Author Topic: [Nanowrimo] MAHOU SHOUJO SMACKDOWN  (Read 5280 times)


  • *
  • We're having a ball!
« on: November 05, 2013, 05:03:53 AM »
This is pretty much my first time writing anything in pure text at great length, so I apologize if this has been a bit overhyped. The writing probably isn't actually that good, but that isn't stopping me from having fun writing it. :V

   Blanche looked up in awe at the shining Worldwide Witch Federation's Colosseum. It glistened so brightly in the morning sun that she nearly had to cover her eyes. The complex was bustling with activity, no doubt with countless busy employees who did everything from maintaining the arena to managing its promotions abroad ? not to mention the hundred-odd magical girls that lived, trained, and fought here. It was a perfect spring day with barely any clouds in the sky, and the warmth of the sun contrasted by a fresh, cool breeze. Blanche took this as a blessing of her new arrival, and beamed as she approached the building, thinking her possibilities would be endless.

   Climbing the stairs towards the entrance with a duffel bag slung over her shoulder, Blanche noticed a garishly dressed girl waiting near the door, wearing a black shirt and shorts, tall leather boots, and all sorts of chains and spike-studded accessories. Perched on her shoulder was a black fairy ram, who she seemed to be making idle conversation with. She turned her attention to Blanche as she approached, and gave a cheerful greeting as she waved her over. ?Hi! Are you Blanche?? Blanche smiled and set down her bag to return the girl's offered handshake.

   ?Yep! I'm moving in today. Who are you??

   ?I'm Alexis, I'm one of the performers here,? she said with a bright smile.

   ?And I'm Barnaby,? bleated the ram, sounding like a fifty-year-old chain smoker on helium. He offered his tiny hoof for a handshake as well, to which Blanche obliged.

   ?Nice to meet you!?

   ?Normally the Chairman would come to greet you herself, but she's overseas taking a look at the new arena that's being built,? Alexis explained. ?So I'll be the one to show you around and help you get settled in, okay??

   ?Sure!? Blanche picked up her bag and followed Alexis into the foyer. ?That new arena, that's the Thunderdome, right??

   Alexis rolled her eyes with a smirk. ?That's not the real name, it won't actually be called that. It would give people the wrong idea, y'know??

   ?Two girls enter! One girl leaves!? cried Barnaby.

   ?Yeeeah, we don't want to turn it into a blood sport. It's all in good fun here.?

   ?Oh, I see. But...? Blanche leaned in. ?Even so, there are some really mean magical girls in the league, aren't there??

   Alexis seemed amused. ?Yeah? Like who??

   ?Like...Black Magic Aleksandra,? replied Blanche, cringing her face. ?She's the worst.?

   Alexis and Barnaby burst out laughing.

   ?W-what's so funny??

   Barnaby turned to Blanche and sharpened his gaze. ?Maybe I should re-introduce myself,? he said, standing up on his partner's shoulder, beginning to emanate a dark, evil looking aura. ?They call me Barnaby? he said, as his voice shifted to a deeper, more demonic tone, ?but I am better known as the one and only Lord of the Blackest Magicks...Baphomet!?

   Blanche recoiled in fear from the fairy's ominous presence, and turned to Alexis. ?But if you're with Baphomet, that means you''re...?

   Alexis folded her arms and cackled. ?That's right! I am Black Magic Aleksandra!? she boomed, with an malicious sneer on her face.

   ?No way!? Blanche backed away nervously, scarcely believing she was unfortunate enough to run into one of the league's biggest villains on her first day. ?This is a trap, isn't it!? You're planning to steal my powers, aren't you!??

   Alexis and Barnaby looked at each other and laughed again, returning to their casual posture and voice. ?Blanche, it's not for real. That's just our stage act.?

   ?...Stage act??

   ?You know, it's just the character I play.?


   Alexis shook her head, smiling again. ?Geez, they really don't tell you anything at the Academy, do you??

   ?The WWF is fake!?? exclaimed Blanche in disbelief, following Alexis through the enormous main hall.

   ?Don't say fake!? Alexis wagged her finger at Blanche with a stern look on her face. ?We train really hard to put on these shows, and we get hurt all the time. But yeah, it's all scripted.?

   ?I don't believe looks so real.?

   ?We are real magical girls using real magic. Some people figure it out anyway, but the Federation keeps up the act because it's part of the fun.?

   ?So how does it really work??

   Alexis walked at a brisk pace down the hall as she offered a thorough explanation. ?Well, the writers will usually have stories in mind that they want to advance on each show, and they'll plan matches that factor into that story. So the first thing they'll do is figure out what matches to schedule to fill up the show's timeslot, and decide who's going to win them.? Alexis gestured pointedly with her hands as she talked, illustrating nothing in particular. ?After that, they'll get into the specifics of each match. Usually for the first few minutes we're free to improvise it, and we'll fly around and throw out attacks that aren't really going to do any damage, y'know, just stuff that looks pretty. We keep track of the time, and then at a certain point we get into the meat of it, where they've written out what they want us to do blow-by-blow. The more technical stuff. That's all choreographed, and we practice it in the days before the show, and we get it perfect so nothing goes wrong and nobody actually gets hurt. So we go through the motions and follow the plan, and eventually one of us falls into the water or fakes getting knocked out, and that's the match. All the talk before and after is just acting.?

   ?Huh,? Blanche said pensively. ?But, the advertisements always say the battles in the WWF are real. So they're just lying??

   ?Not quite,? said Barnaby. ?They don't say 'the battles are real', they say they 'have real battles'. Which is technically true. Just, not all of 'em are real. Heh.?

   ?That's the difference between normal matches and ranked matches,? Alexis continued. ?The ranked matches are our 'real' battles, where it's all improvised and we try to win, but we still have to do it within the outline that the writers give us. So it's not so much as a real battle, it's more like a game where the object is to break your opponent's barrier while following the safety rules.?

   ?What kind of rules??

   ?Well, if we fought for real the fights would be a lot uglier. The attacks we use are designed to control how much power we're putting out. Like, the best example would be our finishers. You've seen my Satanic Sacrifice, right??

   ?That's your strongest attack, isn't it??

   ?It's just supposed to look like it is. It's actually kind of weak, just really big. I use it to win the match by picking off my opponent when her barrier's about to break. We usually call moves like that a 'flash'.?

   ?If it was really her strongest attack, her opponent would get hurt really bad when her barrier broke, y'see?? Barnaby added.

   ?I see...I thought magical girls were just really tough. I guess it's actually kind of dangerous.?

   Alexis nodded. ?That's why newbies aren't allowed to do ranked matches. They'll only let you fight in them once you've got enough experience, and you can prove you've got enough control to participate safely in a fully free-form match.?

   After passing through security, Alexis lead Blanche towards the main stairway where the spectators would file into the arena and waved her up. ?Come on, I think they're in the middle of rehearsal right now.?

   Blanche soon found herself in a vast sea of pristine vinyl seats. Though she had seen the WWF Colosseum countless times before on television, the arena was even more amazing in person. It could house over 100,000 spectators, and without fail, would be filled to capacity with cheering fans during every show. Her gaze wandered up and across the shiny metallic structure, until Alexis tugged her sleeve and pointed into the center of the arena.

   The battlefield itself consisted of a series of platforms and other obstructions raised above a huge pool of water, which were modified between seasons to keep things interesting. In the current setup, the large circular central platform was about 50 meters across, and it was surrounded by four small 15 meter discs which were raised about a story above the main one. Jutting out of the central platform were four pillars about a meter thick and standing two stories tall, useful for using as cover (or simply posing dramatically on top of). These were all a glossy white in color, with blue geometric line patterns scribed onto them. In addition, a single long bridge reached out from one end of the central platform to a stage built into the wall of the arena, which people other than magical girls (announcers, for instance) could use to walk out onto the battlefield and address the crowd. Finally, the outer edge of the field would protect the audience with an enormous barrier known as the ?Net?, stretching from floor to ceiling, and the girls fighting inside would frequently find themselves slammed against it in the course of their battles.

   Standing in the center of the field were two magical girls that Blanche immediately recognized, along with a stout casually-dressed middle-aged man wearing a ball cap. They seemed to be having a friendly discussion.

   ?Isn't that Tiger Lilly and Spring Storm!??

   ?Yup. They've got a grudge match scheduled next show, that's probably what they're going over.?

   ?They're talking like friends, though. Aren't they enemies??

   ?Like I said, that's just part of the act. Really, if you have a lot of matches with someone, you're probably going to wind up being friends with them because you work so closely together. Plus, it's easier to act with someone you know well.?

   ?Huh, so nobody actually hates each other? That seems kind of nice.? Blanche paused. ?So, does that mean you're not really enemies with Saint Maria??

   ?Nope! She's one of my best friends. We go out drinking on Wednesdays, when we're not busy.?

   It's so much different than I imagined, Blanche thought. She was certain when she joined the WWF she'd be caught up in her own alliances and rivalries in no time, but it seemed that wasn't the case. It was a relief, to be honest.

   Alexis explained as they watched the two magical girls getting in position. ?See, I'm what they call a 'heel', which the audience is supposed to see as the bad guy. Saint Maria is a 'face', which is who the audience wants to cheer for, and the writers usually have her win because it makes the crowd happy. It's all just part of the story.?

   ?Do the writers decide who the heels and faces are??

   ?Yeah, pretty much. They watch how the audience reacts to you when you're new and kind of go from there.?

   Blanche twiddled her fingers. ?That sounds kind of rough, I don't think I'd want to be a heel. Don't you feel sad when the audience boos you and it's not even your fault??

   Alexis laughed again. Her voice had a warm, genuine quality to it that was completely different from the character Blanche was used to seeing her as. ?Nah, nah. It's fun for me. When I play a villain I get to be totally over the top. The audience really gets into it.? Alexis leaned onto a seat, settling in to watch as the girls in the arena got ready to fight. ?You're right though, it's definitely not for everyone. I know some girls who would probably start crying if the crowd booed at them.?

   Blanche considered her words carefully, before turning her attention to the man on the platform as he headed off towards the bridge. ?Who's that guy??

   ?That's Mike Bortoli. He's the Director. He's the one who goes between us and the writers.?

   ?Oh, so he's important, then??

   ?He's pretty much the top guy as far as we're concerned, after the Chairman, I mean.?

   ?Is he nice??

   ?He's...reasonable? He's a professional, so if you step out of line he won't be polite about it. He knows what he's doing though, so you should listen to him.?

   Blanche nodded. Just then, the sound of machinery powering on filled the arena, as all the lights started coming on and the Net began to come online. Tiger Lilly and Spring Storm were perched on opposite discs, stretching and getting ready.

   A man's voice boomed over the loudspeakers, which Blanche presumed to be the voice of Mr. Bortoli. ?Awright ladies, go ahead and do some warmup maneuvahs.?

   Tiger Lilly was the first to attack. Pointing her palm at Spring Storm, a large orange globe formed in front of her hand, which she quickly sent flying at Storm by striking it with her other fist. Streaking across the battleground, the orb narrowly grazed Storm's dress as she twirled out of the way, her dress fluttering up like a ballroom dancer's. She took to the air and pointed her flower wand at Lilly, a cloud of cherry blossoms bursting forth. After drifting in the air for a moment, they twisted and launched themselves at her, flying through the air like pink daggers. Lilly jumped down to the center platform, advancing on the ground, as she often did. She deftly dodged and rolled her way through the incoming blossoms at high speed, making her way halfway across the platform in just under two seconds.

   Lilly dashed up the side of one of the pillars, and leaped through the air, twisting and flipping to avoid another of Storm's blossom attacks; at the peak of her jump, she used one of her signature attacks, the Tiger Claw, suddenly disregarding gravity and rocketing towards Storm with blazing blades of energy extending from her fist. Storm gripped her wand with both hands, and steadying it in front of her, created a barrier of flowers. Lilly slammed into it fiercely with her punch, causing a huge explosion of petals as the shield was broken. Storm was thrown off balance, and Lilly capitalized with a straight right kick to Storm's abdomen. Storm was catapulted across the arena into the Net, slamming into it with a boom that echoed throughout the arena. Blanche winced as the Net rippled with the force of the collision.

   ?Lemme tell you a little secret,? said Alexis as she tapped Blanche's shoulder. ?Hitting the Net doesn't hurt at all. We just pretend it does.?


   ?Yeah. The Net absorbs the entire impact. It's just designed to make it look like it was hit really hard.?

   Storm peeled herself from the Net, and swinging her arm outward, created a whorl of wind that grew in intensity until a veritable whirlwind was headed for her opponent. Lilly was caught and battered by the wind, leaving her off-balance, and Storm dove into her with a jump kick to send her careening into the floor.

   ?What about the floor, though??

   ?For that, you have to use your magic to absorb the impact. Lilly's really good at that because she specializes in hand-to-hand, so she lets herself get knocked around a lot.? Watching Lilly get up and scramble to get out of the way of the projectile blossoms headed towards her, Alexis continued. ?That's why it's important to practice with your opponent and know what they're capable of. You don't want to put them in a situation where they don't know how to fake a reaction to whatever you're attacking them with.?

   Lilly backflipped onto one of the discs and struck a martial arts pose, emanating a burning aura. Punching the air repeatedly at high speed, she began launching a flurry of small energy bolts at Storm, who dodged and spun through the air to avoid the incoming fire. To retaliate, Storm swung her hand down like an axe, sending a wide blade of wind hurtling towards Lilly. Lilly sidestepped it at the last moment, and throwing her body into a backflip kick, mimicked Storm's attack, swinging an arc of orange flame at her with her foot. Storm was struck, and caught fire for a moment until she descended onto one of the pillars to shake it off. Within moments Lilly had landed on an opposite pillar to follow up her attack.

   ?Seriously!? This is just an act!?? Blanche said as she turned to Alexis, dropping her jaw incredulously.

   ?Yeah. That attack was weak, it would have barely hurt her at all. What makes the acting difficult is being able to dodge attacks like that, and being able to sell it when you don't.?

   ?You should already know the former from the academy, but you'll be learning the latter here,? Barnaby added.

   Blanche had discovered a newfound respect for the magical girls that competed in the WWF. Fighting was one thing, but pretending to do so convincingly was another.

   Mr. Bortoli spoke out over the loudspeaker again. ?Okay, perfect. Dat oughta be a good point to move onto da next segment. Now, da idea of dis match is dat Storm is gonna dodge Lilly's Roarin' Tiger Claw again, and start up 'er Blossom Hurricane, which in da past has won er' da match, but dis time Lilly's got a plan fer it.? The two girls nodded as they listened. ?So, if you ladies wanna say somethin' durin' the match, dis would be a good point.?

   The girls started discussing something that wasn't audible to Blanche, and Alexis stood up. ?Alright, so while they're busy planning, you want to go check out your dorm??

   ?Sure,? said Blanche picking up her bag, though in truth she was more curious about what was going to happen in the ring.

   Alexis and Blanche headed far back into the building, well beyond the spectator area, and into a gated area, passing a large gym and doctor's office, and eventually entered a large commons area with many tables, sofas, and chairs, seemingly made for socializing. A few girls were relaxing in this area, chatting, writing, or listening to music. If they were magical girls, Blanche didn't recognize them in plain clothes. The room was about four stories tall, with a large skylight above, and generously decorated with potted plants and flowers. Alexis pulled a piece of paper out of her shirt pocket, and unfolded it. ?Let's're assigned to dorm...G. That's on the second tier.? Alexis gestured for Blanche to follow her up the stairs, after taking a moment to wave ?hi? to a girl she seemed to know. Nobody seemed to pay much attention to Blanche, which honestly made her a little disappointed. New arrivals weren't considered a big deal, she concluded.

   ?Which dorm are you in?? Blanche asked Alexis.

   ?Oh, I don't live in the dorms anymore. I have my own apartment in the city.?

   ?Princess needed her own place to get her swag on,? Barnaby commented.

   ?Quiet, fluffball.?

   ?You live by yourself? Isn't that a little lonely?? asked Blanche.

   ?Yeah, a little,? she answered, ?but I have people over all the time. You can come visit, if you want.?

   ?Sure, I'd like that.? After seeing the lukewarm response of the girls in the commons, she was hoping she wouldn't have a hard time making friends.

   ?Here we are.? Alexis opened the door to the dorm, and closed it behind her after she followed Blanche inside.

   The dorm was dimly lit. It seemed to be two stories tall, with four bedrooms at the far end on each level, and a loft above the kitchen and dining area. The dorm seemed a little cramped for eight people, but it was nicely furnished and very clean. The entryway had a few small seats for removing one's shoes (a number of them were strewn across the floor nearby) and a series of coathooks. A kitchen full of shiny black appliances was to the left, and a polished ebony dining table with eight chairs was to the right. A phone and computer console was in the far right corner, and a bathroom door seemed to be at the end of the hall, past the rooms. Blanche thought it all looked very high-class, but figured she would soon come to lament the lack of windows.

   ?Yo! Anyone home?? called out Alexis.

   ?Up here,? responded someone sounding like their mouth was full.

   A hummingbird with midnight blue plumage flew down from the loft to have a look. ?Oh! She's here!? it said, with a voice that seemed to have a bit of a whistle to it, and flew back up.

   Alexis and Blanche headed up the tight spiral staircase into the loft. Blanche was a bit thrown back by how casual the scene in front of her was.

   There were three girls in the room, and three fairy animals as well. Two of the girls were sitting on a couch in front of a large widescreen television playing a video game. The first was slouched into her seat wearing nothing but her underwear and a long sleeve shirt, looking on at the television with glassy eyes and an open mouth, while a lop-eared puppy with wings slept on her head. The other was in her pajamas, sitting upside down with her legs dangling over the back of the couch, also fixated on the game she was playing. The hummingbird she had seen a moment ago was perched on her foot. The third was wearing a red hoodie with the hood up, sitting on a recliner and slurping down a microwaved bowl of spicy ramen, and a small fairy wolf with bright red fur was laying by her feet. Only the third girl reacted when Alexis and Blanche entered, quickly setting her bowl aside on a small side table, and standing up.

   ?You must be the new kid!? she bounded over to offer a handshake, which Blanche graciously accepted.

   Alexis turned her attention to the two on the couch, looking a bit dismayed. ?Hey! It's past ten o' clock already! Up and at 'em!?

   The girl in the pajamas mumbled something unintelligible. The other did not respond at all.

   The person in the hoodie introduced herself. ?Hi, you can call me Jackie. I'm Red Hot Heart.?

   ?Nice to meet you! I'm Blanche, my magical girl form is called Rainbow Royale.?

   ?Sounds good, sounds good. That over there,? Jackie said, gesturing towards the girl with the blank stare, ?is Beautiful Dreamer Camille, and that's Crystal, she's Crystal Miracle.? She turned to them to get their attention. ?Guys, the new girl is here, say hi.?

   Crystal responded with a single syllable which may or may not have been a simple ?hey?. Camille simply continued looking on vacantly at the television as her thumbs twitched.

   Jackie shrugged and turned back to Blanche. ?Don't mind them, they're not morning people. If it wasn't for me, they'd be getting up at the crack of noon.? Jackie started pointing at the fairy animals. ?The little guys are Nemo,? pointing towards the sleeping puppy, ?Gail,? towards the hummingbird, ?and this is my partner, Clifford,? Jackie said as the wolf got up and approached.

   ?A pleasure,? he said, in a voice Blanche thought sounded rather mature and cool.

   ?Welcome!? Gail chimed in.

   Blanche nodded happily. ?Nice to meet you all.?

   Jackie bumped fists with Alexis. ?Hey Alex, you keepin' it real??

   ?You know it. You guys have a room made up for her??

   ?Yeah, it's the last room we have left. Down there, first door on the right.?

   Clifford chuckled.

   ?W...what, is there something wrong with the room?? asked Blanche nervously.

   ?Are you a light sleeper?? Jackie asked.

   ?...Not really??

   ?Then you should be fine.?

   Blanche hesitated, looking over the railing down towards the room. ?No, really...what's wrong with it??

   Jackie nudged her towards the stairs, smiling. ?Nothing, trust me, it'll be fine. The delivery girl dropped something off in there earlier, go check it out.?


   ?Go on!?

   Blanche headed down the stairs towards her new room, visibly worried, while Jackie turned to talk to Alexis. Gail flew down to follow Blanche, with the beats of her deep blue wings leaving a trail of sparkles behind her.

   ?Blanche! Did you bring your fairy partner??

   ?No, actually...I shared mine with my older sister. He's traveling with her right now.?

   ?Oh, too bad,? Gail said. ?So your sister is a magical girl too? What does she do??

   Blanche's expression turned complicated as she thought about how to answer that. ?I...don't really know. She just travels, I guess,? Blanche paused for a moment. ?I think she just wanted to go off and think about things.?

   Gail quickly realized what she was getting at. ?Ohhhhh. She fought in the war, didn't she.?

   Blanche nodded.

   ?She's a big hero, then,? Gail said more cheerfully.

   Blanche nodded sharply. ?She really is.?

   Blanche opened the door to her room. It was somewhat modest in size, but sufficiently equipped, with a desk with a rolling office chair, a nightstand with a lamp, a large dresser, and a walk-in closet. Most notable was a very comfortable-looking queen-size bed, done up with fluffy blankets and lots of frills. On the desk was a small fruit basket with a sealed letter in it, and a brand new computer pad. Everything in the room was immaculate.

   Blanche set her bag down, and started looking around the room. Getting on her knees, Blanche checked under her bed, and finding nothing, stood back up. ?Is there really nothing wrong with this room??

   Gail hesitated and looked away, as if the subject was a bit awkward, before responding with a simple ?you'll see.?

   Blanche frowned, but decided to drop the subject as she opened up the letter. She read it aloud, as Gail seemed to be trying to get a look at it.

   ?Dear Blanche, welcome to the Worldwide Witch Federation! I've been watching your performance in the Academy for a while and I'm excited about having you here. You have a lot of talent and I think your prospects are very promising. As long as you work hard, I think you'll go far. Sorry I couldn't be there to greet you in person, but I'm looking forward to having a long chat and getting to know you when I get back. Until I get back, I've put Alexis in charge of your training. She's one of our best and you can trust her to show you the ropes. Your first match will be very soon, so good luck! Sincerely, Chairman of the WWF, Rosa Beauchamp.? Blanche looked up. ?How nice!? She then quickly looked back down. ?Wait, how soon??

   Alexis popped her head in. ?Hey, if you're ready, they should be finished up in the arena by now. Lemme give you a tour of the inside so you can get a feel for the place.?

   ?Alright.? Blanche left her bag on her bed and let Gail fly out of the room before closing the door behind her.

   At the entryway, Jackie was putting on a pair of running shoes, as Clifford sat ready to follow her. ?I gotta get back to training, but let's hang out tonight, okay? I'll introduce you to everyone.?

   ?Thank you very much,? Blanche said gratefully as she nodded.

   Jackie followed the two girls back out into the commons, and parted ways shortly after.

   After another long walk, Blanche and Alexis were headed backstage into the arena. The area was filled, though well organized, with all sorts of sound and lighting equipment. A few maintenance workers were going about their business here and there, paying little attention to the girls. Soon, the two of them were looking down the ramp onto the side stage that bridged onto the central platform. It was dressed up with metallic curtains, and silver girders rigged with colored lights arched over it. It was here that many magical girls would make their big entrance and appear before the crowds, often using their own magic for smokescreens or pyrotechnics.

   ?Oh, since we're here, I'm curious. Not everyone goes out over the bridge, right? How do they appear in the arena??

   Barnaby pointed up. ?There're hidden walkways up in the rafters. Some of the girls can teleport or turn invisible, so they can just jump down into place from there,? he explained. ?There's also some hiding spots under the discs, so some of the sneakier girls just conceal themselves in there and move while the lights go dark.?


   ?Making an entrance is a big part of the show, so we don't half-ass it,? he said confidently.

   Alexis turned back for a moment. ?Lemme grab a headset so I can talk to the guys in the control room.? A moment later, she returned wearing a set of wireless headphones with a mic. ?Okay, let's go!? she said as she lead Blanche out to the central platform. ?Jim, you there?? A few moments later, she repeated, ?Jim??

   Blanche faintly heard a young man respond over the headset. ?Yeah, I'm here. Sorry, I was talking to someone.?

   ?I've got a newbie with me today, I'm gonna walk her through some basic exercises. Can you get everything running for me??

   ?I certainly can. But just so you know, Bonnie's supposed to show up for practice in about a half hour.?

   ?That'll have to do, we're running on a tight schedule. Thanks.?

   ?Who's that?? Blanche inquired.

   ?Jim runs the control room during the daytime shift while we practice.? Alexis leaned close to Blanche and covered her mic. ?He's also hot. Seriously, he's delicious.?

   Blanche giggled as they headed over the bridge. A few moments later, she heard the sound of the Net powering up again as it encapsulated the arena.

   Jim spoke up again. ?Alllllright, look's like all systems are green.?

   ?Thank you very much, Jim,? said Alexis, smiling.

   ?And you are very welcome.?

   As they stepped onto the central platform, Alexis got into what Blanche immediately recognized as a transformation pose. ?Okay, Blanche! Let's get started.?


   Alexis rose into the air, pushing her hands out to her sides and then forward. ?Black magic enchantment!? Her clothes started to become ghostly and translucent, and a shining spiderweb quickly erupted from her feet and flew up, entwining her body up to her chest. Crow feathers began to swirl around her, gathering onto her body, until they formed into ragged black cloth, including a pointy black hat with a huge rim. A series of flashes created metallic accessories on her outfit, and finally, she snatched a broom from a gout of purple flame.

   Blanche raised her arms up, and then slowly brought them down in an arc, creating a rainbow. ?Prismatic presence, power up!? Her skin began to shine with a brilliant opalescence. A bright ball of light formed above her, and split into seven orbs, each a different color of the rainbow. One by one, the orbs spun around her and dissolved into a curtain of light that cascaded over her body, until the swirling colors solidified into a pearly white dress. Then, a clear crystalline tiara appeared on her head, and a two sets of lustrous wings sprouted forth: a tiny one out of her tiara, and a larger one out of her back.

   Alexis flicked the brim of her hat up, revealing her sharp, villainous gaze. Her outfit seemed like an edgy take of a traditional witch's costume, festooned with spikes and chains.  Leaning back to sit on her broom, hovering above the ground, she folded her arms and boldly announced herself. ?Darkness falls, and the forces of evil arise! With eldritch power at my fingertips, I am Black Magic Aleksandra! Kyeeeeehahahahaha!!?

   Blanche finished her transformation, stretched her wings, and took a breath as she closed her eyes and turned her head upward. A heavenly light seemed to fall upon her. ?When the seven lights gather, truth and beauty are revealed.? She struck a pose, spinning into a ready position. ?Prismatic Princess, Rainbow Royale!?

   Alexis ? or rather, Aleksandra ? clapped at her introduction. ?Not bad, not bad. I like the alliteration.? Blanche - or rather, Royale ? smiled and folded her hands nervously. In truth, it felt a little strange to be talking so cordially with the magical girl she had watched on television and so openly hated for years before. Aleksandra dropped to stand on the ground. ?Alright, let's start with the basics. We're gonna practice having you get hit into the Net.?

   ?That's the basics!??

   ?Yup, the basics of the basics. You need to know how to get hit to put on a show. The Net absorbs the impact, so it doesn't hurt, remember? It's easy.?

   ?But you still have to hit me into it, right??

   ?That's right,? she said with a broad smile. She was enjoying this. Maybe she really was evil, Royale briefly thought.

   ?Okay, put your guard up. Here I come!?

   Royale squeeled in terror as Aleksandra rushed in. Royale crossed her arms to guard her face, but the punch was directed at her abdomen. However, it struck with only the smallest impact, simply knocking the wind out of Royale, and causing her to let out a small ?Oof!? Aleksandra stepped back, and she and Barnaby shared a chuckle as Royale steadied herself. ?That's not funny!? she complained. ?I thought you were really gonna hit me.?

   ?That's all.?


   Aleksandra waved her hand dismissively. ?That's as hard as I'm gonna hit you. The rest is all you.?

   ?...Huh? So...?

   Barnaby cut in to explain. ?When she hits you, you gotta launch yourself back into the Net. You're not actually gonna get hit that hard, you're just gonna make it look like you did. That's what we call a 'sell'.?

   ? it really doesn't do any damage at all, does it??

   Aleksandra nodded. ?Now you're getting it. Even though it looks like it hurts, letting yourself get hit into the Net is actually a good way to rest for a few seconds if you're getting tired.? Aleksandra then turned and gestured towards the side of the central platform. ?If you want to get your opponent to do that, the signal is usually to stand in the air between two discs, and prepare some slow attack. If your opponent gets your signal, they'll come over to interrupt it and smack you into the Net.?

   Barnaby continued. ?That's why you don't follow up the attack after throwing someone into the Net. Unless the script calls for it, I mean. It's so the two of you can take a quick breather.?

   ?Ohhhhh.? Royale thought this was all very clever. ?Still, isn't it hard to fake the hit??

   ?It sure is, and that's why we're gonna practice.? Aleksandra got back into position. ?Ready??

   Royale prepared herself. ?R-ready!?

   Twenty minutes later, Royale had allowed herself to be punched into the Net dozens of times, and her stomach was not appreciating the punishment.

   ?Was that better?? she asked, coming down again, rubbing her tenderized abdomen.

   ?You're still too stiff. You gotta relax your limbs and fly like a rag doll.? She paused and added, ?It seems like you're afraid to get hit, and you're tensing up too much.?

   ?Why wouldn't I be afraid to get hit?? Royale pouted.

   ?'Cause I'm not gonna hurt you. Much.? Aleksandra giggled. ?Seriously though, you just gotta train your mind. That's what you should be thinking, 'It's not going to hurt'. Just imagine me whacking you with a giant pillow or something.?

   Royale relaxed her breath. ?Okay. Let's do it again.?

   ?That's the spirit.? Aleksandra gave her a faux clobbering once more, and Royale flew backwards awkwardly until she collided with the Net. ?That was a little better!? Aleksandra called out towards her.

   When Royale next came down, a third girl in normal clothes had entered the ring and was standing next to Aleksandra. She was rather short and had a fluffy head of hair styled into a bob.

   ?Hiya, newbie!? she called out.

   ?H-hi...? she waved, trying to hide her exhaustion.

   ?Blanche, this is Bonnie. Bonnie, Blanche.?

   The name was familiar to Royale. ?Love Bomber Bonnie, right??

   ?That's right! I use my real name, because it's already cute.? Bonnie's voice had a lilting quality to it, and she seemed very much like her stage personality.

   ?You've got the arena booked, right?? Aleksandra said, before turning to Royale. ?So I guess you get a break.? Royale immediately felt relieved.

   ?Actually, I can spare a few minutes. You're practicing knockbacks, right? How about she works with me for a bit??

   Aleksandra gave a broad smile. ?Oh, would you? That would be perfect.?

   Royale suddenly became very nervous as she realized she was probably about to be blown up, and waved her palms. ?Oh, no, I wouldn't want you to miss out on any training because of me.?

   ?Don't worry about it! I'll be happy to help. Sending people flying is my specialty!? Bonnie took a few steps back, raised her pointed finger into the air, and thrust it straight down. ?Big Bang Kaboom!? A sudden, huge explosion of smoke and confetti erupted from where she was standing, and when it settled, Love Bomber Bonnie was in her place. She was wearing a simple yellow dress with red cartoon explosions on it, thick gloves and boots, and a densely packed rucksack with various explosives peeking out of the pockets. She threw her arms up, jumping into the air like a cheerleader. ?Bursting with love, it's Love Bomber Bonnie!?

   Bonnie reached into her pack and pulled out a lit bomb the size of her head. ?Alright, here we go!?

   Royale panicked. ?No, no no no no no WAIT!?

   Bonnie threw the bomb into her stomach, and it exploded with a satisfying boom, leaving behind a cloud of smoke and sparkles. Royale was sent flying across the arena, slamming into the Net at incredible speed and causing it to ripple throughout. Flattened against it, it was at this point that Royale heard the sound of girls laughing uproariously, and noticed that a small group had gathered in the stands to watch her train. Bonnie and Aleksandra were laughing as well. Royale groaned in misery, and peeled herself from the Net.

   Surprisingly, though, she wasn't hurt at all; in fact, now that she thought about it, she felt even less impact than when Aleksandra had hit her. She dusted herself off and flew back down.

   ?Good job, Blanche. That was right on target.? Aleksandra kept giggling.

   ?Why didn't it hurt?? Royale was genuinely curious.

   ?Magic, duh,? said Bonnie.

   Aleksandra wiped her eyes and offered a real explanation. ?Bonnie's abilities are perfect for selling attacks. Her bombs make a lot of smoke to hide movements, and they can just magically push you back instead of blowing up forcefully. That's why her matches are so good.?

   ?Aw, shucks.? Bonnie put her hands behind her back and rocked back and forth on her heels a bit, smiling.

   Royale let out a defeated chuckle. ?Can I take a break now??

   Aleksandra nodded. ?Sure, we'll let Bonnie get to work.?

   ?Nice meeting you!? Bonnie waved as the two of them transformed back and walked down the bridge.

   ?Not thinking of quitting already, are you?? teased Alexis, as Blanche plopped down to sit on a crate backstage.

   Blanche smiled nervously and raised her palms. ?No! No, no. I just need a few minutes. That was a big shock.?

   ?Really? You went through plenty of combat drills at the academy, didn't you??

   ?I don't know why, but this just feels completely different.? Blanche pondered on it for a moment. ?At the academy, I was pretty confident in myself because everyone told me I was so talented. I wasn't afraid of my classmates. But here, I'm just a small fry.?

   ?Don't worry about it, it's like that for everyone. It's not like the kind of skills you need to develop are anything you could've learned anywhere else, so we all just pick it up at our own pace.? Alexis frowned. ?Well, that's what I should say, but...?

   ?Oh, that reminds me...the letter the Chairman left me said my first match was going to be 'very soon'. Um...when is it, exactly??

   Alexis grimaced and hesitated. She looked away and tapped her foot for a moment, before turning back to her. ?Uh. Not to make you panic, but it's this Friday.?

   Blanche wanted to scream and pull out her hair in terror. ?This Friday!? That's in four days!! I just got here!?

   ?Yeeeah, trust me, I know. This is crazy.? Alexis shook her head in disapproval. ?Usually the newbie training period is, like, three weeks minimum.?

   ?Why are they doing this??

   ?I asked Mike about it and he said it was because you got a lot of attention in the Academy coverage, and it was made public that you were going to debut in the WWF. Apparently it drummed up a lot of hype and they want you to fight before it dies down.?

   ?That's not fair! I'm not ready!?

   ?Yeah, I know, I know. Look, don't even worry about it, okay? If you botch the show, it's not your fault, it's their fault for rushing you like this.?

   Blanche sighed and sank her shoulders so deeply that it seemed like she would crumple in on herself. ?I really wanted to do a good job, though. Now I'm just going to look bad and waste everyone's time.? She dropped her head, depressed, as Alexis scrambled to figure out what to say. ?I feel really bad for my opponent, too. I'm just going to make them look stupid.? She sat solemnly for a moment. ?Maybe I really should back out.?

   ?Hey, hey. Calm down. It's too soon to give up.? Alexis stood in front of her and put her hands on her shoulders. ?I've put aside my whole week to train you. It'll be a hell of a crash course, but we can make this work.?

   ?How?? she answered curtly, with frustration in her voice.

   ?Look, you're not gonna put on a pro performance, but I can teach you enough to wing it and get through a short match. Then you'll have another whole week to train and it'll be easier next time. And after that, it should be smooth sailing and you can start learning more advanced stuff.?

   Blanche looked unconvinced, her eyes pointed downward.

   ?You can do it, okay? You're talented, you know that. But you gotta be determined, and you gotta work hard. If you give it your all, you can do it.? Alexis lowered herself to look Blanche in the eyes. ?Everyone wants to see you succeed, okay? Nobody's trying to screw you over. We're all here to help. I'm here for you. Okay??

   Blanche hesitated for a few seconds, and finally smiled a little and said, ?Okay,? her voice cracking a bit.

   ?You know what they say, right??


   Alexis smiled a toothy grin. ?Fake it 'til you make it.?

   Blanche giggled, her negativity subsiding a bit.

   ?Say it with me. Fake it 'til you make it.?

   ?Fake it 'til you make it.? Blanche smiled.

   ?Atta girl. Come on.? Alexis helped her up. ?We'll go back to your room so you can rest for a bit and grab some lunch. After that, meet me in the gym at about one o' clock and be ready to bust some ass. Sound like a plan??


   ?Alright then.? The two of them made their way back towards the dorms.

   Barnaby hovered close to Alexis and whispered ?nice save?.

   ?Thanks, hoss,? she whispered back.

   Blanche said goodbye to Alexis and went inside her dorm.

   It was still dark inside, and seemed to be empty, until Blanche noticed Camille, still undressed but now apparently conscious, poking through the refrigerator.

   Camille turned and noticed Blanche, staring at her for a moment like a deer in the headlights. Finally, she slowly asked, ?Who are you??

   ?Um...I'm Blanche. We met this morning??

   She paused for a long while, as if trying to recall the morning's sequence of events, and replied ?I don't remember.?

   ?Jackie introduced me. I don't think you were really awake, though.?

   She paused again. ?I don't think I was,? she eventually confirmed.

   ?I just arrived this morning, I'm moving into your dorm today.?

   ?Oh...? A faint spark of comprehension seemed to flash in the sluggish girl's mind. ?...Right.? She paused for another moment. ?Welcome...what was your name again??


   ?Welcome, Blanche.? Camille smiled a little. Blanche decided she was a nice person, if a little difficult to communicate with.

   Blanche entered further into the dorm and leaned on the counter. ?Is Crystal still here??

   ?No...she went to go train.? After a moment, she added, ?It's just me.? After another, ?And Nemo.? After that, she turned her attention back to the fridge.

   ?Are you making lunch? What do we do for food here??

   ?We keep our own groceries in here,? Camille explained. ?You order them at that computer over there...and they get delivered the next day.? Blanche assumed she meant the console next to the phone in the corner. ?It's convenient.?

   ?So I won't be able to get anything until tomorrow...?

   ?There's a cafeteria...but it's a long walk.? She paused for a moment, and then reached deep into the fridge, moving some things aside. ?I'll share some of mine with you,? she offered, dragging out a bowl of tupperware that seemed to have some kind of soup in it, ?but I'm a that okay??

   ?Yes! Thank you. I'd really appreciate it.?

   Camille nodded, and got a saucepan from the cupboard, wincing at each and every noisy clank breaking the silence while she rooted around through the pots and pans. She seemed like a person that put a lot of value in her quiet time. She opened up the tupperware bowl, dumped some of its contents into the pan, and set the range to medium. ?It'll be a few minutes.?

   Blanche pulled up a stool and sat at the counter, taking care not to make any sudden movements that would upset her languorous new friend. Camille closed her eyes and stood in place for a moment, and Blanche half expected her to fall asleep on her feet. She decided to keep the lethargic conversation going. ?Where's Nemo??

   Camille opened her eyes again, and after a moment, looked around and simply mirrored the question. ?Where's Nemo?? She looked up towards the loft. ?Nemooo...?

   After a moment, the white-furred puppy came stumbling down the steps in a manner Blanche thought was somewhat adorable. He then yawned in a manner Blanche thought was extremely adorable. ?What is it, Camille?? he finally said, about as lucid as his partner.

   ?Come meet Blanche. She's our new roommate.?

   The tiny dog turned his head upward, and took notice of the new arrival. ?Oh!? He then perked up a bit, and flapped his wings, lifting himself into the air and flying over to the counter. ?Hello, miss. I'm Nemo, Camille's fairy partner.? Nemo had the voice of an earnest young boy.

   ?Nice to meet you. I'm Blanche.?

   Nemo outstretched his paw, offering a shake, very much like the dog trick, and Blanche smiled and gave him a shake, although she really just wanted to pet his head. ?What kind of magical girl do you turn into?? he asked.

   Blanche crossed her legs and sat her hands in her lap, as if she was sitting down to participate in an interview. ?I turn into a magical girl called Rainbow Royale. I can change my powers by turning my dress different colors.?

   ?That sounds cool! What do the colors do??

   ?When I first transform, I start with my white form, which is the default. If I change into my red form, for instance, I gain super speed, but it only works if I'm running on the ground. So I use that if I think I'm better off fighting on foot.?

   ?You can't change colors quickly??

   ?No, I can't. It takes a lot of magic to activate the powers they have.?

   ?I see...?

   Camille fumbled around in the fridge a bit more. ?Oh...I'm out of pears.?

   ?Pears?? Blanche suddenly remembered. ?Ah! Wait here.? Blanche went into her room, and returned with the gift basket of fruit she had received and completely forgotten about until now. ?Here, there's some pears in here.?

   ?But...? Camille hesitated. ?This was a gift for you.?

   Blanche thought is was a bit odd to get sentimental over fruit, but made an excuse anyway. ?It all looks ripe, so I could use some help eating it before it goes bad. Here, take it.?

   ?Alright. Thank you.? Camille smiled, and accepted gratefully. Unexpectedly, she then got out a small plate, cut the pear into thin slices, and put it back on the counter. ?While we wait.?

   ?Oh, thanks. I didn't need something right away, though.?

   ?Hmm.? Camille looked at Blanche pensively. ?You should eat something sweet, though. You look tired.?

   Blanche paused for a moment, looking back at Camille, appreciated the irony of who was saying this to her, and started giggling uncontrollably. Camille watched this, puzzled, and Blanche wondered if the fact that she found this so hilarious was a sign that she really was tired. After all, she had woken up before 5 AM today to arrive at the Colosseum on time, and she had spent a half hour getting punched in the stomach by one of the baddest girls in the WWF. ?Sorry...sorry...? Blanche collected herself. ?Thanks for being considerate. I'm okay.?

   Camille shared a confused glance with Nemo, and then went back to check on the soup.

   Later, after enjoying a quiet meal with the two of them ? and a bowl of the most delicious minestrone she had ever tasted ? Blanche retired to her room to relax, threw herself on her bed, and closed her eyes.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2013, 10:23:35 PM by Stuffman »


  • 名探偵ヱリカ参上!
  • あなたの応手を拝見しましょう
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2013, 08:31:32 AM »
This seems pretty good so far, I'm looking forward to seeing where you decide to go with it!

As far as your writing, I think its fine.  I would never have guessed that it was your first story/work of length, for whatever that is worth!

Not sure what kind of feedback you want/don't want, but I think it should be safe to say that near the end of the first dorm scene, I think you've called Blanche by the wrong name a few times. Just fyi!  :V

Good work so far, and good luck punching out the rest of that 50k!


  • *
  • We're having a ball!
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2013, 10:26:36 PM »
Not sure what kind of feedback you want/don't want
Tell me how great I am and who your waifu is. (Although you might want to wait on that last one until more girls are introduced.)

I think you've called Blanche by the wrong name a few times. Just fyi!  :V
Wow, how the fuck did I do that?

Oh well, fixed. It's not meguka without a bit of QUALITY :V

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2013, 11:33:01 PM »
Oh well, fixed. It's not meguka without a bit of QUALITY :V[/q]

And now I'm imagining meguka coobie lines being given in the voice of Randy Savage.

Did I mention how awesome this idea was on chat?  No?  Well this idea is awesome and you are an awesome person for thinking of it.


  • *
  • We're having a ball!
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2013, 12:02:17 AM »
This update takes us to the end of the first day. Fair warning, it gets a bit lewd at the end. :matsurismirk:

   Blanche awoke to Alexis shaking her shoulder. ?Hey, Blanche, come on. Wake up. We got work to do.?

   She turned over in her bed to see an annoyed Alexis and Barnaby looking down at her. Gazing up at them groggily, she then turned her attention to the clock on her wall. It was 1:30.

   Blanche literally leaped out of bed and immediately went into hysterics, looking for her shoes. ?Oh my god, I am so sorry, I just wanted to lay down and rest my eyes, I didn't mean to go to sleep, it's just ? I barely got any sleep last night but I really wanted to make a good impression and...?

   ?Blanche. Calm down.?

   ?I am so sorry, I never do this, I don't know what's wrong with me, I just...?

   ?Blanche. Chill. You're only thirty minutes late, it's not a big deal. But we gotta get moving, we have a lot of ground to cover.?

   ?I'm sorry, I'm sorry....? she kept shaking her head as she tied her shoes.

   Barnaby shared a glance with Alexis, and shook his head.

   ?Okay. Let's go.?

   Blanche followed Alexis into the gym, getting her first proper look at it. It was huge, such that Blanche couldn't even guess its size; it had rows of treadmills and weight machines, many of them seemingly custom made with a young girl's small physique in mind, as well as punching bags, gymnastics equipment, some large mats for general exercise, and even an indoor swimming pool in an adjacent room. The room seemed as well-equipped as an Olympic training facility. For all its impressiveness, though, there weren't many girls actually using it; only about a dozen girls were in here, and given that only a handful would be in the arena at once, she wondered what the rest of them were doing with their time.

   ?So, what will we be working on??

   Alexis walked towards the boxing equipment. ?Selling hits and that's about it. If you're not already in good shape, well, it's too late to do anything about that.? She tossed Blanche a pair of boxing gloves, smiling. ?So this is really more like theater class. But a little more high impact.?

   ?Um, should we transform for this??

   ?Nah, we can't practice anything but hand-to-hand in here anyway so it doesn't make a difference. Don't worry, you're not gonna get hurt.? Alexis motioned towards a mat. ?Take your shoes off.?

   After removing her Mary Janes (and questioning if she should have changed into something more athletic), Blanche fastened her gloves and took position opposite of Alexis, unsure if she was ready for another session of getting bopped in the stomach.

   Alexis smiled and said ?Alright, this time you get to hit me.?

   ?That's probably the most exciting thing she's heard all day,? joked Barnaby, relaxing on top of an exercise ball.

   Blanche laughed nervously. ?What do you want me to do??

   Alexis got into her usual explanation mode, moving her hands rapidly as she talked. ?So. We're gonna go over how to pull your punches and hit someone without hurting them. This is something that you're either gonna be good at or bad at, and how much you use it in your matches is gonna depend on that a lot, until you put in the training. Like, Ming ? she's Dancing Qilin ? she can throw punches like the guy from Fist of the North Star and not even touch you, but a lot of the amateur girls just stick to magic most of the time because they don't have good enough control for safe hand-to-hand. Now, Rainbow Royale doesn't use a weapon, right??

   ?Right. Well, I have one, but not to hit people with.?

   ?Good, that makes it a little easier.? Alexis moved closer to Blanche. ?The first thing you'll want to keep in mind is, the softer and flatter the body part you hit someone with, the safer it is. An example would be hitting someone with the side of your forearm, that doesn't really hurt, so that's a good safe way to knock someone away. The opposite of that would be, should never ever hit someone with your elbow, that's dangerous.? She curled her hand into a fist and made a slow striking motion towards Blanche. ?Another example would be, if you're really close, instead of punching with your knuckles, you can turn your arm sideways and pound with your fist instead, or just shove with your palm. The audience can't really see the difference.?

   ?Don't forget the butt slam!? Barnaby added.

   Alexis laughed and rolled her eyes. ?And yeah, if you want to look completely ridiculous you can do the butt slam. I think we're a little too cool for that, though.?

   Blanche put up her fists. ?Okay, so...?

   ?Yeah, let's do this.? Alexis got into a ready position. Then, the smile leaving her face, she told Blanche, ?I want you to hit me as hard as you can.?


   Speaking more slowly, she repeated herself. ?I want hit hard as you can.?

   ?...Isn't that the opposite of what you were just saying??

   Alexis giggled and swayed to the side. ?Come on Blanche, you didn't see that movie??

   ?Ehh?? Blanche was confused.

   ?You might be too young for that. How old are you, anyway??

   ?I'm 14, from 13.? Blanche was referring to her chronological and physical ages, respectively. Magical girls stopped aging when they transformed for the first time, although their natural lifespan would still expire eventually.

   ?Oh. Yeah. You new girls make me feel old, I'm 21 from 16.? Alexis got back into position. ?Okay, for real. Go ahead and hit me in the chest or stomach with whatever, and make it look as real as you can without putting any muscle in it.?

   Blanche took a deep breath. ?Alright, here I go.? Blanche tossed a dainty punch at Alexis's shoulder that wouldn't have bruised a peach.


   She tried again, her shoulders barely moving as her fist bounced off Alexis.

   ?You gotta do it harder than that, I can't sell it if there's no force to move away from. Think of it as a shove.?

   ?Okay.? Blanche gave Alexis a hard nudge, pushing her shoulder back a few inches.


   Blanche did it again.

   ?Better, but you're not making it look like a punch.? Alexis moved to the side and pointed towards the mirrored wall. ?Here, watch yourself. You're doing it in a way that the audience would know you're just trying to push me. You gotta have proper form when you do it.?

   Blanche nodded and got into a fighting stance. She continued to strike at Alexis's shoulder.

   ?Alright, alright. Blanche. You gotta stop being a wuss about it.?

   ?Huh? I feel like I'm doing it kinda hard.?

   ?Well, yeah, that's a good fake jab. Here, do it again.?

   Blanche again delivered a nudge to Alexis, keeping her guard up. This time, Alexis fell backward a bit, letting out a grunt as she was hit.

   ?See, that's how I would sell that, but a hit like that isn't gonna send me into the Net. I can only work with what you give me. You gotta commit to the attack and throw yourself into it.?

   Stepping back a bit and getting into a more aggressive posture, Blanche seemed apprehensive. ?This seems hard.?

   ?It is hard. That's why we're practicing. Now, just come at me, don't worry about doing it too hard. The nurse's office is right across the hall.?

   ?Eep.? Blanche drew another breath, and charged into Alexis with her forearm. They both lost their balance, with Blanche almost tumbling on top of her. Barnaby thought this was very amusing.

   ?You gotta hit me, Blanche, that was just a tackle.? Alexis laughed as she righted herself.

   Blanche noted that the two of them had attracted the attention of the other girls training in the gym, and got a little nervous. ?Okay.?

   ?Wait, lemme show you something.? Alexis got closer again. ?This is a trick you can use on the ground. What you do is, you step into your swing a bit, and just when you hit, you stomp your foot down. The recoil from that makes it easier to pull back, and it looks like you hit a lot harder. It's not very ladylike, but it's pretty convincing.?

   Blanche practiced this, swinging away from Alexis, reflexively swinging her head down as she stomped. ?Right, I get it. That does feel stronger.?

   ?Yeah, we picked that up from pro wrestling. They used to put a mic under the mat to pick up the sound of the stomps and the slams and stuff, and they had speakers that would amplify the sound.?

   ?Okay, I'll try it.? Blanche rushed Alexis, stomping her foot as she swung her forearm into Alexis's chest.


   Blanche panicked. ?Oh my god, I'm sorry, did I hurt you, I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying close enough--?

   Alexis smirked, putting her hands up. ?Blanche, it's fine. That was just about right.? She shook her head. ?You're really bad at hurting people,? she added.


   ?If you say sorry again I really am gonna steal your powers.?

   ?Is...that a thing you can actually do??

   Barnaby smiled mischievously. ?Yes.?

   ?No. Maybe.? Alexis gave a toothy grin. ?Now, come on. I'll try selling it this time.?

   Once again, Blanche charged into Alexis. This time, Alexis jerked when she was struck, threw her head back as she lunged backward, and landed with a roll.

   Blanche thought this was quite convincing. ?Ooh.?

   ?Yeah, not bad, I wouldn't have gone to the Net with that one though.?

   ?You can't just go all the way to make it look like you were hit harder??

   ?No, it really does need to match the strength of the attack. You gotta knock it out of the park to hit the Net. If you go flying farther than the attack should have sent you, it just looks weird. That's called an oversell.? Alexis suddenly turned her attention to the side, seeming to notice someone, and motioned towards a short girl with pink hair who was passing by. ?Oh, man, good timing. Sara!? The girl was carrying a towel and a water bottle, apparently just finishing her workout, and had a large pink fairy pill bug covered in polka dots riding on her shoulder. She smiled to greet Alexis and Blanche, waving as Alexis walked towards her.

   ?What's up?? the girl asked.

   ?Blanche, this is Sara. She's Dojikko.?

   Hearing the familiar name, Blanche got excited. ?Oh my god, wow! It's so nice to meet you!? Dojikko, fully known as Hopeful Guardian Angel Dojikko-chan, was one of the most famous magical girls in the Federation. She was incredibly clumsy and had a reputation for never winning a single match (at most, having her opponents be disqualified through interference or dumb luck), but her endearing manner made her a popular underdog. Blanche, now understanding that it was just part of her act, wasn't sure what to expect from the girl, but was excited nonetheless.

   ?Blanche, is it? Looks like you're working hard.?

   Alexis cut in, looking like she had an idea she thought was hilarious. ?Sara, can you show her what an oversell looks like??

   Sara nodded in a way that seemed to imply she knew what Alexis was getting at. ?Of course, I'd be happy to,? she said as she walked onto the mat, setting her things down.

   The pill bug, Dot, rolled off her shoulder and stepped aside. ?Oh, dear,? she muttered.

   ?Blanche, go ahead and give her one of your jabs.?

   ?Is that alright?? said Blanche, turning to face Sara.

   ?Yes, I'm ready.?

   Blanche shuffled nervously for a moment, adjusting her stance, and finally gave Sara a fake jab punch to the chest.

   ?Aaaaaugh!!? Sara suddenly and loudly howled out in pain, startling everyone in the gym. She doubled over, wrapping her arms around herself, and stumbled backwards a few steps before tumbling onto her back, writhing in agony the whole way. She cringed as she rolled on the mat, gripping the place where she was struck, taking in sharp, wheezing breaths. ?Uurgh...ribs...broken...I think my...heart is pierced...? Tears began to well up in her eyes as they began to cloud over. Her chest rose up and down quickly as she tried to control her breathing, looking fearfully up into the ceiling. A great sadness washed over her face as she seemed to accept her fate. ?T-tell...tell my mother...I loved her...? Sara took in a few more pained, erratic breaths as she began to drift from consciousness, and finally, her head fell to the side as her body settled, lifeless. Hopeful Guardian Angel Dojikko-chan was no more.

   Except not. She hopped up and raised her arms.?Tah-dah! And that's how you oversell!? Alexis and Barnaby were overtaken by riotous laughter, and Blanche forced a smile although she had honestly found it rather upsetting.

   Alexis said goodbye to Sara, and turned back to Blanche. ?Okay, let's get back to work.?

   They spent the whole afternoon doing various practice drills and exercises, and in the end Alexis was left a bit tender by various miscalculations on Blanche's part. However, she insisted she was fine, and the two of them split up as Blanche went back to her dorm for the night.

   As Blanche entered the dorm, she found it fully lit for the first time, and heard the sound of the television upstairs. Jackie was in the kitchen, making a sandwich.

   ?Hey, what's up, Stella?? asked Jackie.

   ?Um, Blanche. It's Blanche.?

   ?Blanche. Got it. Sorry, I was remembering the other chick in that movie. I'm shit with names.?

   ?It's fine! Jackie, right??

   ?Yeah, that's it. C'mon up.? Jackie grabbed her sandwich and a can of some kind of energy drink, heading up to the loft.

   Upstairs were two familiar faces and one new one. Camille was here, now looking quite different, being fully dressed and alert. She was busy on her computer pad, and nodded at Blanche to acknowledge her presence. To Blanche's surprise, Bonnie was also here, watching some action show.


   She turned and waved. ?Hi Blanche! Jackie told me you were in our dorm.?

   The third girl was quite unusual to look at. She was very tall for a teenage girl. She had an eyepatch over her left eye and a scar trailing under it, and a large band of grey in her otherwise long, black hair. She was dressed in a plain dark shirt and pants, and a fairy owl was perched beside her on the couch.

   Jackie introduced her. ?This is Tina, she's Moonlight Sonata.?

   ?Ohhhhh. So cool...? The poetic, ninja-like Sonata was one of Blanche's personal favorites. ?Nice to meet you!? Blanche offered her hand, which Tina shook gently and greeted her with a simple hello.

   ?Hey! You didn't say I was cool! I'm cool too!? Bonnie interrupted, leaning back in her seat to complain.

   ?Y-yeah, of course...?

   ?You're as cool as an elementary schooler,? said Jackie, plopping down in the recliner.

   Blanche turned her attention to the owl. ?And you're Osborne, right??

   ?Osborne can't speak,? answered Tina. ?But that's his name.? The owl, whose scarred plumage suggested he had seen better days, simply gave Blanche a nod, which she smiled and returned.

   Jackie motioned to the couch, talking with her mouth full. ?Have a seat, we're watching Vigil City.?

   ?What's it about??

   Bonnie piped up with the show's tagline. ?He's a tortured overambitious senator searching for his wife's true killer. She's a sarcastic punk detective operating on the wrong side of the law. They fight crime!?

   ?Sounds exciting,? said Bonnie, sitting down next to Jackie. ?Oh, where's Crystal??

   ?She's still out training. She'll be back soon for dinner,? said Jackie.

   ?So, there are eight people in this dorm right? You, Crystal, Camille, Bonnie, Tina...that leaves three more.?

   ?You forgot yourself,? said Camille, her eyes still on her computer pad.

   ?Oh, right. So that leaves two.?

   ?That's Anna and Mitzi, they're Banana Anna and Cr?me Caramel. They're out in town today,? Jackie said, scarfing her sandwich, causing Clifford to tell her not to talk with her mouth full.

   The names clicked for Blanche. ?That's the tag team, Banana Cream, right? So they're in the same dorm??

   ?Most tag teams are,? Jackie answered, chugging her energy drink.

   ?I'm hungry. Whose turn is it to make dinner?? Bonnie asked, swinging her legs and kicking the couch.

   ?Anna's,? answered Camille.

   ?Figures,? said Jackie. ?She said they won't be back til late tonight. Anyone else feel like doing it??

   After a moment, Camille spoke up. ?I'll do it.?

   ?Nooooo!? Bonnie complained. ?I want something with meat in it!? she whined, causing Camille to sigh in response.

   ?Then go to the cafeteria. Don't be such a baby,? chided Jackie. ?Thanks, Camille.?

   Camille checked her watch, and stood up, leaving Nemo sleeping in her place. ?I guess I'll start it.?

   ?Can I help? Not that I really know how to cook...? offered Blanche, also getting up.

   ?That would be nice. There are simple things you can do.?

   Blanche followed Camille down the stairs. ?Your soup was delicious, so I thought maybe I could learn something..?

   ?I had to learn how to cook when I became a vegetarian. Almost everything you can buy has meat in it.?

   ?So what are we going to make??

   Camille opened up the refrigerator and poked around. ?Hmm...? After about a minute, she went to go take stock of the pantry as well. Blanche waited patiently, watching her from the other side of the counter. ?I think I'll make quiche,? Camille finally decided.

   ?With eggs, you mean? That doesn't count as meat??

   ?No, not exactly...but you have to be careful where you buy them. Most industrial farms aren't humane...? Camille reached into the fridge, pulling out a small cardboard crate, and set it on the counter. ?Here, look.?

   Blanche examined the eggs, seeing them to be all different colors and sizes, almost like bleached easter eggs. ?Oh! This is what cage free eggs look like??

   ?No...cage free farms are still overcrowded and unhealthy...these are free range. I have to put in a special order to receive them out here.? Camille got out a large glass mixing bowl. ?I have to do the same with all my milk and cheese, and so on. It's a bother...but it helps me rest easier at night.?

   ?So you just want to make sure no animals get hurt??

   ?Well...? Camille started getting out more ingredients. ?Eating vegetables also carries karma. Clearing farmland takes away the homes of animals, and insects die because of pesticides...?

   ?When you put it that way, it's a little depressing...?

   ?But we still need to eat.?

   Following Camille's instructions, Blanche started chopping up vegetables, and as the oven heated up, Camille took them and started frying them up with butter, shuffling them about constantly in the pan, and added curry powder and other spices as she went. After scooping them into the crust, she began breaking eggs into the bowl, in a slightly clumsy manner.

   Getting yolk on her hands, Camille sighed and asked, ?You wouldn't happen to know how to break eggs, do you??

   ?Nope. Actually, I don't think I've ever met someone who knew how to do it properly.?

   ?It's hard...? Camille broke another one onto the counter, as Blanche fetched some paper towels.

   Just then, the door to the dorm opened, and Crystal came in looking a bit sweaty from her training. Gail fluttered in behind her. She gave a rather flat greeting as she entered the kitchen. ?Hey, Camille. Blanche.?

   ?Oh, you remembered my name,? Blanche said happily.

   ?Yeah. Why? We met this morning.?

   ?I just wasn't sure if you were paying attention, that's all...?

   ?I was, I just didn't feel like talking.? Crystal had a rather curt manner of speech, and Blanche wondered if she didn't like her. ?'Scuse me,? Crystal said as she nudged her way towards the fridge, opening the freezer door.

   Gail looked on at the quiche the two were making, and seemed a bit upset. ?...So many eggs...?

   ?I'm sorry, Gail,? Camille said in a genuinely apologetic manner, ?we're athletes, so we need to get protein from something.? Gail sighed and flew upstairs.

   Crystal suddenly shouted angrily, causing Blanche to jump. ?Did Mitzi eat my fucking ice cream again!??

   ?Was it Cherry Garcia?? Camille asked.


   ?Then yes, it was her.?

   ?God damnit!? Crystal closed the door forcefully. ?That girl needs to stop eating all our desserts, she's fat enough as it is.?

   ?She's not fat,? Camille insisted.

   ?Well she's definitely not in shape. You've seen it, Anna is carrying their team.?

   ?Shows what you know,? said Jackie, leaning over the loft railing. ?Mitzi's a way stronger magical girl than Anna. She's just..loopy.?

   ?Ugh, forget it. I'm gonna run to the cafeteria to get some more, does anyone want anything??

   Bonnie ran up to the railing, sounding like she had bounded over the couch. ?I want a large peanut butter fudge parfait!?

   ?Order something normal, you little brat!?

   ?You already asked, no take-backs!!?

   ?Fine, whatever,? Crystal answered, shaking her head. ?Blanche, you want anything??

   ?Oh, no, I'm fine.? That was a lie, she actually thought ice cream sounded very good right now. But she didn't want to be rude.

   ?Are you sure?? Crystal looked Blanche in the eyes with a piercing gaze, as if she was conducting an interrogation.

   ?Come on, Blanche! When somebody else is buying, get something expensive! That's what my mom taught me,? called Bonnie from above.

   ? a fudgesicle would be nice? Do they have those??

   ?Kay.? Crystal went back out the door, as quickly as she came.

   Blanche wasn't sure what to make of that exchange, and went back to watching Camille.

   An hour and a half later, everyone was in the loft, eating dessert and watching TV. Bonnie ate her parfait with particular gusto, in contrast to having picked at her quiche carefully to remove nearly all the vegetables from it.

   Blanche sat next to Jackie and sank into the sofa, relaxing. Although the living quarters were indeed a bit cramped, she decided she liked it that way, as the closeness to her roommates made the dorm feel more like a home. All of them seemed like they had gotten used to Blanche already, which was a great relief. She would at least be able to be good friends with Jackie and Camille, she thought, and so most of her tension had faded away. She was happy.

   Jackie turned to Blanche. ?So, Blanche, you know when your first match is yet??

   Her moment of peace was short-lived. ?'s this Friday.?

   Jackie nearly spit her iced tea. ?What!?? Similar reactions came up around the room.

   ?Are you shitting me?? asked Crystal incredulously.

   ?Yeah...I mean, no, that's what Alexis told me...? Blanche looked around, flustered.

   ?That doesn't sound right. She should double-check,? said Tina.

   ?Alexis might've just been messing with you,? Jackie reasoned.

   ?N-no, I'm pretty sure she wasn't. She was pretty serious, even when upset,? Blanche explained, rubbing her arm.

   ?That's fucked up, they can't put her in there after one week of training, no matter how good she did in the Academy,? Crystal ranted.

   Jackie put her hands up. ?Alright, just chill.? She could see that Blanche was getting nervous. ?It's probably just a quick and dirty debut match, they wouldn't make someone straight out of Academy do a full set. Alex knows what she's doing, she'll be fine.?

   ?Maybe she'll get beat in one hit!? Bonnie joked.

   ?Have you seen the script yet? Who are you fighting?? Tina asked calmly.

   ?I don't know yet...?

   ?Newbies almost always lose their debut match,? Jackie said, adjusting her position in her chair. ?They probably just have an overloaded schedule in the next few weeks and want to put you out there in a quick match. Like, you get hit a few times, you go into the water, you get interviewed and you say a bunch of cute or inspiring lines, whatever your schtick is, about how you'll try harder. That sort of deal.? Blanche thought this sounded reasonable, and calmed down.

   ?Oh, yeah!? Bonnie piped in. ?What's your character gonna be, Blanche??

   Blanche thought carefully. ?Oh...I...haven't really thought about that yet.?

   Clifford spoke up, and it took Blanche a moment to remember where the voice was coming from, looking down at the floor where he was resting. ?You should think about that carefully. How you present yourself will make a bigger impression than your performance in the match. You may want to practice your act.?

   ?Okay,? nodded Blanche. ?I will.?

   Jackie stood up and stretched. ?In the meantime, you wanna come along on my evening run??

   Blanche considered, and although she appreciated the offer to do something together, she was not particularly excited about getting any more exercise today. ?Sorry, I'm a little tired...I think I'm going to turn in early?

   ?How about tomorrow morning, then??

   ?That sounds okay.?

   ?Cool, I'll wake you up. Let's go, Cliff.? Jackie went down the stairs with Clifford at her heels, and went out the door.

   ?She trains really hard, doesn't she?? Blanche said to the rest of the room.

   ?What? I train hard too,? Crystal answered. ?Me and Camille just do it at night when the arena's less busy.?

   ?The arena's almost always in use, especially on the day of a show. You can use the console downstairs to check the schedule and set an appointment,? Tina elaborated. Blanched nodded.

   ?It sucks,? Bonnie complained. ?You can barely get in there, and every other kind of training is boring.?

   ?You like the pool, don't you? Why don't you just use that?? Crystal asked.

   ?Bluh, I just want to play in there, I don't want to exercise.?

   ?Yeah, well, if you're not gonna exercise, you better watch your weight.? Crystal dug her spoon into Bonnie's parfait, stealing a lump of fudge from it.

   ?Hey! Give that back!? Bonnie jumped over, and the two of them wrestled as Bonnie tried to get a spoonful of Crystal's ice cream.

   Blanche laughed, and was put at ease once more.

   Blanche had managed to fall asleep easily due to her fatigue, despite how many things she had on her mind, but the result was a rather fitful rest. She dreamed about many things; she dreamed of the sparring matches she won in the Academy with ease, she dreamed of Alexis giving her a merciless beating, she dreamed of the persona she would act out onstage to cheering fans, she dreamed of herself bravely fighting the monsters that had attacked the earth during the war, she dreamed of all the times she had watched the WWF on TV with her older sister, and her dreams went on and on. When she woke up in the middle of the night and looked at the clock, showing it was 1 AM, she had already forgotten what she was dreaming about, but tasting the dryness in her mouth, she went out to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

   The lights in the dorm were out completely, and it seemed everyone had gone to bed, unless Camille and Crystal were simply out training at the gym or the arena. Blanche took a tall glass from the cabinet, careful not to make any noise, and started filling it with the water dispenser on the fridge.

   At that moment, the dorm door opened, surprising Blanche and causing her to nearly drop her glass. Two girls in thick coats made their way in quietly, giggling all the way. They seemed a bit unbalanced, as if they had been drinking. One girl had a slim, athletic build with dark skin, and the other was a bit on the heavy side, with lovely platinum blonde hair done up in curls. They stumbled into the entryway, dropping their coats on the floor, and then the first girl wrapped her arms around the second, kissing her on the lips. Closing the door, they slowly pushed their way back towards the dining room table, and the blonde girl rested against it as the other one embraced her and ran her hands up and down her body, locking lips with her passionately her all the while. As her hand reached for the zipper in the back of her partner's dress and began to pull it down, Blanche decided she had better make her presence known before it was too late.

   ?Um, hello??? Blanche waved.

   ?Ah!!? Both girls jumped a bit, startled. ?Who are you?? the more shapely one asked.

   ?I'm Blanche. I moved in today. You're Mitzi, right??

   ?Mmhmm,? she affirmed. ?This is Anna.?

   ?Heya,? greeted Anna. She hugged Mitzi from behind, not willing to take her hands off her.

   ?Yeaaah, I think Jackie mentioned we were getting a new roommate...? Mitzi said pensively. She giggled as Anna continued to put her hands all over her. ?Sorry, let's talk later, okay??

   ?Um, okay...?

   Blanche watched Mitzi and Anna stumbled down the hall, going into a bedroom past hers. She drank her water, hung the coats on the floor on the wall, and went back to her bed. Resting her head on the pillow, it was at this point that Blanche realized what was wrong with her room. In the quiet of the night, she could easily hear her two neighbors in the next room.

   Blanche's curiosity got the better of her. She put her ear to the wall, and immediately felt embarrassed for doing so. The sounds were all clear as day: the bed squeeking, the girls laughing and giggling, Mitzi's panting and moaning, Anna's dirty talk. Blanche, who hadn't even had her first kiss, was shocked that this sort of thing was going on in the dorms. She wondered if it was commonplace. She had no choice but to listen, feeling flustered all the while. About fifteen minutes later, the business next door reached a lengthy climax, until it finally fell quiet afterward. Blanche was left stupefied by the experience; pulling the blanket over her head, it took her a while to fall asleep after that.

« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2013, 09:52:29 AM »
This is awesome.
I have...a terrible need...shall I say the word?...of religion. Then I go out at night and paint the stars.