Author Topic: How did you get into Touhou?  (Read 14316 times)


  • Touhou ga daisuki!
How did you get into Touhou?
« on: July 07, 2017, 08:09:50 PM »
We haven't had one of these in quite a while, so why not make a new thread?

For me, I was a fan of the Ricochet series of Breakout-style games a long time ago. On the forums for that game, there was someone who was advertising his Super Mario World hack. That let me know about SMW Central. From there, I learned about the LPer raocow. He played a lot of SMW hacks, but also a lot of Touhou fangames. It was then when I found out about Touhou. (That last part happened in 2010, but the erst of the dates are really fuzzy.)
« Last Edit: July 07, 2017, 09:37:11 PM by Goomba98 »

Re: How did you get into Touhou?
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2017, 08:42:57 PM »
I attend retro gaming conventions once or twice a year, and often find a fighting game I haven't heard of before and have a bit of mindless fun being very bad at it. On one such occasion, I looked the game up on YouTube afterwards to watch some better-quality gameplay, and the "recommended to watch next" videos included the Touhou fighters. I fell madly in love with The Ground's Color is Yellow, looked up other Touhou music, and watched a few gameplay videos. My immediate reaction was "I'll never be able to do that", and it was a long time afterwards that I decided to give them a try :)

Re: How did you get into Touhou?
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2017, 09:22:02 PM »
For me it was when I started to see videos of EoSD break out around the place so I decided to check it myself. Took years later to download the games due to me having a horrible computer at the time that couldn't even handle flash games, let alone a simple Bullet Hell shooter. I was looking at everything from the games and the fandom until then. Once I got a good computer I found and got a good amount of games and has been hooked ever since.

MANoBadAssGar Jr.

  • look at dat pose, look at dat face
Re: How did you get into Touhou?
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2017, 11:46:12 PM »
It was 2 years ago, virtual trumpet orchestra party at the local mayoral election, they told me it's a "Bloom Nobly, Ink-Black Cherry Blossom ~ Border of Life".
I looked it up on internet but it bought me to e-h*. It changes my life, i've been "Phantom Ensemble" whore ever since.



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Re: How did you get into Touhou?
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2017, 12:11:26 AM »
After grade 8 ended for me, I was looking for something to fill a void.  While I was wading through endless waves of memes, I soon came upon UN Owen.  I thought it was funny and the song itself was pretty good.  Once I learned it was from a thing called Touhou, I suddenly had a very famous video in my recommendations, and that was Touhou 10 Ultra Extra clear.  I took one look at it and thought "that's absolutely insane".  I eventually found a copy of EoSD floating around (and subsequently buying it off of Amazon) and I started playing.  My first run on Normal was one when I didn't know what a focus button was and I had no idea Icicle Fall had a safespot.  I bombspammed my way through Rumia and then died to Cirno (it took 3 continues to beat her at first).  Pretty soon after, I found Raak1010's videos on Lunatic clears of several Touhou games, and I started to play more.  After 4 years of playing Touhou, I've gotten 1cc's on Normal of most Touhou games (Windows and PC-98), 2 Extra clears, and am working on EoSD 1cc Hard.  Coming full circle to the game I started with.
Return of Eastern Wonderland! Made by a PC-98 fan FOR fans!
1ccs: SoEW (N), LLS (N), MS (N), EoSD (N, H), PCB (N), IN (N, H), PoFV (N, 5 char), MoF (N), SA (N), UFO (N), TD (N), DDC (N), LoLK (N), HSiFS (E, N, L), WBaWC (N)
Extra: EoSD, PCB, IN, PoFV, MoF, HSiFS, WBaWC
Scoring: HSiFS Easy (PB: 1.1b), Barrage Musical Hard (PB: 28.?b)


  • Vocaloid for the win!
  • Gensokyo forever!
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Re: How did you get into Touhou?
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2017, 02:20:15 AM »
In mid 2010 I had decided to expand my interests beyond Vocaloid. While Vocaloid was still my main thing, I started slowly discovering things in the same way I discovered vocaloid - memes. I basically prowled through knowyourmeme for anime related memes. If this lead me directly to Touhou is something I'm not entirely sure of though. I know I listened to the song "Yukkuri Shiteite ne" before I knew what Touhou was. Did I discover Touhou then? I don't know, but I do know I didn't get into it then. I recall hearing a bad apple cover sung by GUMI at some point and liking it. I then discovered the original and noted that I was probably going to like Flandre. I believe this was the first time that I started actually looking for Touhou things. I'm sure it was at this point that I discovered that the song "Kasane Territory" was based off Cirno and Suwako's themes. I may have even discovered that McRoll was Flandre's theme - I'm not actually sure. At some point I would discover the 4koma "Life of Maid" by Colonel Aki which had parallels with "Chibi Miku San" by Colourful Pallet. This lead me into Touhou doujins and properly got me into Touhou enough to declare myself a fan after a while. I'm sure it wasn't long before I started playing every Touhou game from 1-9 in chronological order. Either way, I was already into Touhou by the time I discovered it. Vocaloid and Touhou were so linked back in those days that you couldn't help but find some Touhou in your life. By August 2012 I was properly obsessed with it as the first record of me believing in Gensokyo's existence (a dream in which I met Nitori) - that being said I'd already believed it's existence was possible before I properly knew what Touhou was. I got into Touhou quite slowly, slowly enough to not fully remember, but it was still enough to make a very deep impact on my life.
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!


  • MoonScraper
Re: How did you get into Touhou?
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2017, 04:05:17 AM »
The first time I played a Touhou game was probably around Hisoutensoku's era. Someone mentioned the game and I tried it but quite frankly, during  that time, playing the story mode and dealing with spell cards actually made me dislike the game so I just dropped it and moved on to Melty Blood. Less than a year later or so between the release of DS and GFW, I was becoming more and more a fan of shoot em' ups after playing a few games like Axelay, Super Aleste, Night Striker, Galaxy Force II, Darius Gaiden, Over Horizon, etc. and I asked a few friends if they knew any shoot em' up with good music. I was directed towards EOSD. While I didn't think the game was all that great, I was really impressed by some of the music (Namely Cirno, Patchy and Remilia's boss themes).

I then stumbled on a music video through TV Tropes and that brought me to M-1 Grand Prix where I got quickly amused by the videos (and quickly annoyed by the PAD meme) and I realized that I already saw some of the characters before, primarily from one of my favorite artists who used to draw Ragnarok Online stuff before they moved on to Touhou. Afterward I gradually played more of the games in the series which is when my interest started declining but then I was introduced to the doujin games which helped me regain interest in the series until I finally played some of the games that would make me enjoy the series more. I also used to hate vocals in video game music but I eventually gave them a chance when I was checking for Sound Sepher CDs to buy and looked for Nazrin's themes with vocals and loved what I stumbled upon.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2017, 04:07:25 AM by Jeremie »
It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by Rumia.


Re: How did you get into Touhou?
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2017, 04:11:25 AM »
An online acquaintance had posted Septette for the Dead Princess on their wall, and I really liked it. They recommended more Touhou songs to me, including Immortal Smoke and Pure Furies. Despite me originally not liking those two songs (blasphemy, I know), I did like the other songs they gave me, and ended up looking at more. Luna Dial, Flowering Night (SWR), and Beloved Tomboyish Girl (UNL) struck me as really great songs, so I delved even deeper into Touhou tunes. It was when I found Gensokyo Millenium ~ History of the Moon, which remains to this day my favorite Touhou song, did I finally realize the amazing series that was sitting me right in the face. I ended up really liking the lore and characters, as well as the gameplay despite not being very good at it, and thus my Touhou adventure began.

R. P. Genocraft

  • Craftsman of absolute unpredictability
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Re: How did you get into Touhou?
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2017, 11:06:47 AM »
I used to watch a lot of Super Mario sprite animations, someday I found an animation series called Super Mario: Vanishing Existence, which was a crossover between lots of games and anime. That included Touhou, and then I was like "what anime is this?" XD Then I searched about it liked it. At first I only cared about characters from th6 ~ th8 and U.N. Owen Was Her, but I slowly started getting into it. As for the games themselves, for a long time I've only played fangames. Then I finally decided to play SWR, and later(WAY later) LoLK, the first danmaku game I played.


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Re: How did you get into Touhou?
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2017, 10:18:30 AM »
I play a lot of osu! , but don't really like Japanese music all that much, save for a select few. Coincidentally, said select few were all Touhou songs. Then Touhou videos were showing up on my Youtube feed (Cause google is psychic, creepy and an infringement one my privacy like that. I don't even play osu! online, I have the 2012 version.). Watched one of those "What is Touhou?" or "Introduction to Touhou" videos. Thought it seemed fun, but I didn't like shooters, so I payed no mind. So then I found that one Bad Apple arrange with nomico. Really liked it so I decided to give the easiest of the games a whirl. Touhou 7 was my first target. Thing is, I was using Ubuntu at the time and wine 1.8 (a program that runs windows apps on linux) doesn't run Touhou 7 properly, (Input locks up) so I grabbed 8 which I heard was also easy. It worked perfectly! Had a lot of fun on easy modo until I took it a ste- Okay cut the ****, Eirin gave me hardcore ******* PTSD and I hate her and she's a poopoo head. Screw you, Eirin Hanson.  Nowadays I just play IaMP online (Dying community, but it's making a comeback. IaMP went on to be my favorite fighting game of all time, somehow beating Darkstalkers 3. Suika main. Apparently the last Suika player in the west and I'm a noob.) and PoDD alone usually. I play some rounds with my brother, but then he gets reamed in like 2 seconds and gets angry and kicks me in the face and then pays me 20 bucks in compensation. Buying me a Marisa plush with said 20 bucks. GTA San Andreas as Orange or Elly from Touhou 4 (Good skins, Sagena!) via the skin selector mod. Good games. Favorite thing about them is their killer soundtracks. Chinese Tea, Memory of Forgathering Dream, Infinite Being, Dimension Reverie (I think it's called?) and Strawberry Crisis are my favorites.


  • All good things must come to an end sometime.
Re: How did you get into Touhou?
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2017, 02:23:36 PM »
Touhou Mother. Simple as that.
"Better think awhile
Or I may never think again
If this were the last day of your life, my friend
Tell me, what do you think you would do then?"
~ Genesis (Undertow, 1978)


  • Breaking news. Any season.
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Re: How did you get into Touhou?
« Reply #11 on: July 26, 2017, 03:00:23 PM »
Ten years ago, I was really into Rozen Maiden, and regularly hung out on Desuchan. There, somebody posted a Rozen Maiden-themed version of Marisa Stole the Precious Thing and I was like "whoah what band is this". So I googled around and found IOSYS, and that all of their songs were credited to some ZUN person. Finding out who ZUN was led me to Touhou Project, and so I got my hands on the latest full version in the series, which happened to be Mountain of Faith. It was all downhill from there.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."

Re: How did you get into Touhou?
« Reply #12 on: July 26, 2017, 04:20:46 PM »
I officially got into Touhou after playing the games since I'm a fan of bullet hell games.  But my first introduction to Touhou was listening to Doujin music by KINZOK ON back in 2013. Around 2015-2016, I hanged around /jp/ sporadically.

However, I did watch some popular Touhou videos around 2008 and 2009 but I didn't paid attention to it.

Re: How did you get into Touhou?
« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2017, 12:46:24 AM »
Saw some meme videos of it back in 2008/9 (Mostly Mcroll'd and unfunny stuff like that.)  Knew what it was but never actually bothered trying to learn more about it until, like, 2012-ish? I read about the Lore through its Tvtropes page if your wondering, because i was bored and i wanted to learn what that one Shoot Them Up game that is really popular was all about. It was a very weird experience.

For some odd reason i thought Reimu was named Alice at first, probably because of unfunny Tsundere Alice memes.
Also Chen was my Fav (Blame "HONK HONK" memes) at first, with Ran as no. 2 (I didn't even know who Yukari was at first). Nowadays i hate 90% of fan works involving Chen because of the unfunny memes, and i think Touhou is one of the greatest examples of Sturgeon's Law in a fandom!

Honestly, i hate how most of the fandom continues to ignore how despite being cute girls, most of the characters are actually horrible monsters who eat people in their spare time. But thats for a different thread.
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi

Re: How did you get into Touhou?
« Reply #14 on: August 02, 2017, 09:26:56 AM »
I learned about Touhou back in middle school (this was around 2008-9 ish - yes, I know, same time period) via a classmate who was, pretty much, the class otaku. I never completely got into it at the time though - I felt the huge cast of characters to be kinda off-putting at the time. So for the next four to five years, I did know about Touhou but I never really got into it. So when I went to art college (where one of my classmates was also a Touhou fan), I wasn't still particularly interested in it. All that changed thanks to MMD videos made by the likes of Carbon-shi (like this one). That got me checking the games, and also made me try making videos of my own.

Speaking of which, the first Touhou game I ever played was the trial version of PoFV, which gave me the wrong impression about the games. (I really suck at computer games; seriously, Mountain of Faith is the only one I ever barely completed. Seriously, I remember hating Kagerou for a while because I couldn't get past through her. We're cool now though.)

Hieda no Mukyu

  • Eastern philology in limbo
Re: How did you get into Touhou?
« Reply #15 on: August 06, 2017, 04:22:42 PM »
First contact: I hung out with some anime and manga fans online, because of my comics hobby. Some of them used to post pictures. Some, if very few, of these pictures had Touhou in their filenames. It sounded pretty weird in my Finnish ears, so I sometimes stopped and wondered what it might refer to.

Step one: I was doing some non-serious research on Miku Hatsune videos. This one made me check Wikipedia and find out that this mysterious Touhou referred to a bullet hell game. I wondered why a bullet hell would have a multitude of characters and why some people would be interested in the personalities of cannon fodder. I do not remember the details, but I believe I sometimes searched for ?Touhou? on Youtube and Danbooru, out of curiosity, after that.

Step two: The ?Alice → Dere? promotional video (the combined effect of the arrangement and the imagery) managed to move me deeply. That does not happen very often. I started actively searching for Tōhō fan works.

Step three: After reading some dōjinshi (notably by Eda Aki), seeing more fan videos (notably ?20 Good Reasons? by Flandre Scarlet), and browsing lots of illustrations, I became a fan of Patchouli Knowledge. For whatever reason, I felt that Patchouli would never be able to win Marisa?s heart. That hurt. It became my mission to tell a story of Patchouli, Marisa, and possibly Koakuma.

Step four: As I was visiting my country?s main science fiction convention, which was still arranged in tandem with the main anime convention back then, I realized there was indeed a Tōhō fan scene in Finland. I was invited to join their discussion forum, and after giving it some thought, I did. This is when a random wordplay, Hieda no Mukyū, became a nick, and a backstory of who this original character might be began to form.

Step five: I started writing Tōhō filk texts. They need a certain mood and inspiration, but given that, they are much faster to put together than short fanfic stories. In addition to being a lot of fun, they helped my headcanon to develop. I learned about Setz?s fan comics around the same time.

(This progress, from the first contact, took something like four years.)

Step six: After several years more, I published the final installment of ?Patchouli Suite?, my main fanfic project. The fic is not long, but thought out and written with my own heart?s blood. (This is not to comment its objective quality but my personal experience.) I originally published just a one-shot, soon afterwards the sketch was expanded into a trilogy, and eventually the storyline became to consist of parts 1, 2, 2.5, 3, and 4. Around this time, the forum got very quiet, although the small community continues to live by other means.

Lots of other things happened on the road, such as discovering Nezumi?s fan work, but this is the gist of how Gensōkyō crept into my life.


  • "I was a dumb American in a place where dumb Americans were less popular than the clap."
  • "So this was it. My easy retirement."
Re: How did you get into Touhou?
« Reply #16 on: August 06, 2017, 05:12:04 PM »
It was ultimately TVTropes that first showed me what Touhou really was. Can't really remember what time I got my first game (or even what that game was), but I'm in now, and I guess that's all that's really important at the end of the day...


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Re: How did you get into Touhou?
« Reply #17 on: August 08, 2017, 04:40:33 AM »
Well, it all began back near the end of grade 9 around 2010, when I was browsing some random LP'er('Let's Player'). Keep in mind that I had no knowledge or was even aware of the existence of Touhou. So anyways, this LP'er went by the username of TraskNari. I was browsing his Youtube channel to watch some more of his playlists, when I happened to stumble upon his LP of one of the Touhou games which was PCB. TraskNari was pretty confident in some of his danmaku skills, so of course he opted for Normal difficulty. It wasn't as much of an LP considering he had only one video, and on top of that it was more of a demonstration of how hard the Touhou games are after trying to survive the first level on Lunatic.

My initial thoughts upon the entire presentation was: WTF?!?!?! 'Damn, that looks hard, mesmerizing, and like a strangely fun challenge. And I also bet I could "perfect" this game and beat this guy's score!'
To which I decided to throw myself into the deep end shortly afterwards and retrieve a copy of the game on my PC, (RIP laptop with all the TH games) not bothering with the fandom, music, characters, or memes. To which then I also discovered shortly afterwards that it was much harder than it looks... while looking like some sort of bastard child of a psychedelic drug with another strain of a psychedelic hallucinogenic drug.

I had kept the game on my PC for a year after that, due to resentment of not being able to 1cc. To me it was just another daunting challenge to be mastered, so I played it on occasion. At some point I noticed it was the seventh installation of a whole game series. So I figured if this is the seventh installation there must be 6 other games waiting to be conquered. At the time the latest game was MoF, and to my surprise there were 3 additional games on top of the 6. You could probably guess what happened next as I went ahead and acquired the rest, PC-98 emulator and everything.

I didn't quite discover about the fandom until about high-school in late grade 10 when I got together with my first ex. When I first went to her house which happened to be just down the street from mine at the time. It was then that I realized that her older brother also knew about Touhou. He was the one that introduced me to the TH Fandom, memes, the characters in depth, and music. The music didn't rub off on me completely, mainly because I didn't bother to turn off the music in any of the settings of the game through my rancorous and quite frequent playing of all the games then. At that point upon listening to some of the arrangements brought flash-backs of rage. Take for a few songs that I found catchy from game-play and a few other boss themes that I never quite managed get to.

Surprisingly enough my ex absolutely hated Touhou... you can probably guess why she's my ex.

Epilouge: After grad and after I broke up with my ex. I eventually stopped going to her place to even visit the guy that was also an avid Touhou fan, and was also the one who opened up a whole new perspective on the games. I attempted to keep in touch with him but he ended up being as just another contact on my phone due to him moving on with his life and being to busy to just simply see me. Although I did see him once again this year but he still remains elusive to this day.

Nowadays being bored of the repetition of all the original touhou games I mainly look up cute pics of all the characters online not so much memes and occasionally metal covers of themes. Look up 'Touhou metal' on Youtube if you're a metal-head like me, you won't regret it.

Bonus -   Most hated character: Seija Kijin
Favourite Character (of whom after all these years I finally decided who, judge me all you want): Reimu.............. Yukari
double kill, triple kill, overkill, killtacular, killtrocity, killimanjaro, killtastrophe, killpocalypse, killionaire


  • Love Sign
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Re: How did you get into Touhou?
« Reply #18 on: August 08, 2017, 08:45:57 PM »
Near the end of middle school, around late 2010, one of my old friends came over to my house one day. He was really excited and wanted to show me about this new series he had just found out about called "Touhou". He shoved into my face stuff like UN Owen was Her, McRoll, A Summer Day's Dream, Automatic Mario levels with music from the series, memes from the community not even he understood at the time and probably a bunch more, enough to fill an entire afternoon I remember.

However, I wasn't exactly into this kind of (for lack of better words) "weeb" stuff back in the day, to say the least, so basically it was just one really long annoying afternoon, for me, so I didn't think much of the series. Between the videos he showed me, he obviously showed a bunch of gameplay videos and he wanted me to play the games, but I was really into Dodonpachi at the time and thought that was all I'd ever need so I still dismissed it.

A few months later, in early March 2011, he still hadn't shut up for a second about Touhou, so I decided I'd actually give a game of the series a shot, so I tried out EOSD. I obviously was terrible at the game (I tried playing the game 2 or 3 times, I believe, and I lost all my continues by Stage 4/Patchouli) but I guess some of the legacy skill carried over from Dodonpachi made me not feel completely lost in the game. I liked the game and it left a bit of an impression on me (Marisa wouldn't leave my head for months and later that year Flandre would be the first avatar I used on my then-new Steam account) but I guess I still thought basically nothing of the game itself, so I just dropped it and the series became nothing but some really short-lasting fad for me. It'd stay that way for quite some time.

Late 2012 (October-ish, I believe?) I was really into image boards, and I noticed a lot of the pictures I was saving had a "Touhou" tag. After noticing that, it felt like every other picture I was saving had that tag and that it was somehow following me around. Curiosity got the best of me and I went "Screw it, I'll give the series another chance", dug up EOSD from the corner of my hard drive and the rest is history. I've been on and off Touhou ever since, but I've never spent any long stretches of time without being hooked into this series.

The characters I used to save a lot of pictures of (Kasen, Meiling, Yuyuko, Marisa, Youmu, etc.) are all characters that are still my favourite to this day.

The nova of the ocean of the cleverness

Re: How did you get into Touhou?
« Reply #19 on: August 09, 2017, 01:53:04 AM »
Someone in a certain IRC about light novels posted a link to shibayan's touhou music. One click and everything after that leads me to this glorious fandom.

Re: How did you get into Touhou?
« Reply #20 on: August 10, 2017, 03:32:59 AM »
Quoting from a similar thread from 2015:
It started with the good old THE HARDEST VIDEO GAME BOSS EVER, and I'm pretty sure the related videos took me to Dracil's IN Extra clear. At the time I thought these were all arcade-only games, so I left them alone for a long time.
In 2012, I saw a friend playing IN, and I recognized it from the videos I had seen years ago. The rest is history
documented in my signature below haha
In addition to the games, a lot of my early Touhou experience was finding and watching way too many fan videos on Youtube. Lots of MMD trash, but also quality videos like Touhou 3D Dog Fight and Burning Meiling.
Also discovered the music circles Demetori and CC Style around this time. They make good stuff.
Playing Touhou since 18 March 2012. Playing video games since 19XX.
Normal 1CC: EoSD, PCB, IN, PoFV, MoF, SA, UFO, TD, DDC, HSiFS, CtC.
Extra 1CC: EoSD, PCB+Phantasm, IN, PoFV (K&S), MoF, SA, TD, HSiFS, CtC+Phantasm.
Hard 1CC: EoSD, PCB, IN, MoF, TD, CtC.
Lunatic 1CC: EoSD


  • Nyahaha! - SR
Re: How did you get into Touhou?
« Reply #21 on: August 13, 2017, 10:37:21 PM »
Well...I kinda ended up writing a fan fic for it as a challenge to 'write something about a series you have no idea of.' All I had seen was a few youtube videos at the time.


  • Reti or not, here I come!
Re: How did you get into Touhou?
« Reply #22 on: August 19, 2017, 12:27:23 AM »
My Touhou obsession started in my 3rd year in middle school. Somebody had installed Touhou Hisoutensoku into the student share drive. My classmates would play against each other in my health class when we weren't doing anything. I quickly fell in love with the game and took a copy of it home. You can say that I was WAY too obsessed with it as I spent all night learning the basic mechanics of Sakuya. In a short matter of time, I was the best player in my school (not anything to brag about tho) and everyone wanted a piece of me. Wanting more competition, I discovered a Hisoutensoku IRC channel and the players there were BRUTAL. I was way out of there league. After a few months, I became a pretty competent Sakuya player.

Chill Observer

  • Aimless fanatic
  • haHAA
Re: How did you get into Touhou?
« Reply #23 on: August 20, 2017, 08:49:27 AM »
I'm kind of reluctant to share my reasons... but I'll say that YouTube, Reddit and Discord are the prime sources of me finding about Touhou.
Retired Touhou player. Not involved with anything Touhou anymore.


  • Lifeless Energy
  • Attributes and weaknesses are the same.
Re: How did you get into Touhou?
« Reply #24 on: September 11, 2017, 05:23:35 AM »
To an extent, I knew what Touhou was, and I liked the characters.  But I didn't know anything about it beyond that.  I started out as one of those people who thought it was an anime; it didn't exactly help that I was also aware of Memories of Phantasm.  It was not until my birthday two years ago that I decided to explore the franchise more, with my first Touhou game being Scarlet Weather Rhapsody.  It was also the first official game I was exposed to, having seen a playthrough of Sakuya's story scenario.  I was very intrigued by the way it played in comparison to other fighting games, what with the spellcard system and absurd amount of projectiles.  But at the same time, it was very easy for me to pick up and learn (except I didn't know how to dash or tech-roll, so I struggled against Tenshi's second phase for a while).  After that, I decided to look into all of the other games, starting from its roots.  I got hooked only after a day. 

At this point, I like to spend my birthdays with a few playthroughs of SWR, respectively.
I just know what I know...

Re: How did you get into Touhou?
« Reply #25 on: October 13, 2017, 09:55:03 AM »
the music from some SM64 rom hacks is Touhou based. I looked up the originals then decided to pick up some of the games.

1cc PODD no deaths:


  • What's this?
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Re: How did you get into Touhou?
« Reply #26 on: October 14, 2017, 08:57:44 PM »
I used to program games way back when the only good programmers worked for large arcade companies. And then I found the sacred NEC PC-9800 in my cousin's attic. And guess what game was jammed in? SoEW.  :getdown:
Even while you're down here, F.O.E.!

Re: How did you get into Touhou?
« Reply #27 on: October 16, 2017, 02:17:41 PM »
I found a Windows themed Super Mario World ROM-hack. The Windows 7 stage uses Flandre's theme from Touhou 6 as it's music (I by the way hate the actual name of the song). I wanted to know what the name of the song was, so I went in to the comment section of the video, which showcased the stage (not all replies to comments asking for the song's name were "Dardude - Sandstorm"). Then I discovered more Touhou music.
Not that a signature matters.

Re: How did you get into Touhou?
« Reply #28 on: October 18, 2017, 06:52:47 AM »
Music i found the SWR version of Septette for the Dead Princess when looking up greatest video game music of all times.

Re: How did you get into Touhou?
« Reply #29 on: October 30, 2017, 02:55:26 PM »
It all began with an arcade rhythm game called Maimai. That game has Touhou Project as a separate category, which is filled with Touhou doujin music. Then, I asked my friend why Touhou Project have a separate category. He answered by giving me a Flashdisk, which contains Touhou.