Author Topic: Touhou Soccer 2 Rebirth English Patch ?  (Read 12380 times)

Touhou Soccer 2 Rebirth English Patch ?
« on: January 20, 2014, 08:12:16 PM »
It looks like this game is come out newly, freshly I think. Squel to the touhou soccer moshuuden with new characters, little better graphics, and new scenarios.

Game website is down below:

I was wondering and asking, anybody started to translate this game yet ? 'cuz i couldn't find anything on the internet about the started or ongoing translation project.

Thank you.


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Re: Touhou Soccer 2 Rebirth English Patch ?
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2014, 10:27:32 PM »
Oh my god I want this
>This is the little mistress.
>Oh, hello little one!
Is this my dream, the destiny to behold?
~Sister of Scarlet~


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Re: Touhou Soccer 2 Rebirth English Patch ?
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2014, 10:05:39 AM »
Wait wut... Wasn't this the one that WAS translated years ago already?
regardless, pretty sure this subforum thingie is more for actual projects in progress and stuff, notsomuch questions. Not ragging on you, just trying to inform =).

Re: Touhou Soccer 2 Rebirth English Patch ?
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2014, 09:41:38 AM »
Wait wut... Wasn't this the one that WAS translated years ago already?
regardless, pretty sure this subforum thingie is more for actual projects in progress and stuff, notsomuch questions. Not ragging on you, just trying to inform =).

Actually, this one is new. 'cuz old one don't have characters from some games, here's the list of the characters from the games travel mode.

Not sure there is more... maybe, not checked out the game yet 'cuz i heard some people waiting for a patch to work without problems.

Touhou Soccer Moshuuden is actually Touhou Soccer 1 + Expansion version, this one has new main and sub scenarios. And contains all other characters with their full super shotsets.

And definitely need to start translations :)
« Last Edit: January 24, 2014, 09:43:33 AM by Almalexion »


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Re: Touhou Soccer 2 Rebirth English Patch ?
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2014, 01:13:42 PM »
Yeah, I'm not sure how but Moshuuden got pegged as "2" without it actually being 2.

I only translated the first because someone was willing to dig through the files and put the text on the wiki. I'd consider doing this if I weren't in the middle of the Touhou Attorney series translations.

Re: Touhou Soccer 2 Rebirth English Patch ?
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2014, 01:08:24 PM »

I'll say it straight ahead: this game's just an insult to Touhou Soccer Moushuuden. It does not deserve being translated, and everyone should forget about it. I guess I have to expand on the reasons why I say such a harsh thing.

First of all, I really, really loved playing TSM. I had dozens and dozens of hours of fun on it. So when I heard about this game, when I saw the trailer, just like everyone else I had very high expectations. When I finally managed to have a grasp on THS2 (I have always wondered why they shortened it THS2 instead of TS2R, but well...), my disillusion became bigger and bigger as I was discovering what was new, what was fixed and... what was "unfixed", what was horrible.

OK, I understand that TS2R was produced by Shindenken, which is a completely different productor than Hachimitsu Kuma-san, so I could understand that this game could have some flaws, or that they maybe had to recode everything from scratch. But, these flaws are just way too numerous, and I'm even wondering if Shindenken really tested their own game (or got it tested by someone experienced in the previous Touhou Soccer games). I managed to make an impressive list of 8 major/critical bugs, and 25 minor bugs / bad conceptions when sending them an email, which they never answered. This game is clearly unfinished.

But if at least it was only bugs and bad conceptions... No, it barely had anything new in it aswell. This game is just TSM, to which we add the casts of MoF, GFW, 3 Yukkuris, (all of these added casts being just half-done), and that's all. Even the scenarios are so-so, if not extremely boring (I remember 2-3 matchups of 1 touhou + 10 generics VS 1 touhou + 10 generics). And for the rest, strictly nothing has changed, except we have quite a lot of bugs and we can't even do Player VS Player in All-Star mode anymore.

The one and only thing that was added, and well thought, is the ability to switch a player from fielded to goalie by giving it an item in it's second item slot (which is reserved to this usage). This second item slot is also used to turn Keine in Ex mode.

Overall, this game is just a huge deception, that is very slow-paced (and I really mean it), full of bugs, full of bad conception, way too easy (for multiple reasons). Oh, and maybe I haven't said it enough: it's fucking full of bugs and slow-paced! I'm not even talking about a few details that aren't bugs, but really irritating (just take a look at field Yumeko's special shot...). This game is unfinished, and it's a shame that Shindenken hasn't made the effort to at least release something completely bug-free and without bad conceptions, in which case there'd still be some interest in playing it. They've just abandoned the thing while being not that far from being a good game.

Ultimate proof of Shindenken's "work" being abandoned: their official website doesn't even have the THS2 page anymore. ( doesn't exist anymore).
For those who haven't ever visited that page when it still was online, I think I remember the game being released around June/August 2013 (during the Comiket, don't remember its date), and the last new being from November 2013. The last game update is v1.04 (the one I'm talking about).

I think I've said roughly everything, without going too deep in the details.
The one and only reason why I've played it despite all these problems, is because I could play Sanae, the Aki Sisters and the 3 Fairies of Light. And I'll be honest: that's the one and only reason to play this game instead of TSM. It's sad, it could have been an amazing game if they haven't stopped working on it, but right now, with all respect that we can owe them (though they haven't had the politeness to answer to my emails...), TS2R is just an insult to TSM.

Don't even consider losing your time translating this game. If someone wants to lose his time, then I guess it'd be better to talk on their twitter (in japanese) and possibly spam them until their either move their finger, or give the source code so someone could fix everything that needs to be fixed.