Author Topic: Otakon 2010 - July 30-August 1, Baltimore MD.  (Read 124425 times)


  • Cya
Re: Otakon 2010 - July 30-August 1, Baltimore MD.
« Reply #720 on: August 07, 2010, 04:29:33 PM »
Yaaay!!!  I'm the other Momiji.  Welcome to the forum.  ^.^


Re: Otakon 2010 - July 30-August 1, Baltimore MD.
« Reply #721 on: August 07, 2010, 06:55:25 PM »
Yaaay!!!  I'm the other Momiji.  Welcome to the forum.  ^.^

Momijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~! And, thank you!

I think I love this thing--->  :derp:

[⑨] Suzuran

  • Neko Neko Wai~
Re: Otakon 2010 - July 30-August 1, Baltimore MD.
« Reply #722 on: August 07, 2010, 07:03:09 PM »
It's female Momiji from Otakon. Y'know, the one with the Tengu Trio.
Hi, I'm Man-Medicine.
I posted an apology to you on poosh, but if you didn't see it there I'll restate it here.
I'm sorry for being "angry" at you. As far as I can remember I was not mad at anyone any point. I was teasing people I thought didn't recognize me, and I did it wrong. I sincerely apologize.

Also, I don't normally post here, so please don't avoid motk because of me. I'll probably disappear when this thread dies out.


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Re: Otakon 2010 - July 30-August 1, Baltimore MD.
« Reply #723 on: August 07, 2010, 07:05:56 PM »
Hello~ I'm the man!Mokou that was in line with you lot at the panel. Glad to see you joined. : D read about me playing league i guess


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« Reply #724 on: August 07, 2010, 07:27:56 PM »
Yosh! More tengu! Welcome.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."

Re: Otakon 2010 - July 30-August 1, Baltimore MD.
« Reply #725 on: August 07, 2010, 07:33:28 PM »
Hooray for Mankou!

ahahahahaha I said it  :ohdear:


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Re: Otakon 2010 - July 30-August 1, Baltimore MD.
« Reply #726 on: August 07, 2010, 08:38:09 PM »
Hooray for Mankou!

ahahahahaha I said it  :ohdear:


Thanks...? read about me playing league i guess


  • Ace Hakurei Attorney
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Re: Otakon 2010 - July 30-August 1, Baltimore MD.
« Reply #727 on: August 07, 2010, 08:55:48 PM »
I'm already looking up ways to do my Mokou cosplay less wrong and pricing materials, so you're not alone. O-Ohohoho

Sales and pricing errors are your friends! (That wool suiting I used for Mokou's pants and Cana's sash?  $8.99/yard.  Should have been, uh, $25.99)  Seriously, though, check the papers for circulars from JoAnne's, and such.

You are a far far braver person than I.  I'm like YUP THE WIG OUTTA THE BAG FROM EBAY IS WHAT I'M USING.

I just make it up as I go, for the most part.  It's more fun that way =)

Also, hello to all the new members!  I loved the huge group we got, especially for Saturday.  Actually charging the KH group would probably have been ill-advised, but it was still fun to contemplate  :D I'm already looking forward to next year!  (And next con, for that matter)
« Last Edit: August 07, 2010, 08:57:25 PM by Silentsword »
"But if I don't do this, then all that's left is to stand around and do nothing, and I've discovered I can't do that. That's the problem with the freedom of choice he was talking about: once you've got it, you can't live with yourself very comfortably if you choose not to exercise it." - Commander Warner Caslet.

Re: Otakon 2010 - July 30-August 1, Baltimore MD.
« Reply #728 on: August 08, 2010, 04:53:40 AM »
Is the girl who played Patchoulli (one of the many...really is she that easy to get a costume for? xD There were so many o.o;;; ) on Friday and Cirno on Saturday here? Sorry for not getting your name if you are here >< Same with the Marisa who said yes to me getting a picture with her after the Friday photo shoot. You rock for that btw <3

So for cosplays...what do you guys think was the best one you all saw? It's tough for me, but I'll have to go with the Mettaur girl from Friday...I mean damn...wearing that costume the whole day?! o.o She must just be short because I know my back would have been KILLING me if I wore that all back was hurting bad enough! D8
Thursday: Gordon keeps staring at Jennifer's thighs. Pervert. Pervert. Pervert.


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Re: Otakon 2010 - July 30-August 1, Baltimore MD.
« Reply #729 on: August 08, 2010, 04:55:23 AM »
Sunday's Oregon Trail cosplay was my favorite.
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> FUCK YEAH

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


  • time for kittyrina lessons
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Re: Otakon 2010 - July 30-August 1, Baltimore MD.
« Reply #730 on: August 08, 2010, 05:05:28 AM »
My favorites would have to be Parsee and the Pyro/Mokou cross. And that gothloli who was playing violin on sunday. read about me playing league i guess

Re: Otakon 2010 - July 30-August 1, Baltimore MD.
« Reply #731 on: August 08, 2010, 07:33:11 AM »
Sunday's Oregon Trail cosplay was my favorite.
I remember seeing that one on Saturday when I was in the Artist Alley with a friend I met down there. They were pretty damn good xD And I liked how they were doing the whole Monty Python and the Holy Grail thing with the coconut halves xD
Thursday: Gordon keeps staring at Jennifer's thighs. Pervert. Pervert. Pervert.


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  • Berninghousn
Re: Otakon 2010 - July 30-August 1, Baltimore MD.
« Reply #732 on: August 09, 2010, 03:20:08 AM »

It's female Momiji from Otakon. Y'know, the one with the Tengu Trio.


We're gonna have to connect you to the hip with the other Momiji.

Menorah Jams, Pham

  • I'm allergic to sushi. Everytime I eat more than 80 sushis, I barf
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Re: Otakon 2010 - July 30-August 1, Baltimore MD.
« Reply #733 on: August 10, 2010, 12:13:47 AM »

It's female Momiji from Otakon. Y'know, the one with the Tengu Trio.



Are you guys all friends IRL?  If so, you gotta get that Hatate all knowledge'd up and on here!


  • I came.
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Re: Otakon 2010 - July 30-August 1, Baltimore MD.
« Reply #734 on: August 15, 2010, 03:09:58 PM »

Also Is it bad that I kinda sorta already want to start working on NEXT YEAR'S TOUHOU COSPLAY ADVENTURE?...
... probably is right?

Did I mention that I had so much fun this year  :toot: like best Otakon ever territory?  Because it's true!

Yeah, I totally have to say that that was my best Otakon ever.  It was probably the best days of my life for some reason... yeah, long story.

BlazikenOwns (female Momiji) and I decided that we should be the three mischievous fairies for Katsucon and next year's Otakon.  She will be Sunny Milk and buy her costume online, and I will make my own Luna Child cosplay.  It would be perfect if we got our Hatate to be Star Sapphire, but she already have other ideas and we doubt that we are going to convince her to be Star Sapphire.  You see, we had a really good friend who moved to Georgia state this summer and we really miss her.  The good thing though, is that she will go to Otakon next year and we get to see her again!  My friend Hatate wants to be someone from Kuroshitsuji rather than Touhou so she can make my friend in Georgia state more happy.

So that said, BlazikenOwns has a doll named Valentino and I thought that her doll can dress up as Star Sapphire.  It would be really cool if we make doll clothes for BlazikenOwns's doll's cosplay.  But Otakon is in a year, so we could change our idea at any point.  I really want to be Touhou next year again because its, that much more fun.


Are you guys all friends IRL?  If so, you gotta get that Hatate all knowledge'd up and on here!

Yeah, we the female Tengu trio are friends in real life.  We go to the same school, we are in the same grade, and we are very very close friends.  It was my idea to tell my friend, female Momiji (BlazikenOwns) that we should cosplay as Touhou this year.  My friend Hatate doesn't know about Touhou and probably she is never actually going to play the game, but she sort of wanted to come to Otakon with us two a bit later and she had no idea who to cosplay as.  So fem. Momiji and I convinced her to be Hatate and she did.  Sadly, she's probably not going to get into Touhou or anything, but it would be really awesome if she actually had more taste into Touhou.

Hello~ I'm the man!Mokou that was in line with you lot at the panel. Glad to see you joined. : D

Oh heyyyy.  You probably heard me, female Aya with the hat, screaming at my phone in the corner at the line to the panel.  That was because it was too loud around me and my mom was asking me what time I was coming home and she couldn't her me.  So... I HOPE MY SCREAMING DIDN'T MAKE ANYONE WANT TO PASS OUT OR ANYTHING...



  • Cya
Re: Otakon 2010 - July 30-August 1, Baltimore MD.
« Reply #735 on: August 15, 2010, 07:18:42 PM »
BlazikenOwns (female Momiji) and I decided that we should be the three mischievous fairies for Katsucon and next year's Otakon.  She will be Sunny Milk and buy her costume online, and I will make my own Luna Child cosplay.  It would be perfect if we got our Hatate to be Star Sapphire, but she already have other ideas and we doubt that we are going to convince her to be Star Sapphire.  You see, we had a really good friend who moved to Georgia state this summer and we really miss her.  The good thing though, is that she will go to Otakon next year and we get to see her again!  My friend Hatate wants to be someone from Kuroshitsuji rather than Touhou so she can make my friend in Georgia state more happy.
Awesome.  I can't wait to see your Fairies' cosplay next time around!  It's too bad Hatate isn't into Touhou more, her cosplay was really good.

...wait, are you guys actually in the Otakon area?  =o

That reminds me, I should start planning my next con.  At least, register for something and actually go to it.


  • time for kittyrina lessons
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Re: Otakon 2010 - July 30-August 1, Baltimore MD.
« Reply #736 on: August 15, 2010, 07:25:25 PM »
Oh heyyyy.  You probably heard me, female Aya with the hat, screaming at my phone in the corner at the line to the panel.  That was because it was too loud around me and my mom was asking me what time I was coming home and she couldn't her me.  So... I HOPE MY SCREAMING DIDN'T MAKE ANYONE WANT TO PASS OUT OR ANYTHING...


Hahaha, naw, the Alice me and my friend were next to was raging about a lot of things and it was kind of focus grabbing. :V NO WORRIES

Awesome.  I can't wait to see your Fairies' cosplay next time around!  It's too bad Hatate isn't into Touhou more, her cosplay was really good.

...wait, are you guys actually in the Otakon area?  =o

That reminds me, I should start planning my next con.  At least, register for something and actually go to it.

Also excited to see fairy cosplay team!

I should look into more cons, too. I don't wanna wait for Otakon next year. read about me playing league i guess


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Re: Otakon 2010 - July 30-August 1, Baltimore MD.
« Reply #737 on: August 15, 2010, 07:41:02 PM »
Aww Three Fairies cosplay (even if one is a doll) will be so adorable  :3

I'm still on the fence about what I want to make for next year, I have a tendancy to change my mind and settle on something with less than a month to go (like, this year's China costume!) but there's two characters that I've had my eye on for a while but the props intimidated me.  Maybe I'll start in advance on the props so I'll be committed!

But if anyone's going to the New York Comic Con/Anime Fest MJP and I will be there, I'll be decked out as Reisen since that's an outfit I can wear on the train (sans wig and bunny ears/tail of course!) to commute in without too many weird stares  :V plus I have it mostly completed anyway so yeah!


  • Cya
Re: Otakon 2010 - July 30-August 1, Baltimore MD.
« Reply #738 on: August 15, 2010, 07:55:57 PM »
I should look into more cons, too. I don't wanna wait for Otakon next year.
Anime USA (Nov. 12-14, in DC), Katsucon (Feb. 18-20, in DC), Zenkaikon (Mar 18-20, in Philadelphia), to name a few around Baltimore/DC area.


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Re: Otakon 2010 - July 30-August 1, Baltimore MD.
« Reply #739 on: August 15, 2010, 09:16:51 PM »
Oh hey! The thread's still alive!
I should look into more cons, too. I don't wanna wait for Otakon next year.
Katsucon was good since it balanced the feel of bigger and smaller cons quite well. If you can, make it to Anime Boston. Maybe I'm gushing because it's my home con, but I've loved it all 4 years I've gone. I prefer the atmosphere a bit more than Otakon, and the good panels are allowed to run over 1 hour. Not to mention, Boston is my favorite town on the map. Lots of good places to eat around the con and the transit system, while old, is a boon to anyone not staying at the pricier hotels right in downtown. Best way to beat traffic, too.
I'm still on the fence about what I want to make for next year, I have a tendancy to change my mind and settle on something with less than a month to go (like, this year's China costume!) but there's two characters that I've had my eye on for a while but the props intimidated me.  Maybe I'll start in advance on the props so I'll be committed!
What would the props be? Chances are, if you've got garage space, you have the basic resources required. After that, it's tools and construction methods. There are a lot of little ways to be clever with what you're making when it comes to props, too.

I'd like to be a little less careless and lazy next year. I need to do Edgar from FF6 sometime, so I think I'll be doing him with his trademark chainsaw, so long as I can get some workspace. I fell in love with Touhouvania Meiling's outfit after seeing it in SilentSword's artbook, but the design, oh God. I'm far less intimidated over Edgar's chainsaw than I am of the dragon designs on Meiling's outfit. If I could ever get some crystal-clear reference images, I think I'd stand a far better chance.

TA-DAAAAAAA! 61 blood donations and counting! 
Best Mile: 5:30
Best 5k: 18:07
Best Marathon: 3:23:16


  • gotta stock up on dark matter
  • each pound of which weighs over 10,000 pounds
Re: Otakon 2010 - July 30-August 1, Baltimore MD.
« Reply #740 on: August 15, 2010, 09:21:43 PM »
Re: props,

garage space

Yeah that's the downside to being in apartments, space is kinda at a premium for things like that.  And skill too  :V
I was gunning for Youmu earlier this year but them swords and the mechanics of Myon kinda sidelined that.  Then I was thinking Suika just because being in character would be such a blast but the gourd and horns... I'm much better with fabric sewing than props.

But I have lots of time so I'll see what happens!

Re: cons,
My local con is Anime NEXT in New Jersey which happens usually the 3rd weekend of June or so, I'm not sure how "good" it is as I've been on staff since 2007 and thus don't see much beyond my department's stuff.  But hey it's super close to my house so I'm biased.


  • time for kittyrina lessons
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Re: Otakon 2010 - July 30-August 1, Baltimore MD.
« Reply #741 on: August 15, 2010, 09:48:54 PM »
Anime USA (Nov. 12-14, in DC), Katsucon (Feb. 18-20, in DC), Zenkaikon (Mar 18-20, in Philadelphia), to name a few around Baltimore/DC area.

Hmmm, but that area is a good 9 hours away from me, so the entire affair would be really expensive(as much as I want to go). The main reason I can make it to Otakon every year is 'cause a good friend of mine fronts a room for a bunch of people. :V

Maybe, though. I need to save up some more money. ...and learn how to make cosplay better.

Katsucon was good since it balanced the feel of bigger and smaller cons quite well. If you can, make it to Anime Boston. Maybe I'm gushing because it's my home con, but I've loved it all 4 years I've gone. I prefer the atmosphere a bit more than Otakon, and the good panels are allowed to run over 1 hour. Not to mention, Boston is my favorite town on the map. Lots of good places to eat around the con and the transit system, while old, is a boon to anyone not staying at the pricier hotels right in downtown. Best way to beat traffic, too.

I heard a lot of people mention Katsucon this year, so I'm considering maybe trying to make it. And Boston is far away... but maybe I can try to make that too. :V

Or maybe I should actually save my money for things like LIVING ON MY OWN(pshaw).

(also chainsaw edgar would be awesome. I would be forced to shake your hand and congratulate you.)

Re: cons,
My local con is Anime NEXT in New Jersey which happens usually the 3rd weekend of June or so, I'm not sure how "good" it is as I've been on staff since 2007 and thus don't see much beyond my department's stuff.  But hey it's super close to my house so I'm biased.

A good friend of mine lives in Jersey and usually goes to Anime NEXT. I was thinking about going with him next time if he's still going(especially because it would mean i wouldn't have to deal with things like hotels and reservations and junk). :V read about me playing league i guess


  • Ace Hakurei Attorney
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Re: Otakon 2010 - July 30-August 1, Baltimore MD.
« Reply #742 on: August 15, 2010, 10:02:05 PM »
I second the vote for Katsu for anyone even remotely close to the DC area - the two years I've been, the con has been extremely well-run (in spite of the monster snowfall we got right before the con, the only thing that got delayed were physical badges, and that's only because the FedEx plane ran off the end of the runway, from what I understand).  The facility is fantastic (better than even ACen's, and far superior to the BCC).

AUSA's on the fence for me - I'm also pondering Youma or Ohayo, and I can really only afford one con this fall (Living on my own eats up the money), although USA's close enough that if I've people to room with, I can probably swing it.  The one year I went it was a pretty good small con. 

Katsu, ACen, Tigercon, and (hopefully!) AB are my next definite cons.  I'd not be averse to gathering Touhous for a Katsu room!

Triangles: you and I should swap ideas sometime - I too am space-costrained, but I do have some thoughts on making props on a shoestring.

Maybe, though. I need to save up some more money. ...and learn how to make cosplay better.
Practice is all it takes =)  Talk to other cosplayers for pointers, too.
"But if I don't do this, then all that's left is to stand around and do nothing, and I've discovered I can't do that. That's the problem with the freedom of choice he was talking about: once you've got it, you can't live with yourself very comfortably if you choose not to exercise it." - Commander Warner Caslet.


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Re: Otakon 2010 - July 30-August 1, Baltimore MD.
« Reply #743 on: August 15, 2010, 10:11:48 PM »

Ok, not really, but it's basically like, the perfect size con for me and run pretty well in my experience. Course, I have to say that since I'm staff this year :P.


  • Cya
Re: Otakon 2010 - July 30-August 1, Baltimore MD.
« Reply #744 on: August 15, 2010, 10:16:51 PM »
I was going to attend last year, but didn't make it.  Also, I heard it isn't scheduled 'till sometime in the early spring now.  I wouldn't mind going, since it's literally 10 minutes from the house.


  • time for kittyrina lessons
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Re: Otakon 2010 - July 30-August 1, Baltimore MD.
« Reply #745 on: August 15, 2010, 10:19:35 PM »
Practice is all it takes =)  Talk to other cosplayers for pointers, too.

Oh yeah, I am totally prepared to annoy the hell outta you lot(and every other cosplayer I know) after I buy a sewing machine and some fabric. :V

(...which i should be able to do next week, ho ho ho ho ho!) read about me playing league i guess


  • I came.
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Re: Otakon 2010 - July 30-August 1, Baltimore MD.
« Reply #746 on: August 16, 2010, 12:13:45 AM »
Awesome.  I can't wait to see your Fairies' cosplay next time around!  It's too bad Hatate isn't into Touhou more, her cosplay was really good.

...wait, are you guys actually in the Otakon area?  =o

Yeah, I also thought that my friend's Hatate cosplay was great.  She actually went digging through her closet for any clothes that might work for the cosplay, rather than completely making one.  I mean, Hatate in general would look great with a light purple shirt rather than a white one with a trim like ZUN's official design.  That was just our opinion though--

We the tengu trio live only, like, 40-70ish minutes from Baltimore.  We live in northern VA where it is really close to DC. 

Katsucon is going to be in February.  I am going to buy my ticket there at the door, because I am not positive that I can attend.  Its not during the summer when I have full free time.  It would be wild if I skipped Friday off from school just to go to Katsucon, derp. 

Menorah Jams, Pham

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Re: Otakon 2010 - July 30-August 1, Baltimore MD.
« Reply #747 on: August 16, 2010, 02:41:16 AM »
triangles and I were department heads for Katsu and had a run-in with a long and unfortunate story - seeing an Avengers Assemble for Katsu makes me ;_; because since she's going to be teaching high school, non-summer cons are basically right out. 

We the tengu trio

I dwelt on that because it sounds like some kind of epic poetic invocation.  "We the tengu trio/something something something Zeus' forehead/something about the Golden Fleece/weird moral allegory"

If you make the Mischievous Fairies thing happen, you can use Saran wrap, spray adhesive, and glitter to make the most kickass wings.  I think they sell the spray adhesive at Home Depot with either the primer or other glue. 


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Re: Otakon 2010 - July 30-August 1, Baltimore MD.
« Reply #748 on: August 16, 2010, 06:39:36 PM »
We the tengu trio live only, like, 40-70ish minutes from Baltimore.  We live in northern VA where it is really close to DC. 

Katsucon is going to be in February.  I am going to buy my ticket there at the door, because I am not positive that I can attend.  Its not during the summer when I have full free time.  It would be wild if I skipped Friday off from school just to go to Katsucon, derp. 

nice, I'm NoVA too I live in Loudoun though so theres like nothing to do...ever...

but if you guys are that close AnimeUSA is pretty good since you can pretty much metro in and out every day. even if you just want to do Saturday. I always say I don't want to go but when AUSA weekend rolls around I usually have nothing better to do.

I second the vote for Katsu for anyone even remotely close to the DC area - the two years I've been, the con has been extremely well-run (in spite of the monster snowfall we got right before the con, the only thing that got delayed were physical badges, and that's only because the FedEx plane ran off the end of the runway, from what I understand).  The facility is fantastic (better than even ACen's, and far superior to the BCC).

yeah I'm definitely going to Katsu this year again. The venue is amazing for the con, I wasn't too hot for Katsu when it shared the same hotel as AUSA but when they moved to the Gaylord National it blew my mind. Gonna try to get a room too since I tried to commute in and out but decided it wasn't worth it so I found some friends with space. This year I will plan...

Re: Otakon 2010 - July 30-August 1, Baltimore MD.
« Reply #749 on: August 16, 2010, 09:24:45 PM »
Gah now you guys are making me want to go...joooooob....I better get you sooooooon D8
Thursday: Gordon keeps staring at Jennifer's thighs. Pervert. Pervert. Pervert.