Author Topic: Rumia Quest Revival - A New Beginning  (Read 139760 times)


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - A New Beginning
« Reply #300 on: September 10, 2018, 12:33:51 AM »
> Shout "Grab them and keep them from shooting!"
> This arc could be dangerous since it's magical shots, so fly straight up so it misses us completely with room to spare, then fire a laser at it
> Can we create stationary shots?


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - A New Beginning
« Reply #301 on: September 10, 2018, 12:40:23 AM »
>aim for the sunflower fairy 's wings


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - A New Beginning
« Reply #302 on: September 10, 2018, 09:09:58 AM »
> Shout "Grab them and keep them from shooting!"
> This arc could be dangerous since it's magical shots, so fly straight up so it misses us completely with room to spare, then fire a laser at it
> Can we create stationary shots?

> Wriggle and Mystia are busy with the fairy they've caught; and Kogasa is already in a spell trance, so Daiyousei is the only one who can do anything. She replaces your lasers with a spread-shot of her kunai danmaku from each hand. It looks like doing this is taking quite a lot of effort for her.

> You fly right up, dodgeing the wave. The Flower Fairy ignores you, and instead aims at Kogasa.

> No; doing that is actually a really high-level skill. You might be able to make some slow shots; but not stationary ones. [And even stationary ones fizzle after a time or start moving again].

>aim for the sunflower fairy 's wings

> You launch another laser at the Sunflower Fairy; aiming for it's wings. This gets it attention away from Kogasa, and it emits a barrier from it's flower; causing the beam to fizzle.

> The fairy starts flying slowly towards you; launching a quad-shot of large bubbles as it does so. These are rather fast moving and being fired at a good rate. If this was actual danmaku she'd probobly be better than any danmaku that any of your group could perform as a nonspell.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2018, 09:13:52 AM by Raikaria »
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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - A New Beginning
« Reply #303 on: September 10, 2018, 12:47:54 PM »
> We are able to create delayed-spawn lasers right? The ones that are a thin line before turning in to a laser.
> Dodge the bubbles by moving down and streaming to the left, we should be doing this in a way to circle around her
> Can we get a good aim at the arm holding the barrier flower?


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - A New Beginning
« Reply #304 on: September 10, 2018, 01:55:42 PM »
> We are able to create delayed-spawn lasers right? The ones that are a thin line before turning in to a laser.
> Dodge the bubbles by moving down and streaming to the left, we should be doing this in a way to circle around her
> Can we get a good aim at the arm holding the barrier flower?

> Yes; although you can only create a few at once; they don't last long before they fire; and you can't move much while setting them up.

> The fairy 's sheer rate of fire and speed of the bubbles makes this not the easiest thing to do; especially if you choose to slow down enough to set up the delayed lasers. [It's an attack that requires Focus]

> The fairy is holding the flower [?] with both hands. The fairy's arms are rather small targets. You doubt you could hit them cleanly; especially through the fairy's own danmaku.

> The fairy stops moving altogether except to turn and face you. It starts swinging the flower from left to right; causing the quad shots to arc towards the left and then the right in alternate waves. It kind of reminds you of the waves you use in your Night Bird spellcard.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2018, 01:57:52 PM by Raikaria »
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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - A New Beginning
« Reply #305 on: September 10, 2018, 03:08:32 PM »
> If the attack is like our own Night Bird then lets move small amounts to the side to stream the aimed central bullet of the arc.  Do this in small enough increments so the attack is always lagging behind us and doesn't create array bullets.
> Once we have the pattern under control, fire two thick bursts of aimed red bullets but make the speed of first bullets spawned high and the rest linearly slower (like one of our nonspells) and aim each burst slightly off the fairy so if it dodges it will run in to them then quickly spawn a single small yellow bullet aimed directly on it


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - A New Beginning
« Reply #306 on: September 10, 2018, 03:46:45 PM »
> If the attack is like our own Night Bird then lets move small amounts to the side to stream the aimed central bullet of the arc.  Do this in small enough increments so the attack is always lagging behind us and doesn't create array bullets.
> Once we have the pattern under control, fire two thick bursts of aimed red bullets but make the speed of first bullets spawned high and the rest linearly slower (like one of our nonspells) and aim each burst slightly off the fairy so if it dodges it will run in to them then quickly spawn a single small yellow bullet aimed directly on it

> The initial issue is figuring out which of the bullets is the one actually aimed at you; because it's a quad-shot; there isn't a central one. However that just makes it an issue of 'dodge a little bit to the side.

> You shoot off a red burst of bullets. Some of them simply clash against the wall of bubbles that are rushing towards you; but your blast is far denser, both in terms of the magic itself and the shots.

> This one catches the fairy off-guard, and what bullets make it through land. You hear the 'dundundun' of the danmaku making contact, and a small squeal. You fire a single yellow bullet which also hits the fairy.

> The fairy looks relatively beaten up at this point, and is breathing pretty heavily. It says something that you can't understand, before it starts building up magical energy around itself. The fairy looks mad.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - A New Beginning
« Reply #307 on: September 10, 2018, 03:58:08 PM »
>Fire lasers at its wings.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - A New Beginning
« Reply #308 on: September 10, 2018, 04:04:47 PM »
>Fire lasers at its wings.

> You fire some lasers towards the fairy's wings, but it releases the magical energy in a wave and the attack fizzles.

> After this; the fairy waves her flower around, but only a few red petal-like bullets fly out. These bullets float slowly... and then fizzle before even getting close.

> The fairy looks confused; and shouts in that language again. If you turned around to see her; Louise would be blushing at the fairy's language.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - A New Beginning
« Reply #309 on: September 10, 2018, 04:06:55 PM »
>be on our guard just in case the bullets turned invisible or something.
>"Running out of energy, I assume? You still have a chance to surrender, you know. We just wanted to ask you and your buddies a few questions anyway."


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - A New Beginning
« Reply #310 on: September 10, 2018, 04:18:48 PM »
> Ready Moonlight Ray just in case
> Does declaring a spellcard cancel out shots near us? (Like a bomb?)
> Move towards Louise


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - A New Beginning
« Reply #311 on: September 10, 2018, 05:06:04 PM »
>be on our guard just in case the bullets turned invisible or something.
>"Running out of energy, I assume? You still have a chance to surrender, you know. We just wanted to ask you and your buddies a few questions anyway."

> You doubt fairies are smart enough to do anything like that; but you remain on guard just in case.

> The fairy blinks a few times; and yells more gibbersh.

> Ready Moonlight Ray just in case
> Does declaring a spellcard cancel out shots near us? (Like a bomb?)
> Move towards Louise

> Declaration of a spellcard 'resets' the area, clearing all danmaku for a moment. It also forms a Bounded Field; limiting movement to an area so the other party can't just time it out by running away and actually has to dodge.

> You move towards Louise; who still looks relatively embarrassed. You start to hear a 'do... do...' sound coming from Kogasa's direction.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - A New Beginning
« Reply #312 on: September 10, 2018, 05:08:56 PM »
>Glance at Kogasa just to make sure she's okay.

>"Sorry, I can't really understand you. Hey Louise, do you understand her at all?"


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - A New Beginning
« Reply #313 on: September 10, 2018, 05:14:37 PM »
> "Louise can you tell her that we are not hostile?"


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - A New Beginning
« Reply #314 on: September 10, 2018, 05:19:10 PM »
> "Louise can you tell her that we are not hostile?"
>Only ask this if Louise confirms that she can understand the fairy.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - A New Beginning
« Reply #315 on: September 10, 2018, 06:31:25 PM »
>Glance at Kogasa just to make sure she's okay.

>"Sorry, I can't really understand you. Hey Louise, do you understand her at all?"

> Kogasa's face looks somewhat strained and the ring around her the indicates the time left on her spellcard is getting awfully small.

> Louise nods. "She's speaking a Makaian Dialect. It's not the one I usually speak... it's like a thuggish version. But I can... make sense of it. I'd rather not translate certain choice words she's spewing however. She has quite a foul mouth."

> "Louise can you tell her that we are not hostile?"

> Louise speaks in a manner you don't understand.

> The fairy waves her flower around frantically while yelling.

> "She dosen't care. She's was told to attack anyone she found." Louise says. "She also asked how I can speak to her. She's... not very bright."
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - A New Beginning
« Reply #316 on: September 10, 2018, 06:37:25 PM »
>How is everyone holding up? Are all fairies aside from Angry McFlowers apprehended or accidentally dead?

>"Ask who told her to attack people. If she's like most fairies on our end you could probably offer sweets or something shiny to get her to talk if she's uncooperative..."


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - A New Beginning
« Reply #317 on: September 10, 2018, 06:53:05 PM »
>How is everyone holding up? Are all fairies aside from Angry McFlowers apprehended or accidentally dead?

>"Ask who told her to attack people. If she's like most fairies on our end you could probably offer sweets or something shiny to get her to talk if she's uncooperative..."

> Wriggle and Mystia are fine containing their lone fairy. Kogasa's spell is about to timeout and Daiyousei is looking tired.

> Louise asks the fairy something, and in response she gets a rude hand gesture that you do understand. It appears this fairy isn't aware of the Gensokyo custom that the loser of a spellcard duel needs to do as the winner says, within reason.

> The do sound gets a lot louder; before with a sudden sound; Kogasa's danmaku vanishes. The four fairies she was trapping, which seems to have gone down to three with another one getting hit; immediately fly upwards rendering Daiyousei's barrage useless. Kogasa starts fending them off with her nonspells [Which look far more competent than anything you can do, it seems Kogasa's actually pretty decent at danmaku!]. Wriggle spawns a couple more firefly familiars and Mystia goes to help Kogasa while Daiyousei floats there tired.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - A New Beginning
« Reply #318 on: September 10, 2018, 06:55:59 PM »
>"Do you think you can handle negotiations with her, Miss Louise? It looks like the others are having trouble."


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - A New Beginning
« Reply #319 on: September 10, 2018, 06:59:56 PM »
>"Do you think you can handle negotiations with her, Miss Louise? It looks like the others are having trouble."

> "I'm not sure how co-operative this fairy will be. She's a stupid thug. Dumb muscle. Well, as much muscle as a fairy has." Louise says. "But I shall try."
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - A New Beginning
« Reply #320 on: September 10, 2018, 07:04:12 PM »
>"Thank you. I'll repay you for the favor later."
>Bow, then rush to Kogasa's aid.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - A New Beginning
« Reply #321 on: September 10, 2018, 07:33:56 PM »
>"Thank you. I'll repay you for the favor later."
>Bow, then rush to Kogasa's aid.

> "I'm as curious as you are." Louise says.

> You fly over to help Kogasa and Mystia; making it a three-on-three. The fairies are currently rapidly flying from left to right; fireing danmaku directly forward as they do so. They're not even aiming at the two youkai; but their movements are erratic enough with them switching directions frequently that they are proving rather hard to hit thermselves. It's somewhat impressive that the three fairies are co-ordinateing so well.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2018, 07:49:20 PM by Raikaria »
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - A New Beginning
« Reply #322 on: September 10, 2018, 09:38:39 PM »
> Fire at a fast but constant rate small aimed shots from both hands.  With them moving fast and randomly it will completely mess up the pattern and probably land some hits


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - A New Beginning
« Reply #323 on: September 10, 2018, 09:44:41 PM »
> Fire at a fast but constant rate small aimed shots from both hands.  With them moving fast and randomly it will completely mess up the pattern and probably land some hits

> You fire basic danmaku from your hands in what amounts to a forward focus shot.

> The fairies were not paying attention to you; already at a disadvantage against Mystia and Kogasa together. Your flanking barrage squarely hits the fairy closest you; who promptly poofs into a mist cloud. The other two suddenly panic and fly into Kogasa and Mystia's own danmaku. They also both go poof.

> It seems only the ringleader was tough enough to actually take any amount of punishment. Normal for fairies; to be honest.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - A New Beginning
« Reply #324 on: September 10, 2018, 09:46:50 PM »
> "Everyone alright?"
> "Louise any luck?"


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - A New Beginning
« Reply #325 on: September 10, 2018, 09:58:57 PM »
> "Everyone alright?"
> "Louise any luck?"

> Wriggle; Mystia and Kogasa all remark that they are fine. Daiyousei takes a moment and holds up her hand while nodding.

> You go over to Louise.

> "Well; I've managed to do two things." Louise says. "Firstly; I got a name out of her. This one has a name. Donaita. Secondly I cast a charm on her to translate her dialect to... well... Japanese. So you can talk to her now if you want. See if you can get more out of her than I..."

> "I ain't givin' you guys anything. BLEEP off." the fairy yells.

> "I took the liberty of adding that censor as well." Louise remarks. "You all look pretty young. You probobly shouldn't hear the language she spouts."

[OCC: Donaita is a shorted version of 'Don Sprite' - Donsupuraito with the o replaced by an a to make the name more feminine. Blame my Italian lessons for that last bit. 'Don Sprite' because she's the thuggish leader of a band of fairies; of course.]
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - A New Beginning
« Reply #326 on: September 10, 2018, 10:21:25 PM »
>"Most of us are older than we look anyway... well, I, personally, don't know how old I am but eh... details."

>Try to say this quiet enough for our friends to hear, but not the fairy, "Be ready to grab her if she tries to bolt."

>Look at the fairy.
>"So... Donaita, was it? You must be pretty strong to take that kind of punishment and still be standing."


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - A New Beginning
« Reply #327 on: September 10, 2018, 10:28:29 PM »
> "Who told you to attack, Donaita?"


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - A New Beginning
« Reply #328 on: September 10, 2018, 10:38:14 PM »
>"Most of us are older than we look anyway... well, I, personally, don't know how old I am but eh... details."

>Try to say this quiet enough for our friends to hear, but not the fairy, "Be ready to grab her if she tries to bolt."

>Look at the fairy.
>"So... Donaita, was it? You must be pretty strong to take that kind of punishment and still be standing."

> Louise nods, but says "Well I'd rather not continue to hear her cursing."

> You turn around and whisper to Wriggle; as she's closest.

> "Yeah I'm strong. If I didn't run out of energy you'd be dead you blonde BLEEP." the fairy says angrily. "Weaklings like you wouldn't survive in Makai."

> "Who told you to attack, Donaita?"

> "Like I need someone to tell me to attack someone, moron." the fairy responds. "Even if you told you BLEEPs some random person in Makai; you wouldn't even know who it was."

> Louise starts casting some sort of spell, and the ten clouds of red mist start to slowly float towards her.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Rumia Quest Revival - A New Beginning
« Reply #329 on: September 10, 2018, 10:48:38 PM »
> "We are no weaklings, we defeated you and your partners without even using magical shots!"
> "Now tell us and we might leave you alone"
> Can we charge up a shot without actually firing it?  Like the pre bullet "glow"