Author Topic: Rumia Quest Revival III: Heresy and Magic  (Read 268217 times)


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival III: Heresy and Magic
« Reply #450 on: August 18, 2019, 04:24:39 PM »
> Step half inside the door

> Look at the ones goofing about
> Say in a warm and welcoming way "You know, it would really help the head maid if you helped the others.  You could also finish much faster that way"  Point then towards the ones who are working


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival III: Heresy and Magic
« Reply #451 on: August 18, 2019, 07:04:19 PM »
>"...She knows her head maid isn't here, yet she goes off to ask her anyway. Does anyone else want to stay here for a few minutes just to see where this goes? I mean, it would be rude to just barge in anyway."

> "I think she went to ask someone else." Mystia remarks. "She was probably asking who else to ask."

> You wait for a few minuites, watching the chaos going on inside. Just as you are getting a bit restess; the pink-haired fairy re-enters the foyer, looking frantic.

> "I asked Lady Patchouli; she says you can see the Mistress." the fairy says, before looking down at a bit of paper she is holding. "Uuuh... Mistress is this way!" she says, turning around and starting to fly up a staircase at the back of the foyer, and then heading left when the staircase branches two directions.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival III: Heresy and Magic
« Reply #452 on: August 18, 2019, 08:10:26 PM »
// My post on encouraging the fairies goofing off to help was missed likely due to it being on the next page.  Since it most likely didn't affect the total outcome I'll continue and the result can be edited in or skipped

> Walk next to Mayina while in the mansion
> Follow up the stairs and head left at the branch in the staircase


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival III: Heresy and Magic
« Reply #453 on: August 19, 2019, 10:21:01 PM »
> Step half inside the door

> Look at the ones goofing about
> Say in a warm and welcoming way "You know, it would really help the head maid if you helped the others.  You could also finish much faster that way"  Point then towards the ones who are working

> One of the fairies, one with short green bowl-cut hair and two wings, shouts "There's always more work to be done, so we never finish anyway!"

// My post on encouraging the fairies goofing off to help was missed likely due to it being on the next page.  Since it most likely didn't affect the total outcome I'll continue and the result can be edited in or skipped

> Walk next to Mayina while in the mansion
> Follow up the stairs and head left at the branch in the staircase

> You walk next to the male deamon.

> You follow the fairy up the staircase and enter a corridor. The corridor lacks any windows, and is very dark, if it wasn't for Shinki you'd be almost blind here. However, you can see various small plinths with creatures kind of like bats upon them, and a red carpet.

> The fairy stops at an impressive-looking set of double doors.  The doors are a vivid scarlet and clearly have a bat design upon them, spanning both doors. The fairy looks a little apprehensive.

> "T-this is the Mistress' room..." she says. "The Head Maid told me to never do anything with this door ever..."

> "And the Mistress over-rules the Head Maid, let them in." Remilia's voice rings, sounding significantly less... proud than it did before.

> The fairy tries to pull the door open, before she realizes it's a Push door; and shoves one door open, with significant effort.

> The room is pitch black, but you see various ornate furniture, unlike anything you've seen before. Directly in front of you is a very fancy-looking bed, with some sort of... container upon it. The container is open, and you see a figure. The figure resembles Remilia in shape, but it looks little more than a mass of black and scarlet, aside from her eyes, which are as bright as usual.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival III: Heresy and Magic
« Reply #454 on: August 20, 2019, 01:09:53 AM »
// I'm might be a little over cautious here but I don't want Elis to be pulling the old bait-n-switch on us via an illusion or simply because its dark and we can't see.

> Silently thank Shinki for restoring our thermal vision night sight
> Inspect the room before walking in as this might be an illusion or trap by Elis, look especially carefully at darker parts of the room for possible lackeys or minions waiting to jump on us.  Do this in a casual and carefree way, pretending to be fascinated by the ornate nature of the room.  Can never be too careful these days...  If we do notice something off don't panic just casually reach into our pockets (pretending to be shy) for Moonlight Ray
> Proceed up to Remilia (remembering to be polite and bow) and take another look at the room from this angle pretending to be looking at our party following us

> Just as we're about to ask if Remilia is alright we remember her big ego and refrain from belittle-ing her, instead lets talk about Sakuya
> "Sakuya is well but she'll need time to recover as shes lost a lot of blood.  Elis retreated when the dawn broke since she apparently didn't know light is harmful to vampires, however I'm worried she'll come back at night for revenge."


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival III: Heresy and Magic
« Reply #455 on: August 21, 2019, 08:55:04 PM »
// I'm might be a little over cautious here but I don't want Elis to be pulling the old bait-n-switch on us via an illusion or simply because its dark and we can't see.

> Silently thank Shinki for restoring our thermal vision night sight
> Inspect the room before walking in as this might be an illusion or trap by Elis, look especially carefully at darker parts of the room for possible lackeys or minions waiting to jump on us.  Do this in a casual and carefree way, pretending to be fascinated by the ornate nature of the room.  Can never be too careful these days...  If we do notice something off don't panic just casually reach into our pockets (pretending to be shy) for Moonlight Ray
> Proceed up to Remilia (remembering to be polite and bow) and take another look at the room from this angle pretending to be looking at our party following us

> Just as we're about to ask if Remilia is alright we remember her big ego and refrain from belittle-ing her, instead lets talk about Sakuya
> "Sakuya is well but she'll need time to recover as shes lost a lot of blood.  Elis retreated when the dawn broke since she apparently didn't know light is harmful to vampires, however I'm worried she'll come back at night for revenge."

> You cannot see anyone else in the room.

> Remilia listens.

> "That fool, I told her to not peruse but it's her biggest failing as a Maid." she says, sounding more amused than angry. "She's too devoted. A perfect maid would follow her master's command to not fight an enemy beyond her. A dead maid is of no use."

> The vampire chuckles a little.

> "I suppose that means Makai lacks a sun. It would make sense in their development. However, what would she want revenge upon? A vampire cannot bear their fangs at the Sun."

> Remilia's withered form seems to hesitate, the amusement fading.

> "I suppose I should explain what happened, in the event you run into her again.  She attempted to attack Flandre, so I summoned Gungir. This seemed to get her attention, and she began focusing solely on me, attempting to take my Javelin. This distressed Flandre, who attempted to use her power to destroy upon her... and it didn't work. It looked like she gathered the energy into her wand, and then she pointed the wand at me, and Flandre's energy was unleashed. The damage was bad enough that I'm still regenerating. If I hadn't split into a swarm of bats when I realized what was happening she may have actually managed to kill me."

> Remilia seems to hesitate, looking concerned. "Flandre has brute strength but no fighting skill; so she was easily overwhelmed one-on-one, and she's mortified at the state her powers put me in. But it seems the vampire using Flandre's power was a one-off; some kind of redirection, or else I assume she would have simply used the Power to Destroy against Flandre, or your group. But she did manage to take Gungir. It vanished after she took hold of it, I assume she sent it to Makai."

> The scarlet devil folds her arms. Small flecks of skin starting to form over the burnt-looking body of the vampire. "Did that Elis figure show any sort of abilities when fighting your group? The more we know about her, the easier it may be to find some sort of weakness. I'm surprised she found you even worth fighting, was there a reason why she was after you?"
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival III: Heresy and Magic
« Reply #456 on: August 21, 2019, 09:40:45 PM »
> "Pardon me for using the wrong word, not so much revenge but more like "finishing off" those that got away"

> After pausing to think for a bit "She seems to have followed or tracked us after fighting you and ambushed us while we were at Alice the Puppeteer's house talking to her with some powerful instant-knockout illusion magic in an attempt to steal from us"

> "Speaking of your javelin, we'll help you get it back if we can in any way.  Is there anything we need to know about it like if its locatable, or emits energy or what to expect if she tries to throw it at us.  We'll keep the fact that she stole it a secret, as others might try and reclaim it for themselves"
// Add (side) quest:  "Find Remilia's Gungir Javelin which was stolen by another vampire named Elis"

> "She then became interested in me because the darkness I emit somehow blocks her illusions.  So she challenged me to hit her once with three of  my most powerful moves and she managed to time them all out with perfect movement.  I did play a little trick on her though, I didn't actually use any of my spell cards and imitated them with danmaku as I wasn't sure if she knew that I would have been in a trance giving her time to steal the book and get away with it.  Later at Eientei I asked Eirin more about my darkness and she took a blood sample which immediately turned into a gas then darkness itself and then completely disappeared when she put it up against a light, so maybe that has something to do with my darkness shielding from her illusions?"


  • Seg Fault
Re: Rumia Quest Revival III: Heresy and Magic
« Reply #457 on: August 21, 2019, 10:28:28 PM »
> "Pardon me for using the wrong word, not so much revenge but more like "finishing off" those that got away"

> After pausing to think for a bit "She was after Alice the puppeteer that lives in the Forest of Magic, specifically she wanted to steal a magic book from her.  It seems that Elis is even more of a kleptomaniac than Marisa, especially after what you said about your javelin.  However unlike Marisa she is extremely devious, as she tried to use a knock-out illusion on us to take the book."

> "Speaking of your javelin, we'll help you get it back if we can in any way.  Is there anything we need to know about it like if its locatable, or emits energy or what to expect if she tries to throw it at us.  We'll keep the fact that she stole it a secret, as others might try and reclaim it for themselves"
// Add (side) quest:  "Find Remilia's Gungir Javelin which was stolen by another vampire named Elis"

> "She then became interested in me because the darkness I emit somehow blocks her illusions.  So she challenged me to hit her once with three of  my most powerful moves and she managed to time them all out with perfect movement.  I did play a little trick on her though, I didn't actually use any of my spell cards and imitated them with danmaku as I wasn't sure if she knew that I would have been in a trance giving her time to steal the book and get away with it.  Later at Eientei I asked Eirin more about my darkness and she took a blood sample which immediately turned into a gas then darkness itself and then completely disappeared when she put it up against a light, so maybe that has something to do with my darkness shielding from her illusions?"
>Wait on this.

//I have some issues with a section of this. I'll go into details later due to the site being slow, being on a phone, and likely not being able to type up what I want to say in less than 15 minutes.

// I'll be stuck at work until around 10:30 so I'll elaborate more once I get home. I just didn't want Rai to parse before I had a chance to voice my concerns.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival III: Heresy and Magic
« Reply #458 on: August 22, 2019, 12:10:56 AM »
// I carefully reworded the post in an edit to not mention anything about Alice's Grimoire (not sure if this is what you were worried about but I think theres no reason to disclose that to Remilia)


  • Seg Fault
Re: Rumia Quest Revival III: Heresy and Magic
« Reply #459 on: August 22, 2019, 05:37:43 AM »
//Okay, let's do this.

> "Speaking of your javelin, we'll help you get it back if we can in any way.  Is there anything we need to know about it like if its locatable, or emits energy or what to expect if she tries to throw it at us.  We'll keep the fact that she stole it a secret, as others might try and reclaim it for themselves"
// Add (side) quest:  "Find Remilia's Gungir Javelin which was stolen by another vampire named Elis"
>This part is fine.

> "Pardon me for using the wrong word, not so much revenge but more like "finishing off" those that got away"

> After pausing to think for a bit "She seems to have followed or tracked us after fighting you and ambushed us while we were at Alice the Puppeteer's house talking to her with some powerful instant-knockout illusion magic in an attempt to steal from us"
> "She then became interested in me because the darkness I emit somehow blocks her illusions.  So she challenged me to hit her once with three of  my most powerful moves and she managed to time them all out with perfect movement.  I did play a little trick on her though, I didn't actually use any of my spell cards and imitated them with danmaku as I wasn't sure if she knew that I would have been in a trance giving her time to steal the book and get away with it.  Later at Eientei I asked Eirin more about my darkness and she took a blood sample which immediately turned into a gas then darkness itself and then completely disappeared when she put it up against a light, so maybe that has something to do with my darkness shielding from her illusions?"
//I think we should say that she was looking for something we were trying to protect, but not get into any specifics. Nor do I believe we should namedrop Alice. As an extra security measure we should probably send anyone not involved (read: Sumireko) out of the room.


>Parse this:
>"Hmm, abilities... Well she used some kind of light illusion to knock everyone out. I think I wasn't affected due to the darkness that's usually around me blocking the attack. It made her a bit interested in me, so she decided to 'play' with me for a few attacks. Do you think there's any way to counter it without constantly having darkness over you? Because if she manages to catch us by surprise again she could take many combatants out of the fight before it even starts."

//The following is what I was going to post before you replied, which is about in line with what I had in mind.

>Parse the following only with approval:

>"As for your other question... Sumireko, would you mind leaving the room for a few minutes?"
>If she agrees, and once we're sure she can't hear us:
>"...She was after an object we were trying to protect, as well as possibly its owner. For the sake of secrecy and protecting the identity of its owner, I won't go into any more details. Please understand. Anyway she found us right when we found them -- or she followed us and remained undetected somehow, I'm still not sure which. -- and that's when she used the illusion spell that knocked everyone but me out."


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival III: Heresy and Magic
« Reply #461 on: August 22, 2019, 09:45:01 PM »
> "Speaking of your javelin, we'll help you get it back if we can in any way.  Is there anything we need to know about it like if its locatable, or emits energy or what to expect if she tries to throw it at us.  We'll keep the fact that she stole it a secret, as others might try and reclaim it for themselves"
// Add (side) quest:  "Find Remilia's Gungir Javelin which was stolen by another vampire named Elis"

> "Gungnir looks like an ordinary javelin in normal circumstances, but when wielded by one with exceptional magical power, it ignites into a blazing form. It is also a magical weapon that will relentlessly hunt it's target. They say it's an artifact from the Gods that originates from a place called Norway. I imagine it's probably why she was interested in it. If she is wielding it, it'll be obvious, it gives off a lot of heat and energy. Thank goodness Flandre didn't pull out L?vateinn..." Remilia responds.

>Parse this:
>"Hmm, abilities... Well she used some kind of light illusion to knock everyone out. I think I wasn't affected due to the darkness that's usually around me blocking the attack. It made her a bit interested in me, so she decided to 'play' with me for a few attacks. Do you think there's any way to counter it without constantly having darkness over you? Because if she manages to catch us by surprise again she could take many combatants out of the fight before it even starts."

//The following is what I was going to post before you replied, which is about in line with what I had in mind.

>Parse the following only with approval:

>"As for your other question... Sumireko, would you mind leaving the room for a few minutes?"
>If she agrees, and once we're sure she can't hear us:
>"...She was after an object we were trying to protect, as well as possibly its owner. For the sake of secrecy and protecting the identity of its owner, I won't go into any more details. Please understand. Anyway she found us right when we found them -- or she followed us and remained undetected somehow, I'm still not sure which. -- and that's when she used the illusion spell that knocked everyone but me out."

> "That sounds like a Belialillusion, Vamperic magic. It's a magic used to knock out prey so they don't see us Vampires, or recall being fed on. The only ways to avoid such a spell are to not see the light, or to be a creature of the night such as a vampire, or a werebeast. I'm capable of such a feat as well. I suppose one with sufficient magical energy should be able to resist such a spell as well through sheer power."

> The human's astral projection had already had the sense to not enter the bedroom of a vampire, and is waiting outside already, but she moves out of earshot; albeit, somewhat reluctantly.

> "There is little point in attempting to obscure information from me." Remilia remarks in a coy tone. "If I wish to know I would simply ask Sakuya when she returns, and she would be sure to tell me. Besides, with her interest in Gungnir, it's clear they are after objects of great power, and that blonde Makaian who frequently visits the Library cannot obscure the power she holds from me, regardless of how much she may attempt to do so. Try as she might, the fate laid out for her is too great."

> The vampire chuckles. "I know of other powerful artifacts as well. I recall the Head Monk of the Myouren Temple has a scroll from Makai, and the Bamboo Princess has multiple powerful artifacts. So perhaps your encounter was involving those parties. But simply based on the direction Sakuya chased Elis, I would wager the former. Not to mention I know how well-protected the Palace of Eternity is."
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival III: Heresy and Magic
« Reply #462 on: August 23, 2019, 12:03:23 AM »
> Confused ask "Her fate ... is too great?  How much of a someone's fate are you able to see?"

> "Would it possible to reflect the illusion back to the one that cast it with something mirror-like?"

> "I think it would be a good idea to warn the folks at Myouren temple so Elis no longer has the element of surprise.  Eientei is probably too hard for her to find so she might go for an easier pick first since what she steals might make it easier to access other places like Eientei."


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival III: Heresy and Magic
« Reply #463 on: August 23, 2019, 07:44:37 PM »
> Confused ask "Her fate ... is too great?  How much of a someone's fate are you able to see?"

> "Would it possible to reflect the illusion back to the one that cast it with something mirror-like?"

> "I think it would be a good idea to warn the folks at Myouren temple so Elis no longer has the element of surprise.  Eientei is probably too hard for her to find so she might go for an easier pick first since what she steals might make it easier to access other places like Eientei."

> "I can see the strands of fate. The girl has a lot of interwoven, thickly-spun strands. Many possible routes, ranching out, but she is destined for great things." Remilia states. "I know not what, or how, or even which path her fate will branch to; I can only really know broad stretches."

> "Hiding behind a mirror would protect you, but it would not disable the Vampire. As I said, creatures of the night are immune to such an attack." Remilia replies.

> "The head monk of Myouren has connections to Shinki and Makai. If I recall what I heard correctly; she was imprisoned within Makai for around a millennium. She likely is already aware of the situation. The question would be what side she is on."
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • Seg Fault
Re: Rumia Quest Revival III: Heresy and Magic
« Reply #464 on: August 23, 2019, 09:34:44 PM »
>"Wait... Do you think Eientei could be a target? We have people there at the moment, as well as your Maid..."


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival III: Heresy and Magic
« Reply #465 on: August 23, 2019, 10:28:52 PM »
>"Wait... Do you think Eientei could be a target? We have people there at the moment, as well as your Maid..."

> "It took the combined forces of myself; Sakuya; Reimu and Yakumo to break past the defenses of Eientei." Remilia remarks. "If Eientei does not want to be found, it will not be found. Target or not."

[NB: Going with Border/Scarlet team winning the Reimu/Marisa fight in IN. In part because Reimu always > Marisa is a thing, and in part because it dosen't even really make sense how the Magic and Nether teams could break Eientei's defenses, while Border obviously has Yukari, and Scarlet has Remilia's Fate combined with Sakuya's time which can probably mess with Kaguya's Eternity.

Not to say Magic/Nether didn't get involved later, they could easily follow the others once they got in. And I imagine breaking into Eientei isn't easy because it's effected by Kaguya's Eternity powers and thus cannot change. Kaguya could figuratively 'lock the doors' eternally.]
« Last Edit: August 23, 2019, 10:34:05 PM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • Seg Fault
Re: Rumia Quest Revival III: Heresy and Magic
« Reply #466 on: August 23, 2019, 11:24:30 PM »
>"But what if they teleported in or opened a portal directly into it? These rogue makaians have sorta appeared somewhat randomly all over gensokyo, after all."


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival III: Heresy and Magic
« Reply #467 on: August 23, 2019, 11:37:25 PM »
// Reimu always wins indeed!

> "Which side is she on... ?  Why would she be on the heretic daemons side?  Don't Buddhists love peace?  All these daemons have done is cause trouble like attack the human village.  I doubt they are on the daemons side since they setup a barrier specifically to prevent them from passing"

> "Do you think they might go after Reimu's Yin Yang Orbs?  They are pretty much the most powerful weapon in Gensokyo, being able to obliterate any supernatural being"

Branneg Xy

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Re: Rumia Quest Revival III: Heresy and Magic
« Reply #468 on: August 24, 2019, 12:57:13 AM »

> "The head monk of Myouren has connections to Shinki and Makai. If I recall what I heard correctly; she was imprisoned within Makai for around a millennium. She likely is already aware of the situation. The question would be what side she is on."

> "Ah,regarding the Myouren Temple,I am recalling they were wary of the Heretic Makaians since when we..."visited" earler we felt there was a new barrier but not against Youkai ,it was set-up around the time when the Invasion started and Byakuren herself was strangely busy&unavailable deep inside the Temple without prior notice ;all of these has to be connected ".

> " Mmmh,so is the the best way for That Person with A Great Fate - ah, sorry if I am still keeping the who&what vague but we both know and it is to avoid any leaks -  and the Eientei itself,which That Person is currently at ,to stay protected from Elis, who has already become familiar with That Person's Artifact's "Scent ",would be for travelers in need to take precautions and double-checks not to be tracked and for those inside to come out with the same precautions and only in the immediate sorroundings ?"

> " Well certainly a round of warnings to the Gensokyo People Possessing Great Artifacts ,and those close to them, is a good course of action even if only to confirm what they are already suspecting or know ".
« Last Edit: August 24, 2019, 04:28:59 AM by Branneg Xy »
^^^^  " 西行寺幽々子の強奪!!隣の晩御飯 " ->>>
" Yuyuko Saigyouji 's "Uslurpation" !! Dinner is Next ".
( Possibilities of ENGrish ) ^^^^ .


  • Seg Fault
Re: Rumia Quest Revival III: Heresy and Magic
« Reply #469 on: August 24, 2019, 01:00:04 AM »
> "Ah,regarding the Myouren Temple,I am recalling they were wary of the Heretic Makaians since when we..."visited" earler we felt there was a new barrier but not against Youkai ,it was set-up around the time when the Invasion started and Byakuren herself was strangely busy&unavailable deep inside the Temple without prior notice ;all of these has to be connected ".

> " Mmmh,so the best way for Alice and the Eientei itself,which Alice is currently staying at ,to stay protected from Elis, who has already become familiar with Alice's Grimoire "scent",would be  for anyone from outside needing to travel to it to take precautions not to be tracked and the same for thise inside coming if they need to investigate the Bamboo Forest ?"

> " Well certainly a round of warnings to the Gensokyo People Possessing Great Artifacts ,and those close to them, is a good course of action even if only to confirm what they are already suspecting or know ".
>Don't namedrop Alice or the Grimoire, for all we know there may be a nosy fairy maid or Sumireko nearby.

Branneg Xy

  • ^UP ^
Re: Rumia Quest Revival III: Heresy and Magic
« Reply #470 on: August 24, 2019, 04:05:24 AM »
>Don't namedrop Alice or the Grimoire, for all we know there may be a nosy fairy maid or Sumireko nearby.

> Change them to "That Person" and "That Artifact"(Edited Previous Post).

// Certainly Eientei&Guests and those we are going to find out going to them ( Mokou and eventually Keine,Sumireko and a few Human Villagers ) should have Priority Warnings ( "Dolls-Line-Comm") ; specifically Wriggle at Eientei,when alerted,could really help out by organizing " Insect Sentinels "  in the Bamboo Forest. //
« Last Edit: August 24, 2019, 04:52:05 AM by Branneg Xy »
^^^^  " 西行寺幽々子の強奪!!隣の晩御飯 " ->>>
" Yuyuko Saigyouji 's "Uslurpation" !! Dinner is Next ".
( Possibilities of ENGrish ) ^^^^ .


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival III: Heresy and Magic
« Reply #471 on: August 25, 2019, 09:03:08 PM »
>"But what if they teleported in or opened a portal directly into it? These rogue makaians have sorta appeared somewhat randomly all over gensokyo, after all."

> "From my understanding of Houraisan's powers, the palace of Eientei is in a state of Eternity. It can only change if Kaguya wills it to change, or by the hands of someone she's allowed to change it. Opening a portal within it is a change to Eientei. It changes Eientei's state, so it would fail." Remilia states. "It may be possible under the correct circumstances, with magic that can undo Houraisan's powers, but even I could not accomplish that myself; even with my power over Fate. I required Sakuya's assistance."

> "I could feel something strange about that place. Something... stifling." Mayina adds quietly.

// Reimu always wins indeed!

> "Which side is she on... ?  Why would she be on the heretic daemons side?  Don't Buddhists love peace?  All these daemons have done is cause trouble like attack the human village.  I doubt they are on the daemons side since they setup a barrier specifically to prevent them from passing"

> "Do you think they might go after Reimu's Yin Yang Orbs?  They are pretty much the most powerful weapon in Gensokyo, being able to obliterate any supernatural being"

> "I am no expert on Buddhism." Remilia states. "However, from what I know of Makai, they are highly religious themselves. The Head Monk has spent longer within Makai than on Earth. Perhaps she is not what she seems. I must profess I am not someone who knows her well at all however. And I am the type to always expect the worst out of religious individuals. The amount of people who have tried to kill me by preaching or throwing 'Holy' water at me..."

> The vampire chuckles a little at her digression.

> "Ah,regarding the Myouren Temple,I am recalling they were wary of the Heretic Makaians since when we..."visited" earler we felt there was a new barrier but not against Youkai ,it was set-up around the time when the Invasion started and Byakuren herself was strangely busy&unavailable deep inside the Temple without prior notice ;all of these has to be connected ".

> " Mmmh,so is the the best way for That Person with A Great Fate - ah, sorry if I am still keeping the who&what vague but we both know and it is to avoid any leaks -  and the Eientei itself,which That Person is currently at ,to stay protected from Elis, who has already become familiar with That Person's Artifact's "Scent ",would be for travelers in need to take precautions and double-checks not to be tracked and for those inside to come out with the same precautions and only in the immediate sorroundings ?"

> " Well certainly a round of warnings to the Gensokyo People Possessing Great Artifacts ,and those close to them, is a good course of action even if only to confirm what they are already suspecting or know ".

> Remilia makes a movement that would have been a raising of an eyebrow, if she had one at the current time.

> "A barrier specifically to keep Daemons out? How intriguing. I suppose you attempted to enter with him at some point then. Perhaps the Head Monk is fully aware of the situation then, but has chosen to seclude herself and her scroll rather than be useful and warn others, or use her power to fight back. Coward."

> "As long as she remains in Eientei; she should be safe. I can think of no place safer in Gensokyo, except perhaps wherever Yakumo resides... which may be it's own pocket dimension and not Gensokyo at all." Remilia remarks. "I would even go so far as to say if one's intention was to hide; rather than have a location to use as a base to fight from, Eientei would surpass even my mansion."

> Remilia sighs. "I mean, the security can't even keep out Kirisame from bothering Miss Patchouli."
« Last Edit: August 25, 2019, 09:05:29 PM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


  • Seg Fault
Re: Rumia Quest Revival III: Heresy and Magic
« Reply #472 on: August 25, 2019, 09:24:44 PM »
>"Oh, we didn't try to enter with him. There was another Makaian who came to Gensokyo earlier who was on our side. She's back in Makai now, though."

>"Is that so, Mayina? What do you mean by stifling?"


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival III: Heresy and Magic
« Reply #473 on: August 26, 2019, 01:58:49 AM »
> Wonder what Louise is up to...

> "You don't have to fight in the way we think about it, one can help in other ways like by researching how these portals are penetrating our world's barrier so the problem can be stopped at its source"
> "Or Reimu could help simply by staying alive, considering this isn't the typical risk-free danmaku incident"

> "Maybe design a system that encourages responsible lending instead of wasting your time in vain trying to keep her out.  When a dedicated thief like Marisa wants something they'll get it one way or another so why fight the inevitable?  A thief will always choose the path of least resistance when trying to obtain something so all you'd have to do is make sure its way easier to return a book before taking another rather than circumvent the system".  That way you get a win-win situation where Marisa is no longer destroying the mansion on each break-in, Patchouli isn't over-exhausting herself constantly in the pointless effort of trying to keep her out and most importantly books are being returned and not gone"

> "A design I've thought of is a physical barrier around the mansion that only allows a book to leave if the total magical power and weight contained in all of the bookshelves is larger than a specific amount, so she'd have to return a book before taking another or simply read within the library like a normal person would"  To help explain our design make a sphere barrier in our hand with one small darkness sphere inside and one outside, then move the darkness sphere in and out of the physical barrier, dropping the physical barrier when its inside and restoring it when its outside

> Patent this design as "Rumia's Lending Library Barrier 2000" and sell it to libraries across Gensokyo and Makai!

Branneg Xy

  • ^UP ^
Re: Rumia Quest Revival III: Heresy and Magic
« Reply #474 on: August 26, 2019, 10:05:27 PM »
> "...Point taken . I and all of us at this point are wondering about Byakuren Hijiri for the good and for the bad;surely the Myouren&Guests should now pieces here and there".

> " Ah-ah,Of course that Good Makaian has proven herself to be reliable and helpful,especially when conflicts and big questioning had erupted, so presently she truly had been back for sometime helping checking back on Makai for another help in settling this Special Incident on their end".

> " Yes agreed we are getting more  familiar with Eientei and their concealment though I am also agreeing their security could have side-effects if it focus too much on Concealment and Limited to the Vast Majority of the Bamboo Forest ".

> " Aaand,whenever it is feasible,complete or even bettered-up,no forgetting every book&important objects in Miss'Patchouli 's Library should be linked and trackable to the Same Library by that Special Linked-Tuned Barrier,even though Marisa would need to trade 1 for 1 thus coming to terms without loopholes to slip through; not that she would not try for Usefulfness but she still should come to...Would she ?
^^^^  " 西行寺幽々子の強奪!!隣の晩御飯 " ->>>
" Yuyuko Saigyouji 's "Uslurpation" !! Dinner is Next ".
( Possibilities of ENGrish ) ^^^^ .


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival III: Heresy and Magic
« Reply #475 on: August 29, 2019, 06:04:28 PM »
>"Oh, we didn't try to enter with him. There was another Makaian who came to Gensokyo earlier who was on our side. She's back in Makai now, though."

>"Is that so, Mayina? What do you mean by stifling?"

> The vampire looks mildly interested at this statement, but dosen't push.

> "I didn't feel like I could use my magic well there." the daemon remarks. "Nothing feels like I cannot use what magic remains within me here, but at that palace..."

> Wonder what Louise is up to...

> "You don't have to fight in the way we think about it, one can help in other ways like by researching how these portals are penetrating our world's barrier so the problem can be stopped at its source"
> "Or Reimu could help simply by staying alive, considering this isn't the typical risk-free danmaku incident"

> "Maybe design a system that encourages responsible lending instead of wasting your time in vain trying to keep her out.  When a dedicated thief like Marisa wants something they'll get it one way or another so why fight the inevitable?  A thief will always choose the path of least resistance when trying to obtain something so all you'd have to do is make sure its way easier to return a book before taking another rather than circumvent the system".  That way you get a win-win situation where Marisa is no longer destroying the mansion on each break-in, Patchouli isn't over-exhausting herself constantly in the pointless effort of trying to keep her out and most importantly books are being returned and not gone"

> "A design I've thought of is a physical barrier around the mansion that only allows a book to leave if the total magical power and weight contained in all of the bookshelves is larger than a specific amount, so she'd have to return a book before taking another or simply read within the library like a normal person would"  To help explain our design make a sphere barrier in our hand with one small darkness sphere inside and one outside, then move the darkness sphere in and out of the physical barrier, dropping the physical barrier when its inside and restoring it when its outside

> Patent this design as "Rumia's Lending Library Barrier 2000" and sell it to libraries across Gensokyo and Makai!

> You imagine Louise drinking tea

> "The Head Monk has the most knowledge of anyone, at the very least she could have met with Miss Hakurei to help her solve the incident." Remilia complains in a haughty manner.

> "Marisa tells Patchouli that she isn't stealing, she is borrowing until she dies." Remilia remarks. "Besides, we generally do not like random visitors, especially rowdy ones."

> "Sustaining such a barrier would be a lot for Lady Patchouli. She pushes herself enough to sustain the magic of her familar as it is, with her frail constitution and poor health. And besides; different books have different amounts of magical content."

> "...Point taken . I and all of us at this point are wondering about Byakuren Hijiri for the good and for the bad;surely the Myouren&Guests should now pieces here and there".

> " Ah-ah,Of course that Good Makaian has proven herself to be reliable and helpful,especially when conflicts and big questioning had erupted, so presently she truly had been back for sometime helping checking back on Makai for another help in settling this Special Incident on their end".

> " Yes agreed we are getting more  familiar with Eientei and their concealment though I am also agreeing their security could have side-effects if it focus too much on Concealment and Limited to the Vast Majority of the Bamboo Forest ".

> " Aaand,whenever it is feasible,complete or even bettered-up,no forgetting every book&important objects in Miss'Patchouli 's Library should be linked and trackable to the Same Library by that Special Linked-Tuned Barrier,even though Marisa would need to trade 1 for 1 thus coming to terms without loopholes to slip through; not that she would not try for Usefulfness but she still should come to...Would she ?

> "So there are those within Makai who are not seeking to cause trouble in other realms. That at least is good to know." Remilia comments.

> The vampire thinks.

> "Do you think yourself able to pass on a request from myself to Lady Patchouli?"
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival III: Heresy and Magic
« Reply #476 on: August 29, 2019, 11:41:09 PM »
> "I doubt they had any anti Makaian barriers or spells set up there since they didn't really know about Makai.  One possible explanation I can think of is that in the house of eternity your magical energy becomes eternal and the only way to make something finite eternal is to never subtract from it"

> "Borrowing until the end of her life?  That sounds more like stealing to me, isn't giving something back in-person part of borrowing?  Unless being a ghost counts as in-person too"  Chuckle a little at the last bit
> "Perhaps she could use the magic of the books themselves to sustain the barrier?"

> "Some are actually investigating this incident on their side"
> "A request?  Certainly!"


  • Seg Fault
Re: Rumia Quest Revival III: Heresy and Magic
« Reply #477 on: August 30, 2019, 05:48:03 AM »
>"Sure. What is it?"


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival III: Heresy and Magic
« Reply #478 on: August 31, 2019, 07:57:43 PM »
> "I doubt they had any anti Makaian barriers or spells set up there since they didn't really know about Makai.  One possible explanation I can think of is that in the house of eternity your magical energy becomes eternal and the only way to make something finite eternal is to never subtract from it"

> "Borrowing until the end of her life?  That sounds more like stealing to me, isn't giving something back in-person part of borrowing?  Unless being a ghost counts as in-person too"  Chuckle a little at the last bit
> "Perhaps she could use the magic of the books themselves to sustain the barrier?"

> "Some are actually investigating this incident on their side"
> "A request?  Certainly!"

> "Anti-Makai doesn't matter, Eternity is to not change." Remilia explains simply.

> "That's because it is stealing." Mystia comments.

> "The Grimoires do not contain magic, unless they have been enchanted, they contain knowledge." Remilia replies.

>"Sure. What is it?"

> "I wish for Patchouli to send Koakuma to Makai, so she can get a feel for what is occurring and report back. Given our enemy has taken a relic as powerful as Gungnir, surveying the situation in Makai is my next course of action."

> Remilia clenches her fist, looking irate. "Perhaps I shall pay the homeland of my infection a visit once I recover and take back what's mine."
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival III: Heresy and Magic
« Reply #479 on: August 31, 2019, 09:11:17 PM »
> "I agree with reconnaissance being the best first course of action instead of doing what Reimu would do and attack everyone on sight demanding they give you back your javelin"