Author Topic: Puzzle and Dragons Thread 15 - We represent the Lollipop Guild, the Lollipop (ry  (Read 134647 times)

Puzzle & Dragons is an ios/android puzzle RPG.  It plays like a cross between Bejeweled and Pok?mon.  It's completely free to play, but has premium features through purchasable "magic stones," the game's premium currency (which can also be obtained frequently as rewards in-game), which allow for increased inventory, pulls from a rare egg machine, and more.  If you're patient enough the game gives you enough stones through special events and rewards that you shouldn't need to buy any.  (It's recommended you don't because you are almost guaranteed to be super frustrated at getting screwed by bad rolls ;_;)

You can control monsters from lowly slimes to mighty (?) dragons to even gods like Skuld (above).  They all have different stats and skills, allowing you to customize your team for any number of purposes.

If you're interested, there's a really useful database of monsters and game info here:

A tip for new players: At the end of the tutorial the game will give you one free pull on the rare egg machine.  It's best to "scum" this pull and start over (by uninstalling and reinstalling) until you get something that's really rare (a God).  Great starters include any of the Chinese Gods, Ares, Bastet, Isis, Idunn & Idunna, Lu Bu, Fallen Angel Lucifer, Odin, U&Y, Shiva, Red Sonia, and many others.  Feel free to ask!

List of friends:

Edible: 328,945,274
hyorinryu: 357.646.299
Suikama: 348.941.282
SuikamaEX: 396.277.239
Soichiro: 389,177,249
triangles: 322.456.235
Nobu: 389,151,231
Arashi: 361,443,282
Chaore: 344,844,286
Ghaleon: 374,256,217
Labuto: 362,441,209
omgkitties: 301,354,227
Twillsky: 320,059,211
O4rfish: 389,956,257
Mode: 384,458,286
Arcorann: 326,368,215
Yukarin: 394.177.213
Jq1790: 396,049,294
Pesco: 328 276 294
MJP: 370,479,279
Dibble: 314,673,283
Matsuri: 358,689,277
Fast Fanatic: 359,184,275
Sacchi Hikaru: 385,394,297
rdj: 338,277,280
Chirei: 326,404,383
En: 351,629,319
commandercool: 312,728,337
Aoshi: 398,822,333
Bonkeror (Conqueror): 331,616,320
Lem: 386.230.369
Espadas: 367,032,362
EspadasEX: 301,335,377
MoogsParfait: 313,455,268
Dorakyura: 347,957,300

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« Last Edit: December 17, 2014, 02:47:12 AM by Wardjeity of the Night, Tsukuyomi »

Moogs Parfait

  • Plz Send Naps
    • Danmaku!! Official Site
ok add me to the list already

Now running L Meta, Ronia, Lu Bu, and Athena



  • alter cool
commandercool, 10 minutes ago i max leveled my GZL (who was already max awoken).

If you plan on using GZL right off the bat let me know and i'll put him up as leader instead of GOdin.

I don't plan on using him for a while. All of his potential subs are unevolved, he's only level 57, and he only has one awakening. It'll be weeks most likely. But I'll take you up on that eventually I'm sure.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
  • *
  • It's the inevitable return, baby

its a trick NA will never get it


its a trick NA will never get it

Hard to say! It's already been posted on the NA facebook page. I don't recall DBZ or Saint Seiya and the like getting that attention and in fact, despite countless whiny little assholes in every post they make demanding it, they have never seemed to acknowledge it.

So maybe.


  • *
  • You're gonna have a bad time
You know, lately i've been thinking that the Elementals are quite more useful than what some comments make them out to be, especially Genie.

A lot of descent have at least one stage with extremely hard hitting enemies, sometimes two and almost always when the boss is low on hp he bust out the ohko skill....
For those bosses Elemental's AS are practically like Echidna's Menace!

Just look at Satan Descent as example: synced Vampires, Hades, World Ends.... every single one would become WAY easier or outright laughable with Genie.


  • Infinite Bread Chewing Powers! Activate!
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  • Om nom nom nom nom nom*

Twitter | Steam |[Zerviscos#1833]


  • *
  • You're gonna have a bad time
Now watch as Ken get an overpowered but harder to activate version of the Chinese Gods LS..... after all: "Seven-Star Formation"  :V


  • _m廿廿m_
All these collabs are like too old for a 21 year old like me :V
DBZ, Saint Seiya, and now this.

I think there was a discussion about izanami earlier in the last thread. I don't know if anyone got the memo here yet, but JP just renewed Izanami descent, aka no more stupid random 1 out of 2 boss.
It's now 6 battles long, you face Light Iza on wave 5, Dark iza on wave 6.
Yes, those who have played this dungeon might have realized... if you get skill binded for 10 turns on Light Iza, you have to deal with Dark Iza under SKILL BIND and ORB MOVEMENT MINUS 2 SECONDS at the same time. I can tell you it's hell if you didn't resist the skill bind, though Light Iza has Legend's stats on Myth, so she doesn't hit that hard (like 7k per turn) BUT she also has less HP so you're less likely to be able to stall 10 turns on her.

I did a Mythical run (two actually, first one I died on battle 1 :V )

I had to withstand FIVE turns on Dark izanami under skill bind. 8 poison orbs -> 11.8k+jammer orbs -> 17.7k damage -> repeat
It's a very unforgiving attack pattern that I usually ignored by OHKOing her with skills on the first turn...
I managed to came out of it with 3 poison and 4 jammer orbs leftover on my screen Lmao

Dieeeeeeeee *while I gets poison damage lols*
no-stone clear! woot.
but there's no clear stone reward for me since I already gotten it before the renewal and this doesn't count as a new dungeon...

Yes, you can now get both izanami in one run. And yes, that's my first Light Izanami after having gotten 3 darks before this renewal
But I've heard reports that even Mythical doesn't guarantee Light Iza drop. Dark is probably 100% drop though, and she's the more useful sub to skill-max so nice I guess. :) Except her mythical is now 100% harder to farm... orz
« Last Edit: November 25, 2014, 10:59:05 AM by Thaws »


The thing is, the elementals have pretty bad stats, and most of the time where they would work, so does echidna. The other bigger reason that they're not preferred is that the cds are 10 vs 15, and elementals are WAY harder to max out. I dunno if the board enhance changed anything over in JP, but the 15-20 turns may now be worth it to some people.


  • 不聖女
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  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi

Woah I had no idea Unicorn was a rare spawn in the Light Insect Dungeon :getdown:

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale


  • alter cool
Wow, those Izanami changes seem amazing actually. Given that she's actually kind of plausible to skillmax and kind of amazing once you do, putting tohether a farming team for her dungeon seems totally worth it now. It sucks that the light one doesn't always drop, but I couldd see maxing two of the dark one being worth the effort. Sounds really hard without a specialized team, but potentially very easy with one.

The question is though, does that team exist? Is there a team that can reliably handle the first floor and the bosses? Maybe a Ra team with a lot of skillbind resists and Change The World to bypass the movement reduction? Would a standard Ra team at 16x attack KO one of the oni guards in one turn assuming you meed to spend a turn taking care of blindness?
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


  • 不聖女
  • *
  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
The question is though, does that team exist? Is there a team that can reliably handle the first floor and the bosses? Maybe a Ra team with a lot of skillbind resists and Change The World to bypass the movement reduction? Would a standard Ra team at 16x attack KO one of the oni guards in one turn assuming you meed to spend a turn taking care of blindness? R/L Horus team
This team is only currently possible in JP where Indra has 2x Block Skill Block awakenings to ensure 100% Block Skill Block. He also uses Muse instead of Lakshmi, who has 2.5x God Enhance.
He does use D/L Yomi there. Incidentally, Kosuke gets a shitton of skyfall luck in this run, it's kind of nuts. In fact the skyfall on Fight 5 is what cost him the OTK on DIza because he was only able to get x16.00 instead of x25.00, RIP Pandora team
Includes a Chester for literally free 60% BlockSkillBlock. Krishna team
100% Block Skill Block: 2x Krishna, Urd, Freyr, Cao Cao.

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale


  • gotta stock up on dark matter
  • each pound of which weighs over 10,000 pounds
All these collabs are like too old for a 21 year old like me :V
DBZ, Saint Seiya, and now this.
what the how??


  • 不聖女
  • *
  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
what the how??

The original run of DBZ was actually on Japanese network in 1989. For whatever that's worth.

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale


  • alter cool
Has anyone experimented much with the Indian 2.0 skyfall actives? My neighbor had never seen Avalon Drake before so I showed it to him, and his first reaction was "seems like a good Leilan sub". That seems weird to me, since Drake's active makes activating Leilan's leader skill extremely difficult, but what about a gimmick build that uses Avalon Drake to clear the entire screen and do a bunch of rows with Krishna's active up? What are the odds of getting one red match out of a completely fresh board with 15% increased red drops? I'm not suggesting that this is viable or that anyone should do it, but it might be kind of fun if it sort of works numbers-wise.

what the how??

Dragon Ball Z is too old for me, and I'm older than Thaws. I mean, I got into anime late, but still it's a show for old old men. :D
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


I am reading some of the comments on Facebook and losing faith in humanity.

We finally get something cool coming our way and these horrible pathetic pissbabies are still cussing gungho out over not getting DBZ. iOS users get the feature to buy stones for charity and more than one person is saying "no red sonia/Satan uvo = no red stones" and I....

It's just depressing. Fucking entitled shitlords.


  • 不聖女
  • *
  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
Has anyone experimented much with the Indian 2.0 skyfall actives? My neighbor had never seen Avalon Drake before so I showed it to him, and his first reaction was "seems like a good Leilan sub". That seems weird to me, since Drake's active makes activating Leilan's leader skill extremely difficult, but what about a gimmick build that uses Avalon Drake to clear the entire screen and do a bunch of rows with Krishna's active up? What are the odds of getting one red match out of a completely fresh board with 15% increased red drops? I'm not suggesting that this is viable or that anyone should do it, but it might be kind of fun if it sort of works numbers-wise.

Uh, Avalon Drake is 100% counterproductive as a Krishna sub when Vishnu exists.

EDIT: Oh, I misread what you posted. Uhhhh the odds of getting one red match out of a completely fresh board? Not as high as you'd expect lol

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale

Leilan x Avalon Drake

I heard Leilan questions!

I assume your friend uses Leilan? I agree that active-wise, he isn't the best choice. He would be a Skill Booster and a HP stick at best. Low RCV might get you effed over, though.

What someone can do though, is use Avalon Drake as the leader if HP is badly needed above anything else. Leilan is a god and has a fairly high amount of HP as R/G so it might be surprisingly effective.

Even with the 15% boost, I haven't heard of it being really effective, so unless you're in a tricolor dungeon that allows fire&hearts (Assuming R/G leads are used), I wouldn't use that strat seriously unless you literally have nothing else. You don't want to hail mary it at a critical moment only to get boned.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2014, 02:16:16 PM by OverlordChirei »


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  • You're gonna have a bad time
[Time-travel] Heaven's Gala + Armored Knights (#1649~1658) at 1x introductory rates starting Friday 11/28

Suikamaaaaaaaa.......  :3


  • resident walker
I have a terrible tendency to hoard skill up fodder for things I don't have. I could probably throw away these 10 dragon stones for chaser room.


  • 不聖女
  • *
  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
Suikamaaaaaaaa.......  :3

and yet the entitled masses will bitch continuously about the lack of their precious Ronia uvo

man, goddamnit, I don't even have a Ronia, or any Sonia, for that matter, so I am just gonna keep leveling up my DMeta.

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale

Suikamaaaaaaaa.......  :3
>at 1x introductory rates


also it's heavens gala

urrggggg i guess i should really wait until there's Knights + Egypt 2.0 + Blue Gala

which might not happen for a looong time but i can dream right ._.

also HNK fuck yes
Pre-emptive: Omae Wa Mou Shinderu (-100% HP)

rofl people actually voted luci into the top 30
« Last Edit: November 25, 2014, 02:58:44 PM by Suikama »


  • Infinite Bread Chewing Powers! Activate!
  • *
  • Om nom nom nom nom nom*
Why do I feel like this is the first thread I've read that actually has Edible's ID.
Edit: Nvm, saw his name on the last one. :derp:

I am reading some of the comments on Facebook and losing faith in humanity.

We finally get something cool coming our way and these horrible pathetic pissbabies are still cussing gungho out over not getting DBZ. iOS users get the feature to buy stones for charity and more than one person is saying "no red sonia/Satan uvo = no red stones" and I....

It's just depressing. Fucking entitled shitlords.
AIDS Research.

Hoorah for GoodGuy GungHo.
Boo for non-IAPs like me. D:
and yet the entitled masses will bitch continuously about the lack of their precious Ronia uvo

man, goddamnit, I don't even have a Ronia, or any Sonia, for that matter, so I am just gonna keep leveling up my DMeta.
I think you quoted wrong. Lol
« Last Edit: November 25, 2014, 03:05:41 PM by En »

Twitter | Steam |[Zerviscos#1833]

I am reading some of the comments on Facebook and losing faith in humanity.

We finally get something cool coming our way and these horrible pathetic pissbabies are still cussing gungho out over not getting DBZ. iOS users get the feature to buy stones for charity and more than one person is saying "no red sonia/Satan uvo = no red stones" and I....

It's just depressing. Fucking entitled shitlords.

cant do anything about it. i am however really grateful for what Gungho NA is trying to do.

Thanks to GreenVirus for the Siggy.
My TF2 Backpack of DOOM


  • *
  • You're gonna have a bad time
Personally i think Gungho NA is doing a fair job of keeping up with the updates although i would love to get DBZ too....

On a completely different topic: i was looking at the new uevo of Amaterasu..... would it do well as leader with F/L Horus when he get the attacker sub-type?

Double Ama is terrific but not everyone have her..... i think she would have some good sinergy with the flaming chicken too:

- easier to stall since you can settle for 3x instead of going full 9x every turn

- higher burst, 12x or 15x

- add something like GZL and you already have 4 colors covered AND a huge burst for bosses (didn't do the math but 30x with their ATK stats would bring a world of pain)

If it wasn't clear enough i'm wondering if my own forgotten Horus could be finally put to use  :D
« Last Edit: November 25, 2014, 03:13:42 PM by Espadas »


  • 不聖女
  • *
  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
I think you quoted wrong. Lol

No, I'm saying that in spite of the knights coming to REM this Friday for NA people will completely ignore that because "bawwww where's ronia uvo?"

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale

Why do I feel like this is the first thread I've read that actually has Edible's ID.

I'm actually wondering how many of those people are still active. Maybe it should be grouped into active/nonactive sections?


  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
  • *
  • It's the inevitable return, baby
Why do I feel like this is the first thread I've read that actually has Edible's ID.
Edit: Nvm, saw his name on the last one. :derp:

I actually just snuck it in there on the last one, I think.  So yeah.

For a really long time I had absolutely no open friend slots, but then I went insane and bought a ton.

No, I'm saying that in spite of the knights coming to REM this Friday for NA people will completely ignore that because "bawwww where's ronia uvo?"

Satan/RSonia/DMeta ults came out over a month ago in JP; I think people have a reason to be irked.

Personally i think Gungho NA is doing a fair job of keeping up with the updates although i would love to get DBZ too....

I cannot agree.  PAD NA is behind on -so much stuff- right now, it's absurd.

Like, we still haven't even gotten a Yinping descend, or any of the Insect Dragons.  And with all the collabs we're missing, there's just no reason for there to be such a lag in releasing the rest of the content here.