Author Topic: TEWI - Touhou Ends With Inaba  (Read 4315 times)


  • I'll drive my toe into your eye socket,
  • And I'll Spin in it~
TEWI - Touhou Ends With Inaba
« on: February 03, 2010, 02:36:41 AM »
How many of you are Square Enix fans? Of those of you who are, ever played The World Ends With You?

Yeah, this is a crack parody of it. With Touhou.

The "literature" featured in this topic is in no way intended to be taken seriously. It is poorly written, relies on cheap humor, and is not mentally stimulating. It will not make you happy there are more writers in the world, and it will not make you believe in the inherent goodness of the human race.

That said, do Enjoy~



Touhou Ends With Inaba


Week 1, Day 1


Tewi: *Skipping through Gensobuya, a Popular shopping district in Gensokyo* OUTA MY FACE! .... Just Kidding~ <3 *Gets slapped across the ass by someone in a huff*

Sigh...I don't get people. No one can take a joke. Ah well, at least I have the art of CHEN to look forward to every day~ *Puts her ears on her head, and then stares at the screen* Yeah, that's right, they're detachable!


Tewi: *wakes up lying on the ground in the Scramble Crossing. She sees a Player
Pin in her hand* What the whoozits? *flips the Player pin in her hand and catches it*


???: You're not Gahndi. -.-

Tewi: Nyoro~n?

Reisen: You're a player.

Tewi: Oh, so I get to sleep with lots of hot chicks and I won't be called a whore?

Reisen: I'll call you a whore.

Tewi: Well who cares what you think?

Reisen: Your mother.

Tewi: Well who cares what she thinks?

Reisen: The Slamurai King.

Tewi: Oh shit. That's serious then. Speaking of which, I have no idea where I am, and only know my name and values.

Reisen: How is that "Speaking of Which"?

Tewi: Usa~

Reisen: ... Anyway, like I said, you're a player.

Tewi: So I get to-

Reisen: Not THAT kind of player. I mean a player in a game. The Youkai's Game.

Tewi: What's that?

Reisen: It's a game that we players have to compete in, or else we get erased.

Tewi: That doesn't sound good.

Reisen: That's because it isn't, stupid.

Tewi: Such a cruel thing to say.... *Epic Cry*

Reisen: Uh... I'm sorry?

Tewi: Just kidding~<3

*Suddenly, some Fairies appeared! ..... With Spears!*

Tewi: Ah! Oh no!

Reisen: Quick, make a pact with me!

Tewi: Make a what now?

Reisen: A pact, stupid! So we can fight the Fairies!

Tewi: Ooooooooohhhh..... how do I do that?

Reisen: Just say "I accept"!

Tewi: And what if I don't?

Reisen: *Points*

Tewi: *Looks in the direction she's pointing*

Letty: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! *Getting torn apart alive  by Fairies*

Reisen: You'll get erased.

Tewi: o.o

Letty: *Smiling a bloody smile while laying on the ground in a pool of red* I lived a good life. *Disappears*

Tewi: >_< I ACCEPT!


Reisen: Now, let's fight these things! *Grabs a nearby fairy and burries her knee in its face*

Tewi: *Takes out a knife and starts cutting some throats*

Reisen: Look out! She's got a gun!

Big Fairy: *Has a crazed look in its eye as it starts unloading a clip*

Reisen: *Dives behind a trash can*

Tewi: *Dives behind a car*

Reisen: Here! Use this! *Throws Tewi a Pin*

Tewi: A pin? Oooh, it has pretty circles on it~

Reisen: Use it, stupid! Imagine using it as a weapon!

Tewi: Okay then~ *concentrates for a moment and suddenly UNLEASHES SOME FUCKING DANMAKU*

Big Fairy: x_X




Reimu: Sigh.... this is awful.

Marisa: Awful? AWFUL? We haven't had work in forever!

Reimu: I know that, and I would have liked for it to stay that way. Work is such a hassle...

Marisa: Well, Day 1 has the most Players. Today's a great time to get some points, ze!

Reimu: Eh, fine, fine. Wouldn't want the higher ups thinking I'm a no-good Shrine Maiden. Let's at least make a game of it. Youkai Sport 3 - Player Extermination. Loser buys the winner some Tea.

Marisa: Heheh, you're on! *Flies off on her broom*

Reimu: ... *sits down and starts sipping tea*


Tewi: So, I was supposed to look at my phone?

Reisen: Yes, when it beeped.

Tewi: But I don't know what a phone is.

Rinnosuke: *Pops up out of Nowhere* A Cell Phone is a magic box that let's you talk to people, and send them messages. The Youkai running the game use it to distribute missions. Ta ta! *Vanishes*

Tewi: That was very informative.

Reisen: This is a phone. *Pulls out a Cell Phone and shows it to Tewi*

Tewi: I see, I see~

Reisen: Anyway, we have a mission.

Tewi: And that is?

Reisen: "Reach Kourindou. And buy me some Yakitori. Fail, and I eat you. ~ Yuyuko. <3"

Tewi: Oh, well, there's Kourindou right there. *Points*

Reisen: Oh? *Looks*

Tewi: Just kidding~<3

Reisen: *Slaps Tewi across the ass*

Tewi: *Rubs her booty* So why do we have to do missions? And who are you~?

Reisen: I'm Reisen Udongein Inaba. We're partners now, so remember it. And we have to complete the missions to survive the game.

Tewi: *Skips off*

Reisen: Hey! Don't just run off on your own!

Tewi: Why not?

Reisen: Because, we need to stick together to win the game!

Tewi: But I don't wanna play. Anyway, you're boring, and have no sense of humor.

Reisen: You don't get it, do you? We're stuck here in Gensobuya, and have no choice but to play the game.

Tewi: Why~

Reisen: Because we-

Komachi: Yo~o.

Reisen: ...

Tewi: Hello. Who are you?

Komachi: Shinigami here. Just checking to make sure you two have a pact. Wall clear!

*Behind her, a mystical wall disappears*

Komachi: Have fun. *Walks off*

Tewi: *Hops off*

Reisen: What did I just say!

Tewi: But look, we're at Kourindou.

Reisen: ....Oh.

Tewi: Anyway, I'm done playing your game, so-

???: Excuse me.

Tewi: Hmmmm?

*Yuyuko Appears!*

Yuyuko: Could you buy me some Yakitori, please?

*One purchase later, Yuyuko was a happy camper, and she floated off*

Tewi: Another good deed~

Reisen: Hey, look - the timer.

Tewi: Even though it wasn't previously addressed, I had a timer pn my hand! =D

Reisen: And now it's gone.

Tewi: I guess the mission is over.

Marisa: Tch, big deal. Only an idiot would screw up the first mission~

Reisen: And who might you be?

Marisa: Ah, no one, no one. Just an ordinary witch, looking for some points. So here, play with these! *Summons some Fairies*

Tewi: !!! Not more of those!

*The Fairies range from chainsaw-wielding to chain-swinging, many of them are scarred, and a few have tongues hanging out of their mouths in maniac grins*

Reisen: Hey, trickster! Focus on me, and we can win this!

Tewi: I don't want to.

Reisen: *Slaps her across the ass*

Tewi: Fine, fine~

*After a very, very bloody battle...*

Tewi: *Strangling the last fairy with her own intestines* And......DIE!

Fairy: *Wretches and dies in its entrails*

Reisen: Looks like that takes care of today.

Tewi: So you're serious then? I have to play?

Reisen: If you want to live. By the way, here's some more Pins for you to use - they're how we're SUPPOSED to fight.They each use Danmaku.

Tewi: (So, I'm stuck Gensobuya.....hmmmmmmm~)


Day 1, Youkai's Game, Chapter End.


Re: TEWI - Touhou Ends With Inaba
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2010, 02:51:43 AM »
Post Reserved for my full opinions although I can tell from my quick skimming it seems to follow TWEWY Week 1 day 1 reletively closely.

Edit: That was the best worst Fanfic besides "My Immortal" that I have ever read and I was quite amused by the poor writing and or Humor. I enjoyed Tewi's Timer line the most though.

« Last Edit: February 03, 2010, 02:57:26 AM by Hell Rikter (Last Escape Remix) »


  • I'll drive my toe into your eye socket,
  • And I'll Spin in it~
Re: TEWI - Touhou Ends With Inaba
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2010, 03:10:52 AM »
=P Why thank you.


  • I'll drive my toe into your eye socket,
  • And I'll Spin in it~
Re: TEWI - Touhou Ends With Inaba
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2010, 03:00:24 AM »
Day 2 time~

Touhou Ends With Inaba

Day 2

Tewi: Yaaaaawwwwwwwwwwn. *Lip smack* M, where are we?

Reisen: Oh, you're awake, good. I think we're near the Bus Station.

Tewi: But there are no buses in Gensokyo. I learned that in Match Class.

Reisen: But there ARE buses in Gensobuya.

Tewi: Oh~


Reisen: Oh, lookit that. We have a Mission.

Tewi: *Pulls out her spicy new Cell Phone*

Reisen: "Break the curse on the Momiji Statue. And buy me some Tokoyaki.You have a bunch of time. Fail, and I eat you. ~ Yuyuko"

Tewi: Lookit my hand! =D *Shows her hand to Reisen, where a timer is visible, and reads "A Bunch"*

Reisen: ... Anyway, we should get to the Momiji statue.

Tewi: But I don't know where that is.

Reisen: Haven't you ever been to Gensobuya before?

Tewi: I don't know.

Reisen: It's a very simple question.

Tewi: And I don't have an answer for it~ =3

Reisen: -.- Fine. It's this way.

Tewi: Oh! But look!

*Komachi walks up*

Komachi: Hey, you two. Scan this area for some Fairies and blow the shit out of them. Kay?

Reisen: Is that the requirement to unlock that wall over there? *Points at a wall*

Komachi: .... sure, why not.

Reisen: Do you know how to use your pin, Tewi?

Tewi: Like this? =D *Holds her hand up, the pin sticking through it, beginning to bleed heavily*

Reisen: ....

Komachi: Lol

Reisen: *Ignores Tewi and scans* Hey, there's some fairies over there. *Points at a trashcan*

Tewi: *Runs over and knocks the trashcan over*

Fairy: Ahhhhhh! Noooo! I don't want to die! *Cowering in fear, having lost its hiding place*

Reisen: >=O BITE THE CURB! *Begins curbstopping the hapless Fairy*

Fairy: *Gargling out nonsense through its bloodied mouth*

Tewi: Yay! More blood!

Komachi: I think I'm gonna throw up.

Reisen: *Kneels down, grabs the Fairy's head, and swiftly snaps it*

Komachi: ....

Reisen: Tewi, there are more fairies hiding over there.

Tewi: >=3

Komachi: No! Wait! Look, just go, alright? Wall clear!

Reisen: *Stands up* Thank you. Let's go, Tewi.

Tewi: Hmmm? *Looks up from smashing a fairy with her Hammer*




???: Hold it! I'm gonna waste you!

Tewi: Nyoro~n?

Reisen: *Aims her finger in the direction of the voice* Come any closer and I'll shoot.

Wriggle: Whoa, hold up, yo!

Tewi: .... Yo?

Mystia: Wriggle! They aren't Shinigami! They're players, stupid!

Wriggle: Kyuu!!!! =3

Mystia: =D Hai! I'm Mystia! This is my big brother, Wriggle! He's kinda stupid, so you have to excuse him!

Wriggle: I TOLD you, I'm a GIRL!

Mystia: Sure you are.

Wriggle: >_< And I thought you weren't supposed to remember that I was your brother.

Mystia: Lalalalalalalalalalalalla I can't hear you!

Wriggle: Now that you mention it, you said my Entry Fee were your memories of me. But how would you know that?


Wriggle: D8

Reisen: Um.... look, it's been nice knowin- er, meeting you, but we have a mission you know.

Wriggle: FACK YOU. Mystia, le's bounce! *Drops onto her ass and starts hopping away*

Mystia: *Shrugs, drops onto her ass, and hops away*

Tewi: =D That looks like fun~

Reisen: You need to take this more seriously.

Tewi: But why did Wriggle think we were Shinigami?

Reisen: Weren't you listening? Because he's stupid. Like you.

Tewi: D8 So what's all this about entry fees?

Reisen: The fee we had to pay to get into the game.

Tewi: I don't remember paying one.

Reisen: You must have short-term memory loss.

Tewi: But I-

Reisen: Shut up. Momiji is this way.




Tewi: Hmmm, so this is Momiji?

Reisen: Yup.

*The statue shows Momiji being slapped across the face by a statue of Aya*

Reisen: That's funny. I don't remember that other statue being there. and Momiji looks like she's ins erious pain.

Tewi: *Starts drawing on Momiji's face with a magic marker*

Reisen: Stop that. We don't have much time left to solve this Mission. See? *Shows Tewi her Timer, which says "A Little Bit"*

Tewi: That foray with Wriggle must have eaten up some time. =3

Reisen: Anyway, how do we break the curse on this thing?

Tewi: Maybe we have to make her feel better~

Reisen: Hey. I know. Use that hammer of yours and smash the other statue.

Tewi: HAI! *Smashes Aya to pices, and screaming is heard* I think that did it!

Sin Sack: *Pops up* SHAMEIMARU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reisen: Oh shit!

Sin Sack: SHAMEIMARUUUUUUU!!!!!!! *Attacks with a knife*

Reisen: We have to fight it! *Grabs a pin* Go Mimi-Chan! *Points her finger and fires, and BOOM! Out pops Mimi-chan!*

Tewi: xD What's that weird-looking missile?

Reisen: -.- Shut up. It's my psyche.

Tewi: You only have one? I can use all these pins~

Reisen: You're what we call an "Idiot Savant". Despite your obvious mental impairment, your a pin genius.

Tewi: I'm a genius~

Reisen: -.-

Mimi-Chan: Wheeeeeeeee! *Blows up Sin Sack*

Sin Sack: SHAMEIMARU!!!!

Reisen: Crap, it's remains are still alive.

Tewi: Elemental Rabbit! *Shoves a pin into her hand* Use some Fire~

Sin Sack: SHAMEI- *gets incinerated*

Reisen: Good, we won.

Tewi: Mission complete~?

Reisen: .... No! Look! *shows her Timer, which reads "Hurry Up Bitch"*

Tewi: Oh! We forgot the Tokoyaki!

Reisen: Crap!

Yuyuko: *Appears* Excuse me~

Reisen: Er, Tokoyaki, right?

Yuyuko: Yes please~

Tewi: Lemme go buy some~




Yuyuko: =D Good job. Mission complete~ *Floats away*

Tewi: ... Is she the one giving us the missions?

Reisen: I think so.

Marisa: Ugh, you two again? You can't die right, ze.

Reisen: Oh look, it's her.

Marisa: Look, you're supposed to be dead already. So um.... hey, I know. I'll just use Master Spark! =D

Tewi: Is she gonna attack us?

Marisa: Pft, I wish. But, eh, I've got something almost as good. You there. The tall bunny.

Reisen: Me?

Marisa: No, Martha Stewart. -.-

Reisen: Who's that?

Marisa: .... look, just kill your partner. Erase her.

Reisen: Excuse me?

Tewi: Usa~?

Marisa: Think of it as a bonus mission. If you do it, I'll let you out of the game~ If you don't, I'll steal your pins. Oh, and erase you, I guess. =/

Reisen: *Shrugs* Sounds like a plan. *Aims Mimi-Chan at Tewi*

Tewi: O__O

Reisen: Goodbye~


End Day 2: Don't Kill Me, Usa~