Author Topic: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)  (Read 95508 times)

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #330 on: February 12, 2016, 12:21:33 PM »
>"No. No it isn't so bad at all."

>Kyouko puts her hand on yours and smiles. No, this isn't so bad at all.

>A few moments later, Kagerou returns with your tea. The ginger is sharp, but aromatic, and a wonderful change after a week of river water and mostly dry food. The salmon which follows later is even nicer - lightly smoked and seasoned with dash of spice and a touch of lemon. Kyouko eats twice as much as anyone else, but makes up for it with effusive compliments to the chef.

>Kagerou seems so much more at ease than she was when you were travelling together, especially as the evening wears on; you suppose it helps not to be on the spot for a stranger's life, but instead sharing a warm meal inside your own home. You speak a little of the better parts of your life - Kyouko practically insists you retell a couple of her favorite Seeker stories and seems to enjoy hearing them nearly as much the second time around. Then she makes Kagerou blush a little by admiring her woodburnings and even coaxes some unguarded conversation from the werewolf about her own life; for the most part, she has lived a simple and unassuming one, if surprisingly industrious. As it turns out, this house was built in large part by her own hands - with just a little pitching in from some of her neighbours. This part of the wilderness is apparently not quite as uninhabited as your journey though it would suggest, though you think they're all some form of recluse or another; who else would choose to live an hour away from anyone who can speak? You don't think Kyouko really understands it either - she came to the city to get away from the quiet, after all - but she's nothing if not supportive of people's life choices. Honestly, you think a kind heart is enough to satisfy her, and Kagerou certainly has that.

>All in all, it's nice to have a proper chair, a proper meal, and a proper roof over your head after what feels like an eternity on the road. There's still more road ahead of you, but the couple hours back to Isir's Cross feels like nothing at all after weeks of rugged woodlands.

>Eventually, the evening draws to a close. The two of you bid farewell to Kagerou, ford the Grau, and follow the trail back to Isir's Cross. When the trees finally thin out and you emerge onto the highway, your breath nearly catches in your throat. The wilderness is behind you now and the rest of your life is in front of you.

>Kyouko lets out a little cheer. "Civilization!"

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #331 on: February 12, 2016, 09:17:04 PM »
>Just... to make sure, are we still healthy and hale? No sign at all of relapse?

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #332 on: February 12, 2016, 09:27:26 PM »
>Just... to make sure, are we still healthy and hale? No sign at all of relapse?

>Absolutely. You've been keeping a careful eye on yourself as the days have gone by, and things have only improved; you can scarcely see any sign that the blight ever scarred your body at all.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #333 on: February 12, 2016, 09:33:34 PM »
>Minoriko is not going to believe this.
>Make a mental note to ask her: If WE could find this cure, how did SHE miss it? For that matter, how did everyone on Estval miss it?
>Unless Bittercress doesn't grow back home. Does it?

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #334 on: February 12, 2016, 09:40:29 PM »
>Minoriko is not going to believe this.
>Make a mental note to ask her: If WE could find this cure, how did SHE miss it? For that matter, how did everyone on Estval miss it?
>Unless Bittercress doesn't grow back home. Does it?

>You can think of nothing happier to be in disbelief of.
>Well, the only thing relevant you found was buried in a very old book in a very large library. No one else seemed to know anything useful about this, so you can't see why Minoriko should have been aware of it either.
>You don't believe it does, but quite separate of that, the remedy involved a lot of specific components that one is probably unlikely to try in combination. Bittercress itself isn't even considered particularly medicinal, as you understand it.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #335 on: February 13, 2016, 02:03:38 AM »
>Now the question is begged, how did they stumble on it over here?
>Man, this must be what keeps historians up at night.
>Maybe there's some money to be made there...

>Speaking of money, we don't have a lot left after shopping in the city. Can we afford the boat ride back to Val R?

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #336 on: February 13, 2016, 12:11:34 PM »
>Now the question is begged, how did they stumble on it over here?
>Man, this must be what keeps historians up at night.
>Maybe there's some money to be made there...

>Speaking of money, we don't have a lot left after shopping in the city. Can we afford the boat ride back to Val R?

>You ponder how the recipe for your cure happened to end up in that one tome in the library basement, though frankly you haven't any idea how you might figure out the answer to that question now, centuries later.

>You couldn't afford the ride from Val Razua - Kyouko paid for that ticket for you. You weren't short by very much, and your better health could allow you to elect for a single berth instead of a proper cabin this time, which you could afford, but it would still cost 28 of your 41 remaining guilders.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #337 on: February 13, 2016, 05:19:00 PM »
>13 guilders.... We're not getting back to Braston on that, are we?

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #338 on: February 13, 2016, 06:58:15 PM »
>13 guilders.... We're not getting back to Braston on that, are we?

>Short of charity, not a chance. You'd probably be lucky to get a ticket on a regular ferry for less than 150.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #339 on: February 13, 2016, 08:34:55 PM »
>Intercontinental travel ain't for everyone.
>But in the event we need more cash, best to worry about that back in the city, where's there's more work.

>Grin at Kyouko. "Miss the sight?"

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #340 on: February 13, 2016, 08:42:28 PM »
>Intercontinental travel ain't for everyone.
>But in the event we need more cash, best to worry about that back in the city, where's there's more work.

>Grin at Kyouko. "Miss the sight?"

>There's a reason Orange still hadn't made her way out of Braston. least not since you saw her last.
>You can't imagine Isir's Cross has a lot of paying work for you, no.

>"Camping was fun," she says, "and I got to see some really pretty things, but it'll be nice to be back in the city again, too."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #341 on: February 13, 2016, 08:57:27 PM »
>"Yeah, I know what you mean. I used to be anxious to get away from Easthaven, and Braston, but now... I can't wait to get back there."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #342 on: February 13, 2016, 08:59:32 PM »
>"Yeah, I know what you mean. I used to be anxious to get away from Easthaven, and Braston, but now... I can't wait to get back there."

>She smiles. "I'm sure everyone will be really happy to see you again."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #343 on: February 13, 2016, 09:13:49 PM »
>"Yeah. And I'll be happy to see them too. But..."
>Shake head. "Are we in time for the boat?"

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #344 on: February 13, 2016, 09:45:23 PM »
>"Yeah. And I'll be happy to see them too. But..."
>Shake head. "Are we in time for the boat?"

>Kyouko cranes her neck forward and scans the riverside. "I, uh.... I don't see it. I think."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #345 on: February 13, 2016, 10:08:00 PM »
>"I may end up camping out again, then."
>"Now that I don't have the blight to worry about, I can worry about my purse's lightness again." Chuckle. "Never thought I'd ever call THAT the sign of a good day."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #346 on: February 13, 2016, 10:10:56 PM »
>"I may end up camping out again, then."
>"Now that I don't have the blight to worry about, I can worry about my purse's lightness again." Chuckle. "Never thought I'd ever call THAT the sign of a good day."

>"I'm sure we can find a proper bed," Kyouko says. "This place isn't that tiny."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #347 on: February 13, 2016, 10:21:19 PM »
>"It's the paying for it that's crossed my mind. And I don't want you footing the bill again if I can help it. You've done more than enough for me already."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #348 on: February 13, 2016, 10:30:29 PM »
>"It's the paying for it that's crossed my mind. And I don't want you footing the bill again if I can help it. You've done more than enough for me already."

>"If that's the difference between you having a real bed or sleeping on the ground again, then I'm paying," she says decisively.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #349 on: February 13, 2016, 11:01:35 PM »
>"Haven't I lived on your dime long enough?"

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #350 on: February 13, 2016, 11:19:02 PM »
>"Haven't I lived on your dime long enough?"

>The yamabiko crosses her arms. "Well I'm getting a proper bed tonight and I won't see you tossed outside in a sleeping bag to do it."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #351 on: February 14, 2016, 12:47:14 AM »
>"Well, I know how stubborn you can be."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #352 on: February 14, 2016, 12:56:13 AM »
>"Well, I know how stubborn you can be."

>"That's right!" Kyouko nods severely, only to break into giggles. After a moment to collect herself, she gives you a playful nudge on the shoulder. "Let's go look for somewhere to stay tonight."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #353 on: February 14, 2016, 09:34:35 PM »
>"Yes, ma'am."
>But, do keep an eye open for an opportunity to make a quick buck between here and there.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #354 on: February 14, 2016, 10:35:58 PM »
>"Yes, ma'am."
>But, do keep an eye open for an opportunity to make a quick buck between here and there.

>It would have to be a very quick buck indeed to find it in the 15 minutes it takes you to reach the inn - the one you visited on your first trip to Isir's Cross and the only one in the village, as near as you can determine. They do have a room available, but only one; apparently it's tourist season. All you can think of is "This place gets tourists?"
>"That's fine," Kyouko says, then leans in to whisper at you. "It'll be cheaper."

>The second problem only makes itself clear after you step inside the room.
>"There's only one bed."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #355 on: February 15, 2016, 04:22:39 PM »
>"Well, that's cheaper, all right."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #356 on: February 15, 2016, 05:22:33 PM »
>"Well, that's cheaper, all right."

>"Not as much as you'd think," she mumbles.
>At least the bed looks well-made and capacious. The room itself is nothing to write home about, but it's clean and tidy and warm, which is enough. There's a small dresser in the corner, and a bundle of colorful wildflowers rests in a slim vase upon a side table. The bustle of the common room filters up through the floor, but muted; a reminder of civilization, but not an intrusion. For a modest inn in an even more modest town, it's probably about as good as you could hope for.
>But there's still only one bed.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #357 on: February 15, 2016, 09:29:27 PM »
>Have we ever split a bed before?

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #358 on: February 15, 2016, 09:34:10 PM »
>Have we ever split a bed before?

>Not while someone else was in it.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 15)
« Reply #359 on: February 15, 2016, 10:13:57 PM »
>Does Kyouko snore? Loudly, I mean, she does most everything else loudly.