Author Topic: Privateers in a Nautical Paradise  (Read 5573 times)

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Privateers in a Nautical Paradise
« on: September 25, 2009, 01:04:03 AM »
Ch 1.

The Scarlet Archive sailed across the calm waters far off the coast of Sarletta. First Mate Koakuma looked through the parascope in search of the ship they were supposed to rendevous with.

"Still nothing, Cap'n." Koakuma called down to a girl holding a large book.

Captain Patchouli simply sighed as she walked back into the cabin. According to the map, the other ship should be here. The fact of the matter was that there was indeed another ship. One that Patchouli would soon become very familiar with. Koakuma finally saw a ship on the horizon, bearing the flag of the Scarlet nation.

Standing on the bow, Captain Marisa looked on at as her target slowly came closer. The Magician's Virtue was, as far as Marisa was concerned, the fastest ship around. A large clunker like the Scarlet Archive would be easy to catch. The main problem was that the Vitrue wasn't the heaviest ship around, being a brigatine that was taken from a more peaceful port. The Archive came into cannon range as Marisa turned to her crew.

"All hands at the ready! Raise the flag! Remember lassies, aim for the masts!" Marisa yelled as the Virtue turned its starboard side towards the Archive. The cannons rolled forward into firing position

The warning bell rang throughout the Scarlet Archive as the few cannons that were on the vessel rolled out into firing position. Patchouli looked up from her map and looked out the window on the stern of the ship. Yup, it was a pirate ship. It kinda looked like there was someone standing on the bow. Yes, Patchouli thought to herself, I think I can even see a ha--. Patchouli's small glasses fell when she realized who the figure was.

The Virtue turned its cannons towards, the Archive, which unfurled it sails in an effort to get away.

"Cap'n, they're making a break for it!" one of the pirates yelled. Marisa tought for but a moment before she yelled out her next command.

The guns roared in the distance, and everyone braced for the impact. Instead of the massive crunching of cannonballs ripping through a ship's hull, the air was filled with the sound of wood breaking and sails tearing. The volley of shots tore through the masts on the Archive, making it dead in the water.

"What a hit! We can't fight against such accurate guns!" One of the privates cried out. Panic spread throughout the ship while Koakuma and Patchouli tried in vain to calm the sailors down.

"Fortune favors us today, lassies! Let's go and get our loot!" Marisa yelled. The crew cheered as the Virtue approached the Archive.


  • Charismatic grizzly bear
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Re: Privateers in a Nautical Paradise
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2009, 02:27:05 AM »
And then Murasa sank them
Wotters gonna' wot

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: Privateers in a Nautical Paradise
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2009, 02:28:35 AM »
And then Murasa sank them

Actually... nah, I'll leave it for another time.

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: Privateers in a Nautical Paradise
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2009, 07:59:10 PM »
Ch 2

By the turn of the century, the three major powers of the world reached a stalemate. The Kingdom of Eientai and the Scarlet Empire still fight over the rich islands around Caria. The Empire of Yatasatori still hold control over most of the Caribbean, but that hold is constantly challenged by the lesser powers. It's still anyone's game for control of the indies and the lucrative spice trade.
Despite the power struggles of the major powers, there are still individuals who set out to make money on the open seas. Many turn to Freelance Trading while many more turn to piracy.

This is the world in whice a certain Captain Shelly Boofbishop lives in.

The wind began to pick upslightly. The captain quietly thanked Sanae for the help. It was important that the shipment of manufactured goods reach Port Royal in time. The person in the crow's nest yawned as he openned up the telescope. Looking on into the horizon he saw a sixth rate ship of the line a little far from two mre ships of the line. He thought to himself that they were just the escorts sent to protect the Puraft. Even if it was a galleon, help is still help. The guy in the crow's nest fell asleep as one of the ships began to come in faster. Alarm bells began to ring throughout the small fleet as the ship raised the jolly roger.

Captain Jack Sparrow closed her telescope after looking at the other captain's angry face. This was, by far, one of the worst ideas ever. One one hand, if the plan worked, then the crew of the Verdant would be very rich. On the other hand, it was 22 guns against 104 guns. Still it was worth a shot.


"So what will happen now?" Captain Boofbishop asked.

"Captain Sparrow will be tried and executed for piracy at Port Royal." The naval captain threw a bag of gold to a sailor. "Distribute this to the crew on the Verdant. They earned it."

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: Privateers in a Nautical Paradise
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2009, 05:05:45 AM »
Ch 3

I think I speak of a large number people when I say that people don't really want to be stuck in a dark, rather wet dungeon. This sort of place is a very miserable place to be stuck in, as one must also share company with a multitude of characters, separated only by an iron cage. This is the place that the good captain from the previous chapter was locked up in, awaiting trial.

"Mystia Lorelei, is that you?" Captain Jack Sparrow looked up to the voice that called out to her and saw a figure behind a cell just opposite of Jack's. I suppose now is as good a time as any, but Captain Jack Saprrow is Mystia Lorelei; the other name is to have some sort of morla effect on potential targets. Anyhow, the figure wore a cape which was black on the outside and red on the inside. The distinctive white shirt and black pants could only mean one person.

"Wriggle Nightbug! I thought you took up honest trading! How did you end up here?" Mystia asked with a mixture of suprise and happiness.

"Well, money was tight and I sort of missed paying the taxes." Wriggle said with some embarrassment. After all, it's not very honorable or awe inspiring if you are caught for skimping on tax payments. "So what about you? How'd you end up in the slammer?"

"Attempted piracy. My crew turned on me, and I was outnumbered. Gonna get tried in the morning."

"Well, that's not good. We need to get out of here."

"Well, it's not like we can just walk out of here. the doors are so squeaky, the guard is gonna wake up."

"Don't worry, I have a plan."

At about that time, a girl walked in and took the keys from the sleeping guard. Noticing a lack of presence of the weighty ring of keys, the guard woke up with a start, but proptly fell back asleep after application of a frying pan to the poor soul's forehead. Heading to Wriggle's cell, the girl fumbled with the keys, looking for the right one.

"You see Mystia," Wriggle began, "This is why it's a good idea to have friends in all places."

"If that was the case, why didn't you just get someone to pardon you?"

"If I did that," Wriggle stepped out of the cell, "there would be no fun. Besides, how were you going to get out without my help?" Wriggle indicated Mystia's cell and the girl went ot work looking for the right key.

"I guess so. But, why are you helping me in the first place? People don't help other people without wanting something in return." Mystia got up as the cell door openned before her.

"Quite right, and what I seek is an adventure." Mystia only stared at Wriggle. "What? I think it is a reasonable payment for helping you out. Pirates do go on adventures, don't they?"

Sighing, Mystia placed a hand on Wriggle's shoulder. "I suppose so. Alright, first order of business, we need a boat."

Re: Privateers in a Nautical Paradise
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2009, 03:02:30 PM »
This is one of the silliest things I've ever read.

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: Privateers in a Nautical Paradise
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2009, 03:47:48 AM »
Ch 4

The Magician's Virtue sailed on as night began to fall. With a shipment of rum, it was time to head back to port. A good trader doesn't always have to follow the news, they just have to sell alcohol to pirates.

"Shame the Archive didn't have any MENS BEER." Marisa leaned onto the mast. She opened a small flask and drank a portion of the contents. Looking up into the sky, she noted that the sky was red. Favorable weather seemed to be in store for the night.

"Captain! Private vessel spoted of the starboard bow!" shouted the man on look-out duty. Pulling out her telescope, she looked at the approaching vessel. Sixth rate ship of the line, from the looks of things. There was also someone standing on the bow, telescope out as well, but Marisa could not make out who it was.

The Marriette silently glided across the water. The captain of the vessel, one Alice Margatroid, closed her telescope as she confirmed that it was indeed the one she was looking for. Marisa Kirisame, the thief who stole something precious from Alice.

"There she is. Alright! Bring her about!" The Marriette began to turn, facing the port broadside at the Virtue. The Marriette's cannons opened fire.

The cannonballs crashed through the hull of the Virtue. Fortunately, there was no damage below the waterline.

Marisa looked at the holes in the ship, then at the Marriette. "We're was not going to have any of that! Fire back!" The Virtue's cannons roared back at the Marriette, which lost a cannon in the volley. The ships roared at each other like two fat gentlemen in an arguement. However, the Marriette had the advantage of more ammunition.

Realizing this, Marisa ordered the ship to break away from the engagement and head to Port Iriden. Alice, of course, had other thoughts.

"Full sail! We must catch that ship!" Alice was interupted by the ship's carpenter.

"Sorry Captain, we need to head to Port Royal. The patches on the Marriette won't last long enough and Port Royal is the closest one." Alice grumbled a bit before she nodded.

"Alright. Set course for Port Royal." Alice began to walk back to the cabin when she turned to the Virtue. "You win this round, Captain Marisa Kirisame..."

Re: Privateers in a Nautical Paradise
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2009, 04:55:18 AM »
Hm ... I wonder how the two plotlines will connect ...