Author Topic: Odd Neko Project II FPS Issue  (Read 2350 times)

Odd Neko Project II FPS Issue
« on: December 05, 2015, 06:19:12 PM »
So I started up Mystic Square today after not having played it for nearly a year, but Neko Project seems to be having weird FPS issues now. Whenever I am on a menu or dialogue screen in any PC98 touhou game, or even in the emulator's system setup menu, the frame rate drops down to single digit numbers. When I am in the stage and boss parts of the game the FPS goes back up in the mid to high 50s, though it still feels a little less smooth than I remember it being.
The only thing I can think of is that updating to Windows 10 may have screwed with the emulator somehow, since other than that I haven't done anything to the emulator since I last played, and last time I played everything ran fine. I also tried updating to the newest version of the emulator and that didn't help either. Has anyone else had this problem?