Author Topic: TCF's Halloween Drive to Fight Cancer (And bake cakes)  (Read 1461 times)

Tamashii Kanjou

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TCF's Halloween Drive to Fight Cancer (And bake cakes)
« on: October 27, 2014, 08:31:06 PM »
Now, before you even start asking about anything, for the record... I'M WORKING ON IT! :V

But back to what this is all about. You see, I haven't always had the chance to do much for Halloween the past couple of years. (Seascale sucks; and I was feeling down both times!) Now, however, with a pretty solid internet connection, and the whole high street right round the corner, I can just dive-bomb into the deep end, and see how many people I can flood away in the process.
The theme of the week, which started yesterday (26th October), will be to wear something different each day. By that, I mean, full on different outfits. Not just a 'swap t-shirt, I'm done' thing. Nope. That's no fun. We'll be swapping out everything! And yes, I have taken pictures of my two outfits so far; I'll link my Facebook (for those who have it) and you can see them there~ :V
I'm also including some skirts I own in this. Skirts, last time I checked, can be worn instead of trousers. The most important thing is that I take into account how it looks, and how comfortable it is. I mean, maybe not so much on the comfortable part, as I'll explain a bit later. But it's something I'd like to do. I'm fluid. I'll wear what I like, and that's that. The aim is to wear one combination of clothes per day, and if I need to go out in them, I will do so. And to keep the fun theme going, I'll be aiming to livestream/Twitch a variety of games each day; in said attire of course. (Unless I'm boiling; in which case, I'll either lose a layer to keep cool, or just change into something different completely.)
"So... why are you doing this?"

Sadie (SeiSei to her friends) is a sweet friend, who can be a bit shy, but is a laugh when it comes to highly questionable material. Back in 2009, she was diagnosed with cancer and had it operated on; losing one of her legs in the process. It was deemed a success, and fought back into the convention scene with style. And then we found out this Summer, 5 years later, that it had returned... Badly. To say my heart plummeted was an understatement. SeiSei is a sweet individual, and has gone through, and endured, a lot of stuff as I've mentioned. And I wanted to help in whatever way I could... but at the same time, I knew I was in no position to do so. I spread the word round when I saw the page originally, and then had to go back and focus on travelling for job interviews and moving.
In other words, this entire thing is being done to see if I can gather friends and other people to make the rest of her life something special. My two friends (also in Cheltenham) started the page up, and got some funds... but we know there's more to give.
It also builds up to the Friday... where I'll be wearing Koishi to work for Halloween. BHS have no idea what they have done by approving of my idea for a costume event in their store. (Yes, the manager took my idea when I suggested it as she said they weren't going to do anything.) On top of that, she (manager of BHS) added a bake your own scary cake contest; fitting isn't it? So maybe I could kick some of you to make a cake and show them off on here. If one of the staff members want to judge them and hand out prizes, you can do so; I mean, would be nice and all~

Puppy is also jumping in on this, and is currently live-streaming herself; doing some art drawings and stuff. I'll edit this post each time one of us is streaming (and I'll post it as a standalone post too) so you all know what's going on. If you can give something, then just go to the youcaring link and donate. If you can't, then please try and spread this around.

Thanks everyone~

Puppy's Live-Stream :

Kanjou's Twitch : {CURRENTLY LIVE!}


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Re: TCF's Halloween Drive to Fight Cancer (And bake cakes)
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2014, 08:43:33 PM »
(Moved to an appropriate forum)

Good stuff though.

Tamashii Kanjou

  • If you didn't quite already know...
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Re: TCF's Halloween Drive to Fight Cancer (And bake cakes)
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2014, 12:19:49 AM »
Just finished a shower, and now doing a very quick stream and running through a game (or two) as quick as possible. (To cover Puppy and her movie ending.)

Come and have a poke, if you want to~ ^^

{EDIT : And done for the night. It's 1am here, and sleep is needed.}

Tamashii Kanjou

  • If you didn't quite already know...
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Re: TCF's Halloween Drive to Fight Cancer (And bake cakes)
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2014, 09:50:21 AM »
It's 9:45am here... and it smells like a good time for a stream!

Puppy is live hitting up the art while I tidy the place up, get my third attire sorted, and prepare for my games later on. Remember, if you like what you see, or enjoy what we're doing, don't forget about SeiSei and donate via the link in the opening post. Many thanks!

{And remember, you can take part too by baking a spooky cake, or drawing Nazrin and a cake or something~ :V }

Tamashii Kanjou

  • If you didn't quite already know...
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    • TCF's Gaming Channel
Re: TCF's Halloween Drive to Fight Cancer (And bake cakes)
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2014, 09:14:57 PM »
Okay! Tonight is a bit bigger this time. Puppy is streaming (with full camera) on some yarn tails, and tail-making in general... with me cooking tuna pasta in the background with music~ :V

Straight after she has finished (or I've finished eating), I'll be taking control over on Twitch for more games!

EDIT : And now it's my turn! My Twitch is online; so let's get Day 03 going~ XD
EDITEDIT : And done! VVVVVV was run through. And I impressed myself this time~


Day 04 has now begun! Twitch is up, so please come round if you can~ <3