Author Topic: English patch for Boho Koumakyou - Scarlet Family [finished]  (Read 50321 times)

Re: English patch for Boho Koumakyou - Scarlet Family
« Reply #60 on: January 17, 2015, 10:12:28 AM »
Yes, using NULL like this in the 3rd syntax is possible.
But NULL isn't really explicit, I think (it is logic inside a program (it design a nonexistent value), but not in a translation). We can choose to use anything we want here. For example, NONE, NO TRANSLATION, or <NO TRANSLATION> (I'd rather choose the 3rd one, if we ever need to translate something with "NO TRANSLATION" (unlikely but possible)).

And concerning the character =, we can, for example, prefix it with a backslash. I don't have any example with a =, so I'll just put one randomly to show :
Code: [Select]
ゆっくリ装備を選んでね!!=Take your time picking your equipment, okay?
お茶の時間用の小さなケーキ。\=食ベると体カを少し回復します。=A small cake for teatime. \=If you eat it your life will recover slightly.
We can also use quotes, but it will cause more problems, I think it'll be easier like this.
And if you need to use a backslash, prefix it with another backslash.

Re: English patch for Boho Koumakyou - Scarlet Family
« Reply #61 on: January 24, 2015, 10:41:06 PM »
On the technical side, I did a lot of refactoring, to make the creation of future patches easier. Then, I'm working on putting the files in a separate folder. For now, the menu picture still is in the game's directory, the characters list is still hardcoded in the DLL, and the name of the translations directory is hardcoded in the DLL too (which means if you try to use the patch with Boho Koumakyou 2, it will try to use the translations of the first Boho Koumakyou). But the patch works, and there's some new texts (anything related to the maps, some texts in the pause menu, and the endings). So I give you a new version :
As it is now possible to edit the patch's files, I wrote a readme to describe the files' syntax. You can find it in the archive.
Also, if someone wants it, here is the GIMP project I made for the menu :


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Re: English patch for Boho Koumakyou - Scarlet Family
« Reply #62 on: January 27, 2015, 07:12:26 AM »
I'm currently working on this, and I've come across a string that is completely unintelligible to me.


Everything is fine until I get to the part where I've bolded.  I'm having difficulty rationalizing it as a Japanese word at all, and after failing to find any help from a dictionary, I figured it would be a good idea to see if someone could double check the transcription for me.

I don't know how difficult it is to reproduce in the game, but if someone could grab a screenshot of the in-game text for this line, it would be super helpful.  It's in the Loading Stage 2 section, where Sakuya, Remilia, and Patchouli are all talking about Meiling.  Thanks in advance!

EDIT: Actually, while I'm here I might as well ask.  I noticed many of the files-to-translate have very small amounts of text in them.  Would it be easier for you if I merged them all into one text file, or kept them separate?
« Last Edit: January 27, 2015, 08:00:13 AM by TwilightsCall »


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Re: English patch for Boho Koumakyou - Scarlet Family
« Reply #63 on: January 27, 2015, 08:56:28 AM »
lol I'm dumb, forget that last post.  Except for the edit.

Re: English patch for Boho Koumakyou - Scarlet Family
« Reply #64 on: January 27, 2015, 11:39:10 AM »
Ok (I pressed F5 just before trying to find that text).
For the edit : I think I'll save about 1 minute if you merge them all. So do as you wish.
Also, you may have noticed the files syntax changed some days ago. As I hate repetitive tasks, I made a program to convert the translations from the old format to the new one. So feel free to use whichever you prefer.

Another point : I made a new version of my patch.
Changes : I added a config file to change some internal settings. It should not be useful to the end user, but people wanting to make another patch using it may find this useful.
Also, each game can now have its own translation folder. And the pictures are in this folder.
The only thing left is to put the characters list in this folder.
And I finished the 2 readme. Please tell me if I left some errors in them.
Link :

Re: English patch for Boho Koumakyou - Scarlet Family
« Reply #65 on: January 30, 2015, 05:30:45 AM »
Nice work!

A couple of errors:

'Common Path Level' description: "Entrance Level. The closest are to the mansion."

'Broken Earth Level' description: "Broken Earth Level. The soil quality here is rather unusually hard(missing period)"

'Smashing Magic Level' description: "Southern Smashing Magic Level. A wall of red-brown earth blocks your way." (I'm guessing the Southern was intended to be removed)

'Layered Magic Level' description"Southern Layered Magic Level. A labyrinth of ore and a ferocious enemy await." (same as above)

I wasn't able to find anything else, keep up the excellent work!

Re: English patch for Boho Koumakyou - Scarlet Family
« Reply #66 on: January 30, 2015, 11:04:42 AM »
Thank you for reporting these !
'Common Path Level' description: "Entrance Level. The closest are to the mansion."
I noticed it, but forgot to fix it. I'll fix it right now, so I won't forget to fix it once again.

'Broken Earth Level' description: "Broken Earth Level. The soil quality here is rather unusually hard(missing period)"
I didn't notice. It's fixed now.

'Smashing Magic Level' description: "Southern Smashing Magic Level. A wall of red-brown earth blocks your way." (I'm guessing the Southern was intended to be removed)
'Layered Magic Level' description"Southern Layered Magic Level. A labyrinth of ore and a ferocious enemy await." (same as above)
For these two, the true name is the one with "Southern", but the "Southern" was removed because of spacing problems. The name in the description doesn't have this problem, so I let it here.
But, you're right, I should remove it in the description as well, for consistency.


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Re: English patch for Boho Koumakyou - Scarlet Family
« Reply #67 on: February 13, 2015, 12:24:02 PM »
Ooooooooookay, about two weeks late or so, but here we go!

As far as I am aware, this is the remainder of what is available to be translated.  If I've missed anything, please let me know!  The first file uses the old L" syntax, and the second one uses the J=E syntax.  I think I've got it all done properly, but I'm sure there's plenty of mistakes, so I apologize in advance for those :x

Also apologies once again for this taking like a million years, I'm not good at scheduling :(

Re: English patch for Boho Koumakyou - Scarlet Family
« Reply #68 on: February 13, 2015, 08:04:10 PM »
Thank you.
I have to do something with these texts before putting them in the game (finding the width of the text area, to automatic line endings work), I think I'll be able to give a version of the patch with these texts tomorrow.

Re: English patch for Boho Koumakyou - Scarlet Family
« Reply #69 on: February 15, 2015, 07:58:35 AM »
Done :

The only remaining thing regarding translations is a picture I forgot to give you :
BTW, does someone have a font to suggest here ?

And now, we need someone to check the translations. Is there someone here willing to do it ?
All the translations are in the translations folder of the patch.


  • 名探偵ヱリカ参上!
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Re: English patch for Boho Koumakyou - Scarlet Family [need translation check]
« Reply #70 on: February 26, 2015, 01:28:34 PM »
A little late but;

セーブしました = Game Saved
マレ茶 = Marecha (ie the name of the circle who made the game)
ボケて!! = Confused!! (Or some such, you might get a better translation if you can find out the context this shows up in)
飽きた = Given Up (again, you might get something a bit more precise with the context).

When I think about it, the 1st one is the only one I saw in game. So I think I'll translate the first 2 texts, and leave the 2 others like this.

I redid the game this week, and I found a certain amount of unknown texts (8 dialogs). As usual, before giving these texts, I need to have the transcription of the characters they contains :
Remainder about what to do with these :
my patch can't recognize characters by himself. So it creates pictures called "-_coordX_coordY.bmp". For example this picture is called "-_1757_1494.bmp" (or "-_1757_1494", depending on your computer's settings). You need to rename it, replacing the hyphen by the corresponding character. For example, if the character above is "月" (I know it's not 月, but I need an example), you need to rename it "月_1757_1494.bmp". Then, send me all the character you handled.

Also, I managed today to break the game's FPS limiter. It seems most of the texts are displayed at a fixed time after going into the cave, depending which character you take and your progression, even if you do nothing after going into the cave. Breaking the game's FPS limiter makes the game nearly impossible, but it makes these texts appear really quickly (between 5 and 10 seconds). With this, I'll probably be able to find a lot of untranslated texts.

Here you go:

ボケて!! = Confused!! (Or some such, you might get a better translation if you can find out the context this shows up in)
飽きた = Given Up (again, you might get something a bit more precise with the context).

These messages are shown by Koakuma, holding a white board, each time the player returns home from the dungeon. You will get a different message randomly out of the four, but the most occurring one is "Game Saved" because player usually spend a long time wandering around the dungeon. She will shows the other 3 messages more often if you intentionally entering and exiting the dungeon continuously in a short period of time.

I have a few suggestion regarding the last two texts:
ボケて(bokete) seems to be a Japanese website where users post and share pictures with humorous caption, something similar to 9gag. I'm not sure if that is relevant but I personally think it's better to just leave the translation to its romanised form - "Bokete!!" since the joke is not transparent to us non-Japanese speaking players.

I think the text "飽きた" here implies that Koakuma is tired of waving the board repetitively every time the player returns home. I would suggest putting "I'm tired of this.", if that is not too long. 
« Last Edit: March 02, 2015, 12:06:08 AM by Heartnet »

I won't give the japanese texts now, because I need to rewrite a bit my tools before, and I'm busy right now (I have to finish a big project within 10 days for my school). So I think I'll give them in 10 days or 2 weeks.

Also, I managed today to break the game's FPS limiter. It seems most of the texts are displayed at a fixed time after going into the cave, depending which character you take and your progression, even if you do nothing after going into the cave. Breaking the game's FPS limiter makes the game nearly impossible, but it makes these texts appear really quickly (between 5 and 10 seconds). With this, I'll probably be able to find a lot of untranslated texts.
I finally took care of it (fun fact : the time counter depends of the FPS limiter, so my save file tells me I played 10 000 hours).
As usually, you need at first to transcribe the characters :
I'll upload the corresponding sentences as soon as this is done.


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Now that I'm not traipsing around Japan like a tourist, I should be able to work on this.  I'll take a look at these last two batches of things this weekend, if they aren't too heavy I would like to finish them then as well.

...that being said, setting goals that precise has been bad luck in the past, maybe I should avoid saying things like that...

I updated the patch engine :
What's new ? Well, anything you should notice.
I changed the patch internal structure to make it more modular.
I also changed the way the patch knows which game is running : it used to use the game's filename, it now uses the game's hash, so if you rename the game's exe, the patch will still work correctly. I also dealt so that if an unknown game uses the patch, the patch will do as few changes as possible. It is useful for the game's config program, which loads the patch bud shouldn't be patched. It works fine now.
I added some error messages. Also, before, the game could freeze when in fullscreen, if the patch displayed a popup, because the popup was displayed behind the game. This is now fixed. But I hope you won't see these messages.
Talking about messages, the one displayed when unknown texts are found is now in a text file, so if someone makes a new patch with my tool, he can put his own email address in this message.
I also cleaned and commented the source code of my tool. The only thing remaining before uploading the sources is to find a name.
What else... I put the list of characters outside of the source code, in the translations directory. I also put most of the error texts in the translation directory, so that they can easily be translated.
Oh, I nearly forgot, but there IS a new functionality you may notice : I added an option to automatically switch the keymap to QWERTY when the game starts. Useful when you have another keymap (mine is AZERTY) and the game assumes a QWERTY keymap.

Most of these updates are not that useful for this patch, but they will be for further ones.

So, what's left ?  There's the translations TwilightsCall is working on. Nothing to do here (except for TwilightsCall, of course). There's also the texts on the right of this picture : I already have the translation for these, but I wonder which font should I use. Any suggestion ?
And I still need someone to do the translation check.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2015, 03:05:12 PM by brliron »


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So here's those things and stuff.

There's probably a fair number of repeated strings in there (with potentially not identical translations).  I don't know if that'll be a problem for the patch, but if it is just take the first instance of each line that appears.

The formatting seemed really simple, hopefully I didn't manage to screw it up x_x

Let me know if there is anything missing.  This file contains everything from your April 12th and March 9th posts, so afaik that's the last of it.

New version :
1st thing, thanks to TwilightsCall, the game is now fully translated ! BTW, there was a small mistake : you shouldn't put a space before the equal signs. But that's really quick to fix (replace all ' =' with '=' : about 20 seconds).
That means we definitely needs someone for the translation check. Also we'd need a native English speaker to fix various errors.

2nd thing, I developed some more things in the engine. The most important one is a part able to find overflowing texts. It will give the sentences we need to rearrange to make them shorter. I'll give a look at this list, and see if I can take care of all of them myself. I'm also working on a way to preview these texts in the game.
Another thing, useless for this patch but nice for the development of next ones : when the engine wants to save a picture, it used to pause the game to do it, but now it does it in background.
Also, the textures are no longer hardcoded in the patch, which is useless for a monolingual patch but may be useful when I'll add other languages. Also, for further patch, I should no longer need to recompile the patch once the basic support for the game is done (I personally don't care, but some others using this project in the future may do).

3rd thing, as I didn't have any suggestion for the font here (see,17296.msg1164869.html#msg1164869 ), I asked to the French community. The result is here : . And in game, we have :

Nice, I booted up the new version, which seems to work and I'm psyched, but I have a tangentially related question: is it possible to delete a save?

I kinda have all 3 slots full and I'd love to start again with the translated dialogue, though if necessary I can just start with a fresh install.

I don't know how to delete one save, but you can all saves by removing or renaming save.dat (the game will automatically create a new one).

New version :
I shortened some texts to make them fit.

Now :
we definitely needs someone for the translation check. Also we'd need a native English speaker to fix various errors.

We definitely needs someone for the translation check. Also we'd need a native English speaker to fix various errors.

I'll volunteer as a proofreading native english speaker, is there a script file you'd like me to check over?

Thanks for this.
All the translations are in the archive (in the folder translation/boho1_en). These are the files beginning with "script_". script_introduction.txt contains the intro, script_menu.txt contains some texts from the menus, script_item.txt contains the items names and descriptions, script_story_[1, 2 or 3].txt contains the story mode dialogs, and script_end.txt contains the ending. _script_story_[1, 2 or 3].txt are old versions of script_story_[1, 2 or 3].txt, before I shortened some lines to make them fit.
In these files, the lines beginning with #left or #center are some commands for the engine and should not be changed. Other lines beginning with # are comments indicating who is talking (even if it's a bit buggy, sometimes it is after the corresponding sentence), or comments put by TwilightsCall. You don't need to fix them.

On another note, someone sent me some new texts to translate :
## Loading stage 4
#  Remilia :

#  Patchouli :

#  Meiling :

#  Remilia :
#  Patchouli :
#  Meiling :

#  Remilia :

Also, I thought if we romanize the second part of the game's name, "Koumakyou", we should romanize the first part "Bouhou" instead of 'Boho".

From _script_story_1_long

Quote from: Loading Stage 2 (ln 19)
Patchouli: I feel like we should get a new Gate Guard.
Sakuya: I figured someone would bring it up sooner or later, but...
Remilia: True, it would be nice if there was someone who took their work a little more seriously.
Sakuya: It is as you said, but she is rather strong in her own way.
              It would be a waste to fire her so easily...
Patchouli: What do you mean "in her own way?"
Sakuya: There are some who would take countless arrows without even laying down to die, but in her case, she doesn't even lie down to sleep.
Remilia: ...I don't really get it.

"Gate Guard" probably shouldn't be capitalized, unless it's supposed to be a proper noun.

"True" seems like it would be better expressed as "I concur"

"It is as you say" (Tense should be present rather than past being the secondary verb) is rather stiff language that English speakers (at least in the US) don't use anymore. Something like "That would be nice" or "I agree" would probably sound more natural.

Quote from: Loading Stage 1 (ln 49)
Remilia: It's a good thing Flan didn't try using this glove...
Sakuya: ...even just trying to imagining it is scary...
Patchouli: ...even just imagining it is scary...

trying to imagine (secondary verbs should be in the present tense)

Quote from: Loading Stage 6 (ln 88)
Meiling: Sakuya, look at this! With this glove, I have The strength of a hundred people!
Sakuya: It looks like you've found something nice.
Meiling: With this...
               I can dig any number of holes to trap intruders!
Sakuya: ..."Wanting to push someone into a hole if it exists" is something like this, huh?

capitalization error, also do you get what sakuya's last line is supposed to mean? Because I don't.

Quote from: Patchouli (ln 111)
Use that glove to move dirt, and go help Sakuya out in her garden.

Bitch! That's Meiling's garden. (/sass)

Quote from: Sakuya (ln 133)
Yes, just like Meiling, they wouldn't be satisfied until they had torn up the entire place.

Should be "they have" or "they've" due to secondary verbs being in the present tense.

Quote from: Sakuya (ln 142)
I thought, I bet Oneesama could reach that.

Usually localized as "Onee-sama"

Thank you for this.

Sakuya: ..."Wanting to push someone into a hole if it exists" is something like this, huh?

capitalization error, also do you get what sakuya's last line is supposed to mean? Because I don't.
Maybe it's something like "Sakuya: ...You want to push someone into a hole that much ?"

Use that glove to move dirt, and go help Sakuya out in her garden.

Bitch! That's Meiling's garden. (/sass)
I'll go for "the garden".

Yes, just like Meiling, they wouldn't be satisfied until they had torn up the entire place.

Should be "they have" or "they've" due to secondary verbs being in the present tense.
The file you proofread is a bit outdated ; I shortened some sentences to make them fit. The corresponding shortened file is script_story_1.txt (without the underscore and the "long"). While shortening, I replaced this line with :
Yes, just like Meiling, they would have torn up the entire place.

Maybe you want to see the other lines I shortened in this file ?

Quote from: brillion
Maybe it's something like "Sakuya: ...You want to push someone into a hole that much ?"
That makes sense.

Quote from: brillion
I'll go for "the garden".
Sorry, I wasn't serious about that, most fannon likes to use Meiling as a Butt Monkey It's no error of the translation, just a writing tool of Touhou doujin works that I guess I'm a little tired of, nothing that you need to change the script over.

sorry for taking so long, I'll go off of "script_story_1.txt"

Quote from: ln 50-58
Remi: It's a good thing Flan didn't try using this glove...

Sakuya: ...even just trying to imagining it is scary...

Patchouli: ...even just imagining it is scary...
Maybe Patchouli & Sakuya's lines are supposed to be switched? It's not a very good joke, but it works better that way imo.

from "script_story_2.txt"

ln 31: "booster!" should probably be capitalized, I'm of course assuming it's a proper noun and not a common item.

ln 45-54: I'm guessing "Gyuun" is the sound effect of the booster?

ln: 68 "Sure, those Instant Teleportation Devices might have been unexpectedly fun to use."  the might seems unnecessary.

ln: 167 "I wonder. Maybe she's been saving up all that sleep so she could be amazing now."  'Saving up sleep' doesn't quite make sense in English, 'saving up energy' may work better.

ln: 266 "Mecha Sakuya: ...FUGAFUGA, I CAN'T EAT ANOTHER BITE..." It works, but I have no idea what Fugafuga is supposed to mean, other than maybe a sound effect?

From "script_story_3.txt"

ln: 20-21 aren't translated, though the note on 22 says they're doubles, of what I'm not sure.

ln: 35 I don't get the reason behind the spelling errors. Is Flandre supposed to be dumber when she's trying to escape?

ln: 104 Is this an intentional use of 'Merin' vs 'Meiling'?

ln: 186 "Y-yay! The mistress is watching?! Peace peace...?" Is that trying to say she's throwing up peace signs with her hands?

ln: 302 "I've developped Mecha-Flan." Developed has 1 p

ln: 316 "Physical laber." labor

that' all I've seen this time, nice work btw!