Author Topic: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You, Ei, Yume - Gameplay Translation into deep Dreams  (Read 382675 times)


  • Blue flower
  • Green
Yeah, I'll just stick with Normal thank you.

Well done though.

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
Thing is, I think this is much harder on Reimu's side. 

Even on Normal, you have do some insane shit just to get the WP, due to the Three Fairies's stupid danmaku from hell.  Their field does not deploy unless you are 13 space within their range, so what you have to do is to load everyone onto the ship, and on next turn, have Aya use Tailwind to make the ship move +2, and you have to clap them that turn, since they would deploy the field come their phase and they have HP Regen.  Oh, and since the Three Fairies never move, moving into her range will cause Marisa to move, which is not good for routing.

The other 3.5 users on the other hand is also a pain to deal with.  Suwako needs SP to kill, and she drains them if you hang around her.  Kanako is really strudy, Mima just outright block every single range weapons, and Yuka is Yuka.

The only reason why this is possible on Marisa's side without too much SP is because of how good you can just Daunt with Lunasa and Renew with Koa. 
Chen, Ran, Yukari, Yuyuko, and the Seireisen are things that need to be peg down, otherwise it is impossible without using a shit ton of SP.

Since I basically used Lunasa and Merlin like a billion times this stage, both of them are Level 40 now.  This will help come Mad Yorihime.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2014, 05:25:26 AM by c l e a r »

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
This is going to SUCK.  WTF am I thinking?


  • Blue flower
  • Green
Glory and parties to those that beat her...?
Anyway, good luck and may all of your attacks crit hit.

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
Huh, it would seem Meiling gets OHKO'd by Hino Kagutsuchi WITHOUT THE DAMAGE BUFF.  FYI Meiling also had Guard L2.
This might be quite impossible, she has way too much health.  I believe she is fully upgraded under her pissed off mode.

I am also out of points to upgrade anything, dealing damage is "okay", but I got nothing left to extend it.  Probably next play-through when I inherit more money.
With Yorihime @ Power 170, this is the damage output:
- Flandre with Shotgunning/Fire Rod/Power Limit Over does about 6000 damage with Laevateinn EX, the MP Consumption is total pain though.
- Remi with Power Limit Over does about 5000 Damage with Nightless Castle.
- Reimu is kind of hopeless, even with Power Limit Over, she does only less than 3000.
- EX-Keine is also disappointing, she can't take a hit, and does only about 3000~ with Super Headbutt.
- Prismriver Sisters does about 4500~ with Ghostly Wheel Concerto Grosso.

- Marisa does about 3000 damage with Final Spark.
- Mischievous Three Fairies does about 2800~ with Power Limit Over.
- Patchy does like 1500 for Princess Undine (Seriously?!), and about 3500 with Silent Serene.

Like, I need Power Limit Over (and even Shotgun L2) to do any decent damage.
Yorihime has 53,000 HP in her initial phase, and 63,000 HP during Hino Kagutsuchi.  My formation fell apart in Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto, where she OHKO Meiling and somehow broke through to Dai-chan, and I really tried to push as far as I can.

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
One of these days, Alice... To the Moon!

On Hard, I can't do it on Power 170 Yorihime (100% Upgraded) ,  too much HP; too little resources.  Also, I just like to point out that she has 222 Mobility on Power 170.
Did this on 150 Yorihime.  Still have to do a lot of weird shit, such as using Lyrica's Free Support Attack and have Remilia, and later Flandre to fire off another attack. 

All her phases in Power 150 has about mid-50,000 HP, save for Amaterasu-no-Omikami, which has 64,000.
All her phases in Power 170 has about mid-60,000 HP, I assume for the same phase, it would be something like 75,000-80,000.  Which is absurd when you consider how much damage that you can put out in your limited party, and how much you are strained at that point in battle SP wise.

I won on sheer fluke, my party is completely tapped save Prismriver Sisters, she is at 2039 HP at the last attack.  I have no Daunts left to prevent getting MAPed.  She can attack any of my units that surrounded her before she does it, they are still on Strike so they can hit.  Unfortunately, she went after Reimu which had NOTHING except for the weak Precision Needles.  Fortunately, her field is NOT deployed since I bombed it on the assault.  That +60 would have made all the difference.  I distinctively remember that Reimu does about 2000 Damage with her needles against her, so I won from there.

Incidentally, Daunt/Lunasa's MAP really can trivialize her auto-casting Zeal.  She acts like Normal on the first two attacks if she does not have 160 Power, but if she does not 160 on her third, she just stops and rest.

Also, as a bonus, I finally took this:

Although I am still very unhappy that I cannot beat her completely on Power 170 mode though.


  • Blue flower
  • Green
Very well done, but don't kill yourself over this. :V
She was after all designed to be timed out in the first place so I suppose there just is a limit to what one can beat on this mission.
At one point there will be too big a stat disadvantage to be able to overcome it.

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
It's okay, HP is nothing in this game as long you can afford the Weapon Upgrades.  I will bitch slap Moonbitch next time in her so called "Full-Power" with Flan and Remi at L8+.
The only thing I need to scout in this game for the final run is Parasee's stupid ability, and Subterraean Sun.

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
Um, what the hell happened?  I think this is a glitch, Yuugi is stuck.  (The red square is telling me she HAS NO movement there)
Parasee is pushing forward to the bridge and I noticed that she is not moving.  Welp, so much for this WP.


  • Blue flower
  • Green
Wouldn't be the first time a patch broke something in this game.
It's a shame though but at least Yuugi won't be a problem like this. :V

Huh, never would've thought there was a topic like this around. Up till now I've been playing while reading what I can, this'll be quite helpful, great job.

Also, anyone else experiencing a crash every time
Satori activates her third spell card?
I've played through the stage twice with different versions and no luck. freezes just as she activates it. I remember something similar to this happening in You on the Prismriver's stage with the earlier versions. With later versions it was fixed, so I assume it's the same with Ei. I'd just like to confirm that is all.


  • Blue flower
  • Green
I've never had any crashes with Ei and kept it up to date with the patches, but it's been a while since I last played.
I did hear something about Satori acting funny if you block certain spots on certain versions but since you tried it more than once I don't think you'd have positioned the same every time, right?

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
iirc, she never moves from her chair.  I never crashed the game with either Reimu or Marisa route.
I'm sure you have tried this, but have you tried starting over the stage?  Cause the WP requirement changed from the first patch, might have something to do with that.

Also, from that picture above.  Yuugi somehow got movement back when Parasee attacked me, but you will never guess how.... she was meant to be on the ground the whole stage (which is why she WAS stuck), but then she SWITCH to flying somehow.  AI NEVER DO THAT like EVER, in ANY SRW titles, WTF game?

I swear, this game...
« Last Edit: January 16, 2015, 07:35:57 AM by c l e a r »

Now that you mention it, when it crashed the first time, I loaded back to my in-game save. It still crashed (specifically, it freezes), updated the game and followed up with the same strategy I had used before. So my positioning was roughly the same, not exactly, but I'll still try repositioning my units and see if anything changes. Thanks.

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
Now that you mention it, when it crashed the first time, I loaded back to my in-game save. It still crashed (specifically, it freezes), updated the game and followed up with the same strategy I had used before. So my positioning was roughly the same, not exactly, but I'll still try repositioning my units and see if anything changes. Thanks.

No, what i meant is: start the whole stage over.  The WP condition changed from the early patches, and that might be the cause of the crash.

Quote from: Marisa
Everyone, lend me your strength.  With our hands, we will stop the sun!

Everyone survived, only 1 bomb was used.

Final Results:

Fun fact: About 150 of those turns are used in full rout in Reimu vs. Marisa.

Builds specific for the Final Stage:
For good reasons, the final patch toned down Okuu's Armor value cause Reactor of Life + Super Armor makes her pretty much untouchable.  By bombing the Super Armor off, it makes it so she can actually take damage.

1) Yuugi @ Oni Horn + Grimoire
Nitori FA @ Oni Fang + Sakuya's Tea + Yakogoro Medicine

(It should be noted that Yuugi changed alot in the later patches to be less broken.  Rowdiness changed to Fury only.  Isuki-Tousen became better since now it works within 3 spaces.)
Yuugi's Ability: Oni Strength, Guard L2, Power Limit Over, P-Break, E-Save, SP Up L4, Unique: Isuki-Tousen
tl;dr: Isuki-Tousen + Guard L2 + Oni Strength = -40% on damage taken
For some reason, casting Fury turns off Isuki-Tousen's damage increase.  It does not matter anyway.  To see her defensive power, @1900 base Armor, she tanks Subterraean Sun under 500 power with only 3500 damage without casting Iron wall,  Adding Nitori's amazing support in Extending Arm, it grants Yuugi more SP, and refuels the giant MP bar.  If there is someone to bring in on Lunatic, she is a great choice.

2) Flandre @ Parasol
Meiling @ Crimson Crystal

Flandre's Ability: Belief, Power Limit Over, P-Break, Support Attack L1, E-Save, SP Up L5, Unique: Fire Rod
Meling's Ability: Guard L2, E-Save, Support Defense L2, Unique: Dragon of the Scarlet Devil
Her role is to stand in front of Okuu, next to Yuugi, and deliver massive damage from only 1 cast of Strike.  Dragon of the Scarlet Devil allows Meiling to come in with Support Defense on my own turn, but only up to 3 times a stage, so in early part of the boss fight, I use Meiling to slap around the boss for a bit, or let Flan eat the attack on the first phase.

3) Prismriver Sisters @ Hourai Branch + Mini Nuclear Reactor + Oni Horn

Lunasa's Ability: Musician, Power Limit Over, E-Save, P-Break, Belief L1, SP Up L4, Unique: Ensemble Leader
The other two poured everything into SP Up, and the leftovers the went the Shooting and Accuracy stat respectively, cause this unit works exactly like Aquarion units in SRW.
With Mini Nuclear Reactor, Lunasa and pretty Daunt MAP each turn for free.  This is important as no one can get into position otherwise, Okuu's power need to dip below 150 in order for that to happen.  She also does not use the inital MAP anymore once you get into her Spell phases.  Lyrica also carries her free support skill, and is position next to Yuugi when they split, so she can cast Alert and have Yuugi fire off a support, and then Flandre finishes the support chain.

Other things that are good and important:
1) Suwako + Kanako
Suwako carries Armor Break, and Kanako carried Power Limit Over.  Kanako got really good Sheishin to boot.
2) Yukari + Ran
Ran carried White Fox as her Unique, this allows her to Split Image with about 42% rate.  It also helps her accuracy stacking with Shikigami (Yukari)
Yukari carried Borders of Dreams and Reality, stacking with Memories of Wicked, her Sheishin that are cast by Dream is almost the same as the base cost this way.  With over 170 SP in her disposal, she is stands in front of Okuu and spams Quadruple Barrier.

Yukari carried Borders of Dreams and Reality, stacking with Memories of Wicked, her Sheishin that are cast by Dream is almost the same as the base cost this way.  With over 170 SP in her disposal, she is stands in front of Okuu and spams Quadruple Barrier.

Fight with Ёrihime seemed much harder than fight with Utsuho.
Equip Dreams on Yukari is a bad idea, its recall-skill solves the problem with Hells Tokamak Utsuho.

You just take Eirin+Kaguya and they go up, while the rest of your forces go down and hoarding Power. When Eirin and Kaguya can no longer hold Utsuho - teleport them to the ship. And just ready meet Utsuho.
I equip Rising Force and Power Limit Break on all the characters. Just use Reimu 7lvl dmg update+4lvl WP update
« Last Edit: January 19, 2015, 08:44:00 PM by Nikkanoffun »


  • Blue flower
  • Green
Well done!
Are you seriously go to do Lunatic next?
Hard was kinda a joke already with some things,
I can't imagine Lunatic being beatable without some seriously specific strategies.

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
Well done!
Are you seriously go to do Lunatic next?
Hard was kinda a joke already with some things,
I can't imagine Lunatic being beatable without some seriously specific strategies.

One more play on Hard to go have a chat with Power 170 Yorihime, and may be rout Marisa's team for fun.  I don't think I have the funds for Lunatic yet.

Fight with Ёrihime seemed much harder than fight with Utsuho.
Equip Dreams on Yukari is a bad idea, its recall-skill solves the problem with Hells Tokamak Utsuho.

You just take Eirin+Kaguya and they go up, while the rest of your forces go down and hoarding Power. When Eirin and Kaguya can no longer hold Utsuho - teleport them to the ship. And just ready meet Utsuho.
I equip Rising Force and Power Limit Break on all the characters. Just use Reimu 7lvl dmg update+4lvl WP update

Heaven and Hell meltdown is a problem...  What?  Since when.  You mean the inital phase?  I imagine that is the only way to do it on Lunatic cause she blows you away when there is more than one of you.
That's one way of doing it, but how to they (Eirin and Kaguya) hold up against Utusho while you power gain?

Heaven and Hell meltdown is a problem...  What?  Since when.  You mean the inital phase?  I imagine that is the only way to do it on Lunatic cause she blows you away when there is more than one of you.

Oh, I mixed up the names of her attacks. I mean first MAP-attack.
I had a just one problem, come to Utsuho and did not get MAP-attack. I went to the contrary - forced her to finish the turn next to my formation. In the next turn, you can surround and reduce her HP to zero.

That's one way of doing it, but how to they (Eirin and Kaguya) hold up against Utusho while you power gain? and

They are strong enough to hold Utsuho least 3 ~ 4 turn, not using seishins. Yukari can easily pick them up. -> well done! And in 9 turn...
When Utsuho go to the main team, your characters will be have 150~170 power(Rising Force gives 3 power in turn).

And Ёrihime ...
I tried to win her 170 power (hard and no new game +) it's my maximum... at this point all my seishins points were zero. Of course, I made some mistakes, maybe I'll try one more time.

But, in the next stage there is an additional dialogue, if beat her a second time.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2015, 01:43:49 AM by Nikkanoffun »

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
With my approach with Daunting with Lunasa, the prep time is longer, but is also safer.

I like to take your strategy on a different approach on Lunatic, as she moves 3 times on that, and she will use her post movement MAP when she can hit more than 1 unit in blast radius., which means she is gaining power faster with Daunt debuff. 
If it possible to build Yukari, or her partner (perhaps the Yuugi build) in a certain way that will allow them to block Okuu for a long time.  (In Lunatic, I am certain she will cast Strike), then it is possible to gain power, then have every load onto the ship, then wait a turn to gap the ship over, then surround and break that first bar.

With my approach with Daunting with Lunasa, the prep time is longer, but is also safer.

I like to take your strategy on a different approach on Lunatic, as she moves 3 times on that, and she will use her post movement MAP when she can hit more than 1 unit in blast radius., which means she is gaining power faster with Daunt debuff. 
If it possible to build Yukari, or her partner (perhaps the Yuugi build) in a certain way that will allow them to block Okuu for a long time.  (In Lunatic, I am certain she will cast Strike), then it is possible to gain power, then have every load onto the ship, then wait a turn to gap the ship over, then surround and break that first bar.

You need a character with a equipped counterattack, Eirin already has 2 levels of a counter (it works almost always). Otherwise, vengeful spirits will not let you hold on long enough.

Of course, you are free to choose their favorite characters.
My team was almost always:

Mystia the best support, using Valor and with 170 power,  she can give your team +48% hit and dodge (but reаl dodge only +24%) with her songs . You do not need to use Strike.
10 power = +10% effective songs.

Basically, I'm over all the games used the same characters:

Reimu best damage dealer, and it is easy to make 100% dodge from all bosses (casting only focus)
Yukari ... well, I used she only as a support (I do not even equip a support defens) and shotgunning is not working on the second character.

Marisa ... I was really disappointed with her Final Spark, Blazing Star does more damage and it is cheaper MP.
Alice just a good second character, I made her the maximum crit chance.

Youmu, she always fights with bosses, I equip her skill gives 30% chance to hit and dodge when she stands at close range.
Yuyuko ... I did not understand who she, and used her as Yukari. Although her dance+ is the best in the game Dodge. Really? It reduces grazing damage by 90%?

Moko, it's just my favorite character, she can not completely avoid the damage but it solved her resurrection. Her deals not very impressive damage.

Rumia, I used it as a mobile aura for my "elite" vampires. However, this ligament is very difficult to perform, but if you can do it right ... the results are remarkable.

Remilia, a very controversial figure in terms of use. Equip parasol in a one slot? It's not even including her regeneration ... I gave her horai branch. Her Scarlet Demon has a S-rang for the night aura.
Sakuya, it is interesting, but I have never relied on her Time lock. I give her an update as the main character.

Flan is very difficult to use, I had to update almost to the max, because she can not prevent damage from bosses. I gave her Eirin medicine ... but as it turned out - this is unnecessary. She can show impressive dodge if you keep next to Remilia and aura Rumia.

Sanae, it is terrible... really terrible...  if not for the Lunar Stage I would not use her.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2015, 11:32:50 PM by Nikkanoffun »

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
Flandre is really easy to use if you pair her with Meiling that equips Scarlet Devil Dragon as her unique, it allows S. Defense to happen on your own turn (up to 3 times a stage).  Meaning you can attack with Flan on your own turn, and then when she is about to be hit,, Meiling will use her own Grit to block the hit.

My system uses Lyrica to have Yuugi to use a free support, Yuugi then attacks with Flan S. Attack, then Finally Flan will attack on her own.

Flandre is really easy to use if you pair her with Meiling that equips Scarlet Devil Dragon as her unique, it allows S. Defense to happen on your own turn (up to 3 times a stage).  Meaning you can attack with Flan on your own turn, and then when she is about to be hit,, Meiling will use her own Grit to block the hit.

Thank you, I think it's just a increases limit her S defense.

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
Well this was easy then I expected:
Look at that drained TP bar~ I had to play chicken with Marisa so her field does not hinder my movement to assault the three fairies.

So a few things:
- After Suwako swoops down, you should have enough enemies to fulfill the WP Condition.
- Kanako has Power Limit Over, and the field buffs all damages dealt to you by 14% on Hard, which translates into bonkers insane amount of damage.  She hit Sanae on 9% (lol) for 10,100 damage!
- Mima is definitely the most threatening.  Guard + Extreme means everything you do to her is 60% total damage.  If she positions herself and give her field to Yuuka, Yuuka will never go down.  She also have respectable accuracy from Extreme, so you might actually need to cast things to take her down.
- Yuuka, however, it completely different.  She pretty much dodges more than half the time (50%+15% from Luck L2), but she has crapshoot accuracy so you can pretty much cheese it with cheap attacks with evasion based attackers (1/4 Graze Damage helps).  She also did not use her MAP Master Spark, AND as an enemy, she has all her Seishin cost at 10 (!), so I would assume on Lunatic she will pretty much cast Strike all the time and using that MAP to boot.
- The three fairies are really fragile once you are at full power. but in order to hit them, you need to get the ship 14 spaces before the trolls, then load 4-5 units of post-movement attackers onto the ship, such as Youmu, Ran, and Suika.  On the following turn, push the ship towards them as far as possible, and then unload your units smash their stupid troll face in.

Here's a little extra dialogue, if Ёrihime beat the second time in Stage. I think it's worth it to lose the WP-bonus.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2015, 04:06:46 AM by Nikkanoffun »

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony

Yeah, see you later, you broken piece of shit.

I finally beat Yorihime @170 Power.  I won the the absolute LAST attack.  I have 0 SP left. (I forgot to equip Sakuya's Tea >_<) 
I can say for certain that there is nothing harder than Yorihime @170 in the entire game (regardless of difficulty).

Also, this scene's MP bar gets really messed up when you have her @170 Power

Yorihime is upgraded to 80% (as I mentioned before) and her HP on Hard is as follows:
Initial: 58,000
Divine Treasure "Hino Kagutsuchi": 65,000
Divine Dance "Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto": 62,400
Brave God "Take-Mikazuchi": 67,200
"Amaterasu-no-Omikami": 76,800
TOTAL: 329,400 HP

I used the same Prismriver, Remillia and Flandre set up (Minus whatever you cannot get at this point in the game).  Flan has Support Attack this time, and ran into major MP issues, which got really hairy during Take-Mikazuchi when I really need to rush.


I decided to try the new game+ (However, I got a less money and some more PP)

I tried to break her first bar Hp as much as possible (no using SP), and it turned out that Reimu can do it.

Anyway, I'll try Lunatic on the 3rd passage, due to the fact that for the first time the game has given me less than the starting points. And seriously, I have almost no problems with PP even in the first game. Many of the characters in the end had a few statistics on the +15.

Well ... I guess my decision not to use SP on the first bar Hp was key - after that, the fight will go quite easily. (it's really even on the first pass)

However, there is a caveat - Yorihime has about 6% chance to hit Reimu if she uses attack +70% accuracy modifier (Reimu equipped Shimenawa and Scarlet Soul, +max mobility update)

Firstly, just put her power down (-30 Rumiya and -40 Lunasa) for Amaterasu.
Marisa even left 80SP - I made two attacks under the Valor (one of which caused damage ~12kНР) Marisa uses her skill by + 25% hit and evade.

I decided to beat the 128 power from Flan, and she received critical hit for 6150НР ... but survived with 150НР.

Alas, you do not get any awards for this feat, it's more like a punishment for your insolence.
The game is always the encouraging a peaceful solution.

Dai-chan did not use SP... I could make more points, but... I believe that make angry Yorihime - not the right choice.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2015, 09:14:01 PM by Nikkanoffun »

Heh, don't worry, it was Normal difficulty.

She retreats at 7.5k HP and it *is* possible to reach slightly above that in a single attack + support action, although you need to plan well ahead for the fight.

First off, Marisa will be your main attacker. There's no getting around this, Master Spark is by far the strongest attack available to you and you need all the damage you can get, Yuuka's Drive + counter spark be damned. Focused Movement Lv 2, Attack Upgrades Lv 3, and Danmaku Power Lv 3 are a minimum for damage upgrades and a Firefly Gem is also needed to get Marisa's Night Rank back up to A. I personally had Focused Movement at Lv 4, which proved to be extremely helpful, since a Range 6 Illusion Spark makes it a lot easier to control the flow of damage Yuuka takes.

Alice needs to get Support Attack Lv 1. Since Marisa will be using Master Spark, Keine's Headbutt is out of the question, meaning you need someone else who can deal lots of damage from far away...and Shanghai Doll will do just that. There's also a huge second reason why Alice needs to be Marisa's support: Alice has enough Skill to crit Yuuka. This is crucial and pretty much is needed to finish off Yuuka's remaining life. Beyond Support Attack, Alice doesn't need any other upgrades, although Focused Movement or an Attack Upgrade certainly won't hurt. Keep in mind that for the latter, only spend the points for it if Marisa can't afford any additional Attack Upgrades before the mission.

For the Stage itself, Marisa and Alice absolutely need to be at 150 Power. For Marisa, this shouldn't be too much of an issue, since you'll be chipping away at Yuuka's health each turn. Alice will need some kills though, so don't neglect her. Sakuya can be lured away from the center of the room (optional) using a character with a movement of 6. You want to position them *just* close enough to bait her out but not be stuck in her Danmaku. Keep in mind that Sakuya will just activate her Danmaku and not move for the first turn you're in range of her so don't assume you're not close enough if she doesn't immediately charge at you. Once she's chasing you, just make tight turns around the bottom right/left of the map while dodging Misdirection for 20 Turns. Once she runs out of ammo, she'll stop charging after you and you can leisurely take out Yuuka and company. In addition to baiting Sakuya, you can just take the stairs to the left of the map, bait out Elly and Kurumi and set up camp chipping away at Yuuka. Keep in mind that this way is more annoying, since you can't do the preparations for the final blow...

Once Yuuka is down to 7501-7800 (try and get her as low as possible!!), send in someone to bomb away the Danmaku around Marisa/Alice (don't hit Yuuka and make her flee) and position Marisa 4 spaces from Yuuka and Alice 3 spaces from Yuuka (next to Marisa, obviously). If you take the side stair route, you're going to aggro Sakuya doing this. Pop Gain and Danmaku Power Lv 3 for Marisa, Focus for Alice and get ready to save/load a ton. Killing Yuuka nets you that nifty Sunflower, 500 Exp (1k if Gained) at Level 15, some Graze and 25k Points.

Ok So I know you probably wont read this but I just HAVE to thank you for this very well written guide!

I started a new playthought for pretty much this one purpose (And also to finally 100% this game), and I followed all of your instructions and it WORKED! Got the sunflower, so usefull for Marisa xD.

On a side note, its really sad the fact than the other games in this series are untranslated! I would rather not play a game where I don't know what the hell is going on (especially since this is one of the very few games where I actually enjoy the story/dialogue), and I will not play them at all until a proper in-game translation is done. If that truly means NEVER, then I guess I will never play them, simple as that.

BTW no offense to OP or to anyone from this thread, I really appreciate your effort- its just that I would rather wait for an ingame translation. If it does not happen, then I will find another game to play- thats how it works for me.

Hi. I am new here, I am currently play Eternal and I am on stage 42 and the stage plays the music over the regular battles. I want to listen to each characters' theme music. Is there a way to do it?

Hi. I am new here, I am currently play Eternal and I am on stage 42 and the stage plays the music over the regular battles. I want to listen to each characters' theme music. Is there a way to do it?

No. Each song has a "priority" and will only replace the previous song if the new song is of equal or greater priority. This is meant to keep the mood for boss battles and such, and is generally a good thing. The only songs that will override boss music are finishers like Master Spark.

If you just want to hear the song on its own you could also go to the music room on the options menu from the title screen.