Author Topic: Final Fantasy V Four Job Fiesta 2017: For Gilgamesh, it is Morphing !Time  (Read 34847 times)


  • gotta stock up on dark matter
  • each pound of which weighs over 10,000 pounds
Did you know W2 Exdeath gets really grumpy when you come in with full reflect rings and spends the bulk of his turns before his enrage stage wasting time trying to dispel the reflect?

Bonus points for coming in with everyone able to take a L3 Flare to the (reflected) face.

It was a very silly battle.


  • Envoy of Balance
Did you know W2 Exdeath gets really grumpy when you come in with full reflect rings and spends the bulk of his turns before his enrage stage wasting time trying to dispel the reflect?

Bonus points for coming in with everyone able to take a L3 Flare to the (reflected) face.

It was a very silly battle.

The Dispel isn't an action he uses with his normal turns, but a 33% counter to physical attacks.


  • Give me love and money. I have the rest already.
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  • Love and money coming from you is what I need.
Made it through Atomos yesterday. Both of the dragon chests spawned red dragons and I found out the hard way that those seem to be rooted into the game from the very, very start. That canceled out any hope I had for having yellow dragons cut Atomos's HP down by 25%. I didn't have much of anything in the way of tricks beyond breaking rods and hoping my speed boost was enough to win the day. Kind of a pain when the tricks you want to have aren't available. Lenna and Galuf had both been deleted and Faris was almost gone before Bartz finished whipping Buttmos 450 hp at a time.

I love having tricks but failing that nothing beats pressing a button twice and having huge white numbers jumping out of enemies. I just don't have that this time around.

TA-DAAAAAAA! 61 blood donations and counting! 
Best Mile: 5:30
Best 5k: 18:07
Best Marathon: 3:23:16


  • gotta stock up on dark matter
  • each pound of which weighs over 10,000 pounds
The Dispel isn't an action he uses with his normal turns, but a 33% counter to physical attacks.

I see, with 3 zerkers wailing on him this the first year I saw the dispel in any appreciable amount so I never knew!

On that note, what do I even need to do in World 3 with Team Ninja Dad and the Murdercats?  The lamp and one round of sealed weapons right?


  • Give me love and money. I have the rest already.
  • *
  • Love and money coming from you is what I need.
* Reddyne wipes dust off thread

Life got busy for a bit and maybe vacation's just around the corner, but I'm still fitting in some progress here and there. Grinding on ye olde objet d'arts led to a few of my characters mastering BESTmaster, which subsequently allowed me to capture four aquathorns for the four crystals boss fight. Four !Release commands later, my party had won without lifting a finger. Any other strategy to get through the fight would have been painful at best. The Exdeath fight will be almost exactly the same, but it'll happen with 4 yellow dragons instead. It'll also be my strategy against NED, but with a little extra lantern magic towards the start. For a team with almost nothing in the way of nukes, I can still manage to nuke the baddies just enough to get by.

Also dancer still sucks as a class outside of its fashion statements.

TA-DAAAAAAA! 61 blood donations and counting! 
Best Mile: 5:30
Best 5k: 18:07
Best Marathon: 3:23:16

Spotty Len

  • The Spottiest Len Around
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  • Yuuka Master Race
I just finished grinding for the Fire Rings I couldn't buy earlier in the game, as well as Hermes Sandals.

Man, I'm glad I won't need money again. But at least, I got all the jobs level I needed so far. Everybody is at least Level 6 White Mage, and some of them are on their way to get Dualcast.

I can progress to the next tablets now.

Spotty Len

  • The Spottiest Len Around
  • *
  • Yuuka Master Race

And that's a wrap. Since Lenna learned Dualcast along the way, the end was a nice Holy spamfest from all characters.

That was fun, I'll probably come along next year as well!

I don't know if I can handle Omega or Shinryu though, since they both absorb Holy and it's my main source of damage.

The ⑨th Zentillion

  • The impeaches were delicious...
  • Now hungry for conviction!
    • Zentillion's Tumblr
You can definitely take on Shinryu.

First comes the prep.
  • Buy about 10 or 20 rods from Karnak, element doesn't matter much.
  • Thief knife yourself a Dragoon Lance from a Crystal dragon (though it might/most likely will take quite a few tries until you get one instead of an elixir or nothing).
  • Throw the Chicken Knife onto your Geo and give them !Jump while your White gets Dualcast and your Red gets White.
  • Hermes Sandals on everyone, Water Rings will be unneeded and you will need the Haste.
  • Magic Lamp close to or right on Golem in its list.

Then the actual fight...
  • Berserk Shinryu.
  • Get Blink up on your party ASAP. With what you did with the mages, that's 3 casts a round. Then add Protect, too, if you like.
  • While your mages buff, use your other two to summon Golem.
  • And now you're ready for offense! Break rods with Red and keep your buffs up with both mages when needed while your Geo and Dragoon (especially Dragoon, that lance can do quad nines pretty consistently) rack up the damage.

Win and you can reap your useless rewards (well, one is just a trinket and the other is only useful to Knight/Freelancer) and that heart icon.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2017, 12:03:15 PM by The ⑨th Zentillion »
Did you bring a light?

Smash the Fash; The far right belongs in the TRASH.

Spotty Len

  • The Spottiest Len Around
  • *
  • Yuuka Master Race
Magic Lamp close to or right on Golem in its list.
Oh man, for some reason, I completely forgot I could do that. Much thanks, I'll try a bit later.


  • *
    • Wisdom is Not a Dump Stat
White Mage makes Shinryu free, Berserk/Blink is incredible.  Even without good damage dealers you can just grind him down.

Omega is much, much harder for many comps.

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson

The ⑨th Zentillion

  • The impeaches were delicious...
  • Now hungry for conviction!
    • Zentillion's Tumblr
Yup, the thing about Omega is he kind of needs classes that either have perfect-accuracy Stop (Bard (All), Beastmaster (GBA)), attacks that penetrate his defenses and do fast or at least guaranteed high damage (Mystic Knight, Berserker, Dancer) and techs that can improve DPS (Ninja, Ranger), or yank the power of most of his dangerous and/or nasty attacks (Chemist).

And it's kind of up to Gilgabot whether you can get the right combination (No 750 can potentially do it the best if you get Mystic Knight from Water and either Ninja or Ranger from Fire; but again all RNG).
Did you bring a light?

Smash the Fash; The far right belongs in the TRASH.


  • *
    • Wisdom is Not a Dump Stat
Mystic Knight isn't even enough on its own - Thundaga Spellblade will do good damage, but only if it actually hits.  If you have one of the ways to lock Omega down, you could sit there fishing for hours until you land enough hits, but otherwise that's not going to go well.  Rapidfire combined with that will shred him super fast, of course.

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson

The ⑨th Zentillion

  • The impeaches were delicious...
  • Now hungry for conviction!
    • Zentillion's Tumblr
Stop'll obliterate evasion until it wears off, though. Of course, considering you'll more than likely be Chicken Knifing it up with them, there is that darned run attempt chance. Something like Dancer will also guarantee hits if it procs Sword Dance, but you'll have to give THEM !Spellblade instead because, well, y'know, can't stack two abilities unless you're playing Pure Chaos.  Y'would need Equip Ribbon or a Freelancer to put on a piece of Rainbow equipment on a non-Dancer anyway, heh... Still a lot of fishing either way.
Did you bring a light?

Smash the Fash; The far right belongs in the TRASH.


  • Give me love and money. I have the rest already.
  • *
  • Love and money coming from you is what I need.
I now feel guilty for being able to quickvenom my way to a triple crown this year.

Just cleared Exdeath's castle in world 2.  It's cumbersome for a team with no major nuking options. Lots of random encounters with numerous baddies means lots of just running away. Still, I got to throw 4 yellow dragons at Exdeath's face and that was all she wrote. No close calls or major disappointments, just !Release for everyone and that was it. Go Team Utility!

TA-DAAAAAAA! 61 blood donations and counting! 
Best Mile: 5:30
Best 5k: 18:07
Best Marathon: 3:23:16


  • Give me love and money. I have the rest already.
  • *
  • Love and money coming from you is what I need.
Re: Final Fantasy V Four Job Fiesta 2017: For Gilgamesh, it is Morphing !Time
« Reply #134 on: August 15, 2017, 01:12:08 PM »
* Reddyne wipes off some more dust

Managed to survive the sea shrine and the fork tower last night. It got a bit rough in some sections, but I also managed to have some fun with ye olde quickvenom tricke. Both Minotaur and his buddy proved to be a thing since I have no reliable form of damage beyond Sword Dance and rod snaps right now, which are good but have their own drawbacks. The party's configuration has actively discouraged any kind of fighting, which has left me a bit anemic in big fights. In years before I did grinding for a combination of high-end abilities as well as safety net levels. This year I'm approaching the end without hitting level 30 in a party full of squishies. The deep sea trench will probably wind up being a grinding spot simply because I can't even reliably run away without getting TPK'd.

I am just really dying for reliable damage this year and unfortunately has made the gameplay rather stale. Chicken knife dancing just became a thing but still doesn't happen as much as I'd like. The party can muscle through lots of troubles but hoo boy unfortunately it's kinda gone from clever to dull.

TA-DAAAAAAA! 61 blood donations and counting! 
Best Mile: 5:30
Best 5k: 18:07
Best Marathon: 3:23:16


  • Give me love and money. I have the rest already.
  • *
  • Love and money coming from you is what I need.
Re: Final Fantasy V Four Job Fiesta 2017: For Gilgamesh, it is Morphing !Time
« Reply #135 on: August 31, 2017, 11:56:34 AM »
Okay. With today being the last day, it's time to wrap things up. Triple crown this year! NED got wiped real fast because I accidentally armed myself to the gills. I cheated my way to victory on Omega and Shinryu but hey it's FJF it's the name of the game. Class review time!

Bard was entirely new to me, but was pretty sweet. The regen, stop, and confuse songs were available early in the game and were useful throughout. Requiem was the only move I needed for the pyramid and the deep sea trench. While the stat boosts came in much later, they were big difference makers. Using the songs is a bit weird for stat boosts but still okay. While I agree that the class has a lot of upsides, it wasn't without some disadvantages. Songs themselves are still subject to accuracy and some immunities, so the one turn stop song would miss at times or simply not work at all. The stat boost songs are great but take a while for them to really kick in. If you can't sandbag much, you're in quite a bind. Also they are the wet paper baggiest of all the classes which is saying something. Oh well. One of my new favorite support classes though, big time.

Time mage was also new and they did a bit of everything during my run. Their ability to equip rods and high magic stat helped me breeze through a few bosses. Their buffs are a boon to every fight. Their limited natural offensive options are still enough for them to get by in a pinch. Even stuff like their ability to equip the healstick helped pad my supply of hi potions in a pinch. Still, they never quite did anything better than anyone beyond hasting the whole party, breaking rods, and one instance of Graviga usage. Oh well. Still, a great addition, even if it's more support than straight up damage. Also I hate using the term "broken" for just about anything. With that being said, the quickvenom glitch is broken.

Beastmaster continues to be awesome. They may take time and be frustrating to use at times, but beastmasters serve as the rear guard separating the difference makers from the deal breakers for classes. !Control is insane and great for every last mob fight. !Catching the right monsters opens up new doors everywhere. This class saved my hide time and again from insta-killing Byblos to pumping out nearly 160,000 damage on NED in four quick actions. Their efficiency leaves much to be desired but when they work, they work.

Dancer is good at being fashionaaabluh but that is it. They are front line fighters with no viable offensive options until well into world 3. You need to have the chicken knife and you need to have them in the front row and you need to have them equipped with stuff that boosts Sword Dance chances or they ain't worth squat. Even then, they are worse than mages when it comes to their HP and don't get armor or stamina to compensate. They take up space for nearly the whole game and at their highest value they only get a single twerky, chancey attack that hits the damage cap for a single target. So on top of everything else, even at their very best, they are not fully utilizing the gifts they are given. They are screwed over by the coding in the game itself to prevent them from achieving too little too late. I haven't played with every class, but I am pretty sure at this point that they are my least favorite one.

Next year is a Team 750 run. I have not played through with the simple-yet-potent white mage, black mage, and summoner classes. Blue mage deserves a second shot while red mage would be cosmically broken with any other viable caster. The physical attackers I have not use before are the monk, thief, and dragoon, which I just don't have any interest in using. Geomancer might be given a chance since I've never used them before, but I will pay money not to be saddled with a dancer again.

Team MVPs: Bard, time mage, and BESTmaster. Goddamn I hate dancers.

TA-DAAAAAAA! 61 blood donations and counting! 
Best Mile: 5:30
Best 5k: 18:07
Best Marathon: 3:23:16


  • gotta stock up on dark matter
  • each pound of which weighs over 10,000 pounds
Re: Final Fantasy V Four Job Fiesta 2017: For Gilgamesh, it is Morphing !Time
« Reply #136 on: September 02, 2017, 12:43:21 PM »
(sorry Faris you never learned dual wield you got to hold the Aegis Shield though which is super cool too)

Well that was an adventure.  I powered through all of World 3 off stream because whoops every year I stop playing for Otakonprep and then have to scramble at the end of August.

The Pyramid and the Rift random encounters were the worst this year.  Bosses were rofl but Twintania was the brick wall, had to run out and hit up Mirage - 4x Coral Rings were mandatory when I only had one hi-potion bot.  NINJA MOM became elixir/phoenix down bot for NED.  Level 42-43ish was enough to pass the Almagest threshold and that's the level I cleared at.   I do not apologize for fishing for good RNG with save states so I could get a Grand Cross roll that didn't incapacitate NINJA MOM though.  I'd hate to have done this on hardware.

Ninja/BER/SER/KER was a pretty decent Risk line up I can't complain.  It was my first year with Ninja so that was pretty cool to have the scrolls and a way of dodging Chicken Knife shenanigans.  Don't know if I'll RIsk again next year we shall see.