Author Topic: ○东方花逐夜 ~ Vs Zun ver 1.00  (Read 28648 times)

○东方花逐夜 ~ Vs Zun ver 1.00
« on: October 14, 2014, 03:36:34 AM »
The new version of this game , with almost the whole game revamped.
Inspired by Akai Katana Shin.
Inspired by Assassin's Creed. "Nothing is permitted,Everything is true."
Arrow Keys , Z , X , shift , ESC ,ctrl (similar with offical games , can be changed in the menu)

2. Gameplay
auto collect : release shot button (Z)  for 0.3 sec (20 frame).  will lose half points of collected items.
auto bomb (can be changed in the menu ) : cost 3 power , more powerful. (deathbomb is not allowed in this game)
barrier slot (statu ) : Stands for the stability of the Hakurei Barrier . Grazing and collecting  items will increase the slot . You can see the slot in the bottom left.
         When the slot exceeds the F sign (the color will change to dark blue) , shot power of character wll increase and auto collect items ( full score ).
         When the slot is full,you will die.
barrier slot will decrease all the time.  Release shot button (Z) for  0.67 sec (40 frame) to gain a faster decrease.
you will get 2 extends according to the slot counter.

3. Scoring
point items:
  ZG: power*life*200 , power= 1~999
  RSY: graze*500+50000+power*life*20 , power= 1~999
  ZWB: barrier slot counter sec*3600 +50000 , when the count comes to 999.9 , you will gain 60 million points per second.

4. About true last boss.
get 3 gold keys in stage 6.

5. About extra
extra stage will be full of tricks.

?录像名称?= replay's name
"玩家名称"= player's name
"密匙" has no meaning at present.
"录像说明"= introduction of this replay

comment :  Please click outside the textbox portion to ensure that the cursor is not in the textbox. Then press Z or ENTER to save replay.


keyboard only , you need joytokey or other programs.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2014, 12:49:05 AM by rsy_type1 »

Re: ○东方花逐夜 ~ Vs Zun ver 1.00
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2014, 04:54:31 AM »
D'oh. I decided to download this and give it a quick test run, and I ran into multiple problems before even starting a game.

1. It started off in full screen mode, but I prefer windowed. Of course, a simple Alt+Enter fixes that for the current session, but then after I quit, it starts off in full screen the next time I open the game. (The previous version, Touhoupachi Blissful Death, worked the same way.) Is there any way to make the game always start off in windowed mode?

2. For some reason, the volume for the BGM and sound effects started off at 0% the first time I opened the game. This was fixable in the options menu, but it made me think that the sound wasn't working at first.

3. Here's the biggest problem I've encountered so far: The Key Config option works weirdly, and I accidentally assigned multiple things to the Enter key, and now I can't even operate the menus properly! (At least I can still exit the game by pressing Esc multiple times.) How do I revert the key settings back to their defaults? (And why did it even allow me to easily and accidentally assign keys in such a way to screw up menu navigation?)

Re: ○东方花逐夜 ~ Vs Zun ver 1.00
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2014, 05:21:50 AM »
D'oh. I decided to download this and give it a quick test run, and I ran into multiple problems before even starting a game.

1. It started off in full screen mode, but I prefer windowed. Of course, a simple Alt+Enter fixes that for the current session, but then after I quit, it starts off in full screen the next time I open the game. (The previous version, Touhoupachi Blissful Death, worked the same way.) Is there any way to make the game always start off in windowed mode?

This is strange... you may delete "按键设置.ini" to set your config to default.


a quick translation of the .ini ,maybe this could help you.

what I feel stange is , I packed my files into that .zip , but it still goes wrong in your computer.
maybe you should use applocale ?
« Last Edit: October 14, 2014, 05:25:13 AM by rsy_type1 »


  • You just did it because you're older than me.
Re: ○东方花逐夜 ~ Vs Zun ver 1.00
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2014, 06:09:40 PM »
For some reason every time I open the game the controls are empty and all the music is set to 0.
Now this wouldn't be a problem but once I press 'start game' or 'extra start' the options fall back to no controls and 0 in music. Which means I can't control my character or play the game at all.
Using that Chinese Locale Switch program.

Re: ○东方花逐夜 ~ Vs Zun ver 1.00
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2014, 06:34:15 PM »
I'm also having similar problems Jaimers is experiencing. It seems like going to any option in the main menu (including option) seems to make the game reset to no controls and 0 in music.

Re: ○东方花逐夜 ~ Vs Zun ver 1.00
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2014, 06:42:21 PM »
This is strange... you may delete "按键设置.ini" to set your config to default.


a quick translation of the .ini ,maybe this could help you.

what I feel stange is , I packed my files into that .zip , but it still goes wrong in your computer.
maybe you should use applocale ?

Actually, it looks like I had to delete "????????.ini" to revert everything to default. When I started it up again, it was back to 0% for BGM and sound effect volume. I fixed those again and made sure not to screw up the Key Config this time. Also, there was a full screen/window screen mode option (which I guess I didn't notice the first time), and with it set to window, the game now always starts in windowed for me. So, I guess that's no longer a problem.

So, now onto the actual gameplay...

Looks like I can practice any stage I want or go straight into the Extra Stage from the get go, which seems unusual, but it's nice I guess. Also, that Extra Stage, man... It's really ridiculous! At least I managed to capture a few of the spell cards in it! (And I probably would've captured a few more if it wasn't for some really cheap tricks, which I guess is what the Extra Stage is mainly about.)

I don't like how you can't do a normal deathbomb at all now. Yeah, there's the Auto-Bomb option, but the 3-power cost for using it is kinda high. I'd rather have normal deathbombing available.

@Jaimers and t_prinny

I was able to reassign the keys to make it work for me. Go to the Key Config settings, highlight a function, press Enter once (but DON'T press Enter more than once), then press the key you want to assign to that function. (So, for example, highlight "Up", press Enter once, then press the up arrow key.) Do this for all of the functions and then the game should be playable. Be careful, though. If you screw up the Key Config settings, it can mess with menu navigation, which screwed me up the first time.

Re: ○东方花逐夜 ~ Vs Zun ver 1.00
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2014, 07:09:34 PM »
I'm actually more curious on how you managed to get the settings to stay once you got out of the option menu. Are you using any special programs like locale switch or are you running your computer in Chinese locale?

Made a short video. Should help illustrate the problems I'm having. Pretty much imagine this, but for all the menu options when you get out of the option menu:

Sorry if this sounds like it belongs more in tech support.

Re: ○东方花逐夜 ~ Vs Zun ver 1.00
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2014, 07:47:16 PM »
I'm actually more curious on how you managed to get the settings to stay once you got out of the option menu. Are you using any special programs like locale switch or are you running your computer in Chinese locale?

Made a short video. Should help illustrate the problems I'm having. Pretty much imagine this, but for all the menu options when you get out of the option menu:

Sorry if this sounds like it belongs more in tech support.

That's weird. I'm not using any special problems like AppLocale or anything (I don't think), and the options stayed the way I left them. I'm not sure what's causing the problem for you.

Re: ○东方花逐夜 ~ Vs Zun ver 1.00
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2014, 12:40:27 AM »
Sorry for this fault. The programmer is working for this.

The .ini file has many Chinese 2-byte-characters so that it crashes in English systems.

patch uploaded.

now this program will ignore "按键设置.ini" and load "keyconfig.ini".
« Last Edit: October 15, 2014, 12:53:20 AM by rsy_type1 »

Re: ○东方花逐夜 ~ Vs Zun ver 1.00
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2014, 02:27:03 AM »
Woo, just beat Extra Stage with one life still left in reserve! It is really tough to avoid running out of lives, but Marisa helped me pull it off!

Replay and picture of my end stats attached.

(I'll probably upload a video of this run to YouTube tomorrow.)
(UPDATE: Well, never mind the video, because the stinking replay desynched during the midboss's second spell (which I did successfully capture while I was actually playing), resulting in loads and loads of Marisa corpses from that point forward. Dang it!)
« Last Edit: October 15, 2014, 02:42:24 AM by SomeGuy712x »

Re: ○东方花逐夜 ~ Vs Zun ver 1.00
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2014, 02:55:46 AM »
It seems like changing the system locale to Chinese (Simplified, PRC) did the trick for me. I also downloaded the patch, but I'm not sure if that actually helped. In case someone has similar problems to what I have, see if changing the system locale helps rather than using locale switch.

I'll see if I can get a run in later.

Re: ○东方花逐夜 ~ Vs Zun ver 1.00
« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2014, 05:02:29 AM »
Had the same problem, settings didn't save. The patch fixed it.

However now I have another problem, I tried the Extra stage and everytime I get to the second midboss the game drops to 10 FPS. It happens exactly as soon as the second spellcard starts.
System Locale set to Japanese, using Locale switch to change it to Chinese.

Re: ○东方花逐夜 ~ Vs Zun ver 1.00
« Reply #12 on: October 15, 2014, 08:30:50 AM »
(UPDATE: Well, never mind the video, because the stinking replay desynched during the midboss's second spell (which I did successfully capture while I was actually playing), resulting in loads and loads of Marisa corpses from that point forward. Dang it!)

I've uploaded this replay to the programmer.
Maybe he can fix it.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2014, 08:38:32 AM by rsy_type1 »

Re: ○东方花逐夜 ~ Vs Zun ver 1.00
« Reply #13 on: October 15, 2014, 04:23:47 PM »
However now I have another problem, I tried the Extra stage and everytime I get to the second midboss the game drops to 10 FPS. It happens exactly as soon as the second spellcard starts.
System Locale set to Japanese, using Locale switch to change it to Chinese.

Do you mean the spell card that fills the screen with text? Yeah, I get frame rate drops during that spell card as well, but not right away. For me, the frame rate gradually drops as more and more text appears, but it's only gone as low as maybe 20 FPS for me, and that's when the screen is as full of text as it can get. I think it's likely due to the sheer number of on screen "bullets". (However, I think that's one of the easiest spell cards in the Extra Stage, and I could probably capture it no problem at 60 FPS anyway.)

Are there any other places in the game where the frame rate drops for you? Or is it just that one spell?

Re: ○东方花逐夜 ~ Vs Zun ver 1.00
« Reply #14 on: October 15, 2014, 05:04:19 PM »
I've also noticed some slowdown in stage 6. Not sure if everyone else is experiencing this, but the game seems to drop to 30 FPS when it reaches the LLS part if that makes any sense. I'm not completely sure if this is intentional.

Here are some replays where I've seen this in case it helps. Also, I apparently scored the highest with Reimu and I'm not completely sure what I was doing (should be the third replay in this folder). The Reimu run is also where I decided to try capturing it as my 2 marisa runs in the folder I just bombed. These aren't clear runs. Replays

Re: ○东方花逐夜 ~ Vs Zun ver 1.00
« Reply #15 on: October 15, 2014, 05:09:48 PM »
Just tried the main game, managed to get to ZUN survival before getting a Game Over (with 3 seconds remaining :ohdear:) and on RSY/Normal difficulty I didn't experienced any slowdown. It's just that one Spell.
It's kind of bizzare becuase I get 10 FPS on the Replay screen too.

I'll guess I just need to ignore it, but it makes the Spellcard much more longer tho. I also don't know if it happens on the boss since I quited before it both times I played Extra.

Now, speaking about the main game, it gives you too many bombs. Most of the time I was running with about 5 or more bombs in stock. I also don't like how grazing a lot might kill you (It's hard to get to that point, but I was really close in some parts). The fact that you can't deathbomb isn't much of a bother to me, but it feels kind of weird playing a Touhou fangame without deathbombs.

Outside of that, it's seems like a fun Fangame. I liked the fact that every Spellcard that ZUN throws at you represent a game from the series.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot but I also got that 30 FPS drop on the LLS card. That makes two spellcard where the game slowdown.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2014, 05:21:22 PM by Nwodatek »

Re: ○东方花逐夜 ~ Vs Zun ver 1.00
« Reply #16 on: October 15, 2014, 06:11:32 PM »
Yep, I'm getting the 30 FPS frame rate on the LLS part of ZUN in stage 6 as well, on the higher two difficulties.

Yeah, I also hate how you die if you graze way too much, possibly combined with collecting items way too quickly (which also fills the "Statu" gauge). One time I was killed immediately following a midboss battle (I think in either the third or fourth stage) because I defeated the midboss with my Statu gauge nearly full, and the autocollected items maxed it out and did me in. I seriously don't like that.

As for the bomb quantity, I don't think that's a problem, but I don't like how you can't do a regular deathbomb in this game. (You could deathbomb normally in Touhoupachi Blissful Death, so why did the creator remove that ability here?)

Re: ○东方花逐夜 ~ Vs Zun ver 1.00
« Reply #17 on: October 15, 2014, 08:19:11 PM »
Ok, so I went to ZWB/Hard practice mode and tried the TLB (it's quite easy to make it pop up once you know how to do it). Her last Spellcard seems to be a toned-down of Inbachi last attack. Here's an screenshot:

This goes way beyond my current skills. This was starting the stage 6 with full lives and still managed to Game Over.
I like how it turned into a vertizonal when the TLB appear. Reminds me of those After Extra vids.

Re: ○东方花逐夜 ~ Vs Zun ver 1.00
« Reply #18 on: October 15, 2014, 11:27:23 PM »
Alright, I went and replayed the Extra Stage, recording it live this time, in case the replay desynched again (and it does, at the same place, during the midboss's second spell card), and I managed to do even better! 2 reserve lives left at the end! And I captured ZUN's final spell!


I guess I'll attach the replay as well, but it did once again desync during the midboss's second spell.

Ok, so I went to ZWB/Hard practice mode and tried the TLB (it's quite easy to make it pop up once you know how to do it). Her last Spellcard seems to be a toned-down of Inbachi last attack. Here's an screenshot:

This goes way beyond my current skills. This was starting the stage 6 with full lives and still managed to Game Over.
I like how it turned into a vertizonal when the TLB appear. Reminds me of those After Extra vids.

Yeah, I tried that out on the Normal (or whatever the middle choice is) difficulty in Practice mode (since the slot machine you need to get the keys from doesn't appear on the easiest difficulty), and man, it was intense. I ended up bomb-spamming the TLB's last spell just to keep resetting the pattern and allow me to get in some safe shots. I did manage to capture the TLB's first spell card, though, and it was worth over 100 million points! Should I post the replay of that? (This one fortunately didn't desync!)

Re: ○东方花逐夜 ~ Vs Zun ver 1.00
« Reply #19 on: October 16, 2014, 01:04:21 AM »
Yep, I'm getting the 30 FPS frame rate on the LLS part of ZUN in stage 6 as well, on the higher two difficulties.

Yeah, I also hate how you die if you graze way too much, possibly combined with collecting items way too quickly (which also fills the "Statu" gauge). One time I was killed immediately following a midboss battle (I think in either the third or fourth stage) because I defeated the midboss with my Statu gauge nearly full, and the autocollected items maxed it out and did me in. I seriously don't like that.

As for the bomb quantity, I don't think that's a problem, but I don't like how you can't do a regular deathbomb in this game. (You could deathbomb normally in Touhoupachi Blissful Death, so why did the creator remove that ability here?)

1. the spellcard foR LLS is designed for a special purpose, not a bug

2. well , the spark of Yuka  will fill the gauge quickly . 
 This matter occured in beta version and we added the maximum gauge. But it  doesn't seem to work well.

3. he is so lazy that??  let me ask.

Re: ○东方花逐夜 ~ Vs Zun ver 1.00
« Reply #20 on: October 16, 2014, 01:07:45 AM »
Best run I have so far on normal

That was a fun last life. Not a TLB clear, but this was the best run I managed to get. I have no idea how to tackle some of the stuff the TLB has since everything past the first life bar (I think) was blind. So how far am I from getting a TLB clear? I'll probably have to minimize as much dumb deaths as possible to do this.

Also, stage 1 seems to be going into "can't see" territory when I try to focus on grazing. Its a neat effect, but it sort of makes it difficult to read the bullets.

Re: ○东方花逐夜 ~ Vs Zun ver 1.00
« Reply #21 on: October 16, 2014, 02:03:56 AM »
Best run I have so far on normal

That was a fun last life. Not a TLB clear, but this was the best run I managed to get. I have no idea how to tackle some of the stuff the TLB has since everything past the first life bar (I think) was blind. So how far am I from getting a TLB clear? I'll probably have to minimize as much dumb deaths as possible to do this.

Also, stage 1 seems to be going into "can't see" territory when I try to focus on grazing. Its a neat effect, but it sort of makes it difficult to read the bullets.

I'll attach the replay of when I battled the TLB in Practice mode so you can see just how long the fight is.

And yeah, I've also noticed the blinding blizzard effect in stage 1 as well, especially when I tried it on the hardest difficulty. I'm not a big fan of that.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2014, 02:18:34 AM by SomeGuy712x »


  • Deathguard Night Sparrow
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  • Harbingers, yo.
Re: ○东方花逐夜 ~ Vs Zun ver 1.00
« Reply #22 on: October 16, 2014, 02:06:11 AM »
Anyone else have the game crash in Stage 4? I have no idea why that happened, it was in the middle of the part where you're navigating through the walls.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

Devil of Decline Partial English Gameplay Patch!
Let's Play Nightmare of Rebellion!

Re: ○东方花逐夜 ~ Vs Zun ver 1.00
« Reply #23 on: October 16, 2014, 02:23:10 AM »
Anyone else have the game crash in Stage 4? I have no idea why that happened, it was in the middle of the part where you're navigating through the walls.

Yeah, I had a crash occur near the beginning of the wall-dodging part once as well when practicing stage 4. It's only happened once to me there, though. Also, I had a game crash occur once as the stage 1 boss fight against Letty was about to start (just after the dialogue ended), but once again, it only happened to me once there.


Just watched stage 6 of your replay, and you actually did make it to the TLB's last pattern. Also, nice job capturing the TLB's second spell (which I failed to do in my replay) for 165 million points!

Also, I noticed that it wouldn't let me pause the game during the TLB of the replay (which means you probably can't pause there in a real run), and when you lost your last life in that replay, the game went to the credits before returning to the title screen, which is odd.

Re: ○东方花逐夜 ~ Vs Zun ver 1.00
« Reply #24 on: October 16, 2014, 04:27:58 AM »
I watched your stage 6 practice run and I sort of noted how much more power Marisa had compared to everyone else. I ran through practice mode myself and noticed how I'm ending some stuff faster than you did with Sanae.

I actually figured out that you don't have to wait for that roulette to go back to the key for the TLB. Since the square is mostly on the key  when it stops, you can pretty much go to that red spell circle almost immediately provided its safe enough to do so. I'll have the replay file of that attached to this message.

Also practiced the TLB a bit. I think I have a general idea of what to do. video

Re: ○东方花逐夜 ~ Vs Zun ver 1.00
« Reply #25 on: October 16, 2014, 05:49:17 PM »
I watched your stage 6 practice run and I sort of noted how much more power Marisa had compared to everyone else. I ran through practice mode myself and noticed how I'm ending some stuff faster than you did with Sanae.

I actually figured out that you don't have to wait for that roulette to go back to the key for the TLB. Since the square is mostly on the key  when it stops, you can pretty much go to that red spell circle almost immediately provided its safe enough to do so. I'll have the replay file of that attached to this message.

Also practiced the TLB a bit. I think I have a general idea of what to do. video

Yeah, Marisa's power level is awesome for taking down bosses, which is probably to make up for her lack of any kind of homing attack. However, Sanae is really good for clearing out enemies in stage portions, because of the way her focused shot works, but yeah, she's a bit lacking in attack power for bosses.

Re: ○东方花逐夜 ~ Vs Zun ver 1.00
« Reply #26 on: October 16, 2014, 08:02:15 PM »
Managed a 1cc+TLB in RSY mode

The video recording is probably going to be really bad. I skimmed through the recording file and there were parts where there were flashes of black (notably the ZUN fight). I was recording fullscreen unlike my other video which I recorded windowed. Something I'll have to keep in mind when I use ffmpeg. I'll have the replay attached to this message.

On a related note, I noticed some of my runs in stage 1 tend to desync. Its sort of why I just kept this recording since I wasn't sure what exactly causes the desyncs as it is kind of random for when it happens.

In regards to the run, the TLB didn't go quite as planned since I only had a general idea of how some of the attacks worked. I do have autobombs on, but I tried not to rely on them too much. I think the most they were used were during the TLB since I was trying to see if I can dodge stuff. I at least managed to reach the TLB with a good enough amount of resources to work with.

Re: ○东方花逐夜 ~ Vs Zun ver 1.00
« Reply #27 on: October 16, 2014, 08:48:43 PM »
Managed a 1cc+TLB in RSY mode

The video recording is probably going to be really bad. I skimmed through the recording file and there were parts where there were flashes of black (notably the ZUN fight). I was recording fullscreen unlike my other video which I recorded windowed. Something I'll have to keep in mind when I use ffmpeg. I'll have the replay attached to this message.

On a related note, I noticed some of my runs in stage 1 tend to desync. Its sort of why I just kept this recording since I wasn't sure what exactly causes the desyncs as it is kind of random for when it happens.

In regards to the run, the TLB didn't go quite as planned since I only had a general idea of how some of the attacks worked. I do have autobombs on, but I tried not to rely on them too much. I think the most they were used were during the TLB since I was trying to see if I can dodge stuff. I at least managed to reach the TLB with a good enough amount of resources to work with.

Nice. (I mainly just watched the TLB fight.)
I should attempt a full run of RSY mode and see how well I do.

As for the recording, I've been using HyperCam2 with the game in windowed mode, and that's been working fine for me with this game. (There are certain games that HyperCam2 doesn't seem to agree with for me, like the Gundemonium games, but this one's fine.)

UPDATE: UGH! Sorry, but I'm becoming very infuriated with stage 1 right now! Like t_prinny initially said, there's a blizzard effect that occurs as you try to graze a lot, but it actually seems to be tied to the Statu gauge. The more full the gauge is, the greater the blizzard effect, and in addition, the slower you move! Yeah, it actually slows you down, which, combined with the limited visibility, has screwed me over so many times now! It's a stupid mechanic, and it only exists in stage 1. None of the other stages do anything like that as you fill the Statu gauge. Is there any chance that the creator could remove that stage 1 blizzard gimmick? (And restore the normal deathbombing ability too?)
« Last Edit: October 17, 2014, 01:11:58 AM by SomeGuy712x »

Re: ○东方花逐夜 ~ Vs Zun ver 1.00
« Reply #28 on: October 17, 2014, 03:40:16 AM »
I thought Marisa was moving slower than normal whenever I try to fill up that gauge during stage 1. Glad I'm not crazy. I've demonstrated in my run that I could deal with it, but that blizzard is sort of annoying to deal when trying to read bullets. It makes scoring in stage 1 surprisingly tough. Its kind of why I follow a general rule to only graze until the bar reaches the red line when I go through the stages.

Re: ○东方花逐夜 ~ Vs Zun ver 1.00
« Reply #29 on: October 19, 2014, 01:26:40 AM »
Alright, I've completed a full game where I defeated the TLB. Replay file attached.

I can't believe the dumb deaths that occurred during the stage 5 boss and the fact that I failed to capture either of the TLB's first two spells, which I'm definitely capable of capturing, especially the second one. As for the TLB's final spell... Yeah, lots of bomb spam, and I finished on my final life.