Author Topic: Sakuya Quest 6 - A Z-Machine Adventure  (Read 74023 times)

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Sakuya Quest 6 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« on: September 20, 2016, 11:40:23 PM »

>You are Sakuya Izayoi, Accidental Chrononaut!
>After having a normal morning, an explosion at the mansion lead to you having some kind of accident while trying to freeze time and blacking out. You awoke in a strange forest, and after exploring and bickering with some faeries, eventually found a river, and then some fisherwomen. From there, you sent to their town, a little farming hamlet called True Glorian, and after a faux paus on your part, met with their leader, one Sir Kay of the Round Table. Sir Kay handled some of your questions, helping you figure out that you were in someplace still called Gensokyo. Following his advice, you went northward, over a sizable forest, and found an equally sizable town, larger than any you had seen before. From there, you went eastward after inquiring with a local youkai and found the Hakurei Shrine, and Reimu.
>You learned that you have awoken centuries into the future. Reimu has become a goddess, Scarlet Devil Mansion is gone, and the world has changed greatly, According to Reimu, there is a surviving member of the Mansion at the Myouren Temple, which seems to have been renamed the Hijiri Temple. After inquiring about things such as who is still around, and what had happened in the world, you decided to try to learn what you could, then find a way home. You have obtained a blessing from your old friend-turned-goddess, and her invitation to return whenever you need to.
>After some false starts, you made your way to the Hijiri Temple, and found Flandre had taken up residence there, as well as the youkai form of her old pet dog. She told you the story of the slow decline of Scarlet Devil Mansion, as as much about the fates of its residents as she could. You then convinced her to join you for a time. With Flandre in tow, you followed Reimu's advice and went to Bhava-Agra. There you encountered Miko, who had ascended to Celestialhood herself, and followed her to the Dragon Palace. You briefly met Tenshi, who seemed to have become the leader in the mean time, and then was taken to meet Ran Yakumo, who had ascended herself as a consequence of being a kitsune. >Ran seemed to have taken over Yukari's role, and after a somewhat rocky start, offered to help try to return you to your proper place in time, giving you a few items to seek out for her to do so: Rainbow Sand, an object that has endured between your era and this one, and echoes of the incident that brought you here.  She gave you a pendant to collect the last one with. Armed with this, you then went on to explore a new place that had sprung up since your departure from history: Apex.
>Apex was a riot of colors, technologies and cultures, almost too much to take in; loud, crowded, and alien. With Flandre's help, you found a tea house that Nue runs, and fulfilled an obligation that you made to Sir Kay. Along the way, you were also robbed by a youkai named Coyote, who helped you find your way to Nue's place. Nue welcomed you, and told you what she knew, suggesting that you seek out someone called the Rainbow Serpent to get the rainbow sand you need, then suggested visiting the central building, the Diet, to learn more.
>Taking this advice, you met Kanako and Sir Ector, father of Sir Kay, in the lobby. Discussing with them, you got a general idea of where the Rainbow Serpent might be found, and something of an idea of what to expect, as well as a little background on Apex itself. You then followed their directions into the Avalonian Quarter. Asking around led you toward a marketplace, where you met the somewhat familiar face of the Hell Raven, who was all too happy to help you find your way while talking about various things.
>With her help, you found the Rainbow Serpent in a public forest, and followed her on a strange journey that lead you through barren landscapes and speaking with a talking nautilus before suddenly awakening on the ground with the Rainbow Sand you needed in hand, and no sign of your benefactor, just a talking nautilus in the nearby creek. The hell raven then took you Hatate's place of business, where you managed to secure a meeting with the tengu, talk for a little bit, and obtain a picture of Flandre. Splitting off from her, you visited Shou at the Myouren branch temple and found Tojiko there as well. Afterward, you finally put Apex behind you and escorted Flandre back home.
>You set out to find Futo, and did so successfully. After a chat with her, however, you encountered a shinigami with orders to take you back to Higan. You complied, and found that Komachi had become the Yama in the intervening time, and convinced her to give you time to sort things out before being tried for apparently exceeding your lifespan. as an aid, she ordered the shinigami to take you to two places with her abilities. While on the way, however, things became complicated as Yuuka managed to reach into whatever distortion the shinigami causes while travelling and yank you out of it. Things were tense for a little bit, but the two of you eventually came to an understanding. You then met with a kappa in Kanako's service, who agreed to provide rapid transit to the other cities on the goddess' orders.
>You then returned to the site of Scarlet Devil Mansion, where you encountered a hostile agent of The Warlord, a local troublemaker, trying to excavate any lost items of power that may have been left behind. You defeated her after a brief but nasty fight, and took it upon yourself to explore. You found a wooden guardian monstrosity, and past it a hidden underground lair, where Alice has been hiding for heaven knows how long, attempting to perfect vessels for Patchouli and Marisa, both of whom had passed on. She has agreed to aid you in exchange for bringing her research back to her past self.
>After visiting the dojo that Meiling had established and was buried at, you visited the Hakurei Shrine once more for some ideas, then returned to the old human village to visit a museum in hopes of finding the last component you need to return home. Meeting with the staff gave you some hope, they have some old coins they are willing to part with for a high price or a equivalent trade. Using the vehicle that Kanako loaned you, you went to the netherworld in an effort kind of patch things up with Yuyuko. It is unclear if you really succeeded or not, but you didn't come away feeling sated at all. Afterward you picked up Nue, and had a rather awkward sort of date with the kappa driving the vehicle and crushed her heart. From there, you took Nue to meet with Sir Kay, who are apparently old acquaintances. And you have since left, and taken an interest in the small foreign hamlet, in particular a smithy.

>Tap on the window

>You do so, causing the woman sweeping inside to look over, then call "We are open!" in awkward Japanese.


Re: Sakuya Quest 6 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2016, 12:44:35 AM »
>Go in.
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Sakuya Quest 6 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2016, 12:54:20 AM »
>Go in.

>You head inside. The establishment is about as small as you anticipated, just a few square feet of floor space. Hoes, shovels, pruning hooks, and other long-handled tools hang from racks on the wall, while smaller stands hold things like hammers and trowels. You note that there is a loft in the ceiling, set over a fire place on the first floor, where a pile of hay  and some sacks can be seen.
>The woman looks up from her sweeping; a tall and seemingly slender at first, until you note her forearms are finely toned. "What can I sell you?" she says, taking time to pronounce each word.



  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Sakuya Quest 6 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2016, 01:03:58 PM »
>Did that old foundation from the mansion seem dugged into the grouns ?


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Sakuya Quest 6 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #4 on: September 21, 2016, 01:45:56 PM »
Hmm, you mean for buying a pickaxe? Well, the old stone bridge not too far away is a bit more accessible at the moment as a source of millennia old rocks, but we may still need a pickaxe there, too. We wouldn't know until we investigated, though.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Sakuya Quest 6 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #5 on: September 21, 2016, 02:02:16 PM »
>Did that old foundation from the mansion seem dugged into the grouns ?

>Yes. It would definitely take some excavating to remove, or some very good application of leverage.



  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Sakuya Quest 6 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2016, 02:12:48 PM »
//Yeah that is my plan, at least try to take a fair-sized fragment of either of them.

>"I would like to take a look at your shovels and pickaxes if i may Miss.... ?"

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Sakuya Quest 6 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #7 on: September 21, 2016, 03:18:18 PM »
//Yeah that is my plan, at least try to take a fair-sized fragment of either of them.

>"I would like to take a look at your shovels and pickaxes if i may Miss.... ?"

>"They are just there," she says, gesturing toward a rack of such. "I am called Miss Gwendolyn Smith."



  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Sakuya Quest 6 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #8 on: September 21, 2016, 09:21:14 PM »
>"Thank you."
>Head to said rack.
>"Am i allowed to hold them ? I would like to have a closer inspection on them and feel for their weight."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Sakuya Quest 6 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #9 on: September 21, 2016, 10:51:10 PM »
>"Thank you."
>Head to said rack.
>"Am i allowed to hold them ? I would like to have a closer inspection on them and feel for their weight."

>"You are allowed," says Gwendolyn with a nod and a smile. "Please to do thrash them in the air."



  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Sakuya Quest 6 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2016, 11:09:08 PM »
>"Thank you."
>Grab the pickaxe first and hold it, how heavy is it ?

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Sakuya Quest 6 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #11 on: September 21, 2016, 11:21:17 PM »
>"Thank you."
>Grab the pickaxe first and hold it, how heavy is it ?

>You grab a pickaxe! It has a good bit of heft to it, but you think you will have no problem using it. However, it will be something of a pain to keep on your person, especially if you want your hands free. And it is heavy enough that it will get irritating to carry after awhile. Not impossible, you're fairly strong yourself for a human, but irritating.



  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Sakuya Quest 6 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #12 on: September 22, 2016, 01:04:44 AM »
>"Hm... i can't take this all the way there wiyhout help...."
>Would the pickaxe fit in the air machine ?
>Return the pickaxe and grab a shovel this time to examine it !

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Sakuya Quest 6 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #13 on: September 22, 2016, 01:23:13 AM »
>"Hm... i can't take this all the way there wiyhout help...."
>Would the pickaxe fit in the air machine ?
>Return the pickaxe and grab a shovel this time to examine it !

>It would probably fit. Though if you're intending to take it to something around the place where the mansion was, there'd be no need for that.
>You grab a shovel! It is less heavy by a notable degree, but would still be a minor pain to lug around.



  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Sakuya Quest 6 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #14 on: September 22, 2016, 01:38:13 AM »
>Are these tools made of iron or is it steel ?
>Would it be possible to take these two tools to the mansion ruins or the bridge by ourselves ? Or at least to the air machine ?

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Sakuya Quest 6 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #15 on: September 22, 2016, 02:42:25 AM »
>Are these tools made of iron or is it steel ?
>Would it be possible to take these two tools to the mansion ruins or the bridge by ourselves ? Or at least to the air machine ?

>They seem to be iron tools. Their design is a little different than you are used to; more metal to reinforce the heads and such. Perhaps it is more plentiful where they come from?
>You could, it would just be a nuisance. And given the ruins are closer than where Mitsu landed...



  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Sakuya Quest 6 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #16 on: September 22, 2016, 02:46:58 AM »
>"How much would a pickaxe and a shovel cost total ?"

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Sakuya Quest 6 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #17 on: September 22, 2016, 02:54:30 AM »
>"How much would a pickaxe and a shovel cost total ?"

>"It would be 7 shillings," says Gwendolyn, her eyes twinking a little.



  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Sakuya Quest 6 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #18 on: September 22, 2016, 10:03:58 AM »
>Do we know how much of the currency we currently have this value would be ?

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Sakuya Quest 6 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #19 on: September 23, 2016, 12:02:40 AM »
>Do we know how much of the currency we currently have this value would be ?

>Your Inventory contains
>Maid Headband:
>A statement of your career, pleasantly frilly.
>It reveals a daring amount of leg, but sometimes one must be daring.
>Silver Knife x18
>Kept in your skirt pockets, and a few hidden in comfortable spots in and under your clothing. These are the basis of your danmaku. When adventuring, you tend to keep quite a few more.
>This is 11☼
>Pearl Locket
>A small golden locket with a perfectly average pearl in the middle. It will supposedly changed color when it absorbs the echoes of whatever threw you through time.
>Bag of Rainbow Sand
>This colorful powder is vital to your efforts to getting home.
>Picture of Future Flandre
>A picture of Flandre in Gensokyo?s future.
>Sworn Statement
>A testament of future peaceful relations, signed by Shou and Tojiko.
>Writing Supplies
>A brush and an ink stone, ready for all of your calligraphic needs.
>Kanako's Message.
>To be presented to a kappa named Mitsu, in order to aid your travels.
>Yuuka?s Missive
>A signed statement by the Flower Youkai, it may prove your authenticity to her. May.
>Bronze Bell
>A keepsake from Kari, the silent shingami of the future.
>You obtain: Volume of Alice's Research
>Thick and smartly bound, this is probably worth a fortune to the right people.
>You obtain: Silk Bag.
>A large bag of silk, it should help you carry things when you run out of pocket space.
>75 Shillings
>Currency of True Glorian, and presumably Avalon


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Sakuya Quest 6 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #20 on: September 23, 2016, 12:23:03 AM »
>Take out seven shillings and one of our silver knifes and show the knife to Gwen.
>"Excuse me Miss Gwendolyn, but would you have an idea of how much this knife would be worth ?"


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Sakuya Quest 6 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #21 on: September 23, 2016, 12:25:16 AM »
>This is 11☼
>Our manipulation of time and space is truly impressive.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Sakuya Quest 6 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #22 on: September 23, 2016, 03:02:30 AM »
>Take out seven shillings and one of our silver knifes and show the knife to Gwen.
>"Excuse me Miss Gwendolyn, but would you have an idea of how much this knife would be worth ?"

>"Is that...argent?" says the blacksmith, clearly struggling for the last word. "It is difficult to price. I work with impolite metals."

>Our manipulation of time and space is truly impressive.

>The coder has been sacked. Thank you for choosing Purvis Hobotech.


Re: Sakuya Quest 6 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #23 on: September 23, 2016, 05:51:35 AM »
>Do we know what metal it is?
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Sakuya Quest 6 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #24 on: September 23, 2016, 08:32:48 AM »
>Is it really fully made of silver, made of another metal but coated on silver, or is it made of another metal similar to silver ?

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Sakuya Quest 6 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #25 on: September 23, 2016, 08:45:50 AM »
>Do we know what metal it is?

>You think maybe she means silver?

>Is it really fully made of silver, made of another metal but coated on silver, or is it made of another metal similar to silver ?

>They are silver coated. Silver on its own is week and terrible at holding an edge.



  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Sakuya Quest 6 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #26 on: September 23, 2016, 09:46:39 AM »
>"Argent ? You mean silver ?"

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Sakuya Quest 6 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #27 on: September 23, 2016, 09:59:30 AM »
>"Argent ? You mean silver ?"

>She tilts her head. "I'm sorry?"



  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: Sakuya Quest 6 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #28 on: September 23, 2016, 01:03:35 PM »
>"Uh.... well what can you tell me about argent then ? Maybe it is the same metal i have in mind."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Sakuya Quest 6 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #29 on: September 23, 2016, 01:34:08 PM »
>"Uh.... well what can you tell me about argent then ? Maybe it is the same metal i have in mind."

>Gwendolyn frowns. "It is...soft,"  she says, rolling her hands. "It is easy to make into shapes. Uh, it is like white, but it is more shiny than white also. It is good for jewelry, and it is very expensive."
