Author Topic: Puzzle & Dragons 19: Forever waiting for Gungho NA edition  (Read 141055 times)

Mr. Sacchi

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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 19: Still waiting for Awoken Egyptians edition -_-
« Reply #30 on: March 25, 2015, 09:23:30 AM »
Are you really planning on kicking Cu Chu?

Well, unless you have a better option of whom to kick from G/R Liu Bei, Leeza, Cu Chu and Michael.

I mean, I guess I could kick Michael for his lack of TPAs and his lack of skillups (because I have zero patience for centaurs).


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 19: Still waiting for Awoken Egyptians edition -_-
« Reply #31 on: March 25, 2015, 10:03:11 AM »
Well, unless you have a better option of whom to kick from G/R Liu Bei, Leeza, Cu Chu and Michael.

I mean, I guess I could kick Michael for his lack of TPAs and his lack of skillups (because I have zero patience for centaurs).

vishnu makes a better lead, he has literally zero potential as a sub because of his AS... why would you use his AS as a sub when you can just use an orb changer...

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Mr. Sacchi

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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 19: Still waiting for Awoken Egyptians edition -_-
« Reply #32 on: March 25, 2015, 10:59:08 AM »
Because my only other option is Michael, whom I have no real desire to skillup and who has no TPAs, while Vishnu has two, plus his insane recovery can be a hindrance in a "below 80% HP team" and the fact that his orbchange gives me hearts doesn't help either.

Plus, I'm getting some skillups for Vishnu while trying to skillup leeza.

Not that Michael is bad, it's just Vishnu seems like a better option overall, but if I'm wrong, feel free to correct me.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2015, 11:00:42 AM by Toyosatomimi No Sacchi »


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 19: Still waiting for Awoken Egyptians edition -_-
« Reply #33 on: March 25, 2015, 11:24:19 AM »
Star Vault later! I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna finish Gabriel.

So much for farming Beyzuls. I did grab two, so I guess that's decent. Assuming the event starts Friday or Saturday I should have time to get at least a few more.

Edit: Urgent Athena dungeons tomorrow throwing me further off track! I would love to get her finished so I can stop grinding her stupid, boring dungeon so I guess I better stock up on those too. And maybe with 2.5x skillups I can get that last elusive Cu Chu skillup that has evaded me after like 20+ feeds now that I finally have a use for him (assuming he drops at all, which he rarely does from Athena).
« Last Edit: March 25, 2015, 11:26:13 AM by commandercool »
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

Re: Puzzle & Dragons 19: Still waiting for Awoken Egyptians edition -_-
« Reply #34 on: March 25, 2015, 12:01:14 PM »
Wow I thought we were going to get something new and original for egypts

But nope just MORE heart based leader skills :/

Re: Puzzle & Dragons 19: Still waiting for Awoken Egyptians edition -_-
« Reply #35 on: March 25, 2015, 12:07:33 PM »
Wow I thought we were going to get something new and original for egypts

But nope just MORE heart based leader skills :/

[11:30] <Dorakyura> inb4 Awoken Isis will be even worse
[11:31] <trance|work> dora pls
[11:31] <trance|work> youre breaking suecomma's heart


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 19: Still waiting for Awoken Egyptians edition -_-
« Reply #36 on: March 25, 2015, 12:17:35 PM »
Not that Michael is bad, it's just Vishnu seems like a better option overall, but if I'm wrong, feel free to correct me.

I guess if you have no one better for GZL then Vishnu is okay but again his AS is literally useless for any Green-team that isn't himself as a lead.

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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 19: Still waiting for Awoken Egyptians edition -_-
« Reply #37 on: March 25, 2015, 12:32:14 PM »
Awoken Bastet really just seems kind of underwhelming.

And I would rather have 3 turns of spread cats than 1 turn of cats and a little extra wood damage.

That said, as a leader she has really good synergy with parvati now, I guess?

Mr. Sacchi

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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 19: Still waiting for Awoken Egyptians edition -_-
« Reply #38 on: March 25, 2015, 12:38:37 PM »
And I would rather have 3 turns of spread cats than 1 turn of cats and a little extra wood damage.

Well I guess it depends on the cooldowns since one of double-bastet's main selling points is a permanent 15% damage boost to wood. And permanent multi-target.

Though I somehow doubt they'll be giving something as good as a 1.5x wood damage multiplier a 2-turn cooldown... :/

And yeah, Awoken Bastet is extremely underwhelming, makes me shudder at the thought of Awoken Horus.

Re: Puzzle & Dragons 19: Still waiting for Awoken Egyptians edition -_-
« Reply #39 on: March 25, 2015, 12:39:55 PM »
[11:30] <Dorakyura> inb4 Awoken Isis will be even worse
[11:31] <trance|work> dora pls
[11:31] <trance|work> youre breaking suecomma's heart
If she needs hearts as well then she will be worse

Because the blue heart making sub pool is godawful

Andromeda, Gabriel, and to some extent Amberjack, Ruka, Sleeping Beauty, Siren

Seem okay right? Until you realize NONE OF THEM HAVE SUBATTS

And then everyone else kills hearts so they're all useless

RIP Valk, U&Y, Starling, etc
« Last Edit: March 25, 2015, 02:39:41 PM by Suikama »


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 19: Still waiting for Awoken Egyptians edition -_-
« Reply #40 on: March 25, 2015, 02:24:53 PM »
If she needs hearts as well then she will be worse

Because the blue heart making sub pool is godawful

Andromeda, Gabriel, and to some extent Amberjack, Ruka, Sleeping Beauty, Siren

awoken lakshmi biznitch

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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 19: Still waiting for Awoken Egyptians edition -_-
« Reply #41 on: March 25, 2015, 02:38:39 PM »
Alright time to break down Bastet in detail

So first her base stats
Wood/Fire was expected. Not much to say except it gives Verdandi synergy which is nice
Devil/Balanced was also generally expected. No attacker means no GZL/Liu synergy but that's okay because her leader skill totally screws that up anyways lol
Her weighted total stats is 747.4 which is only 3 less than her other forms which is okay. Other awokens have lost more and furthermore this form has the most well rounded stats.

Awakenings oh boy. Bit of Lakshi syndrome here where she has both one row and one TPA. Nope no triple TPA here let alone double.
Still I guess you can't complain too much about gaining a skill boost, TPA, time+, and green+. Skill Boost gives you synergy with orb changers, Time+ lets you pull off her leader skill better, green+ for potential 100% +orbs with Verdandi + someone else, and TPA is still TPA.
It would have been better though if she kept her devil form awakenings and thus had double TPA rather than TPA + 1 row. That one row isn't going very far with Bastet but I guess it helps if you want to use her as a Perseus sub or something?

Active is wow boring. I thought they would try something interesting and give her some orb change but nope, literally just a tweaked active.
Ignoring the useless spread legscats part which is even more useless thanks to it being only 1 turn now, her active is basically a 1.5x multiplier every 6 turns, which isn't that bad, but it's not amazing either when you consider there exist some 1.5x on 5 turns.
Still it's okay since it lets you hit x81 twice every 6 turns with dual Bastet leaders, and damage enhancing on leaders i good in general since it lets you focus all your subs on orb changing.
On the other hand her value as a sub still isn't that good. Well it's better than before I guess. She's sort of like GZL except weaker but has more utility by buffing all wood types and has two time+.

Leader skill is actually very close to what I guessed. I got the 3x atk for 5 combo right. The part I didn't get was the fact that instead of powering up on green orbs, they literally gave her Tiphon's leader ability added on top. Actually further more her awakenings are very similar as well. The difference is she has an extra time+, green+, and poison resist, which is ehh.
Also the slap in the face part is that the heart orbs MUST BE CONNECTED. This means you lose out on combos and have to get them elsewhere. At least it's only 5 combos though which is still not too hard, although doing it with a big ass block of hearts could prove to be very tricky.
Actually not really cause even Ronia needs 6 combos + rows so it's fine lol.
The lamest part though is how similar it is to parvati's. You basically just trade some RCV for more attack, but hey at least everyone like having more attack right? I dunno, I mean yeah it's strong but ehh.

Anyways most importantly is who to use her with.
Interestingly enough, Awoken Parvati becomes one of her best subs. Melon dragon works too since it also changes water to heart and has great awakenings.
Verdandi is an obvious pick because she gives wood and heart orbs. Also with her you have 80% green+ skyfalls and combined with parvati that's 100%.
Perseus is another obvious high synergy pick. He gives skill lock resists so with him and the others you have 100% skill lock resist, 100% green +orbs, 2.5 seconds+, and 5 skill boosts. Also 60% poison resist and 3 rows lol.
Liu Bei seems like a bad idea at first, but people still pulled him off with Parvati simply by, using his active with Parvati's. He's still the best pronger around.
Astaroth give a lowish cooldown orb changer that has synergy with Verdandi to create a full green/heart board.

So yeah like Awoken Parvati/Lakshi she's plenty strong, but also she's a bit too much like then and it's kind of boring. Especially since the good subs for each overlap pretty hard. Meanwhile many of the subs that people might already be using for Bastet like Avalon Drake, Gonia, and Genbu all lose value.

Also they revealed Bastet without even showing Isis' art god dammit more waiting :colonveeplusalpha:

awoken lakshmi biznitch
Still no subatt :colonveeplusalpha:


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 19: Still waiting for Awoken Egyptians edition -_-
« Reply #42 on: March 25, 2015, 02:41:53 PM »
The main issue is that it's very hard to consistently run into boards where you can get 5 combo+6 connected heart orbs at once. Fortunately Awoken Bastet leads give you 2.0s extra time manipulation right off the bat. Which is very good. If you run Perseus that's another extra time extend. But you already knew that. Crux of the matter is that this Awoken Bastet failed to meet ANYBODY's expectations and there is a reason why GungHo call it a development shot

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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 19: Still waiting for Awoken Egyptians edition -_-
« Reply #43 on: March 25, 2015, 03:26:15 PM »
You don't need to pull off x6 consistently though. x3 is enough for clearing any mobs and then you save your heart orbs and actives for the x6 bursts when needed.

Okay time for best girl based on Bastet's stuff

First of all Bastet is No. 2011 and Sphinx is 2008 so I think it's safe to assume Horus is 2009 and Isis is 2010 :V
So since the grimore thing seems to be bust over sphinx, I guess this means Isis will be Water/Fire.
There aren't any water Egyptian descends though and Noah and Zeus Merc are already being used. This leaves just Wadatsumi. Although then I dunno what happens to her typing. Either she gets Physical from Sphinx but then that's either Physical/God which has no difference from before or Physical/Balance which is ??? or she Devil/Balance which doesn't work because she has none of those types originally or she's Devil/God which would be weird.
Or maybe she'll just use Paulina and be Physical/Devil eh whatever.

If she does use Wadatsumi then her awakenings will probably be: Blue+, Fire+, Bind-resist, Bind-Resist, SB, Time+, Skill lock-resist, Water row
SB and time+ from Sphinx just like Bastet. Then skill-lock resist and water row from wada. Basically making her like Bastet but trading off TPA and a time+ for bind immunity.

So since Bastet's active was only slightly tweaked, I guess Isis will only be slightly tweak to be something like Heal 10/15% HP and clear 2/3 turns of bind. Basically just make the heal scale better with the high HP of physicals, although right now a +297 Isis heals 2.4k with her active so if it only heals 10% then it will be weaker than normal until you hit 24k HP which would be awful.

Leader skill should be at base x3 for 3 atts including hearts like Bastet's slightly upgraded version of her base leader skill.
Then on top of that it's probably going to be x2 for two heart matches aka hi Gadius. Either that or it's the exact same as Bastet with x1.5 for 5 hearts x2 for 6. Whatever. In any case the key difference is you can't pull off dual color boards as usual. While Bastet has to at least 5 combo, Isis needs to keep 1 side att, which SUCKS because once again she would have terrible synergy with existing subs. Because all of the ones that create heart orbs don't have different subtypes arggg!!
Like let's look a potential subs, which are still being forced into rainbow in order to make sure you can pull off her x3.
B/R: completely awful outside of farmables. Literally the only REM option is Orochi who doesn't orb change at all. Hopefully Isis herself with be B/R though to cover this
B/G: U&Y kills hearts. Starling kills hearts. Berry Dragon is okay but its stats still suck. Skuld is the only real option.
B/L: Valk kills hearts (goddammit). Trunks is collab only and wont ever come out here. Hermes kills hearts. Amon is the only real option.
B/D: Karin and Sonia don't make hearts. Bodin is the only real choice.
See the problem is you're so limited that if you don't have those exact subs then you might as well just play goddamn Lakshi.
Now to be fair you don't HAVE to cover every color especially since you're going to be changing orbs anyways. You're probably best off with Skuld and maybe Bodin for the beef and then just convert all your light orbs away of actives.
Still the main problem with this is it's difficult to optimize and people hate that. People hated that about regular Isis too which is why everyone flocked to Horus/Kirin even though in a practical sense they weren't actually that much better. In this case people are going to much prefer Lakshi where you aren't limited in subs and can just stick whatever combination of Andromedas and Skulds you have together and it counts as optimal. Also Lakshi's active is a lot better because it actually makes hearts.

What they should do is make her like Krishna. 1.5x for two water orb matches and x2 for three water orbs. That way you still have synergy with almost every water orb changer but still have the 'weakness' of not being compatible with dual color boards to keep her balanced.

Meanwhile Horus is gonna be x4 for 4 atts and 1.5x for 5 hearts and it will be even worse lol.

Mr. Sacchi

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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 19: Still waiting for Awoken Egyptians edition -_-
« Reply #44 on: March 25, 2015, 03:56:28 PM »
Meanwhile Horus is gonna be x4 for 4 atts and 1.5x for 5 hearts and it will be even worse lol.

tbh I'm 100% sure they're going to fuck up every single one of the egyptians if they even remotely try to go for the heart-matching shenanigan, but since the juggler (and gadius) hype is too real they'll probably continue to fuck up the egyptians anyway.

I don't know, Awoken Bastet, despite being a WIP, has just killed my entire hype for Awoken Horus, I'll just wait and see what they do and if it doesn't meet my expectations I'll just stick with F/L.

Re: Puzzle & Dragons 19: Still waiting for Awoken Egyptians edition -_-
« Reply #45 on: March 25, 2015, 04:09:44 PM »
I mean it's still super strong and way stronger than the base forms

But it's just... lame

hopefully they make some changes


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 19: Still waiting for Awoken Egyptians edition -_-
« Reply #46 on: March 25, 2015, 04:27:22 PM »
>x6 for 5 combos basically

gungho fucking plz.

atleast make shiva better ;;

Re: Puzzle & Dragons 19: Still waiting for Awoken Egyptians edition -_-
« Reply #47 on: March 25, 2015, 04:42:08 PM »
More like x6 for 6 hearts basically

Since 5 combos is pretty easy especially with all those time+

Not to mention a lot of bosses force you to combo over 5 anyways with their combo shields


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 19: Still waiting for Awoken Egyptians edition -_-
« Reply #48 on: March 25, 2015, 04:49:15 PM »
I'm more concerned about her active being crap.  Her leaderskill is wonky, but at least it's a buff.

Spread Cats was already almost completely useless now that everyone does damage either through rows or TPA.  It severely limited Bastet's use as a sub.  And now they're making it so it only lasts one turn in exchange for more of a shitty damage buff?

Like, this is the only awoken monster whose active is literally worse than it was previously.

Re: Puzzle & Dragons 19: Still waiting for Awoken Egyptians edition -_-
« Reply #49 on: March 25, 2015, 04:56:09 PM »
The spread cats part is basically negligible, who cares when you're pulling off TPAs and rows anyways

Her active is really 1.5x every 6 turns, which isn't too bad. Higher multiplers synergizes better with burst so when you pop her active + orb changers you hit for x81 before awakenings which is hard to complain about. Only thing is 6 turns is kind of silly since the Weapon series beats it.

IMO if they brought it down to 4-5 turns or so then it would be good


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 19: Still waiting for Awoken Egyptians edition -_-
« Reply #50 on: March 25, 2015, 05:05:37 PM »
I'm more concerned about her active being crap.  Her leaderskill is wonky, but at least it's a buff.

Spread Cats was already almost completely useless now that everyone does damage either through rows or TPA.  It severely limited Bastet's use as a sub.  And now they're making it so it only lasts one turn in exchange for more of a shitty damage buff?

Like, this is the only awoken monster whose active is literally worse than it was previously.

i'd expect a change almost instantly

theres no way that they won't get a bunch of complaints and buff it to be a better freyja

Re: Puzzle & Dragons 19: Still waiting for Awoken Egyptians edition -_-
« Reply #51 on: March 25, 2015, 05:22:47 PM »
Wow if it was 1.5x for three turns

Then basically that's 5 combos to hit 4.5x :V


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 19: Still waiting for Awoken Egyptians edition -_-
« Reply #52 on: March 25, 2015, 05:28:43 PM »
Wow if it was 1.5x for three turns

Then basically that's 5 combos to hit 4.5x :V

welcome to ultra broken cat town suikama

embrace it.

embrace the destruction of our game


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 19: Still waiting for Awoken Egyptians edition -_-
« Reply #53 on: March 25, 2015, 05:31:56 PM »
I think they're going to adjust her leaderskill to 3x for 5+ combos, and 2x for two heart combos.

Honestly damage boosts are kind of boring actives unless they're 2x or higher, I'd much rather they find a way to make the original spread cats ability actually useful.  Maybe something to do with activating rows or TPAs.

Re: Puzzle & Dragons 19: Still waiting for Awoken Egyptians edition -_-
« Reply #54 on: March 25, 2015, 05:37:42 PM »
spread cats makes it so that TPAs become 4 orbs+

So that way when you match rows you also get TPA bonuses...

...oh god how much damage would that be

Re: Puzzle & Dragons 19: Still waiting for Awoken Egyptians edition -_-
« Reply #55 on: March 25, 2015, 05:40:25 PM »
spread cats makes it so that TPAs become 4 orbs+

So that way when you match rows you also get TPA bonuses...

...oh god how much damage would that be

oh crap that's kind of scary

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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 19: Still waiting for Awoken Egyptians edition -_-
« Reply #56 on: March 25, 2015, 05:58:27 PM »
Yeah Awoken Bastet is kinda ridiculous, you just gotta use her right.

Meanwhile Sphinx all but confirms an Awoken Ra in the future, considering that Sphinx is basically Ra but Better (tm). Active with time extend, stat boost in leader skill, though with a lower multiplier.

With all the time GH has spent making so many other gods Basically Ra but Better he has to get a kick upward eventually.


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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 19: Still waiting for Awoken Egyptians edition -_-
« Reply #57 on: March 25, 2015, 06:30:51 PM »
y o y did i reinstall this game

someone please look at my padherder and tell me if I can build a decent team nowadays

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Re: Puzzle & Dragons 19: Still waiting for Awoken Egyptians edition -_-
« Reply #58 on: March 25, 2015, 06:52:57 PM »
y o y did i reinstall this game

someone please look at my padherder and tell me if I can build a decent team nowadays

Ameno/Suzaku/Dino Rider/Goemon/Hera-Ur (or Shiva)/Ameno

Would burn everything. Probably.