Author Topic: Weekly Writing Challenge Thread the First  (Read 490462 times)

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #720 on: May 01, 2011, 04:44:22 PM »
The judges have a small book to read, it seems.

Wait until Donut posts.  :V

Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #721 on: May 01, 2011, 08:50:37 PM »
So how many hours do I have left? :V


  • Apostatical Verdant Eudaemonaic
  • This is my danmaku.
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #722 on: May 01, 2011, 09:22:44 PM »
I... I made it? I'd cackle, but my brain is still pleasantly numb. Oh, the thrill of writing! Oh, sweet lingering rush that you bring!... Oh, my sore fingers and keys-

  :derp: Anyway, hopefully it wasn't too long. I couldn't find any guidelines so I just followed my heart. Also, I am entranced by the mention of this Donut individual, both due to the implications they will have a lovely lengthy contribution - and by the fact their name resembles a delicious pastry. Fresh butter croissants would also be nice right now... Ehmn, anyway, if I had to guess? It seems like probably until the end of the day? Of course, given the weird time zone I am in, that's probably significantly different from wherever you may be. Good luck, and have fun!

Awesome sig courtesy of Squawkers23! Thanks!

Oh, you're looking for words? My writing is here.
Do you remember me? I also remember you - and though we haven't met in so many days, I still know you and love your memories. If you stumbled upon this - good luck, in whatever you might do.


  • So those that live now, pledge on your fists and souls
  • Leave a sign of your life, no matter how small...
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #723 on: May 02, 2011, 12:19:31 AM »
WARNING!! A Huge Fanfic Donut's Inappropriately Large WWC Entry is approaching fast!


“Mu-chaaan, let’s play~”

There were dozens of kids in the nursery that day, dozens of kids who would play with her. But it was only me she wanted.

“Sure sis! What’dya wanna play?”

“Mu-chan’s” sister grinned mischievously. “Let’s play superhero! I wanna be the villain!” The same game again? But when she gave that smile…


“Great! Now, you better fight back~”

Almost immediately my sister made the first move, pouncing on me and pinning me to the ground. Sis was strong as usual, but I wasn’t about to let it end so quickly.

“Sailor Dreamy Moon pinch!”

I reached under sis and went straight for her belly – her weak spot. A few pinches and sis was rolling over me in a fit of laughter, her snow white wings twitching uncontrollably.

“Hahahaheheheheh, th-that’s ch-cheatiiiiing!”

 As she loosened her grip, I pushed her off and quickly scrambled to my feet. Doing her best to stifle her laughter, my sister hopped back up and swished her shoulder-length hair. “Not bad ‘Sailor Dreamy Moon,’ but let’s see you handle THIS!” Sis flapped her wings twice and pointed up.

Wait, she couldn’t be – oh no, not again –

“S-sis, wait!”

“It’s ‘Illusionary Moondog,’ get it right! Take THIS!”

I ducked, just barely avoiding a barrage of pink bullets that sailed over my head…into another kid playing a few feet away. Oh dear, we’re gonna get yelled at by teacher again…

“Hey, what’re you doin’! You wanna save the civilians, don’t ya?!” I looked back at sis, who was now hugging the ceiling; her wings aren’t just for looks after all. Right, I got to stop her before this gets out of hand - I’m a superhero after all. For the sake of the civilians, I gotta stop her now!

“Dreamy Moon attack – Moon attack!” I never said I was good at names…

I fired a bit of my own danmaku up at sis, who air dashed out of the way. When it came down to a straight fight, I was no match. But a superhero has to adapt, so-


I fired some light danmaku to both sides of sis. Before she could see what I was doing, I took to the air with my own wings and grabbed her waist. Her wings flapped hard for a few moments against the increased weight, but they soon faltered, and we both came crashing to the ground. At this point all the kids were looking at our scuffle.

“Curse you Sailor Dreamy Moon! I’m doooone foooooor!” Sis thrashed around as I gripped her tightly. Right as I thought it was over, sis broke my grip with a slap to my arms. Without pausing for a second she was up in the air again, rearing up for a charge.

“It’s over Dreamy Moooooon!”

I tried to dodge, but it was too late to do anything. With an impact that hurt just a bit more than I would have liked I was taken down to the ground. Upon impact she wrapped her arms around me and we crashed together to the ground.

“S-sis, we’re gonna get in trouble with teacher.”


“Umm, sis?”

“Hee hee…ahahahahehehehehaha!”

That jubilant laughter again…it warmed my heart every time I heard it. I smiled, and after a few moments realized she wasn’t pinning me down – she was hugging me. Her wings were flopped onto the ground over mine, and would probably be wrapped around me if it were possible to do. I too felt like joining in the hug.

Then I felt the stares of all the kids in the room and felt myself turning red.

“S-sis! Not here, e-everyone’s looking!” I squirmed, but she only gripped tighter.

“Oh Mu-chan, don’t be so proper! Watch me!” She cleared her throat loudly, commanding the attention of the few who weren’t yet looking in our direction.

“I love youuuuuu Mu-chan! You hear that everyone? I loooooove my sister!” I turned even more red as my sister cackled. “S-sis, please stop…”

“Aww, don’t you loooooove me too? Don’t act like you don’t~”

 Even though I felt like my head was going to pop off from embarrassment, she had me there. She was my twin sister, virtually indistinguishable from me. Together, we were two parts of a whole. She lit up my loneliest moments and propelled me into her life of playfulness and pleasure. Yes…my sister, my only family. I do love her, more than anything else in the world. I want to always make her happy. Truly, the life we’re living now is as a dream.

I embraced my sister without fear, caressing her wings. “I love you sis…”

“What was that?”

“I said I love you…Gengetsu…”

“Mugetsu, what are you mumbling in your sleep about?”


My eyes fluttered open. I was in bed, hugging my pillow. Aah, so it was a dream. I felt so groggy, but I hid it as I turned over to greet my sister. She wore her usual smirk and looked down on me with her hand on her hip.

“You ‘love someone,’ was it? I guess it’s pretty clear you love your pillow, huh?”

“Eh? Aah.” I felt myself turning red again and let go of my pillow. I guess I’m not as elegant as I’d like to be in the morning. Gengetsu chuckled.

“But seriously, it’s not like you to sleep in this late. I had to wake up on my own!”

My eyes adjusted, and it was only then that I realized Gengetsu was fully dressed; her usual pink dress and red vest. A few seconds later, my senses kicked in and I sat bolt upright.

“O-ooh, I’m sorry sis! It’s just, umm, I guess I just got lost in my dream?”

Gengetsu’s mouth curled into a smile. “A dream? That’s what held you up?”

I nodded. “Yeah. It was…”

I took a second to remember the dream. It was a memory, a very fond memory of the past.

“…A very comforting dream.”

I wanted to spend some more time reminiscing, but was interrupted by my sister clapping her hands together. I looked up to see her leaning in towards me with wide eyes.

“Wellll, speaking of, if you want to make it up to me, I got a good idea for a dream today…”


“A fair?”

I nodded vigorously at my half-asleep sister.

“Yeah, it’s been a while since I’ve been to one of those. You up for it, or…?”

My sister yawned and rubbed her eyes. “Sure sis, just give me a bit.” She is so cute when she’s tired~ Whatever Mugetsu was dreaming about, it must have been something to keep her sleeping later than me. Well, whatever. Not like there was ever a reason to be in a hurry around here…

“Great. Well, don’t wait up. We have a carniv?le to attend!” I danced my way out of the room and out of the house. As soon as I stepped outside though and saw my surroundings, I regretted my decision. Out of sight from Mugetsu, I quit dancing and felt a small pit grow in my chest as I took in the world before me.

The ground…I had almost forgotten how dismal this place is

Stretching in every direction was a surface as black as the darkest night. Were it not for the light of the crescent moon above, it’d be impossible to see it at all. This damned prison was my punishment, yeah…but still, did it have to be so dank? I sighed and gazed up at the crescent moon – the only feature in the dark purple sky. No matter how many nights pass, this moon never changes phases, and it sucks! I LOVE the full moon! Even though I can have fun thanks to Mugetsu, on the rare days I wake up before her all I can seem to do is look at this incomplete moon...nowhere near whole…

“Sorry to keep you waiting sis!”

I snapped back to reality and turned to Mugetsu, who was now wearing a cute little maid outfit. Never really understood why she insisted on it as her daily wear, but I wasn’t going to complain as long as it looked good on her. I put on my best smile, since I know she enjoys that.

“Aah, there you are my sweet Mu-chan. My, is that a new garter?” I pointed teasingly at the same garter she wore every day. Perhaps it was a little inappropriate considering our situation, but I can’t resist that pout she makes.

After recovering from my little jab, Mugetsu shook her head said, “So, a carnival was it?

“Of course not! I asked for a fair! There’s a huuuuuge difference Mu-chan. Gosh.” I chuckled to myself. To my surprise though, Mugetsu looked down after I said that.

“O-oh, I’m sorry Gengetsu. I’m just a mess today.” She looked down at the ground with those eyes. The ones that told me I screwed up. Great, now she’s making me feel bad.

I sighed and gave her a hug. For a few seconds I thought I might have gone too far, but a gentle rubbing of my wings assured both of us it was all good. I broke the hug and stepped back.

“So, a fair. If you please.” Mugetsu nodded with a smile.

“Okay sis. Now, close your eyes…”

“Yeah yeah, I know the routine.”

I shut my eyes, and waited for my dreams to come true.

I tapped my foot. I was trying to be patient, but it was so hard to wait.

“Is it ready yet?”

No answer, just a few strained mumbles. I strummed my arm with my fingers. This sure takes a while. Several minutes went by without a word being said by either of us.

“Okay sis, it’s ready! You can open your eyes now.”

About time! I wasted no time in opening my eyes. As soon as I did, everything changed: The empty silence was instantly filled with the hustle and bustle of a crowded market square, as was the featureless black ground. Fellow demons were laughing joyously together, and why shouldn’t they? After all, it was time for the big annual fair~

I looked upon the sight with a grin. I glanced over to Mugetsu, who wore her trademark modest smile. Her face looked a little flushed from the effort.

“Another great job as usual Mu-chan. Shall we go enjoy our fair together?”

Mugetsu shook her head. “This is your dream, isn’t it? You just enjoy it. I’d just hold you back, I’m certain.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Was today’s dream really that hard? I mean, you’ve done much bigger ones before.”

“Mmm, I guess I’m just a little tired today. Really sis, I’m fine.”

A little sigh was all I could give. Ol’ Mu-chan was restrained and modest to a fault sometimes. “Okay, if you’re sure. Well, I’m off!” I flapped my wings and dashed towards the stalls to see what they had to offer.

“Don’t forget to come back before dark!” My sister’s voice was already fading into the distance, so I didn’t bother calling back.


*glug glug glug glug*

“PAAAAAAAH ha ha ha!”

“Aah, that felt good. Been too long since I’ve had good sake.” I’ve always believed that a good drink deserves a shout of celebration, and this was some good stuff. I tossed aside the empty cup and leaned on the fence to watch the danmaku display currently going on.

“Hmm hmm, how nostalgic~” The danmaku currently being performed was a dramatization of the danmaku wielded by a legendary demon Shinki created in order to win the old war with Gensokyo. Legend has it she was sealed away into hell before she managed to take a single life with her blade. I’d seen this many times as a kid, so that must be why it’s here now.

“Hey, beer guy! Gimme another one!”

A dutiful looking stud of a man made a big bound from the crowd and was by my side in an instant. He handed me a drink and made another bound away into the crowd without a word.

“Hey thanks!” I took a swig and watched the fire sparks flow across the ground of the arena. Then another swig. Then I chugged it all.


Man this stuff is good! Shame I can never really get drunk off of it. Mugetsu said that it can only mimic the external effects of being drunk. No matter how much I drink, I’ll never get good and hammered like I used to. It’s just fake sake, no matter how good it tastes.

But, well, none of this is real, really. It’s all just a dream Mugetsu made. Just a dream filling the void of this dream world we live in.


“Ah Mugetsu…where would I be without her?” Mugetsu really does have such an amazing ability. With only a vague suggestion, she can form an entire world from nothing. She only ever hinted at the ability to project dreams into reality as a kid. Since we came to this dimension though, she’s really come a long way, able to make the most elaborate setting in a matter of minutes.

I looked around at the people cheering as the bullets rained down from side to side. Truly, it is brilliant. Everyone looks and acts so real. Everything is so stable, so consistent-

The bouncing bartender crashed in front of me, causing my heart to just about leap out of my chest.

“Your drink, miss?”

“O-oh, right. Thanks.” I grabbed another cup from the plate. The bouncing bartender bowed and leapt away into the unknown once again.

Well, mostly consistent.

And it’s all because of Mugetsu that I can drink this sake, that I can still feel the excitement of a festival like this. I owe a lot to her, huh…? I’d thank her, but Mu-chan never seems to like being thanked, so I don’t. Well, as long as I keep smiling I’m sure she’s getting all the reward she needs.

“TO COOL SISTERS!” I raised my glass before downing it. The flip side about this sake? You never have to stop.



”Huhuh huuuuuh, Mu-chyaan, notso faaast.”

I was reluctant to do so, but I slowed down while my sister stumbled about behind me. I can only hope sis gets her act together; this neighborhood gives me the creeps. I had come to escort my sister home after a bar attendant appeared next to me and said she was causing too much trouble.

“Sis…why did you have to drink this much? I don’t like it when you drink this much…”

“Becashe itsh’s fuuuun. Why you always gotta be such a fuuuuddy duddy??” Gengetsu caught up to me and plunked her head onto my shoulder as we walked. I was glad her eyes were closed so she couldn’t see my pain.

When did this happen? How many years ago was it when Gengetsu came home with her clothes wrinkled and wings matted, raving to me about the first time she…did it? When did she start going to that disreputable tavern, drinking and partying almost every week? I felt Gengetsu roughly tugging at my own wings as we walked, her hands carrying a somehow disturbing heat to them.

“Sho anyway, is like I was tryin’ tuh say…”

Now she was rambling into my shoulder, sparing me from smelling her breath that no doubt stunk of whiskey. “I was a just mindin’ my own busyness, when this here guy comes onto me…”

When did we drift apart so? I thought that things would never change, that we would be together forever. But now…

“Aynd I thought itwas my lucky night, ya know. …Yeh do knew right Muuey?”

“What do you mean sis?”

“Yeh knooooow, that? What I’m talkn bout?”

I gave my best attempt to humor Gengetsu. “Yes sis, I know. You’ve told me many times.”

“But do you REALLY know? I mean really? REALLY? I mean, have you done it?”

I winced at this question. I tamed my quivering lip and continued on. “…No sis, not yet.”

My drunken sister pounded at my side. “Geez sistah, yer not gonna be young forever! Ya gotta be bold! Ya gots ta come to the bar wit’ me next time.”

“Sis, what were you talking about before?”

“Aah? Talk..about? Dumb it down for me pretty please.”

“A guy in the bar?”

“RIGHT!” I winced again at this loud exclamation. “Right, you always were the smarter of us. Sooo, there wassh this guy right? Eh was cool lookin’ and you know, I thought he’d be a good man tah bump with…”

I can’t take this much longer. How much farther until we got home…?

“And buy yeh know wut de guy doez? Teh guy BIT MEH WINGZ! THE BASTARD! Talkin’ some shit about meh filling or somewhat. What a creepooooo. So yeh see why I hadst to deck him? Huh? Do ya???

I just wanted to curl up in a ball and weep over the sorry state of my beloved sister…but no matter how bad I felt, Gengetsu’s feelings were more important than my own. No matter what, she’s my sister. I owe so much to her, I have no choice but to let her do whatever made her happy, even if it was…this.

Something funny must have crossed her mind, because Gengetsu started giggling uncontrollably.

“Tih dullard did scream when I broke hiz arm. Hyeh huh huh…heh hee hoo hya…”

I must be strong. No matter what, I must not cry…

“Hyeeeh huh huh huh huh. Hyeeeeh huhuhuhuhuhuhuuuuuuh.”

“NOOOO! PLEASE STOP GENGETSU!” I snapped. I dropped to my knees in agony and held my ears in a vain attempt to block out that horrible laughter.

“Hyeeeeh huhuhuhuhuhuhuuuuhuhuuuuuhuhu”

“Stop…please just stop…”

I twitched and woke up, breathing heavily. That ghoulish laughter was still echoing in my head. I had to look around my room to ensure myself that what happened was all a dream.

Well, that wasn’t entirely truthful. What just happened was a dream, but until the end that really did happen. So those horrible memories hadn’t yet disappeared...

Why…why did that come up after all these years?

I slipped out of bed and crept out of the room – if I went back to sleep now, I’m certain I’d just hear that horrible laughter again. I needed to calm myself down.


The moon…

I lay sprawled on the black surface of the dream world, looking up at that pale crescent moon in the sky. I had calmed down a bit, but I still didn’t trust myself to fall back asleep quite yet. Too sleepy to do anything and too stressed to go back to sleep, I guess I’m falling back on my habit of watching the moon above and letting my mind wander.

The moon in the sky had mystified me for ages. Throughout this dismal world, the crescent moon above was the one thing that never changed. It could be hidden by my conjuring of a dream world, but at the end of the day when the world I create fades away it was always visible again, never moving, never changing. It never grew fuller or disappeared, always but a fraction of a full.

It made no sense either. In a world of dreams, nothing is ever constant. Even in the dreams I create for Gengetsu, there are many little inconsistencies that have to be ignored for them to continue. Though this world was quite clearly physical, it took on the elements of fantasy and the unimaginable. How else could a fair be here one day and a beach the next?

Thinking about it though, there was one other thing that remained the same even in a dream: Oneself. Whether your surroundings changed, people changed, and even your body changes, you always remain as yourself in a dream. I remember hearing that some people slept to escape the world, but you can never escape from your own sorrow, from yourself...can you? Is this why the crescent moon above is…

“Heh.” I shook my head and gave my usual pathetic smile. If Gengetsu heard me thinking like this, she would be laughing so hard. She always did hate reading and analyzing texts back in school. Yeah, I must be thinking too hard.

I crept back into the house and went into Gengetsu’s room, stepping lightly in order to not disturb her. She was a deep sleeper, so I didn’t have to worry about waking her up.

Completely opposite to the sis I saw in my dreams, my sister was now in a most peaceful-looking sleep. Her wings seem to have moved the sheets off of her, but she didn’t seem bugged in the slightest. When I see her like this, it’s hard to believe she could be so callous when awake.

Yet, even now I could smell the stench of alcohol from the fair today, bringing with it a cold reminder of reality.

Right, that must be why I dreamt that. Sis always got drunk at the local fair back then.

But, that’s in the past. Sis isn’t the same one that threw up in a back alley and fought others in bars…right?

No, no hesitation. She isn’t the same person. The Gengetsu I know may be a little bit boisterous, but she’s fun-loving and good at heart! She’s good! She’s affectionate! And most importantly…she’s my sister.

I pulled the loose covers back over Gengetsu and gave her a light peck on the cheek. I crept out and went back to my room.


Under my covers, my thoughts turned back to the image of my sister in a peaceful rest. I can’t help but wonder…what does sis dream about? Does she dream of the painful past like me, or is she as pure and fun-loving in her dreams?

It doesn’t matter. No matter what, I will grant her whatever dream she wants to let her life out comfortably in this world of empty dreams. It’s my obligation as her sister…and nothing can change that.



I was up against a corner. In the wooden arena where the final battle of the tournament was being fought, I’ve got nowhere else to run. My opponent had gotten my wings, and no way could I fly in my condition anyway. My opponent had made it to the final round for a reason – he was big, muscular, and had the lack of shirt to prove it. He cracked his knuckles to show he was done toying around.

“Gengetsu-dono, this is the end! Time for me to finish this!” With a mighty battle cry the martial artist began charging to deliver the final blow. Craaaaap.

I looked back and forth. No way to maneuver, tsk! No time left to think, here he comes…



I phased back into existence behind my opponent with my arms crossed. My poor sap of an opponent sounded utterly baffled as he looked for me. It was a real shame too; the big guy’s connected with where my head was dead-on. Too bad for him I was nowhere near there.

“Not bad big boy. Now it’s my turn.” He turned to face me, leaving his left temple wide open. I summoned my newfound strength and leapt forward to deliver a skull-cracking punch. I watched with glee as my opponent’s eyes rolled backwards. Taking this supreme chance, I slid under him and delivered a massive uppercut. Strong as he was, there’s no way he could take that and stand. Sure enough, he was reeling backwards. I helped him down with a flying jump kick to the gut. Then finally the once-proud man crumpled to the ground, groaning in agony.

“Aah, but don’t think that was the end.” I could never leave a good fight with a single combo. My wings felt like they had gained a second wind after that flying kick, so I put them to further use and dove into the air.

“Uuuugh, I…give up.” The man raised his hand to plead, but I wasn’t about to forgive him for trying to crush my head like that. I barked back down to him:

“Don’t you remember? ‘Until the opponent has been knocked out’!” I flapped twice and began gathering my power. Just to entertain the crowd I rained some vertical bullet pillars around the guy, but of course that wasn’t the main feature of course. 

“Gengetsu…” I pointed my finger up to the heavens. Here it comes…!

“SPARK!” I thrust my hand downwards at the poor sap below and released my energy full force. A blue energy wave shot out of my hand, pushing me upwards from the massive recoil. My signature move, there was no way he could have dodged it.

And he didn’t, what do ya know? I guess it helps that I asked Mugetsu for a human fighting tournament, hee hee I descended gracefully down to the judge, who raised my hand up high.

“What a stunning victory! The championship goes to the great illusory moon, Gengetsu!” The crowd cried out in rapturous applause. “This concludes the annual tournament. Thank you all for coming!” The cheers warmed my heart. It’s times like this that make life worth living!


I closed my eyes and basked in the spotlight. They all love me~ I am loved~ Ha ha ha~~~

“Gengetsu! Gen-”

Silence. I opened my eyes and looked around. Silence, and emptiness.

I groaned. “Aahn, is it really over already?” But yep, it was. The dream had ended. Like the dream that is experienced in sleep, the dream world did not end by fading away as is typically believed. No, a real dream ends quite abruptly, often with no closure. One second I was the winner of a grand tournament (and looked awesome doing it I may add), the next it had vanished. The ornate wooden arena had dissolved into nothingness, the featureless black ground now stretching far beyond the audience seating. I didn’t bother looking up, but I was certain that detestable crescent moon was back too, as always. I sighed in disappointment. Why do the best dreams always make me feel most lonely at the end of them…?


Eh? Ah right, I still have one fan cheering for me after all I giggled softly and turned to meet my maid outfit-clad sister.

“Sis, what you did back there…”

I waved my hand and laughed. “Oh please Mu-chan, you’re making me blush! You know very well I used to take on much bigger fry than that.”

“Mmm, I remember. But sis...about that last guy…don’t you think you were a bit too rough? He was only a human, you could have killed him.” It was odd, but for the briefest moment I thought I saw a pained look in her eyes. It was gone when she blinked though, so maybe I just imagined it.

“Wellllll, maybe I went a bit overboard. But, it’s just a dream, right? It’s not like any of this is real.” I rubbed the back of my head. “Besides, why would you care about a simple human? He should have known his place.” Mugetsu looked down at the ground and mumbled “I guess so…” Hmm, is she upset over something…? Ah well, no use talking about it. When she gets all clammy, it’s useless to try and get her to talk about it.


“Aah sis, was that you?” I only just realized how hungry that fight made me.

I grinned. “Nobody else here but you and me. C’mon, it’s time for dinner!” I know she enjoys cooking – that maid outfit wasn’t just for show after all~

Mugetsu stared at me for a second, then said, “Right sis, let’s go home! What would you like for dinner?” There, she gave her cute little smile, everything must be all right.

I led the way back home with my own smile. “Well, a good fight deserves a good meal, so how about some fried chicken?”

Again?? Sis, can’t you suggest anything healthy for once? You’re going to get f-uh, er, I-I mean…” I laughed.

Yeah… As long as I’ve got Mugetsu, I don’t need anyone else to cheer me on. I’m so lucky to have a sister like her… I broke into a sprint and called for Mugetsu to pick up the pace. I really am hungry after all!


“Hey hey Mugetsu, come look at this!”

I dragged myself away from the maid outfit on display and walked over to my friend, who showed off the newest dress in the market stall.

“Isn’t it cool?! It’s the latest style!” I stared at the dress and blinked in bewilderment. Never before had I seen all seven colors worked into a single dress. It was very original, yes… Still, there is a reason why this had never been done before.

“Well?! Isn’t it just the coolest dress

I struggled to humor my fashion-obsessed friend. “Y-yeah.” I flicked my eyes back at the maid display. My friend (what was her name…? It’s been so long) must have noticed, because she pouted.

“Ooh, you don’t like it, do you?! You just wanna look at those stupid maid uniforms!”

!!! Did she just-

“S-stupid?!” I stepped towards my new enemy. “Can you not see the simple but flawless beauty in a maid outfit?” I advanced on her, whose eyes were now opened wide.

“A humble servant, ever loyal to their benefactor? Dressed in formal yet stylish attire?”


“The apron? The lace? The timeless FRILLS?! Why, if everyone was dressed as a maid, demonkind would be a lot more at ease knowing everyone was humble and polite and loyal to the end and knowing too they were all good-looking because they had a frilly outfit that shows just how humble and polite and loyal they are! I don’t ask for much, but don’t you
ever speak of the maid outfit as anything less than absolute perfection, you hear me?!”

“M-mugetsu…” My friend looked on the verge of tears, but I did not let up my stare. This is one battle I cannot back down from!

“…O-okay, I’m sorry! Geez!”

“Good.” I let go of her collar. It was only then that I noticed the proximity between me and my friend’s nose. I backed up and noticed the owner of the stall giving me a frightened look. I cleared my throat quickly and backed away from my friend (who had been pushed back into the dress she was ogling before) “Thank you for understanding.” I bowed gracefully and excused myself to return to my preferred fashion.

This person…she’s been a good friend of mine for years, especially after Gengetsu began occupying herself with those…disparaging activities. Yet it had been so many centuries, I can’t even remember her name-

I then realized this was a dream. A dream of the past. I remember very well what this is about, which means in not too long-

“You! You two!”

The two of us looked up from our window shopping and saw a handsome man in a police uniform rushing towards us. This can’t be good…

“What is it officer?”

The man adjusted his hat. “Pardon me for interrupting your day young madams, but you have got to get out of here! There is a criminal on the loose! They have been seen attacking random passersby and have already incapacitated several police officers! Please evacuate the area and return to your homes immediately until the situation is resolved.”

My eyes opened wide. A criminal? Here in the capital city of Makai? There were some shady businesses, but no one in their right mind would dare attack people out in the open; the police power is almost total, and lady Shinki had a zero tolerance rule on crime.

“O-officer?” I turned to see my friend trembling at the news. “W-what does the bad guy look like? I don’t wanna cross paths with him accidentally.”

The officer nodded. “Ah right, how silly of me miss, you’re absolutely right.”

“So? What does he look like?”

“She, actually. Reports are still sketchy, but we’ve identified the criminal as a young woman, not even a century old. She has short blond hair and is wearing a pink dress.”


W-what? No, it couldn’t be…

“Is there anything else officer?”

The officer gave a grim nod. “Yes. We’ve also heard reports of large white wings-“

!!! No. No, this can’t be what it sounds like. Not her, no. No…

The man turned to me and looked me from top to bottom. “Come to think of it miss, other than the clothes she looks just like you! Are you two rela-“

I pumped my fists. “Where was she last sighted?! Tell me!!!”

The man backed away in shock. “M-miss, please heed my advice.” I didn’t budge. A few heated moments passed before his eyes steeled together and nodded in recognition. “I understand. Right this way. But please miss, be careful.” He led the way while I followed, leaving my friend behind.

It can’t be true...a criminal? What have you done Gengetsu?!


Arriving at the city square, I could make out a figure turning her head in every direction; the police had cornered her. Even at this distance, I could see clearly enough: That blond hair and those white wings couldn’t be anyone else!


Finally my sister turned my direction, and I screamed: She wore a truly depraved look on her face and sneered at me.

“Hyeeeh hyeh heeeeeeeeeh heh-“

I backed away. “S-sis…?”

Gengetsu took up high into the air. Next moment there was a bright flash-

And then I woke up. I felt like I was going to throw up upon reliving that moment. That moment of terror...

No, this is too terrible! Why is my mind doing this?!

I got out from under the covers and hugged my knees. That day was no dream – I still vividly remember every detail of what really happened. I don’t need a dream to recall the horror of that day. Against my better judgement, my mind drifted back to the memory of that fateful day…

I found out after the incident that Gengetsu had been caught in a police raid of a brothel she often entered as a “guest.” Most of the men and women were rounded up without much of a struggle, but my sister fought back and escaped. She tore down the city streets, injuring tons of people in her efforts to evade the police. Eventually, she found herself trapped in the city square…

Upon hearing my cry, my sister turned my way. She had one of those snarls she only ever wore when she was truly angry.

“Mugetsu, glad you’re here! You can back me up, right? Tell these coppers I’m no prostitute!”

After a moment of confusion, it hit me what was going on. I felt sick; she wanted me to get involved in
this?! I told her so many times what would happen if she kept going to that whorehouse. I asked her I don’t know how many times to think of the consequences, but she always brushed me off with a “Pfft, that’ll never happen.” How could I convince everyone she was a good and decent-

“Miss Gengetsu, you are surrounded. Come quietly while you still can!” I gasped and looked around; the police weren’t waiting for my response. My sister took to the air, ready for combat. The police could of course all fly as well, and began firing.

Sis… The tears were openly flowing at this point.

 The officer who led me here put a hand on my shoulder with a sympathetic look. “I’m sorry miss, but your sister has no chance now. I’m…sorry it has had to come to this.”

I brushed his hand off. “No! She’s a little promiscuous, but she’s a good person! Please officer, tell them to back down! Otherwise…o-otherwise…” I held my face, unable to stop the tears.

“Miss, I wish I knew what to say…”

“YOU FUCKING COPS, GET OFF OF ME!” Both of us turned towards the struggle. A large energy beam streamed into the ground – her Gengetsu Spark. A few police dropped out of the sky from this attack, but there was too many of them. Sis was strong, but even she can’t fight so many people at once.

Or, so I thought…

“Alright you punks, if that’s the way you want it! I’ll take you all down! It sucks to be you!”

I cried out to my sister. “PLEASE SIS! DON’T THROW YOUR LIFE AWAY!!!” I knew it was useless though – she was too high up to hear me. I looked on in horror to see the police draw closer to my sister. I felt like I was going to pass out from it all. This must be the end…


“W-what is this?!” The officer next to me said exactly what I was thinking. Where Gengetsu was, there was now a bright flash. I brought my hand over my eyes to see what was going on-

And beheld a truly terrifying barrage of danmaku coming at me faster than any danmaku I had ever seen. Was this Gengetsu’s?!

“O-oh my g-“


I hadn’t but turned to run when I was struck down by the onslaught of spiritual energy. I screamed. Pain. Pain beyond anything I had ever felt before or since. Danmaku was rarely lethal on its own, but this, this felt like a thousand knives being driven into my back at once! In desperation I flared my wings to cover my body, but it was no use – the lightning fast danmaku tore through them in seconds, sending only more surges of pain through me. I moaned in agony, praying for myself to die, if only to end my suffering…Please…please…

And then it stopped. My body still felt like I had been hit by a building, but I could no longer feel the bullets that were causing it.

I mumbled in a daze. “W-wha? What?”

“Aaaah…please-ugn-! Miss, don’t worr-AAAAAH!” I regained my senses and realized what had happened: The police officer was covering me! I felt him lying on top of me, using himself as a shield to protect me from this devastation.

“O-officer, don’t! You’ll be killed!”

The officer groaned. Even though it had only been a few seconds, his voice sounded hoarse. “I-it’s my duty…to prot-ugh-!” I realized to my horror he was already dead.

He was dead. She killed him. All the other police officers must be dead. If it weren’t for this man’s sacrifice, I would be dead too. Gengetsu murdered everyone.

I cried out in despair, helpless to do anything but scream. “Gengetsu, how could you do this? How?! HOW?!”

I couldn’t take it anymore and forced myself to stop there. I pressed my face into my knees, doing everything I could not to let Gengetsu hear my breathing. This event, which claimed the lives of everyone in the square but me, went down in Makai legend as being the result of a sadistic whore who tore apart the city in murderous lust. “Gengetsu Rape Time” they said! This phrase filled the headlines in a repulsive play on words that I imagine is all people remember my sister for now. It sickened me how they degraded her like that. They didn’t understand her; nobody did. Nobody understood the sister I knew-

My eyes widened. “Knew?” Did I just think that?

I shivered. I did not want to think about this. My sister did some horrible things back then, but that was all in the past now. No matter what she did in the past, since we came here she’s returned to the sweet loving sister I knew in my youth and loved with all my heart.


I thought back to earlier today. During the dream I conjured for her, she had left her combatants bloodied and crippled, and she enjoyed it. She really did! When I came up to her after the end, she didn’t show a bit of remorse. She was smiling! She enjoyed beating them to a pulp! Even if they were humans, could this mean…?

I hated myself so much for thinking this, but upon remembering this long repressed memory I had to question: Was sis really any different than back then?

Yes. Yes She was. Sis has never since shown that level of aggression and disregard for life. She was my beloved sister now; it was all in the past. I can’t let myself think like this; if I begin to regret my decision, I may as well just kill myself. I’m here because I chose to help my sister move past all this!

I pounded my head in punishment and crawled back under the covers. If I didn’t sleep soon my condition will be such that even Gengetsu will notice. Even if my doubts tear me apart inside, I will never allow Gengetsu to face the scorn of her own sister. Surely she too remembers her crimes with a heavy heart…surely…

It’s been nearly one thousand years, but I still remember the pain of that horrific attack she summoned. The scarred stumps where my wings used to be serve as an eternal reminder of the lowest point my sister had ever sunk. Can Gengetsu really have moved on from those days? Is anyone truly capable of changing themselves to that extent?

Please sis…prove me wrong tomorrow. Show me you’re the same sister that I believe in…



I cried out in horror. As the laser beam subsided, my beloved prince’s legs gave out and he collapsed to the ground. He fought valiantly for the kingdom’s sake (and mine…), but he was utterly beaten by the towering demon above. Even if he’s just a figment of the dream, he means so much to me…I love him! I rushed over and cradled him in my arms.

“Gwa ha ha, now you too will bow to me Princess Getsu!”

I looked up at the demonic entity and glared. Being that it was a gigantic eye with a fedora, I don’t think he was fazed by it.

“Nnn, m-my beloved-“

I gasped and rubbed my prince’s face. He had been charred by the entity’s gwahaha beam, but his physical beauty still showed through, lifting my heavy heart with his smile.

“P-please, don’t try and talk. Come on, we have to get out of here-!”

He put his hand over mine. “It’s…too late for me. Run…while you still can…”

Tears stained my eyes as my prince’s eyes closed and his hand went limp in mine. The presence of the evil eyeball was the only thing keeping me giving in to emotion and weeping bitterly.

“Gwa ha ha! Now my sweet princess, beg and plead for your life! Give to me your kingdom and serve me, and I may let you live. Grovel before the all powerful Mastoff!”

The cyclopic being sneered down at me, and it took everything in me to not break down. The spinning pentagram that made up the rest of Mastoff’s body emitted a powerful aura that felt like it was beating me down. So powerful, how could a princess stand up to this…?

Wait a sec…

“Heh.” I grinned. For a second I forgot this was a dream. Sometimes in a dream I get lost and forget that it’s just a role-play. Now though, it’s time to teach this freak a lesson.

The lumbering eyeball narrowed itself at me. “What is this? Do you not submit?”

I stood up from my “beloved” prince’s corpse and curtseyed to my adversary, showing off my pimped out pink princess dress. “Oh dear Mastoff, I must commend you for coming this far. In less than a day your legions of foodstuffs have completely overtaken the kingdom. You stormed the castle, got past the guards, made your way to the throne room, and even struck down the prince who came to save his beloved me. You deserve your kudos.”

Mastoff raised his eyebrow, and then took on a look of glee. “Then you submit?”

I shook my head. Time for the fun to begin… “However, your plan has one fatal flaw.” I hid my look of excitement by holding the curtsey. My hands were still gripping the ends of my dress.

“Ooh? And what pray tell is that?” The pentagram began to spin.

“You failed to take into account who runs this joint!” I tightened my hold on my dress and pulled. The dress, so pretty and proper, ripped clean in two and revealed my regular pink dress and vest. I flared my wings out and pointed at Mastoff. “I am the great ruler of this land, and I will not allow you to take it from me!” Yeah, that was AWESOME! Before the eye could react in its stereotypical manner, I took to the air and charged my energy.

“Heaven Road Mirage!” I summoned a thick row of twin lasers parallel to me and Mastoff, forming the path. I was the heaven (oh baby), and this –

“Hyaaa!” I fired a burst of razor sharp danmaku, so bright there looked like more than there was. They flew straight into the dumb eye’s iris.

-That was the mirage.

“Arrrgh!” Yes, a direct hit! The eye closed and Mastoff writhed in pain! Hah, too easy, as usual. Mugetsu never made these bozos that tough, it’s kind of a-

Mastoff’s eye opened, now looking far more bloodshot than before. Uh oh…

“Sis, be careful! This guy’s strong!”

I glanced over at the stained-glass window, where my “head guard” Mugetsu was riding a pegasus. I flashed her a peace sign. “Don’t worry Mu-chan, this guy is toast!”

Mugetsu nodded. She seemed unusually enthusiastic today for some reason. As soon as I mentioned I wanted to be a princess defending her kingdom, her eyes lit up like a puppy. She wasn’t getting a princess fetish too, was she…?

Mugetsu continued, breaking my train of thought. “I’ll get into the castle and help you as soon as I can! Just hold on and we can finish him off together!” She flew off. Right, as if this guy would last that lo-


“Wha-“ I felt a searing pain in my shoulder as Mastoff’s laser attack hit my shoulder. The pentagram was spinning quickly, and he looks like he means business.

“Gwa ha ha, you will regret the day you messed with the great Mastoff young princess!”

Well, I’ll show him how I used to do things back in the day. I cracked my knuckles and took to the air once more.

“Demon’s Merry-Go-Round!”

I shot out a single blue and orange bullet and sent them towards my bemused foe. Right before he shot another laser (which I was already keen to dodge), I snapped my fingers. Right on cue, the bullets grew skewers on all sides and picked up speed. They also shot out more stray bullets to keep him from escaping. Soon they will impale him and this will be the-

“Gwa ha ha, you think I am felled so easily?!” Two lightning bolts came down from out of nowhere and struck the bullets, which instantly vaporized. Once again the eyeball was on me.

“…Okay, let’s try that again.” I reared back, ready to charge right up in his face and take this battle to the next level.


“Urgh, damn it…” I lay panting on the ground. How was this happening? Mugetsu’s never conjured something this strong in a dream before….

Mastoff leered at me. “Gwa ha ha, did you really think those puny attacks could stop me? Foolish girl!” What? I hardly thought they were “puny…” Yet, somehow not even my Gengetsu spark managed to do more than knock off his fedora.

“Now for your insolence, you will DIE!

I breathed heavily. I knew that this was a dream world, and nothing would actually kill me. No matter how frightening dreams are, you’ll never die, for it’s all fantasy. Still, dream world or no, this will hurt a ton. Not just physically, but to be defeated in a dream would be a huge wound to my pride. I’m a prize fighter dammit, and I’m not going to be humiliated by some creepy ass eyeball!

Think Gengetsu, think! Don’t you have anything else to hit this thing with?!

Wait. There is one more thing. But, should I use it…?

“Say your prayers Princess Getsu!” Mastoff’s pentagram began glowing. I clenched my teeth. It was now or never. I had no choice but to use my ultimate technique.

“Hyaaaa!” I sprung up into the air and rose to the ceiling of the throne room. Whatever Mastoff was charging, he’d better do it quick! I hunched over into a sort of midair fetal position – the only way I could summon all my energy. I could feel it – every fiber of life force being drawn into the center of my being. The ultimate attack was ready to be unleashed! That most amazing of highs few demons have ever felt! It was time for the climax!

“Gwa ha ha, farewell dear pri-“


I released it. Thousands of bullets flowed out of my body at lightning speed.

“Wh-what is thiiiiiiiiis?!”

I gasped. “Aah-!”

My body, it feels like it’s on fire – danmaku so powerful even its user couldn’t escape pain entirely. It hurt so much... But ooh, the rush! The thrill! The ECSTASY! Bullets erupted out of my body in every direction, ripping apart the furniture, shattering the windows, pounding the stone foundation into rubble. A perfect wall! Nothing can dodge this! Though my ears were filled with the whoosh of danmaku coming out of every orifice of my body, I could still hear Mastoff. What I heard was not no longer a gwa ha ha, but a GWAAH AAAH AAAH! And it’s great! This pain, it feels so good! Ha ha ha, I haven’t felt so alive in centuries! 


Ooh the pleasure…far greater than any orgasm. The pleasure of power…the pleasure of victory…ugh…

My wings failed me and I dropped out of the sky. As powerful as this attack is, the immense amount of energy it demands puts a terrible strain on my body. I had barely enough energy to slow my descent so I could crash safely onto the ground.



Finally I regained my senses. I looked around in a daze; the throne room was completely totaled; there wasn’t a trace of Mastoff left. There wasn’t even a trace of the prince’s dead body.

As to be expected…heh.

It felt great to finally release all that tension, but man does that attack knock the fight out of me! My body probably won’t fully recover for days. There’s a reason I never use this move unless it’s absolutely necessary.

Come to think of it, I think there’s only one other time I’ve ever used this move. When was that…? I wracked my brain. It was such a long time ago…



W-wait. That time, that other time I did this. That wasn’t-?!


I looked up to see my sister and gasped even harder. My vision was still blurry, but I could see that her jaw was dropped. So, either she had witnessed my awesome power and was astounded by how awesome I am, or else…

“Oh…hey Mugetsu. Would you mind helping me up?”

Mugetsu didn’t move a muscle. She did nothing but stare at me with her eyes open wide, her heavy breathing the only sound echoing around the ruined throne room. As my strength returned and my eyes refocused, I saw how pale she looked.

Ooh, what do I do…?

“Mugetsu, I…I…”

I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t think of the words to say. What the heck am I supposed to say in this situation?

“Sis…” Oh god, here it comes. I shut my eyes and gritted my teeth.

“…You must be tired from that. Come on, let’s go home. I’ll make you some tea.”


I opened my eyes and stared at my sister. She had on her usual meek little smile, and she held out her hand to mine. I struggled within myself to figure out what to do.

Eventually I grabbed her hand, trying to play off my hesitation as exhaustion. She pulled me up and supported me with her shoulder. Somehow this felt nostalgic.

“So sis, tell me about how it went before I got there.”

I looked into Mugetsu’s eyes for a few seconds. After some hesitation, I put on a great big smile.

“Well, this guy was much tougher than I thought he’d be. I mean, he shrugged off my Heaven Road Mirage like it was nothing, can you believe it?”

“Eeh, no way!”


After the long journey that felt longer than usual, we arrived back home. As promised, Mugetsu brought me some nice chamomile tea (my favorite). With the dream over and nothing else happening in this empty world we sat together and chatted about nothing in particular. Mugetsu offered to make dinner, but because I was still physically drained from my attack I politely declined. Soon after that we went to bed. All in all, a normal night…though technically, it was always night outside if the crescent moon was any indication.


Well, time for bed. It’s been a long day.

Mugetsu smiled at me from the door to her bedroom. “Good night sis.” I smiled back at her. “Night Mugetsu. Sweet dreams.” Mugetsu nodded and shut the door. I yawned and shut my own door – our bedrooms are right across from one another.

“What a day. I haven’t felt so pooped in ages. Better get some rest.” I said this loudly so Mugetsu would hear it. I folded up my wings and crawled under the covers.

“Siiiiiigh, time for real dream time…” I lay down on my pillow and closed my eyes.

Mugetsu, do you take me for a fool?

I tossed over on my back and opened my eyes. No way could I sleep with something like this on my mind.

That sister of mine…she may think she’s good at hiding it, but even I can tell when she’s this upset. And why shouldn’t she be? Witnessing the attack that wounded her, the one that killed all those people? The very one that got us sent to this desolate hellhole? God, I feel like shit, making her dredge up those old memories.

Ooh, what should I do? What can I do? Even if I talk to her about it, she’ll just deny anything’s wrong, probably to “spare my feelings.” I thought that as long as I smiled, she would be happy, but now…

 I stared out the window in deep thought. Surely there’s something I can do other than let this silent tragedy play out.

At least, I hope there is…
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet


  • So those that live now, pledge on your fists and souls
  • Leave a sign of your life, no matter how small...
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #724 on: May 02, 2011, 12:22:21 AM »
This atmosphere is suffocating. The brown walls of the courthouse seemed designed to carry voices throughout the room. Rather than the trial, they now served to make the countless murmuring even more pronounced. Guards lined every door into the room to prevent anyone from trying anything during the trial, whether it be escape or revenge. I was uncomfortable enough being here; the rock-hard seats in the gallery did not help. ?Gengetsu Rape Time? caused such a stir that the courtroom was completely packed, and bailiffs were trying to control the massive crowd outside wanting to witness the trial of the century.

I already know this is a dream. For so many years I have only been able to dream of the days before we came to this world. Why must I bear this torture? Is this my mind trying to tell me something? I want to dream of fantasy and fun like my sister, not relive the painful past! I know what is happening and what is about to occur, but after today I feel like I must watch this once more?

By the time I was released from the clinic, it was already the day of Gengetsu?s trial. Well, it wasn?t so much a trial as a sentencing, as trials were more customary than anything.  Even though they let me out, my body still aches whenever I moved. What hurt in particular was my back, which still had stitches in it.

My wings?the doctor told me they had become infected; they had no choice but to amputate them. Wings are mostly vestigial since everyone can eventually fly under their own power, but still?I feel like I?ve lost a part of myself, literally.

?The trial is about to begin! Order in the court!?

-And it looks like I?m about to lose another part.

The announcement did little to quell the chaos in the courtroom: Witnesses who saw the carnage from afar were stewing in their thoughts; the demons who lost loved ones were trying and failing to hold in their grief. Combined with the general hubbub of a trial, it was impossible to silence.

?Everyone, be silent.?

With this kind, maternal voice, an immediate hush fell over the courthouse. All eyes turned to one of the entrances. There in all her regal beauty stood our god and creator. With her flowing red robes and shimmering white hair, she ruled over our world with unquestioned authority: The almighty goddess Shinki. All eyes were now fixed on this woman as she calmly made her way to the judge?s seat. It wasn?t just out of respect that we were silent either; it is impossible to disobey a direct order from Shinki. I too felt my throat involuntarily constrict in response to this order, making it impossible to speak. It was because of this mechanism that Shinki captured sis soon after the incident.

Shinki let out a breathy sigh and lowered herself into her throne. She looked around the courtroom in a nonchalant way, acknowledging everyone who had gathered for the trial. I felt her gaze turn particularly towards me, where our eyes met for a good three seconds. She gave me a small smile, as though that would comfort me. I wasn?t even sure what I was feeling right now, but one thing I knew for certain was that I was quite

Finally, Shinki saw fit to speak. ?Bailiff, please bring in the defendant.?

The doors opened once again, and I felt my heart quicken. Gengetsu was brought to the front of the courthouse, escorted by a particularly strong-looking bailiff. Her arms were bound, and heavy chains were attached to her wings to prevent her from flying. What shocked me was her face ? in all the years I have known her, I?ve never seen Gengetsu look so afraid. Her hands were balled up into a fist, and she looked down, no doubt too ashamed to meet the eyes of everyone she had wronged. After a long silence only broken by the clanging of the chains, Gengetsu reached the front of the court. She stood before Shinki and slowly looked up.

Shinki rested her chin on her hand and looked back down. ?Gengetsu, was it? It?s amazing how quickly my children grow. Why, I still remember you as this tiny little rambunctious baby. You were quite a cute kid, did anyone ever tell you that??

Even from the gallery I heard Gengetsu gulp.

Shinki sighed. ?Who knew you would out to be such a deviant young lady? I heard everything that happened before I arrived. Did you really think you could  escape from the law? Did you think you could escape from
my law?"

My sister?s expression was so painful to watch I had to turn away for a second.

?Well? Answer me.?

Gengetsu responded to the order. ?I-I did. I thought I could escape. I?m not a prostitute, s-so they shouldn?t have tried to arrest me! It?s their mistake, not mine!? Murmurs broke out again over this exclamation, but a stern look from Shinki hushed them up quickly.

?I see. Well my dear, I must commend you for your efforts. You certainly did put up more of a fight than any have in a very long time. I never would have thought my well-trained police force could take so many casualties from one stray harlot. Why, just look around and you?ll see how many people now know your name. Aren?t you proud of yourself now? Doesn?t it feel good to be such a celebrity at your age?? Gengetsu slowly turned her gaze and for the first time saw everyone in the gallery. Men, woman, even children, all were glaring at her with looks of pure malice. She put on a brave face, but I could tell she was terrified. I know my sis; she doesn?t have the heart of a criminal. She can?t take the pressure.

For the briefest of moments, our eyes met. Gengetsu?s eyes widened and she quickly looked away. Sis?

I only then realized that I was glaring myself. Was I?angry at her too? Why would I be anything but sad at my sister?s impending doom? I?m the only family she has, I should be supportive, not angry! I didn?t feel so sickened with myself as?confused.


Though, when I think about it, I guess there might be one or two reasons for me to be a bit angry. Thinking back, sis hasn?t exactly treated me well in recent years. Five days a week I work hard to support both of us, and she has never given so much as a thank you. She borrows money just to go get drunk at that tavern, to go have sex with men she?s never met before. Sometimes our only interactions are when I am sent to fetch her from the back alley, after her funds are cleaned out. I often worry myself sick when she doesn?t come back for days, and then she just pops in without explanation and demands some food! And what have I gotten for my decades of dedication and undying faith in my sister? Losing two limbs after she nearly murdered me! Yes, yes I think I may have a perfect right to be angry right now!

I intensified my glare. Gengetsu, as much as I hate to say it, you deserve exactly what?s about to happen to you! You are not my sister!



She?s?crying? Gengetsu was clutching her hands together, tears rolling down her face. My anger diffused as quickly as it came.

Shinki?s calm demeanor did not change. ?There, now do you feel the weight of your crimes? This self-indulgent life you?ve led, do you see what it has cost you? What it has cost Makai? What it has cost your sister?? She glanced at me again, and all eyes turned towards me. I felt myself grow stiff.

?I-I?m sorry.?

Shinki raised an eyebrow. ?What did you say??

Gengetsu looked up at the maternal goddess. ?I?m sorry, okay?! I was panicking. I knew I was going to get arrested for being there. All I?ve ever wanted was to have fun, and I thought I shouldn?t have been punished for it. I didn?t have time to think! I just went with my gut! And I, I?I?m sorry!? She whipped her head to the people in the gallery. ?I?m sorry I killed your families!? She turned to me. ?I?m sorry I?ve been such a horrible sister! You deserve so much better than me Mugetsu. I never once thought about your feelings. I?m sorry!? She turned back to Shinki. ?I know I don?t deserve forgiveness, but all I can say is I?m sorry! I?m sorry!? She fell to her knees and pounded the ground as hard as she could with her bound hands.

?I?M SORRY!!!?

 Her words reverberated throughout the court, and shook me to my soul. This?this is the sister I wished death upon just now? For those fleeting seconds I thought that the sister I loved had left me forever, but now?oh god, sis? I felt tears welling up.

Yet, I still couldn?t say anything in her defense. It?s far too late to fix everything she?s done with a simple apology. Sorry or not, she?s a murderer. Her fate is sealed, and she?deserves what she?s going to get. I?m sorry Gengetsu?

Shinki didn?t bat an eye at this display. After giving my sister?s words a few seconds to sink in with the court, she spoke. ?Very good Gengetsu. It?s always refreshing to see a criminal show remorse for their crimes. I must admit, if you hadn?t given us at least that, I would have killed you here and now.?

Yet another uneasy silence.

?However, at the same time, you can?t possibly expect to just walk out of here after what you?ve done, can you?? She shook her head, shedding too many tears to answer with words. Shinki smiled.

?Good, I?m glad you understand.? She looked at the pitiful sight. ??Gengetsu dear, don?t cry. You?re not going to die, don?t worry.? Shinki stood up from her chair and stepped down to help Gengetsu up.

?Wh-what are you going to do then??

This is it, the sentence.

?Listen well. As you are such a threat to yourself and others, you cannot be allowed near your fellow demons, most certainly. If you were to be sent to prison, who knows what could happen? Another fight? More deaths? I simply cannot place my dear people in such danger.? Shinki?s expression darkened. ?No, it would be best for you to leave Makai immediately.?

Shinki turned to the center of the court and cast a spell. Before my very eyes, I saw the air in front of her rip apart, revealing a swirling black vortex. My sister looked into it with pure terror written on her face.

?Beyond here lies the world where dreams go when they have ended. As your selfish dreams have now come to an end, it is only fitting you join them there. For the rest of your days, you shall reflect on your crimes here, alone.? Murmurs once more sprouted up, followed by cheers.

?Hurrah! Shinki delivers justice once again!?

?Send that wench where she can never hurt anyone ever again!?

?Makai doesn?t want the likes of you! Get out of here!?

I feel choked, even more than when Shinki commanded silence.
This is her punishment for her crime?! To spend the rest of her days in complete solitude?! That is horrible. Even for what she did, this is horrible! And here I am, just watching Gengetsu, my own twin sister, walking off to her doom. What do I do?what do I do?!

?Go now Gengetsu. Don?t make me force you.? My sister wiped her tears. She whimpered, nodded and took a step.


Another step.


One more step and she would be engulfed.

Normally by now I would have woken up in terror, but this dream felt so vivid and real. Some part of me had to keep watching. This is where everything changed?


Before I knew what I was doing, I leapt out of the gallery (despite how painful it was) and rushed towards Gengetsu. More shouts. Doesn?t matter, I?ve got to do something!


?Halt! Order in the court!? I felt myself struck by a bailiff?s laser, gasped, and fell out of the air to the ground. Gengetsu and Shinki stood over me; both with looks of surprise on their face.

Shinki held up her hand. ?Bailiffs, cease your fire!? With a snap of her fingers the vortex closed. ?Mugetsu, what is the meaning of this??

?I?have a confession to make!? More murmurs?

?A confession? Mugetsu, what could you possibly say that would change anything at this point? I understand your grief, but I cannot just let your criminal of a sister go.?

I panted. ?It?s?something very important!?

Shinki brought her hand to her chest. ?Mu-chan, I?m afraid if it?s something sappy like ?she?s my sister,? then-?

I gathered up my courage. ?I?I was the one who made Gengetsu kill all those people!? The murmurs developed into shouts of disbelief. Shinki looked bemused.

?Is that so? If this is true, then where is your proof??

Proof? The proof can be seen by looking back on my whole life. From the time we were little I never berated Gengetsu for hurting kids in the nursery. I always came to pick her up from that bar, never once complaining about her drinking habit, or her promiscuity. I always took her happiness as the most important thing, never questioning how she achieved it. I never prevented her from doing anything. With everything that has happened now...yes, ?she?s my sister? is exactly the proof I would present for my crimes.

I quaked under the stare of my creator, but I did my best to speak in a calm voice. ?Of course there isn?t any proof. But, right before she was cornered, we ran into each other. She told me what had happened, and I encouraged her to fight for her freedom. I didn?t turn her in, and let her go. So when she got cornered, it was my fault she didn?t go quietly. ?That is all.?

Shinki clapped loudly. ?Everyone shut up!? The shouts ceased, and she folded her arms. ?Mugetsu, what you say directly contradicts countless eyewitness reports. There could not have been more than a minute where she was not running from the cops-?

?And that?s when we met! Can you prove otherwise, Shinki-sama??

?M-mugetsu?? My sister?s jaw was dropped, and she held out her hand. I was not to be deterred at this point though.

Shinki looked me in the eye for what felt like an eternity, studying me. Finally she gave out a deep sigh.

?Mugetsu, you do realize that if this claim is accepted, then you are guilty as well.?

I nodded. ?Yes.?

?You will be sent to languish for eternity together with your sister. You will not be able to return to Makai, even if you regret your decision later.?

I paused. ??Yes.?

?Everything you have done in your entire life shall have been for nothing. You will never see any of your friends again, never be able to seek happiness again. You shall go down in infamy and become reviled for countless generations to come. Do you still claim your guilt in the face of all this??

I took a deep breath. For the Gengetsu I know now? No, I would not sacrifice myself for the sake of such a selfish being. But for the sister I hold dear, the one who wanted to play only with me in the nursery, for the one who loved me when I had nobody else?for the one who truly shows remorse for everything she?s done, and for the one who aches for a second chance she thinks nobody will ever give her?for this sister?

??Yes. I am guilty Shinki-sama.?

Shinki closed her eyes and smiled.

?Very well. In that case, I shall amend my sentence. Bailiff!? I gasped as the hulking bailiff that escorted Gengetsu in grabbed me and my sister, holding one of us in each hand. With another snap, the vortex once again warped into existence. I felt Gengetsu looking at me, but I only looked at the vortex. This is what I have chosen.

?Mugetsu, you-!?

Shinki made her final declaration, speaking loudly enough so even those outside the courthouse could hear. ?In punishment for your crimes, I sentence you two to an eternity of solitude in the world of empty dreams! Farewell!? We were tossed into the vortex, and the sounds of the courthouse quickly disappeared behind us.

I moaned; the pressure the dimensional travel imposed quickly proved to be too much, and I lost consciousness


I awoke in a most desolate place. The ground I awoke on was pure black and stretched as far as I could see. The only light was from the moon above, a crescent moon. Gengetsu was next to me, still unconscious.

The world of empty dreams?I am trapped here for eternity now. Now, Gengetsu is all I have, and she is all I have. We?are alone.

Why do I have to relive this?! I thought I would never have to deal with this pain again. I hugged my knees and reminded myself this is just a dream.

?It?s just a dream?it?s just a dream??

I looked up. No?

This is reality!


At first, we spent our days  just talking to each other. It felt nice to reestablish the bond that had grown so weak over the years. Unfortunately, talking alone wouldn?t save our minds from madness. Eventually, I remembered my ability to conjure dreams, and composed small little plays to entertain my attention-starved sister. That?s when I saw how happy they made her, and how happy that made me. When she was happy I saw my old sister being drawn back out, replacing the one I hated. I worked hard on developing my skill for the sake of that smile, making my dream worlds more and more elaborate as time went on.

I was happy for the first time in years?Gengetsu would hug me, we would have fun together day after day. She would spend time with me, because together we were all we had. Nearly one thousand years have passed, and I thought we would be able to live on like this forever, in peace?


I nodded. ?But, when I saw sis use that attack?? I could see Gengetsu form in front of my very eyes, firing that dreadful attack, the one christened by such a vulgar name. ?When I heard her laughing hysterically over vaporizing her enemy with that attack, all the change I believed my sister had done these past centuries seemed like just another illusion.? I looked down.

So, Gengetsu hasn?t changed at all?

I saw yet another Gengetsu form in front of me. This is the one who was always drunk, the one I found drunk off even the placebo alcohol at the fair. I sighed. ?True change is very difficult for anyone, maybe even impossible. I have always known this. I can?t begrudge my own sister for being a living being. Even so?? I watched in sadness as the drunken Gengetsu lumbered off. ?Even so, I wanted to believe it was possible. I wanted to believe that if I was there to help her, then maybe she could return to the sister I love. I sacrificed my life for that belief.?

Do you regret that choice, to stay with your sister?

I felt myself freeze at this question. Shinki?s words echoed in my mind.

?You will be sent to languish for eternity together with your sister. You will not be able to return to Makai, even if you regret your decision later?

Now there was a Gengetsu flopped over in bed ? the one I have seen every day for a millennium.

I responded to the voice. ?Do I regret that choice? I really don?t know. Until now, regret would have never entered my mind. Even though it?s lonely here in this world, I had the most important person right by my side every day. Even if it can get boring sometimes, Gengetsu always enjoyed herself so much. Until now, my sister?s happiness has been all I have ever strived for, from the time I was little, all throughout the years here, all I?ve ever thought about was her. If she could be happy, what regrets could I possibly have??


I looked back to the crazed Gengetsu reenacting the scene at the city square. ??But I realized, I was not happy seeing that attack. Then, and now, seeing this forbidden danmaku has made me question for what purpose I have worked for her happiness.? The image continued laughing as danmaku poured out of her, though not in my direction. ?This Gengetsu is happy, but I am not. It?s such a contradiction??

Why was this?

Could it be you don?t think this sister is worth your own happiness?

My own?happiness? I had never considered this before.

?I think you hit the nail on the head.? I saw the Gengetsu rolling over me in the nursery, laughing in such an innocent way.

?I guess I?ve never wanted to admit it to myself, but the sister I love was really the one in my youth, before any of this started. Whenever I began to doubt my sister, I always thought back to the one I ate ice cream with, who would beat up anyone who dared bully me at school. That sister who gained my admiration such that I promised that I would devote the rest of my life to hearing that laughter.

Another look at the insane Gengetsu. ?When I compare the Gengetsu I saw yesterday to that one?


I guess the thoughts that came to mind were something like ?this sister is not worthy of the sacrifice I made.? I felt anguished to finally admit this to myself.

There was a long silence after this. All sounds from the Gengetsus surrounding me stopped, though they kept their form.

Do you hate your sister?

This was the point everything revolved around. The forms of all the Gengetsus that appeared began swirling around me, their shapes becoming distorted. Do I hate my sister? The one I know now? I closed my eyes and felt everything whirl around me.

Hyeh huh huh?heh hee hoo hya


Aynd I thought itwas my lucky night, ya know. ?Yeh do knew right Muuey

I can?t forgive?

?It?s over Dreamy Moooooon!?

Come on Mu-chan, it?s time for the fair!

Aww, don?t you loooooove me too?

Mu-chan,  let?s play~
But I can?t forget?

Of course not! I asked for a fair! There?s a huuuuuge difference Mu-chan. Gosh.?

Maybe I went a bit overboard. But, it?s just a dream, right?

?P-please, don?t try and talk. Come on, we have to get out of here-!?

Is the sister I know now truly worth my sacrifice?

HA HA HA TAKE THIS but it?s just a dream right come on Mu-chan it?s time for the fair hyeh huh huh do you hate your sister please don?t try and talk yeh do knew right Muuey it?s over Dreamy Moon do you hate your sister maybe I went a bit overboard Mu-chan let?s play HA HA HA TAKE THIS but it?s just a dream right come on Mu-chan it?s time for the fair hyeh huh huh do you hate your sister please don?t try and talk yeh do knew right Muuey it?s over Dreamy Moon do you hate your sister maybe I went a bit overboard Mu-chan let?s play HA HA HA TAKE THIS but it?s just a dream right come on Mu-chan it?s time for the fair hyeh huh huh do you hate your sister please don?t try and talk yeh do knew right Muuey it?s over Dreamy Moon do you hate your sister maybe I went a bit overboard Mu-chan let?s play-



Everything shattered. There was now nothing, save for the light of the moon.

?Why did I sacrifice myself back then? Superficially it was so Gengetsu wouldn?t be alone, but in my own thoughts I thought about how much at fault I was. It was my negligence as a sister that had allowed Gengetsu to become so wretched. I felt guilty for what had happened, and wanted to be punished too.?

I stood up.?But even more than that, there was another reason. When I saw Gengetsu about to enter that vortex and leave my life, I thought about what my life would have been without her. I thought about the long lonely days I would have felt without my sister challenging me to play fights. I thought about how empty life would be without someone to talk to on those long rainy days. I even thought about how dull life would have been without dragging my drunken sister home from the bar every other day. I realized how much I owed to Gengetsu.

My twin sister is a part of me, more important than wings or maid outfits. Without her, I am as incomplete as the crescent moon above. Even if those days of bliss are gone, even if it?s irrational to think she will ever be the same, even if it?s just a dream doomed to end like all of them, I want to continue dreaming, and to do it with the sister I loved and still do! She didn?t think she deserved another chance, and maybe she doesn?t, but if anyone was ever going to forgive her, it would be the one person who cared for her even when she hit rock bottom!?

?Because that?s what sisters are for?right?? I smiled to myself.


??Thank you?!? I heard a familiar voice, and turned around. It was Gengetsu, crying.

?S-sis?!? I looked and realized this was the unconscious Gengetsu that had remained stationary the entire time since I got here. ?This?isn?t this a dream?? Yet, the sister who stood before me felt so real?

Despite her tears, she smiled at me. ?You?re not the only one with the ability to make dreams, remember??


?Wha? Aah-!? Mugetsu?s eyes opened wide as she remembered. It had been so long since it had been used, she had forgotten Gengetsu had a power of her own. While Mugetsu had the power to create phantasmal images in a reality that functioned just as a dream would, she had no power over the dreams we experience in sleep. Her sister on the other hand?

Mugetsu grew a sheepish look on her face as she realized the connotations of Gengetsu being here right now.

?Gengetsu?have you been peeking on me again?? She now knew the reason why this dream was so sharp and focused?

Gengetsu chuckled. ?When you looked so upset the other day, I didn?t know what to do. You?re just so clammy when you get like this.? She stepped towards Mugetsu, who didn?t know how to react to this new information.

?So when I finally decided to talk to you about it, I entered your room, but you were already asleep. Then I realized I had the perfect opportunity to see what you were really thinking. I?m sorry I had to be so intrusive.? She wiped her tears and grinned.

Mugetsu shook her head. ?Sis, I?m the one who should be sorry. I always thought that if I put on a smile, you would never have any reason to be unhappy. I didn?t think that you would ever notice.?

?We?re twins Mugetsu! And besides?? Gengetsu blushed. ?Why wouldn?t I care about the state of the sister who would devote her life to a scumbag like me??

The two of them fidgeted. Mugetsu then thought it appropriate to ask something.

?Sis, do you still think about those days? The ones before that incident??

Gengetsu nodded. ?Every day??

Mugetsu looked her sister straight in the eye. ?Do you think you have changed??

The older of the twins turned her back, looking up at the moon. ?Have I changed? Wellll?it?s hard to say. I never want to repeat my mistakes back then again, that?s for sure. But do I still enjoy booze? Yeah, I love it. Do I still enjoy shacking up with men? Yes, it was always fun to meet a new guy every night. I still love those things.? She looked down.

?Even if I can?t change myself though, I can still try and change my habits. For so many years now, I never thought once about doing that. I thought that as long as I was having fun, you could be happy as well. But, I?ve been unkind to you, haven?t I? I?ve not treated you right. ?I?m sorry.?

Mugetsu mumbled. ?S-sis, this isn?t like you. Please stop being so serious?it?s weirding me out.?

Gengetsu?s giggled despite herself. She continued. ?Have I changed? I don?t think I have. It would take many long years and sacrifices, and you know how I feel about effort. But?if I were to try and change for anyone...?

Gengetsu turned around and beamed. ?I would do it for the one who sacrificed everything for a hope at that change.?

Mugetsu?s mouth hung open. She didn?t know what to say. Then, she felt something strange happening: Her mouth closed, and the sides of her mouth began to curl. A smile. A real, wide smile from ear to ear. She couldn?t remember the last time she felt this way.


The two sisters ran up to and embraced one another.

?I love you Mugetsu??

?I love you, Gengetsu??

The two remained hugging for several minutes, neither saying a word.

Finally, Gengetsu broke the hug. She stepped back and grinned. ?Okay Mugetsu, it?s ready. You can open your eyes now.?

Mugetsu opened her eyes. ?Huh, what?s ready-?

Mugetsu gasped. The black space had vanished. It was now daytime, and in place of the void before were lilacs. Thousands upon thousands of french lilac flowers. Mugetsu turned in a circle and saw rolling hills as far as the eye could see, all completely covered in a rich purple hue. She breathed in and became overwhelmed at the sweet scent she hadn?t smelled in years.

It was a dream. Gengetsu had constructed a dream for her! She never thought once in a million years this would happen. Maybe she wanted one sometimes, but she never had the heart to ask. But now?

?G-gengetsu, this is??

Gengetsu put her hands on her hips with a proud look on her face. ?What do you think? I remember you used to love lilacs as a kid.?

Mugetsu smiled. ?Heee, you still remember that?? Now that she mentioned it, she did remember saying something to that effect as a kid.

I wish there could be fields full of lilacs!

 Mugetsu frowned. ?But, sis?? She bent down and plucked one of the countless lilacs from the ground.

??Lilacs are a bush.?

Gengetsu did a double take. ?Heh-??

Mugetsu continued. ?They can grow from a bush, or a tree, but never grow directly out of the ground.?

Gengetsu raised her finger in protest. ?But, back then, you said- ooh. You meant fields full of bushes. I see.?

The wind blowed.

Mugetsu stood back up and took her hand. ?They?re even more beautiful this way.? The two smiled at each other.

?Come on sis, let?s go exploring!? Gengetsu felt strange being the one dragged by the hand for once. Soon however she got over it and grinned.



And so, the twin sisters Mugetsu and Gengetsu started exploring this new dream together. Though they had lived together for a thousand years, their objectives always differed. Today, their thoughts joined as one.

As long as I have you, I don?t need anything else to be happy

Beyond the sky, beyond the illusion the two girls shared, the moon still glowed in the darkness of the dream world.

For the first time, it was a full moon.

« Last Edit: June 01, 2011, 11:28:51 PM by nintendonut888 »
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet

Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #725 on: May 02, 2011, 01:11:02 AM »
Well that one's about six times longer than mine :3

Speaking of which, I might as well just post mine. It's not really edited throughly so there's probably issues everywhere but whatevea :derp:

Also came out kinda shorter than I expected but oh well :derp:

A Beautiful Dream by the Northern White River

The slam of the door pierced through the stuffy classroom and two girls jaunted into the classroom. First came in a girl red hair and a dark red vest, skirt and cape. She was followed by a shorter girl with blonde hair and a white sailor outfit. The girl in red walked right up to the teacher, whose reading glasses were tilted off balance. She turned to look at the blackboard and after a quick glance, shook her head.

?What is this professor? Still teaching such simple pedantries?? she asked.

?Y-yumemi? What are you doing here?? The teacher responded.

Yumemi picked up a chalkboard eraser and began wiping off the teacher?s notes.

?W-what on earth are you doing??

Yumemi quickly turned and shoved her face right up to the teacher?s.

?Why waste time over such useless details when there?s a whole world of knowledge just waiting to be discovered?? she said while waving her hands wildly.

?And w-what would that be?? said the teacher as he leaned backwards in attempt to regain his personal space.

Yumemi backed off and crossed her arms. The other girl, Chiyuri, was busy writing something on the chalkboard. Yumemi gave her a wave and Chiyuri backed away from the board. Yumemi slapped the blackboard with her palm, snapping awake any snoozing students.

?Magic!? she announced with the word ?MAGIK? scribed crudely on the board behind her.

?That?s right! In this day and age all of the forces such as gravity, electromagnetic, and atomic all have been resolved under a unifying theory, one that had proven to explain all known forces in the world!?

?I?ve never heard of such a theory??

?However! There?s one force that doesn?t fit into this theory. And you know what that is??


?That is correct! Magic! Why are we wasting time with what is already known when there?s an entire frontier of unknown just waiting to be discovered? That is why we should be focusing on learning magic!?

?Objection!? The voice came from one of the students. She rose from her seat and whipped her pointer finger at Yumemi.

?Magic doesn?t exist! It?s absolutely ridiculous! I can?t believe you interrupted this class just to tell us about something so stupid!?

Snickers mumbled through the room.

?Now now, there?s no need to be so hostile?? protested the teacher.

?And you!? The girl had turned her finger on the teacher. ?How long are you going to put up with her stupid act??

?Hey! How dare you call the Professor?s ingenious discovery stupid!? shouted Chiyuri. She looked around for something to use as a weapon, but Yumemi stopped her. ?No need to worry Chiyuri, after all,? she turned and pointed back at her opponent.

?You?re completely wrong!?


?Magic is most certainly real. I?ve seen it, felt it, and even used some of it! It?s real and it?s??

?Listen,? the girl interrupted, ?Are you seriously still going on about this? You?ve already graduated. Don?t you have anything better to do then to come and interrupt our class with your rants of nonsense? This isn?t even funny anymore.?

?Now, I understand that you may think this is all just speculation, but once you see Gensokyo for yourself then I think you?ll? Chiyuri, stop!?

Thwack! Chiyuri smashed the edge of a metal folding chair against the back of the girl?s head. As she crumpled to the ground, Chiyuri grinned. ?That?s what you get for insulting the Professor!?

?H-help!? The teacher cried. ?Someone get help!?

Yumemi slapped her palm against her face, ?Dammit Chiyuri, why did you have to do that??

?Eheheh. Oops.? Chiyuri said as she looked away from Yumemi and scratched the back of her head.

Yumemi sighed, and before anyone could move from their shock, Yumemi grabbed Chiyuri by the wrist and rushed out of the room.

?We?ll be back! So long as the pursuit of magic remains unheeded!?


Reimu was sitting on her favorite cushion at her kotatsu, enjoying a sip of favorite brand of alcohol when the duo burst in. Reimu?s calm demeanor instantly changed to one of disgust.

?Back already? It?s barely been a week!? she scowled.

?Now now, no need to get so upset Reimu. We have a good reason for all this.? Yumemi reassured.

?It better be good. You kids can?t keep leeching off me like this. I barely have enough to support myself.?

?Don?t worry; we do not intend to stay for too long, just until I can gather enough data on magic to form a solid thesis. And we will compensate you for your hospitality of course.?

Reimu perked up. ?Cash??

?No, what we have is something much better than mere monetary compensation.?

Reimu cheery expression immediately dropped along with her posture.

?Not interested. I only care about food and money.?

?My apologies. We don?t have anything like that at the moment.?

?Can?t you find a job already??

?She does have a job!? protested Chiyuri, ?She?s an esteemed professor of??

?I meant a real job, something that can bring food to the table.?

 ?Once again I apologize. I have my hands full with my research, and until I become recognized, it?s not very profitable work. Nevertheless, I still have your compensation. Chiyuri, if you please.?

As Chiyuri left the room, Reimu gave a half scowl. ?So, what crazy contraption did you make this time??

?Patience dear Reimu. As you know, I am doing research into magic??

?It?s not magic??

?And I have come across something interesting, so I had to test it out in practice.?

At that moment, Chiyuri entered wheeling in a large object covered in a cloth.

?Ah perfect timing! Now rather than explain to you, I shall show you my theory in practice. Behold!?

Chiyuri pulled off the cloth, revealing a refrigerator with various bits of plastic and a few strawberries stuck to it.

?Is that? my cooler??

?It was indeed, but I have discovered a new use for it! It?s called??

?Stop! I don?t want to hear it. Just give me back my cooler.?

?Now hold on a minute. We aren?t taking anything of yours here. Rather we have improved on its functions with some experimental magic that I have been studying. Now watch carefully.?

Reimu cringed as Chiyuri pressed a large conspicuous red button glued to the top of the fridge. Nothing happened. Reimu sighed from both relief and disappointment.
?Hmm. Technical difficulties. Chiyuri can you see if you can get it working??

Chiyuri began poking at the various things stuck to the fridge, but to no avail. She then shrugged and picked p the metal chair she carried back from the school and gave the fridge a hard whack. The fridge topped forward and smashed the wooden table into pieces. Then the door swung open and dozens of alcohol bottles came crashing to the floor.

?Uh? my bad. A slight miscalcula??

?Get out!?

?Now now Reimu, there?s no need to lose your composure.?

?Lose composure? LOSE COMPOSTURE? Do you know how hard I work ever single goddamn day just to keep this place from falling apart? And for what? So that you two can come here and blow it all up? I?ve had it! I?ve had it with all you idiots coming out of the woodwork to leech off what dirt I have, and then leave me with nothing but broken furniture as a tip! I?ve just had enough! Just get out!?

?Wait! There?s still??

Reimu picked up pieces of what used to be her table and began throwing them at Yumemi.

?Get out! Get out! Get out! I never want to see your faces ever again!?

With her hand that wasn?t protecting her face from flying shrapnel, Yumemi grabbed Chiyuri by the wrist and rushed out the front door.

?And stay out!?


Tall trees, spiny bushes and deep darkness surrounded Yumemi and Chiyuri from all sides.

?I?m hungry??

The air was filled with the crows of creatures both known and unknown to man.

?No worries, I know we?ve been traversing this forest for a while now but we?re bound to find a way out eventually.?

A rustle.

?What was that??


?W-was that a youkai??

Chattering. Chirping. Gnawing. Clattering. Clicking.

?Calm down Chiyuri. We?re well enough equipped to deal with a few rogue youkai. Let?s keep moving.?


??I?m hungry??

A rustle. Two red dots hovered before them.

?I-is that??

?Calm down Chiyuri. It can sense your fear. Just calm down and everything will be alright.?

Chiyuri couldn?t stop shivering. Shaking. Making noise. She grabbed herself to stop shaking. Clap.

The red dots grew larger.

?Chiyuri, please calm down.?

Growling. Growling. So much Growling.

?I-I c-can?t??

Larger and larger. Growing. Growling. Still larger larger larger.


Hic. Hiccup. Hic.



?Chiyuri is that??

Hic. Hic. Hic. Hiiiiiiiiiiiic.





Yumemi noticed. The red eyes. Gone.
Where? Where? Where.
where oh where oh were oh were
Oh where what were? Where was what once were? Where oh where oh where?
Where was Chiyuri?
Dripping all over. A froth. gurrgl. Where?
What was it made of?
Clutch it. Grab it. Scratch it. Tear it.
Its pain right? Its pain.
?M?my stom?ach??.it???.it?.?
that sound
what could it be
oh i wonder
oh i dream
what could it be
don?t you wonder

what could it be

what is that sound

what is that feel

what is happening

what is happening

what is happening what is going on what happened to her what happened to me what happened what happened i cant stand the suspense what happened please tell me what happened what will happened what what happened happening happen what please please tell what please my god i pray please tell me tell me what happened what is happening what will happen what please please god oh please tell god me why god what please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please

i can tell you what it is

you want to know right


its simple

so simple

so simply

     simply delicious




i love it

its so good

i could die right now

         and be happy

are you happy

i am happy


      of you

thank you

i thank you

i love you

i love you

i love you so much

i love everything about you

i love your hair

i love your skin

i love your smell

i love your taste

if god came and killed me right now

                              it would be okay

because of you

thank you

i love you

so farewell

my one true love




?Do you? like me??

   ?Of course I do. Why wouldn?t I??

?I? I see??

   ?Do you like me as well??

?O-Of course!?

   ?Hehe. I?m glad.?

?I?m? glad too.?

   ?Are you really??

?W-what do you mean? O-of course I am! I-I just said I was!?

   ?Hehe. Silly. I mean are you really glad? Are you really happy??

?I? I??

   ?Oh? So you?re not happy??

?I am! But??


?O-Only when I?m with you??


?I-It?s not that funny??

   ?You?re right. It?s not.?




   ?Why aren?t you happy??

?I-I already told you! I am happy!?

   ?But not if I?m not here.?




   ?Why aren?t you happy without me??






   ?You know, the world is quite an amazing place. There are so many things to do, so many things to learn, so many places to go, so many people to meet; people who are far more interesting or funnier or kinder than me.?

?Yeah but? I only want to be with you??


?I?m sorry??

   ?Now now, you don?t have to apologize.?


   ?Hey, I have an idea.?


   ?You like magic right??


The girl opened her eyes. The salty rain struck at the opening. She sat up and wiped the rain from her eyes. Then she noticed her hands. They were thin. Extremely thin.
She felt her face. No cheeks.

Then a sharp pain. She clutched her stomach and bent over. That?s when she saw it.

Another girl.

The rain was so heavy she could barely make out any features. She reached out to her.

?Sister? Are you??

The coldness of the body froze her heart.


No response.

?Sis? Is that you??

She flipped her sister over.

Her eyes were wide open.

?S-Sis? T-this can?t be real right??

No response.

?I? I?m still dreaming? right???

Then, finally, she was awake.


?Why? Why? Why?! Why why why why why!??

?Why did this happen to you? You didn?t deserve any of this? You didn?t deserve to suffer like this! You didn?t do anything wrong! It?s all my fault! I?m so sorry!?

?All I wanted was for you to be happy! I dragged you through all my stupid delusions! I made you believe all my stupid lies! I just wanted to show you happiness but all I showed you was a pathetic dream! Why!?!? How could I do such a thing?!?

?What was wrong with me? How could I have thought this was a good idea? Oh that?s right, because I didn?t it only for myself! I was selfish! I didn?t want to live an ordinary life! I wanted to live like an idiot! For what? For fun!? What the fuck was wrong with me!? And for what!? Am I happy now!? I got to live as a crazed lunatic, a complete retard, how fun! At what cost!? Was it worth it!? No! No! NononononononononoNO!?

?Please! God! She didn?t deserve this! I deserve to die! Not her! Why am I the one who?s still alive? I?m a complete monster! I?m worse than the devil! Please! Kill me! Use my soul to bring her back! I?ll do anything! Oh please! Oh please oh please oh god please please! I?m sorry! I?m really sorry! I?m so sorry! I?m so so so so so sorry! So please! Please!?

?I?m sorry! I?m sorry! I?m so sorry! I ruined your life! I?m sorry! I ruined everything! I?m sorry! I?m sorry! I? I??

?I?m so sorry I killed you!?

And she screamed. And she screamed and screamed and screamed until she could scream no longer.

And still she screamed even more. But instead she just coughed. And she coughed and she coughed and she coughed until she could cough no longer.

And still she coughed even more. But instead she just blanked out, and collapsed by her sister?s body.

And she dreamed one last dream.


This was a story of miscommunication. About a girl who felt all alone. Who hated the world because the world hated her. But did she really know how the world felt?

This was a story of misunderstanding. About her only friend. Who thought she understood her. But did she really know what she really needed? What she really wanted?

Who was responsible for this tragedy?

If only they communicated. They could have understood.
If they only understood. They could have been happy.

As this dream comes to an end, another begins.

And we dream, that one day there will be sweet dreams for all.


Yeah it's kinda
fucked up
but eh artistic license gogo

Also a cookie for whoever can
tell what the hell is actually going on :V


  • Here I am, dirty and faceless
  • waiting to heed your instruction
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #726 on: May 02, 2011, 03:36:57 AM »
Eh, I was going to write something substantial for this contest but then I forgot about it/had other stuff on the backburner. Have a badly written first draft instead where I cut off the majority of the plot and description for lack of time. I also wanted to rip off Strange Chameleon?s ?The Blue of the Sky and the True Feeling,? but eh.


?So, I?ll see you tomorrow, right?? The faceless figure chuckled. ?Don?t be so gloomy. It?s not like we?ll all just disappear off into nowhere??

The voice faded away into the distance as a mist rolled in, reducing the path into a labyrinth of fog. With a deafening roar, the earth suddenly cracked open, releasing a pillar of stone that rose upwards, extending far into the sky. Stone steps carved themselves into the pillar, creating a stairway spiraling towards the heavens. The shrine crumbled into dust, leaving only a keystone.

?The ground has broken,? proclaimed the keystone. ?A groundbreaking development! Perhaps a ceremony is in order??

The crack widened, revealing a sea of flame. A boat floated out of the chasm, carrying a red-haired girl wielding a scythe. She opened her eyes in a mixture of amusement and surprise.

?Well, you?re a bit past your time, aren?t you?? she yawned. ?Let me fix that for you.?

She swung her scythe.


The glaring sunlight hit Tenshi directly in the face. Iku must have come in earlier in the morning and thrown open the curtains. Tenshi rolled out of bed, rubbing at her eyes.

Same shit, different day.

Breakfast was the same as usual. Peaches and sake again.

Nothing ever happens here.

She finished her meal and stepped outside. The weather was absolutely beautiful. Celestials were singing and drinking outside, chatting and playing games and generally enjoying themselves.

It?s just so?tiresome. I wonder what reason they find to be happy? Why can?t I do the same?

The answer from her father never changed. ?One day, when you?re grown up, you?ll understand.? Yet years had passed and she still felt like a child.

Maybe it?s because there?s nothing special here. There?s none of the pain, suffering, and troubles here that plague the commoners down below. But they were all commoners before they came here. Is that it? It?s been so long that I?ve forgotten what those feelings are like.

Tenshi found herself in front of a building she had never seen before. The door was locked. Looking around to make sure no one else was around, she punched through the lock and walked inside.

I guess eating all this food does make a difference. I wonder how much I?ve changed since I came here.

It was a museum of sorts. Artifacts collected over the centuries by the celestials. Some were collected on the earth and brought here with the celestials when they ascended. One particular relic caught Tenshi?s eye. It was a bladeless hilt. She picked it up, and a scarlet colored blade instantly formed out of nowhere.

The power in this sword?this feeling is new. Just holding this feels invigorating. I feel like with this blade?I could fight almost anyone and win.

Tenshi swung the sword across the air in a mighty swing. An entire wall collapsed in on itself as the shockwaves from the blade cut through centuries of history.

If I wield this blade, will people finally have to acknowledge me? I feel like I could crush the other celestials with this, but I don?t think that will make me feel any better. Maybe I should go find someone who will fight me.

Tenshi remembered how she had seen the humans and the youkai playing below the clouds. Now she felt like going down and fighting with them.

No one is going to know who I am anymore?the people who once did know are all long gone now. So I guess I?ll just stir something up. Perhaps I?ll be able to find a "hero" to counter my chaos. And maybe I?ll finally lose, for once. Will I finally feel alive if I come closer to death?

Tenshi smiled. She left the building and conjured up a keystone. Firmly grasping the sword in her hand, she stepped onto the keystone and floated gently down to the earth below.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2011, 11:57:42 AM by Conqueror »

On tue un homme, on est un assassin. On tue des millions d'hommes, on est un conqu?rant. On les tue tous, on est un dieu.
Every saint has a past and every sinner a future.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #727 on: May 02, 2011, 06:29:16 AM »
I plan on participating as an entry instead of a judge this time around.



  • hoho
  • ... but I have promises to keep.
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #728 on: May 03, 2011, 05:41:31 AM »
Under the Cherry Blossoms

... and lazily did she conjure a butterfly out of the numerous spirits that surrounded her, and lovingly did she let it flutter away from her hands as a familiar voice resounded from deep within wherever and asked whether it was she who was dreaming about the butterfly, or whether it was the butterfly who was dreaming about her.  Oddly inappropriate was this wayward question of sorts, and yet it was imbued with such deep and uncommon wisdom that it caused her to fall into a deep sense of meleacholy, which was quite uncommon for her; sad and despairing were the cherry blossom petals, drifting in the night, under the branches of the barren Saigyou Ayakashi, purged of spring scattered back to its native lands. 

She gazed up at the ancient cherry blossom with quiet respect, leaning against the bark of the cherry blossom tree as she slowly began to wonder about her past self, buried deep within its roots.  Once she had led the life of a human, who knew love, pain and suffering; a life which she had seen so many times as a spectator...  and she imagined that those twenty years she had lived before that were richer and fuller than the thousand years she had spent in the Netherworld, filled with lethargic contentment and dreamy days, in which there seemed to be time no longer.  How the trees glistened mysteriously in the presence of the moon, in this land of long nights and foggy mornings; how the swaying of the branches caused their shadows to engage in their silent play, amongst the wayward spirits and the dancing butterflies...  this was a place of inner calm where she had lived in for so long, she told herself in premature retaliation, so how could this be a dream when she was every bit as real as her former self, with all her individual feelings and emotions intact?  Perhaps it was an endlessly thought-provoking question, but it really was somewhat absurd...  And so, with this, she tried to put the matter at rest, closing her eyes in an attempt to enjoy the impressions made on her by the scenery in the darkness.


But how long ago did she sacrifice herself with dance and song to appease the tainted cherry blossom, with her fearful and regretful heart?  It was a dreamy afternoon with the grey, westward clouds obscuring the sun; the bells chimed rhythmically by people in long, flowing cloaks with harsh and unyielding regularity... and only with a reluctant longing embedded great within the soul did she decide to embrace the youkai cherry blossom in mutual slumber and silence its unappeasable yearnings once and for all. The blade embedded in her chest felt very cold, even in death; and it was this concept, this death, that hung over the atmosphere like a heavy mist, and acted as a partial compensation for her sins.  But the grey, westward clouds obscured the sun and cast a long shadow over the land as she was lowered slowly into her grave, causing everything to become ephemeral and changing, to the point where things no longer flowed with ease and, instead, crystallised themselves into many incoherent pieces of time that just faded and faded away as the bells chimed, and soon she forgot her love as she fell into an eternal sleep; both she and the Saigyou Ayakashi removed their burdens from each other as they fell deeper and deeper into the cradle of the Earth, where like a womb, it held them warm and cozy, protected from the sadness of their hearts.  Sakura petals seemed to fall onto her indefinitely against her failing memory, burying her in blissful confusion as all her thoughts and feelings were scattered to the four winds and out of this pile of sakura petals...

"Dead bodies are buried under the cherry trees! You have to believe it. Otherwise, you couldn't possibly explain the beauty of the cherry blossoms. I was restless, lately, because I couldn't believe in this beauty. But I have now finally understood: dead bodies are buried under the cherry trees! You have to believe it."

... she emerged a butterfly, fluttering in the wind, light-hearted and free from all worldly troubles.  Again, the question was asked as she opened her eyes, from within or without; who was the dreamer and the dreamed, the being and the non-being?  The question now sounded quite incisive to her, as if it had struck a deep, tragic chord within, the sound of which she was not able to clearly hear as she set off from the garden with Youmu, in her usual carefree spirit, ready for another session of cherry blossom viewing after the long, dark winter of the soul.

Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #729 on: May 05, 2011, 04:43:05 PM »
So when exactly is the deadline for this? We've already passed May 2nd.
All lies and all sin, all dreams and all majesty, Everything rots in this ruined hell

[The Perfect, Elegant Maid] [Pathos of the Hated People] [Music, Projects, and Art]

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #730 on: May 05, 2011, 05:36:41 PM »
So when exactly is the deadline for this? We've already passed May 2nd.
Errm, we forgot to put up a notice  :derp:

Judging in progress, please wait warmly~

Results will be up by the weekend

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Post-Apocalyptic Setting
« Reply #731 on: May 09, 2011, 06:43:13 AM »
So, it's already (or about to be) finals week for a lot of us. In the interests of time, I'm gonna go right out and say that this next contest is a two-week contest from the start, since we don't want people to shirk their schoolwork in favour of this (or the reverse!) But for now, this dreamers' contest needs to be judged. Sakana had the best summary, I think:

-Affinity, Iced and Esi used dreams in rather philosophical ways, really beautiful to read.
-Guy's entry was fun to read since I just recently saw the Inception-movie, he parodied it very well with how he used the characters.
-Sleepy/Humid's entry was a nice surprise coming from a newcomer. It would have been my choice for the winner if it wasn't for Donut's story. The usage of the dream as a view into the mind of Shiki was very well done, especially with how the events in reality that followed and predated the dream. A very solid and good entry.
-Himiko's entry has intriguing implications. Cheese, crackers and wine... or rather flesh, bones and blood, eh?

As for the winner, well... This week's Wordsmith award goes to:

Donut! All the work you put into that fic paid off in a big way. And not only did you put in a bunch of effort, you used your characters very well, and your writing is easy and fun to read, conveying your message well. You hit the theme spot-on. Enjoy your reward.


Short on ideas, I asked Iced Fairy what would be a good idea. So blame him for this, not me! ;_;
May 09, 2010: "Post-Apocalyptic Touhou"

It's totally not themed with Mother's Day at all, is it? BV Anyway, I'd like to clarify something about this theme. Only the setting has to be post-apocalyptic. That doesn't extend to other elements, such as tone or imagery or whatever. Hey, just because the world blew up doesn't mean the story can't be light, so feel free to make it a comedy, so long as the setting is in line~

Have fun writing, folks!

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Post-Apocalyptic Setting
« Reply #732 on: May 09, 2011, 06:52:32 AM »
Congrats Donut, and good work to everyone else. There were lots of beautiful entries in this one, and it was a pleasure to read and judge~

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Post-Apocalyptic Setting
« Reply #733 on: May 09, 2011, 07:39:37 AM »
Sounds like fun, if a bit dark.

You know what always brightens the atmosphere? Puppies!


This one was born in Chernobyl.

<Sakana> Don't post things like this untagged please, even if there is way worse out there

EDIT: Sorry Sakana, I thought it was safe. I'll remember for now on.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2011, 02:57:19 PM by capt. h »

Bias Bus

  • It's unpleasent
  • *
  • if you're better than me
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Post-Apocalyptic Setting
« Reply #734 on: May 09, 2011, 07:55:41 AM »
>post apocalyptic

Oh fuck yeah on a stick. I'm so getting in on this. Gonna try and pull a Metal Max/Touhou deal here, since I really dig that game.
No Math Zone - Tumblr (slight nsfw) | Legend of a Hot-Blooded Pig

"The only guy you know to draw fat Touhous." - Erebus


  • Apostatical Verdant Eudaemonaic
  • This is my danmaku.
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Post-Apocalyptic Setting
« Reply #735 on: May 09, 2011, 10:34:29 AM »
Yay, thanks for the feedback and congratulations Donut! Speaking personally, I used a few obscure metaphors that I felt were hit-or-miss and would've enjoyed exploring the concept further - maybe some other time. It would have been really hard for me to judge - I really enjoyed Suikama's and will now posit my guesstimation on what it was about! With the caveat that 80% of the words out of my lying mouth are crazy talk, ehehehe- It seemed to me to be about the
differences between how we humans communicate, specifically between what Yumemi thought and what Chiyuri needed. About how love can be as powerful a weapon as any other - there is nothing stronger than that single element, and that holds true whether it is twisted or corrupted. Also, this may just be metageekery, but was the last mention of dreams a subtle reference to Agnicourt (for want of a horse, etc etc)? Either way, I really enjoyed your story~ Feel free to correct my assumptoriness, 'cause lack of communication can lead to all sorts of misfortune!
Donut's work - Opus? - Was amazing... I'd totally come up with some sorta shounen proclamation about being rivals, but, uh, we don't really know each other and I feel more humbled and intrigued then... Rival-ish.

Post-Apocalyptica this week..? Hrmn. I'm currently working on the next installment of something that might or might not have something to do with that sort of thing - but it's rather convoluted already, so I'll see if I can't hash something out just for the prompt, ayeahaha. I'll watch Six-String Samurai tonight, and intently watch Daeva Jeffrey Falcon for clues on what to do next.  :derp: Fattybus, I'll see your love of Metal Max (nice, btw. Metal Max Returns, yosh!) and raise you the coolest cat Vegas has to offer. Speaking of cats and dogs - capt .h, didja know that Chernobyl is actually inhabitable? I've heard of colonies of stray, feral cats living within the ruins, overgrown and thick with moss... So even with radiation, I can't see it as so bad in the long term.  :3 

Anyway. This theme rocks - Iced Fairy, badass choice. My mind is set, my determination rock solid. Watch this place, my friends! There will be something here... When I get around to it... Eventually! That I promise you!... Sort of.... Maybe! Let's do this thing! WRITING SQUAD, MOVE OUT-

Awesome sig courtesy of Squawkers23! Thanks!

Oh, you're looking for words? My writing is here.
Do you remember me? I also remember you - and though we haven't met in so many days, I still know you and love your memories. If you stumbled upon this - good luck, in whatever you might do.


  • hoho
  • ... but I have promises to keep.
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Post-Apocalyptic Setting
« Reply #736 on: May 09, 2011, 11:28:44 AM »
Suikima's entry
has a kind of nostalgic feel to it; an incoherent, tragic romance which touches on quite a lot of themes in a few scenes (though if I guess correctly it is the Umineko conception of love).  I may not know what is happening exactly, but the feelings of the characters are miraculously still preserved in mysterious ways, which is quite amazing; the defiance of real life circumstances for love in the classroom scene, the way the confession of her friend's love somehow killed her metaphorically and made them drift apart?    I especially like the section where the 'poet' speaks at the end which I thought was cliche; I've never seen it for a long time but you used it pretty well....  In any case
, it's easily my favourite entry too.

Good job, donut (though I haven't read yours yet).  Also, it's interesting how Iced and me used the same metaphor in different ways.  In any case, I'll probably start participating in these things too.


  • Time expired: 121:45
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Post-Apocalyptic Setting
« Reply #737 on: May 09, 2011, 12:12:20 PM »
Congratz dounut.  And Sleepy.

So, post-apocalyptic.  Hrmmm...YKK or Fallout?

Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Post-Apocalyptic Setting
« Reply #738 on: May 09, 2011, 02:42:09 PM »
Congratulations, Donut!

Also hell yeah I'm going to get into this. Just need to figure out what to do first.
All lies and all sin, all dreams and all majesty, Everything rots in this ruined hell

[The Perfect, Elegant Maid] [Pathos of the Hated People] [Music, Projects, and Art]


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Post-Apocalyptic Setting
« Reply #739 on: May 09, 2011, 02:45:21 PM »
Hey, where's my feedback?

Also, congratulations, Donut.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Post-Apocalyptic Setting
« Reply #740 on: May 09, 2011, 03:13:25 PM »
inb4 Desert Punk Touhou

Actually I'm not inb4 that, so someone else can use it if they want.

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Post-Apocalyptic Setting
« Reply #741 on: May 09, 2011, 05:39:47 PM »
Fallout touhou. Marisa has the fatman.
Fund it plz

also best of luck to you all and I'm thinking of writing something quickly for this.

Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Post-Apocalyptic Setting
« Reply #742 on: May 09, 2011, 06:32:07 PM »
-Affinity, Iced and Esi used dreams in rather philosophical ways, really beautiful to read.
-Guy's entry was fun to read since I just recently saw the Inception-movie, he parodied it very well with how he used the characters.
-Sleepy/Humid's entry was a nice surprise coming from a newcomer. It would have been my choice for the winner if it wasn't for Donut's story. The usage of the dream as a view into the mind of Shiki was very well done, especially with how the events in reality that followed and predated the dream. A very solid and good entry.
-Himiko's entry has intriguing implications. Cheese, crackers and wine... or rather flesh, bones and blood, eh?
Dammit Fishy did you totally forget about mine :colonveeplusalpha:


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Post-Apocalyptic Setting
« Reply #743 on: May 09, 2011, 06:40:30 PM »

Also, I've already got an idea for this, so *gets started writing it*.


  • It's a cheer up charm!
  • *
  • ふそそそそそ
    • Hydrangeamaiden
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Post-Apocalyptic Setting
« Reply #744 on: May 09, 2011, 06:57:03 PM »
Oh no, another topic I feel obliged to write for :V

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Post-Apocalyptic Setting
« Reply #745 on: May 09, 2011, 07:05:19 PM »
Wow, a WWC I actually want to enter! I'm calling dibs on Touhou SMT, if nobody's claimed it yet

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Post-Apocalyptic Setting
« Reply #746 on: May 09, 2011, 07:21:52 PM »
-Guy's entry was fun to read since I just recently saw the Inception-movie, he parodied it very well with how he used the characters.

Dammit Fishy did you totally forget about mine :colonveeplusalpha:
My mind was so blown by it that I had no words  :colonveeplusalpha:


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Post-Apocalyptic Setting
« Reply #747 on: May 09, 2011, 07:23:41 PM »

DETAILED feedback.

Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Post-Apocalyptic Setting
« Reply #748 on: May 09, 2011, 07:45:10 PM »
Yay, thanks for the feedback and congratulations Donut! Speaking personally, I used a few obscure metaphors that I felt were hit-or-miss and would've enjoyed exploring the concept further - maybe some other time. It would have been really hard for me to judge - I really enjoyed Suikama's and will now posit my guesstimation on what it was about! With the caveat that 80% of the words out of my lying mouth are crazy talk, ehehehe- It seemed to me to be about the
differences between how we humans communicate, specifically between what Yumemi thought and what Chiyuri needed. About how love can be as powerful a weapon as any other - there is nothing stronger than that single element, and that holds true whether it is twisted or corrupted. Also, this may just be metageekery, but was the last mention of dreams a subtle reference to Agnicourt (for want of a horse, etc etc)? Either way, I really enjoyed your story~ Feel free to correct my assumptoriness, 'cause lack of communication can lead to all sorts of misfortune!
Donut's work - Opus? - Was amazing... I'd totally come up with some sorta shounen proclamation about being rivals, but, uh, we don't really know each other and I feel more humbled and intrigued then... Rival-ish.

Post-Apocalyptica this week..? Hrmn. I'm currently working on the next installment of something that might or might not have something to do with that sort of thing - but it's rather convoluted already, so I'll see if I can't hash something out just for the prompt, ayeahaha. I'll watch Six-String Samurai tonight, and intently watch Daeva Jeffrey Falcon for clues on what to do next.  :derp: Fattybus, I'll see your love of Metal Max (nice, btw. Metal Max Returns, yosh!) and raise you the coolest cat Vegas has to offer. Speaking of cats and dogs - capt .h, didja know that Chernobyl is actually inhabitable? I've heard of colonies of stray, feral cats living within the ruins, overgrown and thick with moss... So even with radiation, I can't see it as so bad in the long term.  :3 

Anyway. This theme rocks - Iced Fairy, badass choice. My mind is set, my determination rock solid. Watch this place, my friends! There will be something here... When I get around to it... Eventually! That I promise you!... Sort of.... Maybe! Let's do this thing! WRITING SQUAD, MOVE OUT-
Suikima's entry
has a kind of nostalgic feel to it; an incoherent, tragic romance which touches on quite a lot of themes in a few scenes (though if I guess correctly it is the Umineko conception of love).  I may not know what is happening exactly, but the feelings of the characters are miraculously still preserved in mysterious ways, which is quite amazing; the defiance of real life circumstances for love in the classroom scene, the way the confession of her friend's love somehow killed her metaphorically and made them drift apart?    I especially like the section where the 'poet' speaks at the end which I thought was cliche; I've never seen it for a long time but you used it pretty well....  In any case
, it's easily my favourite entry too.

Good job, donut (though I haven't read yours yet).  Also, it's interesting how Iced and me used the same metaphor in different ways.  In any case, I'll probably start participating in these things too.
My mind was so blown by it that I had no words  :colonveeplusalpha:
I might as well spill the beans since it seems I was way too ambiguous with some things (that's what I get for not reading it over :V)

The 'truth' is that magic and Gensokyo was made up by Yumemi in order to help Chiyuri deal with her loneliness. However in doing so they slip further and further from reality and into a dreamlike world hence each chapter gets more and more dreamlike until the last chapter where Yumemi "wakes up". The story was divided into 5 chapters, which I originally had numbered but for some reason I took it out. :V

The first chapter happens 'after' PoDD where Yumemi 'goes back' to the real world to try to share her findings in Gensokyo with her peers but instead she gets looked down on. At this point everything that happens is still 'real'.

The second chapter happens supposedly in Gensokyo but I tried dropping subtle (really subtle :V) hints that it wasn't actually Gensokyo but was actually her home and Reimu was actually thier drunkard mother, hence her insistance on Yumemi getting a job and bringing home some money. I did this because I was supposed to be a representation of thier dreams of fantasy starting to take over thier real lives with them imagining thier mother as Reimu.

The third chapter didn't really come out that well as I was too tempted to try writing like Nasu. :V On the other hand I wrote it in a really diconnected manner to try to show them slipping further out of reality as they think they are eaten by a wild youkai who starts whispering her delight to her victims as they are eaten, sp the 'i love you's were really more 'i love eating you'. (and yeah it was Rumia by the way :V) In any case what was actually happening it was the two wandering some random forest and starving, hence the stomach pains.

The fourth chapter was all dialogue since I had in mind that sorta cliche white void where there's nothing but the two main characters talking to each other, which was supposed to show that they were literally dreaming. The dialogue itself though is actually from the past, where Yumemi is trying to console a depressed Chiyuri, and then comes up with the plan to pretend that Gensokyo and magic exists so that they could play and have fun together.

Finally the fifth chapter was supposed to be 'the reveal', but it was kinda rushed and I really should of had a lot more description to show that it was no longer a dream, since Yumemi had finally 'woken up' from her delusions, but I was running out of time. (except I actually wasn't :colonveeplusalpha:) So Yumemi wakes up both literally and figuratively when she realizes her plans of trying to cheer up Chiyuri resulted in her death, so ending thier "Sweet Dreams" :V

The final line of chapter four and the lines in the final chapter about 'lies' and 'delusions' were supposed to be the sign that pointed to the fact that magic and Gensokyo were fake, but I don't think I had included enough magic in the first place to dispel to make it really relevant :fail:

So yeah I had done a fair amount of planning beforehand, but it seems my poor writing skills didn't let it all show out as I had liked. Oh well practice makes perfect right? NEXT CONTEST BRING IT OOONNNNN

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Post-Apocalyptic Setting
« Reply #749 on: May 09, 2011, 07:54:53 PM »

DETAILED feedback.

You know, some of us didn't get any feedback.

Course, dreams are not my realm. Apocalypse stories are a different matter.