Author Topic: Return of Team-Based Combat  (Read 8296 times)

Return of Team-Based Combat
« on: October 23, 2009, 01:10:06 AM »
If the next touhou game were to do a team system comparable to Imperishable Night with the player chars, what kind of teams would they make? What kind of shot patterns?

-Teams are not limited to just one human and one youkai

-Teams from the previous IN can't be used (so no stuff like Reimu/Yukari or Marisa/Alice)

-Characters who haven't been relevant to the story thus far can't be in (i.e. no teams with Sakuya, Reisen, Yuyuko, etc.) and fighting game cameos do not count (so no Meiling or Cirno)

-The previous rule is the reason for the first rule (there's only like 3 humans in this current story arc...)


-Reimu/Byakuren: With her newfound concern to avoid going overboard, Reimu decides to take the youkai messiah with her to be sure she doesn't do any more youkai extermination than absolutely necissary. Shou comes with Byakuren and acts like Ran does with Yukari (only she stabs enemies with her spear rather than spin them to death).

-Marisa/Nitori:Two girls with a love for research and deveopment go together to find a way to stop whatever threat is there and figure a way to make its power theirs.

-Sanae/Utsuho: Asked by her gods to investigate this new disturbance, Sanae convinces Utsuho to come with her to provide the muscle to her team while she formulates a plan. This leaves room for...

-Kanako/Suwako: Deciding that helping solve the problem would help get them more faith, the two gods decide to do their own investigating.

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  • Yoshi of Skies & Rains
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Re: Return of Team-Based Combat
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2009, 02:00:58 AM »
I so want a team with Parsee, but unfortunately she has nothing to do with the current story. Sad times.

Satori/Koishi: The girls are curious about what's going on and decide that they would be more capable if the teamed up. They investigate the minds of possible culprits to try and find the source of the problem.

Nazrin/Shou: The two team up to find out whats going on, suspicious that someone might be plotting against Byakuren.

Ichirin/Murasa: The happenings have the girls concerned that someone may be after the ship. They venture out to find the culprit before the ship is plundered.


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Re: Return of Team-Based Combat
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2009, 02:33:01 AM »
This one's a toughy, really. But since it's open for discussion, I'll just put up what I can with Nue.

Nue/Byakuren - Believing that someone is after the temple or the youkai within it, the two head after the mysterious target.

Reimu/Nue - Knowing that this problem can't be solved solo for once, Reimu brings along a youkai that has experience dealing with this sort of incident, even if that experience is no good.

Nue/Kogasa - Getting bored, Nue drags a random karakasa youkai along with her on a mission to surprise as many people as possible, slowly stumbling into the main plot.

Marisa/Nue - Two residents of Gensokyo known for messing around with stuff for fun team up to fool around with a mysterious plan.

Sanae/Nue - ... Well, Kanako, Byakuren and Suwako were busy, and Sanae couldn't convince anyone from underground to come, so she dragged Nue along to read manga and watch TV while fight off the new threat to Gensokyo.

EDIT for shot patterns:
Reimu/Nue would be homing amulets and snakes.
Nue/Byakuren would be a spreaded fan of amulets and black clouds.
Marisa/Nue would be straight-forward beams and UFOs.
Nue/Kogasa would be a sprinkler-motion bullet pattern and more UFOs.
Sanae/Nue would be snakes that separate towards the target and Nue's trademark laser -> bullet pattern, switching to bullet when perpendicular to an enemy.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2009, 02:37:19 AM by Patorikku »

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Re: Return of Team-Based Combat
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2009, 02:48:11 AM »
-Characters who haven't been relevant to the story thus far can't be in (i.e. no teams with Sakuya, Reisen, Yuyuko, etc.) and fighting game cameos do not count (so no Meiling or Cirno)
Sara/Meiling - After the gate to Makai was sealed off, Sara so no need to stay at her usual post and left. A bit saddened by the fact she let Shinki down she wandered Gensokyo and met Meiling.

...Well there that goes...
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Re: Return of Team-Based Combat
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2009, 01:34:17 PM »
Your rules do not make sense so I shall not abide by them and all I have is INBL (FUCK YEAH) ideas so shut up unless you want to modify these somehow

-3 difficulties, put up or die
-no new or returning characters on the teams, teams are as they were

stage 1: wriggle and mystia are midbosses and the actual boss is them in one of those weird cyborg-type robot things (think Darius but it probably won't be aquatic things)
stage 2: all sorts of crazy cool stuff happens for new keine fight
stage 3: "the master takes back his grubby dog"
-obviously stage 1-3 is going to have some TOUGH MUSIC because LARGE BOSSES

stage 4: not just reimu and marisa, but actual teams; every team has a "rival team" that they actually keep in contact with for the story, and eventually fight in stage 4
stage 5: tewi kinda sorta "teams up" after defeat and just hangs out shooting stuff ("reisen is bad luck")
stage 6: final.a+final.b = don't you forget it

stage 7: tlb-type thing in terms of story, I say this because there
would also be some sort of caravan-type thing so shut up
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Re: Return of Team-Based Combat
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2009, 01:57:12 PM »
Mima/Yuka: 1/0


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Re: Return of Team-Based Combat
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2009, 03:57:39 PM »
Let's see, maybe...

Reimu/Suika - The Drunken Team. Maybe the Final Boss is another oni.

Marisa/Nitori - The Research Team. Even though I don't like this pairing.

Sanae/Nue - The Me and My New Pet Team. Because this pairing is WIN.

Byakuren/Shou - The Obvious Last Game's Boss And Servant Team. 'Nuff said.

Re: Return of Team-Based Combat
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2009, 07:39:24 PM »
I so want a team with Parsee, but unfortunately she has nothing to do with the current story. Sad times.
The rule was mostly to keep people from making teams with stuff like Sakuya/Mima and limit it to girls of this particular story arc.

If you can think of a reason why someone would want to drag along the embodiment of jealousy and tolerate her constant complaints of how jealous she is of everything, go for it.

"What do you mean 'stop repeating everything you say'?"


Re: Return of Team-Based Combat
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2009, 09:57:51 PM »

Reimu/Mima - Mima, bored of just sitting around the shrine and nagging reimu, decided to come along for once. Reimu, lacking someone to attend the shrine, made marisa do the chores, so she's not coming along this time. Eat that, secondary main character.

Shot: Amulet/lazor-missle. Kind of a reimu-marisa team, only with mima.

Bombs: Fantasy heaven (hisoutensokulol), TWILIGHT SPA(AAAAAAAAAAAA)RK(!).

Byakuren/Marisa: oooh, what a slacker. Upon finding out the byakuren was also heading off, marisa abandoned her duties to team up with the messiah, if not only for the fun of teasing her along the way. Regardless, byakuren has made marisa go easy on the youkai as terms for coming along.

Shot: Byakuren - Amulets, but instead of reimu's trademark needles, spread, and homing, she uses wave (sprinkler-like?) patterns and narrow streams. No homing in order to be fair to the youkai. Marisa - pfft. Having to go easy. She's had to abandon her high powered lasers and now uses a spread shot, with her missles going outwards at angles.

Bombs: Byakuren - that pattern spaceship thing from her boss battle pops up and OHMYGODEVERYTHINGAMULET-EDTODEATH...."sorry youkai!" Marisa - As part of going easy, marisa is using the non directional laser instead of her master spark.


  • Yoshi of Skies & Rains
  • Who is it that calls for me?
Re: Return of Team-Based Combat
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2009, 10:06:01 PM »
The rule was mostly to keep people from making teams with stuff like Sakuya/Mima and limit it to girls of this particular story arc.

If you can think of a reason why someone would want to drag along the embodiment of jealousy and tolerate her constant complaints of how jealous she is of everything, go for it.

Well in that case.

Since I see this (kind of disturbing) pairing a lot I'll roll with it.

Yuugi/Parsee: Seeing everyone down in the palace leaving to investigate happenings, Yuugi gets bored and wants to go adventuring too. She meets up with Parsee who was feeling jealous at everyone getting to leave so Yuugi takes her along too. The two end up making an unusually good team, but Parsee's jealously gets them into plenty of bad situations along the way.

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Re: Return of Team-Based Combat
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2009, 10:31:16 PM »
Will Reimu and Marisa ever team up?

Also: Scarlet team! Flandre and Remilia sibling power! That would be awesome.

And don't forget: Team ⑨!! Mystia & Rumia unfocused using mystia's speed and spread as shot and a combined darkness spell as bomb, then Cirno & Wriggle as focused team shooting frozen whatever at the enemy and some kind of bug wave as bomb which cirno freezes and then shatters? Yes I know that they are not relevant to the story at all but that takes the fun away ._.


Re: Return of Team-Based Combat
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2009, 11:21:13 PM »
Screw your rules, I want to play Tewi. Tewi & Reisen maybe?
Reisen should do most of the talking, since she's the tsukkomi.
Tewi should have high speed, Reisen's attack will probably be like PCB's Sakuya A.
EDIT: perhaps Tewi can have a smaller hitbox when not shooting. manipulation of luck?

or maybe we can go for some WATATSUKI SISTERS! (f yeah!) with the one with
border manipulation thingy
ability being the focused character with some defensive perks, and the other one doing gigantic spread shot like yuyuko does D:
« Last Edit: October 24, 2009, 11:33:55 PM by flurk »

"Eh, who needs brains in danmaku? Power, that's all you need!" -Kirisame Marisa


Re: Return of Team-Based Combat
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2009, 11:32:22 PM »
EDIT: agh i mean to modify my earlier post. where's the delete button? >_<

"Eh, who needs brains in danmaku? Power, that's all you need!" -Kirisame Marisa


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Re: Return of Team-Based Combat
« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2009, 02:09:14 AM »
This may be against your rules but If there are enough characters in a team based game then Sakuya needs to be in it. If the game takes place during the day her best bet for a partner would be Meiling, otherwise Remillia. As for the others, Reimu and Marissa have obvious partners and the other selectable character would probably be Sanae who would team up with one of her gods.
Gensokyo Everyday's story My Touhou fangame


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Re: Return of Team-Based Combat
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2009, 02:52:09 AM »
Lemme try this...
Shingyoku's male and female form together?
Somehow, they got split and does the team thing....

Re: Return of Team-Based Combat
« Reply #15 on: November 05, 2009, 07:36:01 PM »
This may be against your rules but If there are enough characters in a team based game then Sakuya needs to be in it.
Well the thing is, the current story arc is revolving around the Moriya shrine and the stuff coming around because of it. Sakuya was in IN because all the games beforehand were working towards it so that it would act as the finale of sorts. Sakuya isn't a part of this story arc (or at least not yet), so forcing her in is a bit of a stretch. It'd be like adding Yumeko to the IN cast, even though she had nothing to do with that particular story arc.

Shingyoku's male and female form together?
Okay, now you people are just doing this to annoy me. >.>

"What do you mean 'stop repeating everything you say'?"


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Re: Return of Team-Based Combat
« Reply #16 on: November 06, 2009, 03:06:14 AM »
Well the thing is, the current story arc is revolving around the Moriya shrine and the stuff coming around because of it. Sakuya was in IN because all the games beforehand were working towards it so that it would act as the finale of sorts. Sakuya isn't a part of this story arc (or at least not yet), so forcing her in is a bit of a stretch. It'd be like adding Yumeko to the IN cast, even though she had nothing to do with that particular story arc.
There wasn't any strong particular reason for Sakuya to be in PCB or IN since neither Yuyuko or Kaguya have anything to do with the scarlet devil mansion. She was probably included as a character in those games because ZUN wanted a third character and Sakuya was popular. The same could also be probably said of Sanae's appearance in UFO.
Gensokyo Everyday's story My Touhou fangame

Re: Return of Team-Based Combat
« Reply #17 on: November 06, 2009, 09:03:15 PM »
There wasn't any strong particular reason for Sakuya to be in PCB or IN since neither Yuyuko or Kaguya have anything to do with the scarlet devil mansion. She was probably included as a character in those games because ZUN wanted a third character and Sakuya was popular. The same could also be probably said of Sanae's appearance in UFO.
If memory serves ESoD and PCB were made specifically to introduce characters to make into teams for IN. The Scarlet team was in IN for good reason: Remilia can only come out at night, so she was in the best position to take notice of anything wrong with the moon, so it makes sense she'd have Sakuya stop time and help her set the night right again.

Sakuya was probably Player 3 in PCB since she'd help develop the Scarlet Devil Manor cast better through her dialogue and endings, which again helped set things up for IN.

Sanae? Err... The appearance of the Moriya shrine and its gods have directly resulted in the events of every game from MoF to UFO occurring. Sanae is a major part of the shrine, so suffice to say she's rather important to the current storyline.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2009, 09:06:10 PM by AlexX »

"What do you mean 'stop repeating everything you say'?"


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Re: Return of Team-Based Combat
« Reply #18 on: November 07, 2009, 01:15:24 AM »
Ichirin/Unzan :V Normal bullets going forwards with mini-cloudfist homing missiles. Maybe "Angry Grampa Beamu"?

Kaguya/Nue "We aliens gotta' stick together!" "I'm not an alien, oh my god" Kaguya shoots rainbow dragon necklace beams in a wide spread sprinkler pattern, Nue does the same thing, but with blue UFOs

Shou/Murasa "Byakuren has been kidnapped! Are you bad enough chicks to rescue Youkai Jesus!?" Shou homing curvy lazers, Murasa EXPLSIVE HOMING ANCHORS YEAH
Wotters gonna' wot

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Re: Return of Team-Based Combat
« Reply #19 on: November 07, 2009, 10:55:42 PM »
"Forgotten Residents of Hakurei" Team - Ruukoto/Genji


No, but seriously, if there were a Pagoda Team (Nazrin/Shou), I'd never play as anyone else.
Except maybe Reisen/Eirin.