Author Topic: Flandre and the world outside  (Read 50516 times)


  • Drop the pills!
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #60 on: August 01, 2010, 08:27:19 PM »
I am curious if you'll bring Four of a Kind into this at all. And does she already have Laevateinn?
Yes, eventually. About  Laevateinn: Well, in a way, she does.  ;) And yes, it'll come up.

Trying to write Remilia as Remilia is seen by those closest to her instead of the normal oujo-sama facade she does her best to keep up. It's a bit of a deconstruction of the whole "teenage vampire madam", if you will.

The next morning is sort-of lonely. Teddy has become a car and is currently swooshing through the air, just like in the science fiction novel she read recently. She's still in her nightgown sine nobody brought her any new clothes, and there seems to be no cake today.

Flandre sighs. Are they going to let her starve, or something? She was terrible yesterday, but it doesn't seem as bad right now. Of course, a new day means you can start over, fff, the people who said that to her had obviously never met her sister. Can Sakuya please hurry up with that cake or something? Her energy is running out.

She can hear someone walking outside the door, pacing back and forth as if trying to decide wether to open the door or not. It's probably a maid doing the cleaning, though. Except it's not because the door slowly opens and Remilia enters, head held high.

?Well, I expect you remember what happened yesterday.?
Oh no. Is it time for this again? Flandre swallows. She'll get chewed out, won't she. And she thought these things were over. Well, it's probably her own fault, so..

?I hear you were challenged to a duel by a certain nuisance.?
It wasn't a duel.. Cirno was flat-out attacking her. How was she to know she was supposed to fight back?

?Well, seeing as you had only one line of defense, I suppose I could forgive the casualty.? Still stern and voice cold as ever, but, wait.
Remilia's forgiving her? Is she really? Flandre can hardly believe it.

?While I have my doubts, I do realize that as one of the Scarlet sisters, you do have some pride.? She nods. Flandre's looking up at her, perplexed. She's a little too happy and surprised to answer right now. ?So, I've arranged for you to take dueling lessons. If they go well, you might challenge the fairy again, and we'll see how far you can go without using 'kyu'.?
Dueling lessons..?
But she's always been told, swords aren't for ladies! Better not Remind Remilia, though. After all, Flandre's always wanted to try her hand at fencing.
Remilia nods again, before walking towards the door and turning her her head.
?Flandre? Aren't you coming? It's about time for lunch.?

Flandre hesitates, before realizing that yes, her sister isn't mad with her.
Then she grins as she follows her sister up the stairs. It's true, after all: Today is a new day.
The meal was silent but delicious. Remilia looked somewhat distraught, and she nearly spilled her teacup three times. Flandre feels a little scared, but decides to try and keep on being a good girl for her sisters sake. Her sister usually shakes a lot when she's really really mad, and usually yells at Flandre by that point.

?I'm done, ma'm.?
Flandre tentatively places her teacup back on the plate. The tea wasn't as red today, and she doesn't really feel like she's had cake. Sakuya takes her hand and leads her towards the library, ah, weren't they going to hire a tutor..?

Oh, it's just as brilliant as last time. Little lights, floating around, and the strong, musky smell of old paper fills her nose.

?Miss Patchouri??

Now that Flandre notices it, Sakuya pronounces Patchouli's name with an R. How odd. She doesn't have any trouble with ?Remilia? or ?Flandre?, and they all do speak Japanese(Thank you, auntie Mizuho). China and Patchouli can pronouce her name just fine.
Oh, well.

A coughing figure emerges from the shadows, book held tight under one arm. It's just what Flandre realizes she's started to expect from the lavender-haired girl, tough for some reason she never coughs like that at the dinner table. Is the library dusty?

?Ah, Flandre. Hello.? She waves her left hand with an unamused expression. Flandre smiles and waves back. ?Hi!?

Patchouli nods and then turns to Sakuya. ?Thank you for your work; You may leave us now.? Sakuya nods back and walks away, silently. Patchouli pick up a book and motions for Flandre to follow her.
?Are you gonna take me to my teacher?? Flandre asks. Without turning around, Patchouli answers: ?No. I'll be your instructor.?

?In what? Dueling??

?That's right.?
...That sounds a little weird, considering her poor condition. After all, dueling means two people fight with swords at a set location, right? Like Mademoiselle Maupin and D'artagan! What Cirno did wasn't dueling at all, though. It was shooting. Ah, maybe Patchouli's going to teach her to use a pistol?

?With a gun??

?No. With magic.?
Patchouli's crass tone makes it hard to tell if she's being sarcastic or not, and Flandre sighs as she realizes that she's probably going to have use a pistol. After all, it's not like magic exists for real. Swords seem way cooler, and she can't remember any good book where a knight used a gun to save the princess.
Japanese progress: To the point where I can read a manga with the help of an electronic dictionary.

Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #61 on: August 01, 2010, 11:41:02 PM »
I figured that if anyone would teach Flandre the art of Danmaku, it would have to be either Remilia or Patchouli.

Can't wait to see what happens with this.
All lies and all sin, all dreams and all majesty, Everything rots in this ruined hell

[The Perfect, Elegant Maid] [Pathos of the Hated People] [Music, Projects, and Art]

Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #62 on: August 02, 2010, 11:37:31 PM »
Hee, yeah.

I kinda feel for how she's always all paranoid about being in trouble, tho. :<


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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #63 on: August 03, 2010, 02:42:45 AM »
Makes sense though, when a kid is in a position like that, they are usually afraid of getting into trouble, even if they did nothing wrong. I think Flandre needs a hug from her Big Sis :*

P♂ zeal

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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #64 on: August 03, 2010, 02:50:25 AM »
I've gotta say, I love how this is progressing so far.
Keep it up! I'm looking forward to more.


  • Drop the pills!
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #65 on: August 06, 2010, 10:46:22 AM »

They reach a small area, walled-off by several bookcases. Patchouli mutters a few words under her breath(Flandre swears she saw a rip in the air in front of them), and they enter.

Patchouli spins around suddenly, face looking slightly more serious than usual.
?Do you know about magic??

Flandre doesn't really know if she believes in magic.. Or, well, she does know fairys exist. All kids know about fairys, but she had to stop believing in the kind wizards used to make things float the day she saw a magician screwing up his act and accidentally showing everyone how the tricks were done.
?Uh, I know fairys exist?.

?That's not the same thing. I mean, magic.? Patchouli snaps. It seems she has a bit of a short temper today, then again, Flandre remembers what Remilia said about her: ?Don't worry about her. She's just not very fond of people.?

?No. I don't believe in that.?
The magician had looked outright pathetic with the strings hanging from pockets, desperately trying to keep face while everyone jeered. Believing in magic after that meant you were a child and got ridiculed by the other children.

Patchouli narrows her eyes, as if she were a priest to whom Flandre was denouncing the christian god.
?Explain thyself.?

Flandre swallows. She's usually afraid when her sister gets that kind of look, but she's got no reason to be afraid this time, does she? It's become a habit, it seems..
?I-I haven't ever seen it, so.. A, and I've lived in the human world for so-so long..? Fairys didn't live in the human world. That's what Remilia said, anyway. Did that mean, and this was a far shot, maybe magic did exist here..? She still doubts it, though.

?What about the lights when you first came here?? Patchouli asks in a near-accusing tone.

?Electricity.? Flandre nods, knowingly. She's been fooled to believe lamps were magic before, and she's not going to do the same mistake again.

That's when an unfamiliar pulse hits her body and suddenly her right hand is glowing. Just like when she first came down to the basement.
?And that?? The lavender-girl's voice sounds slightly smug.

?Electricity. Again.?

Patchouli sighs.
?Do you even understand the inner mechanics of electricity??

The little vampire's face turns pink.
Why no, she doesn't understand it. She thought it just meant a force that made things light up, since nobody would explain it to her. Her exposition to electricity was rather simple: ?Look, Remilia, magic!? the lights went on, and Remilia laughed for about ten minutes straight before responding, ?No, dear, that's electricity.?

?Uh, you can make stuff light up??
Patchouli slams her open palm over her face in an act that, while not invented yet, would soon come to be discovered by a fairly small internet community and given the name of ?facepalm?.

?..That's not it it..?
She sighs heavily, and starts coughing as a result. Flandre had no idea there were any form of mechanics to electricity, and is currently trying to figure some sort of way for it to work. It had just been there one day, and there had been a big commotion about it, and a light switch was installed into their home and that was it. Surely, it did work in some way, only that way didn't seem very important at the time.

?Here. Look at this.?
The lavender-clad girl has stopped coughing now, and extends her arm towards the wall. A small, glowing orb floats out of the palm of her hand and dissapears as it hits the wall. It looks like what Flandre wants to call electricity, but for some profound reason just can't. In fact, it's hard to find a word for it. Patchouli grins at her.

?cough This, comrade, is magic.?
Japanese progress: To the point where I can read a manga with the help of an electronic dictionary.


  • Though the sun may set
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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #66 on: August 06, 2010, 02:14:10 PM »
?cough This, comrade, is magic.?

Suddenly, Patchouli has a Russian accent for me.


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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #67 on: August 06, 2010, 06:30:19 PM »
Suddenly, Patchouli has a Russian accent for me.
Thankfully I'm not the only one that thought this.   :3

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • Nomnomnom~
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Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #68 on: August 07, 2010, 04:27:04 AM »
Thankfully I'm not the only one that thought this.   :3

Same here XD Patchy is made of win here, pure friggin win.

Kinzo the Astro Curious

  • One small step for Desu; One giant leap for touhou-kind!
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #69 on: August 07, 2010, 08:43:44 PM »
Patchouli slams her open palm over her face in an act that, while not invented yet, would soon come to be discovered by a fairly small internet community and given the name of ?facepalm?.

Ak! My fourth wall!! Critical hit! Arrrrggh!!

*Torpedo dies*


  • Drop the pills!
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #70 on: August 08, 2010, 05:18:43 PM »
Flandre gasps before regaining her breath.
?Wha..? Can I do that, too??

Patchouli nods as she takes Flandre's hand. A jolt of electricity goes through her body as the little vampire feels her mind grow heavy, then considerably lighter. When she lets go, her arm feels rejuvenated in some sort of way.

?Try it.?

Flandre throws out her arm towards the wall in the same manner Patchouli did, but nothing happens. She tries it again, several times, without result. Her mentor sighs.
?Are you even trying??

That's mean. Flandre is trying, she really is. It's just that nothing happens. She's not exactly expecting anything to happen, but still..
?I'm doing my best!? She nearly snaps at Patchouli, notably offended. Patchouli adjusts her nightcap.
?You have to have faith in the arts of wizardry, you know. Otherwise, this just won't work.?

But how is Flandre supposed to- She glares at Patchouli, who sighs exasperatedly.
?Think about various magical occurrences in your life. Try.?

Oh, OK. It's not like this is going to work, but let's try anyway.
She closes her eyes and tries to find something, digging through the memories of years long past.

It's like going back, back to wherever home was at the time. Shortly before they left, a small village in Russia. Before that, a small house by Kenshington gardens. The maisonette in France, her sisters beloved mansion by the sea. So many, many places, some on the verge of being forgotten.

After all, Flandre couldn't grow up so they had to move a lot.
She remembers Remilia's words the night their parents died, ?I could probably pass for 16, and then just keep going until I'm around 30, and just say I'm young-looking. That would give us 15 years to stay in one place. You, on the other hand-? She'd glanced at her little sister and stopped short. Flandre was nine years old and looked the part.

They rarely stayed more than four or five years in one place. After that, much goodbyes were said and Flandre always cried when she had to leave her freinds. Remilia kept quiet and sighed. ?You'll make lots of new friends at the new place, dear..?
And when they passed by the area, she'd occasionally see her friends, or what once was her friends, all grown up. They'd probably forgotten all about her by that point. It made her want to cry, but she did her best to swallow and not cry. Big girls didn't cry, after all. Only when she had to leave her friends behind, she'd decided that herself. Even if it was only a small thing, it did make her feel a little grown-up. Like her friends.

She tries to remember a certain place, a certain time, and then it dawns on her:
No matter how much they traveled, there was always one place they'd return to, during the last 200 years, The small seaside cottage near Dover.

It was a small dwelling, big enough for Flandre, Remilia, and the one maid(Whom Remilia jokingly called ?food supply?) they toted around for the time being. The fact that it was far from society made it hard for people to reach, meaning Flandre could show her wings if she wanted.  Most of the time, her wings were concealed beneath layers of binding, but here she could flap and flutter with them however she wished.
The one price they had to pay was a few years loneliness, but it didn't seem that lonely. Remilia and the maid were there, after all. In the evenings, during the summer, little specks of light would float around the garden, giving it some sort of magical aura while Remilia read her books, and the maid did some sort of housework.

?Look, Remilia. Fireflies!?

Remilia, not looking up from her book, had replied: ?No, that's impossible. Logically, they shouldn't be found here. It's too close to the sea.?

Flandre had stood dumbfounded for a while, before deciding that, no, this was in front of her very eyes, and yes, they were fireflies.
They must be when they kept returning, year after year. A warm feeling fills her as she recalls England during a warm summer night, fireflies floating through the air and the feeling of sand between her toes. There had never been any explenation for the fireflies, other than-


A large cloud of smoke wakes her from her recollection, slowly dissapearing through means of Patchouli waving her hand, the one that isn't holding a handkerchief currently muffling her coughs. Flandre can barely make out the outline of a small, red thing heading towards the wall and zip it's gone.
Japanese progress: To the point where I can read a manga with the help of an electronic dictionary.


  • Though the sun may set
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  • It shall rise again
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #71 on: August 08, 2010, 09:41:43 PM »
Hmm. Remilia's always reading. Wonder what it is she's reading.

You think maybe she's still working on the same book from so long ago? Perhaps, got stuck on a word she didn't know and refused to ask someone to explain it for her? :3

Kinzo the Astro Curious

  • One small step for Desu; One giant leap for touhou-kind!
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #72 on: August 08, 2010, 10:16:27 PM »
I liked the dive through flandres memories. Kinda made you feel traveled with her.

Least for me it did lol, but I get myself immersed in this story  :V

Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #73 on: August 09, 2010, 03:34:41 PM »
Really looking forward to the rest of this.

Keep it up.
All lies and all sin, all dreams and all majesty, Everything rots in this ruined hell

[The Perfect, Elegant Maid] [Pathos of the Hated People] [Music, Projects, and Art]


  • Drop the pills!
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #74 on: August 12, 2010, 01:55:07 PM »
Hmm. Remilia's always reading. Wonder what it is she's reading.

You think maybe she's still working on the same book from so long ago? Perhaps, got stuck on a word she didn't know and refused to ask someone to explain it for her? :3

Well, I don't know what else there was to do in a time before electricity.

XD!! Knowing Remilia, that might very well be the case. X3

A large cloud of smoke wakes her from her recollection, slowly disappearing through means of Patchouli waving her hand, the one that isn't holding a handkerchief currently muffling her coughs. Flandre can barely make out the outline of a small, red thing heading towards the wall and zip it's gone.

?Good. Cough?

...Did she just do that?

She tries again, summons a small amount of energy and shoots it through her arm. Woah- It works! Another little red thing appears, and another. And another, and another, and- Patchouli coughs a little, reminding Flandre not to shoot her. Flandre nods and continues to shoot.

It's fun, but it drains her energy. She'll have to eat a large meal if she wants to do this for a long time, she realizes. Suddenly, Patchouli throws herself in front of her, confusing Flandre. What, didn't she tell Flandre not to hit her? Ah, well. She started it.

Miraculously enough, Patchouli manages to dodge her way through Flandre's impenetrable carpet of bullets(Well, they were pretty far apart and more of a broken fishing net than a carpet, but still-) while holding a thick, leatherbound book in her arm. Suddenly, she stops to open the book and moves out of the way just as Flandre fires a bullet towards her, and then stops again to recite a spell.
?Agni Shine!?

Suddenly, a large barrage of red bullets stream from the lavender-clad girl's hand. Flandre has to dodge, but can't and loses her balance because the amount is too great. Oww, her head hurts. Patchouli sighs as she she extends a hand to help her up.
?You have a long way to go, young Skywalker.?

?Skywalker?? Flandre tilts her head. ?My names' Flandre Scarlet.?

?It's a joke of sorts.? Patchouli shrugs as she pulls her student off of the floor. ?I mean, you can't fly yet, can you??

Flandre's been able to sorta almost fly once, though that was long ago. She could hop up in the air and flap her wings a little and soar for a short distance, her wings grew tired too quickly. Remilia said it was because she didn't exercise them often enough, pah, easy for her to say. She never flew, either, since people might see her and that would be bad. Very, very, bad.

Remilia could fly, though. She practiced often while in private, and Flandre tried too, though she hadn't the patience to tone her wings enough. Short trips over a small area was enough, and they did grow old after a while. Her wings were tied up all the time, so having them out for longer than a little while started hurting.

She turns to Patchouli with an annoyed look and points at her wings. Patchouli shakes her head, matter-of-factly: ?That's got no effect on the purpose, dear.?, before slowly growing taller- No, she's levitating. Flandre's eyes widen. She's seen her sister do that, but Patchouli has no wings to flap.

?I'll instruct you in the basics, later.? Patchouli nods. ?Right now, I think you have a duel scheduled.?

A duel, huh.
Flandre's a little bit nervous, seeing as she's never dueled before. Well, there was that time when she used a large stick to play ?princess defeats the dragon and gets out herself?, but that hardly counted as an official duel. And with magic, of course! She fidgets a little as Patchouli leads her out and up the stairs, out of the dusty, dark library lit up by magic, explaining how to duel along the way. It's just like they did back there, only more serious, it seems.

Walking through the corridors seems a little different now. She's worried that it won't work out, but swallows and tries to be confident. If she succeeds, she'll get to see these corridors again. If she doesn't, at least she'll be able to see them again anyway. Her heart skips a little as they reach the door, where Sakuya is waiting.
?I'll take is from here, Patchouri.? She bows, and takes Flandre's arm. Ugh. She really hates it when Sakuya does that, but she's not in a position to protest.

The weather is cloudy, but not exactly rainy. She suspects it will clear up soon, which is why they've scheduled the duel for now. Remilia is waiting on the porch, sipping tea as if this were some kind of show. It seems more of a test to Flandre. Sitting across from her is a little green-haired fairy, nervously trying to keep still. She swallows as she sees Flandre, and immediately turns her head down towards the table. Remilia smiles briefly at her sister, easing her mood a little. This will turn out fine, this will turn out fine.. This will hopefully go well, right?

?Jaaoo! Flandre, your opponent awaits!?
Ah, China's walking into view! And, what does she- She's leading that stupid, evil fairy by her shoulders. Rage flares in young Flandre's heart, upon remembering yesterday. She wants to kick that damn Cirno, but Sakuya's grip is too firm. At least Cirno seems to feel the same way, judging from how she's trying to wriggle away.

?Greet your opponent.?
Sakuya's cool voice surprises her. Greet? It's one of the last things she wants to do, but she'd better. OK. She bows, like a musk-eater, and states her name.
?Flandre Scarlet.?

Cirno stops for a moment, face red with exhaustion. She frowns and stares Flandre straight in the eye. ?Cirno. Ice fairy.? And with a hateful glare: ?Eye'm the strongest.?
Oh, yeah!?
Flandre returns the favour, using what she knows is the most powerful word possible about herself while still telling the truth.
?I'm an A-risto-cat.?
None of them say a word in the short silence that follows. Glares are exchanged, and a rivalry seems to be born.

Finally, Sakuya interrupts.
?This will be a closed-field, ground-based spellcard duel. We will use no spellcards, and using elemental or individual powers? she gives both contestants a knowing look, ?Is strictly forbidden, and whoever does so will be disqualified.?

This is it.
Flandre takes a deep breath.

?On the count of three, please release the combatants and run for your lives. One..!?
Meiling giggles a bit at the joke that nearly went over Flandre's head. Huh, so she has a sense of humor, too..


Cirno stares at her, she stares back. If looks could kill, both of them would have severe pains by now.

?...And three. Charge!?

Sakuya lets go of Flandre's hand and cautiously steps back. Meiling does the same for Cirno, letting the small fairy run free. Or, well, right now she's standing her ground, just like Flandre is.

OK, what no-
Cirno fires a bunch of arrow-like blue spears at her. They're annoying, but Flandre finds she can dodge them rather easily. She remembers her lesson, and fires a blast of red pointed-things. They're just going straight, though- Cirno dodges them like it's nothing, and Flandre gets hit by the annoying bullets again, firing her up. In blind fury, she tries shooting while swinging her arm, and the bullets get shot in a circle around her. Cirno dodges, but to no avail. In a moment, she's hit, and cringes.

?D-do your b-best, Ci-cirno-chan..?
She looks to the side for a moment, and sees the green-haired fairy attempting to cheer her friend on. With a determined ?hmph?, Flandre runs closer, dodging Cirno's small bullets as the get faster and faster, until she's right in front of the fairy.  Cirno panics and runs to the left, but Flandre follows, now concentrating her bullets onto Cirno's chest. Cirno laughs and shoots her again, her bullets may not be terribly fast, but they do hurt. Flandre feels a little of her strength to shoot bullets disappear along with being hit, yet she keeps standing, though it hurts. Cirno won't back down, either. What did Patchouli say, now: It's over when someone falls? Her arms hurt and she wants to sit down. If she just reached her hand out and took hold of Cirno's eye, this could end quickly, and she could go sit down. Yeah, sit down for a little while. At least, maybe China would still visit her, and- No, she can't think like that! She has to take Cirno down, dammit! Aoow, she can't stand much longer..

?Go get her, Flandre!? Meilings voice can be heard from the sidelines.
Oh, right. She's got someone cheering for her, so she has to win this. She's not gonna let this get her down! She'll show Remilia what a good girl she is, able to fight without ?kyu?! And then she'll get to eat upstairs and have tea for breakfast again!

She aims her arm towards Cirno's legs, catching the fairy off-guard. ?Wait, wha-? There, now let's shoot her feet. The fairy tries dodging, but she can't dodge both of her feet at once, and-


The fairy falls face first onto the ground.
Japanese progress: To the point where I can read a manga with the help of an electronic dictionary.

Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #75 on: August 12, 2010, 02:10:42 PM »
Flandre returns the favour, using what she knows is the most powerful word possible about herself while still telling the truth.
?I'm an A-risto-cat.?

That was adorable.  :3
All lies and all sin, all dreams and all majesty, Everything rots in this ruined hell

[The Perfect, Elegant Maid] [Pathos of the Hated People] [Music, Projects, and Art]

Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #76 on: August 12, 2010, 11:43:51 PM »
Yes. Yes, it was. |3

This is before EoSD, right? I mean ... it kind of has to be, but ...


  • Though the sun may set
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  • It shall rise again
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #77 on: August 13, 2010, 02:19:33 AM »
This is too damn adorable. I need an oatmeal cream pie to stave off this loss of blood sugar


  • 「Touhoustuck」
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #78 on: August 14, 2010, 09:08:47 PM »
About time I did this:

*cough* No comment.


  • Drop the pills!
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #79 on: August 16, 2010, 06:29:19 PM »


The fairy falls face first onto the ground.

It takes Flandre a few moments to register this: She defeated a fairy.

She defeated a fairy.

She defeated a goddam fairy.

And she didn't use kyu.

She did it right..? Did she do it right? Please tell her she was right. Even if she didn't do it right, she still feels pride swelling in her chest.

?Good job, Flandre!? China- no, Meiling rushes forward and hugs her. It feels a little weird, since Flandre's not that accustomed to hugs, but she feels happy nonetheless. It's a little bit like mom is hugging her, from what she can remember.

?Yeah!? She grins. Remilia waves at her with a surprisingly honest smile. ?Flandre, I'm impressed.? Even Sakuya bows slightly as Flandre walks over to the table where her sister is sitting, before walking off to fetch a new batch of cookies.

?I did it!?
She's proud and happy and everyhing seems just wonderfull right now.

?Yes, I saw it all.? Remilia nods, while she takes another sip of tea. ?Please try to solve coming conflicts this way, alright??

?Uu!? Flandre smiles and reaches for a cookie from the fresh batch. ?Would the young mistress wait until it's on the table, please?? Sakuya sighs.
It's strange for her to talk this much. Normally, she just stands in a corner of whatever room Remilia is in, like a maid's supposed to do, and acts kinda scary at times, since she doesn't really show any emotions.

Nevertheless, Flandre follows her orders out of suprise and respect for the knife-throwing maid, before she's informed ?Mistress Patchouli would like you back.?

The rest of the day is spent in the library, listening to Patchouli's lectures about spellcards and learning to dodge, along with the importance and history of spellcard dueling. Patchouli's not the best teacher Flandre's ever met, but she is very nice in her own way. If she studies well and can use spellcards by next week, Patchouli's promised to show her ?Star Wars?. It sounds a bit silly, fighting over stars, but then again, maybe it means stars as in movie stars, and that would be a little more understandable.

?I'm just innit' for tha' money.?
Solo nods towards Leia, who looks at him weirdly.
?When we get home, I'll give you lots.
?And then we can get married!? Luke smiles. The others look at him weirdly. See-three-pee-oh's head explodes.
That's when a huge robot appears and..

?Young mistress, please get out of the way, please. I have cleaning to do.?
Aww, darn it.
Flandre sighs as she picks up paper-Solo, paper-Leia, broken see-three-pee-oh, and paper-Luke from the floor. And just when she'd found a part of the corridor with no carpet..

Normally, Sakuya never really cleans and saves herself for more important work, such as washing, cooking, or setting the table. This time, it's more like chasing Flandre away, since the other maids daren't go near her. It's a little strange, but the fairys seem to a have a new found respect for her after she defeated Cirno. They don't call for her attention in the corridors anymore, and rarely disturb her if she's found a spot to sit for the time being. If she asks them for something, they'll curtsey and fetch it for her. It's like they're treating her more like their master than some random obnoxious kid. Thanks to this, Remilia has started to let her roam the mansion at will, so long as she doesn't go outside.

?By the way, the mistress has called for you.? Sakuya nods, while sweeping the floor. ?You're to find her in the parlor.? No more words are needed before Flandre bounds off. She did remember something about a ?suprise? earlier, and boy, is she eager.

Remilia sits waiting for her in the large, yellow sofa. She's at some point said that it's french, and that usually means that it's from some kind of yard sale.
?Why, good afternoon, Flandre. How are you today??

Flandre sits down next her, grabbing some cookies off of the jar conveniently located on the coffee table. She'd never have been allowed that back before she was shut up in the basement, but it seems Remilia's decided to be somewhat more lax about her manners from now on. ?I'm fine. And you??

Her sister stares at the young blonde in front of her who's currently trying to fit three cookies into her mouth at once, soiling the sofa and carpet with crumbs in the process. Palm is applied straight to face, and she berates herself for letting Flandre's manners go.
?I'm... Well. Anyway, I would like to bring you out for a picnic in an hour or two.? She does her best to keep her composure, while Flandre shoves another cookie into her mouth. She'd have to talk this over with Sakuya, later..

Flandre's grin widens.
?R-really!?? After last time, she thought she'd lost the chance of that happening. ?Thank you, thank you, thank you!? She's going to be good this time, really good, and she'll stay on land and pick flowers so she won't see Cirno again, it's a great day for doing that, since it's sunny-

Oh, right.
Patchouli told her it would be sunny today, and Patchouli's rarely wrong. She drops her attitude and turns her gaze downward.
?..But it's sunny.?

Remilia grins with a smile that seems to know more than it lets on, and answers: ?No. It will not.?

Flandre has no idea what she means, but she does look forward to the picnic. Ah, well. She'll look forward to it, anyway. Maybe it'll be a play picnic indoors, like they did when they were little. That sounds really childish and stupid to Flandre, but if her sister really wants to, although it does sound weird, she won't stand in her way. After explaining that she's to be back at three o'clock, Flandre is sent away to play again.
?But Sakuya wouldn't let me play in the place with no carpet-?

?Just try the attic, then.?
Remilia is getting slightly annoyed with her sister at this point. She seems a bit stressed, as if she has a lot to do, so Flandre takes her advice and starts walking. Heck, the attic sounds kinda exciting.

She kinda-sorta knows where it is, since she's walked past it several times, but never thought it very interesting, and besides she's been scolded severely for walking into other attics in houses she's lived in. If Remilia allows it though..

The stairs leading up to the attic are creaky, and seem to have been here longer than Flandre. There's no light switch either-Yup, defiantly longer than Flandre. Upon reaching the top, she can see vast piles of old furniture, books, and other things that are probably best left unexplored. Here and there are little patches of floor, and there's a large window where the sun is coming in. Better avoid that-But it does have a semi-decent view of the clock tower. Ah well.

Alright. What to do now? The floor's a little too dirty to play Star Wars, and she's not wanted until three. Ah well, lets try and see what we can find.

About half an hour later, she's found three different board games, an old tea set, a doll that walks forward and bows when you wind it's spring, three different cookbooks, and a large suitcase that she's now desperately trying to open. It must have something interesting inside, since it rattles a bit when she shakes it.

At last she gives up and just goes kyu on the locks. It opens, to her triumph-Out falls three pairs of underwear, a couple of papers, and a maid dress that seems considerably less fashionable than the one Sakuya(And come to think of it, most of the fairys) wears. Why, it looks like the boring old uniform maids before Sakuya used to wear, the kind of uniform that signaled ?Workhouse girl?. Hmm, this is boring. Then again, most clothes are, save ballroom gowns. She picks up the papers, only they aren't papers, they're photographs of some oriental country. The back has some weird writing in Chinese or something, and they all seem to be various pictures of an eastern family. Hmm, these are pretty. She'll keep them, she decides, stuffing them into a pocket of her dress,

The books is probably written in Chinese, too, but she takes a look anyway. Maybe it's got oriental pictures to look at. The cover is blank, is it a library book? But no, she can't see any dedication as she skims past the first page, and-

Oh, it's a diary.
Normally, Flandre wouldn't read another persons diary since they are often boring(Not always) and it's kinda mean, though whoever had this is probably long dead, so it can't hurt anyone, can it? The date for the first page reads ?1872?.

6 August 1872

Hi hi. My name, Sakula. I be english lady soon. Father and mother is on same boat and me. My english talking not unbad yet. I learn soon.
Huh. The handwriting is kinda neat, but a grammar teacher would cry. This is shaping up to be rather interesting, so Flandre continues. It seems to be a diary about a girl who calls herself ?Sakula? and ?Sakura?(Is it so hard to decide on one spelling?), who's moved to england from Japan and is learning english, and meets friends and stuff like that. Flandre yawns and flips a few pages forward, and ?Sakula? is being a lady and meeting friends and things like that. A little like Flandre at that age, except for the whole ?vampire? thing

7 May 1873

I meet a nice girl today! Her name, Remilia. She's a little older than me, but we got along splendidly. She's not a native to England, either.

Oh, so this girl knew her sister. It warms Flandre's heart just a tiny little bit to know, since ?Sakula? is starting to feel a little more like a friend she might have known. The entries are sometimes short, well, most of them are short, but the longer parts make ?Sakula? seem more human, alive. She must have been a fun person, judging from her thoughts on the world and the occasional fairy tales that pop up now and then about everyday objects in her life.

Remilia starts being featured in more and more of the entries. Flandre feels a little sad about the fact that she can't remember a ?Sakula? from the many friends Remilia kept around her. Then again, they both led pretty different lives, Remilia having to take care of expenses and find a way to make money, and Flandre being a little girl who disliked having her wings tied down and often had to leave her sister alone so as to not disturb her.

8 December 1874

Mother's fever is growing worse. I hope she'll be alright, father never leaves her side these days. I didn't mention it, but the doctor came past the other day. He says we're best off sending her to a sanatorium, but father's business hasn't improved, and we don't have the money.

12 December 1874

I've arrived back from mothers funeral. Father isn't taking it well, and he's told me I'm the lady of the house now, so it's my job to be head of the servants. We can't even afford to keep servants anymore, but I'll do my best to keep the house clean.

14 February 1875

I've been wondering if I should throw out father's wine bottles or not.
It makes him terribly cross to drink, and he hits me. Plus, he always ruins some sort of furniture. Ugh, he gets cross if I throw it out, too. Whatever should I do...
On a brighter note, I clicked the pocket watch twice next to a couple of flowers, and they havn't wilted yet. Strange. I'll have to show Remilia later.

15 May 1875

The flowers still haven't wilted, I'm going to use them for father's funeral. It won't be a terribly festive occasion, but at he's with mother now. I don't know if I hope for her to be cross with him for all the times he drank and hit me, or if I want them both to be happy. Whatever happens, I hope they'll watch over me.

Luckily, the diary isn't over yet, but Flandre has her suspicions judging from the maid uniform. Please don't die yet, Saku-whatever..

20 May 1875

I'm off to the workhouse to-morrow. I didn't tell Remilia- She's better off knowing me as the young, wealthy merchants daughter rather than the young orphan who's off to become a maid. I hope they let me keep the diary, as everything else has been pawned off. At least I still have my pocketwatch.

...Oh, dear.
Flandre dries her eyes with the back of her hand. She once knew a tweeny-maid who'd told her just enough about the workhouse to know that it was a terrible place indeed, and that no child should ever want to go there. ?Well it's better than prostitution, or that's what they say..? And she'd looked wistfully out the window while Flandre wondered what ?prostitution? meant.

The rest of the entries are, well..
It goes pretty badly, the head maids are scary and it seems Sakula isn't regarded as human in the workhouse. Then she gets her pocketwatch taken away, just after she'd learnt how to stop time. Then the entries stop being cheerful and it feels like someone else is writing them, even though the handwriting is the same. She skims through some pages and they all start looking alike, like Sakula does the same things every day. The longest entry for most of the remaining pages makes Flandre want to cry:

11 November 1876

I'm no longer a person.
I've noticed that I'm starting to lack compassion, and whenever I see a child cry I usually get a feeling I'd like to smack it and say ?Well, that's life, kid!? but that's started to dissapear, too. I'm no longer interested in people or friends, and frankly, I don't think I'm capable of having friends or family anymore. I can laugh coldly at anything, but I can't exactly get a feeling that makes me laugh or cry. Just dulled down fragments of what was once emotions.

I've started learning how to throw knives, since thats the only weapon I've got any kind access to. Initally, I hoped I'd be able to knife my way out of here, but then I'd get wanted for murder and even if I did get out, I wouldn't have any way to sustain myself as a wanted woman. After all, I am a useless maid who's unable to do anything but cook and clean, that's what they've been telling me everyday and I'm starting to belive it.

No, no, no..
Flandre is now sobbing uncontrolably. The fact that this girl, the girl who was happy and trying to see the best in things just a few pages ago, is..

She has to read this through. She has to see what happens. Sorry that's she's reading Sakula's diary, but, this..

Most of the text is just everyday, mundane tasks mixed with comments about dinner, and Sakula's stopped keeping track of the date. She skims a bit more, until she comes to the very last, and longest entry.


I went to work today, and I was sent to a house to clean for the first time. I met a person I couldn't remember, but her name was Remilia. I thought she must be humouring me; She hadn't aged a day. She took me into her parlour and asked me to sit down and have a cup of tea. I followed her orders, since I didn't want to get a mark on reputation and get punished for it later.

We talked a little. She asked me what I'd been doing, and she's offered me a permanent position, as long as I fullfilled her criteria: Change my name and not grow old. I've been given a new pocketwatch as my first salary, and I've been given the position of ?head maid? for as long as I live, or at least for as long as I feel like.

 I hope I don't let her down. Reading back on all things I've written and done, it seems I'm no longer the little girl she knew. I hope she accepts me regardless, and since I don't recall how to be a friend, I'll do my best as her maid instead.

So from now on, my name is Sakuya Izayoi.

...Oh, dear.

It was Sakuya all along?

Flandre wipes her tears away with her sleeve. She's never liked Sakuya, but she hasn't out-right hated her, either. It's just that Sakuya's been awfully strict, and has always been a nuisance in Flandre's eyes. Most maids let you sneak past them because they don't hear you, only Sakuya has exceptional skills, and getting past her to the cookie jar was near impossible. Especially if she had instructions to wait until supper. She's never really treated Sakuya nicely, either- Grudgingly respected her, yes, but being kind was different altogether.

She quickly puts the things back into the suitcase where she found them, and ventures further, after making a silent promise to be nicer to Sakuya. Ah, what about the time? She glances quickly out of the widnow, and-

Wow, it's night already!? And the moon is all red.. It kinda looks like someone dipped it in blood. But it's only 3:10.. Aw, darn it.
Japanese progress: To the point where I can read a manga with the help of an electronic dictionary.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #80 on: August 16, 2010, 06:57:24 PM »
Wait... 3:10?

Oh, bugger-all, I'm late!


Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #81 on: August 16, 2010, 07:17:37 PM »
What a coincidence. Just two nights ago I started working on writing about Sakuya's backstory and the events of her life before EoSD, and then I see this.

Dammit, stop stealing my ideas!  :derp:

Anyway, great job as usual. Looking forward to how Flandre's going to react to Sakuya next time she sees her.
All lies and all sin, all dreams and all majesty, Everything rots in this ruined hell

[The Perfect, Elegant Maid] [Pathos of the Hated People] [Music, Projects, and Art]


  • Nomnomnom~
  • Hooray~
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #82 on: August 16, 2010, 08:03:17 PM »
Awww, these updates are just so cute! Then the diary part made me think :ohdear: then I read the name and It clicked in properly and I thought it was sad but lovable.


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #83 on: August 16, 2010, 08:10:49 PM »
Oh, right.
Patchouli told her it would be sunny today, and Patchouli's rarely wrong. She drops her attitude and turns her gaze downward.
?..But it's sunny.?

Remilia grins with a smile that seems to know more than it lets on, and answers: ?No. It will not.?
I think I know where this is headed.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #84 on: August 17, 2010, 12:36:12 AM »
Aaaand by the end of the chapter, the realization of what Remilia's remark about it not going to be sunny meant hit me like a freight train.

still, this raises a number of questions regarding Flandre's abilities, most notably "Four of a Kind"...

Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #85 on: August 17, 2010, 03:20:25 AM »
I pretty much figured out what it was gonna be right away. :smug:

But yeah, cute.


  • Sure you're straight dash....
  • ...I totally believe you
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #86 on: August 17, 2010, 04:11:35 PM »
The beggining of the Scarlet Mist Incident, huh? Anyway, keep writing onegai!


  • Yoshi of Skies & Rains
  • Who is it that calls for me?
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #87 on: August 21, 2010, 06:38:43 PM »
This is so much win. I thought I was the only person that believed in a sane Flandre. <3

I love how you manage to portray her as childlike, yet still more mature than everyone else would want to think she is. Her reading Sakuya's diary was very heartwarming and sad. Sakuya's story is heartbreaking and to see Flandre cry because of it and vow to be nicer to Sakuya is great. Really shows that Flandre IS growing up and maturing.

I just loved how she kyu'd the tutor too. That was completely justified and Flandre should have gotten a jar of cookies for that. Cirno also deserved to explode for the crap she was saying. <3


  • Drop the pills!
Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #88 on: August 21, 2010, 07:42:59 PM »
She runs towards the door, nearly trips over the stairs, and reaches the corridor before noticing that something feels -wrong-.

It's not that she can't see any maids as she walks down the corridors, it's the fact that they're all lying around, resting or just being disemboweled. One of them is leaning against the wall, still standing.
?What happened?? Flandre demands to know. She's second-in-command in this house, after all(Ok, maybe fourth after Sakuya and Patchouli).

The fairy looks at her and tenses up a bit.
?Y-young mistress..! It, it was so sudden...? She's got a desperate look in her eyes. ?She, she took us all by waving her stick!?

Flandre's eyes narrow. Right, sure. A stick did them in. But the look in the fairy's eyes and the destruction caused urges her to belive that perhaps it's a very powerfull, magic stick- A wand, yeah. Let's say it's a wand. Fairys aren't that smart.
?Who was it? Did you see it??

The fairy avoids her gaze for a moment, before swallowing and looking into her eyes, ?The, red, she was, re..? The fairys voice trails off, and the expression in her face is suddendly that of a man who has led a long life of crime and villainy, and is now being judged in front of  Saint Peter.
?Red-white.? It's barely a whisper, but the fear in her voice is imminent.

Ok. She had red-white clothes. Ok. Flandre will just have to look out, then. She's pretty certain she could kyu her if needed, but if she really is that fast... A shiver runs down her spine. She might be able to defend herself, sure, but this does feel scary.

The fairy starts breathing heavily, and Flandre notices the pained expression on her cheeks. ?You wanna stay here??

?No.? The fairy shakes her head frantically. ?I'll be gone.. Soon.? She smiles weakly. ?But please remember, to.. Use the force, Luke...?
The fairy collapses, and Flandre taker the opportunity to walk away, slowly. Didn't she recognize that fairy, now that she thinks about it? Oh, right- That's the fairy that brings her and Patchouli snacks whenever they're watching Star Wars- She'd been very surprised at first, over the idea that not only were the movies in colour, but people talked, actually talked, instead of just showing black cards with white text on them. The fairy seemed quite used to them, and Patchouli did say something about Flandre being ?More intelligent company?.

Ah, well. Let's try and find Remilia. Yeah, let's find Remilia. She'll protect Flandre, like always. Flandre swallows and walks over towards the room where her sister is, passing through hordes of disemboweled and unconscious fairys in the process. If she were a sissy lady, she'd probably scream or something, but, pah. Everybody knows real ladies don't do that. She's seen her sister walk through what seemed like a sea of blood and still keep her dignity.

When she at last reaches the room where her sister is, she forgets to knock and runs in. Remilia's pacing uneasily back and forth between the table and the wall, what's wrong? Did Flandre take too long time, is she worried about that? Flandre hopes she's not too mad.

Remilia turns around sharply, her eyes are bloodshot and her face looks almost like the time Flandre lost her wings; ?There you are, Flandre, thank the gods.? She looks kinda scary, and Flandre can sense the desperation in her voice. ?Ok, now let's take you back to the basement.?

?What happened?? Flandre tilts her head, making Remilia even more agitated. ?The picnic is canceled. Come along, now.? She places her hands on Flandre's shoulders, and leads her towards the door.

?What's wrong??

?Nothing. Nothing, nothing, nothing at all, why..?  Her voice trails off as she opens the door and ushes Flandre out, keeping her grip firm. This is getting kinda scary, since not even Remilia seems to be able to manage whatever is running through the corridors. Or, maybe she's just scared ?it? will attack Flandre. Remilia can take any danger in the world, but if it's attacking Flandre, that makes it different altogether. She was once out on the streets in London after that lady's kidney had been mailed to the police, and Remilia had some-how managed to stay up all night until she came home. She really didn't understand that time, was it that much of a deal? It wasn't like every girl got killed just like that for being out late.
Are, thank you for all the feedback. ^^
Japanese progress: To the point where I can read a manga with the help of an electronic dictionary.

Re: Flandre and the world outside
« Reply #89 on: August 21, 2010, 07:50:17 PM »
I don't know whether to say I was expecting this or not.

Regardless, I look forward to the rest.
All lies and all sin, all dreams and all majesty, Everything rots in this ruined hell

[The Perfect, Elegant Maid] [Pathos of the Hated People] [Music, Projects, and Art]