Author Topic: Danmaku Guns - Sakuya. UPDATE: v.2 Cirno (Garry's Mod weapons)  (Read 14262 times)


  • Marketing Manager

Clipping taken from Danmaku Magazine:

"'How do I stop a rude shrine maiden or a thieving witch from tearing a new wing of the mansion out from the library? The answer: use knives. And if that don't work, use more knives. And if that STILL doesn't work, use a WHOLE LOT MORE knives!'

With these words, Danmaku Guns Inc. (a branch of Kappa Inudstries), has released the first part of their work-in-progress Garry's Mod addons emulating the various abilities and spellcards of the inhabitants of Gensokyo. Readers can secure a copy for themselves by going to the address provided at the bottom of this article.

This first piece centers on the nearly-finished SWEP that emulates the abilities of that knfe-throwing maid from the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Sakuya. The SWEP is fully functional, and should be pretty glitch-free (However, if you find some you're free to report them, and we will solve the problem as quick as possible).

The weapon itself has performed well so far, with very little, if any, lag, even with plenty of shots on the server. Any person, human or youkai, who has a bit of free time to kill, can go spend it killing things with lots of knives.

With that, this is Halle Rochmun, reporting out!

As a Maidens of the Kaleidoscope-exclusive you also get the Beta for the Cirno SWEP, at no extra cost!
You can acquire your own copy of the WIP Sakuya SWEP here: UPDATED, READ FURTHER DOWN

A little info:

With spell cards: Less health = More knives (Lower defence = Better offence)

Spell cards can be activated by getting the required spirit-power, shown in the lower-right corner

Spell card 1 - Silver Bound: Throws knives in a circle around the player. Varies from throwing 6 x 3 knives, to 28 x 3 knives (You throw this one in bursts)

Spell card 2 - Killing Doll: Throws knives upward, that then speed towards where your crosshair may be at that moment.

Spell card 3 - The World: A homeage to the infamous "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure"-move that goes by the same name (Only in japanese). In this card your player stops time for 5 seconds (Requires a 2 sec charge-up). The cool thing about this one is that it DOESN'T REQUIRE SV_CHEATS to be on
You'll get the hang of it soon though.

The Maidens of the Kaleidoscope-exclusive Cirno beta is based around the Ice-Fairy Cirno, and so far is just the main attack, it also has no viewmodel, and uses the worldmodel of the Sakuya SWEP. Fire's Icicles quickly. Has blowback so you can fly with it.

If you want tf2is updates around the Danmaku SWEPs, please join our Steam Community:
Danmaku Guns (Members get Betas before anyone else, you also get to voice your opinion before anyone else and all that good stuff)

SWEPs made by: Sploder
I did some stuff to, but that's unrelated

Clipping taken from Danmaku Enthusiast Magazine:

"Earlier this week, I received an odd letter. I'm not quite sure how it got up here to the Youkai Mountain, but either way, it was more interesting in other ways. The writing on the envelope was barely legible, leaving only one strange symbol discernible from the other jumble of characters: a circle with a nine in it. On top of that, the letter was frozen through, completely solid. It took me a whole day to thaw it out so I could open it.

Within the letter was a damp paper, containing even more unreadable scrawls. After wasting a good ten minutes just trying to decode the message, I gave up. It seems I ended up losing much time to such a silly endeavor.

Why am I talking about a random letter I got? Well, recently, the folks at Danmaku Gunz Inc. have finished the main underpinnings of the SWEP emulating a certain Ice-Fairy. Like with the first release of the Sakuya SWEP, the latest WIP is still missing several 'graphical niceties' such as weapon models and some effects; however, the basic attack and spellcards are all there.

On that point, I was informed that there are some balance and gameplay issues with the new SWEP, 'Strongest Eyce,' and that any ideas for improvement would be greatly appreciated.

As an aside, I sure hope that letter I couldn't read wasn't something important.

And with that, this is Halle Rochmun, reporting out!

Links: You can get the latest update of the Danmaku Weapons Pack here:
It includes Sakuya's SWEP, as well as the new Cirno SWEP. And maybe a secret.

In case you haven't seen it already, there is now a video showing some of the functions of both existing SWEPs here:

Note: I was thinking of getting an SVN for easier updating and distribution, but I want to wait until we possibly get a few more downloads before we switch over. Either way, there will still be links provided as well, so as not to discourage those who wish to download the old way.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2010, 09:33:02 PM by Zondac »
I suck at PCB.... ;_;


Re: Danmaku Guns - Sakuya (Garry's Mod weapons)
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2010, 01:38:16 AM »
You might want to fix your links

Also, I joined the Steam group. I expect greatness.


  • Marketing Manager
Re: Danmaku Guns - Sakuya (Garry's Mod weapons)
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2010, 02:03:24 AM »
You might want to fix your links

Also, I joined the Steam group. I expect greatness.

Shit, sorry I didn't notice, I have fixed it now though.

Just you continue to expect greatness, because that's just what we've planned
I suck at PCB.... ;_;


  • Marketing Manager
Re: Danmaku Guns - Sakuya (Garry's Mod weapons)
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2010, 02:11:45 AM »
A clipping from Danmaku Enthusiast Magazine:

"With the full release of Danmaku Guns' Sakuya SWEP, "Scarlet Knives," I decided to infiltrate the Scarlet Devil Mansion to acquire an interview straight from the one whose technique was emulated. After wandering through the house's vast halls (is it just me, or is it bigger inside than it is outside?), I finally found my target.

She was a short, bad-tempered fairy dressed in the mansion's maid uniform, and, at first, I wondered at how she could possibly be as good with danmaku knives as is rumored. I had a bit of trouble keeping her small mind to the subject at hand, but here follows the interview I managed to get:

Sakuya Izayoi (SI): Aiiee!

Halle Rochmun (HR): Huh? You there! Don't run away! I need to get an interview!

SI: Wha-? What's an interview?

HR: An interview is where I ask you questions, and you answer them.

SI: ...uh...

HR: So, you're the famous head maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Sakuya Izayoi?

SI: Uh, I'm no- I mean, yeah. Yeah, I'm her.

HR: Oh, good. Thank goodness I found you.

SI: So, uh, you have questions, then?

HR: Yes, I do! First off, as the head maid of this huge mansion, I suppose that you have quite a lot of responsibilities to handle?

SI: Well, I mainly just force the lesser maids to do all the work and punish them if they complain, so there really isn't that much for me to do~

HR: So, I guess you probably have quite a bit of free time on your hands?

SI: Yeah! I'm always lazing around, doing nothing!

HR: On that point, you must spend a lot of that time training with you danmaku. I've heard that you're quite good!

SI: Nah. I'm not that good at all. I actually lose a lot of danmaku-battles.

HR: Oh. I've not heard about that...

SI: Well, I guess I am a bit lucky I have all the other fairies to help me protect this place. If it weren't for them, this mansion'd probably be in shambles~

HR: Uh, moving on, what about your ability to control time?

SI: What about it?

HR: Surely it is handy skill to have, isn't it?

SI: Yeah, you bet! Why, it makes it even EASIER for me to waste time doing nothing!

HR: Oh...

SI: You see, like I said, I usually don't do all that much here since I make the other fairies do all the work~

HR: Well, I can see it's pretty clean around here, so your workers must be pretty good.

SI: Yeah, they work REAL hard. Harder than I do, anyways!

HR: Anyways, back to danmaku. So, how did you decide that you wanted your danmaku to be almost exclusively knives?

SI: Well, one time I saw Patch reading a book, and I asked her what she was reading, since, I mean, I didn't have anything else to do. So, she told me she was reading about danmaku art, and I found this REAL interesting. Since the only things I can do correctly are using knives and stopping time, I decided I should combine those two to make my danmaku. Plus, I like to cut things!

HR: That's very interesting! You chose your danmaku by considering the activities that you're best at, knowing it would improve their effectivness!

SI: Yeah...

HR: But, why do you like knives so much? Why are you so good with them?

SI: Well, it started with my father being a butcher...

HR: ...

SI: ... but that's not really all that interesting. What's important is that I like to cut things!

HR: Finally, uh... is it true? About the... uh... pads?

SI: Ha ha! Yeah! It's true! I am very much the FLATTEST girl in all of-

Human Maid: Excuse me, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave, Miss Tengu.


HR: Huh? Oh, I didn't see you come? Who are you?

Human Maid: No one of your concern. Now if you'll kindly leave.

SI: Uhhhhhhhhhh...

HR: But wait, I was just about to get a big scoop!

Human Maid: I'm sorry, but please leave already.

HR: Uh, o-okay...

I left the mansion afterward, at the request of the unknown human maid who had somehow caught me entirely off-guard. I don't know who that human was, but she certainly seemed quite upset at my subject, Sakuya. I guess sometimes even the head maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion occasionally runs into some disciplinary problems, so it was probably for the best that I left early.

And with that, this Halle Rochmun, reporting out!"
I suck at PCB.... ;_;


  • Charisma!
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  • O-ojousama!?
Re: Danmaku Guns - Sakuya (Garry's Mod weapons)
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2010, 06:37:20 AM »
Moved to project section because this is a mod for a non-touhou game and not a own game development.


  • Marketing Manager
Re: Danmaku Guns - Sakuya (Garry's Mod weapons)
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2010, 01:24:34 PM »
Moved to project section because this is a mod for a non-touhou game and not a own game development.

Ok, thanks :D
I'm pretty new to the forums, so please excuse my misplacement
I suck at PCB.... ;_;


  • Charisma!
  • *
  • O-ojousama!?
Re: Danmaku Guns - Sakuya (Garry's Mod weapons)
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2010, 04:09:50 PM »
No problem :3 that is why each there are mods.


  • Marketing Manager
Re: Danmaku Guns - Sakuya (Garry's Mod weapons)
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2010, 07:37:16 PM »

Ok the videos are out!

The weapons are based on

This is the gmod-result:

Please comment guys  :ohdear:
I feel like you don't like it :V
I suck at PCB.... ;_;

Re: Danmaku Guns - Sakuya (Garry's Mod weapons)
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2010, 12:49:46 AM »
Seems like a cool idea. Fun for messing around in gmod.
If you could make like a HL deathmatch touhou mod/game that would be the summit.

I joined the steam group to be cool.


  • Marketing Manager
Re: Danmaku Guns - Sakuya (Garry's Mod weapons)
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2010, 08:42:31 AM »
Well, we're thinking about buying some servers when this is done, and those will be Touhou-SWEPs only, then there can be huge danmaku-battles in 1st person, something that seems kinda awesome. (This is kinda a multiplayer-based SWEP)
Also, Perfect Freeze and Frost columns is done, we just need to do some polishing and some modeling then Danmaku guns v2.0 - Cirno Version will be done! :V
After that we'll do Okuu or Yukari. Yukari's portals will be really hard to script, but not impossible, however, Okuu's models will be so easy I think texturing it will be harder than the main modeling, so I think we'll go with her first.
I suck at PCB.... ;_;


Re: Danmaku Guns - Sakuya (Garry's Mod weapons)
« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2010, 08:06:47 PM »
Well, we're thinking about buying some servers when this is done, and those will be Touhou-SWEPs only, then there can be huge danmaku-battles in 1st person, something that seems kinda awesome. (This is kinda a multiplayer-based SWEP)
Also, Perfect Freeze and Frost columns is done, we just need to do some polishing and some modeling then Danmaku guns v2.0 - Cirno Version will be done! :V
After that we'll do Okuu or Yukari. Yukari's portals will be really hard to script, but not impossible, however, Okuu's models will be so easy I think texturing it will be harder than the main modeling, so I think we'll go with her first.

Are there any updates for this? I'd love to know more if more is avaliable. ^.^

Also any plans for some ridiculous Spell Cards?
just some one card weapons for doing ultimate bullet shooting fun~
like..any of Flandres.

Re: Danmaku Guns - Sakuya. UPDATE: v.2 Cirno (Garry's Mod weapons)
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2010, 03:05:10 PM »
Just saw he video.
The Spellcard shown in the video looks kinda small (I don?t know how big the original gameplay window is, so I can?t really tell).
so I was thinking of maybe recreating the spellcards and making them in a higher resolution.

-Instant edit, due to forgetting to clicking Post button-

This is what I finished in like 30 minutes. Is it O.k?


  • Marketing Manager
Re: Danmaku Guns - Sakuya. UPDATE: v.2 Cirno (Garry's Mod weapons)
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2010, 02:35:02 AM »

Are there any updates for this? I'd love to know more if more is avaliable. ^.^

Also any plans for some ridiculous Spell Cards?
just some one card weapons for doing ultimate bullet shooting fun~
like..any of Flandres.

We'll get right back to this project once the main-programmer's computer is back on track.

Also, we're trying to make it as balanced as possible, so I doubt it. They will all keep their ups and downs from the original games :3

Just saw he video.
The Spellcard shown in the video looks kinda small (I don?t know how big the original gameplay window is, so I can?t really tell).
so I was thinking of maybe recreating the spellcards and making them in a higher resolution.

-Instant edit, due to forgetting to clicking Post button-

This is what I finished in like 30 minutes. Is it O.k?

Well, the images aren't that small. They are the original pictures used in the different Touhou-figthers :I I understand it being hard to see though, I did play it in a pretty low ress, but I tried using Source-recorder to upscale the actual playing. This didn't work out that nicely, and the fact that WMM compressed it alot (I was on a secondary PC without Sony Vegas) didn't help either. Anywho, if you make fitting cards in the same style for all the spellcards (For future characters too). If you're really interested, join our steam-group and add me to steam.  :V
« Last Edit: June 30, 2010, 02:38:50 AM by Zondac »
I suck at PCB.... ;_;

Re: Danmaku Guns - Sakuya. UPDATE: v.2 Cirno (Garry's Mod weapons)
« Reply #13 on: July 08, 2010, 03:15:05 AM »
Are there any plans on turning it into a gametype? You could have a fancy menu for selecting what set of spells/danmaku you want to use and stuff like a life system or Easier integration with a map prefix. (th_? zun_? dmku_?)