhead: your dumb
Bamboo Cutter: ...Goddamnit Koa. Go away.
BookbinderGodhead: lolololol no
Bamboo Cutter: Where did Patchouli go?
BookbinderGodhead: dunno
BookbinderGodhead: died
BookbinderGodhead: prolly
BookbinderGodhead: sakuya's gonna fcuk your doctor up btw
BookbinderGodhead: little vamps cryin too
Bamboo Cutter: Wow, really?
BookbinderGodhead: yup
BookbinderGodhead: btw show me your tits
Bamboo Cutter: ...Okay, why not?
Bamboo Cutter wants to send file C:\Documents and Settings\Patchouli\My Documents\download\BookbinderGodhead\boobs.jpg.
BookbinderGodhead received C:\Documents and Settings\Patchouli\My Documents\download\BookbinderGodhead\boobs.jpg.
BookbinderGodhead: lolololol holy shit
Bamboo Cutter: =]
BookbinderGodhead: this is wallpaper now bye
Bamboo Cutter: Ahahahah oh hell.
BookbinderGodhead: ...Kaguya.
Bamboo Cutter: Yes?
BookbinderGodhead: Why is my wallpaper Goatse?
Bamboo Cutter: Scroll up.
Bamboo Cutter: =]
BookbinderGodhead: ...Goddamnit, I am going to beat her with a board.
Bamboo Cutter: So, where did you go while I was chatting with your lovely assistant?
BookbinderGodhead: I went out to get Flan out of there before she got into trouble.
BookbinderGodhead: She's in the basement now making me a Taj Mahal of legos.
BookbinderGodhead: Now I just need to figure out what that treat I'm going to give her is.
Bamboo Cutter: A sundae?
BookbinderGodhead: My god, you are a genius.
Bamboo Cutter: =]
Bamboo Cutter: I've dealt with kids enough over the millenia. Sweeties always do the trick.
Bamboo Cutter: So what's the deal with Eirin and Sakuya? Ko seems to think Sukya's about to use knife diplomacy.
BookbinderGodhead: Maybe. From what I can gather, it's over some medical herb thing. I think they got different ideas on the price.
Bamboo Cutter: Huh. Wouldn't think Eirin would get angry over that.
Bamboo Cutter: Couldn't you guys afford it anyways?
BookbinderGodhead: Couldn't you afford to give it away from free?
Bamboo Cutter: Touche.
BookbinderGodhead: You feel that?
Bamboo Cutter: Feel what?
BookbinderGodhead: Yeah, that was Sakuya. Looks like the front room's going to need to be cleaned up.
Bamboo Cutter: Wow, she knifed up Eirin that bad?
Bamboo Cutter: Wait how did you see that?
BookbinderGodhead: No, but there's knives everywhere now, and Eirin's doing some spellcard thing.
BookbinderGodhead: Left the doors open.
Bamboo Cutter: Oh okay.
BookbinderGodhead: Wow. Sakuya just got hit pretty bad.
Bamboo Cutter: She down?
BookbinderGodhead: No, just really mad n-FUCK EIRIN'S IN HERE
BookbinderGodhead: brb
Bamboo Cutter: Oh snap.
Bamboo Cutter: Don't get danmaku'd
Bamboo Cutter: ...Oh hell, how's your asthma today?
BookbinderGodhead: real bad
BookbinderGodhead: i think i broke my arm it sucks
Bamboo Cutter: Hi Koa
BookbinderGodhead: lol
Bamboo Cutter: So, you gonna give me the news or what?
BookbinderGodhead: lol no.
Bamboo Cutter: Shame. I had just snapped a picture for you and everything
BookbinderGodhead: ok
Bamboo Cutter: =]
BookbinderGodhead: patches is using one of her spellcrads
BookbinderGodhead: the metal one
BookbinderGodhead: and is tryin to chase them out
Bamboo Cutter: What're they fighting over anyways?
BookbinderGodhead: eiren made some pad joke
Bamboo Cutter: I thought it was over the price of something?
BookbinderGodhead: lol jk
Bamboo Cutter: Deleting picture~
BookbinderGodhead: ok i dunno.
BookbinderGodhead: i was puting up some books
Bamboo Cutter: At this point, I think it's more fun to make up reasons why they're fighting than to learn the real thing.
BookbinderGodhead: lol
Bamboo Cutter: So, who's winning?
BookbinderGodhead: lol me
Bamboo Cutter: That good of a show?
BookbinderGodhead: yep
BookbinderGodhead: patches used the merkery card
BookbinderGodhead: maid's throwing knives like crazzy
BookbinderGodhead: she keeps gettin hit lol
Bamboo Cutter: Eirin holding her own?
BookbinderGodhead: sorta
BookbinderGodhead: everyones shootin at her
BookbinderGodhead: pix now
Bamboo Cutter: Well, okay. A promise is a promise.
Bamboo Cutter wants to send file C:\Documents and Settings\Patchouli\My Documents\download\BookbinderGodhead\forreals.jpg.
BookbinderGodhead received C:\Documents and Settings\Patchouli\My Documents\download\BookbinderGodhead\forreals.jpg.
BookbinderGodhead: lol nice
Bamboo Cutter: I'll pretend that's a compliment.
BookbinderGodhead: u ho.
Bamboo Cutter: Child, please. I've spent more time being caught naked by accident over the eons than you've been alive. You think I have any modesty left?
BookbinderGodhead: lol grannie
Bamboo Cutter: You'll wish you could look like me when you get to be my age.
BookbinderGodhead: g2g
Bamboo Cutter: Tragedy.
BookbinderGodhead: ...Why the hell are your tits my wallpaper?
Bamboo Cutter: Because Koa is trying to fix us up.
BookbinderGodhead: What.
Bamboo Cutter: I was bored. Decided to make her day. Sue me.
BookbinderGodhead: Maybe I should have just let you blabber about your PVP deathmatching or whatever...
Bamboo Cutter: You act like it's such a terrible sight.
Bamboo Cutter: I'm so hurt...
BookbinderGodhead: Save the tears for messing with Mokou.
Bamboo Cutter: Oh fine.
Bamboo Cutter: Did you save the library?
BookbinderGodhead: Mostly. Eirin put an arrow through a shelf in the Octorine Biology section.
Bamboo Cutter: =[
BookbinderGodhead: Yeah. It's going to be a pain to fix. But at least I chased them out.
Bamboo Cutter: I'll make Eirin pay for the damages or something.
Bamboo Cutter: Think she'd be able to come by and fix them herself maybe?
BookbinderGodhead: We'll see. I have no idea what set Sakuya off, but...damn. This is like the mist incident all over again.
Bamboo Cutter: Wow.
BookbinderGodhead: Yeah.
Bamboo Cutter: So, change your wallpaper yet?
BookbinderGodhead: God I hate you so much.
Bamboo Cutter: =]
BookbinderGodhead: fuck they're back brb
Bamboo Cutter: Go go go!
Bamboo Cutter: Save the library!
Bamboo Cutter: Be the library hero!
Bamboo Cutter: Savior of all bookkind!
Bamboo Cutter: So, when're you coming back, Koa?
Bamboo Cutter: Hello?
Bamboo Cutter: Hello?
BookbinderGodhead signed off at 2:29:48 PM.


  • It's all about overwhelming force and irresistible style
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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #16 on: July 03, 2010, 12:36:08 PM »
I'm liking this Koa.
[15:13] <Sana> >:<


  • Drop the pills!
Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #17 on: July 03, 2010, 12:39:13 PM »

Lovely charactarization, ^^

And bonus for keeping Koakuma mischievous.
Japanese progress: To the point where I can read a manga with the help of an electronic dictionary.


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #18 on: July 03, 2010, 02:19:25 PM »
Okay.  That was awesome.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
  • Green-Red Divine Clock
Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #19 on: July 03, 2010, 03:44:50 PM »
woah. Cannot unsee.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #20 on: July 03, 2010, 08:17:33 PM »
You know.

I didn't even consider the filter, because I never use lol myself.

I daresay it improves things.


  • .... what're you looking at?
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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #21 on: July 03, 2010, 09:12:36 PM »
BookbinderGodhead: ...Why the hell are your tits my wallpaper?

My god, I laughed so hard.
There was something here once. Wonder what...


  • Then you should get out of the way when I tell you
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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #22 on: July 03, 2010, 09:51:52 PM »
Can we see what happened after Dai got tased?
Also a day in the life of Cho Marisa, either ZUN Gensokyo or "Real" Gensokyo.


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #23 on: July 04, 2010, 01:44:36 AM »
The "Mothman" enters Gensokyo and has some kind of encounter with Wriggle/Yamame.

Just thought I'd try this~

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • Nomnomnom~
  • Hooray~
Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #24 on: July 05, 2010, 04:09:13 AM »
4 Cats end up meeting up, hilarity, and then funny combat, ensue. One of them isn't a cat but instead a kat XD


  • Though the sun may set
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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #25 on: July 05, 2010, 05:23:02 AM »
Nitori's mechanic shop, since everyone in Gensokyo drives. Nevermind the lack of paved roads.

Bonus points for having Marisa drive a diesel street-sweeper.


  • Developer fairy
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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #26 on: July 05, 2010, 07:55:51 AM »
Cirno waiting for the bus.


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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #27 on: July 05, 2010, 01:50:36 PM »
Aya Syameimaru, FOX News intern.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


  • .... what're you looking at?
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Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #28 on: July 06, 2010, 12:39:28 AM »
Aya Syameimaru, FOX News intern.

oh dear god no
There was something here once. Wonder what...


  • Breaking news. Any season.
  • *
  • I said, with a posed look.
Re: I heard you like request threads...
« Reply #29 on: July 06, 2010, 01:02:20 AM »

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."