Author Topic: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?  (Read 224919 times)


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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #480 on: March 09, 2017, 11:56:11 PM »
Currently airing:  Maidragon and Fuuka.  Former is hilarious, latter seems to be (albeit predictable as all heck) enjoyable drama.

Considering watching Charlotte since I think I heard that was good too and if it's the one I'm thinking of it had some interesting concepts.  That was good right?
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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #481 on: March 10, 2017, 04:20:07 PM »
I enjoyed Charlotte. There's some good character development and it's an interesting concept that I enjoyed. If you enjoyed Angel Beats you'll probably enjoy Charlotte. Hell, one of the characters is pretty much the same as one of the side characters in Angel Beats (There's even an Angel Beats cameo in one of the episodes). However, be warned, the ending I felt was rushed and I didn't care too much for it.

Also, speaking of comedies, I highly recommend Gabriel Dropout. I very much recommend it.
My friend (the one I watch Konosuba with) always shows me different clips from the show, It is pretty funny. I'll probably watch it once the season ends.


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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #482 on: March 15, 2017, 05:51:51 AM »
Figured this'd be the place to post this. I'm finally getting back into working my way through the light novels I've had backlogged on my shelf for the last several months. I was dreading making my way through SAO's Mother Rosario arc (for reasons that are probably obvious) and it looks like I've accidentally lit a fire inside of me that makes me want to just buy all the English versions that're currently out so that I can finally work my way back up to where I'd left off when the series was still on Baka-Tsuki.

Either way though, now that I've finished it I can finally get into more new territory with The Devil is a Part-Timer and No Game No Life. I... think that the volume of Is it Wrong to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? that's sitting unread at the moment is the last volume covered by the anime, but I'm not sure at the moment. I kinda hope it is though because I have the bad habit of either watching/reading the source material after something interests me to pick out any corrections/changes/missed stuff that wasn't initially covered so that I get the full story and it can occasionally be a real slog before I get to anything that'd be considered "new" to me.

Case-in-point, I'm not actually sure if I'll ever be able to read the entirety of A Certain Magical Index, but I'm sure as hell gonna try.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Rin Satsuki

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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #483 on: March 15, 2017, 11:52:15 PM »
Planning to watch Nanbaka!


This anime is full of traps...

Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #484 on: March 22, 2017, 10:28:56 PM »
I'm surprised nobody brought up Little Witch Academia yet. It's been amazing so far, with the right blend of comedy and action, and the characters are extremely relatable (especially Akko^^). Many of the other airing anime of this season, however, have left me significantly disappointed.

Masamune Kun no Revenge, while it started with a possibly interesting premise, it turned out to be borderline unbelievable, with unrealistic character relations. Moreover, most of the characters are way too mean spirited to inspire any sympathy in the viewer. This in itself would not be a major problem, as many other good anime have a cast of not-so-sympathetic chars (Death Note comes to mind). But in those shows, what saves the chars is that, even if their intentions are generally ambigous or outright evil, at least they have something (be it valor, wits, or something else) to be admired for. Masamune-kun's chars, on the other hand, not only are unsympathetic, but also lack any other redeeming traits which might spur your admiration or respect. Pass.

Seiren also seemed promising at first sight, what with the animation being actually good and fresh, as well as Tsuneki being somewhat interesting as a char. As the show progressed, though, the complete lack of reasonable char development killed it for me. The fact that each arc only lasts 4 episodes is no excuse, either - the first arc of Kokoro Connect lasts 5 episodes, and by then you already get extremely attached to the MCs, to the point of actually weeping for them. In Seiren, on the other hand, we have a pathetically useless MC who proves, time and again, to be too embarassed from just about anything to do something worth the viewer's respect or sympathy, while the girls inexplicably fall in love for him despite his apparent uselessness. Pass.

Fuuka suffers from most of the same flaws Seiren has, except that you're stuck with only one arc and so it gets boring quite faster. The triangle is simply unbearable - not because it is predictable in its outcome (most triangles in anime are - just look at Toradora or White Album 2), but because the chars dynamics are unbelievable and often relying on extremely poor communication skills. If 50%+ of the drama comes from the chars being willing to misunderstand everything, not doing a thing, and just sitting around mellowing in the consequences of their stupidity, then you can't help but wonder why should you care in the first place. They brought it upon themselves, over and over again. Pass.

Demi-chan... this show could've been good. And I mean, quite good. But here's the problem. If you make a show about girls who are stuck with a problem which impairs their integration in normal social life, you should at least make an attempt to portray them as actually rounded characters, rather than just focus on their anormality. The demis, however, have few - if any - quirks to speak of, and basically no issues or problems which do not stem from their demi nature. What's worse, the show actually shoots down the whole idea of treating them as normal people, basically approving the excessively caring attitude of Takahashi-sensei at the expense of any actual char development of anyone involved. What we get, thus, is mostly a bunch of pointless heartwarming moments spotted by made-up drama which is quickly wrapped up before the episode ends. If you want to see a fictional treatment of disability which actually takes disabled chars as real, well-rounded chars who're not defined by their disability only, I'd suggest you to try the visual novel Katawa Shoujo, rather than wasting your time with this anime.

Urara no Meirochou... I don't even know where to begin. Unlike the above shows, I noticed I was in for a less than satisfying experience from day 1. But I stuck with it because hey, maybe it could get better (see below for an example of this actually happening). Maybe the show will eventually grow tired of the same sexual-related jokes, give up on the excessive fanservice, and actually deliver an acceptable blend of action and comedy (like LWA). But no. If anything, it got worse as the series progressed. The only episodes which are somehow barely tolerable are the last two - not only because we finally get something resembling action/plot, but also because one of the chars actually gets called out on the excessive fanservice-pointing-out attitude. However, this does not even begin to redeem this trainwreck of a show. Seriously, what the hell JC Staff? What happened to the studio that made Toradora and Golden Time?

Thankfully, there are also two more shows which are worth watching in this season, besides LWA. On the one hand, Kuzu no Honkai mixes unusual and eye-pleasing art with an equally unusual romance which is a far cry from the whiney-blushy mess of Fuuka or Seiren. It feels sorta like School Days, but a tad more believable and with significantly better art. I did expect this to be good from the get-go and, while it hasn't been as good as I hoped, it still is definitely a worthy watch. Gabriel Dropout, on the other hand... I didn't like this show much at first, but it progressively grew on me and now I am actually starting to like it - which is something I rarely happen to experience when it comes to anime (as you noticed from the above list, generally it's the other way around). I am glad I stuck with this up to this point, at least. In hindsight, it's probably not for everyone, as some of the jokes are a bit repetitive (unlike LWA) and it takes a while to start finding the chars relatable (again, unlike LWA). But if you look past this... it's actually a decent show. And it might get you to laugh.

So, in the end... Kuzu no Honkai and Gabriel Dropout, you might like. Little Witch Academia... definitely give it a try, it's an incredible show. The rest, you're not losing out on anything, really. Especially Urara and Demi-chan.


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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #485 on: March 23, 2017, 01:03:58 AM »
I keep hearing good things about Scum's Wish/Kuzu no Honkai and it makes me hopeful that it'll eventually get localized be it subbed only or dub/sub so I can see it finally.  (I don't have the anime thing for Amazon who has exclusive legal NA distro rights for it right now)
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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #486 on: March 23, 2017, 09:16:24 AM »
What we get, thus, is mostly a bunch of pointless "heartwarming" moments spotted by made-up drama which is quickly wrapped up before the episode ends.
Couldn't have worded it better. This is exactly what I feel about Demi-chan, along with a critical lack of best grills.

Urara no Meirochou... I don't even know where to begin. Unlike the above shows, I noticed I was in for a less than satisfying experience from day 1.
I had a different experience with this, though. Maybe because I expected a yuri moeshit fest from the very beginning, and got exactly that. Remember, I am that one guy who thinks Needless is JoJo done right.

Also, regarding good shows, Elminster seems to have missed D is for Dragon and Abandoned Zoo (which was abandoned so hard the animals became sentient), though they both were mentioned in the thread already.

The Jealous Witch did nothing wrong.

Silent Harmony

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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #487 on: March 25, 2017, 06:40:38 PM »
Finished Interview with Monster Girls. No spoilers or discussion, just opinion.

Hikari-chan is still best girl.
Satou-sensei is still best woman.
Yuuki-chan is still my vote for dark horse of Winter season.

That is all.

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Spotty Len

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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #488 on: March 25, 2017, 10:37:48 PM »
Finished Interview with Monster Girls. No spoilers or discussion, just opinion.

Hikari-chan is still best girl.
Satou-sensei is still best woman.
Yuuki-chan is still my vote for dark horse of Winter season.

That is all.
Agreed with all of the above.

I will add that Takahashi-sensei is best teacher.

Silent Harmony

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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #489 on: March 25, 2017, 11:42:13 PM »
^ The more I think about it, the more guilt I feel for not naming him too. Seriously I can't remember the last time I enjoyed and admired a depiction of a male, adult, high-school teacher as much as Takahashi. His interactions with Hikari and Sakie especially were basically perfect from a writing standpoint.

Also gotta love that he's total eye-candy for all the people into buff men; not my thing personally but it's definitely a refreshing sight that's dreadfully underused.

Honestly I usually avoid (or at least put off) manga adaptations because something tends to get lost in the process making the experience inferior to the original; usually pacing in my experience gets thrown out the window. This season's adaptations that I watched- this show and Kobayashi-san- have me thinking I may have to reconsider that attitude. :3

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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #490 on: March 27, 2017, 03:16:02 AM »
Currently watching:
Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon
Flying Witch

I used to be into gritty-gory action-packed anime, but I realised that sometimes its nice to watch something fun, friendly and slow-paced.


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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #491 on: March 28, 2017, 04:02:42 PM »
I've been watching Bakemonogatari recently. I'm six episodes in, and it's pretty fascinating for sure. The shared genes with Madoka are apparent, although I think Madoka refined that style to a point that made it a bit more palatable. Bakemonogatari is exhausting to watch because it's so fucking busy. It's interesting so far, I like it, but I have no interest in sitting through two episodes in a short time.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #492 on: March 29, 2017, 09:24:57 PM »
I've been watching Bakemonogatari recently. I'm six episodes in, and it's pretty fascinating for sure. The shared genes with Madoka are apparent, although I think Madoka refined that style to a point that made it a bit more palatable. Bakemonogatari is exhausting to watch because it's so fucking busy. It's interesting so far, I like it, but I have no interest in sitting through two episodes in a short time.
I suggest you binge it or it'll hard to follow the plot later. The plot gets busier than the animation later on trust me.


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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #493 on: March 30, 2017, 01:10:46 AM »
Wait I thought Bakemonogatari was just a nice harem anime with a mental disability fetish.

The Jealous Witch did nothing wrong.


  • alter cool
Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #494 on: March 30, 2017, 01:40:48 AM »
Wait I thought Bakemonogatari was just a show where teens talk about inane topics for twenty straight minutes and sometimes there's a goblin or some shit.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #495 on: May 12, 2017, 05:10:09 AM »
First episode of yugioh vrains aired yesterday. There weren't any duels, surprisingly, but the writers decided to spend the first episode on world building and setup. There's a lot to be excited for and can't wait for next week. I'm a sucker for hidden-identity hero type settings.
We can only hope that the show will develop into something good and most importantly continue to be good, unlike the shitshow arc-v unraveled into.
Naked expression; purple raspberry flavour


  • * Merry, bride, absolute (HR)
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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #496 on: May 25, 2017, 09:35:58 PM »
hey is this meme dead yet
Eromanga-sensei is so consistently terrible, it's actually quite entertaining and well-made. It's like you're watching porn that's more hilarious rather that arousing (think tuna).
« Last Edit: May 25, 2017, 09:38:07 PM by Delfigamer »

The Jealous Witch did nothing wrong.

Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #497 on: May 26, 2017, 12:56:54 AM »
I've been starting to watch Akashic Records which is surprisingly better than what I expected it to be, so it's a pleasant surprise for me this season, and I've been planning on watching Spice and Wolf since I heard it's really good but I haven't been able to get any time to watch either really, I haven't even caught up with Akashic Records because of how busy I've been. Hopefully I'll be able to catch up before it ends, though.


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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #498 on: May 26, 2017, 08:10:52 AM »
I prefer to experience that show vicariously through the words of Digibro and Best Guy Ever. Undoubtedly more entertaining than actually watching the show

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


  • * Merry, bride, absolute (HR)
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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #499 on: May 26, 2017, 10:26:12 AM »
Definitely watch Spice and Wolf. It's one of the few anime classics that is actually very-very good. Compared to that murky Eva, that boring Nanoha, that cheesy Higurashi, stuff like that.

The Jealous Witch did nothing wrong.


  • Call of Loli: Waifu Warfare
Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #500 on: May 26, 2017, 08:36:36 PM »
Can't stop rewatching Mouretsu Pirates. It's just so entertaining watching cute girls that are actually competent in what they're doing. Marika Kato is best gurl 10/10

Also, been watching SnB: Virgin Soul and Re-Creators for the current season. Both are pretty good at the moment, although Virgin Soul is definitely better (that, or I'm just having Shadowverse flashback all the time ._.)
Normal 1cc: EoSD, PCB, IN, PoFV, MoF, SA, UFO, TD, DDC, LoLK, HSiFS
Hard 1cc: MoF, IN, SA, PCB
Lunatic 1cc: MoF, IN

Currently struggling against depression by writing a light novel. Also, stop talking about nazi. The fact that I have Swastika in my name makes me stressed whenever anyone brought up any topic related to nazi and neo-nazi (unless we're talking about history, then I'm up for it). No, I'm not a neo-nazi. Neither are my parents. F**k off.

Silent Harmony

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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #501 on: May 26, 2017, 09:18:54 PM »
I recently binged-watched Mouretsu Pirates in 2 seperate sittings, and it became a much more entertaining show second season not for anything it did, but from my mindset going into it. I was disappointed watching  the 1st season constantly waiting for "epic space pirate action" to break out, but once I treated it more like a slower-paced love song to sci-fi and girls being low-key bad-asses, it instantly clicked. Basically it's the difference between how I go into a  Star Wars movie vs a Star Trek episode.

Also I was very pleasantly surprised to see a show from over half a decade ago
with a canon lesbian couple (even if they weren't main characters) in a show that's not revolving 100% around lesbians being lesbians (Strawberry Panic, Yuru Yuri, Sakura Trick, etc). Bonus points for how tasteful and nonchalant the whole reveal/confirmation was.
Even today you almost never see that in anime.

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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #502 on: May 27, 2017, 12:57:20 AM »
I know a friend recommended Steins Gate to me before multiple times but it wasn't until that digibro fellow showered it with praise after praise that I decided to check it out now and I'm so hooked, so good. This is why I should listen to people more often.
Naked expression; purple raspberry flavour


  • *
Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #503 on: May 27, 2017, 02:27:05 AM »
Can't stop rewatching Mouretsu Pirates. It's just so entertaining watching cute girls that are actually competent in what they're doing. Marika Kato is best gurl 10/10
I recently binged-watched Mouretsu Pirates in 2 seperate sittings, and it became a much more entertaining show second season not for anything it did, but from my mindset going into it. I was disappointed watching  the 1st season constantly waiting for "epic space pirate action" to break out, but once I treated it more like a slower-paced love song to sci-fi and girls being low-key bad-asses, it instantly clicked. Basically it's the difference between how I go into a  Star Wars movie vs a Star Trek episode.

Also I was very pleasantly surprised to see a show from over half a decade ago
with a canon lesbian couple (even if they weren't main characters) in a show that's not revolving 100% around lesbians being lesbians (Strawberry Panic, Yuru Yuri, Sakura Trick, etc). Bonus points for how tasteful and nonchalant the whole reveal/confirmation was.
Even today you almost never see that in anime.
Yes yes yes Mouretsu Pirates is excellent. Definitely not for everyone but if you can get into the groove it's so good. And then the payoff for when stuff really does go down, oh man.

Steins;Gate is a noteworthy case where it's not only just a good show, but the staff was competent and instrumental in making it what it is. When it aired I just liked it for what the show was, but in retrospect I've realized that the story itself doesn't grip me as much as the experience does.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2017, 02:31:21 AM by Drake »

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #504 on: May 27, 2017, 09:20:11 AM »
Wonderful, absolutely wonderful, steins;gate was a great run. It's been a while since I've genuinely enjoyed something so fully. I don't know where it would place on my list of favorites once my initial high dies down, but it's easily one of my favorite shows atm.

Also I seem to have a soft spot for
future child characters
, I notice. Usually they turn out to not be too well written (trunks, lucina), but that moment when they went back the first time really hit me in the feels. It was such a massive mood whiplash from touching to heartbreaking.
Naked expression; purple raspberry flavour


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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #505 on: May 28, 2017, 06:59:35 PM »
I'm like 2 years late to the party, but an ex-girlfriend messaged me out of the blue and told me to watch Shimoseka.

I am only two episodes in and I haven't stopped laughing. No, it isn't very deep as far as social commentary is concerned, and when it is, it seems almost by accident, e.g., "I thought this was just picture of a girl savoring a mushroom. What's obscene about this?" raises a really good point whether it knows it or not.

Mostly, I'm watching it for the wordplay and the dong jokes.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."

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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #506 on: May 30, 2017, 01:51:37 PM »
Bullying is a real trouble that still persist. Even to this day, a lot of students falls victim to bullying. It is a serious problem. Of course, there are some mangas that tries to address this problem. And there are mangas that gives their reader a sense of revenge fantasy fulfillment.

Revenge fantasy:[/u]

Fukushuu Kyoushitsu
The MC is bullied by most of the students. Female students abused her. Male students raped her. She thought if she endured it and stayed quiet, she could get through her ordeal. But then some jackass decided to push her into oncoming car. She survived. But then, she realized something: They won't stop until she dies. Before that could happen, she decides to take revenge to everyone in her class, even those who have nothing to do with her bullying.

Using her 3 months worth of research. Her revenge plan went perfectly well. She may screw her victims indirectly, but she would never set them to be killed. It's all well and good, until she accidentally caused 2 of her former best friends to commit suicide. The she snaps.

Overflowing 2 lockers with crow's corpses. Geez... How bored the bullies can be to commit such a thing like that? You have to kill like 20-50 crows (that is not to say that killing them was easy). Then you have gather them up and stomach the smell of the corpses. And then, you have to arrive at school early and hope that there's no one there 'less you wanna have trouble with police. And they did it everyday.

Kangoku Jikken
The MC is a pathetic man. Everything about him is average. He got bullied everyday. Heck, the bully leader is a girl. One day, he receives an invitation to participate in a game called prison game. Each participant can choose a person to be their prisoner for a month. The participant can do anything to their prisoner provided they don't kill their prisoner. The prisoner have to guess the identity of their captor (They wore masks) within a month. Winner get 1 million yen as a prize. Let the game begins.

While the manga follows MC Point of View, there are hints that the MC may not be as you think he is. After all, he and his bully were used to be friends.

The comment section for this manga... It's... a thing.

Anvil dropping:

Tomodachi Gokko
Out of the 4 that I've read, this is the most grounded in reality and thus the most depressing. The MC moved from Tokyo. In the new town, she enrolled into all girls school. There, she met her old friend who is now being bullied. Seeing that, MC decided to help her friend despite her repeated warning not to do that. Soon enough the bullying target switched from her friend to herself and her friend stopped hanging out with her. At first she tried to endure the bullying, it didn't work. Then, she tried to endure it with smile (okay, that was honestly creepy), it didn't work. Months later, she can't handle it anymore and commit suicide.

God take pity of MC and gave her a second chance. She got sent back to the past. In the new timeline, she must try to avoid becoming the bully leader's shitlist whilst providing moral support to her friend from the outside- waiiiit waitwaitwaitwait...! WHAT?

I got a fucking question: Ms. MC friend, your friend sacrificed herself for you. You knew your friend is in distress, you have her phone number. So, let ask you this: Why the fuck do you NOT help your friend you UNGRATEFUL LITTLE BITCH?! It's not like the bully leader watch you 24/7! Oh wait, she probably is. Because she is a goddamn supervillain!!!

Misu Misou
What. The. Fuck did I just read?! Is this for real? There's a manga like this? Those guys aren't human! They're creatures from another planet posing as humans.

The motive for the bullying is just fucking ridiculous. The MC got bullies because... she just transferred to the school. The school is closing soon and the rest of the  student don't want an outsider to graduate with them? What the fuck?! That's the worst motive I've heard since SPECTRE (Hue Hue... My father paid more attention to my adopted brother. So I will become the leader of a super villain organization and fuck my brother). The teacher won't do shit about it since the school is closing. So the MC doesn't go to school anymore. Good choice, but the bullies don't accept that. So they fucking burn her house with her parents and her sister still inside.

The fuck?! These guys are not human! They're supervillain! Psychopaths! Sociopaths! They're MONSTER! When MC tried to talk to the teacher, he got attacked by one of the bullies with a shoes laced with spikes. Normal bullies as bad as they are, they don't fucks with parents. One of the bullies even has a fully functional crossbow. That's not even mentioning the whole house burning thing. That's a murder!

I should've dropped it at the first chapter. And yet, I continued on. I got worse. Every character besides MC's family is completely insane (the bully leader is also one of the sanest character. She's the only one with enough common sense not to kill a whole family). Most adults are either useless or evil. And the thing slowly decent into horror as the MC snapped and tries to murder all who responsible. Soon, there will be no one left to attend the graduation. I consider this the most fucked up manga I've read. For now.

Geez, I need a drink. Reading 4 ultra bleak mangas in quick succession takes a toll in my mind.


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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #507 on: May 30, 2017, 08:53:46 PM »
Strangely, I find Masamune-kun's Revenge rather hilarious. Both with how it treats the usual romcom meta, and with just how much of a dumbass the main character really is. Normally I'd cringe and drop trash like this in an instant, but it seems to me all this was done wholly on purpose. (Not something I'd ever watch/read a second time, though. Neither for humor nor for fanservice.)


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Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #508 on: May 31, 2017, 03:22:07 AM »
I am now completely caught up on jjba. I've watched parts 1-4 and read parts 5-7 along with the released chapters of 8. Must say that part 4 is by far my most favorite part with the most loveable cast and story and best villain. I'm really glad kira comes back (kind of) in part 8 and I'm looking forward to how he'll contribute in the future.

I'm rather torn on part 8. The josuke/yasuho pair is one of the better jo-duos we've seen so far and I like their characters, I just hate the higashikata family and that they're so integral to the plot is really grating on me. If josuke and yasuho had a comedic adventure like part 3 or 4, I think I would be less irritated. If I can get passed the irritation, then part 8 is already better than 5 or 6 for me, but I'll have to withhold judgement until it finishes.
Naked expression; purple raspberry flavour

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: What anime(s) and/or manga(s) are you watching/reading right now?
« Reply #509 on: May 31, 2017, 03:40:32 PM »

I think you have no right saying that when every english natural speaker consider YOUR english awkward as well, Ms. Cartelet. That said, the english in this anime is actually quite decent. The grammar and pronunciation is better than any other anime.

Speaking of awkward english, it reminded me to when me and my brother watched Kuroko's Basketball: The Last Game movie in the theater.

Kuroko's Basketball: The Last Game takes place after the manga/anime. It is about Japan's top basketball player unite as team Vorpal Sword versus an eeeeeevil American Team called Jabberwock. Yeah... That's an Alice in Wonderland reference in a freaking basketball.

But enough of that, I'm not gonna talk about the movie itself. Instead, I'll be talking about the engrish. Since the opponents is American, we can expect some english in their dialogue. While their english is actually quite passable, they'll be speaking in very good Japanese for 90% of the movie. You know what caused the most laugh at the theater? It's when Vorpal Sword's leader deliver a badass boast to the Jabberwock in english. A heavily accented engrish. That engrish is just magnificent and full of cheese it caused the whole theater to be filled with laughter.