Author Topic: MegaMari X survey/discussion thread (bosses, weapons, etc)  (Read 24115 times)

MegaMari X survey/discussion thread (bosses, weapons, etc)
« on: April 21, 2009, 06:37:52 AM »
(topic originally from )

We would like to hear your opinions on some subjects (with explanations if possible, for example, Flandre filling Zero's role would require nighttime stages, for example, so if possible, if you would like to see Flandre as Zero, provide a plot idea that allows such requirement), in order to satisfy (as much as possible) the expectations of the people who would play the game when it's finished; we'll be seeing what suggestions occur the most, as well as why you think the idea would work well, if possible (for example, do you think that character X would make up for an interesting boss fight? Or the stage would look really nice for that boss? Or said boss gives a useful/cool looking weapon when defeated?)

- do you prefer the plot light-hearted (Touhou-like/MegaMari-like) or more serious (MMX series)?
- who would you like to see as the game's antagonist?
- whose characters would you place among the 8 starting bosses?
- who would you like to play as? (Vile-style is an option, by the way)
- do you have suggestions for weapons (it's not hard to make them look cool, but they would have, as a guideline, to be useful as well, and balanced enough to not overshadow others)? Do you prefer them to be based on existing attacks, or do you not mind original designs based on the characters' abilities (mind you, that being original gives way for different interpretation of the characters' abilities, purists may complain, or may not.. but that's why this thread's here)?
- any suggestion for game features?

(added by me)
- I've saved the original page, to preserve the inputs, and would like to express my sincere thanks for those who bothered to read my whole text and kindly replied so far.. thank you
- atm I chose to not post my own input in this topic, to avoid having it possibly alter other people's opinions/inputs and have a somewhat more accurate feel of people's expectations/urges
- I encourage posters to express whatever else suggestions/points/ideas (example: inspiration sources for gameplay/sceneries/bgm, how would you like the game to look/play like..) you would like to write down, besides the questions presented here; also, for the sake of idea elaboration, this thread may be used for discussion as well (since it's my work and intent to gather the inputs and listen to suggestions)
neku: now for something important.
How much time do you guys think it will take for HM to be translated? Besides everyone's story modes and the whole menus, there's also the fact that the way HM's programmed is different from all other games. I bet it'll take two months.

lusvik: I don't mind about playing HM in japanese. The language of punching other people is international.

Letty Whiterock

Re: MegaMari X survey/discussion thread (bosses, weapons, etc)
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2009, 07:22:18 PM »
- Why not have a serious plot? Keep the humor of Touhou, but let's make it more than "lol let's steal books from Patchy loool"
- Definitely Mima. I mean, come MiMA. SigMA. Works wonders.
- Use characters that were not in the original MegaMari. This includes PC-98 and post-PoFV characters. Rika and her tank need to be the opening stage boss. A few members of the original cast could appear in upgraded forms or as Doc Robot-style bosses, but beyond that, you shouldn't have to fight Reimu and crew a second time just because.
- Marisa X (an updated version of Marisa with a chargeable Mari-buster shot), Momizi (sword and shield to act as the Zero character and tie in the characters from MoF and beyond), and Alice (as the Axl characters, with the ability to shoot her Alice beam in 8 directions). Each one should have character-specific powers, such as an ability for Marisa to steal enemy abilities for a limited amount of time, an ability for Momizi to dash and scale walls a la Zero/Grolla, and an ability for Alice to use her dolls as various platforms of varying purpose (Item-1, Rush Coil/Jet, etc.). Each stage can have certain areas that require certain characters to allow for stage progression or special item retrieval.
- Maintain the same weapon collection system from the original MegaMari (one boss power-up, one character), but make it similar to the X8 style (Marisa gets a traditional shot, Momizi gets a technique, and Alice gets a special shot). Unlike Axl, though, Alice should have limited weapon energy and act more like Freudia in Rosenkreuzstilette Freudenstachel so she's not immediately broken with rapid-fire nonsense.
- Implement the tag system directly from X8, an upgrade system similar to the capsule upgrade system of the X series, an emphasis on exploration for finding items like Heart Tanks, and have Orin has the Vile character (keeps coming back over and over and over again).


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Re: MegaMari X survey/discussion thread (bosses, weapons, etc)
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2009, 07:42:13 PM »
don't listen to mint he apparently played X7 and X8

Letty Whiterock

Re: MegaMari X survey/discussion thread (bosses, weapons, etc)
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2009, 07:56:45 PM »
don't listen to mint he apparently played X7 and X8
X8 was not a bad game by any means and was an excellent apology for X5-7. The X8 system is pretty much a necessary evil for the project if they want to maintain the Mari/Ari team as well as throwing in a sword user.


  • Crimson Asuratic
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Re: MegaMari X survey/discussion thread (bosses, weapons, etc)
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2009, 08:26:10 PM »
well I'm a huge fan of the MMX series and though X7 was shunned with bad reviews and whatnot i thought it was still alright. I'm a pretty laid back gamer that'll take things at face value. i mean it was a 20 buck game when i bought it and it was beatable still. haha I liked it. and I agree with Letty on X8 being a make-up apology for mostly X7. To me X5 and X6 were the best ones mostly because they were so ungodly hard! XD I loved them
Well now onto the idea of your game here I'd add my input on it as well

do you prefer the plot light-hearted (Touhou-like/MegaMari-like) or more serious (MMX series)?
Either is fine with me but since we have Megamari which is light-hearted/MM I'd like to see a serious/MMX type this time. I'd vote for Serious

who would you like to see as the game's antagonist?
I vote for Utsuho
Why? she's the only windows character that WANTED to rule the world at first. So lets keep that ambition of her's going this time? She does have a cannon arm too she's be like the Anti-Megaman. A villian with a cannon arm who wants to rule the world. I like the idea ^_^ hehe

whose characters would you place among the 8 starting bosses?
IF you go with Utsuho's ambition of world domination. I'd say get characters that are also capable of being sinister (or not).
I'd say for the first 8....
Yuka, Komachi, (mostly because she's the grim reaper...disregard the lazy part haha...would give a cool sword skill at least eh?)
Medicine, Rumia
Ran+Chen (as one boss that would be sweet), Remilia
Mokou and Kanako
for the "Utsuho" stages I'd say Yukari again, Flandre, Yuugenmagen (as our yellow devil or twin devil that was in X6 but not as hard or something) Yumemi or Nitori (gotta have a scientist eh?) then Utsuho hehe

who would you like to play as? (Vile-style is an option, by the way)
Marisa should be our X (X had charge attacks and you had to mash the button to get sequential fire)
Reimu(or Alice again) should be our Axl (if you want 3 chars)(Axl had rapid fire that was used when the button was held and can hover and dodge while X can just Dash)
Youmu should be our Zero (has highest attack power but close range of close. should be given a dodge ability too or something hehe)

I'm fine if we play the entire game solo like in X4 or in teams like in X8 Either is good with me there

do you have suggestions for weapons (it's not hard to make them look cool, but they would have, as a guideline, to be useful as well, and balanced enough to not overshadow others)? Do you prefer them to be based on existing attacks, or do you not mind original designs based on the characters' abilities (mind you, that being original gives way for different interpretation of the characters' abilities, purists may complain, or may not.. but that's why this thread's here)?
abilities....i dunno as long as they are balanced though its all fine hehe.

any suggestion for game features?
for features...sub tanks for sure...a difficulty setting....of course Marisa would have to get power up capsule for different "Armors"...maybe Mima can be our "Dr. Light"? haha

Well that's all i can think of. I hope this helps hehe ^_^ good luck there. i can't wait to play it :3
See the patterns, feel the patterns, become one with the patterns, avoid the patterns
In order to live through the patterns, you must understand the patterns for everything else there is MASTER SPARK.

Re: MegaMari X survey/discussion thread (bosses, weapons, etc)
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2009, 12:07:16 AM »
You know how the PS1/PS2 games had that "WARNING" sign before you fight a boss? Would doing that with Utsuho's CAUTION work?

For characters, I'd suggest Marisa as the X-type character (with Master Spark as a Giga-Crush style attack), Reimu as the Zero-type character (using the gohei for melee attacks and the orbs for specials) or Youmu, and Sakuya or Reisen as the Axl-type character (rapid-fire attacks).
« Last Edit: April 22, 2009, 12:09:43 AM by The Angry Colossal »

Re: MegaMari X survey/discussion thread (bosses, weapons, etc)
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2009, 05:51:10 PM »
Hi, I'm the musician for the project.

- Tone: Lighthearted like Touhou, but probably a bit more serious than MegaMari.
- Antagonist: Kanako, qualified by the fact that my remixes might not live up to the original.
- Players: Marisa and Alice, if we want to stick with the way it was like in MegaMari. Youmu could be the "zero" type.
- Weapons: I recommend basing it on the character's existing attacks where possible, and adapting other ones when it isn't possible.

The rest, I have no particular opinion on.


Re: MegaMari X survey/discussion thread (bosses, weapons, etc)
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2009, 03:58:51 AM »
- Tone: Agreed. I, too would like it to be more serious than Megamari while retaining a light-hearted nature.
- Antagonist: Kanako sounds good. Maybe Mokou?
- PCs: Marisa as the "X" type, Youmu as the "Zero" type, and Alice as Vile? XD

For starters, there should be the standard:

* X-Buster shots
* X-Buster charge shot

* Z-Saber combo
* Z-Buster shot
* Double Jump

Also, what about dashing and the wall climb/kick?
« Last Edit: April 24, 2009, 04:00:23 AM by ZetaBladeX13 »


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Re: MegaMari X survey/discussion thread (bosses, weapons, etc)
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2009, 06:24:41 PM »
Tone/Antagonist/Plot Suggestion: Kanako, being from the Outside World and having experienced it there, believes that humans in Gensokyo are living in a relatively unhappy backwards way.  Thus, she builds a modern human 'utopia' at the base of her mountain and invites the humans in.  MMX takes place a few years later.  Even Marisa and Alice like the comforts of the new human society, and Yuyuko [along with Youmu] has taken up residence there due to their human background.

Then, one day, Youkai attack!  Youkai from all over Gensokyo start attacking the town.  Marisa and Alice are joined by Youmu, and backed up by Sanae and Nitori.

The twist comes after defeating all the enemy Youkai however, when facing down their commander (Probably Reimu, all things considered, she could also fulfill a Vile-esque role during the stages) - Marisa, Alice, and Youmu finally discover the real secret behind the Utopia - Kanako is draining the magic out of Gensokyo to fuel her city!  Having been completely unaware, Marisa, Alice, and Youmu now do an about-face to launch an attack on Kanako and figure out a way to stop the city from draining Gensokyo's magic dry.

Marisa [Playable.  X-Type.  Mima Capsules can give her upgrades to mobility/defense/etc., and getting them all unlocks Master Spark.  Capable of charging her special weapons]
Youmu [Playable.  Zero-Type.  Only burns through weapon energy for a couple of her attacks, but limited by close range.  Benefits from a double jump]
Alice [Playable.  Axl-Type.  Can be carried ('hover') by her dolls, and uses generally rapid-but-weak attacks.  Now can fire in multiple directions?]

Rika' Tank [First Stage boss]
Momizi [Melee fighting boss.  Gives defensive moves based on her shields.  Youmu can learn to reflect shots when attacking (maybe just normal ones)]
Orin [Ghost enemy summoning boss.  So, summon helpful enemies to your side!]
Aya [Wind powered boss.  Quick attacks.  Youmu benefits via high mobility wind attack thing]
Yuka [Sunflower boss.  Uses flowers as 'traps' to attack for her.  Similar moves to players]
Yuugi [Attacks from nowhere!  Oftentimes with lasers.  Everyone loves lasers!]
Medicine [Poisonous boss.  Moves can slow players or enemies down greatly or deal damage over time]
Iku [Electrical boss.  Electric attacks for Marisa/Alice, DRILLS for Youmu]
Tenshi [Melee and earth manipulating boss.  Grants ground-based moves]

Reimu [First 'castle' boss and Vile-esque rival.  Fights ala MM Reimu with some new moves.  Leader of Anti-Kanako "Mavericks"]
Shizuka and Minoriko [First actual castle boss.  Double attack!]
Keine [Second castle boss.  Flipping through history, she summons up old, forgotten memories from the days of PC-98...]
Patchouli [Third boss, Marisa route.  REVENGE!]
Yuyuko [Third boss, Youmu route.  "But I like it here, Youmu!"]
Nitori [Third boss, Alice route.  Has reverse-engineered weapons so similar to your own...]
Sanae [Fourth boss.  You totally knew this was coming]
Kanako [Final boss, first half.  Attacks with HUEG PILLARS]
Utsuho [Final boss, second half.  She's the nuclear core powering the utopia?  Did I mention she's a NUCLEAR REACTOR?  Obligatory HUEG boss is this]

...That turned out a little longer than expected, but it works.  Someone also suggested Orin as Vile-type, in which case you could switch her and Reimu [who would be far too concerned about Gensokyo to fight with the 'good guys'] and have Orin also want to save her friend Utsuho.  Obviously, to keep it lighthearted, a teatime with Kanako to tell her off for her bad behaviour is a necessity during the ending.

...Maybe I'm thinking a bit too much on that.  And it's fairly long.  More stages than MegaMari, but... yeah.  The X games are supposed to be harder than the original MM games, as a note, so... Go Wild.  8D

I also suggest all characters get all weapons.  Either that or only the selection of two characters you took in will get the weapon [and players still have to rotate due to the splitup in stage 3].  Exploration and weapons that can reveal/open secret areas are useful too, of course.

Re: MegaMari X survey/discussion thread (bosses, weapons, etc)
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2009, 05:43:14 AM »
Hi, just letting everyone know, my hard drive crashed, so I lost (hopefully with some degree of "temporarily" literally everything I had for music-creation (apart from NoteWorthy Composer). This will ... stall things a bit.


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Re: MegaMari X survey/discussion thread (bosses, weapons, etc)
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2009, 05:25:10 PM »
I'd like to have some PC-98 characters show up somewhere. They never get enough attention.

Anyway, I'm all for your idea Garlyle, but I'd be more inclined to believe that Kanako would be stealing faith from humans, not magic, as (as far as I know) humans aren't that magically inclined.
I gotta have something for my sig, so...