Author Topic: [RPG] Gensokyo Trollolympics  (Read 41697 times)


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: [RPG] Gensokyo Trollolympics
« Reply #30 on: September 12, 2016, 06:38:11 PM »
>I am still concerned for Sakuya-sama, but let her be and check on the stain on my drawings, it seems like it is ruined... so i get up to go to the library and get a book.
>"Kuya-sama, i am gonna get a book in Patchouli-sama's library, be right back !"
>After saying that i head to the library.


  • Seg Fault
Re: [RPG] Gensokyo Trollolympics
« Reply #31 on: September 12, 2016, 06:53:06 PM »
>I keep flying, flailing as I try to remove whatever is on my face.


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: [RPG] Gensokyo Trollolympics
« Reply #32 on: September 12, 2016, 07:30:33 PM »
>"Yes young mistress." I take the time to get up and bow as she leaves, before finishing up with the spill.
>The spell card could be linked to the window if there had been an intruder. Hopefully, for once, Meiling could be useful and provide me with the answer to this...
> I returned the cleaning supplies and stood in wait for the young mistress to return.

R. P. Genocraft

  • Craftsman of absolute unpredictability
  • Boundary of productive and lazy
Re: [RPG] Gensokyo Trollolympics
« Reply #33 on: September 12, 2016, 08:15:01 PM »
//Looks like fun! I can still join right? If so, I choose Mamizou!


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: [RPG] Gensokyo Trollolympics
« Reply #34 on: September 12, 2016, 08:31:17 PM »
//Wow, how rough with Meiling. :(

Re: [RPG] Gensokyo Trollolympics
« Reply #35 on: September 12, 2016, 08:32:11 PM »
>Komachi, content with the state of the the river, ambles off toward the Hakurei shrine. That tends to be where Suika congregates, after all.
//Why does everyone do this? It's not a console.
> As Reisen wandered around, she caught sight of Komachi. She didn't seem to notice Reisen, so she took some fireworks from Tewi and moved to intercept Komachi before she reached the shrine.
> All went as planned. As Komachi was just behind Reisen set off a firework to grab her attention. She turned to face it and made the mistake of looking directly at Reisen, allowing her to insert an idle hallucination and wipe Komachi's short term memory.
> Komachi was near the shrine when Reisen popped out of nowhere. Nothing interesting happened. They talked for a bit before parting paths.
> Komachi soon arrived at the Hakurei shrine, where she was greeted by Reimu and Suika.
> Komachi soon arrived at the Moriya shrine, where she was greeted by Sanae and Suwako.

>"Yes young mistress." I take the time to get up and bow as she leaves, before finishing up with the spill.
>The spell card could be linked to the window if there had been an intruder. Hopefully, for once, Meiling could be useful and provide me with the answer to this...
> I returned the cleaning supplies and stood in wait for the young mistress to return.
> Sakuya paused time for efficiency. She didn't want to let anyone know she was leaving.
> As she walked out the front door, which was open for some reason, she noticed Meiling sleeping as usual.
> Sakuya had priorities though, and would come back to punish Meiling later.
> Sakuya saw a large patch of burnt grass by the window. Must have been a fire spell, she thought. It didn't narrow the list of possible intruders by much, but it was a start.
> Sakuya went back to find Flandre. From Flan's perspective, Sakuya had never left for even a moment.


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: [RPG] Gensokyo Trollolympics
« Reply #36 on: September 12, 2016, 08:48:01 PM »
>Arriving at the library, being overwhelmed by how many books there are, and a sleeping Patchouli-sama drooling on a magical book, "Advanced Techniques for getting rid of Fatigue".
>I use my ability to split into four mes, one of me went to search for a adventure book, another for a mystery one, and one of the mes went to Patchouli-sama and gently prodded her to see if she would wake up, i myself wanted a history book.
>The me with Patchouli-sama started saying: "Patchouli-sama ? Patchoooooouli-samaaaaaaaaaa." And nothing of her waking up.


  • Seg Fault
Re: [RPG] Gensokyo Trollolympics
« Reply #37 on: September 12, 2016, 10:52:34 PM »
>I slam into something really hard. It hurts much more than those accursed trees...
>I fall to the ground, my sphere of darkness receding, as whatever was on my face flutters off.
>It lands softly on my chest as I'm staring at the sky, seeing both stars and a red mansion...

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: [RPG] Gensokyo Trollolympics
« Reply #38 on: September 13, 2016, 12:03:41 AM »
(Wait, when could hallucinations overwrite short term memory? And when was it determined you'd be controlling my characters actions to your own benefit?)

Re: [RPG] Gensokyo Trollolympics
« Reply #39 on: September 13, 2016, 12:24:30 AM »
(Wait, when could hallucinations overwrite short term memory? And when was it determined you'd be controlling my characters actions to your own benefit?)
// Eh, it's nothing major. Plus I'm not really controlling her, these are pretty natural responses. I'm just trying to help drive the story.
// As for the short term memory thing, I know there are discrepancies between the games, books, etc. but in Spread Sign "Invisible Full Moon" the bullets actually disappear completely. In the other spell cards, the bullets become translucent, which I interpret as the player's character remembering the positions of the invisible bullets, which would mean Reisen was able to erase your short term memory. So wiping the last couple seconds (which is how long it would take to set off a firework) doesn't seem out of place in a semi-canonical forum game.
// The way I interpret the hallucinations is that they are initiated by eye contact, and then Reisen can do whatever she wants before choosing to end the hallucination. Like a temporary brain hijack, except she can only affect your senses and short term memory, and not anything else. What I did is within these bounds.
// By the same token, there are barely any characters if there are any at all with a really clear and concise description of their ability, so it's sort of up to interpretation. As long as you're reasonable (ex. Yukari can't create microscopic gaps).
// Gotta start the trolling somewhere, right?

>I slam into something really hard. It hurts much more than those accursed trees...
>I fall to the ground, my sphere of darkness receding, as whatever was on my face flutters off.
>It lands softly on my chest as I'm staring at the sky, seeing both stars and a red mansion...
> Somehow, Meiling is still sleeping, even though you crashed right beside her.
> Aya takes a few pictures and flies away.
> Sakuya hasn't noticed yet.

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: [RPG] Gensokyo Trollolympics
« Reply #40 on: September 13, 2016, 12:29:58 AM »
(See. Following that logic, I could say that Komachi's first reaction is to immediately increase the distance between herself and Reisen well beyond eye-looking range instantly and without difficulty as a first response. Also, it is not overwriting memory, it is making you not see then and instead see something else for a bit. You gotta check yourself a bit, and don't just fiat that others are going to fall for things exactly as you want because you want them do, y'dig? And, you know, maybe dial back the character powers to not be their absolute most broken at all times?  I mean, I'n not having Komachi be the anti-Yukari she could be with the most liberal interpretation of her abilities.)

Re: [RPG] Gensokyo Trollolympics
« Reply #41 on: September 13, 2016, 01:18:54 AM »
// Alright, sorry about that.
// I would say if we all avoided each other there would be no game but hey, you do you what you want.
// I didn't mean much, only to get involved, and since you hadn't interacted much with anyone else I decided to pick on you. But if you don't like it I'll stop.

> Reisen heard a loud noise from the SDM. She decided there was probably something interesting there, and she didn't have much better to do so she decided she might as well check it out.
> The prize for the 2016 Trollolympics was a CheapPlasticTrophy?, which wasn't worth much but had spiritual value.
> Why Reisen would need or want it is anyone's guess. Perhaps she would add it to Kaguya's extensive collection of valuable objects.
> As soon as Reimu Sanae greeted Komachi, Komachi realized she had been trolled. That was definitely Reimu's voice.
> Reisen realized she had forgot to add the sound manipulation, and not wanting to have Komachi come after her later, ended the hallucination.
> Too late. Komachi already found out, and she knew exactly who was behind it. Reisen was already far away, though with distance manipulation that wouldn't make much of a difference.
> However, Komachi didn't know where Reisen would be going, and she wasn't going to hunt around for her. At least, not yet. it wouldn't take long anyways, but she remembered the reason why she came to the shrine.

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: [RPG] Gensokyo Trollolympics
« Reply #42 on: September 13, 2016, 01:45:35 AM »
(No so much avoiding as let's let the players play their characters as they will, instead of fiating them to do what you want. In my case, I was heading out see Suika and get more information about the thing ICly before setting to work!)

>Shaking her head, Komachi mumbled, "Man, folks sure are getting an early start," and continued her way onto hunt down Suika for details.



  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: [RPG] Gensokyo Trollolympics
« Reply #43 on: September 13, 2016, 01:53:27 AM »
>She crashed once again... I thought to myself as I glanced down towards Rumia. It's very unlikely that she saw anyone near the mansion, but heard... I decide to question her. Aya could definitely be useful, but to try and catch her now would be hopeless.
>"Rumia..." I walk over her carcass.


  • Seg Fault
Re: [RPG] Gensokyo Trollolympics
« Reply #44 on: September 13, 2016, 02:13:39 AM »
>"Uuuugh... Who's.... there?" I respond to the voice, still in a daze.

Re: [RPG] Gensokyo Trollolympics
« Reply #45 on: September 13, 2016, 02:31:25 AM »
> I happen to walk in at this point.
> As I notice Rumia laying on the ground and Sakuya questioning her, I try to be helpful.
> "How bad is it? I can't really see with the sphere of darkness... Should I go get Eirin?"
> I consider setting up a hallucination, but it would be a cheap shot if I did it right now. I decide I'll wait until the right time.


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: [RPG] Gensokyo Trollolympics
« Reply #46 on: September 13, 2016, 02:45:01 AM »
>I look up to find the moon rabbit from the eternal night incident.
>"It's nothing to worry her about." I tell her.


  • Seg Fault
Re: [RPG] Gensokyo Trollolympics
« Reply #47 on: September 13, 2016, 03:03:17 AM »
//FYI, the sphere of darkness dissipated when she crashed...

Re: [RPG] Gensokyo Trollolympics
« Reply #48 on: September 13, 2016, 03:10:24 AM »
> I carefully pick up the newspaper, taking a minute to read it before handing it to Sakuya.
> "Sakuya? You might want to read this. Even if Aya isn't completely honest, at least she's fast. You'll get the gist of it."
> I look over and see Meiling still asleep somehow. Either that or she's faking it. It wouldn't matter though, she's not doing her job anyways.
//cue music
> I look back at Rumia. The darkness sphere is pretty much gone now.
> You should sign up for Stage 1 mid-boss next time, I think to myself.


  • Seg Fault
Re: [RPG] Gensokyo Trollolympics
« Reply #49 on: September 13, 2016, 03:13:42 AM »
>I sit up, rubbing my aching head.
>Note to self... Destroy all brick walls after I chop down all trees... I think to myself, before noticing the newspaper in Sakuya's hands.


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: [RPG] Gensokyo Trollolympics
« Reply #50 on: September 13, 2016, 03:29:46 AM »
>I begun reading the newspaper, skimming through for anything interesting...


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: [RPG] Gensokyo Trollolympics
« Reply #51 on: September 13, 2016, 07:37:55 AM »
>After some time reading some books, and an unsuccessful attempt to wake up an hibernating magician, the other mes and i put the books back, with me number 3 take Patchouli-sama to her room, for a proper bed.
>Once we are done we gather up again on the main table and prepare to leave, but after we are merged as one again, i see a curious little bracelet with a simple note beside it, lying on the table amistd the books, i get close and start reading it...
>To be continued.

R. P. Genocraft

  • Craftsman of absolute unpredictability
  • Boundary of productive and lazy
Re: [RPG] Gensokyo Trollolympics
« Reply #52 on: September 13, 2016, 05:53:07 PM »
>Mamizou was in front of the Myouren Temple bored, using her tail to protect her ears from a certain yamabiko's sutra reciting, and nothing unusual happening... Until today's Bunbunmaru Newspaper drops from the flying reporter.
>The Tanuki gets up and grabs the paper, her attention caught by a very interesting article. Gensokyo Trollolympics? She thought. I think we held an event like this in Sado some years ago.
>?This is gonna be fun! After all...? The Tanuki says as she snaps her fingers, being shrouded in smoke.
>?It?s the main purpose of my ability!? She says in a very good impression of Marisa Kirisame?s voice, as the smoke dissipates and the witch?s shape.
>the now-disguised bake-danuki drops the paper and begins flying in the direction of the Hakurei Shrine.


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: [RPG] Gensokyo Trollolympics
« Reply #53 on: September 13, 2016, 06:55:20 PM »
>'Sakuya, the project is complete and the bracelet is calibrated and reinforced, the lock is also magical and will only unlock if she is under extreme despair and distress, or with the magical key i have, theoretically she CAN go outside now that you taught her those self-control and behavior lessons, however please maintain an eye on her still, if she goes out of eyesight, use this pendant besides the bracelet...'
>Just then i notice a small and simple pendant under the bracelet, with a white gem in the slot, it seems like it can be pushed inside further.
>'... it is as strong as the bracelet itself so there is no danger of it breaking apart either, as to how it works.... it's complicated so just take this other note and read it later... well, i hope this finally does it.'

>After finally being don.... wait there is more... 'PS: I stayed up for two days straight for this, so DO NOT disturb my well-deserved rest.'
>My head hurts of soo much reading, but i am brimming with joy ! The outside world !!!!!
>I hop around happily ! Taking the bracelet and the note and storming away, but then i come back to get the other note and the necklace and dash around the mansion towards the entrance.

//Phew... is this alright ?


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: [RPG] Gensokyo Trollolympics
« Reply #54 on: September 13, 2016, 07:18:49 PM »
>The contents of the newspaper interested me. Gensokyo Trollolympics... Had I already been subject to it? I thought to myself.
> As if responding to my thoughts about the spellcard, the young mistress's voice called for me once again. I glanced back towards Meiling before heading back into the mansion.

Re: [RPG] Gensokyo Trollolympics
« Reply #55 on: September 13, 2016, 08:39:50 PM »
// My interpretation/theory of Reisen's abilities
// Just leaving this here in-case anyone wanted to look at my explanation

> I look around in anticipation, and nobody looks back.
> Rumia is still on the ground, Meiling is sleeping and Sakuya went back inside.
> I decide to go look for another target.
> If I don't find someone, Tewi will beat me again, I think to myself.


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: [RPG] Gensokyo Trollolympics
« Reply #56 on: September 13, 2016, 09:30:59 PM »
>I arrive at the door, storing the pendant and the instructions on one pocket and see that Sakuya-sama just opened the door and stepped inside.
>"Kuya-sama ! Kuya-sama ! It's done ! She did it !"
>Beaming, i show her the note and the bracelet.
>"Read it !"
>I note some weird but cute bunny girl outside, and a little girl lying down near Meiling-sama.
>"Huh ? Who are those ?"


  • Seg Fault
Re: [RPG] Gensokyo Trollolympics
« Reply #57 on: September 13, 2016, 09:38:45 PM »
//I was sitting up for a while actually, not laying down.

>I look around, finally noticing the rabbit girl. Ignoring her, I keep glancing, noticing that person who's always sleeping out here before my gaze soon meets the gaze of some girl I've never seen before. She seemed to be looking at me, too.


  • Greatest Fairy
  • Everything will be daijoubu... hopefully
Re: [RPG] Gensokyo Trollolympics
« Reply #58 on: September 13, 2016, 09:44:55 PM »
>"Hm?" I ask holding the note and beginning to read it. "The young one's name is Rumia, while the one departing is Reisen." I continue to read.
> So it's finally time huh? I thought to myself as I glanced over to the young mistress.


  • Tactician that has a soft spot for cuteness.
  • Art by Amibazh
Re: [RPG] Gensokyo Trollolympics
« Reply #59 on: September 13, 2016, 09:53:03 PM »
>"Oh !"
>I turn back to the little girl named Rumia and wave.
>"Hiiiii ! Nice to meet you Rumia !"