Author Topic: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)  (Read 48765 times)

Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #30 on: June 07, 2010, 08:50:58 PM »
Yeah ...

Yeah, there was pretty much no way Aya wasn't going to ... happen.


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Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #31 on: June 07, 2010, 11:46:23 PM »
Whenever Aya rears her head, I like to just think back on that pic of Kogasa flinging her shoe into Aya's face. Makes me feel better all the time :D!

Hello Purvis

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Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #32 on: June 10, 2010, 07:10:19 PM »
(This one is partially Matsy's fault. He knows why. Vic too)

"You know," Utsuho says, her head angled upwards, "I am never ever going to get used to all that blue up there. What do you even do with it all? And the clouds?  Yeesh! Those things aren't right. I mean, look at them, all poofing up and stuff, and always shifting around and making shapes. I don't know how you guys can ever get used to that. Give me some good ole stalactites any day."

"Well, I guess it's weird if you don't get used to it," Mystia says, looking around. The outskirts of the human village were the same as ever; scattered farms with numerous little dirt paths converging into a well-worn road. Old houses with peaked roofs and paper walls; grass and weeds choked out from all the feet passing through. She could hear a dog barking somewhere, bringing a small tinge of discomfort; she could never do well with dogs. It wasn't to long ago that this place was practically another world to her, so far removed from her life. But things have changed. It was nice to be able to come and go as she pleased. Still, some of the old trepidation was coming back. It really was a good thing Yuyuko suggested hiring some help...

"Nothing to get used to do, really," says Utsuho, as they pass by the outer line of houses, "Good earth all around you, nice and dependable. It's only natural. It's not even all cramped like people up here think it is. There's all kinds of room in the big caverns like where the city is. Just the ceiling is something you can count on."

"Isn't there weather down there?" Mystia says. "I remember hearing Nitori talking about that, right after the incident."

Utsuho nods. "Well of course there is, it's got to rain and snow sometime."

"So shouldn't there be clouds?"

"Well, kinda, but they're little ones. Nice ones.You can fly up and touch 'em. They're more like smoke than those big huge poofy things you guys have. They don't get in the way so much, you guys' clouds get all over the sky and make it go gray and stuff. Just making a nuisance of themselves if you ask me."

Mystia has another look around. So far, so good. No rocks, no angry shouts, no one pulling their children away. There were stares, but this is normal. Humans are always fascinated by youkai, and it wasn't often someone as flashy as Utsuho walked into town. You gets used to the stares after awhile, and after they got used to you, the stares would go away. Still, there was a tenseness in the air, or so it seemed. Maybe it's just paranoia? Maybe no one really cared after all? It was known that Aya was prone to exaggeration and flights of fancy.

"Those sound like rather depressing clouds, don't you think?" Mystia says. "Don't they ever look like shapes and things?

"What, no, or course not," says Utsuho. "They don't look like anything. That'd be silly. They're suppose to rain, not get in the way."

"Well, what about..." Mystia looks toward the sky, seeking out a cloud to prove her point. The heavens, she finds, aren't in a cooperative mood. She points to a puffy one to the northeast. "...That one. It looks like cotton candy."

"No it doesn't," says Utsuho, following Mystia's finger. She squints and frowns. "Wait...okay, so it does. Weird. Hey, so does that one! And that other one looks like when Orin spilled milk this morning!"

The market looms up ahead, a number of little wooden stands filled with odd and ends. Dozens of people mill about, and dozens of voices blend into a nondistinct babble. Over that, merchants at their stalls shout their wares, trying to entice people with their goods. She can see all sorts of things for sale; foodstuffs, housewares, clothes, jewelry, art objects. There is a stall selling medicines from Eientei; Mystia notes a familiar pair of ears bobbing over the people gathered there. The smells of fresh food dominates the air, Mystia is pleased to note a lack of poultry odor among it.

"Alright, Okuu," says Mystia, "First thing is to get some more salt, then we'll-"  She glances over to make sure Utsuho is listening, and notices a conspicuous lack of hell raven. "-Damn it." Thankfully, it doesn't take long to find her in front of a clothing stand; large black wings and a white cape stand out quite a bit. Mystia sighs and heads toward one of the grocers. The line isn't long, and she is able to get through it fairly quickly.

The woman running the stand is a older lady, her face lined with every year. Her gray hair is drawn back into a bun and covered with a length of cloth. She gives Mystia a grin with a few gaps in it, and says, "Hello Mystia, dearie. How has business been lately? What can I get for you?"

"Two pounds of salt, Mrs Yumi," Mystia replies. "And it's been a little slow this week. I'm sure you've heard the news? It's had an effect."

"Oh yes," says Mrs Yumi, "I am afraid I can't quite agree with it myself. Honestly, do you really need to be hiring minions to push poor Thea off a cliff? I mean, back in the old days, did you do that sort of thing yourself?"

"I didn't hire Utsuho to push anyone off a cliff," Mystia says, her voice heavy. "There's not going to be any cliff pushing. I just hired her so she wouldn't try to get into this herself."

Mrs Yumi nods, as she places a sack on a scale and starts to ladle salt into it. "Well, that's good to hear. As I was telling Mrs Reiko just the other day, it seemed like the Tengu really was trying her worst to paint you in a bad light. Deplorable, the things people will say!"

Mystia nods and chooses her next words carefully. "Well, I'm glad you believe in me, Mrs Yumi, we do need our friends to stand by us in such things."

"Oh course, dearie," says Mrs Yumi, giving a grin that causes the lines on her face to shift into an entirely new pattern. "I do wonder, though, if little Rumia will expect people to go through with hers agreements? She did trade a yoyo to Mrs Reiko's third granddaughter just yesterday for her body. She's thinking about talking to the Shrine Maiden, but I said to her to wait just a little while and see what will happen. No need for her to go on that long walk, what with her knee and all..."

"You're serious?" Mystia asks, feeling her stomach churn, "She did that?"

"Serious as an oni in a drinking contest," says Miss Yumi with a nod, then frowns at the scale and adds another part of a ladle of salt to the bag. "I saw the little dear playing with the yoyo myself."

"I suppose I'll have to have a talk with Rumia, then," says Mystia. "She'd still be in school now, wouldn't she?"

Miss Yumi hands Mystia the bag. "I would hope so, it is time for the little ones to be there! That'll be the usual price, dearie."

Mystia nods, quietly handing the money to the grocer, and taking the bag. "Thank you for telling me all that, Miss Yumi. I'll look into it as soon as I can. Have a good day."

"Have a good day yourself," says Miss Yumi. "And do be good to that pink-haired girl. She's quite fond of you, you know!"

Turning to walk away, Mystia closes her eyes and tries her best not to scream, shudder, or break into profanity. "I'll be sure to do just that, thank you Miss Yumi." Then she walks away as quickly as she can, comforting herself with some muttered swears as soon as she is certain the grocer can't overhear.

"Hey, Mystia," comes the voice of Utsuho through the crowd, "You got any more bags?"

Mystia looks over to see Utsuho approaching, with her arm and third leg crossed against her chest, cradling a number of glittering objects. She raises her eyebrows. "How many buttons did you buy?"



"They're pretty."

Mystia ponders for a moment, and realizes that there is no real counter argument for that, and no particularly good reason for exploring this any further. "Sorry Okuu, all I have is this. Just gather them up in your shirt until we can find one. We've got problems, too."

"What's up?" asks Utsuho, not looking at Mystia as she gathers up the bottom of her shirt with her hand, then lets the buttons slide down into the pocket she made.

"It looks like Rumia's trying to make contracts, too," Mystia says. "We'll have to deal with it."

Utsuho frowns. "Whomia?"

"Oh right, sorry." Says Mystia. It was hard to remember who knew whom these days. "Rumia, she's a darkness youkai. Looks like a little girl, kinda dim. Not really that strong."

Furrowing her brow, Utsuho says, "Mystia, I am not beating up a little kid. You do not pay me enough for that, and I would never hear the end of it from Satori."

"No, no, we're not beating her up!" Mystia cries. She pauses for a moment, considering Rumia, then adds, "...Probably. We're just going to talk with her and make sure she understands what's going on, and convince her to leave it be."

"I'm not threatening a little kid, either."

"We're not going to threaten her! Probably! Look, just help me finish off the grocery shopping, and I'll buy you some lunch while we wait for school to let out, okay?"

"Not lamprey," Utsuho says, "I'm getting kind of tired of that, and I want a bag, too."


By the time that she is able to get the groceries home, and make good on her promise of lunch for Utsuho, it is close to time for school to end for the day. Mystia hurries over to the building and waits. Sitting near the main crossroads of town, is it easy for just about anyone to find. It stands two stories, the upper one serving as the schoolmistress' home. A fenced off playground with a slide, a set of climbing bars, and a large sandbox lays beside it, scattered with things the children have no doubt forgotten.

"So, we catch her when she comes out, right?" says Utsuho, "And then we set her straight? Is it really going to be that easy?"

"Trust me, you don't know Rumia," says Mystia. "The hard part will be making her remember it."

"You're the boss," Utsuho says with a shrug.

The Mystia settles in to wait. Utsuho wanders around a bit; giving Mystia something to watch; until she finds a stray kitten and gets into a staring contest with it. This loses its spectator appeal in short order, leaving her to watch the front door of the school and mentally review her speech. It does not take long for the door to open, and a stream of chattering children to pour out. Mystia scans them, and quickly picks out her target; running with her arms outstretched.

"Hey, Rumia!" she calls. "Come over here!"

"Hi Miss Tia!" says Rumia, as she alters her course and runs toward Mystia.

Glancing over, Mystia notes Utsuho leaving the staring contest unresolved and is approaching. She looks back to Rumia and smiles. "My name is pronounced Mystia."

"Yeah, that's what I said, Miss Tia," Rumia answers. "Whacha want?"

"I want to talk about something you did yesterday," Mystia says. "You gave her a yoyo, right?"

"Yeah," says Rumia, nodding, "And when she dies I get to eat her! It's awesome! I didn't even like that yoyo anyways. And now the Red White won't put my insides on the outside!"

"Well, that's going to be a problem," says Mystia, as Utsuho quietly sidles beside her.  "You see, the Red White said only I'm allowed to do that."

"What! No fair! That dumb!" Rumia says, crossing her arms. "I hope she trips over that donation box!"

Mystia nods. "Yeah, but it would be a problem if everyone was doing it. It'd get all confused and bad things would happen, and then the Red White would beat us all up again."

Rumia's eyes go wide. "Oh no! I want to keep my arms!"

"Yeah, it's be a real problem, and no one would be happy," says Mystia. "So we need you not to do this-"

"Or it's your ass!" Utsuho shouts, levering her third arm at Rumia with a hard glare.

"You have a thing on your arm, Miss Other Bird," Rumia says.

Mystia frowns. Things were starting to go off script. "Okuu, I thought you weren't going to threaten her?"

"Unyu...sorry," says Utsuho, as she stops brandishing her third leg at Rumia, "I just thought maybe it would help..."

"I'm paid to do the thinking, Okuu," Mystia says. She then smiles back at Rumia. "Don't worry about my partner, she's new to this. Anyways, I need you to give your contract back to Ishi, so that the Red White doesn't beat us all up."

"But it's mine," says Rumia, frowning. "It's square and fair and everything..."

"Well, if you do," says Mystia, "I can share the one I have when she passes on. And she's older, so you won't have to wait as long. And I'll even cook her for you."

"Well, that sounds kinda okay," says Rumia, "But I like Ishi. She's really silly and I bet she'll taste good..."

"I'll give you that kitten," Utsuho says, motioning toward her former opponent with her thumb, as it washes its face. Mystia would feel a little sorry for it, being bought and sold like that, but her sympathy for stray cats had run out a long time ago.

"Deal!" Rumia says, bunching her hands into fists, holding them before her and shaking with excitement.. "Shake one it! Pinky promise! Blood pact!"

"Done and done, kiddo," says Utsuho. "Now lets go get that kitty."

"You're the best Other Bird, Miss Other Bird!"

Mystia watches as the two of them walk off, and the the kitten dashes away from them. She closes her eyes, letting the relief wash over her like a cool rain. Crisis adverted. If Rumia were willing to accept it once, then even if she forgot about it, it shouldn't be hard to get her to accept it again. Of course, it meant having to share with Rumia as well as Utsuho, but that shouldn't be too much of a problem...

"My," whispers a voice in Mystia's ear. Her eyes snap open, panick surgnig, as familiar arms wrap around her, "Just when I was thinking about lunch..."

"Damn it!" Mystia cries, "I'm trying to get work done!"

"Everyone needs a break, my Thiamine," says Yuyuko. "Come, let's dine~"

"We're not even close to my house!"

"There's an inn,"

"I can't just keep throwing money around!"

"My treat~"

Mystia sighs, and lets herself relax as Yuyuko starts to pull her away. "I hate you so much."

"We'll remedy that in a short while."

Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #33 on: June 10, 2010, 09:46:40 PM »
You know, there's just something that made me giggle about how Yuyuko had an answer to all of Mystia's objections, up to and including that last bit.

Hello Purvis

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Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #34 on: June 10, 2010, 11:01:44 PM »
Yuyuko is so much fun to write. My god.

Paul Debrion

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Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #35 on: June 11, 2010, 02:57:44 AM »
I liked the little peek into how Utsuho sees the surface world.
I'll come up with an evil scheme later. First, it's time to build a giant robot!

You can't have a good evil scheme without a giant robot!

Hello Purvis

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Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #36 on: June 11, 2010, 06:34:38 PM »
"Oh hell, this isn't going to work at all," Mystia mutters, as she stares at her ledger, resting her head against her hand. She runs through the numbers again, but they do not change. The payment toward Thea took out a significant amount of her savings, but it was just a one-time cost. After a coulpe months, that would have been recovered, normally. But business hadn't returned to normal yet. On top of that, there was now Okuu's wage, and all the costs of food itself...

"What isn't going to work?"

"Gah!" Mystia jumps, her heart hammering. Leaping from her seat and trying to turn around, her feet get tangled in the chair legs and nearly send her sprawling to the ground. "D-don't do that!"

Yuyuko stands at the other end of the room, a small dining room near the kitchen, frowning with a hand held before her face as though to ward off a blow. "But...I like knowing how you're doing, my B Vitamins..."

Putting her foot up on the chair, she starts to massage the soreness from her ankle. "I meant knock before you come inside!"

"But you weren't home."

Mystia looks up from her ministrations. "...I've been in here for the past hour."

"Just so. I came in two hours ago," says Yuyuko with a nod.

"You could have told me!"

Yuyuko frowns. "But then how could I surprise you in the pantry?"

"You don't!" Mystia says, trying very hard to curb her words. "You nearly gave me a heart attack as it is! And not in the pantry! I keep my food in there!"

Yuyuko gives one of those grins. "Oh, we could have gone elsewhere, and explored the house~"

"Agh!" Mystia throws her hands in the air. How can she dance around the point like that all the time!?

"Regardless, what was it that won't work, my Proteins?"

"The stupid ledger," says Mystia after a moment, giving it a dirty look to spare Yuyuko from getting one. "I don't think I'm going to be able to afford things without some major cutbacks..."

"If it's money you need, I would be all too happy to share," says, Yuyuko, approaching Mystia, frowning. "It pains me to see you in such straits."

"No, but thank you," Mystia says automatically. It wouldn't do to take gifts from Yuyuko, not with the way she acts. Money and material gifts were the difference between a being in a relationship and being a kept woman, and damn it there was some pride to be salvaged!

"Hmm. I suppose raising prices a little would be out of the question?" says the ghost princess.

Mystia shakes her head, leaving the dining room behind. "If I asked humans to pay more to help me eat them, they'd stone me."

"Oh, this is quite a pickle," says Yuyuko, her voice following behind Mystia. "Are you sure I can't help?"

"I have an idea," says Mystia as she enters the den. "It'll probably work, as much as I hate to do it, but...well, it'll be a bit rocky. Uh, if you really want to help, it wouldn't be bad if you stays around here for a few days. Because the Red White is going to be back, and I might need you to hold her off if she's in a bad mood."

"Oh, I never thought you'd ask me to stay!" says Yuyuko, over the all too familiar sound of cloth hitting the floor.

Mystia sighs. Some day, some glorious day, she'll learn to watch her mouth. "How did you get those off so fast?"

"Oh, I only tied them with a slip knot," says Yuyuko, as she hugs Mystla from behind.

"So I see. Um...could I get something to eat first? I know you're just going to say we're getting to that, but really, I've been doing books and I'm famished, so...please?"

"Well, alright, my little Niacin."

Moments pass.

"You're not going to let go, or get dressed, are you?"



"Mystia, Mystia, Mystia," says Reimu, as she sits down at the counter, crossing her arms. "You're a real piece of work, you know that? A real piece of work. How long along was it I came up here last? Two weeks?"

"Just about," says Mystia, as she lays a few bits of lamprey and a long strip of eel on the grill. Reimu didn't place orders. One simply gives her the good stuff. Still, it wasn't too bad. This wasn't like last time. This was just little details. Nothing to be afraid of. Hopefully...

"Two weeks," Reimu says, "I don't leave incidents laying around two weeks after I start dealing with them. But you know that, right Mystia? You know that. I have a reputation to upkeep; never more than a day. Twenty-Four Hour Reimu, they'd call me if I let 'em. But look at this. Two weeks, and here I am again. Mystia, do you think I planned to be here today? Do you think I penciled this in, two weeks ago?"

"Well, I would like to think my food would give you that kind of craving," Mystia says.

Reimu clicks her tongue. "My oni needs a bath. You know that oni don't like baths? They don't, or at least mine doesn't. And you know how much of a pain it is to get an oni into the tub that doesn't want to be in one? Especially mine? She just makes herself too big to fit. Then she goes drinking anyways. You have any idea what a pain that is? Takes way too long. And it's funny you should mention cravings," Reimu leans forward. "But not ha ha funny, more like makes you think funny. Because now I have to think about how I'm going to get things set up right after two weeks."

Reimu reaches over and tears a slip of paper from one of the roof supports and tosses it on the counter. It reads: "Please inquire about our dining club!" in beautifully painted letters. Mystia had to admit, Yuyuko was useful to have around for certain situations. "What're we going to do about this, Mystia? Trying to make a profit after I said to you, 'No profits from people eating.' Isn't that what I said? Yes it is."

"Oh, I agree," says Mystia. "It would be very crass. But here, look at this." She picks up a leather bound ledger, opens it to a dog-eared page, and places it in front of Reimu.

"Do I look like I came up here to squint at numbers when I have an oni reeking of drink running around my shrine?"

Mystia flips the meat on the grill before answering. "No, but these shouldn't be too hard. See, i just need to get so much to cover costs. So I'm only letting in ten people, and charging just enough to cover the cost of the contract. And that's it. Not profit, just breaking even. You can even show that to Keine or Ran if you wanted to, I don't mind"

Reimu doesn't say anything, frown at the ledger, trying to read it through narrowed eyes, if it were going to break out a spellcard any minute now. Mystia says nothing, turning her attention to the meat and trying to hide a smile. It wasn't often one got to befuddle the Red White! "You know what?" says Reimu, "I think better just put your head through the wall for being a smartass."

Mystia's eyes go wide, as she nearly drops her spatula. "W-what!?"

"Relax, relax," says Reimu, setting the ledger aside, "It's just a joke. You're just too jumpy, is all. Calm down. This looks good. Just don't screw it up, you got me? If I have to come down here a third time, I'm not even gonna bother talking. Go ask Sariel about that if you want to know what it's like. No third time, got it?"

Seian Verian

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Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #37 on: June 11, 2010, 06:46:58 PM »
"Go ask Sariel about that if you want to know what it's like. No third time, got it?"

Okay, I laughed. But seriously, I'm really looking forward to where this fic is gonna head.


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Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #38 on: June 11, 2010, 06:49:54 PM »
My God Yuyuko is fun.

And wait, Sariel's still around?
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #39 on: June 11, 2010, 06:55:12 PM »
My God Yuyuko is fun.

And wait, Sariel's still around?

Be happy I'm even pretending uncharacters exist =[

Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #40 on: June 11, 2010, 10:05:28 PM »
Actually, now I'm imagining Mystia asking this in-character, and Reimu ominously saying "Mmmmmmmmmno."


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #41 on: June 13, 2010, 12:41:38 PM »
And wait, Sariel's still around?
Not anymore.

* NeoSerela shudders
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • Drop the pills!
Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #42 on: June 14, 2010, 12:04:15 AM »
Seeing lamprey-seller Mystia is always nice, ^^ And Yuyuko's just too damn funny.

Rumia made me go "d'aww" a bit..

And maffia-Reimu. Just.. XD It's creepy, cool, and makes sense all at the same time. X3
Japanese progress: To the point where I can read a manga with the help of an electronic dictionary.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #43 on: June 15, 2010, 09:13:02 PM »
(Have some more loosely connected scenes. It is like a montage)

"Wait, what?" Mystia asks, eyebrows raised as she pours a cup of sake and places it on the counter.

"I said, we would like to sign up for your dining club," says Meiling, through the last mouthfuls of an eel skewer. "We're not too late, are we?"

"Well, no," says Mystia. "But, both of you?"

"Yes, both of us,"  Sakuya says, crossing her arms. "Is there a problem with that?"

"No," says Mystia, choosing her words carefully. "It's just, um, I thought you weren't supposed to be a vampire?"

"I'm not," says Sakuya, frowning and fixing a look on Mystia. "I'm just going to give my portions to Meiling. Are you saying I cannot do this?"

"Oh..." says Mystia. "I guess that's okay..."


"Wait, you want what?" Mystia asks, eyebrows raised and frowning. It takes a supreme act of will not to accidentally burn herself on the grill.

"We'd like to join your dining club, please," says Sanae, sitting on the left side of the counter and sipping some tea.

"Hopefully your price isn't too steep," Byakuren adds, who sits on the right side; her height necessitating that she forgo the stools in favor of taking a lotus position on the ground.

"Um," Mystia says, "You know I'm supposed to pay you guys for your remains, right?"

"Oh no, we aren't selling," says Sanae. "We'd like to join in the club, please."

There is a moment of silence as Mystia considers this issue. Finally, she says, "...I didn't think you were into this kind of thing."

"Oh, it's not that," says Byakuren. "It's just we would like to be sure all the rites and such are done properly."

"Oh!" Mystia snacks her forehead, prompting a giggle from Sanae. "Well, alright."


"We'd like to sign up for the dining club," says Alice, as between dainty mouthfuls of lamprey.

"Both of you?" asks Mystia. "This one of those deals where one of you gives extra portions of the other?"

Alice and Marisa nod.

Mystia nods in turn. "Okay, that's fine, I'll just need you to-"

"I'm afraid she won't be taking any more applications today,"  comes a voice from behind Mystia, as familiar arms wrap around her torso. "She's going to be on break. Come back at dusk. But not too late into dusk~"

Mystia struggles against the ghost princess' grip, finding it solid as always. "Yuyuko, I'm at work, dammit!"

"I know," says Yuyuko, "But all work and no play makes B Vitamins go sour. Besides, I'm calling in my debt for coming up with the whole idea."

"Have fun, you two," says Marisa, grinning, while Alice covers her mouth and giggles.

"I paid that off three times that night!" Mystia says. Still, the words don't have the passion she wants. They won't matter, they never do.

"...Going into debt, then!" Yuyuko answers.


"I really wish you wouldn't do that when I have customers," Mystia says softly, cuddling against Yuyuko.

Yuyuko giggles and kisses Mystia's forehead. "That's not what you were saying earlier, my Niacin."

Mystia sighs contentedly, idly running a strand of Yuyuko's hair between her fingers. "Well, maybe not during...but it was just a little embarrassing in front of the customers. You really should have waited just a bit."

"But I had waited so long already," Yuyuko says, "And so had you. It would have been so rude to keep you waiting, too. And you should have seen your face!"

"Yuyuko, that's not the point." Mystia says, frowning. "I don't mind so much if you do this kind of thing when I'm not that busy, but i really was trying to deal with some business. And yes, I know, love trumps business, but no one said we can't have both things. So, really, don't you think you just a little too far this time? And you didn't even see my face, anyways, you were behind me!"

"When you say it like that," says Yuyuko, "I suppose I must make a little better effort to restrain myself, for your sake. But I expect to hear something nice from you in turn."

"Oh, you're such a baby, you know that?" says Mystia, shaking her head, before she kisses Yuyuko lightly on the cheek. "Fine, fine. I'll say it. I lo-"

"URAMESHIYA!" shouts the nearby closest as it explodes open.


Mystia tries to leap out from the futon out of reflex, but entwined as she is with Yuyuko, all she manages to do is accidentally kick the ghost princess in the back of the leg. At the same time, Yuyuko cries out while tightening her arms around Mystia. Both turn and glare at the open closest, where a teal-haired youkai stands, unfolding an umbrella.

"What the hell were you doing in there, Kogasa!?" Mystia shouts, trying to find a sheet to cover herself with, failing, and settling on letting Yuyuko block her from sight.

"I was waiting to surprise you!" says Kogasa, beaming. "Oh, the looks on your faces..."

"How long where you in there, dear?" asks Yuyuko.

"Few hours," says Kogasa. "I was going to surprise you when you came in, but you were busy and it would have been rude, so I waited until it seemed like you were done. Anyways, could I join that dining club you're running? I've never really tried eating people before, and I think it sounds like an important part of being a youkai, so I think I'm really obligated to do it once."

"B-vitamins, dear? My robe is on your side of the bed. Could you reach into the pocket and hand me the second spellcard from the bottom of the deck?"


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #44 on: June 15, 2010, 11:45:44 PM »

I love Kogasa.


  • A series of interesting decisions.
Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #45 on: June 16, 2010, 12:00:40 AM »
"I was going to surprise you when you came in, but you were busy and it would have been rude,

This line made me giggle.

Great job writing this!

Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #46 on: June 16, 2010, 12:05:12 AM »
...I feel really bad for Kogasa now :P


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #47 on: June 16, 2010, 04:54:57 AM »
"B-vitamins, dear? My robe is on your side of the bed. Could you reach into the pocket and hand me the second spellcard from the bottom of the deck?"

A grin and a laugh, well earned.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #48 on: June 16, 2010, 05:05:30 AM »


  • Nomnomnom~
  • Hooray~
Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #49 on: June 17, 2010, 12:14:23 AM »
Oh my... this is just so :* I love it! By the way, what card is Yuyuko refering to?

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #50 on: June 17, 2010, 12:47:19 AM »
Second to last card, obviously.


  • Nomnomnom~
  • Hooray~
Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #51 on: June 17, 2010, 01:17:19 AM »
Second to last card, obviously.

What is the name of that card? >.>

I'll also say it again, this fanfic rocks!

Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #52 on: June 17, 2010, 01:28:00 AM »
Cherry Blossom Sign "Perfect Cherry Blossom of Sumizome -Bloom-"
[/size]I believe is the card, this is Lunatic mode right?

Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #53 on: June 17, 2010, 02:32:16 AM »
You know ... I somehow think that Mystia's going to end up deciding that getting beaten up by Reimu will be the easiest end to all this ...


  • Nomnomnom~
  • Hooray~
Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #54 on: June 17, 2010, 03:00:18 AM »
You know ... I somehow think that Mystia's going to end up deciding that getting beaten up by Reimu will be the easiest end to all this ...

Yeah, I also think being willing for Yuyuko's "meal times" will be the easiest way to deal with those, but sadly, that would likely kill the lolz... unless Yuyuko says no :V

What's with Yuyuko's nicknames for Mystia? B-vitamins and such.


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #55 on: June 17, 2010, 04:07:00 AM »
What is the name of that card? >.>

What's with Yuyuko's nicknames for Mystia? B-vitamins and such.

They're also one of the best parts of the entire fic.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #56 on: June 18, 2010, 01:20:18 AM »
The sky is blue, the birds are singing merrily, and Mystia digs away at the garden around the side of her house. Justing warm enough, with a nice breeze to keep things comfortably cool, it is the perfect time to set the flowers out. This means the garden needs to be weeded, but on a day like this it is barely an annoyance. Every so often, Mystia looks back. Lunchtime draws near, and if anything draws ambushes from a certain ghost princess, it was mealtime. A rag waits in a nearby bucket; there would not be much of a chance to clean her hands and face otherwise.

"Hey Mystia!" calls Utsuho, as she lands nearby and folds her wings.

For a moment, Mystia considers shooing the hell crow away, guests are more of an inconvenience and an embarrassment at this time of day than anything else. But looking at Utsuho, Mystia quickly sees that she is breathing hard, and sweating heavily. "...Did something happen?"

Utsuho nods, and takes a deep, steadying breath. "Yeah, I just got back from checking on Thea..."

Mystia listen as Utsuho tells the story, then swears floridly. "Okay, one of us needs to go check her house, and see if her family knows anything. And, the other needs to go tell the Red White. We'll meet back here."

"Not it!" says Utsuho.

Mystia crosses her arms. "I pay you. You are very much it."

"I quit." says Utsuho, crossing her arms too.

With the hell crow's superior height, Mystia can't help but feel she isn't half as intimidating; even if Utsuho's third leg makes the gesture look a bit silly. She frowns. "Coinflip?"

Utsuho nods, then says "Tails," as Mystia pulls out a coin and flips it into the air. She catches it, and places it on the back of her other hand.

"Oh for fuck's sake!"


Peeking through the torii, Mystia sees Reimu reclining against the steps of the shrine, arms spread out and a cup of something by her side. Mystia takes a long, steadying breath, and begins to walk down the cobblestone path. She tries to ignore the dread in her heart, the gnawing instinct that tells her to run away as fast as she can and hide in a tree until this all blows over. But there is no tree tall enough, no tree remote enough to escape her. Mystia soldiers on.

"Miss Hakurei?" she asks, as she draws close to the shrine without any reaction from Reimu.

Reimu shifts her head a little, and shakes her index and middle fingers on her left hand a couple times. Looking toward this gesture, Mystia notices the donation box nearby. Mystia stifles a sigh, and walks over to the box, dropping in a few loose coins.

"What can I do for you, Mystia?" Reimu asks, sitting up and folding her arms on her knees.

"It's Thea," says Mystia. "She's gone missing. I've been having Utsuho check up on her daily, and she's gone..." She tenses herself.

"You oughta do something about that, then," says Reimu with a frown. Then she has a drink of her beverage.

Mystia waits for her to continue. After a few moments, it becomes clear that Reimu has nothing more to say. "Um..."

"Um, what?" says Reimu. "You're the one who put the mark on that woman's head, and I trust you to be able to solve the problems with it, just like you said. If she isn't home in good time, though, I'll have to investigate it myself. And you know how thoroughly I like to investigate things. Because I solve problems, Mystia. I solve 'em good and hard. Remember when your girlfriend tried to steal spring? She's not tried that since. Solved."

"She's not my-" says Mystia, before cutting herself off. That was beside the point, and this is not the time to be beside the point. "I've got Utsuho talking to her family right now. I'm hoping we're just overreacting, but if not, it should give us some leads. Just relax, I'll take care of it."

"That you will, Mystia. That you will. They're gonna call you six hour Mystia."


"Okuu, you back yet?" asks Mystia, as she reaches her front yard and looks around.

"No," comes an all-too-familiar voice from behind, as arms wrap around Mystia's waist.

"Yuyuko, now is not the time," Mystia says. "Thea's gone missing!"

"I know," Yuyuko says, "I heard some of Utsuho's story. She won't be back for a bit, by the by. She took some time to rest before leaving."

Mystia frowns. "Then...why did you stay hidden? You could have helped us!"

"My polyphenol,," says Yuyuko, "I don't know where she is any more than you do. It's very gratifying you think so highly me, but my understanding isn't so almighty as that. But, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to tell you that she hasn't come to me yet."

Mystia pauses. When did Yuyuko become so forthright? She then says, "Then I really can't hang around here! I wish I could, I do, but if she's still alive, then I definitely have to find her!"

"You need to wait for your partner to get back, first," says the ghost princess, "So, don't you think we should make the most of the meantime?"

"She's not going to take that long, you know..." says Mystia. It was tempting at this point. Just setting all the worries aside and taking some time for herself...

"Nor will I," says Yuyuko, as she slips a hand under Mystia's skirt.

"Wait, wait! What are you-Oh...wooow. W-what did you do?"

"Just a trick," says Yuyuko. "I'll teach you all about it, my betacaratin."


"Sorry I took so long" says Utsuho, as she lands in front of the Mystia's porch; Mystia sitting on the front steps. "I kinda got lost on the way and overshot their house. ...Wow, are you okay?"

"Splendid," Mystia sighs.

"Oh. Well, you buttoned up your dress wrong," says Utsuho.

"Crap!" Mystia stands, turns her back to the hell crow, and starts correcting her buttons. "Did you find anything?"

"Thea wasn't home. I asked about her, and it turns out she went to Mount Nagai today."

Mystia frowns, trying and failing to recall the name while fumbling with the third button. "Is that bad?"

"It's not supposed to be," says Utsuho. "They said it was a real nice mountain, gentle slopes and all that. Apparently a lot of  good stuff grows on it. Maybe she had a bad run-in with a deer?"

Mystia frowns. "I don't think you can have a bad run-in with a deer. At least not the kind you're implying."

"Have you seen the antlers those things get?" Utsuho says, gesturing with an open hand. "They could mess up anything they run across! Mark my words, they'll take up meat eating real soon with that kind of weaponry."

Mystia decides its best to let this drop. There's worse misapprehensions than being excessively cautious around deer. "For now, we'll assume it wasn't an animal. Yuyuko told me she's still alive. You did learn how to get to that mountain, right?"

"Sure did," says Utusho. "It's not too far off from Youkai Mountain. It's one of those little ones nobody but people like Thea bothers with. Supposed to have a split peak, C'mon, let's go!.


The trip to the mountain is a fairly quick one from the air. As per Utsuho's word, it is only a mile or so from Youkai Mountain. Its peak is cleft in two, leaving Mystia to wonder about it what happened to it. Perhaps it was something the oni did back when they ran this region? She regards the mountain from above, trying to figure out where to look. It isn't a very large mountain, nor does it look all that perilous, but there is still an awful lot of territory on it. She frowns at all the green on it, thinking about how much it would hide any tracks...wait a minute, tracks!

"Hey Okuu, you said that she comes to this mountain pretty often, right?"

"Often enough," says Utsuho.

"Maybe there's some trails she follows, then?"

Utsuho smiles. "Oh hey, that's a good point! I keep forgetting that plant stuff does that when you walk on it a lot."

"Don't you have moss and stuff underground?"

"Not if you keep a good home."

"Oh." Mystia shrugs, "Well, let's have a look. We'll have a sweep by the base of the mountain."

The two swoop down, and fly over the mountain, just low enough to avoid the trees. The first pass reveals nothing, nor does the second. Mystia slows down for the third one, letting Utsuho zoom ahead, and spots a thin dirt trail that weaves around the brush. She lands near a large brush where the path seems widest. Looking around, she can see a few plants that have been snapped off. Then she notices a lot of the grass has been torn as well, and indulges in some profanity, something was grazing here. Still, that sign flustered, she heads for the path and starts to follow along side of it, looking for some sort of footprint. The path is hard and windswept, not cooperating at all with Mystia's hopes. 

After a few minutes, Utsuho lands nearby and joins her. "Any luck?" she asks.

"Not yet," says Mystia. "The dirt's too hard."

"Nuts," says Utsuho, as she falls into step on the other side of the path.

The two continue to walk on. Mystia tries to hold onto hope, but the hard compacted earth refuses to give anything to her. What uses this path so much? Maybe Thea really did have a bad run-in with some deer? Wouldn't that be ironic? All this heartache and worry, just to have be be done in by a rampaging herbivore...

"Here we go!" says Utsuho, breaking the reverie as they enter a light copse of trees. "It's getting a little better over here."

Mystia looks ahead, and sees that the soil here is a little more loose. Perhaps it is why trees thrive here? Buoyed, she starts to look around, staring hard at the dirt. "See any of her footprints, Okuu?" asks Mystia.

"No," says Utsuho, "But I do see something else, get a load of these." She gestures toward her side of the path. Mystia walks over to where she indicated and kneels down on the grass to have a closer look. There, impressed in the soil, are two rectangles, about a hand's width from each other and about as thick as her thumb.

"What are these?" she asks.

"Geta," says Utsuho.

"So there were Tengu here?"

"No, they like Geta with one slat on them. This one has two. And I am pretty sure, looking at these, that I know where we're going next."

Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #57 on: June 18, 2010, 05:06:39 AM »
Oho! The plotters thicken!


  • Though the sun may set
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  • It shall rise again
Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #58 on: June 18, 2010, 06:17:45 AM »
Oho! The pot congeals!

Fixed that for ya this is a fic about Mystia after all

Kinzo the Astro Curious

  • One small step for Desu; One giant leap for touhou-kind!
Re: Mystia Lorelei vs. The Hunger (NSFW?!)
« Reply #59 on: June 21, 2010, 11:07:23 AM »
I think I speak for everyone when I say "Moar!"

loving this peice purvis. Keep it going!