Author Topic: Sound effect failure in Danmakufu  (Read 5683 times)


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Sound effect failure in Danmakufu
« on: August 16, 2009, 05:35:30 AM »
This is something that's bugged me for a long time and I'd like to take a quick survey; for me, oftentimes in Danmakufu a certain sound effect (like, say, Shot1.wav or whatever) will suddenly cease working and it won't play again for the rest of the script. Does this happen with everybody else? I recall seeing it happen in a Youtube replay somewhere so I know it's not just me.

This bug annoys me and I'd be interested in looking into what causes it and seeing if there's a way to prevent it.

In my experience, I think it's more likely to happen when a sound effect is played rapidly, or when it's played at the same time as another sound effect. For instance, the point collect sound and the enemy death sound often fail for me. Has anyone else made any observations regarding this?

Re: Sound effect failure in Danmakufu
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2009, 05:50:48 AM »
Never before have I had a sound effect fail on me for any reason, be it on my current computer or my old one (which was significantly worse). I'm willing to say that I just can't recall it failing on my old computer, since I suspect this has something to do with how Danmakufu processes resources (unloading sound effects to make room for other things...? Just a hypothesis).

That said, I've had my share of oddities regarding Danmakufu. I've had DeleteEnemyShotImmediatelyInCircle fail before, I wish I saved the script or recorded it happening. It was working fine for about 40 seconds into the script, then it just decided to stop, unleashing an incomprehencable storm of bullets upon me. I was shitting bricks -- and I never found out why it failed. I was calling it at the beginning of every @MainLoop just like SetCollisionA and B...

Whatever. We all know Danmakufu isn't the best program in the world, and in all honestly, not playing a sound effect is pretty minor compared to other things that could fuck up. I could see it being annoying to some, but I can't say that it bothers me to any significant degree.

So, for your survey, It has never happened to me. You said something about a YouTube video with this recorded? May we see? Or can you record or post a script where the sound fails?


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Re: Sound effect failure in Danmakufu
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2009, 05:59:56 AM »
You said something about a YouTube video with this recorded? May we see? Or can you record or post a script where the sound fails?

I'm afraid I don't remember what the video was, I just recall it happening and thinking "hmm so it happens to someone else too". If it's not happening to you it might be an incompatibility thing with a certain kind of sound hardware, or something like that.

If you want an example, it happens frequently to me in all stage scripts of PoSR.

Edit: Here, you can see it in action - Go to 0:35, watch me collect the batch of point items, and notice that the sound doesn't play at any point after that. It's not a big deal but sometimes this happens with shot sounds, which is a little more distracting.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2009, 06:08:37 AM by Stuffman »


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Re: Sound effect failure in Danmakufu
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2009, 07:53:54 AM »

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Re: Sound effect failure in Danmakufu
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2009, 02:50:36 PM »
No sound problems here either. I am using quite alot of bullet spam (multiple spawns) with the same shots or various mixed sounds and none of them seize to work.


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Re: Sound effect failure in Danmakufu
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2009, 04:39:58 PM »
Alright, as long as it's just my computer I don't need to worry about it then.

Piece of crap needs to be replaced, but who knows when I'll have the money :V


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Re: Sound effect failure in Danmakufu
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2009, 06:05:55 PM »
You did a good job though so far with PoSR


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Re: Sound effect failure in Danmakufu
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2009, 05:50:32 AM »
Just posting to say that I've never encountered the problem either, so don't let it hinder your progress on PoSR.