Author Topic: For those in doubt regarding how an ALPHA throws down in Gensokyo  (Read 47256 times)


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Re: For those in doubt regarding how an ALPHA throws down in Gensokyo
« Reply #240 on: November 04, 2009, 04:02:41 AM »
When can we expect chapter 7?


seriously, last night I was playing Half-Life 2 Episode 2, so I didn't get anything done

Ch.7 preview: Komachi got big ol' titties
« Last Edit: November 04, 2009, 08:39:46 AM by Apotheosis »
The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr - Mohammed


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Re: For those in doubt regarding how an ALPHA throws down in Gensokyo
« Reply #241 on: November 04, 2009, 08:42:19 AM »
Gonna try reading slower from now on, since I now realize how fast I had been reading

Actually, even a dutchdude like me had no trouble keeping up. I think the speed you were talking fits the image of bobby anyway. As generally douchebags talk swift and fast when they are showing off n' shiz.

Keep up the good work. I am enjoying this ( saved  them all on my computer )


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Re: For those in doubt regarding how an ALPHA throws down in Gensokyo
« Reply #242 on: November 04, 2009, 10:03:14 AM »
Penultimate chapter, folks. That's right, chapter 8 will wrap everything up. I might conclude with a list of "phun phacts" or something, 'cause I like that sort of shit.

Douchebag in Gensokyo
Chapter 7

        So when I woke up?wait, did I wake up? I mean, I died. You don?t really wake up from death, you know. But am I dead? I mean, I?m thinking about death right now, I think the nerds call that shit existennisalism or something, like, I?m thinking about life and shit.

   Fuck, I?m confused.

   So, I guess I woke up, ?cause I was on the shore of what looked like a river or something. At least, I guess it was a river, I couldn?t really see anything ?cause there was all sorts of mist and shit covering everything. But I know that everything looked gray?the sky was gray, the ground was gray, the water was gray and it looked like there were dead fish floating in it.

   It was then that it really hit me, like all of a sudden BAM?I was dead. Like, really dead. Like ?no going back? dead.

   And I thought, ?Bullshit.? Man, I should?ve stayed in bed Tuesday. Fuck that bitch in the bar. Fuck ALL the bitches I had met so far. Fuck this Gensokyo place. Fuck everything.

   Then, out of the mist, I saw something. It was a rowboat, coming down the river. As it drew closer, I got a good look at the driver.

   Holy shit, look at her TITS! Seriously, they?re like fuckin? melons! And they?re just hanging out of her gown?dress?thingy. Death ain?t so bad after all!

   She pulled up to the shore. I noticed she had one of those blade thingies that?s on a pole, that they use to cut wheat. I think they call it a scythe.

   Then it hit me. I?m dead?she has a scythe (And large tits)?is she Death? Fuck, if she?s really the Grim Reaper, I?d have died a long time ago!

   So she gets out of the boat, and I decide, fuck it, I?m dead, what?s the worst that could happen? So I try to do my thing. ??sup, baby.? And she sort of looks at me quizzically and says, ?Huh? Not much, I guess.? And I?m thinking ?Shit yeah, even in death I still pimp.? So I lay out my best lines ?cause I got nothing to lose at this point. ?What?s a pretty little thing like you doing in a place like this??

   And she says, ?Ah. I see. Look, lover boy, I got better things to do than to listen to your lame-ass pick up lines. Just get on the damn boat so I can get on with my day.?

   For shit?s sake! When will this bullshit end? I keep striking out! Is every bitch I meet afraid of me? Fuck!

   So I get on the boat with Tits McGee and we set off. The trip passes by in silence, though I got a lot of questions, I don?t want to talk to her.
   Anyway, after a long while the S.S. Bitch reaches the other edge of the river. Walking Cleavage turns to me and says, ?Right, out of the boat, Romeo.? And I?m thinking, ?Who?s this Romeo faggot?? Then I get out of the boat. I find myself standing in front of two massive doors set into like a cave or something. Titzilla keeps talking, ?Go through those doors, there. The Yama will judge your life and you will be sentenced. She?ll explain more when you get there. Get going, she doesn?t like to wait.?

   As if on cue, the doors open. I go ahead and walk through them, not like there?s anything else for me to do around here.

   When I walk into the room beyond the doors, I see that there?s this massive judge?s bench, like the kind in a regular courtroom. To the left of the bench there?s a massive, golden scale. There are these doors on the left and right walls of the room.

   Sitting behind the bench is this girl. All I can see of her was her green hair and her hat thing. It looked like a crown. All of a sudden, she says ?Come forward.? And, I dunno, I was sorta compelled to walk forward.

   The girl?I guess she was the Yama Titbitch was talking about??looks down on me and says, ?I am Shikieiki Yamaxanadu, the judge of the dead. If you?re here, that means only one thing?you?re dead. As such, it is my responsibility to weigh the actions of your life and determine whether you are to go to heaven, hell, or purgatory. Rest assured that I am not a biased judge. I will not rule for you or against you on the basis of gender, race, religion, sexuality, nationality, ethnicity, or anything like that. Just sit back and relax. If necessary, you will be required to answer questions about your life. Until then, just take a seat.?

   Suddenly, a chair I guess magically appeared behind me, and I sat down in it. The Yama looked through a few papers and spoke again. ?Bobby Bagliaduccia, born June 4th, 1986 in Stoughton, Wisconsin, United States. A little far from home, aren?t you?? I opened my mouth to answer, when she said ?That?s a rhetorical question. Says here you?re the product of a broken home. Makes sense.?

   Then she put the file down and said, ?Looking at your file, I noticed that you seem to have a strong dislike of women. Do you dislike women, Bobby?? I shook my head ?no?. I mean, I love chicks. I love to fuck ?em, and I love it when they treat me right.

   The Yama, I guess, didn?t believe me, and said ?I doubt that. You see, I feel that your upbringing instilled within you a subconscious hatred of women. Your mother left you when you were a young boy, and from what I can tell, your father spent much of your childhood cursing the ?rotten bitch? that left him a single parent, even though it was his fault in the first place. He spent much of his time getting drunk and picking up strange women. Every boy wants to be his father, and as such, you learned how to interact with women from him, believing him to be the epitome of manliness. Hence the tough guy act, hence the misogyny, hence?well, to be blunt, hence your being here in the first place. Hitting on Princess Kaguya?shame on you. Did you honestly think that would work?? She shook her head. And I was sitting here wondering how the fuck she knew so much about my family?

   Then she turned to those scales. ?In the first bowl is a single feather. This feather represents your soul. As you can see, the scale is off balance. Your life?s actions go into the second bowl, both good and bad, with different actions having more weight. Hypothetically, saving a child from a burning building would weigh more than stealing a cookie from the cookie jar. If, after all your life?s actions have been added, the feather is heavier, you will ascend to heaven. If the feather is lighter, you will go to hell. If they are equal, you will go to purgatory, where you will be granted one more chance to improve yourself. This is very exact?there is no such thing as ?wiggle room? in this process.?

   Then she got up (I thought she would never stop talking) and approached the scales. She started putting weights in the second bowl, muttering to herself. Occasionally I would hear her say something like, ?Hurt his girlfriend? or ?Stole his friend?s car.? I was wondering when I would get a say in any of this.

   Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she finished. The end result was that the scale was balanced.

   The Yama went back to her bench. ?Bobby Baggliaduccia, you have been found as having a soul in balance with your deeds. You were born with a good soul, I don?t know where it came from, but there you go. You will henceforth be sent to purgatory, where you will be given one more chance. Fail and you will be sent to hell. Succeed and you will be sent to heaven. Do exceptionally well in your effort to improve yourself and you will be reincarnated.?

   Then she came down from her bench and stood in front of me. ?You wonder why you don?t ?score? often. It?s not because women are afraid of you. It?s not because they?re all bitches who judge you before getting to know you. It?s because you?re?well, a douchebag. You abuse and torment and even physically harm almost everyone you come in contact with, even your friends.? Then she put her hand on mine. ?Bobby, if you learn anything from your time in purgatory, learn compassion. Learn to respect your fellow human being.?

   Then the door on the right opened. ?Go through that door and follow the road until you come to a large stairway, then walk up the stairs and through the door. Then you will be in purgatory and your sentence will begin. Good luck.?

   I got up from the chair and walked through the door. Behind me, I could hear the Yama say, ?Next.?
The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr - Mohammed

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Re: For those in doubt regarding how an ALPHA throws down in Gensokyo
« Reply #243 on: November 04, 2009, 10:09:41 AM »
Even in front of that thing Siki does not falter.
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Re: For those in doubt regarding how an ALPHA throws down in Gensokyo
« Reply #244 on: November 04, 2009, 10:11:15 AM »
Typical Shiki Eiki. Lectures the dead and the souls. SAY HI TO YUYUKO BOBBY. Because you will spend some time in Tha Netherworld, before reincarnating, with Dawg Youki ( who isn't around, pitty ).

I did got suprised Bobby didn't tried to act as a douchebag in front of Eiki-sama, like "Hey there judge. Why don't you judge me in private" or something :V That would send him instantly to hell. Good show Apo, very good. ( waiting till Vic Viper voices the new ones )


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Re: For those in doubt regarding how an ALPHA throws down in Gensokyo
« Reply #245 on: November 04, 2009, 10:14:39 AM »
Typical Shiki Eiki. Lectures the dead and the souls. SAY HI TO YUYUKO BOBBY. Because you will spend some time in Tha Netherworld, before reincarnating, with Dawg Youki ( who isn't around, pitty ).

I did got suprised Bobby didn't tried to act as a douchebag in front of Eiki-sama, like "Hey there judge. Why don't you judge me in private" or something :V That would send him instantly to hell. Good show Apo, very good. ( waiting till Vic Viper voices the new ones )

I was going to do just that, but I decided that it would be better if Bobby just sort of sat there, like he was "compelled" (read: forced) to keep his mouth shut
The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr - Mohammed


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Re: For those in doubt regarding how an ALPHA throws down in Gensokyo
« Reply #246 on: November 04, 2009, 10:18:30 AM »
Oh oh oh , don't take my post as critism or advice, because I don't intend to give any or so. It is just my personal thoughts on how I expected to be but got suprised. Because I love generally element of suprise. Else it would have been too obvious.


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Re: For those in doubt regarding how an ALPHA throws down in Gensokyo
« Reply #247 on: November 04, 2009, 10:21:20 AM »
Mighty generous of you to leave the scales in balance. But I guess it'd be predictable that he'd go to Hell, not to mention depriving us of another chapter.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


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Re: For those in doubt regarding how an ALPHA throws down in Gensokyo
« Reply #248 on: November 04, 2009, 10:21:27 AM »
Oh oh oh , don't take my post as critism or advice, because I don't intend to give any or so. It is just my personal thoughts on how I expected to be but got suprised. Because I love generally element of suprise. Else it would have been too obvious.

I wasn't taking it like that in the first place, but OK. :) I was just telling you what my train of thought was when I was writing that sequence, because I figure everyone should be privy to the stuff inside my braincase.

Mighty generous of you to leave the scales in balance. But I guess it'd be predictable that he'd go to Hell, not to mention depriving us of another chapter.

I thought that hell would have been a little too much for Bobby. Bobby's an asshole, but that's something he could change. In my mind, hell is reserved for the truly unrepentant.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2009, 10:23:24 AM by Apotheosis »
The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr - Mohammed

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Re: For those in doubt regarding how an ALPHA throws down in Gensokyo
« Reply #249 on: November 04, 2009, 10:22:45 AM »
tig ol' bitties
Gonna rerecord chapter 6, since I ended up screaming "TASUKETE ERIN!" and read the announcer in a really goofy voice.  Sorry, expect that later today.


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Re: For those in doubt regarding how an ALPHA throws down in Gensokyo
« Reply #250 on: November 04, 2009, 10:23:59 AM »
So, is he going to hook up with the good old Saigyou Ayakashi~

This shameful piece of shit was made by a certain Anonymous-Fairy, but is now deleted- bawwwww.


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Re: For those in doubt regarding how an ALPHA throws down in Gensokyo
« Reply #251 on: November 04, 2009, 10:28:18 AM »
So, is he going to hook up with the good old Saigyou Ayakashi~

hahaha, when I was thinking of ways to end the story, "Turn Bobby into a tree" came up.

seriously, he would get to the netherworld, hit on Yuyuko, then get turned into a tree, with his only companionship an occasional visit from Youmu.

then I decided that was too cruel. :(
The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr - Mohammed


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Re: For those in doubt regarding how an ALPHA throws down in Gensokyo
« Reply #252 on: November 04, 2009, 10:29:11 AM »
I thought that hell would have been a little too much for Bobby. Bobby's an asshole, but that's something he could change. In my mind, hell is reserved for the truly unrepentant.

Again, generous of you. I always thought the essence of "douchebag" was "unrepentant asshole". You're a kinder soul than I.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


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Re: For those in doubt regarding how an ALPHA throws down in Gensokyo
« Reply #253 on: November 04, 2009, 10:36:52 AM »
Making a folder for narrated readings


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Re: For those in doubt regarding how an ALPHA throws down in Gensokyo
« Reply #254 on: November 04, 2009, 10:54:23 AM »
Any human soul in this world is born neutral. Our very form of "growing up" shapes us into what we eventually become. Therefor I believe most people who are douchebags, idiots, criminals etc somewhere took the wrong path in their life due to external factors.

Quite funny when you think about it but Shiki Eiki's judgement being black and white is solid here. That is how I view humans generally in my life: "Good humans or bad humans" but yea, humans are so complex that mere black & white does not compute anymore.


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Re: For those in doubt regarding how an ALPHA throws down in Gensokyo
« Reply #255 on: November 04, 2009, 05:26:17 PM »
Huh, a possible character-development? In a funfic? Wow.

Any human soul in this world is born neutral. Our very form of "growing up" shapes us into what we eventually become. Therefor I believe most people who are douchebags, idiots, criminals etc somewhere took the wrong path in their life due to external factors.

Well, if you think about that a soul is a different existence ("being"), a some sort of "parasite" in a living human being, then a soul, what lived for hundreds of years, and was a "good" soul, then being reborn as a human, that human can be generally good, too. Of course it doesn't mean that some evil soul can't be a good human, souls can redeem while they live with their human hosts. This is why humans are a dual existence: both flesh and soul.

Damn, there I go existential again. :V

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Re: For those in doubt regarding how an ALPHA throws down in Gensokyo
« Reply #256 on: November 04, 2009, 06:09:48 PM »
Personally, I'm half-expecting him to fail his chance miserably, and end up with Shiki facepalming and sending him on to hell anyway :V


Re: For those in doubt regarding how an ALPHA throws down in Gensokyo
« Reply #257 on: November 04, 2009, 06:11:13 PM »

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Re: For those in doubt regarding how an ALPHA throws down in Gensokyo
« Reply #258 on: November 04, 2009, 07:20:45 PM »
Kinda surprised me when I saw that Bobby got a balanced scale, but I'm sure that (seeing as this next chapter will end things) Bobby will royally fuck up and be sent to Hell.

Nah, don't mind me.
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Re: For those in doubt regarding how an ALPHA throws down in Gensokyo
« Reply #259 on: November 04, 2009, 07:23:04 PM »
Apo, I blame you for my newly developed inability to look at douchebags without thinking of Touhou!


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Re: For those in doubt regarding how an ALPHA throws down in Gensokyo
« Reply #260 on: November 04, 2009, 11:51:49 PM »
Wow, well done Apo. Though he really didn't deserve purgatory. I guess it makes for better story ^-^.

Though, would that mean he'd have made it into heaven if he hadn't hit on Komachi?

Re: For those in doubt regarding how an ALPHA throws down in Gensokyo
« Reply #261 on: November 05, 2009, 01:30:49 AM »
I doubt that. Bobby is lucky that Komachi didn't throw him into the river.


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Re: For those in doubt regarding how an ALPHA throws down in Gensokyo
« Reply #262 on: November 05, 2009, 01:32:51 AM »
I doubt that. Bobby is lucky that Komachi didn't throw him into the river.

True, but there is the fact that he apparently balanced. I can't help but think hitting on Komachi was against him.

Kanako Yasaka

Re: For those in doubt regarding how an ALPHA throws down in Gensokyo
« Reply #263 on: November 05, 2009, 01:41:48 AM »
Added links to the chapters in the OP just because.

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Re: For those in doubt regarding how an ALPHA throws down in Gensokyo
« Reply #264 on: November 05, 2009, 01:51:56 AM »
He should have been sentenced to Hell and accidentally gets sent to Old Hell with Utsuho and Orin


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Re: For those in doubt regarding how an ALPHA throws down in Gensokyo
« Reply #265 on: November 05, 2009, 01:57:28 AM »
He should have been sentenced to Hell and accidentally gets sent to Old Hell with Utsuho and Orin

that's the lost Chapter 9.


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Re: For those in doubt regarding how an ALPHA throws down in Gensokyo
« Reply #266 on: November 05, 2009, 01:58:57 AM »
I'm surprised Bobby didn't try to hit on Shiki. Maybe he thought she was too androgynous.

Re: For those in doubt regarding how an ALPHA throws down in Gensokyo
« Reply #267 on: November 05, 2009, 02:02:04 AM »
Bobby wouldn't have stood a chance against Shiki. 

Shiki would have just came down off her bench, and hit Bobby in the head with her paddle (Boink!)


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Re: For those in doubt regarding how an ALPHA throws down in Gensokyo
« Reply #268 on: November 05, 2009, 04:22:04 AM »
BTW, after the last chapter is posted there will be a snippet of something I've been playing with.

I think it'll blow your socks off.
The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr - Mohammed


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Re: For those in doubt regarding how an ALPHA throws down in Gensokyo
« Reply #269 on: November 05, 2009, 04:38:05 AM »
Pesco already has those

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