Author Topic: Hanged Maid XII  (Read 6134 times)

Bias Bus

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Hanged Maid XII
« on: April 03, 2010, 09:47:14 AM »
Did I post this already somewhere?

If I did lemme know, but then again this is a newly revised version anyway...


"I said no leaves in my tea!" Shouts the, clearly displeased Reimu, who shoves the cup of said tea off the table in which it sat. Sending it careening toward the one who made it; A robotic maid by the name of Ruukoto. "Now, clean this up and go make it right this time!" This was a common occurance for Ruukoto, Reimu had always been rather assertive with her actions, doubly so if she had gotten them wrong or made a mistake. But, for someone of Ruukoto's demeanor, taking the verbal, and sometimes physical, abuse was apart of the job. She always told herself that Reimu did this because she loved her, well when put into the aspect of 'Tough Love' it makes more sense.

"Did you hear me? I said go make more tea, you worthless metal bitch!" Yet another harsh set of words erupted from Reimu's mouth, this time Ruukoto saw the cup of tea strike her on the face, the object shattering on impact and sending the still warm liquid splashing all over her face and clothing. Although, her skin is made of steel...the things Reimu does to her...they still hurt as if daggers were being driven into her heart. This abuse has been going on ever since she was given to Reimu by her former master; Yumemi Ozakaki eleven years ago. In fact, Ruukoto remembered it like it were yesterday, the promise Reimu made to the scientist once she gave her up...


"As promised, here is your very own personal maid, Reimu Hakurei; I give you Ruukoto the first of a soon to be long line of Nuclear Powered Maids."

"Hello, I'm Ruukoto, pleased to meet your acquantince~

"Nuclear powered? I...don't really know what that all means, but so long as I have a maid I'm fine with it~"

"Now, Reimu, Ruukoto isn't like any other robot. Within Ruukoto exists a 'Human Emotion Interface', meaning, she is capable of understanding and mimicing human emotions. Basically, Ruukoto will respond to whatever you say and do to her much like a real person would. Case in point, if you treat her right and respect her, she'll be happy with you...and vice versa."

"Don't worry, I promise to give her lots of love and respect. Come along Ruukoto, let's go so you can make tea with me."

"Yes, Miss Hakurei."




Giver her with lots love and respect, she said...

Bah, what filthy lies Reimu spoke unto her that day. The minute the both of them arrived at the shrine, the miko shed that false person she showed to Yumemi and revealed her true self. A side of Reimu she never thought existed...and wished that it never had. From that day onward, Reimu did her absolute worst to Ruukoto, this going beyond your average everyday disrespect. Reimu worked Ruukoto from sunrise to sunset, verbally abused her when she made the slightest of mistakes, threatened her if she even questioned the miko just once, and worst of all...physically assaulted her sometimes just because she felt like it...

None of this made any sense to the robotic maid, it just...didn't compute. To Ruukoto's knowledge, she hasn't done Reimu any wrong, in fact, she did everything the miko told of her and tried her very hardest to give it 110% everytime she was asked to do something. And what did Reimu do to her in return? she abused her, hit her, threw things at her, and insulted her. In short...Reimu hurt her...countless times...

Enough was enough. Ruukoto has sat by and endured this for eleven years...she had to mattered not what Reimu said in response...she just had to know...

"Why...?" Ruukoto uttered. "Why do you treat me like this...?" The maid looks up to face Reimu, her eyes reflecting how visibly hurt she was on the inside. Why would someone do this to the person that works so hard to satisfy them, and generally make their life easier? " always say such harsh things to hit me, you throw things at me, you even threatend to permanently shut me down once...I you really appreciate me for all the work I do for you?" If Ruukoto could cry...her eyes would be shedding as many tears as they fact each night she would have 'cried' had she the ability to...

She...never thought that not having a function to mimic crying would be such torture...

"I wonder when you'll shut up and make me my tea..." Reimu sneered, obviously focused more on the tea then Ruukoto's damaged feelings at the moment. "Besides, you're a robot, you don't feel pain anyway, so why are you bitching about this?"

The other words didn't mean anything, it was the fact Reimu said 'you don't feel pain' that pretty much hit Ruukoto the hardest...and oddly enough that hit was enough to break her. After all Reimu put her through, after all the abuse she inflicted on her, and through all the work and chores she had to do without a simple "thank you" for her efforts; Reimu had the nerve, the audacity, to say that Ruukoto had no feelings?

Ruukoto's pupils began to dialate as the bottom of her left eye twitched. Not long after, her head suddenly jerked to one side, the sheer force behind it's sudden movement causing the joint in her neck to let out a loud 'SNAP' as it did so.

"I...I don't....feel...pain...?" Ruukoto's voice is hollow and barely legdible, however that soon changes. "I feel pain?" Her voice slowly gains volume, her fist beginning to clench tighter as the outrage boiling within her core, begins to reach it's peak. "I DON'T FEEL PAIN!!" Ruukoto roared out at Reimu her voice now filled with a white hot rage. "How dare you say that to someone who's done nothing but put up with your abuse!" The maid snapped as she stamped her foot on the tatami floors, the force alone causing her foot to break clean through the wooden boards. "You have no right saying I can't feel pain when you yourself don't have the slightest clue on the amount of suffering you put me through!"

Ruukoto yanked her foot from the hole she created and walked to Reimu, no longer seeing her as a respectable master any more. "Eleven years of torment, eleven years of abuse, eleven years of putting up with your shit..." Ruukoto muttered as she grabbed the table in front of Reimu and clutched it tightly, her head hung low and her body trembling from the out of control wrath that threatened to engulf the miko like a raging tornado. "I always thought that...we could have such a wonderful time together...Yumemi told me I was a special maid, built to serve someone equally special. When I found out that I would be going home with you, I was thrilled, excited, to finally fulfill my task as the first nuclear powered maid...but now..."

Ruukoto suddenly lifted the table with zero effort and screamed as loud as she could, slamming the piece of furniture against the floor, breaking it into a pile of splinters the moment it made contact. "Now I see that it was all a lie. If I was meant to serve someone, it damn sure isn't for someone as cold, and heartless as you!"

The room feel silent, the tenseness between the maid and the domineering miko building to impossible levels. Reimu simply narrowed her eyes at Ruukoto, having been told off by someone she saw as nothing but a mere servant to do her every bidding. Despite the maid's outburst, Reimu stood up to Ruukoto and walked right up to her face as she made her attempt re-establish her dominance over the rebelling maid. "You better watch you mouth or you'll have that OFF switch flipped." She threatened in an ominous tone as she reeled her hand back and struck Ruukoto across her metallic cheek. Reimu then clutched her palm around Ruukoto's face and brought her gaze back into her own, a look of absolute anger seering from her eyes. "I OWN you, Ruukoto. I'm the one giving you a roof over your head every night. If it were not for me where would you be?"

"With Yumemi living a happy life!" Ruukoto snarled back, as she broke away from Reimu and shoved her away, the force behind this single push knocking the miko back against the wall. "You may have given me a home, but that doesn't mean you can treat me like trash! I'm not a toy to be used up and abused, Reimu...I'm..." Ruukoto paused, unable to find the right word to call herself at this moment. She wanted to say 'human' but...she wasn't a human...she was a robot...a machine.

But still...she HAD emotions...something most machines lack.

 "Look at don't even know what the hell you are." Reimu laughed in a mocking tone as she walked back toward Ruukoto a smug girn on her face. "That's because you need ME to tell you what you are."

"NO!" Ruukoto yelled, stomping angrily on the floors once again, and creating another hole in said floor yet again as well. "I...may not be completely human...but I HAVE FEELINGS! You've done nothing but cause me pain the moment we stepped foot into this shrine Reimu and I'm fed up with it!"

Indeed, Ruukoto was sick and tired of this disagreeable shrine maiden, at this point all Ruukoto wanted was to see Reimu suffer just as much as she did...and it didn't take long for he to come up with the perfect way for her to bring about such a punishment. "You know what...since you can't appreciate the work I do for you, I'll show you what it will be like without me!" And with that Ruukoto stands at attention her entire body going stiff and immobile. Reimu nudged the maid but she didn't budge an inch, almost as if she had nailed herself down to that very spot. Reimu stood before Ruukoto as an eerie silence washes over the room.

"Eh, what the hell are you doing?" Reimu said to the green haired maid who said nothing in response, her face frozen in an emotionless stare. "You bitch, giving me the cold shoulder huh, well I got something for-" Reimu's threat is quickly cut short by a robotic voice that droned from Ruukoto's still body as her eyes began to take on an ominous glow.


Reimu's emotions suddenly did a 180 as she heard the words 'Self Destruct', there was no time to wonder if Ruukoto was bluffing her or not, so Reimu did what any respectable human would in this situation; She ran. Reimu bolted for the door hoping to get out side before Ruukoto exploded, she pulled the sliding doors back and came to saw Marisa and Alice standing in front of her. Such horrid timing... "Hey Reimu~" The witch greets with a wide grin, Alice giving her the usual nod as a greeting as well.

Dammit! Why NOW of all times!?

"Get out of my way can't you see I'm in a hurry!" Reimu demands to the two of them, her voice clearly in a state of panic. Unfortunately for her, Marisa doesn't seem to notice why she's in such a rush, the witch only seeing the dread in Reimu's eyes and nothing else...

"Geeze what's up with you, ze?" Marisa spoke as she looks past Reimu's body to catch a passing glimpse of Ruukoto, who now seemed to have a rather heated aura around her body. "Hm, what's Ruukoto do-?"

Before Marisa could get another word in edgewise, the once cheerful maid known as, Ruukoto, exploded. Taking with her the shrine, and everything else that happened to be living in within a 4.6 mile radius in a hellish maelstrom of nuclear fire. The human village not far from the shrine witnessed the blast...and felt the incoming shockwave that obliterated everything with a tremendous force not of this Earth. Countless human lives were lost in those few seconds...only a handful managed to survive...

Keine not being one of them.

Even so...the worst had only begun...

The explosion that Ruukoto generated had belched forth an immense amount of nuclear radiation into the once clean atmosphere surrounding Gensokyo. With little knowledge on Radiation and it's effects on the body, the youkai who were not directly effected by the explosion did nothing to protect themselves from the nuclear paritcles that was slowly poisoning their bodies. was known that the Moriya Shrine had been abandoned during this time. The gods and miko who once lived there packed whatever belongings they could carry and fled to an unknown location...

Ignorant to the radiation, the denizens of Gensokyo moved on as they did from any incident, unaware that both of their prime incident solvers had been vaporized in an instant. It would take months after the accident, before the dwellers of Gensokyo finally realized just how bad a fuckton of nuclear radiation really is...

And to think, all of it could have been avoided...

Had Reimu been more respectful to her maid none of this would have transpired.

And of course...if only she would have said those magical words...

 "Thank you so much, Ruukoto...for all your hard work."
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Paul Debrion

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Re: Hanged Maid XII
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2010, 07:32:15 PM »
I'm not sure how to describe this.

Lets go with "delightfully cruel".   :D
I'll come up with an evil scheme later. First, it's time to build a giant robot!

You can't have a good evil scheme without a giant robot!


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Re: Hanged Maid XII
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2010, 07:58:05 PM »
I saw this on :V

It was 1.6 miles in the unrevised.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2010, 08:10:31 PM by Wylfred 無毀なる湖光 »

Bias Bus

  • It's unpleasent
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Re: Hanged Maid XII
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2010, 08:20:39 PM »
I saw this on :V

It was 1.6 miles in the unrevised.

Yeah, I did some tweaking with it afterward. I'll say that the earlier variant probably doesn't have the...'force' that this one has behind it.
No Math Zone - Tumblr (slight nsfw) | Legend of a Hot-Blooded Pig

"The only guy you know to draw fat Touhous." - Erebus


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Re: Hanged Maid XII
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2010, 08:25:57 PM »

Yeah, I did some tweaking with it afterward. I'll say that the earlier variant probably doesn't have the...'force' that this one has behind it.

Although the unrevised didn't have the 'force' it did get the point across or meaning down however you want to say it. I remember reading it like a year ago. Glad you decided to revise it though.

Alfred F. Jones

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Re: Hanged Maid XII
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2010, 09:04:47 PM »
Dude, I read this last year on the imageboard, and I distinctly remember telling you that the original version of this was good, but needed to be a bit longer, drawing out Ruukoto's suffering and making the reader really feel for her.

And now, you have posted the revised version, and it shows great improvement. It's been said that things that are beautiful are rarely pretty, and your style really emphasizes that. I really felt for Ruukoto; she was way more human than the human around her. This was a great (re)read, Erebus!