Author Topic: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai  (Read 291655 times)


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #150 on: November 23, 2018, 12:38:51 AM »
>"So, what's your name anyway?"


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #151 on: November 23, 2018, 05:16:15 AM »
// Perform these actions before Evil_Nazgul0616's
> "Well the crystals we find you wouldn't have found anyways and just by probability we are much more likely to give you the crystals than any other random person that took one"
> "So I guess you just have to trust us"
> Make our most trustworthy face after saying that

> Don't leave until the storm is fully clear, we don't want to risk getting exposed to Miasma

// To other players: Be careful asking for her name, she might ask for ours in return and our name might frighten her if she has happened to hear that legend


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #152 on: November 23, 2018, 06:16:46 AM »
//we could always add a disclaimer :P


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #153 on: November 23, 2018, 01:39:34 PM »
// We will have to see how she responds and if she hints she knows, shouldn't say anything if she doesn't know (Primarily we don't want her running off)


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #154 on: November 23, 2018, 09:57:53 PM »
// Perform these actions before Evil_Nazgul0616's
> "Well the crystals we find you wouldn't have found anyways and just by probability we are much more likely to give you the crystals than any other random person that took one"
> "So I guess you just have to trust us"
> Make our most trustworthy face after saying that

> Don't leave until the storm is fully clear, we don't want to risk getting exposed to Miasma

// To other players: Be careful asking for her name, she might ask for ours in return and our name might frighten her if she has happened to hear that legend

> "And if I show you how to find 'em and you run off I then have more competition." she says in a 'I'm not stupid' tone.

> "No." she says, looking right at 'your most trustworthy face'.

>"So, what's your name anyway?"

> "Geala" she says. "That's the name I was given based on my abilities."

> "Most of my kind are not named until they either have a master name them, or have earnt a name for their deeds or abilities." Mayina adds.

> "Shut up pervert!" Geala says, before giving him a long-distance slap again.

> The storm has now fully faded.
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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #155 on: November 23, 2018, 11:02:08 PM »
> "Alright, we just wanted to help..."
> Make a disappointed/sad face while saying this

> "Well the storm appears to have cleared"
> Hover outside cautiously just above the ground
> Are there any puddles or things on the ground from the storm?
> Visually look for Mana Crystals


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #156 on: November 23, 2018, 11:05:05 PM »
> "Alright, we just wanted to help..."
> Make a disappointed/sad face while saying this

> "Well the storm appears to have cleared"
> Hover outside cautiously just above the ground
> Are there any puddles or things on the ground from the storm?
> Visually look for Mana Crystals

> The daemoness seems satisfied with your state.

> You poke outside the crevice.

> There is a bit of red powder upon the already red ground. The ground seems to be... absorbing it.
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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #157 on: November 24, 2018, 01:48:38 AM »
> Interesting... The powder must be how crystals form

> Look at Geala
> "We were heading towards Paradise, wanna come?"

> If she accepts
> "Great, let's head out"
> If not
> "Good luck with your hunt for crystals!"
> Wave to our group to head out


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #158 on: November 24, 2018, 10:11:40 PM »
> Interesting... The powder must be how crystals form

> Look at Geala
> "We were heading towards Paradise, wanna come?"

> If she accepts
> "Great, let's head out"
> If not
> "Good luck with your hunt for crystals!"
> Wave to our group to head out

> "Hmm, so you're headed for the Capital?" she says. "As... interesting your situation seems to be, I do have work to do."

> "I've heard of a good potential site a decent flight away. I want to get there before anyone else who heard the rumors does." the daemoness says, before she steps out of the crevice, and the small wings on her back grow to about her armspan.

> "Oh; and you may want to stay away from the Wonderland, there's quite a few bandits operateing out of that." she adds, before flying off.
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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #159 on: November 24, 2018, 10:17:17 PM »
> "Thanks for the tip!"
> Make a mental note of the direction she flew in
> "We should get going"
> While flying an eye out for Mana Crystals based on the description she gave us


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #160 on: November 24, 2018, 10:59:46 PM »
> "Thanks for the tip!"
> Make a mental note of the direction she flew in
> "We should get going"
> While flying an eye out for Mana Crystals based on the description she gave us

> She's left, and dosen't her you.

> You make note that she flew over the hill; and headed in that direction.

> "Yes, we lost valuable time due to that Manastorm." Louise says, taking a moment after leaving the cave to get her bearings, before she starts flying off in a direction that would go near, but not over, the buildings that were past this hill.
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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #161 on: November 24, 2018, 11:30:38 PM »
> "Might feel that way, but we met someone we wouldn't have met otherwise..."
> "Its too bad she doesn't trust anyone's help, is everyone in Makai like that?"


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #162 on: November 24, 2018, 11:45:12 PM »
>"Wonderland... didn't you say something about it back when we were ambushed by those dolls in the forest of magic?"


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #163 on: November 25, 2018, 06:18:49 PM »
> "Might feel that way, but we met someone we wouldn't have met otherwise..."
> "Its too bad she doesn't trust anyone's help, is everyone in Makai like that?"

> "Most of Makai is like that, yes. Makai is unforgiving, and most are only out for themselves." Louise states. "In fact, for a group to be described as bandits is rather... unsettleing. Because that implies they've organized into a coherent group. Be it a pack of weaklings teaming up to take down bigger prey, or ones that just happen to have talents that suit each other well... it could be dangerous. Worst is that the Wonderland is the fastest route from here to Paradise."

>"Wonderland... didn't you say something about it back when we were ambushed by those dolls in the forest of magic?"

> "Wonderland is where the puppeteer comes from. Alice of the Wonderland. She was something quite rare in Makai these days. A being that Lady Shinki created directly. A genius child. She even shaped a part of Makai to her whim, something usually only Archmagi can harness the Maisma to do. But she left Makai. I don't know exactly why myself, but it seems some pests have claimed her old realm for themselves. I find the fact she's taken up puppetry amusing however. Even a Daughter of Shinki aspires to her image..."

> Louise's free hand curls up into a fist. "I may have to take action to clear it later. Perhaps use my magic to allow one of their would-be victims to give them a good thrashing. But this is more important."
« Last Edit: November 25, 2018, 06:20:32 PM by Raikaria »
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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #164 on: November 25, 2018, 06:47:21 PM »
> "Huh, didn't know the puppeteer was that strong, always thought her strength came from her dolls"
> "Would me helping you getting rid of the bandits be considered interference?  If Makai really is how you described, it shouldn't be too hard to play that to our advantage and turn them against eachother..."
> "...and if they killed each other I technically wouldn't be "harming" them, just contributed to their own demise"
> "Like if we had something that cannot be shared, yet powerful or valuable enough to make them willing to betray eachother to get it"

> "But for getting to Paradise should we just go around Wonderland?"


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #165 on: November 25, 2018, 08:38:29 PM »
> "Huh, didn't know the puppeteer was that strong, always thought her strength came from her dolls"
> "Would me helping you getting rid of the bandits be considered interference?  If Makai really is how you described, it shouldn't be too hard to play that to our advantage and turn them against eachother..."
> "...and if they killed each other I technically wouldn't be "harming" them, just contributed to their own demise"
> "Like if we had something that cannot be shared, yet powerful or valuable enough to make them willing to betray eachother to get it"

> "But for getting to Paradise should we just go around Wonderland?"

> "The strong ones always hide how strong they really are." Louise states.

> "Possibly, it would probobly be best to bring it up in Paradise however. Maybe you can get permission, seeing as it's en route anyway. But for now, yes, we should go around." the lady in white replies.

> The landscape is starting to change. There are significantly fewer hills; and the pulsing laylines are getting brighter. The red ground is starting to become rockier, and shifting towards blue. Occasionally, there is a tree similar to an evergreen from Earth, except it's leaves are orange, and bark red. The crimson sky shifts towards purple as you proceed.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #166 on: November 25, 2018, 08:48:46 PM »
> "I guess that makes sense, no need to let your enemies know how strong you are until its too late, you wouldn't even know she is from Makai"
> "Who would we ask for permission?"
> Do we see anything up ahead in the distance?


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #167 on: November 26, 2018, 05:16:44 PM »
> "I guess that makes sense, no need to let your enemies know how strong you are until its too late, you wouldn't even know she is from Makai"
> "Who would we ask for permission?"
> Do we see anything up ahead in the distance?

> "Well there's also perhaps the fact she's conserving her power. While that area of Gensokyo seems to have strong enough magic to have a maisma, it's still weak compared to Makai's." Louise states.

> "Someone high-ranking and close to Lady Shinki. Probobly the same people who deal with those who come here from other worlds." Louise explains.

> Not immediately; but after a few moments something comes into veiw on the horizon that isn't one of the [increasingly common] trees.

> You can vaguely see four spires, each a large distance apart, and a massive structure between them. It's on the horizon, so you can't make out colors or details yet. But perhaps more than just seeing it, you can *feel* the power from this site. There is a massive concentration of magical energy. Your instincts tell you to run from something this overwhelmingly strong.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #168 on: November 26, 2018, 06:41:46 PM »
> "There's people that specialize in visitors from other worlds?  In Gensokyo visitors other than humans are usually greeted with a gohei to the face by Reimu"

> "Something big is up ahead, I can already feel the magical energy from here, which is kind of scary!"

> Pay close attention to the energy we are feeling, we don't want to get poisoned by Miasma.  Tell the others to stop and take a break if we start feeling poisoned


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #169 on: November 26, 2018, 09:17:47 PM »
> "There's people that specialize in visitors from other worlds?  In Gensokyo visitors other than humans are usually greeted with a gohei to the face by Reimu"

> "Something big is up ahead, I can already feel the magical energy from here, which is kind of scary!"

> Pay close attention to the energy we are feeling, we don't want to get poisoned by Miasma.  Tell the others to stop and take a break if we start feeling poisoned

> "Something about that... dosen't surprise me." Louise states.

> "That's because we're nearing Paradise. Even discounting Lady Shinki herself; I doubt you could find a larger concentration of magic power in any dimension. Every single layline in Makai originates from there. Most of the various magicians from various worlds come here. For a being who lives in a world like Gensokyo, Paradise would likely be an impossible place for you to go to safely." Louise explains. "And when you account for the presence of Lady Shinki in Pandemonium itself... well; her magical power is so large that no-one knows the true scale of it."

> You feel more an overwhelming sense of trepidation and pressure. You don't feel poisoned or endangered. It's... just unsettleing. Kogasa looks the same.

> As you get closer, you can make out that the city is laid out in a square, with a large, crystalline tower at each corner, each sculpted differently, but all the same height. One is Black, another white, one blue and another green; the two pairs opposite each other.

> From your vantage point in the air, you can see the center of the city is actually empty of buildings, and is instead a large field of ice. Floating above this is a massive structure that you can only assume from it's grandiose nature is Pandemonium. It is largely a mixture of purple, red, white and black, in seemingly random, yet mesmerizing patters. What's more is it shimmers and twinkles a little with every color imaginable.

> Between the center, and the pillars of crystal, the architecture varies wildly. All sorts of materials and types of buildings exist, although many seem in incorporate at least some crystal within them.

[If I get the chance and can create something decent, I'll make a basic layout picture of Paradise, like a map.]
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #170 on: November 26, 2018, 09:41:34 PM »
// That might be helpful if there's a lot to do here, though it might reveal areas Rumia doesn't know exist

> "Whoa it looks unlike anything I've seen in Gensokyo!"
> Can we see any people or are we too far?
> "Where exactly in Paradise are we going?"

> Can we interact with our own demarcation barriers or do we pass through them?  Also can we change the shape or are they always spherical?


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #171 on: November 26, 2018, 09:51:37 PM »
// That might be helpful if there's a lot to do here, though it might reveal areas Rumia doesn't know exist

> "Whoa it looks unlike anything I've seen in Gensokyo!"
> Can we see any people or are we too far?
> "Where exactly in Paradise are we going?"

> Can we interact with our own demarcation barriers or do we pass through them?  Also can we change the shape or are they always spherical?

> "This city has probobly existed longer than Gensokyo has." Louise comments.

> You are still too far.

> "Well; the best place to go would be... well... security. We do have a prisoner after all. This isn't exactly a situation I've been in often either." Louise says.

[How much there is to do in Paradise entirely depends on what you do. Also it could come up again later.

The only thing you *have* to do in Paradise are your Main Quests; investigating the Incident and dealing with the Mayina issue.

Things like dealing with the Wonderland Bandits; investigating about Vina and the Legend of Lumina are side quests and completely optional, but any of them could lead to encounters or knowledge that may later help or hinder you.]
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #172 on: November 26, 2018, 10:02:15 PM »
> "Well let's head to security first then, wouldn't they be able to figure out who Mayina's boss is?"

> Question about barriers in last post still stands


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #173 on: November 26, 2018, 10:13:08 PM »
> "Well let's head to security first then, wouldn't they be able to figure out who Mayina's boss is?"

> Question about barriers in last post still stands

> "Very well then." Louise says; as you approach the city.

> It's easiest to make a basic; flat barrier. Spherical ones are more tricky. What's actually hardest is anything in the middle, or that isn't one of those shapes. In fact it's beyond your ability.

> As you approach Paradise, you can start to make out large amounts of people in generally strange clothing milling about. The vast majority of them are wearing different outfits from each other, although you occasionally see members of Mayina's race in their butler-like outfits.

> Louise seems to be leading you to a building near the Ice Field.
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Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #174 on: November 26, 2018, 10:21:33 PM »
> "So what exactly does this security place do?"

> Keep an eye on Mayina and be ready to make some barriers if he decides to pull something now that we are almost there


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #175 on: November 26, 2018, 11:03:06 PM »
> "So what exactly does this security place do?"

> Keep an eye on Mayina and be ready to make some barriers if he decides to pull something now that we are almost there

> "They deal with any threats to the security of Paradise, or Makai as a whole. I guess you could consider them Makai's Home Guard. Of course, they're not Lady Shinki's personal Elite Guard, but they act as guards for the Council of Archmagic." Louise explains. "So they're the ones to deal with any sort of organised plot against Paradise, and that little portal issue."

> He's pretty much given up on struggling against Louise's chains now.

> Louise brings you to a somewhat large building made of red crystals. Next to it is a larger, and fancier building. Like some sort of large shrine, made of a mixture of blue, green, black and white crystals. It's the largest structure besides the four towers and Pandemonium.

> Some of the locals give you and Kogasa odd looks as they pass by.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2018, 11:05:19 PM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #176 on: November 26, 2018, 11:12:43 PM »
> "Ah so kind of like what Reimu does for Gensokyo"
> "Well let's head in"

> Don't worry about the locals, I'm sure we would do the same if we saw someone wearing a fishbowl on their head...
> Whisper to Kogasa "I'm sure they are surprised to see people like us around here, haha"


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #177 on: November 26, 2018, 11:46:59 PM »
> "Ah so kind of like what Reimu does for Gensokyo"
> "Well let's head in"

> Don't worry about the locals, I'm sure we would do the same if we saw someone wearing a fishbowl on their head...
> Whisper to Kogasa "I'm sure they are surprised to see people like us around here, haha"

> "I guess that would be the closest comparison." Louise says.

> You; Kogasa; Louise and Donitia all enter, with Mayina dragged behind.

> Inside you see various Mayina-like daemons, wearing a slightly different uniforms [Blue instead of black, with a badge shaped like one of their wings on their lapel, with Makai-language written on it.] flying around. At a large desk is a more intimidating being.

> It's a female; larger than the various daemons flying around. She has four; large wings upon her back, and is wearing a hat with two black wing badges upon it, one each side. Two yellow horns, like a bull's emit from her head, and she has a long, thin tail tipped with a spear-like appendage at the end, swishing around. She looks older than the others, and even has grey hair tied in a bun. She is seemingly using magic to move multiple pens and papers at once, writing on things. She is wearing a pair of reading glasses, and her outfit is similar to the other workers, but with golden rims around the edges of it.

> "Yes?" she asks without even looking.
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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #178 on: November 27, 2018, 12:24:18 AM »
> "We brought you a troublemaker!"
> Point at Mayina
> "We caught him just outside a dimensional portal when he tried to attack us.  He was following orders when we defeated him and couldn't tell us much about his master due to the servitude contract he is under.  The only concrete thing we were able to find out was that he was on some kind of "scouting mission""

> Look at Louise if she has anything to add
> Meanwhile form a barrier to sit on and watch what happens next with a "mission accomplished" pose


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival II - Phantoms of Makai
« Reply #179 on: November 27, 2018, 05:34:14 PM »
Firstly; and I apologize since I don't have anything better than Paint to do it; here's a basic map of Paradise's layout. Basically if Rumia walked up to a tourist map:

I'm not going to spoil/explain the purposes of the Towers yet until they become relevant, but any map or local would say what the names were.

> "We brought you a troublemaker!"
> Point at Mayina
> "We caught him just outside a dimensional portal when he tried to attack us.  He was following orders when we defeated him and couldn't tell us much about his master due to the servitude contract he is under.  The only concrete thing we were able to find out was that he was on some kind of "scouting mission""

> Look at Louise if she has anything to add
> Meanwhile form a barrier to sit on and watch what happens next with a "mission accomplished" pose

> The daemoness looks at you when you say there's a troublemaker. She listens looking half-interested.

> "Dimensional portal?" she asks. "We're not the inter-dimensional police..."

> As you sit down, Louise says casually "That portal led to Gensokyo."

> This gets the daemoness to look seriously from you, to Kogasa, and then to the chained daemon.

> "Are you serious about this?" the daemoness asks; clearly shaken by the word 'Gensokyo'. You note the other daemons have all stopped and are looking at you in surprise and... fear?

> Louise tilts her head and smiles, opening her eyes a little bit. "Absolutely, or do you doubt my word?"

> Something about what Louise did causes the daemoness to sit back down, and look somewhat cowed.

> "If this is true this is beyond my paygrade, you know." she says. "But you'd already know that, wouldn't you? After last time."

> "Of course I already knew that, Velatrix." Louise replies, smiling sweetly with both hands together. "I actually wanted to inform you that I intend to use these two witnesses while I escort them back home to clear out a bandit camp in the Wonderland. Don't want any misunderstandings and these Gensokyians getting into trouble. I would also like him detained, of course. For interrogation later. It's rather tireing dragging him around, and you're the ones with the authority to undo his oaths of secrecy."

> "I'd rather a cage frankly myself as well at this point." Mayina grumbles.

> The daemoness makes a signal with her hands, and three daemons fly down and physically restrain Mayina, placing another set of bindings on him. Louise released her own chain, which swiftly flies back into the luggage bag.

> "I suppose you'll want me to notify them that you are coming, and bringing two witnesses from outside Makai?" Velatrix asks.

> "Of course." Louise states, before she turns back to you.

> "Right, that's security taken care of. Didn't want any trouble happening if I just flew into where we'll need to go."
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.