Author Topic: Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)  (Read 97132 times)


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  • By Benny1
Reborn in Gensokyo series (RiG4 has begun!)
« on: April 25, 2009, 01:26:11 PM »
Notice (19 May 2010): This version of the RiG series can't be updated any more for obvious reasons and the most up to date version is at Mima's new site, here. Further contents should be posted on that site rather than in this thread. Thanks!


RiG1: Right here. :V


Hey, hello, hi, here's an upgraded RiG1 for the new forum. So what's new? Well, it's mostly that my writing style changed over time (With a rather dramatic switch that took place in between RiG1 and 2). So, I've worked through the story and changed it to read better as well as adding little bits. RiG2, OLaD and RiG3 will follow soon enough, although they will be receiving less attention since they're in a better condition anyway.

Well then, let's begin.


Reborn In Gensokyo


Yet another ordinarily boring day and here I am driving to work yet again. I don?t know why I bother going really, I hardly enjoy the thing anyway; Standing behind a counter or walking down aisles doing menial tasks such as putting things on shelves is hardly an extreme activity. Still, money is money, I suppose.

I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel along to the latest track of music to start playing, some music track called Riverside Sight, or something similar to that, it was pretty catchy and as a result slightly distracting, which was something I needed.

I sighed in annoyance, these traffic lights always had a tendency to take an eternity to change, and today was no different. Traffic flew by in front of me, everyone in the morning work rush, with any luck; I won?t have to do this in a year or two. Once I have some qualifications under my belt mornings won?t exist anymore, I?ll just sleep past them. High pay, low hours, it?s a dream worth working for... But that?s still a few years away. My mind switched back to reality and I growled a little since the lights still hasn?t changed, how long are these things going to take?

I took a look at my radio, ?Track 4       2:30? Are these things broken or something? I could have sworn the song started after I got here... Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye I noticed the cars at the sides had stopped, could it be?! The red light disappeared, my heart started pounding. An amber light! I shouted out loud, ?Yeah!? Putting my car into gear and when the light turned green I started to move forward. I cheered, ?It?s about time!? Hooray! Everything was going well again! Then I heard the noise of someone?s horn and looked to see a car heading straight for me.

Everything slowed down around me, unfortunately so did I, so I couldn?t do much, except ponder the situation. Some idiot just ran a red light at possibly 60 mph or more and is heading straight for me. The speed I?m going is completely useless and grazing and hitboxes don?t exist in real life. Damn you video games for your lies on survival. The freeze seemed to be taking too long now, I mean I?ve already thought of every possible way to try and escape and they all won?t work. The world slowly started to speed back up again as I felt myself able to move I pondered what to do, but the world was picking up speed too fast, so instead of saying something cool or trying to do something, I didn?t even manage two words.

?Oh f-?

« Last Edit: May 19, 2010, 11:06:59 PM by Ichigo Rurouni »


  • Permabanned
  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo (Digitally Remastered!)
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2009, 01:26:36 PM »
Chapter 1


Nothing but pain... Am I dead? Where am I? What?s up with me?

Slowly my mind adjusted to become used to the pain, but wherever I am, I can?t move and I can?t even open my eyes. At that point I swore I could see some light, ever so slightly, like if you looked at a light with your eyes closed.

I came to the conclusion that I?m alive, but I still have no idea how I got here or where I am and to make matters worse, my head was hurting too much to try and remember anything anyway so I merely did nothing at all. It was quite pleasant after the pain subsided, but there was still the problem of me seeming to be paralysed.

What felt like an hour passed and another familiar feeling began to set in, boredom. Although I had no sense how long I?d truly been conscious for, I was already bored, usually I?d do something like think up a story or plan something, but in this current state where my head feels ready to blow up I thought that it might not be the best idea. I even tried to think of some gentle music to listen to, but that didn?t work. Oh joy.

Then, my heart jumped, I heard something new; Footsteps along with someone humming. Suddenly, thoughts began to dash around my head.

Well, whoever it is, at least they sound cheerful, I might get some help!

?Hey! What the hell do you think you?re doing lying there!?? A fairly light but loud voice shouted.

Or not.

I heard the footsteps get closer, ?If you don?t get out of here, right now then?? There was a pause, from which the voice emerged much more menacing, ?I?ll have to use force.?

Alarm bells starting ringing in my head and immediately I went to move away, only to remember my body had failed.

?Are you even listening to me?!? The voice started to get more impatient as the footsteps once again got closer.

Without warning, everything went silent for a moment.

Am I dead now?

Things remained silent and I began pondered to myself.

Oh damn, if this is death, then I think I?m going to go mad, with nothi-

Suddenly, the pain of which I had almost become used to spiked immensely as something hit me near the kidneys, again, and again. The output of pain was starting to make my mind scrambled.

I heard the voice again, presumably talking to herself, at least I think it?s a 'her', ?I wonder if it?s dead.? I felt two fingers rest on my neck, checking for a pulse, ?Oh, it?s not.? I was quite relieved to hear that line.

?I wonder if anyone would miss this if I took it?? The voice once again sounded slightly menacing.

Wait, what? Take what?

My mind went frantic again and then I felt my arm being lifted followed by my whole body being dragged along the floor and it wasn?t much longer before I began to black out from the pain.



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  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo (Digitally Remastered!)
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2009, 01:26:54 PM »
Chapter 2

I realised my own consciousness again and after resting for a brief period of time, I remembered the condition I was in, seemingly paralysed. This time however, the pain had faded somewhat and I felt a lot more comfortable, like I was resting in? a bed?

After pondering more theories, most of which consisted of asking myself if I was dead, I decided to remain optimistic and made myself believe I was alive and was just ill, or something like that.
At that point I heard a bang, which echoed slightly but since nothing happened after what felt like a minute, I let it go by. In the silence I slowly started to get the familiar feeling of boredom, and since my head felt slightly more stable I decided I would try and recall why I might be here in this undesirable state.

Other than a few ridiculous stories made by my mind I got nothing, not even an idea where I am, or was. In an attempt for comfort, I started to search my mind for something that I could remember, something I?d have imprinted into my head but instead a horrible mixture of sorrow and fear entered my head, when I realised I couldn?t even remember my own name. Still, it could be the shock. What if I?m paralysed? I could have suffered a head injury or something and now I?m lying in a hospital bed.

The panicking riot in my mind was culled upon hearing another loud bang similar to the last, though this one sounded much closer. It resembled something like a door slamming or of that sort. I started to think upon the new questions, which had arisen from that, am I really in a hospital? Other than the bangs, which seemed too loud, it?s was too quiet. Feeling exhausted, I dismissed the question in my head with a mere comment, ?Wherever I am, at least the bed?s comfy.?

I heard yet another door, this one wasn?t loud though, a door was being opened and I could only guess it was a door to this room due to how clear the noise was, which means I have company. After hearing a few footsteps I heard the same humming from yesterday followed by an impatient sigh, ?It?s still not awake yet!?

Or that?s what you think, anyway.

?This is no good, if it doesn?t do something soon I?ll just have to use it for target practice.?

She can?t be talking about me can she? Don?t say I?m stuck in some psycho?s house.

Suddenly, in the midst of panic, I felt my body twitch a little; it wasn?t much, but hopefully a signal to my strength actually returning.

?Yes! Finally!?

 It seemed my strength was finally returning, but straight away I wondered if this was really a good time.

I heard the girl give a quizzical noise, ?Did he just-??

I waited for a few moments, before struggling to open my eyes slightly and slowly focused, to find a girl with green hair and red eyes right in front of me, staring at me.

It nearly gave me a heart attack.



  • Permabanned
  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo (Digitally Remastered!)
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2009, 01:27:13 PM »
Chapter 3

?Hiiii!? The girl said, in a friendly, long, musical tone.

Least she seems cheerful... for now

With my mind in a mess and a throbbing headache I opened my mouth to reply, ?? Hell?o??

?It can talk!? The girl expressed excitedly.

Closing my eyes I thought to myself, about the fact I was being called an ?it? and realised that closing my eyes reduced some of the pain.

?Hey! Don?t you dare go back sleep!? Suddenly the carefree voice had turned ferocious, it wasn?t long after that my eyes sprung open again out of fear, if not anything else, ?That?s better!? Just like that, the voice had gone carefree again.

I struggled to lift my arm and wiped my eyes, allowing me to see better and looked at my visitor, or am I her visitor? She had fairly long green hair, which triggered something in my head saying that wasn?t normal, as were the red eyes. She wore a pink shirt covered by a long red dress with a pattern that only reminded me of something you see on a tablecloth, oddly, although all the colours were bright, it suited her quite well. ?You?re a human, right??

??Yeah?? I mumbled. What else am I going to be?

The girl proudly sung, ?I?m Yuka Kazami, and you?re currently in the Kazami mansion.? Her eyes shone a look of expectation.

??Oh? okay?? I replied, rather confused.

Yuka?s face showed a little disappointment but then she smiled again, ?You?re from the village, right??

?What village?? I slowly replied. How vague.

Yuka?s expression changed again, ?Stop asking stupid questions, you know what village I mean.?

I closed my eyes to think, before remembering the previous time and opened them quickly, ?Actually I don?t, I? can?t remember anything, not even who I am.?

Yuka?s face turned to a menacing grin, ?Is that so? Well, I must be going now. Bye bye!? As she finished she stood up and walked out the room.

?B-bye.? I stammered.

What the hell have I got myself into now? She?s psychotic! Still, if I keep her in a good mood, I should be fairly safe for the time being? I hope. 

I closed my eyes and took a moment to regain my senses, when I opened my eyes again I noticed how bright the room was. The colours, like Yuka?s, were all blindingly bright as well as sporting  a large flower them, it?s no wonder my head hurt when I woke up really.

As I looked around my attention went to that of a bird of some kind in the window, a blackbird or something like that and next to it a black box of some sort. The bird was pecking the box causing the box to click each time, ?Wow, my head must be a mess, it?s almost like that bird is using a camera, what could it-?? My voice was suddenly interrupted by a voice I instantly recognised as my captor.

?Hey, crow! What the hell do you think you?re doing spying on me!? I heard Yuka shouted in a violent tone.

Blackbird, crow, close enough.

Almost instantly, the crow flew away and a few seconds later a storm of flowers flew by the window.

A higher pitched voice replied, ?I?m getting my scoop! Flower youkai steals and holds captive a human!?

?Want a scoop? Try ?Crow brutally murdered for not minding its own business!?? The next thing I knew all I could see out the window was light.

I really must have injured my head.

In the light I saw a figure fly away, presumably the crow, but I could have sworn it looked strangely human-like.

Wanting to know what in the world had just happened, I decided to take a risk and try and get over to the window, luckily it was next to the chair Yuka sat in so I swung out of bed and wobbled over to the chair, I walked better than I thought I would but still ended up crashing down onto the chair. At that point Yuka appeared in the window and smiled, ?Ignore that crow, it?s always being nosey? Bye!? The next thing I knew, she was gone again.

Surely it?s time to wake up now.

I pushed myself up in the chair and looked out the window? Only to be bewildered by the fact I wasn?t on the ground floor, but rather one floor up. ?How- why- how could she possibly have been in front of that window? Flying? No, that ridiculous.?

I wobbled back over to bed and got back in, psycho or not, she had a good taste in beds considering how comfy this one was, one could spend all day in it. Still in disbelief, I sat a moment before trying all methods to make myself wake up, pinching myself, confusing myself and various other things that I figured would make me wake up, to no success. ?What?s going on, this must be a dream... it?s got to be.?

As I pondered on my situation, still lying in bed, I heard the door open and looked up to see a small creature fly in with a plate of food and a some water and place it down on the bedside table beside me, it stared at me for a few seconds and then without a word it flew away and out the room. ?Uh, thanks.? I called out after it.

My mind completely gave up trying to comprehend things at this point, having just seen a fairy or something like that fly into the room and leave me some food. I looked at the food and realised how hungry I actually was and that my throat was burning. I?d never been one for salads, or water, but I didn?t really care at this point and started my meal.



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  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo (Digitally Remastered!)
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2009, 01:27:31 PM »
Chapter 4

There were no more events that day, I finished my meal, which was surprisingly good tasting for a salad and it wasn?t long after that before I was lying in bed thinking about what had happened that day, even if most of it was unknown.

Despite resting since I had got here, however long that was, I found myself falling asleep once again but in a way it was a blessing, since it took my mind off panicking about things.

When I opened my eyes my heart skipped a beat due to the unfamiliarity of the room, until my brain started up and I remembered where I was, as this occurred a rush of memories stormed through my head from the day before bringing me up to speed.

Feeling stronger, I decided today I?d be brave and explore some of the surroundings; even it was just this so-called Kazami Mansion. As I lifted myself up I noticed that the sun was already high in the sky suggesting it was sometime near midday, as I turned around and felt stupid as I realised there was a clock opposite me stating the time, it was roughly 11:15.

I pushed myself to the side of the bed and waited a moment before standing up, pushing against the wall to keep my balance. Once I felt steady I pushed myself away from the wall and took a few steps, and to my relief I didn?t fall over.

I noticed that in the corner of the room there was a large mirror to which I walked over to and looked at myself, to my relief I hadn?t changed physically and was still wearing my usual get-up consisting of a shirt, jacket and denim jeans. I started to try and do something with my hair, which had been disturbed a good deal due to the amount of bed-rest I had had, but gave it up as a bad job and decided to leave the room.

As I left the room I found myself facing a wall, and a window to my right. However to my left was a fairly long corridor with several doors on each side. I saw one or two of those fairies like the one yesterday, which caused me to double take before I remembered about the previous encounter.

Walking down the corridor I noticed the colour scheme remained the same as the room I stayed in, bright colours and the pattern from Yuka?s dress matched the carpet here, while the walls were spared from that, as I continued down the passage, I noticed the wall on the left eventually stopping, bringing new sights instead.

To my left now appeared to be the hall of the mansion, a few steps further ahead were one of two sets of stairs leading downstairs, which I started to use. The hall surprised me with its size and confirmed that I was definitely in a mansion. The colour?s dropped a little in this room since the walls appeared to be made from wood with its original colour to my relief, although the floor maintained its brightness.

At the bottom of the stairs I confirmed my thoughts, the door on the far wall lead outside, which was definitely something worth noting in case things got problematic. When I looked back to the stairs I noticed two arches between the two stairways leading elsewhere and since there was nothing else to do here, I continued exploring the mansion, choosing to go through the right arch.

I soon found myself in another large room with a table in the middle, it would be presumed that this was the dining room, quite a large room for one person especially since the table could fit at least ten but as I thought that another thought entered my head, ?What if there are more people here then just her?? My body froze for a moment at the thought of more lunatics before I regained my senses and moved on.

Through the next door was the kitchen, but since there were some fairies cleaning and working in there I decided I would be best staying out of the way, since there was nothing else in this area, I decided the next thing to explore would be to return to the hall and take the left arch.

As I begun to walk down the left arch I heard a familiar voice from behind me, ?Here you are, I thought you?d ran away!? I slowly turned around to find myself face to face with Yuka who was half leaning on a pink umbrella or parasol. ?What do you think of my mansion??

I paused for a moment, ?It?s? quite the nice place.? I decided to not mention the choice of colours. ?How many people live here?? I questioned.

?Oh, just me. Always been that way.? Yuka spun around aimlessly without a care, ?I?m going for a walk, care to come along??

Even if I had only been able to walk for less than an hour, those thoughts were still overrode by not getting on her bad side. ?I could do, I guess.?

?Okay, let?s goooo.? Yuka sung as she turned around and begun to walk away, with no other ideas I just started to follow her.



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  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo (Digitally Remastered!)
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2009, 01:27:52 PM »
Chapter 5

The first thing I noticed is that Yuka left the door unlocked, which struck me as quite odd since anyone could walk in, but then I reminded myself about who?s house it was, plus I bet those Fairies would do something, however little it may be.

Yuka opened her parasol and strolled ahead while I trailed a little behind taking in the surroundings, it was mostly what I saw from the window, fields and flowers. The only thing different was this path I was slowly travelling along.

Things felt very slow, almost as if this path was unending, I looked behind to see the mansion was nearly out of sight so with no destination in sight I started to make up more stories in my mind to keep me entertained, but not to much success. For some reason I wasn?t that surprised to see that Yuka was quite content; she was still ahead humming some melody.

Mixed feelings arose when I saw a much smaller house ahead. I was relieved that this road wasn?t seemingly endless and empty but then I wondered that if there was an occupant, what?s to say they?re not like Yuka?

As I expected, as we approached the house I saw the silhouette of someone around the house, whoever it was they appeared to be holding a staff or something. As we got closer, the figure turned and started to approach; it was also revealed that the item in question was a scythe.

Trying to keep myself calm I continued walking as if I hadn?t noticed anyone when I heard a voice other then Yuka?s, also female. ?Good morning, Yuka!?

?Hello.? Yuka cheerfully replied.

At least she really does appear to be in a good mood today.

?Hey, is that the human you found?? The newcomer said as she arrived. The woman had blonde hair and was wearing a crimson dress with pink frills. She was also wearing a hat, which was pink with a red ribbon wrapped around it. It took me a moment but I saw that she also had yellow eyes, which, like Yuka?s struck me as odd.

?It is, I thought it was broken or something but it seems to be quite a good one.? I thought about pointing out that I?m not an object and that I have a name, but the fact I didn?t actually know what it is caused me to stall.

?So what are you going to do with it?? The scythe wielding woman asked, casually.

Yuka shrugged, ?I?m not too sure really, haven?t made my mind up.?

?Why don?t you just chop it up!?? My eyes widened as I saw the woman swing her scythe missing my neck my inches.

?No, no, I don?t do things like that.? My heart lifted a little hearing that before it sunk again as Yuka continued talking,  ?I prefer to just blow them away, it leaves no mess.? Yuka cheerfully claimed while grinning devilishly at me.

The woman laughed, ?That?s true. So anyway, what are you up to today??

?Just the usual, but the human tagged along today so there might be some detours.? I wondered at the word ?usual? for a moment, I really couldn?t see this being a normal quiet walk.

?Sounds nice, want me to do the usual??

?Correct, let nothing in, or out.? Even though the topic seemed a little more serious, Yuka?s tone didn?t change. ?See you later Elly.? Yuka spoke as she started to walk away.

?Bye Miss Yuka!? Elly shouted from behind.

I looked at Elly for a moment, ?Umm, bye.? After which I began walking a little faster to catch up with Yuka slightly.

?Bye Yuka?s human!? I heard Elly shout, which almost made me start laughing at how ridiculous it sounded.

A few more minutes passed as the scenery returned to being uneventful and quite boring, the only thing different was the appearance of a river to the left, however the water looked strangely red, I could guess what it was and fearing my answer to the question was true, I decided not to ask Yuka about it.

I couldn?t see anything in the distance that looked interesting, which made me wonder if I should have stayed at the mansion. I caught up with Yuka and tried my luck at asking a few more questions, ?So, she works for you??

?Yes, she guards the house.? Yuka cheerfully replied.

?From there? Isn?t that a little far away from the house?? I questioned, thinking of the horrific walk from the mansion to Elly?s house.

Yuka very slightly shook her head, ?No, since this path is the only way to reach the mansion.

?Can?t someone just come in the other direction though??

?No, because this is the only way to get here.? Yuka pointed at something and I jumped as I saw a shimmering field at the end of the path, how I?d not seen it earlier was somewhat confusing.

?Is? is that a portal?? I mumbled.

?What else would it be?? Yuka said confidently, right before walking into the portal.

I watched the portal as I saw Yuka appear on the other side and began walking away. Walking up to the portal I stopped and slowly reached at it with my left hand into the tip of my finger was enveloped in the portal, I took my hand out and to my relief nothing unfortunate or painful had happened. I reached in again placing my whole hand in before taking a deep breath and jumping in, unaware of what awaited.



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  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo (Digitally Remastered!)
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2009, 01:28:09 PM »
Chapter 6

The whole world was white but slowly the world started to gain colour, the world seemed very yellow, until I saw that I was standing in a field of sunflowers with Yuka standing in the middle.

?This is, quite a lot of sunflowers.? I said for the sake of saying something.

?It is.? Yuka replied with a hint of pride before walking off and examining more flowers.

?So, I?ve gathered you like flowers, judging from this and your mansion?s grounds.?

?Obviously.? She replied, giving me a look of sarcasm.

I continued to stand where I was, leaving Yuka walking around the field having decided that it would simply be best to leave her to her own game and not touch anything.

 I started to look at the surroundings and to my surprise there was more sights then I expected, straight ahead there was a dark looking forest while to my right there was what appeared to be a few houses, there?s possibly more but I just couldn?t see far enough but I presumed it was a village of some kind, maybe the one Yuka asked me if I was from. Finally, to my left and leading all the way behind me was a large lake, it could be the sea but from what I could see it didn?t appear to go off anywhere so I gathered it was surrounded by land.

Minutes passed by and Yuka was still parading around the flower field. ? ?Yuka, how long are you planning on staying here??

Yuka looked at the gold watch on her dress, ?Oh, not for long today, only an hour or so.? My jaw dropped on hearing this.

How can someone spend this long in a flower field doing what appears to be nothing!?

I waited a few more moments before getting another idea, ?Hey, Yuka, mind if I go and look around??

?No, but don?t go too far or you?ll get killed.? She answered in a sickly-sweet tone. After pausing at the last comment I continued.

?So, if you?re leaving in an hour, I don?t suppose you have a spare watch or anything do you? I don?t want to get left behind and killed you see.? I laughed weakly.

Yuka stopped for a moment looking at the sunflower she was tending to and turned and walked towards me.

Uh oh, what did I do wrong?

Yuka stared at me for a moment before reaching into her shirt pocket and taking out a silver pocket watch. ?Lose it and I?ll kill you myself.? Yuka smiled at me with a cute grin.

?Oh, thanks. I?ll, just be over there, near the lake or something.? I stammered before Yuka walked back over to the flowers.

Walking towards the lake I examined the watch, it was quite the nice piece of crafting. The Roman numerals and old-fashioned hands gave the watch a feeling of antiquity. Turning the watch over there was a flower finely engraved into the back of the watch; I guess Yuka truly was flower mad.

The walk along the lakeside seemed to be quite uneventful, but it was best that way. There appeared to be an island in the middle of the lake with a lone building on it resembling a small castle, everything I?ve seen here so far seemed to have an odd detail, for instance this castle was coloured a dark red, like a crimson.

Seeing as there was no way to get to that structure I continued to walk along the river looking for more things when I found a corner, leading to what I considered the south side.

?Hey, stop it! That?s cruel!? A light, concerned voice cried.

?It?s not like they feel anything!? A confident yet childish voice replied, ?Besides they always turn out alright!? There was a sound of a smash and something breaking, ?Well, maybe not that one.?

?Cirno! Stop picking on the poor frogs!? The more timid of the two voices pleaded.

Frogs? Freezing? Now what?

I poked my head around the corner and saw two human-child sized fairies, much bigger than the fairies from Yuka?s mansion, standing there. The larger of the two, though not by much, looked just like a larger version of the mansion fairies although she was wearing a simple blue dress and had green hair, but the other one looked a lot more unique, the fairy was wearing a dress roughly the same colour as her friend?s but had hair of a much lighter shade of blue, and rather than the ?normal? wings I had seen, they looked like they were made from shards of ice. In her hand with a ball of ice with something inside, presumably a frog and the pieces of ice on the floor suggested that used to be a frog.

The fairies stopped arguing about the frogs and the smaller, more mischievous looking one walked over to the lake looking away from the other fairy, I saw from an angle that she was smiling mischievously, ?Daiyousei, I heard some bad news??

?What? What news Cirno?? The smaller fairy sounded a little cautious.

The fairy raised her voice, ?That a human is coming to kill you!?

In a panic the smaller fairy started looking around for danger and caught sight of me, before she started screaming.

The blue fairy spun around laughing at the screaming green fairy, ?Relax! It was a joke!? The fairy did nothing but continue screaming and pointed at me, ?It?s the human coming to kill me!?

Cirno?s face filled with surprise as she spotted me, ?Hey you! Human! I?ll teach you not to try and kill Daiyousei!? The ice fairy started to run at me while I retreated back around the corner and ran.



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  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo (Digitally Remastered!)
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2009, 01:28:32 PM »
Chapter 7

?Get back here Daiyousei-killer!? The blue fairy shouted as I found several icicles flying past my head, thankfully inaccurate.

Turning my head back I saw that the fairy was flying after me slightly off the ground, ?What are you talking about? I couldn?t kill anything if I tried!?

?I heard a rumour that a human was going to kill Daiyousei so you must be it!? The fairy swooped down and grabbed my leg before I shook her off.

?But didn?t you-? My speech was interrupted as I fell to the floor. ?What the...?? Looking for the problem, I saw that my leg was covered in ice.

?I?ve got you now!? The fairy cheered, ?Hey Daiyousei! Come and look what I caught!?

?W-what, Cirno?? The timid fairy poked her head around the corner before seeing me. ?Ah! Please don?t kill me!?

?Believe me, the only one at risk of dying here, is myself.? I groaned half-apologetically, ?Especially since your friend is trying to kill me because of a rumour she made up.?

The shy fairy walked closer and looked at me, and then at Cirno. ?Cirno, did you make that rumour up??

?M-Maybe?? Cirno looked at the floor, almost as if she was trying to remember if she did or not.

?Don?t be cruel like you are to those frogs, let the human go.? Daiyousei asked Cirno.

?Fine? But if you try and hurt either of us I?ll freeze you solid!? Despite being half my size, she tried to look threatening to me, but failed.

I tried to get up but the lack of movement reminded me my leg was covered in ice. ?Can?t you do something about this??

?No, just let it unfreeze, it works for the frogs.? Cirno started talking as though she was an expert in that area.

?Well, I hope you don?t mind me sitting here for a while then because I can?t do much else.?

Daiyousei sat down, ?It?s ok, so why are you here anyway? Not many humans come around here, especially with that mansion there.? The fairy motioned to the red castle-like building I saw earlier.

?Well, I?d like to know that myself, I just woke up in some unfamiliar place suddenly and I can?t remember anything before that so I?m just trying to find somewhere that triggers my memories.? I reached into my pocket and took out the watch.

Oh good, hopefully there?ll be time for my leg to thaw.

?Wow, that?s nice.? Cirno poked the watch.

?Yeah, someone named Yuka gave it me.?

Cirno raised her voice slightly, ?I know! She?s your wife right?!?

The next thing I knew I was laughing hysterically while Cirno looked at me looking amused but obviously bewildered about what I was laughing at.

Calming down slightly, ?No, no, I?d have been dead a long time ago if I was?? I paused briefly, regaining my composure, ?Yuka?s the one who found me when I first got here. She?s over there in that flower field.?

Looking worried, Daiyousei quietly asked, ?Is she that scary lady with the green hair??

?Yeah? ?Scary?, I can tell you?ve already met her.?

?She beat up Cirno once!? The timid fairy announced.

?Huh? She did?? Cirno sat there with a dumb expression, obviously trying to remember.

?When all those flowers were everywhere and then she made more which beat you up!? I couldn?t help but think how odd that sounded.

Cirno stood up and yelled rather angrily, ?I didn?t lose! I left because she was too easy!?

I raised an eyebrow in confusion while Daiyousei tried to calm her down, ?Cirno??

?If you don?t believe me, I?ll go fight her now!? Cirno started to walk at the flower fields.

?Wait!? Daiyousei and I shouted together.

?No! I won?t stop until you believe me!? The ice fairy yelled back as she continued to  pace forwards.

?We? We do believe you!? Daiyousei shouted back.

Cirno snapped at her friend, and increased the speed of departure, ?Liar!?

She?s doomed.

After shaking my leg for a moment I was finally able to move it and stood up, grabbed Daiyousei and started to run after Cirno, but she was far ahead.

?Hey you meanie! Come and fight me!? The defiant blue fairy cried as she stood on the edge of the flower field.

There was no response or sign of Yuka.

?Are you scared?!? Cirno arrogantly taunted.

Yuka?s head appeared over some flowers, ?Go away.? Just as quick as she appeared, she was gone again.

Cirno turned around with a look of rejection before spinning around again. ?Fine! If you don?t want to fight, I?ll make you!?

Uh oh.

Cirno began to freeze some of the flowers, causing a few to shatter.

She?s got a death wish.

Yuka appeared on the hill to the right of where she was previously, with an evil smile she walked down towards Cirno who seems frozen with fear. A moment later a second Yuka appeared to the left where she was previously, and began walking to Cirno, though they generally looked the same, this Yuka looked slightly more insane, with a much more psychotic grin and slightly messier hair covering some of her face.

Here comes trouble.

With the two Yukas facing her, Cirno snapped out of her frozen state and shouted, ?Fine, if you need two to beat me then I will deal twice the power!? Cirno reached out of her pocket and pulled out a card and held it in the air. ?Icicle Fall!?

Nothing happened for a few moments until suddenly some rather large icicles bombarded the area around Cirno and the double Yukas. Both Yukas merely laughed and held their parasols above them causing the icicles to shatter on impact.

Wow, that?s a good parasol.

After the icicles stopped the Yukas lowered their parasols so they faced Cirno. ?My turn.? Not wanting to take any chances I grabbed Daiyousei and dived to the ground just before two enormous lasers blasted over us.

After the lasers subsided I looked up to see a single Yuka walking back up the hill and a blackened Cirno lying on the floor.

?She lost again.? Daiyousei walked over to Cirno.
?We? drew?? I heard Cirno say before she fell silent.

I was afraid to ask, ?Is? Is she dead??

?No, she?s just sleeping, a few hours and she?ll be back to herself.?

Wow, fairies are quite resilient.

?Do you want a hand taking her somewhere?? I asked feeling half-responsible.

?No, no, it?s okay.? She smiled back, her expression explaining that this isn?t the first time this has happened.

I looked at the pocket watch, ?Oh, okay. Well, I think I has best go to Yuka now, might be worth making sure she?s not doing anything... malicious.?

?Okay, what?s your name anyway?? Daiyousei asked as I was starting to leave.

?I? don?t know, like I said, I lost my memories.?

?Oh? Well I?m Daiyousei and she?s Cirno, come back sometime.?

?I will, if I?m alive.? I laughed nervously before walking to the flowers, ?See you around.?

Well, at least I had made some friends in this place.



  • Permabanned
  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo (Digitally Remastered!)
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2009, 01:28:48 PM »
Chapter 8

After standing around for a few minutes I decided to go and face Yuka, who was plodding around the flower field like I left her. Luckily, she appeared to be back to how she was earlier, I?m not sure what the term would be since ?friendly? doesn?t feel right.

?So?? I delayed a moment thinking how weird this sounded, ?You can split into two or something, huh??

?When I want to.? She replied casually.

?And you can also fire big lasers with your umbrella?? I almost shook my head in how absurd this sounded.

?Yes, it gets rid of those pesky flies.? She answered without any concern.

It struck me then that everyone I had met so far seemed to be able to use magic or was magical in nature; I got my hopes up for a moment and asked Yuka another question, ?Do you think I can cast magic like everyone else??

?Of course not.? Yuka giggled and teased me, ?Humans have to practice and I can tell you haven?t.?

?So, I take it you?re not human.?

?Haven?t I told you? I?m the strongest Youkai in Gensokyo!? Yuka spun around.

Youkai?? Gensokyo?? What?

Judging by her bragging I took a guess that Gensokyo was the land I?m in, the term Youkai sounded fairly familiar, it was a magic being or something.

?I see? So why did the fairy hold a card up in the air when she attacked you.?

?Because she?s a do-gooder. Now, it?s time to go.? Yuka turned to the side and started to walk off as she did last time.

I quickly caught up and walked beside her, ?So, where are we going next? Another field?? I feared for the worst.

?Not this time, we?re going to go to the human village today.?

Great, perhaps someone there won?t try and kill me on sight. I might even get to know what?s going on around here!

It turned out that the buildings I had seen from the flower field was the human village, on approaching I noticed a few humans that had noticed us disappeared promptly, it appeared that Yuka was well known here already.

Approaching the village, which now seems fairly deserted a lone figure ran towards us from the village. As usual she was wearing a fairly strange outfit, the dress she was wearing was mainly blue with touches of white and a ribbon, but the more unusual part was that on top of her long silver hair lay a hat of some kind, which looked like a blue box with a red ribbon on it

?I thought I told you not to come here anymore!? Whoever she was, she certainly knew who Yuka was.

?Relax, I?m not here for violence today.? Yuka walked past the woman, obviously without a care.

Flustered, the woman sighed and turned to me, ?And who do you think you are.?

?I wish I knew myself.? I mumbled.

?In case you had not noticed, this is a village for humans, not youkai!? The woman shouted at me.

?Well, I am a human so that?s alright.? I grumbled somewhat, unhappy at this unneeded prejudice.

The woman?s voice suddenly turned caring, ?Y-you are? Well, what are you doing with her then?! Don?t you know she?s dangerous??


Yuka suddenly cut in, ?Oh, don?t mind him. He?s my human.?

?What do you mean ?your human?? You can?t just steal one for yourself!? She argued.

?I found him near my house, therefore it belongs to me.? Once again, I was being talked about like a possession.

The woman turned back to me, ?Did you live here once??

?I don?t know, I can?t remember. I can?t remember anything, in fa-? Yuka cut in again.

?If you?re going to be talking, I?m going up there, you have an hour again.? Yuka walked off leaving the newcomer with the decision to chase after Yuka or stay with me, after a moment she calmed down and stayed put.

?Shouldn?t you watch out in case she does anything? She just blasted some fairy to oblivion.?

?No, she?s gone to the flower shop, so she won?t be much trouble unless they?re using the wrong weed killer or whatever it was she caused hell over last time.? She mused.

 Flower shop, what a surprise.

The woman introduced herself, ?I?m Keine Kamashirasawa, the village?s protector.?

?Oh, hi, I?d tell you my name, but like I said, I can?t think what it is.? I replied sheepishly

?You can?t remember anything at all?? Keine asked, looking puzzled.

?No, the most recent thing I can remember is waking up in what I think was a field, but even then I couldn?t open my eyes and see.?

?I see, well, I guess you might like some things explaining to you then. Come.? Keine turned around and looked at me waiting for me to follow. Eager to find out some answers I followed her. ?The things I?m about to say may seem unreal or fake, but it?s true. Having met someone like Ms Kazami already, you?ll probably take it in better.?

?You?re currently in a land called Gensokyo, Gensokyo is filled with all sorts of weird and wonderful things such as magic and youkai. Due to the youkai and their tendencies to attack humans, however uncommon that actually is now, most humans live here in this village where it?s safe from them.? I looked around and saw the village was actually bigger then it first appeared, ?Youkai have powers far beyond most humans and many can kill a human without trying.?

?Yeah, like I saw that fairy get hurt, if I hadn?t leapt out the way I?d have been a goner.?

?Indeed, well, here we are.? Keine announced with a gentle smile.

Keine walked up to a building and knocked on the door, ?It?s me, Keine.?

?Come in!? A young voice called.

Keine opened the door and motioned for me to go in, entering, I let Keine take the lead again and before long we found a purple-haired girl before us, sat at a table and writing something down into a book.

?Hello, Akyu.? Keine smiled.

The girl looked up from her writing, ?Hello Keine, what can I do for you?? Akyu then noticed me, ?And you, I?ve never met. I?m Hieda no Akyu, pleased to meet you.?



  • Permabanned
  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo (Digitally Remastered!)
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2009, 01:29:15 PM »
Chapter 9

?Oh, hi? I?m, well I don?t know.? I stuttered, still not used to the fact.

Akyu looked at Keine and then back at me, ?Memory loss??

Keine shook her head, ?No, I believe it?s a little more than that.?

Akyu looked at me again and I noticed her eyes matched her purple hair. ?I can see where you?re coming from. Where did you find him?? Akyu took a sip of her tea.

?He turned up in the village with Yuka Kazami, whose elsewhere in the village.? Keine?s voice sounded more worried as she remembered Yuka was still around.

?He?s done well not to get himself killed then.? The purple haired girl said, with a hint of surprise.

I interrupted the conversation slightly, ?Is she really all that dangerous? She told me she?s the most powerful? youkai in Gensokyo.?

?She?s not too far off, though?? Keine lowered her voice slightly, ?There?s a few most likely more powerful, but don?t tell her, she won?t take it nicely.?

?Have a look at those books behind you.? When I noticed Akyu was talking to me I spun around I saw a large collection of books, which looked the same only with different numbers on at the bottom. ?Take one and bring it over here.?

Following Akyu?s orders I took the book over to her and she immediately flicked through the pages opening the book fully on a page titled ?Yuka Kazami?. I looked down at the page where there was a drawing capturing her menacing smile. ?This book has information about her??

?Yes, have a look.? I picked up the book and began reading it. Straight away my heart jumped when I saw the lines ?Threat Level: Extremely High, Human Friendship level: Very Poor.? I started to read the more detailed section.

?Those books can be best described as an encyclopedia of Gensokyo, everyone and everything of note is in there, so it might do you well to have a read.? Keine explained as I read more about Yuka.

Manipulation of flowers, not advised to confront her?

After reading a moment I said out loud the question in my head, ?How am I still alive??

?That?s a question I?m not too sure on, though the most likely thing is that she got bored.? Keine answered in thought.

?What do you mean, bored?? I questioned, confused at the rather vague reply.

?Some youkai have been known to do some? unusual things when bored, such as a Night Sparrow youkai named Mystia Lorelei, who instead of attacking humans, opened up a food stand selling Lamprey. I can only guess that Yuka got bored and decided to take you in.?

Was that meant to make me feel safer or something? It wasn?t working much. I cleared my throat a little before adding, ?But that doesn?t explain why I ended up there, or in Gensokyo at that.?

?About that.? Keine began talking, ?Looking at the clues, I think it?s safe to say you?re an outsider.?

I was confused, ?An outsider??

Keine continued, ?Your memory loss and your clothing are signs that you?re not from Gensokyo, but rather from the outside world.?

?I have no idea what you?re talking about.?

?Let?s start from the beginning, Gensokyo is, at its core, a dream land. Completely separated from what you may call the real world. Though to us, this world is as real as it can get.?

And I?m lost again.

?In short, you?re not from this world, however your presence here is like a dream. In other words, you?re most likely unconscious in the real world, so your soul ventured here to Gensokyo and that?s why you?re in this situation.?

Suffering from a slight information overload I paused for a moment to gather my thoughts.

?However, due to the fact you?re human it means your stay is only temporary.?

She?s saying more!

?When your real body wakes up, you?ll disappear from here, back to your world.? Keine ended the sentence with a slight sense of unhappiness.

I paused for a moment longer, ?Doesn?t that mean all humans here will??

?No, humans actually born here will remain here, it?s also why they?re slightly magical and you?re not.? Akyu added her knowledge to the current torrent of information.

I tried to work things out further, ?So surely that means I might be here for years??

?However long your real body is unconscious for, it could be days... it could be years.?

My mind searched for a response to that lesson but only managed to come out with, ?Oh.?

I?m starting to think I would be better off not knowing that, I really shouldn?t have asked.

?You still have plenty of time before Yuka?s expecting you, so feel free to stay here and ask questions, or just learn about Gensokyo, it might be helpful to you.? Akyu said with an eager smile, it would appear she likes to talk about what she knows.

?So you think I should continue going with her?? I said, rather surprised.

Keine frowned, ?Well, however much I fear for your safety, it would be best for you to continue to go with Yuka, to prevent her putting anyone else?s lives at risk? I?m sorry.?

?I see, well, if I did? die... here, what would happen to me?? I looked away fearing the worst.

?I?m not completely sure, but I?m fairly certain your soul would return to your real body and do nothing, simply put, the next thing you?d know, you?d have woken up there.?

So I?m fairly expendable.

Without another word I sat down at the table Akyu was at and stared at the book, thinking about things.

So it doesn?t matter if I die, that?s a little more comforting. But what?s the ?real world? by the sounds of it it?s nothing like here.

I focused my eyes and out of the corner of my eye I caught sight of Yuka?s name in the book Akyu was writing in, it then struck me that all through Keine?s explanation, Akyu had been writing something, probably about me.

On a further inspection noticed that ?Addition of Yuka Kazami section? was written at the top of the page, I began to read the first paragraph, which started ?In one summer, Yuka took in a human?? At that point Akyu looked up and noticed me reading her work in progress.

?So? what are you writing about me??

Akyu grinned, ?Just a general article, outsiders are fairly rare now, since they disappear so quickly, or a youkai finds them, not to mention that befriending a youkai such as Yuka Kazami is extremely unusual.?

I chuckled a little, ?I hardly call it befriending. She threatens me and leaves me behind all the time.?

?Compared to her normal behaviour, it?s like you are friends.?

Once again the helpful reply appeared, ?Oh.? Akyu waited a few seconds before going back to her article.

I began thinking about the lecture again, and that of the real world,

I wonder if it?s safer then here, whether youkai are there.

I cursed my memory loss, but then thought of something. ?Hold on, if outsiders don?t remember the ?real world? then how do you know about it? Is this all one potentially false theory??

Keine smiled at me, ?No, it?s true. Youkai can remember it.?

?What, so now you?re saying youkai are from the ?real world???

?No, they used to be, before they died.? I braced myself for another lecture. ?Youkai are the free souls of those who died in the real world, and ended up here rather than reincarnating. Since the souls are free and immortal, they become youkai.?

?Oh.? I sighed in my mind at my response again.

?Have a think about it, it?ll make sense soon enough.?

?I don?t really have a choice now, do I?? I sighed before opening the encyclopedia and beginning to read.

The one thing that I definitely knew was that my head hurt.



  • Permabanned
  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo (Digitally Remastered!)
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2009, 01:30:32 PM »
Chapter 10

I lay the book down on the table and checked the pocket watch, luckily there was still 5 minutes left until Yuka was moving on. So without any delay I placed the watch back in my pocket and picked up the book to continue reading.

It was hard to believe that this book was factual; some of the articles were so unbelievable that had I not seen some of Gensokyo already, I?d never have believed it.

But it was true, and it hadn?t quite sunk in how weird things were. Further reading of Yuka?s didn?t calm my thoughts any more. Everything pointed to her attacking everyone who entered her field, let alone her little world in that portal.

There seemed to be some even scarier to imagine though, Flandre Scarlet is a vampire who lives in that mansion I saw and according to the book, she can destroy anything due to the ability she has, so believe it or not, I guess things could be worse.

The recent history proved interesting, magical incidents occurring often and it?s usually left to a shrine maiden to sort things out. Events have ranged from Gensokyo being covered in mist from an outbreak of flowers, it?s said someone even stole the moon. One thing I must admit, this place sure isn?t boring.

The next page explained a youkai called Yukari Yakumo who can control borders, which apparently make up everything. I slowly started to feel small and overwhelmed, I?d been reading this book learning about various powers and fights, yet I?m stuck to do nothing, except run.

With little other action to take, I sighed to myself and sat back in the chair.

Oh well, at least it means you?re less likely to get hurt.

I was enjoying the book though; it was quite fascinating knowing what the youkai can do, and what to do in case you encounter them, which I thought was quite valuable information. Once again I reached into my pocket and pulled out the watch, 3 minutes left.

I can read another article in that time.

Quickly I flicked the page and began to read ?Ten-?


I jumped out of my seat at the sudden voice, which sounded familiar for some reason.

The door to the building opened and another new face walked in, this black haired girl was wearing a slightly formal looking plain black skirt and white blouse decorated with hints of black in the forms of buttons and ribbons, over that she wore a small brown vest with leaf patterns scattered over it. Once again I noticed another unusual headwear, it looked like a small red pointed box on the top of her head, though it was nothing compared to that of Keine?s, the straps which dangled along the sides of her head had some balls of fluff attached.

The girl walked over to Keine and Akyu, ?Hello Miss Kamashirasawa, Miss Hieda and?? It was obvious she?d seen me, ?Oh! You?re that human Miss Kazami stole??

Puzzled, I replied, ?Um? yeah I am, have we met??

?No, no, I just investigated the matter. My name?s Aya Shameimaru, the fastest reporter in Gensokyo.?

I bet that means she was that crow with the camera that I saw Yuka attack.

?So, can I ask you a few questions?? Aya looked at me enthusiastically.

?I guess so.?

?Great! So how?d you get kidnapped by Yuka?? She sat ready with a notepad and paper.

?I don?t know the details, I just woke up in her mansion since she?d found me somewhere.? Aya began jotting things down.

She sounded happy with what she was hearing, ?Okay, and where did you come from before that??

?Again, I don?t know. No memory, you see.? Aya continued writing.

?Interesting, an outsider. So how did you escape from Miss Kazami?? She grinned expectantly at the latest question.

?I? didn?t, she?s somewhere else in the village, I?m meant to be meeting her soon.?

?Oh, so you?re still stuck with her, well, I?d like to ask more but these extras don?t deliver themselves! See you around!? Running around the room Aya shouted goodbye to Keine and Akyu and disappeared.

I shrugged to myself and noticed Aya?s name was on the page I was about to read.

Crow Tengu, huh?

I decided to quickly read the article before I left considering I?d just encountered her. I was hardly a few lines in before I heard Aya again outside, ?Hello Miss Kazami, would you care to answer some questions on-? The rest of the sentence was drowned out by the sound of Yuka?s laser from earlier which caused Keine to jump from her seat in alarm and run outside.

I continued to read over the sound of Keine shouting; by the sounds of it Aya had left the scene since I couldn?t hear her recognisable voice but I could imagine Yuka standing there with a grin of some sort, not caring what about what was being said to her.

As I finished the page I closed the book deciding it would be best to meet Yuka now, before I got absorbed back into the book. Walking over to the bookshelf to replace it, I heard Akyu speak at me, ?You can take that if you wish.?

?What, this?? I waved the book.

?Yes, if you look at how many editions there are it wouldn?t matter if a middle one went missing, especially since I could always rewrite it if the worst did happen.?

I felt honoured, ?Are you sure??

?It?s helping a human isn?t it? That?s one of the purposes of it, to inform.? She smiled happily.

?Oh, well, thank you. I?ll try to get it back to you soon.?

?Don?t worry about it, but feel free to come back whenever you want. Goodbye.? She cheerfully said her goodbyes before looking back down to her work.

?Bye.? I walked over to the door and passed Keine, who was looking flustered once again.

?Good luck.? She whispered, ?Come back her if she troubles you.?

I nodded and took a last look around before going through the doorway and saw the headline of the Extra that Aya delivered ?Ice Fairy beaten after trying to freeze Frog God.?

Laughing at Cirno in my head, I left the residence to meet Yuka.



  • Permabanned
  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo (Digitally Remastered!)
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2009, 01:31:01 PM »
Chapter 11

I had somewhat predicted the scene outside already as I left the building, and  as I guessed, Yuka was standing in the centre of the village, and in the direction from which we entered the village was scorched earth, obviously where the Tengu journalist was shot at.

Yuka noticed me out of the corner of her eye and turned to me, ?Oh, it?s you. I wondered if you?d turn up.?

Like I have a choice.

As usual, after acknowledging my presence Yuka turned around and begun walking, as always she knew where she was going.

Catching up to Yuka I begun to walk beside her who was strolling under her parasol as always. I took a final look over my shoulder I saw a worried looking Keine watching from Akyu?s doorway, I nodded my head slightly and paid attention to the things ahead.

As I walked beside Yuka I started to wonder back to what I was told, Yuka was a vicious youkai who killed for fun and took no hesitation to slaughter people who went into her field, but still here I am, found by her in her own dream world, taken in and still very much alive, as much as being here as part of a weird pseudo-dream experience can be, or whatever Keine was saying.

I decided it might be best not to ask her directly, since the thoughts of her going, ?Oh, good point.? followed by her blasting me away haunted my thoughts, so instead I decided to use a different subject, ?So, where are we going now??

?Well, I thought about going to the flower field for another hour.?

Please, no.

?But I changed my mind, so instead we?re going to visit Reimu!? Yuka shouted happily, as though it was something to look forward to.

Reimu? Reimu?

The name seemed fairly familiar so I must have heard it from Akyu or Keine. Suddenly it struck me, the book... I nearly hit myself for having forgotten about the book already and taking it from under my arm, I opened it and began to scan through it.

Reading a hefty book while walking wasn?t the easiest thing to do, but something told me Yuka wouldn?t slow down or stop even if I asked so through perseverance I eventually got to the page marked Reimu Hakurei and begun perusing through the article.

From the looks of it, she?s also extremely powerful, and also a figure of importance in Gensokyo, and though she exterminates youkai for a living, there?s always youkai at her shrine since she has a notorious reputation for being lazy.

?So what?s that?? To my surprise, Yuka had started speaking and was looking at the book.

Unsure what to say, I replied, ?This? Akyu, I mean Miss Hieda gave it me, it?s got lots of information of Gensokyo so it?s helping me understand things a lot.?

?Do I get mentioned in it?? She asked curiously.

I answered with a nod, ?Yes.?

?Does it say I?m the most powerful youkai in Gensokyo?? Yuka grinned.

?Something like that.? I answered vaguely, so I wasn't technically lying.

?Well, that?s alright then, it?s a good book.?

Bemused by what was said, I continued reading until I noticed Yuka stopped, I looked up from the book to find myself faced by the large, dark forest I saw earlier.

I looked at Yuka and back at the forest, which continued to look pitch black and full of danger. ?We have to walk through this?!? I said, louder then I wanted.

?No.? A huge feeling of relief fell upon me, ?We fly.?


I turned to Yuka again, but only saw her shoes; she?d always started to float up in the air.

I?m not walking through that!

?W-wait!? I shouted, Yuka stopped moving for a moment before turning in the air and looked at me inquisitively.

?Unlike some people, I-I can?t fly.? Yuka gave me a piercing stare such as earlier, which made me wonder if the small sarcasm I used was too much. I saw Yuka?s arm move causing me to flinch, the next thing I knew, Yuka had snatched my hand by the wrist and dragged me into the air where Yuka soon picked up speed across the sea of trees, leaving me hanging by my wrist.

Normally, I?d be panicking about the amount of danger I was in, but it didn?t matter, I was flying and the feeling of flying through the air was unreal. I looked up at Yuka, who still had her senseless smile on her face, obviously not being affected by my weight at all.

I wish I could fly like this?

I closed my eyes and let the air blast into my face, I was pleasantly refreshing and the experience as a hole helped me to relax

I wonder if you can do this in the ?real world?? I don?t feel you can, this just feels too... magical.

Opening my eyes I looked around, admiring the view, the flower field was only just in sight now, it seemed that we were heading uphill and a small building was just coming into sight, about the same distance as the field.

That must be the shrine.

The forest itself below us remained as dark and unwelcoming as ever but I caught sight of a cloud of grey mist floating just over the forest, much like Yuka and myself. The mist suddenly changed direction and started flying at us. ?Hey, Yuka.?

Yuka ignored me and continued flying while the mist continued to get closer prompting me to try  shouting again, ?Yuka!? Whatever that mist was, it wasn?t stopping and I wasn't taking any risks so I shouted as loud as I could, ?Yuka!?

Yuka turned and snapped at me, ?What!? With my free hand I pointed at the approaching mist and almost instantly that devilish grin appeared on her face again. Yuka swung her parasol and just like earlier, an oversized laser blasted by my head hitting the cloud.

I heard a childish voice echo from nowhere ?Owwwww!?

The mist moved erratically until it started to build up in one spot until to my surprise what looked like a child with horns appeared.



  • Permabanned
  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo (Digitally Remastered!)
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2009, 01:31:19 PM »
Chapter 12

?What was that for!?? The girl childishly complained at Yuka.

The girl was wearing a torn pink blouse, mainly where you?d expect sleeves and a long dress which started purple at the top and became paler as you went down until it was white, which was decorated by a purple ribbon which weaved in and out the dress. Around her neck she wore a red ribbon tied as a bow and a purple one around one of her horns, I could just make out that she had brown eyes and also sported long orange hair which looked like it came down to her knees in a ponytail behind her. There were four strange objects with her, three were shapes attached by chains and the forth was a purple container of some sort that she was holding in one hand.

?I only came here to see if you wanted to see Reimu? She?s at the shrine so-? The girl was interrupted by another laser from Yuka.

Oh look, another fight started by Yuka for no apparent reason.

?Fine! If you want to be like that.? The girl took the purple container and opened it, and began drinking from it.

Oh, it?s a flask or something, I expected something more sinister.

Once the girl stopped drinking she turned into mist again and began spreading out before enveloping us.

Yuka laughed, ?Hiding? ?Coward.?

?No!? I heard the voice behind me and as Yuka swung in the air I saw the girl, behind a row of large purple orbs, which were heading straight for us.

Yuka merely laughed and flew towards the wall, ?Waaaaaait!? I shouted as Yuka flew straight into the wall, not wanting to close my eyes I watched in amazement as Yuka flew straight through a gap along with me without either of us having any contact with the orbs.

?One.? Yuka laughed again.

One, what?

The attacker took another drink before dropping to the ground. ?Take this!? She shouted in a high-pitched voice. The girl began to effortlessly pull trees out of the ground and began launching them at us, Yuka however continued to weave between the trees keeping her and myself from harm, as we passed the final tree I noticed the girl was flying straight for us, with a tree in each hand.

Just how strong is she?!

To my relief, Yuka stopped advancing towards the tree wielding child-like opponent.

Oh, she does have some sense in combat.

Making me panic once more, the girl swung the trees at us and instead of dodging as I expected, Yuka simply held out her arms and blocked the trees, causing one to land dangerously near myself. As the power struggle waged, Yuka giggled tormentingly at her opponent, ?You?re still underestimating me!?

How can she possibly still be enjoying this?

Yuka?s voice turned menacing again, ?Two.? A few seconds later, the power struggle was so immense the trees simply snapped.

Taking a mist form again, the attacker picked up speed and began circling the two of us at an incredible speed, firing a large amount of pink and blue bolts at us.

Once again, Yuka stayed in the middle of the barrage, elegantly spinning between the bullets while I swung around in a much less graceful but somehow still-controlled manner. Yuka began dodging faster and faster to match the barrage as I began to feel disorientated from the spinning when suddenly Yuka changed direction and then back again as I saw a bullet pass where my head would have been.

?Three.? Suddenly the bullets stopped firing and the human shape reappeared from the mist.

Yuka flew straight at the girl and swung her parasol firing a barrage of lasers. ?Whaaaa!? The girl cried as she dodged between then. ?If you want to go and see Reimu, then just go!? Yuka fired another volley of round bullets before they seemingly hit an invisible wall and dispersed. Yuka looked to the side and my head followed to see a woman wearing red and white on the hill, obviously the one who had just caused that wall.

That must be Reimu.

?Oh look, it?s Reimu!? Yuka seemed to lose all her menacing personality and returned to her slightly air-headed personality. Acting as though the fight never happened, Yuka flew away from her opponent and towards Reimu.



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  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo (Digitally Remastered!)
« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2009, 01:31:46 PM »
Chapter 13

For some reason, I wasn?t all that confused about why Yuka suddenly stopped the fight, maybe I?m just getting used to the unexpected. Flying towards her, Reimu was a little further away than I thought she was at first; it must have been a skilled shot to get the spell between the two fighters.

?Hi!? A voice spoke to my left, I shook with surprise a moment before I noticed it was the girl who Yuka was just fighting.

?Hi.? I replied unenthusiastically.

?What are you doing?? The girl asked.

?Ask her, she?s the one? leading me everywhere.? I motioned at Yuka with my free hand.

?And why are you with her??

I paused for a few seconds, ?It?s a long story, and I have a feeling Miss Hakurei will be wanting an explanation, so wait until then.?

?Miss Hakurei?? The girl stopped, ?Oh, Reimu!? The girl then proceeded to drink a lot more out of her flask before asking excitedly, ?So, you coming to the party??

?Not that I know of, what party??

?The best party ever! I finally got Reimu to let me organise this year's party, so it?s going to be the best one ever!? The girl was clearly looking forward to it due to the volume and cheerfulness in her speech even if I had no idea what the party in question was.

?What are you doing here!?? A more serious sounding voice interrupted and as I suspected, the source was Reimu Hakurei was stood in front of the approaching Yuka, not looking too happy about the situation. Reimu had shoulder length dark brown, almost black hair and wore a long red dress with a white collar decorated with a blue ribbon; she wore another ribbon in her hair, though this one was red and of a much larger size. She also wore some weird detached white sleeves, which I decided to not question further.

?I?ve come to visit!? Yuka cheerfully claimed.

Reimu sighed and stared at Yuka, before her eyes moved to scan myself, and then the other girl, before Reimu double-took and came back to me. Reimu began to shout, ?What in the Hakurei Spirit?s name are you doing with a human!?

Yuka waved her parasol, brushing the question away, ?Relax? the human?s mine, I didn?t steal him, I found him.?

What kind of excuse is that?!

?That?s not how things work!? Reimu objected, but it was too late, Yuka had already walked past her, dragging me along.

Considering she?s a youkai exterminator she?s not doing much.

It wasn?t long before I was stood in front of the shrine. Considering the Hakurei shrine is home to one of the most important beings in Gensokyo, the shrine wasn?t really all that spectacular, it just looked like a typical, slightly run down building. Yuka continued marching to the shrine before sitting down at the front, I followed suit and sat down near her.

A few moments later the Shrine Maiden approached the shrine with a tired, uncaring expression, ?What do you want today.?

?Just visiting.? Yuka said perkily, ?Now get some tea, Reimu.? Reimu stood still and stared at Yuka, before walking off into the shrine.

Why is a Youkai Exterminator now taking orders from a youkai?

Soon enough, Reimu emerged with tea for everyone and it wasn't long before the three of us were slowly drinking tea, I eventually found myself explaining the already too familiar story to Reimu about myself, and noticed Yuka looked as though she already knew everything, such as that I?m an ?outsider?.

Maybe she knew all along?

Another period of silence struck, since there was nothing to lose, I began talking, ?So, I hear that you have to resolve incidents around here.?

?There?s always someone up to trouble, it?s my job to sort it out.? Reimu yawned before drinking more tea.

I thought it was also your job to stop youkai, so why are there several here?

Staring out in front of the shrine I noticed a small purple thing in the corner of my eye, however it had disappeared by the time I looked. I watched as Reimu reached for her tea to find it missing and under her breath mumbled, ?I?ll kill her.? I could only guess that someone had just pulled a prank or something along those lines.

Reimu left again, presumably to get more tea and out of the blue she cried, ?Get out!? Shortly followed by a swarm of small beings resembling the mist girl from before emerging from the shrine stampeding out of the shrine giggling and laughing eventually running behind the shrine.

Once again, things started to slow down for a few minutes and I couldn't think of any questions worth asking, however the silence was broken when another new voice called out, ?Reimu!? I sensed the voice coming from behind me, turning my head around I saw a woman with long green hair reaching down to, if not past her hips and wearing highly decorated blue robes, with a yellow trim along the edges and a symbol resembling a sun on her pointed brimless wizard hat.

?Oh, look who?s finally decided to reappear!? Reimu growled.



  • Permabanned
  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo (Digitally Remastered!)
« Reply #14 on: April 25, 2009, 01:32:32 PM »
Chapter 14

As Reimu turned the corner with a new cup of tea, the latest newcomer dived at her causing the latest lot of tea to spill on the floor a few metres away while they fell on the floor. ?Did you miss me?? The girl in blue said happily.

?Get. Off. Me. Now.? Reimu growled with her teeth gritted.

?Is that any way to talk to your-?

?You had best not say what I think you?re about to.? Reimu spoke threateningly, eyes narrowed.

?Goddess!? The woman cheered.

A piece of paper appeared in Reimu?s hand and was slapped onto the other?s face who simply started laughing. The piece of paper started to glow a bright red when suddenly it cut off and the paper fluttered to the floor. ?Enough proof?? The woman teased, picking up the useless paper before getting up and leaning back against the shrine. ?I thought you?d be as pleased as this.?

?Ecstatic.? The bitter voice of the Miko said.

?I guess that makes me a Hakurei now.? The woman grinned at Reimu, ?Mima Hakurei. Sounds quite good.?

It didn't take long for Reimu?s bitter expression changed back to the lazy one from earlier as she walked back into the shrine.

To get tea, no doubt.

Mima, however walked over to Yuka and I and sat down next to her. ?Long time no see.?

?Yes, last time was in Makai, wasn't it? All those years ago...? Yuka chatted.

?That?s right, when we beat up Shinki. It?s thanks to back then for what I am now.? Mima smiled warmly.

Yuka tilted her head, ?Oh??

Mima continued explaining, ?I ended up living in Makai and with Shinki's help and training I was eventually able to achieve godhood, and what better place is there to be a deity then here? The place that everyone you know visits.?

Yuka drunk more of her tea, ?I see.?

 Reimu plodded out of the shrine carrying two more cups of tea before sitting down next to Mima and passing her one.

Easily forgiven, I guess.

Mima stretched, ?Oh, it does feel good to be back. Makai is a little too dark for my liking.?

Reimu objected, ?But aren?t you an evil spirit? You should like it.?

Mima laughed, ?Oh, Reimu. It?s not good to stereotype, one cannot do as much in the dark.? Mima stretched in the sunlight, ?It?s also colder there.? Mima turned to Reimu and winked, ?Also, I?m more than a soul now, you should remember that... servant.?

Just as it seemed things were going to go quiet, Mima began speaking again, ?So, how?s my little apprentice??

Reimu sighed, ?She?s still alive, somehow. She's usually hanging around here... when she?s not stealing or blowing things up that is.?

I barely heard Yuka murmur something, ?Another to kill.?


At that moment Mima turned and looked at me, ?So, who are you? I don?t believe we?ve met.?

Not knowing my name is really getting annoying now.

?I?m... I?m just a human, with no memory, or powers, Y-Yuka is kinda looking after me.?

?Oh?? Mima raised an eyebrow, ?That?s rather unusual, I?m surprised you haven?t ripped him to pieces yet.?

Yuka laughed, ?Everyone wants a change every now and then.?

Mima looked up at the sky, ?Well, I guess that would make you my first human worshipper!?

?Oh?? I looked around a little, ?That?s? good.?

?Indeed!? Mima exclaimed, ?I?ll be a much better god then the last one!?

Last one?

I asked quietly, ?There was another god? What happened??

Mima giggled, ?She disappeared because lazy Hakurei here didn?t get any worshippers, and since she had no power of her own, she just disappeared!? Mima lowered her voice, ?And since the slot was free, I took it!?

Being a god works like that?

?So, what are you a god of?? I questioned.

?Nothing in particular. I have extremely strong magical powers in general.? Mima bragged, ?Especially in darkness magic.?

A god of darkness at the shrine that is supposedly good? How weird.

Silence fell upon the shrine once again, until also like before Mima broke it, ?You know what this shrine needs? A party to celebrate my wonderful self becoming the shrine?s deity.?

Reimu replied quietly, ?There?s already a ?party? coming up, the annual shrine festival.?

Mima smirked, ?Well then, that shall be my party then.?

Before Reimu could object the swarm of miniature girls appeared again, ?Heyyyyyy!? One of them stretched out the word, ?You can?t just change the party! I?m planning this one!?

Mima looked disapprovingly at the swarm, ?Well then Oni, you can change it then.?

?Nooooo, that?s not what I meant!? The small girls formed into one, ?What I say goes!?

Mima?s smile turned slightly evil, ?Well then, I?ll have to make you say it then.? Standing up, Mima summoned a silver coloured staff with the head being a crescent moon. As Mima and the Oni faced each other I felt a tug on my shirt, and upon looking saw Yuka stood up and looking ready to leave.

Half-reluctantly, not wanting to miss the fight,  I pulled myself up and turned to Mima who was now making the Oni dance by summoning vines of darkness from the ground trying to catch her.

?Er... bye.? I said aimlessly before leaving the two to their fun.

?Oh, leaving? Bye! Be sure to come to the party, human! You too, Yuka!? Mima was interrupted by the Oni and before long the fighting was out of earshot.

I wonder if all gods are weird like that? For an ?evil being? she didn?t seem all that evil.

Remembering about the book I had been subconsciously holding, I quickly opened it and began to scan through it.

The only Oni here is Suika Ibuki, so that must be here. Nothing about Mima though, or that Shinki who was mentioned, something worth asking Akyu about, I guess? If I ever get there again.

As I hung suspended above the forest I thought about the events that just occurred, I had met the most powerful human in Gensokyo, saw an Oni which were meant to have disappeared according to the book and became ?friends? with the new God of the shrine, of which there are no records of in what I presume was the premier information source of Gensokyo. I let out a big yawn and said to myself, ?Talk about an eventful day??



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  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo (Digitally Remastered!)
« Reply #15 on: April 25, 2009, 01:32:51 PM »
Chapter 15

Another loud yawn escaped my mouth as I continued to hang above a sea of trees, flying forwards at reasonably slow pace, far slower than the trip in the other direction. No matter how interesting seeing all the odd things in this land was, it couldn?t stop me from becoming tired, even if I hadn?t done that much, I guess the constant fear of being destroyed in one way or another takes its toll on the mind.

Since Yuka was holding one of my arms, I couldn?t even have a look through the book. Everyone?s backgrounds just seem to be interesting to read, plus it?s never a bad thing to know about your enemies, or friends, or whatever position Yuka puts herself in.

Yuka didn?t seem to be paying much attention to anything, except flying forwards and humming a slow melody, which was quite catchy. Out of boredom, I took reached into my pocket for the watch Yuka gave me, expecting the time to be late afternoon, I was quite surprised to see it was already 6 o?clock, and the sky hadn?t even started to lose its brightness yet.

A few minutes passed and at long last the dark mass below us disappeared, instead there was the slope leading to the hill of flowers, and most likely the way back home.

Is it really my home? I?ve only been here a day, but I guess in a way-

My thoughts were stopped dead when I noticed Yuka had gone silent and we were slowly descending.

Looking ahead I saw the outline of someone in the flower fields, presumably whom Yuka was about to confront. The figure looked a little large for Cirno, plus there was a lack of wings. The figure then moved, stopped a moment and then lifted off the ground and began heading towards us.

Here we go?

As usual, the person in front was female, she had light blue eyes and long shoulder length red hair with a braid either side of her face. Her clothing followed the usual pattern of Gensokyo, being unique, which in this case was a green robe resembling something from martial arts, and a matching coloured beret on her head which was dominated by the large golden star on the front of it.

The girl approached and looked at Yuka, before looking at me. ?Oh, it?s just you.? Suddenly the girl lost all interest, and flew away which I thought was a rather poor choice of actions when facing Yuka.

?Looking for someone?? I looked up at Yuka who just spoke, who was wearing a large smile on her face.

The girl froze in the air, ?N-no, why would I be looking for someone??

Yuka's smirked, ?Because you?re not standing outside some worthless mansion's gate doing nothing.?

The girl began playing with her braided hair, ?No? I?m just on my break.?

Yuka?s expression remained the same, ?So who did you mistake me for??

?Oh, S-Sakuya. I was looking for Sakuya.? The girl answered, obviously getting more stressed.

?And what would the maid be doing at this time, not working??

?Well, we were going on a picnic.? By now, it was completely obvious she was lying just by her body language and voice, she was nervously scratching the back of her head and having descended, was pacing slightly.

?At a time like this?? Yuka grinned devilishly, causing the green-clad woman to nod.

How persistent does she want to be?

?Well, that would explain why I saw that vampire girl with the weird wings then.? Yuka relaxed, and smiled.

?Flandre! You?ve seen her? Where!? The girl shouted with excitement.

?Just kidding.? Yuka suddenly teased.

The girl started to look worried again, ?Whaaaaat! That?s not fair...? The girl drooped down and flew away before looking back, ?I bet she?s been found now, there?s? no need for you to do anything, thank you!?

Yuka wouldn?t be the first I?d ask for help, not even to get an animal out a tree.

Blocking the images of small animals being blown up along with the tree, I noticed that Yuka had already arrived at the hill of flowers, where the portal to her mansion was.

?Well then, shall we?? Yuka smiled before disappearing from sight.

So it IS back to the mansion after all.

Before walking in, I took a quick look around; there wasn?t anyone else around, even Cirno, so unless Daiyousei carried her away like she said, she must have recovered. Before entering, for some reason even I didn't quite know, I held my breath before jumping into the transparent yet bright portal.

Soon after, my vision began to restore itself, as I was thrown out the portal, the last thing I was expecting to see in front of me was that familiar red pattern. ?Watch o-!? It was too late before I slammed into the back of Yuka sending both of us to the ground.

Uh oh. Not good, not good, not good.

I quickly jumped to my feet and stood beside Yuka who lay still. ?I-I?m sorry.? My nerves started to behave frantically until Yuka suddenly rolled her head and started looking at me, with an expression that certainly wasn?t happy.

Pick your words carefully.

?Oh, you?re alright... I guessed you would be? Considering you?re the strongest youkai, I didn?t think a pathetic fall like that would hurt you.? Yuka continued her piercing stare before her eyes suddenly warmed up and she smiled somewhat.

Good work, you saved yourself from a gruesome death.

I offered my hand out to Yuka, which to my surprise, she actually took, and so it wasn?t long before she had regained her composure and we were walking along the road back to the mansion, which strangely looked a lot shorter than before. 

?So, what happened today, you do that all the time?? I asked out of the blue.

?Yes, I do.? Yuka grinned.

?Don?t you ever get bored of standing in a field all day??

Yuka looked at me and sighed, ?Humans understand so little? Listen, if you find something that you like then you should do it, and until you become bored of it you should make the most of it.?

Weird philosophy.

Still, the mood she was in at the moment was actually quite pleasant.

Seeing the river of blood at the side of me, reminded me back to the previous encounter, I asked, ?Isn't that vampire... Flandre or whatever, meant to be incredibly powerful??

?Supposedly, but Reimu told me that she?s always locked away in the mansion, which makes it difficult for a duel.? Yuka explained, with a hint of sadness in her voice, most likely disappointment due to a lack of a fight.

So that?s why that girl was hiding the facts, she knew Yuka might be interested.

As we walked past the gatekeeper?s house I noticed Elly was lying outside the house in a reclining chair, fast asleep.

That?s? efficient working.

?So, what exactly is this place?? I questioned, for the sake of starting another conversation.

Yuka looked at me puzzled slightly, ?Which place??

?This, here. Since we entered that portal, it seems different from Gensokyo.? I motioned around the two of us.

?Oh, right. This is a dream world, or to be exact, my dream world and because it?s my dream world, it gives me some control over it. The mansion, fairies, they?re all part of this world, and I can control everything.

I have no idea how that works, but fair enough.

Before I knew it, the mansion was already in front of us.

Wow, that was quick.

?I made the house closer, if that?s what you?re thinking.? Yuka bragged as she opened the door and entered.

How on earth did I not notice, I was looking at it for most of the time!

Slightly confused, I merely followed Yuka into the mansion; I?ve suffered too much confusion today.



  • Permabanned
  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo (Digitally Remastered!)
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2009, 01:33:08 PM »
Chapter 16

Home. Once again I was surprised that I accepted the fact so easily, it was just yesterday that I? appeared here and found myself terrified of the owner, yet a day later I?m fully accepting it, along with everything I?ve seen. I?ve even got used to the homicidal habits of Yuka... slightly.

I snapped back to reality due to a sharp jab from a parasol, ?Are you listening!? Yuka growled.

?Oh, yeah.? I lied.

?If you ever need anything, just bother one of those.? Yuka pointed her parasol at one of the fairies fluttering frantically around the mansion, ?They?ll do what you ask, or they?ll have me to talk to.? I noticed at the end of that sentence, one fairy started to slowly work away from Yuka, ?Ask for anything, it?s a dream world after all.?

Although creepy, I much prefer Yuka in this mood?

?Well then, shall we have dinner?? The youkai asked pleasantly.

?What is it??

Please don?t say human or anything like that.

?Anything you want, weren't you listening again?? Yuka gave a slightly irritated stare.

The thoughts of gigantic feasts filled my head before I was jabbed again, ?Come on.?

I followed Yuka down the hallway, reaching the room I found in my previous exploration, the dining room, with the large table. As soon as Yuka sat at the table, the fairies immediately sprung into activity, setting the table and preparing the food, while one fairy flew up to me and just stared.

I guess it wants to know what I want. Thinking about it, I don?t know what to ask for; if I ask for something they don?t know, god knows what I might get. Stick to the basics, I guess.

?Have you got any chicken, and vegetables??

There?s nothing wrong with an old fashioned Sunday dinner.

To my relief, the fairy simply nodded before flying off, within a few minutes a trio of fairies had already served Yuka?s dinner, which caused me to double take, she?d been served some kind of pie, and chips. ?If there?s one good thing about you outsiders, it?s your food, I read about this in something that came from the human world, a newspaper or something... Anyway it's much better than the gruel you find in that village.?

A few moments later, the same group of fairies arrived with an eye-catching meal; the eye-catching part was the chicken, uncooked and still covered in feathers. I stared at the chicken, which appeared to stare back before Yuka spoke, ?If you weren?t expecting that, describe it better, they?re quite dumb at times.?

One of the fairies outside of Yuka's vision gave her an evil look before turning to me again, ?Let?s try again, can I have the chicken like humans have them, that?s without the feathers... and cooked.? Just like before, the fairy nodded and carried the chicken away.

The wait was, unsurprisingly longer this time, just as the fairies appeared with my meal, Yuka stood up, finished. ?I?m going to sleep, good night.? I watched as Yuka walked around the corner and let out a sigh.

Finally, a little more freedom.

I looked down at my meal, which appeared a lot more edible this time, turning to the fairy I gave my thanks and the fairy bowed in return before flying off. Considering the fairies were ?quite dumb? the meal tasted absolutely delicious, maybe it was just the hunger making it better, but it was certainly something.

Once I?d finished it I followed what Yuka did and just left, presuming the fairies would clean up like they did for her. Also following what Yuka did, I decided I would go bed, or least back to my room, where I could do some reading.

At the top of the stairs, the door right ahead looked much more expensive and decorated then the others, so I could only guess that I was looking at the door to Yuka's room. Continuing down the passage I began thinking about how the colour scheme actually worked in this house, somehow.


Finally, I was back in my room, flopping onto the overly soft bed and almost being swallowed by it,  I gave a complementary stretch and yawn. While I lay there doing very little, a fairy flew in and placed something on a chair before bowing and flying out again. Curious, I climbed off the bed and went to investigate. Upon examination it turned out to be a set of green pyjamas complete with a night cap, not caring what I?d look like I got changed, though giving the night cap a miss.

At last, I slid into bed and put out the candle, leaving the room in complete darkness, and yet for some reason I couldn?t sleep despite the weariness I was feeling. I tolerated it for a few minutes before sitting up. ?Maybe reading that book will help me get to sleep.?

Fumbling in the dark I tried to find a way to get some light in the room when, as my eyes scanned by I saw some red lights in the window. ?Oh, great. I didn?t close the curtains.? Since I could map the room in my mind now, I thought of the path and obstacles to the window and slowly got out of bed and plodded over to the window.

This is Yuka?s dream world, a mansion surrounded by flowers... Why would there be lights in the distance?

I stood still for a moment, not taking my eyes off the lights until my fears were confirmed, the ?lights? blinked.



  • Permabanned
  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo (Digitally Remastered!)
« Reply #17 on: April 25, 2009, 01:33:40 PM »
Chapter 17

That can?t be Yuka, can it? She went to bed, surely?

The eyes simply did nothing, as if they were expecting me to do something, such as panic and flee.

Surely, if I ran that?d just make things worse, like, provoke it or something? Perhaps if I just move slowly and normally, it?ll lose interest.

I gulped somewhat before attempted to walk to the window calmly and fumbled for the curtain, finally I found it and swung it in front of the window. I took a step back, before slowly taking another and waited.

Nothing, it would?ve done something by now, it?s got to just be some weak youkai that found its way here.

Trying to reassure myself, I began to start the seemingly long walk back to my bed.

It can?t be that Flandre, she wouldn?t have been so quiet, with the power to destroy anything, being stealthy isn?t really an issue.

Finally, I reached the bed and slid back in, this time burying myself slightly more under the quilt.

Plus, surely Yuka would know if Flandre was here, it?s her world, she can do as she pleases.

Slightly happier and warm under the quilt I turned onto my side.

Oh dear god.

The other window, the one beside my bed, was inhabited by two red objects.

It?s got to be. I?ve got to find Yuka.

I waited a moment and pretended I had calmed down, before falling out the side of my bed and making a run for the door. As I reached the door there was a huge crashing noise, as the ceiling above the doorway collapsed, practically trapping me in the room.

I started to run for the other window, before tripping over a table and was hit by a falling lamp.

A lamp!

I felt around the lamp frantically until I finally found a way to turn it on, the room suddenly filled with light and allowed me to have a slightly better glimpse of what was in the window. A young looking girl with blonde shoulder-length hair and a pigtail, and a frilly white hat decorated with a red ribbon but her most striking feature at the moment would be the demonic grin on her face.

At that moment I swore I heard her laugh, as the wall next to the window began to glow red around a certain point. The light got brighter and brighter until the wall suddenly exploded sending debris and dust flying through the room.

Coughing from the dust, I looked up to see the girl was now standing at the room, watching me with the same smile. ?I win!? The girl shouted in a childish voice you?d expect from a child like her, a slightly insane vampire who's been locked away.

?Y-You win? Won-? I coughed again, ?W-Won what??

?My game! I?ve caught a human!?

?Why, would you want to catch a human?? I questioned back, trying to stall time.

The girl looked at me slightly disappointed, ?Are you really that dumb? To eat! I?ve never had a fresh human before.? The girl stepped forward, ?And now is my chance.?

At that point I noticed what was behind the girl, attached to her. Instead of the typical bat wings, if any, you would expect from a vampire, there were, as mentioned in the encyclopedia, wings that appeared to be made from metal and crystals, which appeared almost, like a rainbow in their range of colours.

I started to back away but my attacker got closer every moment until my heart sunk, my back had reached the wall. ?You lose!? The girl opened her mouth, revealing her pointed fangs.

With no other idea left I was left with my last, seemingly useless resort, ?Yuka!? I shouted at the top of my lungs.

Immediately the girl started laughing, ?She can?t help you, I never lose against anyone!?

At that very moment my ears picked up on a new noise, a strange humming sound, which I?d heard before from somewhere.

... Laser!

Immediately I dived to the floor and rolled away from Flandre causing her to start laughing again, ?Stop resisting! You?re going to die no matter-? The humming noise stopped, there was a second of silence. Suddenly there was another huge crashing noise during which all I heard the vampire manage was, ?What-?

The crashing noise was caused by an all too familiar laser which struck through the doorway and into Flandre who was further blasted into the wall sending her straight through it, causing another shower of rubble and dust.

Even with the dust, it was easy to make out the figure of Yuka, parasol in hand, walk through the doorway, with a satisfied grin. Yuka turned to look at me and spoke in a cheerful tone, ?Wait here.? After giving me the order, she began walking over to the latest hole in the wall and once there she began surveying the area through the gap in the wall for any sign of activity by the attacker.

Without warning the walls of the room began to crumble and shatter, causing Yuka to jump back several metres grabbing me by the hand as she leapt. The youkai looked around for a moment, possibly for a safe spot before she dragged me across the room quickly and escaped out of the hole in the wall, landing on a bed of flowers. Once I had picked myself up I looked behind and saw the sight of the roof of the room having already collapsed completely, if I hadn?t have got dragged out, I?d have been a goner for sure.

Childish laughter filled the air causing Yuka to grab me by the arm again and throw me to the down, ?Don?t move.?

You said something like that last time, and it didn?t help.

Presumably from the roof, Flandre descended into sight almost completely unharmed by Yuka?s attack minus a small trickle of blood which ran down the side of her face.

?So, you want to play too, do you?? Flandre giggled, licking the blood as it ran down her face, causing her to look even more evil.

?I?d love to.? Yuka replied, sounding equally insane before jumping up into the air to meet Flandre, who started laughing.

Flandre continued to laugh hysterically, ?You think you can win!? I won?t lose to someone like you!? As she held out her arm, a metallic object resembling her wings except without the crystals, materialised in her hand. With a loud humming noise the object then shone a bright scarlet colour and grew in size to about 2 metres long, ?Let?s go!?

Flandre lunged straight at Yuka who promptly dived out of the way and fired another giant beam at her attacker, dishearteningly however, the vampire merely turned around and cleaved the beam in two.

Yuka giggled, ?Not bad, you might be a worthy fight.?

?That laser won?t work on me! Marisa?s already used it too much!? Flandre bragged.

?That witch?? Yuka hissed, before adopting a stance, preparing her for another attack from Flandre.

On cue, Flandre swooped down, but away from Yuka, and it took a couple of seconds for her intention to register in my mind.

She?s aiming for me!

Recognising the situation I did the only thing I could? run. As I was sprinting, I took a chance to look behind me and began to lose hope as I saw the vampire was catching up much faster than I could sprint, looking forward to check where I was running, I was haunted by the maniacal laughing behind me.

Flandre screamed, ?Got you!? instantly followed by a shattering, cracking noise behind me; the shock of the sound caused me to trip over and roll on the floor. Quickly picking myself up slightly I looked back to see Yuka standing in front of Flandre, holding her parasol, which was now in two halves. Thankfully though, Flandre?s weapon had also lost its glow and laser-like appearance and had returned to normal, if you can call it that.

Yuka looked at a piece of her parasol in disbelief before throwing them to the floor, ?Leave the human out of this, you can do what you want with him after you?re done with me.? Yuka spoke in a more serious tone then before.

?Worried?? Flandre mocked devilishly before lunging again at Yuka, swiping with her hands which somehow looked more like claws now, foreseeing the attack, Yuka jumped to the side and delivered a kick to the side of Flandre launching her to the ground leaving her lying face down in the dirt. In the few seconds where nothing was happening I snuck over the mansion and hid behind a piece of debris, which at least offered slightly more protection then standing next to them.

?That?s what you get for fighting with the strongest youkai there is!? Yuka gloated over Flandre. Swooping down, the green haired youkai grabbed the vampire by the leg and threw her into the air like a doll, as the vampire reaches the peak of ascent, Yuka began charging at her ready to strike when Flandre suddenly corrected herself and grabbed Yuka by her right shoulder.

?Game over!? Flandre shouted as Yuka struggled to break free from the vice-like grip. ?It's too late now!? Red energies started to gather and focus around one spot on Yuka?s shoulder; it became apparent that Flandre was going to use her powers to simply destroy Yuka.

?Yuka, get out of there!? I shouted, despite knowing how obvious the advice was. Despite the situation, Yuka calmed looked over at me and nodded assuringly before looking back at Flandre and smiled. As the light on her shoulder was almost white with intensity, Yuka swung around and kicked Flandre and at that moment there was an explosion and a shower of blood, followed by screaming.

Reluctantly, I looked up at the scene and was somewhat surprised to see that Yuka was alive albeit missing her right arm, which she was clutching with her other. The screeching however was coming from Flandre, whose arm was hanging limp at the elbow, Yuka?s kick must have shattered it disrupting her power enough to only destroy her arm.

Both of the fighters backed up slightly and lowered to the ground although constantly facing each other. Not taking her eyes off the vampire, Yuka reached down and ripped the head off a sunflower and held it to her wound, causing the sunflower to grow and cover the bleeding.

That?s one way of using her powers, I guess. Though I?m surprised she hasn?t changed much from the injury.

Flandre became silent once again, with only the look of anger on her face, eyes burning brighter than ever before.

?DIE!? Flandre screamed as she jumped at the wounded Yuka, who once again spun out of the way but this time she wasn?t expecting the next attack by Flandre, who spun on the spot and lunged with her working arm again clawing her face, followed by a lash from her wings which impaled through Yuka?s stomach.

Immediately following the disgusting noise from the impaling, Flandre started laughing hysterically and even louder than before and worryingly Yuka was beginning to look a lot wearier now.

That?s it, she?s finished now.

Toying with Yuka, Flandre shook her wings around with Yuka still hanging from them, ?I win! You lose!? Flandre continued singing her victory chant and dancing slightly as if her arm wasn?t damaged at all. Afterwards she pulled her wings in closer and licked some of the blood off Yuka, ?How horrible, Youkai are useless even if-? Flandre paused as something struck her, ?What are you smiling at!? A yellow glow surrounded Yuka for a moment causing Flandre to push her wings away slightly, revealing to me that Yuka was indeed smiling... both of them.

A second Yuka had appeared although impaled on Flandre?s other wing which caused the vampire to panic. ?Get off me!? Flandre frantically cried as both Yukas placed a foot on Flandre and grabbed the wing they were stuck on with their remaining arm. ?No!? Flandre shrieked before screaming in pain.

Oh? my god?

It was obvious that the pair of Yukas were pulling Flandre?s wings off her, causing the screams of pain to get louder and louder to the point where I covered by ears and was almost looking away.

The screaming continued for what seemed like an eternity with the evermore blood-soaked Yukas still dislocating the wing until finally there was a screech that almost pierced my eardrums. I looked over at the trio, and there stood the two Yukas holding a wing each.

Both of them threw the wings to the ground causing them to immediately disintegrate as they hit the ground shortly followed by one of the Yukas disappearing in a spiralling yellow spark. As though synchronised with the other's departure, the other Yuka, the real one,  fell to one knee and for a moment everything went scarily quiet for a moment.

?How dare you...? A weakened but hateful voice shouted

No way.

?How dare you!? The voice shouted again as an all too familiar figure climbed from the ground, ?I will kill you! I will kill you! I will kill you!?

?You?ve... already lost.? Yuka laughed, obviously in pain. ?This is my world... and that... gives me the advantage.?

?I?ll kill you now!? Flandre lurched forward, but failed to move.

The sky suddenly lit up with sunlight what was just a moment ago the middle of the night was now brighter than the middle of the day, the result caused me to cover my eyes for a moment, only hearing what was said.

?Sunlight!? Flandre laughed, ?That was your trick? It doesn?t work on me!? Flandre shouted, trying to sound stronger then she was.

?No. But now you can see your defeat.? Yuka grinned at Flandre with her trademark menacing grin.

Surrounding Flandre was an entire field of flowers, which started to grow and swarm around her to the point where she was completely blocked from sight. Many more flowers started to join the swarm though these ones remained much more mobile and acted more like razors circling Flandre, though luckily the sheer mass of flowers hid the actual scene from me.

After a minute of continuous barraging, the flowered froze in place for a moment before the swarm exploded into the air sending a mix of flowers and petals scattering across the sky.

I couldn?t see Flandre any more, she was simply covered by too many flowers but it was obvious that spell had finished her off. A few seconds later I realised that Yuka was also missing, running in the former battle's direction I started to look around until I froze with shock slightly as I found Yuka, pale and drenched in blood, ?You?re? alright, that?s? good.? Yuka proceeded to lie on the ground, ?I?m going? to sleep, get? Elly to throw that girl out? before she wakes up.?

Flowers immediately started to cover Yuka and within a few seconds had formed something resembling a cocoon around her. I could only hope she was really sleeping and not actually dead, although I wouldn?t be surprised due to all the blood she lost from her arm and the wounds in her stomach. After waiting a few, uneventful moments, I followed Yuka?s order and went to fetch Elly, my mind was too much of a mess to come up with any other ideas.



  • Permabanned
  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo (Digitally Remastered!)
« Reply #18 on: April 25, 2009, 01:33:58 PM »
Chapter 18

Upon reaching it, I started to hit Elly?s door as much as I could, to little prevail, continuing for a few more seconds I heard quietly, ?Okay? okay? I can hear you??

I heard a series of bumps and crashes approaching until finally the door opened revealing a half-asleep Elly still dressed in her white nightclothes, though still holding her trademark scythe.

?What is it..? Oh! It?s you! Yuka?s human! Hello!? Elly suddenly proclaimed.

Thanks, like I didn?t know that.

?What?s the matter?? She questioned before yawning.

She really slept through it all? How?!

?Over there!? I pointed towards the mansion, ?I was just attacked by a vampire! This vampire also proceeded to nearly kill Yuka before getting beaten. Yuka then told me to get you before surrounding herself with flowers!? I nearly shouted at Elly, half hysterically.

?Really?? Elly replied, tilting her head to the side slightly.

?Yes, really! Why would I lie about something like this!?? I shouted.

?Well? Yuka could have put you up to it.?

I continued to shout, ?Well, she didn?t! Now come on!?

?Fine?? Elly sighed before leaving the house, and began walking in the direction I pointed. It seemed that she was in no hurry at all about Yuka, which means I?m possibly overreacting but didn't really care. ?So? was it a good fight?? Elly asked out the blue.

?Good? Well, it was rather violent if that?s what you mean. Yuka?s arm was blown off and then she got impaled, so, yes, it was violent.?

?Ah, it?s a shame I didn?t see it.? Elly said, genuinely disappointed.

Is she really a guard?

It wasn?t long before we were stood before the body of the vampire, already some of the cuts had started to heal and two metallic looking lumps were already forcing their way out of her back. ?Vampires are quite known for their regeneration, it?s difficult to slay them since they recover so fast.? Elly explained without me asking.

Picking up the corpse, Elly slung the regenerating body over her shoulder, ?Well, I had best throw this out. Someone?ll collect it eventually.?

?What about Yuka? She looked pretty bad.?

Elly laughed, ?Don?t worry, just leave her be and she?ll be back soon enough, this isn?t the first time, you know. She always gets into situations like this, you should already know how much she enjoys fighting...? Elly looked at me, ?You should go to sleep as well, you look almost as bad as her.? Elly paused briefly as she poked the unconscious Flandre. ?Anyway, I?ll see you around!? Elly spun around and walked in the direction of the portal, Flandre in one arm and her scythe in the other.

I guess I should head back to the mansion, just in case there?s anything else around.

I started the short walk back to the mansion, noticing that the fairies had already started work rebuilding the damaged room.

So they don?t even need orders from Yuka, not bad.

Entering the mansion all I just wanted a place to sit down. Although I had not taken part in the fight itself, it seemed to have taken a lot out of me and now that the adrenaline had run out, I could feel my mind blurring slightly with exhaustion. Walking down the passage on the other side to the dining room I felt slightly heartened by the sight of a large comfy looking armchair. Wobbling over to it I sat down and leant back, finally letting the events soak into my mind.

Someone had tried to kill me; Yuka then proceeded to save me and fought the attacker, an insane vampire, and both of them sustained injuries that should have killed them and yet somehow they?re both alive. What a world this is.

By my feelings I took a guess that my world, the real world was nothing like this. Everything feels so exciting and unusual here that I can only think that the world I come from has nothing like this. My comparisons came to an end as I could feel my mind dulling and my thoughts slowing down until finally everything started going blank.

There was a small thudding noise and I realised I was conscious again, followed by another quiet, but noticeable thud.

I guess I should see what it is.

My mind began to start up though it was as lazy as the rest of my body, eventually I lazily opened my eyes.

What I wasn?t expecting to see was a blood covered Yuka smiling at me; it certainly woke me up, in the form of me almost jumping out of my skin. ?Good morning!? She chirped happily.

?M-morning? I mumbled. Looking at Yuka, it proved what Elly said, she was already back to normal. ?I see? you got your arm back.? I asked, wondering on how weird that question sounded.

?Hmm? Oh, yes. I?ve had worse.? She brushed the question away without a care.

Why am I not surprised at her not caring about losing a limb.

Yuka spoke airily, ?Well, I?m going to wash, I don?t like being covered in vampire blood much.? Peeling some dried blood off her face, she turned and left the room.

Wow, she regenerated quickly.

I scanned the room for a clock to check but couldn't see one right away.

I?d say it took about 8 hours for her to get an arm back, that?s unreal.

Deciding it would be best to do something rather than nothing, I got up from the chair and started to explore around the half of the mansion I was in now.

The exploration turned out quite uneventful, there weren?t anything special, just more normal looking rooms, though I wasn?t really sure what I was expecting. The only room worth noticing was a study, full of books and similar things which I decided to spend some time in.

Looking for more information in general, I began to scan through the titles of the books looking for anything interesting. As I moved around the room concentrating on the book I bumped into something, ?Hey, watch it.? ?Or someone.

I looked up to see a young witch standing in front of me, it was quite obvious since her clothes matched them completely, and the only unusual part was the apron she wore also, which felt out of place. The witch had shoulder length blonde hair with her hair braided on one side of her face, which matched the colour of her eyes.

She looked at me for a moment before wearing a mischievous grin on her face and spoke, ?Yo.?



  • Permabanned
  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo (Digitally Remastered!)
« Reply #19 on: April 25, 2009, 01:34:17 PM »
Chapter 19

I looked at the witch before replying, ?Hi.? Why do I know this is just more trouble?

?You the librarian here or something?? The witch questioned.

I shook my head, ?N-no. I?m just an ordinary human; to be honest I?ve never been in here before.?

?Really, an ordinary human? Living with Miss Flower Power isn?t really ordinary, I know.? I couldn?t help but laugh somewhat at the nickname for Yuka. ?Marisa?s the name, who?re you??

?Well, I don?t exactly have one.? I mumbled, getting bored of having to use that answer.

?I see, seems librarians don?t get names.? Marisa spoke under her breath.

?I told you! I?m not a librarian!? I objected.

?Yeah, so where?s the spells kept?? It seemed the witch was only hearing what she wanted to hear.

I shrugged my shoulders, ?I have no idea; the fairies are more likely to know then me.?

?I?ll pass, they?re only good for blowing away.?

Almost sounded as homicidal as Yuka.

The witch turned back to raiding through the bookshelves when an idea entered my head, ?I think I know where the spell is.?

Throwing the book she was holding to the side, the witch turned excitedly, ?Really! Where??

?Yuka will have it with her; she used it in a fight with a vampire last night.?

?Dammit!? The witch shouted and tapped herself on the head, ?I should have thought of that.?

There was another moment of silence while the witch stood deep in thought, ?I gather you?re here to? steal a spell?? I interrupted.

?Steal?? Marisa started to laugh, ?Nah, I?m just borrowing it.?

?Without her permission?? I continued the line.

?Yep!? The witch chirped, obviously having done this before. ?So, where is Flower Power then??

?Having a bath or something, she said she was going to get the blood from the fight off her.?

The witch sighed, ?Guess I?ll have to wait for a while then.? The witch reached around the corner, producing a bag, and started to place books into it.

And just like that, she starts to steal books, right in front of me. Still, it?s not like I can do anything? except stall her maybe?

?So? Do you go to the shrine much??? I quietly started.

The witch looked up from the bag, ?Huh? Reimu?s place? Of course, we?re best pals! Ain?t you heard of me before?? Straight away, before I could even answer, she went back to her work.

It?s not working! She?s still stealing!


?Say, have you met the new Hakurei Deity yet?? I questioned.

Marisa looked up from her work slightly annoyed before looking curious, ?Hmm? There?s a new god? Since when??

?Yesterday, she arrived when I was there.? I grinned.

I really hope I?m right. Thieving, magic, sound about right.

?Her name is Mima.? I answered.

?M-Mima! Lady Mima?s back!?? Marisa suddenly screamed excitedly.


?What, is she at the shrine now!? She asked in a hurry.

I nodded positively before commenting, ?Well, yes. Like I said, she?s the goddess, so I?d expect she?d be there.?

Reaching behind the same corner as last time, this time she picked up a broom before running to leave the room. ?Wait, you?re not playing a trick are you??

If you think that, then why are you asking me?!

I shook my head, ?No, she?s there.?

Marisa grinned at me before turning around to leave the room. ?Oof!?

Picking herself up off the floor, Marisa looked up to see Yuka watching over her, having bumped into her as she walked into the room.

Oh boy, here we go again.

?Hey there! I was just leaving!? Marisa cockily spoke to Yuka, who replied with a stare.

They?re obviously not friends.

?So, yeah? See you later!? Marisa jumped into the air and at the same time swinging her broomstick around and landing on it. Laughing, she started to move away, ?I?m in a bit of a rush, so I?ll come back some other time!?

As the witch flew out of sight, it was easy to predict Yuka?s next move. With her usual confident grin she raised her parasol, ready to attack.

She managed to fix that too?!

In a few seconds an all too familiar noise echoed around the library with the complementary flash of light. A second or two later I heard Marisa cry in alarm, ?Watch it! Stop using my spell on me!?

Instead of listening, Yuka began to chase after Marisa, ?What do you mean your spell! You stole it from me you?? Yuka shouted before their voices faded into the distance.

With a sigh I turned around and looked at the mess left by the witch and not wanting to follow the other two and risk getting blown up, I decided it would be best to just stall around and have a look in a minute or two. Wondering if peaceful days existed here, I picked up some of the discarded books and replaced them on the shelves.



  • Permabanned
  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo (Digitally Remastered!)
« Reply #20 on: April 25, 2009, 01:34:37 PM »
Chapter 20

I?d let a few minutes pass before I started to move away from the study to check up on the chase from before. The house was in surprisingly good condition, compared to what I had imagined? I had somewhat expected the mansion to be wrecked with depressed looking fairies already working on the repair job, but minus the odd scorch mark on the wall and a burnt up tapestry or painting of some sort, it wasn?t that bad.

Well, I am surprised.

I wondered down the hall, smiling at my prediction being half-right due to a fairy frowning while working on a scorched part of the wall. Continuing on, I reached the front door, which appeared to be hanging from their hinges, presumably from the force of Marisa when she rocketed into them during her escape. Whatever the reason, the doors were stuck and weren?t willing to open, with normal force anyway.

With a good kick, I?m sure it?d open.

?1? 2?-?

Wait! What if Yuka?s on the other side?

At that point my head enacted the scene of kicking the door down, sending Yuka flying in the process, followed by me being chased down and blown away, much like how she just murderously chased after Marisa.

It?d be wise to check for her.

I walked up to the door and began to try and see Yuka through one of the many dents and cracks in the door, to little success. ?Looks clear? Let?s g-? The next thing I knew, I was lying on the floor after a sharp impact to my face.

What the hell was that?! Wait, it?s not like I can?t guess?

Looking up, I found myself unsurprised to see Yuka, having just kicked the door down from her side.

Yuka looked at me with a strange look, ?What are you doing on the floor??

?Don?t act like you don?t know.? I groaned, nursing my nose, out of the corner of my eyes I noticed noticing my nose was bleeding, as signalled by the blood covering my hand.

Yuka merely smiled, ?I have no idea what you?re talking about.?

Without any prompting from the master of the mansion, a fairy flew up to me and held a piece of cloth of something like that against my nose.

Why would I not be surprised if chloroform was on this cloth?

Looking at the scene bemused Yuka gave a sneer, ?Humans, what weak beings, one little strike to the face and they need help.?

Thanks for those valuable words of encouragement, Yuka.

Getting up from the floor, taking and holding the piece of cloth to my nose and sarcastically spoke to Yuka, ?I gather you got rid of the witch then.?

?Oh yes, she was too much in a hurry to see that mentor of hers to put up a good fight.? Yuka jokingly lamented.

Haven?t you had enough fights yet!?

Thinking of Mima, I remembered about asking Akyu about her, next time I see her. ?Where will we be going today?? I asked, sounding like I knew everywhere in Gensokyo.

?The flower field.? Yuka spoke simply.

?And?? I urged with a notable touch of worry in my voice.

?Just the flower field, the shrine maiden has asked me to make displays for tomorrow?s party.? Yuka smiled. ?You can go where you want though.?

That was the answer I was waiting for, a free ticket to the village. ?So, are we leaving now?? I questioned, while moving the blood-covered cloth slightly to check the wound but the still-flowing blood caused me to replace it immediately.

?If you want.? As usual, Yuka turned around and began to walk at her own pace, ignoring me AND thus making me have to catch up with her.

Much like the night before, the walk from the mansion was much shorter, Elly was again sitting outside her house doing nothing, greeting Yuka as she passed, ?No luck on that witch, Yuka? You?ll get her one day.?

Yuka gave a mixture of a sneer and a growl and continued walking past Elly, ?I guess you?re well acquainted with Marisa then?? I questioned once we were away from Elly?s house.

Yuka sighed, ?Yes, ever since the shrine maiden and her barged in and she stole one of my spells, she?s been coming back and trying to steal even more.?

?Ah, she mentioned something like that to me.? Something clicked in my head from last night when the vampire talked about Yuka using Marisa?s spell. ?She stole that? big laser spell, right??

?That?s right.? Yuka answered.

Before I could ask about the spell she wants to steal, I saw we were already at the portal, and Yuka had already walked though.

I noticed that my nose had finally stopped bleeding so I put the cloth I was using away and sarcastically mumbled, ?Thanks for waiting.? After which I strolled through the portal and into the brightness of the flower field.

Yuka had already started manipulating the flowers, grouping them together and sorting them into patterns, as you expect in flower displays. I waited around for a few, uneventful minutes and eventually decided to move on. ?I?m going to go off for a bit then.?

?Suit yourself, don?t get killed.? Yuka spoke menacingly with her back to me. Without another word, I started to walk to the village, wondering if Yuka had said something with good meaning for once, but knowing her it could mean the complete opposite.



  • Permabanned
  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo (Digitally Remastered!)
« Reply #21 on: April 25, 2009, 01:34:52 PM »
Chapter 21

Checking behind my shoulder every few minutes, it eventually became clear that Yuka really was intent on doing the work and not planning anything else, mostly involving me. The walk was overall uneventful, I expected something as little as a sighting of Cirno but there was nothing of the sort, I could only guess she?d gone to challenge that frog god again.

This time around the village was actually busy, presumably they must have seen Yuka coming since she wasn?t exactly the type of person to blend into a crowd. The villagers didn?t take notice of me much until I was in the outskirts of the village, then the strange looks and whispers began.

They probably remember me with Yuka or something.

The villagers mostly ignored me except monitoring me out of the corner of their eyes until as the time before, Keine emerged from a building and saw it was me, as she approached she called, ?Hello again! Good to see you?re alright!? Keine took a quick look around and spoke in a quieter tone, ?I was quite worried leaving you with her. I thought you might get killed or- Oh, your nose! What happened!? Did she do it?!?

I?d forgotten about my nose for a moment, no doubt it had a layer of blood around it giving it away to Keine, ?It?s nothing? I merely had an encounter with a door? that was moving.? I answered vaguely.

Keine looked at me sceptically for a moment before shaking her head, ?If you say so.? Keine looked away in thought for a moment before turning back to me, face back it?s friendly self, ?So, what are you here for today??

I shrugged my shoulders, ?Nothing in particular, Yuka?s in that field of hers making flower displays or something for a party.?

?Oh yes, that?s tomorrow isn?t it?? Keine replied.

?Yeah, so are you going too?? I asked for the sake of asking.

Keine nodded, ?Yes, they?ve stopped by here a few times for preparations, so I ended up getting invited, it sounds like quite the crowd is going to be there.? Keine paused again before speaking, ?If you?ve got nothing to do, would you like to visit Akyu?s again, seeing as you seemed to enjoy it last time??

I answered with a nod, ?Sure, I?ve got a few questions to ask anyway.?

Keine smiled, ?Okay then. Let?s go shall we?? Unlike Yuka, Keine waited for me to start moving before she did. As we walked, Keine spoke. ?So, what do you think of your stay in Gensokyo so far??

I couldn?t think of a suitable word to describe things, ?I don?t know really, things are quite confusing when you?re dealing with youkai, gods and vampires all in the first day.?

?Gensokyo is indeed an overwhelming place? Wait? Vampire!? You didn?t encounter the one that escaped last night, did you?? Keine suddenly went alert.

?You mean Flandre?? I laughed weakly, ?Encounter? it was more like a meeting that put me seconds away from being killed by her. If it wasn?t for Yuka, I?d be dead.?

?You?re very lucky; she?s the last person I?d expect to save someone else.? Keine replied sounding slightly surprised.

?Yeah, I was quite surprised, but I know she was after a fight with Flandre anyway, so she had another reason.?

?So, she must have won otherwise you wouldn?t be here, looks like there more good in her then I thought.? As she finished, I saw we were finally in front of Akyu?s house, as I approached the door, Keine spoke from behind. ?I?ve got a few things to do, just go on in and I?ll be back later on. See you later.?

?Alright then, bye.? Keine smiled and walked off, somewhere else in the village. I turned and looked and the door, and knocked on it. There was no response, so as Keine said I walked in.

Around the corner, just like last time, Akyu was sat at the table, writing. ?Hi, Akyu.?

The purple haired girl looked up from her work, ?Oh, hello again. Nice to see you haven?t been hurt, or worse.?

I laughed, ?Well, things have certainly tried to do so.? I explained the story of Flandre to Akyu, who I noticed was writing the story down as I spoke.

?That vampire is quite the handful at times, for the most part she stays at the mansion but there?s always the odd occasion that she breaks out, and then there?s always trouble. It?s quite fortunate you didn?t get harmed.?

As the conversation slowed down I looked around the room when I saw a painting of the Hakurei Shrine, ?I remember now, I have a question.?

?Oh? What is it?? Akyu looked at me inquisitively.

?Who?s Mima? I met her yesterday and there?s no record of her in the book you lent me.? I queried.

?Mima, you say? Are you sure it was her? She?s been missing for quite a while now. It was probably just Marisa Kirisame playing a prank.? Akyu replied.

?No, it was her, I met Marisa this morning and she was overjoyed to hear the news, plus they looked completely different, Mima had blue clothes and long green hair while Marisa wore black and was blonde.? I objected.

?Well, that sounds like her. Where did you see her?? Akyu asked curiously, pen in hand.

?At the Hakurei Shrine, she appeared there a while after we got there, and she started to annoy Reimu on how she?d become the deity of the shrine.?

?Interesting?? Akyu was writing everything down, ?Very interesting, looks like I?ll have to make a new article soon, if she?s become the Hakurei deity then it?s vital I write about her.?

?So, she wasn?t a god once?? I asked.

?No, in fact for a long time she was opposed to the Hakurei bloodline to the extent of trying to kill them along with the rest of mankind.? Akyu went on to explain.

I was quite surprised, ?She was? I figured she was evil somehow due to her magic, but I didn?t think she was that bad.?

?Yes, she appears all over Gensokyo?s timeline appearing and trying to kill the current Shrine Maiden, failing each time though it didn?t seem to deter her. She just wanted ?Revenge for her death? and to resurrect herself. However during the last time she appeared, she just seemed have given up on what she aimed for so long and settled down.? Akyu jotted something down in the book, ?After her final attempt she became friendlier to everyone, mainly staying around the shrine she once hated, and then when the Makai accident occurred, she wasn?t seen again.?

I interrupted the explanation, ?Makai incident??

?A few years ago there was an incident where demons were entering Gensokyo in quite large numbers, in the end it was discovered they were arriving from Makai, Reimu Hakurei, Marisa Kirisame, Yuka Kazami and Mima ventured into Makai and put an end to the case, though Mima hasn?t been seen by anyone since then, until now.? Akyu played with the pen around her fingers, ?I can only guess that she stayed in Makai and became a goddess with the help of Shinki, who?s the goddess there.?

?And so, just like that, someone who was once pure evil became the goddess of a shrine which stands for good, or so I?m lead to believe??

?Like I said, Mima changed, it wouldn?t be surprising to hear she?s forgiven whatever happened to her and no longer wants revenge or to be reincarnated, I guess being a god is better than that.?

?I see...? I paused for a brief moment.

Mima must have honestly changed then, she didn?t seem that bad when I met her, more mischievous then evil.

I queried Akyu again, ?One last thing then, what reason did Yuka have for going to Makai, she doesn?t exactly seem like the kind of person to team up with Reimu to fight evil.?

Akyu looked up again, ?She never said herself so there?s only guesses, some say she went for the fights, some say she went to chase after Marisa Kirisame? She has quite the hatred for her since Marisa stole one of Yuka?s favoured spells, Master Spark.?

I laughed, ?Yeah, I?ve experienced that hatred up close when she caught Marisa trying to steal another spell but the other theory sounds about right too.? As the conversation ended, Akyu looked back to what she was working on, I took that as an invitation to get a more recent copy of the book then I had and started to read.



  • Permabanned
  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo (Digitally Remastered!)
« Reply #22 on: April 25, 2009, 01:35:12 PM »
Chapter 22

It?s quite amazing how much time can pass when you find a good book; looking up to the clock I saw that the time had already passed 3 hours, the clock showing it was now 4 o?clock.

Keine had come and gone, although she was reluctant to leave me alone. It took a good deal of convincing her that I was honestly all right after scaring her with my encounter with Flandre. Akyu, as always, noted what I explained, maybe because I?m from the outside, I?m not sure.

I wasn?t too sure what possessed me to do it, but I decided that I was going to go exploring again but this time it would be outside of the village, maybe it was overconfidence since I knew the majority of notable beings in Gensokyo now although but that doesn?t mean I can fight them off or anything.

?Well, I?m going to go and explore for a while, I might be back later on and if not then I?ve probably been dragged off by Yuka.? I laughed, ?Or killed.? I chuckled weakly at my addition to the sentence.

Akyu, as usual looked up at me, ?Okay, be careful. See you next time!? Akyu spoke optimistically.

Why do things feel like I?m going on a suicide mission? Wait, it probably is suicide.

Standing up I waved goodbye to Akyu and made my way outside. ?So, where should I go?? I said to myself as I looked around. Unfortunately, my choice was narrowed by the fact that the village was surrounded by woods on every side.

Not much of a choice, I guess.

To no surprise, I decided that if I was going anywhere, it would be into the woods. Choosing to enter at an angle which went alongside and in close proximity to the flower field, it would allow me to at least attempt to flee to Yuka in the case that everything went bad.

I?m all for exploring, but it?s not like there?ll be anything interesting in these trees.

As I somewhat expected, the forest has a chilly atmosphere, and was also quite dark to my dismay. Walking in the same angle I entered, I was able to remain in sight of the light from outside. I began wondering about what I could possibly hope to find during this exploration, since in my mind a forest never seemed like a thing to hide something interesting, just creepy.

Without warning, the surroundings suddenly got a lot darker; looking up and around, even the light was the outside was nowhere to be seen.

What in the world is going on? Oh wait, it?s not like I don?t know, it?s something life-threatening.

Almost on cue, I could just make out a patch of the floor began moving towards me, the buzzing and hissing made it clear that it was actually a swarm of insects, heading for me.


My mind screamed continuously as I followed the order until I realized that in my panic, I?d lost all bearings and the darkness certainly wasn?t giving any clues regarding my position. As I ran in an unknown direction, the noises got louder, which means they?re either catching up or there?s even more of them, either way I wasn?t planning on finding out and pushed myself to run faster.

The area began to get even darker, so I decided to run to the side, hoping that it would take me out the forest, or at least get lighter, but to little prevail. Another problem is that I can?t run forever, already I felt myself tiring and getting slower.

This darkness is getting to the point where I can?t see anyth-

A familiar feeling in the form of a tree, struck me in the face causing me to fall backwards to the ground, as I fell I recalled the incident with the door earlier. Wondering how intact my nose was, I lay half-dazed on the forest floor, wondering why I hadn?t been surrounded by a swarm of vicious flesh rending bugs yet; again on cue there was a noise, but not what I was expecting.


?We got him!? Someone sung out loud.

?Great work team!? Another voice called.

?Yeah!? A much higher pitched and immature sounding voice shouted.

?What are we waiting for? Let?s get him!? The sounds of footsteps got louder and louder signalling their approach until the same voice as before cut in, ?Hey wait, I think I know him.?

It can?t be, can it? Oh, the irony.

?It is you!? A familiar voice shouted at me, ?Of all the people to catch, it?s you!?

?You know him, Cirno??

Just as I thought.

?Yeah, I met him yesterday, he?s not bad for a human, and he hangs around with that Yuka, she?d kill us if we did anything.?

?Who?s Yukaaaaaaa?? The immature voice called again.

?Don?t you know anything?! The one that uses all the flowers and tries to beat us up when she sees us!? Another voice snapped at one questioning Yuka.

?And the one who beat Cirno yesterday!? I heard Daiyousei add.

?Shut up.? The voice of Cirno interrupted.

A more serious sounding voice spoke, ?Well, what do you want to do with him??

?Eat hiiiiim.? The squeaky immature voice said.

No, no, let?s not.

?We can?t eat him if he?s Cirno?s friend... and if it was annoy Kazami.? Spoke another serious sounding voice.

I like that answer, go for that one.

Finally, my head had stopped hurting enough for me to lift it from the ground and actually have a look at my would-be attackers. As their voices, and the presence of Cirno suggested, it was a group of younger looking youkai.

The first had fairly short pink hair and strange ears protruding from them, wearing a burgundy and white dress decorated with pink ribbons, which snaked down the dress, she also wore a matching coloured hat on her hat, which sported wings or something resembling them. Her final noticeable feature, were the purple and pink wings, resembling a birds, on her back.

The next youkai was a more childish looking one, presumably the immature sounding one; she wore a simple black shirt and dress over a long sleeved white blouse, which contrasted with her bright blonde hair. In her hair was a small red ribbon, though it looked like it had suffered some wear and tear through the years.

The final newcomer had her back turned to me, but from what I could make out she wore a white shirt and blue trousers, reaching to her knees, though most of her appearance was blocked by her black cape. Hidden among her greenish-blue hair were two antennae, which suggested that she was the one controlling the bugs from earlier.

I had hunches on who they are, having read the book not long ago, however probably due to the fright and possible concussion of head butting a tree, I just couldn?t remember at that moment.



  • Permabanned
  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo (Digitally Remastered!)
« Reply #23 on: April 25, 2009, 01:35:32 PM »
Chapter 23

Pushing myself off the ground, I leant back against the tree I had previously encountered face to face and noticed my nose was pouring with blood once more.

I watched as Cirno marched up to me, hands on her hips, ?Why the heck are you here?? She asked.

?I want to ask you that too.? I groaned.

Cirno sighed slightly, ?Isn?t it obvious, playing with my friends unlike you!? Cirno looked back at the group, where a couple waved back. ?But this is a place for youkai, not for a weak human like you! Even Daiyousei could beat you up!? Cirno laughed.

?Hey Cirno, that?s not very nice.? I heard a timid Daiyousei object.

?Unless you want to get killed, you should get out of here.? Cirno announced, trying to sound much more formidable then she was.

?Well then? Where can I get out? Thanks to you and your little squad, I have no idea where I am and which way I?m meant to be going.? I complained.

A grin appeared on Cirno?s face before she ran over to her little group who then huddled together and began whispering.

Obviously, no good is going to come from this.

The group nodded together before Cirno ran back up to me, ?We?ll show you the way out of the forest.?

?Oh, that?s good, I was think-?

?If... You beat us at a game.? Cirno interrupted me.

I knew it. Nothing is ever easy.

?Fine? What game?? I said, with a slight sigh.

Cirno continued to mischievously grin, ?Anything, you can choose.?

?And what if I lose?? I questioned cautiously. ?You and your friends kill me or something??

?No, we play again, and again, and again, until you win!? Cirno scolded me.

Just what I wanted, to be playing games with Youkai continuously for my freedom.

?So? any game?? I asked.


Without thinking I immediately blurted out, ?Fine, we?ll play tag.?

?Okay!? Cirno shouted, already running off.

Eager to win, I started to sprint after Cirno and relieved to see I was catching up; Cirno was just in my reach when I heard another shout, ?Now!?

At that moment, everyone flew up into the air several metres out of my reach and began giggling. ?Catch us if you can!? One of the girls taunted, as I stood on the floor baffled.

There?s no point playing this, there?s no way I can reach them and even if I climbed a tree, it?s not like they can?t just fly away.

In what must be the shortest game ever, I announced my loss. ?Alright, alright, you lot win, let?s play the next game.?

The girls slowly floated down, laughing and whispering in each other?s ears the topic most likely being how useless I was at that game. Cirno laughed again and sneered, ?Pick something that?ll last a bit longer, I don?t want to have to go easy on you!?

For obvious reasons, I found the fact a fairy was laughing at me quite irritating so I began to put thought into the next game.

Something without chasing, what wouldn?t they be good at? I looked at the group again and something struck me, the majority of them weren?t exactly camouflaged, even Rumia (Who I suspected it was) though fairly well blended in black, had a head full of blonde hair which stuck out like a sore thumb, add the various bright blues and greens and pink from the others, and the idea emerged.

??Hide and seek.?

?Huh.? Cirno looked puzzled for an unknown reason.

?Hide and seek, I?ll give you time to hide and then come and find you, but as soon as I find you, you?re out, no chasing or anything like that.? I grinned.

Cirno looked up at me stubbornly as though she was working something out, as you?d expect she didn?t figure anything out and she soon returned to her overconfident smile. ?Fine then, get counting? and don?t look.?

?Whatever.? I turned around and leant face first against the tree I had head-butted from earlier and as I did I heard the sounds of footsteps decreasing in volume could signalling I was alone.

Well, at least that means no one is going to smash my head against this tree while I?m not looking.

Since Cirno gave me no exact number to count to, I counted to ninety nine before beginning my search. In my head, I was expecting to turn around and see at least one straight away, but that wasn?t reality, there wasn?t anyone to be seen, but I also realised then that there was no time limit on the game; I had all the time I wanted to find them.

Beginning my search I wanted down the most obvious route, following the sounds of the footsteps from earlier and it wasn?t before long I noticed patches of blue among the green leaves of a bush. I walked over to the overgrown plant and pulled some of the leaves away revealed a startled looking Daiyousei.

?Oh? hello...? She spoke quietly. ?I guess I?m out then??

?Yeah? Tough luck?? I replied sympathetically, for some reason.

One down, four to go!

Not far away from Daiyousei, I noticed in the corner of my eye some white in an otherwise brown tree, after a moment of staring, I could make out the shape of Wriggle Nightbug, lying on top of the branch.

Thank god these youkai are distinctive enough to remember the names.

?You can come down, Wriggle.? I smirked.  Unhappily, Wriggle hovered down from the tree branch, and it almost felt like she was missing a buzzing noise when she flew.

?It took Cirno ages to find me up there.? Wriggle complained.

Ha, not me.

A few more minutes passed before I found the next target; I noticed that in the middle of an area without much cover from the trees, there was an odd shadow, right in the middle. Looking up, in the worst place for hiding in the air imaginable was an orb of darkness, which must be Rumia.

After shouting her down, much like the others, and waiting for her to tease the others about lasting longer than them, we set off to find the final two, Cirno and who I presumed was Mystia Lorelei, if I remember right, she?s a Night Sparrow with a large love for singing.

Despite her wearing bright pink and Cirno wearing bright blue, they were surprisingly difficult to find, even after what felt like 10 minutes of searching.

Looks like I?ll have to play dirty.

I walked a few more steps forward before turning around to the group following me, and spoke in a much louder voice than usual.

I hope she doesn?t outright swoop down and rip my throat out for this.

?You know, I don?t think that Mystia can sing very well at all, she vastly overrates herself, in fact I think I can sing much better!?

All I got from the others were strange and confused looks, ?I don?t even know why you hang around with her, if I had to listen to her all the time, I think my ears would bl-? I was suddenly interrupted by a force colliding with my back sending me to the floor.

Turning around to see who did it, I saw a furious looking Mystia looking at me, ?What are you talking about, I can sing much better then you?ll ever be able to you useless human! I don?t know why I shouldn?t just kill-?

?You?re out.? I interrupted Mystia?s high pitched, almost screaming rant and was promptly followed by the laughter of the others.

Giggling, Wriggle spoke, ?Mystia, you just gave yourself away, you could have won!? before laughing even more. Mystia looked embarrassed and stood behind the others.

?Don?t worry Mystia, I didn?t mean what I said.? I apologized, thinking it?s better to make peace rather than have a youkai hunt you down in the future.

?Okay? sorry?? Mystia spoke quietly, still bright red with embarrassment.

?So, it?s just Cirno herself left.? I spoke while walking away from the others, in a fashion much like Yuka.

However the problem arose that no matter how long or hard I looked, there was no sign at all of anything blue. Even my bluff about finding a pond full of frogs failed to draw her out of her hiding place.

Even more time passed to the point the sky was starting to due and lose its colour, and I found myself explaining my story to my followers, ?And then Akyu and Keine explained how I?m not from Gensokyo, and that I might one day return to-? Once again, I found myself interrupted as I tripped through a pile of fallen leaves.

?Watch it, you big idiot, you could-? Just as sudden as the voice started, it stopped.


I started to brush the leaves away with my foot revealing Cirno looking at me. ?Idiot, if you didn?t stand on me you?d never have found me.?

I thought it was quite impressive that Cirno had spent something like an hour buried under a pile of leaves, ?Well, you were the hardest the find, if that?s any consolation.?

Cirno sneered and smiled slightly, ?That?s because I?m the best!?

?So, about the way out of here?? I went straight to the point.

Cirno laughed, ?That?s easy! It?s over there.? Cirno pointed in a direction and began walking in that direction and in no more than 10 seconds later I could see the exit to the forest.

?See you later, we?re going back in the forest, the night?s just beginning you know!? The ice fairy ringleader spoke.

?Yeah, see you later.? I answered, and after exchanging farewells with the others I left the forest leaving me not too far away from the flower field.



  • Permabanned
  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo (Digitally Remastered!)
« Reply #24 on: April 25, 2009, 01:35:50 PM »
Chapter 24

As I had noticed earlier, the sky was starting to get darker now, checking Yuka?s pocket watch it told the time as a few minutes before 6 o?clock.

Damn, I got stuck playing children?s games for longer than I thought.

Strolling down to the flower field I noticed there was no activity or movement in the flower field.

Oh great, she?s already gone on without me.

Thankfully, it wasn?t exactly difficult to find the way back home, this time.

For a moment I wondered how Yuka could make the so-called flower displays yet the flower field looked completely unchanged or possibly grown even more flowers, until I remembered Yuka?s powers probably allowed her to create new flowers out of nowhere. Thinking about that made me realize that since the flowers weren?t here, there?s a good chance she?s taken the flowers, or making them at the shrine.

Either way, I wasn?t going back into that forest to get roped into another game, so I decided to go in the portal and return to the mansion, which would be much safer. I hope.

Since there was no point hanging around, I started to enter the portal and see if Yuka is back when I heard, in the usual cheerful voice, ?Hi!?

Speak of the devil.

?I was wondering when you?d get back.? Yuka spoke in her uncaring voice.

I looked at her quizzically, ?You?ve been looking for me??

?No.? Yuka started laughing, ?I?ve been with Reimu making those flowers like I said.?

Why did I know that would be the answer?

?Although, I did see you playing around in the forest when I flew over.? She added, quickly.

?You could have stopped by, I was stuck in there! Forced to play games to get out!? I almost shouted at Yuka.

?Well, you looked like you were having fun, so I thought, ?Why intervene?? and continued on my way.? Yuka?s face was wearing that menacing grin again.

I grumbled to myself for a few seconds before asking casually, ?I gather you got the flowers done then??

?With plenty of time left, I spent most of the day drinking tea with Reimu.? Yuka continued smiling at me. ?You should have come along.?

I have a sarcastic look, ?I already told you. I was stuck in that forest for hours.?

?Well? you shouldn?t have got lost in the first place.? Yuka laughed.

I merely gave an evil look of my own at Yuka before walking into the portal and emerging on the other side as usual.

A few metres up the pathway, I decided it would be best to wait for Yuka, who emerged a few seconds later, smiling even more. Arms crossed, I waited for her to parade by before joining her at her side. ?So, that festival or party, or whatever it is tomorrow. What?s to be expected??

Yuka shrugged carelessly, ?Who knows? Drinking, talking? I guess dancing if you?re into that. With that Oni in charge the only thing for sure is drinking.?

I thought back to how Suika was when I saw her, my memories recalled that she was drinking alcohol every other moment, ?Ah, but didn?t Mima seem like she was going to do things as well.? I added.

?Like I said, drinking, talking, probably some music also. I should expect even you humans have parties like that.?

?Well, yeah, we do.? I replied.

?Well it?s the same, only the fights are much more fun.? Yuka got an evil look in her eye.

I wonder what part Yuka goes for.

?So, there are a lot of people going?? I asked for the sake of wasting time.

?Oh, not that many. I think Reimu mentioned about ten were invited last year.?

?Ten? That?s not that much.?

Yuka quickly started talking again, ?No, but an extra fifty or so turned up on top of that. So I would say it?ll be about the same this year.?

Suddenly the thought of a nice peaceful afternoon shattered as a huge crowd of people appeared around the shrine in my mind. ?As a complete guess, I gather most of the others are going to be youkai??

Yuka nodded, ?That?s how it usually is.?

Great work from the supposed youkai hunter, instead of destroying them she?s inviting them to parties, what?s she going to do? Poison the sake?

Continuing up the patch, I ended up explaining the events in the forest to Yuka, who merely laughed every time I mentioned an event where something went wrong for me, which was quite a lot of the story. As we passed by her, it was apparent that Elly was sleeping on the job considering she was collapsed out on a sun lounger.

As the story finished, the chilling silent returned, so I started to talk once again, starting with a curious question, ?So, uh, do you photosynthesize or something??

Yuka looked at me and gave me a rather odd look.

?I just wondered, being a flower youkai you might photosynthesize or something, and that?d explain why you have your parasol, to stop getting hyperactive, or gaining any unwanted weight? or something?? I started to question my own questioning.

Yuka replied with a sigh, ?I?m not a flower youkai as you think, I am a youkai with the ability to manipulate flowers, not a youkai who was formerly a flower.?

I paused for a moment, ?So by just ?a youkai? you used to be a human once??

Yuka made a noise of some sort, confirming the accusation, but not sounding too happy about it.

?What about your life as a human, Keine said that Youkai remember their mortal lives.? I asked, wondering if I was asking questions on thin ice.

Yuka sneered, ?I left my memories of my humanity behind a long time ago... I don?t want anything to do with that corrupt world.?

It doesn?t sound like you have.

?Everything that could be wrong is wrong in that world. I?d love nothing more than to destroy it myself.? Yuka continued.

Okay, she?s starting to sound insane, again.

Trying to take things of the subject, slightly, I interrupted, ?So, why am I here then? You know well enough I?m from? that world.? I paused, wondering if Yuka would just turn around and hit me after what she was just ranting about.

Instead, she merely looked amused, ?Why not??

I merely sighed before continuing on, ?Well then, at least you know what your name was.? For a moment, names ran through my head of what Yuka?s name may have been, presuming she changed it when she became a youkai.

?Haru.? Yuka chirped.

I merely looked puzzled, ?Haru??

?You were just talking about a name.?

?What, that?s my name from the other world, or one you just made up?? I was getting more confused by the minute.

?I made it up, why would I know about something from your world??

I looked at Yuka for a moment before shrugging my arms; ?You have a better idea of things then me.?

?Of course I do.? Yuka bragged, before reaching and opening the mansion door.

I swear that mansion sneaks up on me.

Following Yuka into the mansion, I wondered about the name she?d just given me.

Haru? Can?t say I?m particularly fond of it. Well, as long as it keeps her happy I guess.



  • Permabanned
  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo (Digitally Remastered!)
« Reply #25 on: April 25, 2009, 01:36:09 PM »
Chapter 25

As Yuka played strolled through the mansion, something hit me. Outside, I failed to notice that the gaping hole in the side of the house, which was once my room, had disappeared. I poked my head around the front door and spotted I wasn?t mistaken.

Wow, those fairies work fast.

Walking back in the house, Yuka had already disappeared, so I took the free time to have a look at the new room. The hallway looked unchanged, though I guess the only damage would have been around the doorway, which Yuka obliterated, quite needlessly.

At least it stopped Flandre from having a free supper.

I opened the door and was quite surprised to see the room was completely, the same, down to every small detail.

Well, that was anti-climatic, I guess.

Walking back to the main hall of the mansion I thought how boring the room was, being exactly the same, but after remembering what happened earlier when I looked from something adventurous, I changed my mind. As I was about to turn the corner for the stairs I heard Yuka?s all too familiar voice shouting, ?Haaaaaaaaruuuuuuuu!?

I paused for a moment, ?What?? I mimicked Yuka in a sarcastic fashion.

?Come here!? She shouted, still as chirpy sounding.

Following the voice downstairs, slightly nervous at what she had planned.

Why do the thoughts of being hurt or killed enter my head whenever Yuka wants something?

I looked around the corner, and as I had gathered, Yuka was standing there, ?Look what I got for tomorrow!? Yuka pointed to something blue on the table, which on closer inspection seemed to be a pile of clothes.

?Oh, that?s nice? What?s wrong with your usual outfit?? I questioned cautiously.

Yuka laughed and practically sung, ?No? It?s not for me, it?s for youuuu!? Yuka then picked up the clothes and displayed them, revealing a blue suit-like outfit, with the same pattern as Yuka?s.

Wow, it?s like an oversized tablecloth.

Suddenly, my attention was caught by the yellow cravat, similar to the ribbon Yuka wore around her neck except ridiculous looking. Okay, I?m not wearing that. Nada.

?So, you want me to wear that?? I questioned, frantically.

?What?s wrong, don?t you like it?? Yuka grinned, already knowing I wasn?t exactly keen on the idea, ?Why don?t you go and try it on now??

I quickly replied, ?I?m sure it?ll fit perfectly, I?ll just wait until tomorrow like you said.?

Hopefully, I?ll come up with something by then.

Yuka continued to look amused, ?If you say so.? She turned around, ?Time for dinner, anyway.? She continued to speak playfully.

After Yuka walked off, I stared at the clothes and thought about what to do, but no ideas worked, if I burnt them, Yuka would probably burn me in return, so that was a big no. Letting the clothes have the victory for now, I walked off towards the dining room.

Dinner was uneventful, minus the fact I spent more time arguing with the fairy about what I wanted then actually eating. After the 5th time of sending the food back for various reasons, such as it not being cooked, smashed to a pulp and other creative ways of making the food inedible such as heavily overdoing the spices, I started to think, and decided that since the fairies knew my lack of power, and aggression, they were pulling all the pranks and tricks on me since I wasn?t going to blow them to shreds like Yuka would.

Yuka had already long gone before I finally finished, I gave the fairies an evil stare while they laughed, deciding it would be best to give up, I just walked back through the hallway, passing the pile of blue clothes which I also gave an evil stare, before arriving back in the main hall.

It wasn?t that late, according to the clock it was only around 7 o?clock, but it certainly didn?t feel like it, it felt much later in the day. I hung around the main hall but came to the conclusion that since there was nothing else of interest to do, it would probably be best to go to bed, especially with that festival tomorrow.

As I reached the top of the stairs, I noticed the door directly at the top, Yuka?s room was open and from the distance I was, it appeared like it was pitch black with lights shining around it.

What the heck? Is there a disco in there or something?

Closer to the door, I leaned to the side to see inside the room, surprised that the room wasn?t there, it seemed.

The room just seemed to be a part of space, with the moving lights actually being stars shooting by.

What the hell, how can this possibly work?

I stood wondering about how it could possibly be used as a room, thinking for a moment there?d be an invisible floor I went to step in the room to test my theory when I noticed, that in the distance were some platforms, which probably means that there isn?t a floor where I was about to step.

Jumping back away from the door, not wanting to test if I?d fall or not, I quickly decided to move on, also for the reason that if Yuka came back and saw me looking in her room, there?d probably be a good chance she?d use it as an excuse to induce pain on me.

With nothing else left to do, expect ponder upon how Yuka?s room seemed to be a part of space, I walked back to my room and opened the door before shouting, ?I?m going bed? Good night?? It probably wouldn?t stop Yuka, if she wanted to talk or annoy me, she?d just wake me up anyway.

The first thing I noticed when I walked into the room is that those accursed clothes had appeared on the chair. It would seem Yuka was quite determined to get me to wear them.

So, this means war.

Making sure I closed the curtains this time around to prevent any unwanted guests I got into bed with all my clothes on, better than having someone steal them off the table while I slept, leaving me with those things.

Lying in bed I wondered about the events that happened today, this place was still unbelievable, I met a witch and somehow ended up playing hide and seek with two fairies, a bug, a sparrow and a darkness youkai. The weird thing was that in my heart, I was actually enjoying it, it just felt good, and thinking of that it made me wonder back to what the real world was like.

Corrupt, wrong.

If by what Yuka was saying, I definitely wasn?t in a rush to go back there to find out. With a yawn, I decided to leave all my thinking until tomorrow and fell asleep.

I woke up to banging on the door, ?Haru, it?s the party today! Get ready!?

Oh great, A Yuka wake-up call.

Looking at the clock on the wall, which said 6 o?clock, I shut my eyes and went to fall back asleep.

Until the thudding returned, ?Hey! I can?t hear you getting ready!? Yuka was back, and louder. Climbing out of bed, I walked over to the door and opened it, revealing Yuka in her pink nightclothes and cap. ?Get a move on!?

?How can you moan at me, when you?re not even getting ready!?? Noticing the sleeve of my shirt, I added, ?At least I?m dressed!?

Yuka grinned, ?Go have a bath, you smell.?

Thanks for being blunt, again.

I paused for a few seconds, ?Fine, where??

Yuka kicked the door behind her, before walking away, ?Don?t take too long!?

As Yuka walked away, I couldn?t help but ask, ?When does this festival start then??

?12 o?clock.? She laughed before walking away, and into her room, which I had a gut feeling she was going back to sleep.

In the end I decided I?d stay up for the six hours, by the time I got back to sleep it?d be time to wake up again anyway. Following Yuka?s rather harsh advice, I?d start with a bath.

It took me a while to actually find the bath, since it was hidden around a corner for some weird reason, it was surprisingly easy to find the right temperature, and most likely magic was behind it.

After a while in the bath, I heard a door slam, followed by the quiet sound of a fairy flying, a few seconds later, I heard the sound of the door slamming again. Slowly looking, around the corner, the room was empty. ?No!? I noticed that my clothes I?d left in a pile had been taken and replaced by those same blue clothes from the night before.

She planned this! I can?t believe I underestimated her!

Once I?d finished swearing profusely I went and inspected the clothes, the horrible, oversized, bright yellow cravat was there and looking around, there just happened to coincidently be no other clothes, forcing me to wear it.

Looking in the mirror, it almost looked like I was being drowned by the overflowing cravat, taking the easiest solution I tucked the cravat inside the shirt, which fortunately hid the majority of it, I encouraged myself by saying that if anyone only glanced then they?d think it?s a tie.

Slowly, unhappy but ultimately wearing the outfit, I slowly walked out; being cautious of Yuka or fairies who may have been standing watch, ready to laugh. Fortunately, there wasn?t.



  • Permabanned
  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo (Digitally Remastered!)
« Reply #26 on: April 25, 2009, 01:36:25 PM »
Chapter 26

Just as predicted, Yuka didn?t stir from her room for another 3 hours by which time I had already eaten breakfast, with fewer confrontations with the fairies this time and read the rest of the encyclopedia Akyu gave to me.

When Yuka walked into the study, she was already wearing her trademark red dress and usual attire. She looked at me for a moment before cheerfully stating, ?Oh, you decided to wear that then! It looks good!?

I muttered under my breath about Yuka planning it all along, but not at the volume so Yuka could hear it. ?So, what are you planning for 3 hours?? I asked out of boredom.

Yuka simply stood and thought for a moment.

Don?t say sleep.

 ?Not much, really.? Yuka then continued and sat down on a chair. A moment later, she looked at me for a few seconds before speaking up, ?Haven?t you finished that book yet? You?ve been reading it enough.?

?In fact, yes. I finished it not long ago.? I said, smugly expecting Yuka to be somewhat surprised.

?I see, well, pass it here.? Yuka reached out for the book, which I gave to her. She began scanning through the pages before stopping on one and reading through it. ?I bet I?ve beaten all of these in here.?

?I expected you had, somehow.? I commented.

Yuka grinned, ?It?s just annoying how you have to stick to those useless spell card rules, being able to use your full power feels great.?

And a lot more violent.

I briefly recalled the bloody spectacle that was her fight with Flandre and the mess that occurred as a result.

Yuka pulled out a collection of cards from her pocket and held them in the air. ?These are the accursed things if you care to look.?

I got out the chair and to walk over and inspect the cards, but Yuka openly passed them to me. The card on top was, unsurprisingly red with that ever-so-familiar pattern that was Yuka?s trademark and in extremely neat black handwriting ?Double Spark? was wrote in the centre of the card with a small picture of said Double Spark at the top; other than that, there wasn?t much else on the card.

?So, how do you use these things then?? I held the card up in the air and said the name trying to cause something to happen, but to no prevail.

?First, you have to use your own spell cards? and then you just do what you do then.? Yuka said simply.

?Oh, how do you get them then?? I asked, wishing I had powers.

?You just use the spell you want while holding an uncharged spell card, that?s it.?

?Oh, that?s? simple.? I drifted off, expecting something a little more difficult. I handed the cards back to Yuka before sitting down again.

The next hour or so involved Yuka bragging and telling stories about beating all the various entries in the book, though they all seemed to follow the same pattern; Yuka would start a fight, then they?d clash powers, Yuka would overpower them and then she?d blast them away with a Spark. I guess there must be some variety, since Flandre?s fight was slightly different.

I also wondered about how she fared against some of the more powerful beings. I?ve already read that she was beaten by Reimu a few years back, and couldn?t help but wonder how my losses she?d suffered, but I wasn?t surprised about how she never mentioned any.

The room fell silent for a few minutes before Yuka stood up, ?Now what are you doing??

?Going to the festival, what else?? Yuka sung.

I looked at my pocket watch, ?It?s only 10:30, isn?t that a little early??

?They won?t mind! The Oni has probably already got them in such a state that they won?t notice.?

I got out of the chair and began to walk to Yuka, ?If you say so.?

As Yuka and I marched out of the mansion, I made sure the accursed cravat was still out of sight, in case anyone happened to around outside to see.

The walk was fairly uneventful and silent and as usual I spied Elly at her usual spot and as we walked up she noticed us and shouted, ?Time already??

Yuka nodded her head causing Elly to reach for her hat and scythe and joined us as we walked by. Walking beside Yuka and I she gave a cheer, ?Okay! Let?s go!?

?Oh, you?re coming too?? I asked quietly.

?Yep!? She was still shouting, even though she was standing next to me.

?So, what if someone attacks the mansion?? I cautiously queried.

Elly laughed before replying, ?I doubt it, everyone?ll be partying, and the fairies will attack any unimportant weaklings that would try anything.?

She certainly seems to be in high spirits.

The walk to the portal was a bit less boring, since Elly was a lot more talkative then Yuka; clearly she seemed to be happy about going to the party and either Yuka wasn?t or she was a master of hiding her emotions, I decided it was both, though mostly the latter.

Thinking about it, every time I?ve seen Elly she?s been stuck here, I guess I?d be excited about a day out if I had to do the same.

I ended up telling Elly everything that had happened to me in the last two days, which was heck of a lot for two days.

Story finished, we reached the portal where the two other walked in normally while I, as always followed slightly cautiously ending up in the flower field none-the-less.



  • Permabanned
  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo (Digitally Remastered!)
« Reply #27 on: April 25, 2009, 01:36:44 PM »
Chapter 27

As I expected, the flower field hadn?t changed one bit, not that there was a reason why it would, unless someone was up to a prank but that?s not a good idea due to the owner.

For a change, Yuka was waiting for me, most likely due to the presence of Elly, who was talking non-stop to her. As I approached them, Yuka looked at me for a moment before she gave the go-ahead, ?Let?s head off then.?

As usual, Yuka was walking under the shade of her parasol while Elly just spun the pole of the scythe around in her hand causing the blade to spin around, almost hypnotically, though it may have just been instincts making sure the blade didn?t come anywhere near me.

Soon enough, we left the flower field and were faced with the smaller field of grass standing between the flowers and the forest. We soon reached the other side and apart from a sighting of Cirno and Daiyousei flapping away towards the shrine, playing a game as they travelled it was pleasantly uneventful, as I had expected and hoped.

I had best not get involved in another of their games if they?re going to be there.

Putting the thought to the back of my mind, I looked forward to see the forest only a few metres away, for a moment I thought we might have been walking through it until I felt Yuka grab my wrist in a fashion similar to last time and I immediately felt myself being dragged into the air. As I dangled helplessly, I noticed that Elly could fly too, not a surprise really, since it seems everyone flies and has powers, apart from me.

Out of the blue, Elly shouted again, ?Hey! I can hear music!? Yuka nodded to agree, while I merely looked confused, I couldn?t hear anything. Gliding over the forest, I could see the fight versus Suika as it unfolded in my mind, the bare patch in the forest where Suika uprooted and wielded some trees. Luckily however, there seemed to be no attackers this time around.

Finally, a minute or two later I finally heard some music, ?Oh, I can hear that music you were talking about now.?

?You only just heard it?? Elly asked.

?Well, I am human after all.? I replied, unhappily.

Elly laughed, ?Don?t worry so much! There?s nothing wrong with being a human.?

Only they?re weaker, get eaten; don?t have powers or anything, nothing wrong with that. Does that mean Yuka?s been hearing what I?ve been muttering?

From other directions I could see groups of others flying to the shrine, though they were too far away to distinguish who they were, only that they weren?t just ordinary birds.

I reached for my watch, and checked the time, even though it was barely 11 o?clock, an hour before the event should start and the shrine was getting busy already.

Looks like everyone had the same idea as Yuka, is everyone trying to get good seats or something?

As we approached the shrine, I noticed the silhouette of Aya prowling around the shrine.

Hunting for a story even at a party, why am I not surprised?

My thoughts were interrupted by a vaguely familiar voice. ?Hello again!? The voice sung cheerfully. Focusing my eyes and looking up, I saw the recognisable figure of Mima standing in front of us. ?Still here I see!? She aimed the sentence at me.

?Well, yeah, where else am I going to go? Had you expected Yuka to have incinerated me by now?? I spoke at a much lower volume than Mima.

Mima merely laughed, ?Have fun, it?s my party as well, so don?t let that grumpy shrine maiden spoil it!? Mima glided away, towards the next group of travellers heading for the shrine.

Well, maybe there?ll be a little variety other then constant drinking then.

It wasn?t much longer before we finally landed in the grounds of the shrine, no matter how great it felt to fly, even if it was more being hanging from someone who could potentially drop you at any moment for a laugh, there was always a feeling of relief shortly followed by dizziness once you land.

Once I?d finished leaning against one of the trees to get my balance back, I approached Yuka and Elly, who seemed to be talking about where to sit. Seeing me approaching, Yuka greeted me with a comment, ?Weakling.?.

How friendly, and I believe we?ve already established I?m a human.

I considered complaining about the newfound prejudice against me, but decided to give it up before I started, ?Have you even decided where we?re sitting yet??

?As a matter of fact, we have. Right over there by the shade.? Yuka pointed to the left of the shrine, where a line of trees cast a shadow over part of the grassy area.

?Oh, fair enough.? I politely said before wandering over there, presuming I was being followed by Yuka and Elly.

When did they make their minds up?

I dropped myself onto the grass stretched for a while, until something caught my attention. I looked up and saw a miniature Suika Ibuki looking at me. ?Hiiii.?

?Hello?? I replied slowly, wondering what may happen next.

?What are you doing down there?? The mini-Suika asked in a high pitch voice.

?Lying down.? I sighed, giving the obvious answer.

?Why not just get a chair?? The Oni questioned with her squeaky voice.

I looked around, ?Really, where are they??

?We?ll get you one!? A much louder voice said, or rather, a group of voices and soon enough, a stampede of mini-Suikas had run to the edge of the forest and began tugging on the closest tree and only a few seconds later the tree was completely uprooted and flying in the air, crashing to the ground inches away from Yuka, who didn?t even flinch at the close encounter.

?T-thanks, I guess?? I told the first girl quietly.

?No problem!? The group replied in unison, before running off followed by an angry looking Reimu, shouting about not pulling trees out of the ground.

This is going to be a long day?

Looking behind me, Elly and Yuka were already sat on the tree, viewing the events around them; dragging myself onto the tree beside them I waited for things to start.



  • Permabanned
  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo (Digitally Remastered!)
« Reply #28 on: April 25, 2009, 01:37:04 PM »
Chapter 28

The shrine just continued to fill and fill, Yuka was more than right with her guess of there being more than fifty and it was getting to the point that the crowd, alongside the tables which had appeared out of nowhere, probably with the help of a certain Oni.

Although the numbers were now getting large, there was little to no interaction with each other because everyone seemed to be staying in the groups they arrived in. The furthest anyone had moved was up to the shrine to talk with Reimu, who didn?t look too pleased about being so popular. For most of the time she was sat in the usual spot, drinking the usual tea doing her usual activity, nothing; the only difference this time was that she was joined by Marisa.

Soon enough, Mima appeared next to Reimu in a small explosion of darkness and promptly shouted to get everyone?s attention, which she didn?t. Obviously noticing the lack of interest the deity fired a ball of darkness in the sky eclipsing the sun momentarily causing everyone to look what happened. As the darkness was washed away from the sun?s sight, Mima was hovering in its place with a smile.

?Now that I have your attention, I?d like to welcome you all to the Hakurei festival!? Mima shouted happily, causing some talking among the groups.

Mima went on to brag, ?I see there?s lots of people here I don?t know, if you don?t know me, I am Mima, and I am the deity of this shrine!?

The groups began talking louder, I couldn?t help but hear comments like, ?There?s actually a god??, ?I thought it was one of those godless shrines.?, ?I heard Reimu chased the god away so she didn?t have to share donations!?

Mima interrupted, ?Yes, yes, there is a Hakurei Deity? Anyway, I dedicate this festival to the shrine as a whole, here?s for a year of prosperity!? Mima raised her voice, while a group of mini-Suikas danced, almost like cheerleaders.

Dedicating the festival to the shrine organising it, that?s? odd?

?So, enjoy yourselves today and-?

?Make sure you donate!? The voice of Reimu interrupted.

Mima shook her head disapprovingly and hovered down to Reimu as the Suika crowd shouted, ?Party! Party! Go!?

There wasn?t any particular rush or change in activity for a few minutes, but eventually people started to get up and move around, the majority to the shrine where I guessed the food and alcohol was.

I felt quite pleased that I could recognise some of the others and I have ideas on who some others were by their looks matching their descriptions in the book, though there were still plenty I had no clue regarding their identity.

After a few minutes, the opening rush to the shrine had ended quite peacefully except when Reimu chased a pink haired woman wearing a blue and white kimono away who was carrying several plates full of food, followed by a grey haired girl wearing a green dress who was carrying equally as much food if not more.

After that spectacle, Yuka rose from her seat shortly followed by Elly and they wandered over to the shrine, with me trailing behind them.

One thing I noticed at the shrine was that a lot of the food was rice and something that looked like curry, but considering the apparent financial state of the shrine, this is probably all they could get.

Since I didn?t actually know what I was getting I just mimicked what Yuka did until I had a bountiful looking portion of food before waiting for her to move on, next up were the drinks and it became apparent that the only source of anything to drink was Suika?s purple flask object, inconvenient to say the least since I didn?t really want to end up in a horrible drunken state.

Deciding to just get on with it, I just poured some of the sake into a glass like everyone else and followed the flower youkai back to where we sat. On the way I spotted Keine and Akyu sitting on the other side of the shrine while Cirno and her mob weren?t too far away from where Elly was already eating, though they probably hadn?t made themselves known due to the presence of Yuka.

The meal itself wasn?t that bad; it had obviously been done many times before, once again confirming my idea about the shrine?s budget. It didn?t match the taste of what you would get from the Kazami mansion, but it did the job. The drink however was a different story.

I fortunately caught the smell of the sake before drinking it, which alone was enough to almost cause me to throw it away; I expected extremely potent poison to have the same scent as this. I stared at the liquid for a minute before deciding to go through with it, it was a party after all.

One? Two? Three!

For a brief moment, it actually tasted quite decent, I wouldn?t have minded drinking more, but then the after-taste kicked in.

Immediately I started coughing uncontrollably in revulsion, after yet another minute of agony I finally managed to get self-control back and managed to hear Yuka ask, ?Have you finished?? Looking around slightly, I noticed the number of spectators were watching and laughing at my act so to avoid any further embarrassment; I sat down next to Yuka and tried to keep a minimal presence.

After a few minutes of sitting in self-induced solitude, I noticed the party was changing slightly, another wave of Suikas stole everyone?s washing up and took it out of sight and soon after people began to move around and actually talk with others. At the same time, three girls dressed exactly the same, the only difference being their hair colour and costume colour stood in front of the shrine holding musical instruments.

I guess this is the entertainment.

The girl wearing black with blonde hair seemed to be the leader, holding a violin with a brown haired girl wearing red standing ready behind her with a keyboard which seemed to be hovering due to wings on either side. On the other side with a silver haired girl wearing white holding a trumpet, who started to play music, shortly joined by the other two. Soon enough, the ensemble was filling the festival with bright, slightly addictive music.

As a result there was more movement in the crowds so I took the chance to move around as well, ?Mind if I go for a walk?? I quickly asked Yuka.

?Suit yourself.?

I planned to head over to Keine and Akyu first, since I?d get to see a fair bit on the walk there. On the way, while looking at who else had turned up, I passed Mima who was drifting from group to group talking; no doubt bragging about her position, alongside her was Marisa also seemed to be doing the same thing as her mentor.

Another bonus to the long walk was being able to match faces to descriptions I had read, for example it was simple to spot the group from Eientei due to the presence of the rabbits, I took a guess that the woman wearing a red and black dress must be Eirin, due to the nurse?s hat with matched the colour of the dress. Eliminating Eirin, the only other visitor who isn?t a rabbit would be Kaguya, who looked to be stretched out and sleeping. Sleeping, this early into the party?!

Finally, I got to my destination, where Keine greeted me with a wave and invited me to sit down. ?So, are you enjoying yourself??

?Well, things still seems a bit slow and? I can?t say I think much of the drinks.? I replied, with the detestable taste of the sake still present.

?You didn?t drink that horrible Oni sake did you??


?No wonder, drinks from Oni all tend to be? strong.? Keine explained.

I looked at Akyu, who to no surprise was observing the events and recording them. I asked, ?So, any idea what?s to come today??

?Well, if everyone went as planned, this is probably all that would happen. However with the introduction of alcohol and the personalities of some of the visitors here today, you can never guess.? Akyu replied.

Keine spoke again, ?Yes, these events can be quite unpredictable, different things happen each year so we can?t help you there.?

It was only at that point that I noticed there was someone else with Keine and Akyu, sitting out of sight to keep a low presence like I did. She had long bluish-silver hair tied with a red and white ribbon and wearing a smoky brown shirt mostly covered with extremely baggy red overalls, which matched the colour of her eyes. Keine noticed me looking and answered, ?That?s Mokou, if you?re wondering, you may have read about her.? Mokou turned to look at me and raised a hand to greet me.

?Mokou, that?s the outsider I was talking about.? Keine spoke to her friend in a happy tone.

Mokou turned to look at me again and commented uncaringly, ?Looks scrawny.?

?Well, you were like that once.? Keine snapped back making Mokou pause for a moment before returning to her drink, which I noticed was that ghastly sake.

I stayed with Keine, Mokou and Akyu for a few more minutes as they helped me identify some more of the guests such as Sikieiki and Komachi, a Yama and her Shinigami who both seemed to have put work behind them to come to the festival. ?And that?s very rare, Miss Yamaxanadu is well known for workaholic personality. Komachi must have really put forward a good argument to come.? Keine explained. I thought once again on how surreal Gensokyo is, how even judges of the dead come to festivals alongside rabbits, vampires and god knows what else.

After identifying a few more people, I decided it would be best to move on. After saying goodbye to the everyone I walked the long way around the groups on my way to Yuka, Mima was still going around from group to group, though I found it quite odd that she only gave a nod to the Yakumo family rather than the full life story she seemed to be giving everyone else, though this was interrupted from someone dropping in front of me.


Oh god, I recognise that voice.

I froze in terror slightly and looked forward to see the recognisable form of Flandre Scarlet in front of me.

?H-hello, F-Flandre? I see you?re alright now.?

?Yeah, that nasty woman really hurt me.? She spoke with a childish sadness.

Wasn?t it to stop you from killing her, and me at that matter?

?It was fun though; we?ll have to play again sometime!? Flandre shouted cheerfully.

Her personality has done a complete 180 since I last saw her.

I paused for a moment, ?Well, if I have to play, maybe something not too violent, maybe tag, or hide and seek.?

?Okay! It?s a deal!? Flandre jumped happily until someone shouted her name. Turning to look where it came from, I could only guess it was the other residents of the mansion, I picked out Remilia Scarlet easily, she was easy to pick out since being she looked similar to Flandre, only slightly more mature, lighter clothes, silver-blue hair and with real looking wings like that of a bat?s. Alongside her was a maid, who I guessed was Sakuya Izayoi and next to her was someone reading a book that was obstructing my vision of her; that had to be Patchouli Knowledge and close by was Hong Meirin who I had met before.

As Flandre ran over to her family whilst waving and shouting goodbye, I let out a sigh of relief at not having to deal with a near-death encounter and continued on.

I also passed by Cirno and her group who were cheering on Mystia who had begun singing along with the music, even though the lyrics she was singing made no sense whatsoever. Still, the rhythm sounded good and it went with the mood of the festival. The only gang member not present was Wriggle, who was sat down a little distance away, seemingly enjoying it by herself; that was until Suika turned up and began talking to her, which instantly made her look uncomfortable.

I reached and sat down next to Yuka again, who looked to be swaying from side to side almost unnoticeably to the music, ?So, are you enjoying yourself?? I asked.

?There?s no reason not to be is there? That?s what festivals are for.?

?I guess so.? I paused for a moment thinking of something to say, ?So, everyone here, I gather you?ve beaten them all at one point or another??

?Not quite.? Yuka chirped.

?Oh?? I was quite surprised at the answer.

?The newcomers over there.? Yuka pointed at a group on the other side of the shrine, though I couldn?t see very well, one had large purple hair and was wearing a red dress with what looked like a large piece of rope behind her. Next to her sat a green haired girl wearing a blue dress similar to Reimu?s, which suggested she was a Miko and the final one was a younger looking girl with long blonde hair, a purple dress and a strange brown hat with what appeared to be eyes on it.

?They?re new here, only the witch and the Miko have actually fought with them yet, I?ll get my chance though.? Yuka spoke with her menacing grin.

?I had a feeling you?d say that.? Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that Suika was trying to make Wriggle drink from the purple flask despite the objections from her. Leaving them to it, I turned my head back to Yuka and noticed someone flying overhead.

There were actually two figures high above, one was a short blonde haired girl wearing a blue dress decorated with pink ribbons and a white scarf-like object, also by her were two small humanoid objects, which led me to believe it was Alice Margatroid, someone know for her use of dolls. The other was a woman with silver hair, which ended in a pigtail and wore fairly simple red robes with a pink shirt or similar object under that.

?Who?s that?? I said out loud.

?Oh look, it?s Shinki!? Yuka shouted perkily.

Shinki turned and noticed Yuka and waved before continuing to follow Alice to the shrine. ?Well, come on, let?s go meet her!? Yuka ordered before strolling after Shinki.

I turned to see what Elly was doing but she was nowhere to be seen and Wriggle was swaying from side to side alongside Suika who were both trying to sing along with the music, badly, so I just got up and went to meet the goddess of Makai.

By the time I got there, there was already a small crowd; Shinki and Alice were being greeted by Reimu, Marisa, Mima and Yuka. ?It?s so been so long since I?ve seen you all!? Shinki shouted excitedly, ?Apart from Mima of course, and I see you haven?t taken long to make yourself at home.? Shinki looked around at everyone partying.

Mima laughed, ?Well, of course, what else are you to do??

Reimu added, ?You?re the one I have to thank for making HER a god?? Still not pleased about Mima.

The conversation went on, talking about the old times and when they last met, which wasn?t too fun for me, since I had no idea what the hell they were talking about. Eventually they started to begin talking about a reunion fight; however it was quickly stopped by the complaints of Reimu, not wanting her shrine demolished by collateral damage by Shinki or something like that.

After the disappointment, the others whispered between them, no doubt organising another location for some time.

The party picked up even more at that point, the music seemed to have got louder and people were starting to head to the front, to dance or talk, generally more party like behaviour.

The fact all of the residents of Gensokyo were together, having a good time, whether they be human, youkai even a death god felt somewhat? inspiring, even arch-enemies such as Mokou and Kaguya haven?t torn into each other?s throats yet, nor did Flandre attempt anything violent. I thought that even Yuka had done well; I know how much she wants to fight the newcomers she pointed out, yet had refrained from it.

I was unsure why, but I was enjoying everything, though I hardly knew anyone, everyone felt like friends and there was just a good feeling in the atmosphere, and for once I wanted to stay here and not go-


Suddenly, a jolt went through my body and the next thing I knew, I was lying on the floor, unable to move.



  • Permabanned
  • By Benny1
Re: Reborn in Gensokyo (Digitally Remastered!)
« Reply #29 on: April 25, 2009, 01:37:23 PM »
Chapter 29

Yuka spoke quietly, obviously feeling embarrassed, ?What are you doing this time??

?I wish I knew.? I spoke, surprisingly calm even though I couldn?t move a limb.

?Well hurry and get up. You?re making a scene.? Yuka scolded quietly as I could hear laughter in the background, no doubt laughing at me supposedly tripping over.

I struggled for a few seconds, ?I? can?t.?

?What?? Why?? Yuka gave me an impatient stare.

?I? don?t know, I can?t move.?

Perhaps, you?re dying.

The laughter had calmed down, and had mostly turned into mumbling and whispers.

For a reason I wasn?t sure of, I laughed a little, ?You know, I think I?m dying, or going back to my world or whatever it is.?

Yuka looked at me for a moment before the realisation noticeably hit her, ?I? see.?

The volume of the area rose slightly and I could have sworn I heard gasps or sounds of surprise, but I was still alive so I wondered if it was just the sake causing unnecessary reactions, but when I noticed Yuka had closed her eyes slightly, I knew something was up. Mustering all my remaining strength, I rolled my head to the side.

That?s what?s up.

My entire arm was transparent, forcing my head a bit more, I saw it wasn?t limited to that; my entire body was fading, seemingly out of existence.

?Well, this really was short lived.? I spoke out loud, in a sad tone. ?I was sort of hoping to spend a bit longer here.? I forced my head so I was facing up again, and noticed there was a crowd building around me, Mima, Marisa, Keine, Cirno, everyone was looking sad at the event, just as though we were all friends.

To me, the situation felt really awkward, ?Well, thanks for the party and everything, shame I have to leave a bit early.? I closed my eyes for a moment, ?It?s sure been unforgettable anyway.?

I laughed, ?I guess I?ll find out my human name soon enough.? I felt my body twitch again, but with no result. Carelessly, I spoke again, ?Don?t let me going effect things? Have a good party!? If everyone else was going to be sad, I?d be the cheery one, no matter how distraught I was about leaving.

Suddenly, my mind started to fill with memories, my real life, and the event that got me here in the first place; in fact I felt the same as the incident before.

Why is this taking so long?

Also without warning I felt a bit of strength that let me climb back onto my feet, but not much else since when I looked at my hands, I saw they were fading much more quickly now.

?Well, I guess this is it? Goodbye everyone.?

Everyone tried to smile, and said their farewells in various fashions ranging from the childish voices of Cirno and her squad to the much more mature voices of those such as Keine and Mokou.

I turned around to see Yuka who had turned so her back was facing me with her parasol blocking most of her from sight.

I checked my hands again, not long left, ?Well, goodbye.?

You?ve already said that.

?And thanks, Yuka??

A few seconds after, everything had frozen, just like before.

A final few seconds of solitude.

I took the remaining few seconds to look around at everyone. ?I?ve only been here for a few days, but they were the best days of my life.? With my memories back, I knew what I had to look forward to back in my world, and I did not want to go. But as time started to return to normal, I knew I had to.

For a few seconds, nothing happened, everything was normal, but suddenly I completely froze and everything I could see started to move away and at the same time, darkness was falling in from all sides.

The final image was of Cirno and her gang with Keine and Akyu waving and trying to look cheerful, with Yuka in the middle, still turned away.

After a painfully long amount of time, that image had succumbed into complete darkness and I felt another jolt through my body, followed by nothing.

The first thing I heard was beeping. It was quite annoying actually, since it?s just keep going and going.

The sound of technology, I didn?t think I?d be so depressed to hear it.

The noise along assured me I was in a hospital, it would seem whatever accident I was in was enough to have a heart monitor being used, but I guess it?s common sense when someone?s been in a crash and then in a coma for several days.

I was fully conscious, but as before, I felt completely sapped of energy, with such a reminder I began to drift back to my thoughts of Gensokyo. My nostalgia was cut short when a door?s slam signalled to me that someone had entered the room and whoever it was, they were just walking around, and by the sounds of it, writing things down. Summoning all the strength I could, I managed to open one of my eyes, followed by the other, albeit slowly.

My hunch that it was a nurse was correct, checking the machines to my side. I looked around the room to learn my surroundings drowsily and after a few minutes of just sitting there, the nurse finally realised I was awake, with a jump.

?Oh! G-good morning!? The nurse asked nervously. ?How are you feeling??

I waited for a few seconds before struggling to speak, ?I could? be better??

The nurse nodded, ?Okay, well, you?re currently in a hospital, you?ve been in an accident.?

Yes, I know that much.

I began to wonder if her tone and personality suggested she was new at this job.

?To be honest, we weren?t expecting you to wake up so early.?

?I got a bit? messed up then?? I questioned cautiously.

The nurse smiled, ?Nothing that won?t mend, your head was just hit badly.?

?I see, so how many days has it been since then? 3, maybe 4 days?? I asked, wanting to test my theory.

The nurse looked surprised, ?Why, yes. 4 days. What told you that??

?It?s a long story.? I weakly grinned.

The nurse looked at me, surprised and confused, ?You?ll? have to tell me sometime? But for now, you should really get some rest.?

?Yeah? I think I should.? The nurse left the room shortly after, leaving me to drift back to sleep.

Eventually, I became aware of things once more, I opened my eyes and checked things; I was still in the hospital room to my disappointment so I simply lay in bed for what felt like an eternity waiting for something to happen.

This is more boring than standing around in Yuka?s field all day.

Eventually, the nurse from before returned holding a large bag and greeted me with a cheerful smile, ?Hello again. Feeling any better??

?A bit.? I replied.

?Well, you?re going to be in this room until you?re discharged, and since you?re awake now, I thought I?d bring you your stuff.? As the nurse reached into bag she added, ?You didn?t lose anything in the crash, so don?t worry.?

The nurse began to take things out of the bag and place them beside me, after showing me whatever it is. Mainly they were just clothes, my wallet and keys.

Well, that?s everything I had on me, at least nothing was stolen.

?There?s one more thing.? The nurse interrupted my thoughts. ?There was one more object in there, it wasn?t registered in any patients? records, but there?s no way it could have have in by accident, so one of the other nurses must have just forgotten to record it.?

The nurse reached into her pocket and held her arm out, and put it into my hand, ?I find it quite odd really; you tend not to forget about something like that.? I opened my hand when I saw what it was; I was almost paralysed with shock.

An antique silver pocket watch, with a flower engraved on the back.
