Author Topic: [Art] Imperfect ghost-existence and Yookie's other stuff  (Read 7350 times)


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[Art] Imperfect ghost-existence and Yookie's other stuff
« on: October 22, 2013, 09:02:10 PM »
This is where my stuff goes. Take your time and look at it.

ongoing finished storiething
Finally done with this. And it all started with me wanting to practice shadows...
Just bear with the first 8 pages, it gets better after that.

Cover                                                                                                                      old Cover

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Chapter 1:
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Chapter 2:
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Chapter 3:
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standalone artworks
They're sorted by age, so they get more advanced (hah) towards the bottom.

 -01. Hipster Satori - "Where were you living again?" I always thought of Satori being perfectly capable of posing as a hipster. It's just too fitting.

 -02. Overly attached librarian. Koakuma - You could become somewhat weird when you're working day and night in a dark library with a thieving witch coming and going whenever she pleases and messing your accurately sorted books up.

 -03. Satori and Koishi started a band - Guess what. They weren't that popular... While I can imagine Satori as a hipster I don't think she's got that good a singing voice. Koishi with a guitar was just a random idea and laid the foundation for this motive.

 -04. Rumia - Just Rumia
 -05. Ex-Rumia - Just Ex-Rumia. Wait...  These two drawings belong together. Ex-Rumia also shows up again in later drawings.

 -06. Nue in her party-cloud - A friend thought it was cute with Nue looking kind of grumpy. I guess nobody was able to identify the location of the party *shot*

 -07. Poker night at Chireiden - I don't think that I have to explain, what a bad idea it is to play Poker against someone who is capable of reading your mind and heart. But it's not like Reimu has anything to lose. This is also my first greyscale artwork. I've adopted this style for my (I guess it's technically a Doujinshi but that sounds way too fancy for what I'm doing) "ongoing series of pictures with a plot".

 -08. No Reimu, No! - Just a random idea resulting in a random, crude drawing. I am aware of the fact that Reimu's shadow is wrong on so many levels but I didn't want it to cover poor Remi. d:

 -09. UFO Commander Nue - One could think that this and the other Nue drawing are connected via some sort of scenario. It wasn't planned that way but I can see how it fits together.

 -10. Ex-Rumia & Flandre - I am bad with action scenes. So I draw them to maybe get better at that one day. My problem is, that I have a hard time conveying movement. It will get better with time and practice.
Also something about my version of Ex-Rumia: The sword she wields is just the red "frame", as seen here. The black mass around it in the first drawing with her is actually what makes up her body. Rumia is now "absolute darkness" and sort of a solid shadow. She can distribute this "darkness" freely to - for example - enhance her sword (as seen in the first drawing) which in turn weakens her actual body (or rather it gets thinned out, less solid. Weakened sounds too negative). Or she strengthens her physical form to become more durable to deflect attacks.

 -11. It's all Alice's fault - (The order of the panels is messed up. Start at the right one and then go counterclockwise.) I've always liked that conversation and pictured Alice in my head doing all this what Marisa claims she did. I started the right panel somewhere at the time between the first two artworks but never got around to finishing the whole piece until way later.

 -12. Yuuka - Couldn't come up with a good name for this one. She's had it with all these other parasol-people I guess. Or she was bored. Whatever; I like Yuuka so i draw her. That's how it works. d:
Also: Kogasa looks way too much like she is content with the situation. I originally planned on her being more terrified.

 -13. You like my sunglasses? - Translation: -Cirno: "Marisa, do you like my sunglasses?" -Marisa: "Damn!" This one is based on a maybe or maybe not so obscure reference. This is part of the dialogue between Liquid and Snake in MGS1 in the German voice-over. Liquid sounds so hilarious and the text was just too fitting considering my view of Marisa using flashlights as a substitute for her lasers when she was fighting Cirno in Fairy Wars. (which is actually sort of canon, considering the Kakashi Spirit News article in the Symposium of Post-Mysticism.)
Here's a link to the scene from MGS. starts at about 3:30: (No need to actually understand German for that.)

 -14. Also Yuuka - Same deal. I like her, so I draw something about her. The red at the top is the sky with the grey being the clouds. I don't feel like that gets across that well.

 -15. Drink Satorade - This is a reference as well. There's an arrange of her theme called "S.A.T.O.R.A.R.E." and someone misread that as Satorade and that started a conversation about what such a drink would taste like. (It ended with it tasting like what you are thinking about.) Satori just fits too many scenarios...

 -16. Yukari dislikes tableflipping - Don't do it.

 -17. Letty - I wanted to experiment with drawing backgrounds. This is the result. I'm kinda inconclusive about it.

 -18. Komachi (got a nice boat) - What you see before getting shipped to Higan... or thrown into the Sanzu.

 -19. Flandre - You know fist of the North Star, right? Well, Flandre doesn't do it quite like Kenshirou but the result is the same. One of my more experimental works as well.

 -20. Namari F. Faia - Character I came up with.
 -21. Namari- This one shows her two personalities/characters. If you want to know more about her you can read my post here: Create your own Touhou thread (bottom of the page).

 -22 Wriggle, Rumia, Cirno - Not what one would expect from the title but I'm bad with titles anyways. It's a reference to .Hack//G.U. where Taihaku's cloakthingie reminded me of Wriggle's cape. Then I thought the image looked too empty and added Rumia and Cirno.

 -23 Harmony is to be valued - Recently picked Ten Desires back up because of some great mods appearing here in the forums. (Thanks again to the makers) and was reminded of Miko saying that line.

 -24 Bitcoin-Scout Cookies - My entry for Guilty Alice 15. What is it with the Bitcoin-thing here anyway? Guess it's an injoke.

 -25 Reimu takes World - Inspired by the theme of GA15 (Role reversal). Reimu's pose was actually quite easy to make up and draw since that is practically the way I am always sitting :V

 -26 Urameshiya just didn't cut it anymore Another inspiration from Ga15. It's actually from a top-down perspective but I had no idea about doing that going into this one. What I still don't know is, how the hair actually falls but I realized that the perspective could be perceived better if I put more detail into how she bends.

 -27 Ow, that hurts! - Meant to be a thumbnail, so I kept it simple. It's Marisa throwing her trademark Christmas-tree bullets at Flan, nothing much to say about it... While I'm at Marisa's trees: Shikieiki totally throws hot dogs and nobody is going to change my point of view.
Sidenote: This is actually the third version of this drawing that i put here. I always found something I didn't quite like and changed it.

-28 Marisa in Cyborgsuit - Creative title is creative. Submission for GA16. I actually had this motive in mind for quite a while. It started with just the modified broom and the headset but then I kept adding stuff till it became what it is now. :V

-29 Youkai party - and a fairy - Wriggle, Mystia and Kyouko put on a show. Kyouko seems kinda psycho and the wintry night makes it look sort of depressing. :/  Was my entry for Guilty Alice 17 but I didn't like it too much.

-30 Yuuka and Raiko - I have no idea how a guitar is actually held so I just took what i made up with posing. :V Anyways: Raiko sort of looks like Yuuka inverted, plays the drums. Yuuka plays guitar. Now they make a band and have kickass screaming Yukkuri vocalists.

-31 & 32 There is no need to be upset - So I went to the library of the university I'm studying at to get a book. They didn't have it. Ok. When I went back to the bridge I had to cross to get from my home into the inner city the police had blocked it off. So I go to two other bridges and get told that you can't get across anywhere and that it will go on for at least 5 hours. And I got a flat tire. And I didn't charge my music player because I just wanted to get a book and that takes only 15 minutes. And I didn't take my drawing stuff with me because I just wanted to get a book. So i bought new drawing utensils and this is what came from it. Thank you for reading.

-33 YuYuYu - Well. They all start with Yu and I can always draw more Yuuka. And I've actually never had Yuyu in color so why not. Also entry for GA17

-34 Remiscing Reimu at Shrine - You know: When looking at what I've been drawing and when looking at how I am portraying Reimu I kinda feel like I'm not giving her the proper respect. She is our beloved Shrine Maiden, protecting Gensokyo and just doing her job and here I am portraying her as a lazy, cynical bastard that is prone to rage and does nothing but sip tee and give snarky comments (or kidnap Yukari and conquer Gensokyo). So I figured I should look into drawing her in a more dignified way and this is what came from it.
Sariel was supposed to have a more serene, happy look but whenever I try doing that without having them close their eyes it turns out crazy, smug or something else that is not intended so now she doesn't look like I wanted her to but it is alright.

-35 Doppler-effect - That Spellcard from SWR. I recently thought of it and so I got the idea for this image. Initially I wanted to have both identical apart from the colour but the blue one, which I drew first, ended up with that expression by "accident" (I don't know what hit me there but whatever) and I could not change it to something different because that is how I roll. (Also I am drawing by hand so it obviously wouldn't be identical if I tried. :V)
So I got this additional idea of the "two-sides of whoever" type of image but not like opposing and I'm really writing too much you're not an idiot whoever reads this and you already get it. Thank you.
Edit: Just one more thing: This was extremely confusing to draw.

-36 Remifura - Flan turned out weird and I'm bad at backgrounds. But whatever, I'll keep trying.

-37 Sparksisters - Uh. I've got nothing. Wanted to draw PC-98 Yuuka and then stuff happened.

-38 Oh Yuu-ka - Yuuka and her shenanigans. Oh my.

-39 Yuukari & Yuka (+Aya) - So I asked a friend to name a Touhou character off the top of her head. Yukari was the answer and this is what I made of it.
       After looking at this now for some time I'm really fascinated by the dissonance between Yuuka's haircolour and the colours of Yukari's clothing.

-40 Flowermaster of four seasons - I'm sorry Yuuka. Funfact: Utsuho's hair and Shizuha's blouse both have the exact same color. I used a colored pencil for Shizuha's blouse and mixed red and brown for Okuu's hair. It just turned out like this. I zoomed in to the max and it is the exact same color.

-41 There can be only one - I really have no proper reasoning for drawing this. I usually had stories to tell when I needed more than a week for a drawing but now I just do.
I like a motive and I draw it. But apparently I have a thing with knives, which isn't really anything special or rare.

-42 Perfect Cherry Blossom - Bad puns are an underappreciated art.

-43 Fen Faia - I did this one a few days ago in Gimp just without the background. So I made a proper motive out of it.

-44 Goddess of War - If you know where I took that quote from then you paid close attention to a really annoying yet rewarding game. I've used only red (and orange) in this. I usually have my scanner darken the colours a little bit since it comes out a little bit lighter than my original if I don't. I did not do that here. Here's the version where I did it.

-45 Yuuka x 2 - PC98 and windows Yuuka both have their respective charm. Maybe I just wanted to have the rather subtle differences in their clothing side-by-side maybe I just like drawing Yuuka. Pretend she copied herself once again or something since time-machines aren't a thing.

-46 Food... - I'm satisfied with the way Mystia turned out, given the perspective with which I'm really not experienced with. Wriggle is mostly just there so that I had something I'm comfortable with (Pose that is).

-47 Yuuka & Elly - Yuuka looks a lot younger in this one. Wasn't planned. I drew Elly really short for emphasis. I'm also well aware of the fact that I've put Windows Yuuka in a PC98 setting. She returned to her mansion (or something).

-48 Darkness & sharp Things - Played too much a lot of Gensou Shoujo Taisen You recently so here's a drawing of my MVP's. And yes, Elly doesn't care and is standing mid-air. I only noticed that they all happen to have the same hair-colour once I started colouring.

-49 Luize is feeling blue... - So someone gave me a box that contains 12 blue pencils.

-50 Yuuka Flower-Fairy - There's this theory that Yuuka was once a fairy and ascended from that existence to become what she is now. I like that theory.

-51 Yumeko - Yumeko.

-52 Rumia? - I stole the design cause I liked the way it looked. Just increased length of skirt. Why is she reading a completely black book? In the end she didn't look much like the Rumia we know. I do like this image though to be honest.
Actually had this for some time but forgot to put it up here.

-53 Yukari didn't lie, yo - Flipping tables endangers the stability of the Great Hakurei Barrier.

-54 24, crimson-red, Seija "Give me a number from 1 to 98, a color and who's your second favorite Touhou character?". This question is what the idea for this came from.
Not even your alignment is safe from Seija's flipping shenanigans.

-55 Alice vs Terminator - I was not prepared for that enemy. It killed everyone except for Youmu and Alice in one shot but one day Alice had no Mana left to cover for Youmu so she died too. Then it took 4 hours for Alice to take off the remaining 60% of its HP. I was almost at the end of that stupid gauntlet, one enemy group left after that. It had an LED Mirage and Reimu was the only Magic-damage dealer in my party then and it killed Sakuya and Reisen with an AoE spell leaving me with a tank, a healer and a buffer. Great.

-56 Storytime - Happened. Wanted to draw Koakuma again after this long time.

-57 Koishi & Raiko - There is this one expression Raiko has with this really interesting smile. And now the two finished a lovely painting. ~

-58 Haku- ehh... Kazami Shrine - I wanted to draw something with Yuuka again. And I needed a new Profile Image.

-59 Yuuka - Because who needs titles. Just something quick in a different style.

-60 Meira - Not really happy with it.

-61 Meidokuu in Meidofuku - I was going on with someone about Reimu's nuclear-powered maid one day and while we were on that topic brought Okuu up. We then quickly came to the conclusion that she would be a terrible maid and agreed that nobody would really employ her.
It's also a pun.

-62 Yuuka - My drawings are flat. In a 2D kinda way. Still trying to fix it, so here's a shadow-focused drawing. Tried to bring in some depth with proper clothing folds and shadows. Looks like it turned out decently well. (In the end everything I draw will look like something I drew and as such flat. Maybe one day. ~)

-63 Yuuka - Followup to the previous one. This time in colour and slightly different mood.

-64 Key - A certain crew of reporter Tengu gave out OCs. That's mine. She's a ghost living in Higan who brews wine and can sway shallow emotions. Her name is Key.

-65 Yuuka - While I was streaming Laby2 the topic got to characters' base stats and I mentioned that Yuuka actually has higher Attack than Magic. We joked about how I should spec her into Warrior with an Attack-build just so she could cut up enemies with Explosive Flame Sword. That was pretty much the inspiration for this one.

Sketches & things that don't fit elsewhere
Here I put whatever I come up with whenever I just so happen to not have my proper drawing equipment with me and only have a shoddy stump of a pencil at hand

-1 Reimu, Yukari - I seem to have a running theme with Reimu playing poker with the wrong kind of people.
-2 Utsuho - Kinda like it.
-3 Fen Faia - She was murdered in a dark alley of a small japanese town only to become a vengeful spirit that eventually drifted to Gensokyo. Originating from England she now makes up one half of the being called Namari F. Faia.
This is actually a digital artwork and I made it with my weak hand. Using a mouse. in paint. No, really. I'm more of an analog kinda person. :V
-4 friendly Satori - Where I come from there's a place called "Sartori & Berger" and my friend with whom I share this stuff always has to think of that whenevere I give her something with Satori. Anyways: I did something, I normally don't do. I did not erase anything here and didn't look up anything on the character details. I'm okay with how it turned out, considering the amount of work i put in (not much).
-5 no I'm not - somehow I like to sketch the Komeiji sisters when at the university.

Editlog: 29.10. : added Page 21, added Chapters
               07.11. : added No. 23 "Harmony is to be valued"
               15.11. : added No. 24 and 25 "Bitcoin-Scout Cookies" & "Reimu takes World"
               18.11. : added No. 26 "Urameshiya just didn't cut it anymore"
               22.11. : added No. 27 "Ow, that hurts!"
               03.12.: added No. 28 "whatever the title is, it is not creative."
               11.12.: added Page 22
2014     04.01.: added No. 29 "Youkai party - and a fairy"
              05.01.: added No. 30 "Yuuka and Raiko"
              18.01.: added No.31 & 32 "There is no need to be upset"
              24.01.: added No.33 "YuYuYu"
              31.01.: new section added! Sketches 1 & 2
              05.02.: added No.34 "Reminiscing Reimu at Shrine"
              09.02.: added No.35 "Doppler-effect"
              20.02.: added Page 23 (Yes, that is still a thing. And yes, flying boats go SHWOOOOOOO)
              22.02.: added Page 24
              24.02.: added Page 25
              25.02.: re-uploaded all of the older stuff that was still on Imageshack (Press Save not Preview, you idiot)
              26.02.: added Page 26
              27.02.: Reached Page 4 of AAA. woop woop?
              28.02.: added Page 27
              02.03.: added Page 28
              04.03.: added Page 29
              05.03.: added Page 30
              06.03.: added Page 31
              07.03.: added Page 32
              08.03.: added Page 33
              09.03.: added Page 34
              10.03.: added Page 35
              11.03.: added Page 36
              12.03.: added Page 37 Double feature hype: added Page 38
              13.03.: added Page 39
              14.03.: added Page 40 and Page 41
              15.03.: added Pages 42 and 43 and reworked cover. Finished now
              19.03.: added No.36 "Remifura"
              21.03.: added No.37 "Sparksisters"
              23.03.: added No.38 "Oh Yuu-ka"
              26.03.: added No.39 "Yuukari & Yuka (+Aya) and moved Editlog
              29.03.: added No.40 "Flowermaster of four seasons"
              30.03.: added ... something to the sketches & stuff section
              01.04.: Oh for Suika's sake I finally got a new scanner and it's so good! You can now read what I'm writing, the colours come out the way I intended and backgrounds are actually visible. So I have reuploaded everything. Take your time and look through it.
This is not a joke, despite this being updated on April 1st.
              02.04.: added No.41 "There can be only one"
              03.04.: added No.42 "Perfect Cherry Blossom"
              04.04.: added No.43 "Fen Faia"
              06.04.: added No.44 "Goddess of War"
              11.04.: added No.45 "Yuuka x 2" and No.46 "Food..."
              18.04.: added No.47 "Yuuka & Elly"
              22.04.: added something to the sketches & stuff section
              02.05.: added No.48 "Darkness & sharp Things"
              13.05.: added No.49 "Luize is feeling blue..."
              17.05.: added No.50 "Yuuka  Flower-Fairy"
              22.05.: added something to sketches
              12.06.: added No.51 "Yumeko"
              24.06.: added No.52 "Rumia?"
              28.06.: added No.53 "Yukari didn't lie, yo"
              29.06.: added No.54 "24, crimson-red, Seija"
              12.07.: added No.55 "Alice vs Terminator"
              18.07.: added No.56 "Storytime"
              23.07.: added No.57 "Koishi & Raiko"
              28.07.: added No.58 "Haku- ehh... Kazami Shrine"
              30.08.: added No.59 "Yuuka"
              11.09.: added No.60 "Meira"
              13.09.: added No.61 "Meidokuu in Meidofuku" & No.62 "Yuuka"
              14.09.: added No.63 "Yuuka"
              08.10.: added No.64 "Key" & No.65 "Yuuka"
« Last Edit: October 08, 2014, 07:41:27 PM by Yookie »


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Re: [Art] Imperfect ghost-existence and Yookie's other stuff
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2014, 05:52:43 PM »
Soo, after quite some time (a little bit more than 2 years iirc) I've finally finished this story here which is now in complete state in the opening post.
Seems like an occasion to get this thread to page one one more time.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2014, 11:18:37 AM by Yookie »


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Re: [Art] Imperfect ghost-existence and Yookie's other stuff
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2014, 11:18:24 AM »
I know that this thread gets looked at! you cannot hide it since the view count does not lie. :<
I'd really like some feedback.

« Last Edit: April 18, 2014, 08:49:17 PM by Yookie »


  • Ehhhhh...
  • Pale Apple
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Re: [Art] Imperfect ghost-existence and Yookie's other stuff
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2014, 04:02:13 AM »
Hmmm feedback... to be sincere I feel that the characters from your drawings have an unrealistic anatomy. Sometimes it seems that they have more than one elbow or the proportion between the arm and the body is wrong. While this shouldn't be a problem because there are a lot of comics with 'unreal anatomy', I can't feel consistence in your works. Sometimes you draw with long legs, other times your draw them very short. If every character follow the same pattern then would be easy to feel more harmony in your drawings. My suggestions would be:

* Study a bit of anatomy. Even if you don't want to draw something realistic, it will help you to draw with more consistence and with better poses;
* Study basic shapes in 3D, sometimes I feel that your drawings looks too 'flat';
* Study about coloring using pencils. I don't know anything about this but you could use Aoshi's drawings as example because she colors their drawings with pencils too.
My youtube channel with my creations:
( ゆっくりしていってね)>


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Re: [Art] Imperfect ghost-existence and Yookie's other stuff
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2014, 07:31:31 AM »
Thanks, I guess I'll start with the proportions first.
Is there a case where I got the anatomy "right"? Then I could use that as a reference.

The problem with the flatness could be fixed with proper shading i suppose.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2014, 08:34:39 AM by Yookie »


  • Ehhhhh...
  • Pale Apple
    • My youtube channel
Re: [Art] Imperfect ghost-existence and Yookie's other stuff
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2014, 02:39:38 AM »
I think that flatness can be resolved with shading but there are other ways to fix it too. For example in this fast sketch on MsPaint I made a circular bar being rotated around the green line without any shading, just using the lines in the correct place.


In some of your drawings, mainly in the arms, I think that you drew them with the lines in the wrong place, giving a feeling that the arm is too long, too short or being rotated in an impossible angle. With the study of anatomy, basic shapes and using the reality as a model you'll get the way to fix it.

Also I think that it is better to use another artist's drawings as reference because this way you can learn new things that you aren't used to do.
My youtube channel with my creations:
( ゆっくりしていってね)>


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Re: [Art] Imperfect ghost-existence and Yookie's other stuff
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2014, 09:00:16 PM »
So I've pondered this whole thing for a while and thought about the hints given to me (for which I am grateful) and originally typed a huge mass of text that, after reading through it again, seemed really silly, unnecessary and way too long to me.

So in the end, here's my momentary conclusion:

-Colours: Are quite a secondary thing, i can draw without colours but not without shapes so I won't focus on that for now. Also I'm actually rather content with how I'm handling that and there's still greyshading if all else fails which I can handle.

-Flatness: As mentioned earlier goes a little bit with the colours but is also doable in other ways. I'll look into this with some priority as it is apparent and bugging me.
Trying to find some ideas for drawing motives where I can practice that.

-Inconsistencies/fluctuations/eh: The way I got into drawing makes it so that my style undergoes constant change. I've looked at pages 20 and about 40 of ImperfectGhostExistence which I've drawn with about a month time in between and they look vastly different, so thats that.
What I'm trying to say is that I've got the thing with proportions down in general but have not developed a distinct style for myself yet only a direction I'm going in.

I've also added a new drawing to the opening post and moved the editlog back up there.
Thanks for reading.

Moving the editlog up there actually is rather impractical so I'm leaving an edit here since this post is not a proper post to have an editlog as an appendix but I have an update. (Which is noted in the editlog in the OP.)
« Last Edit: September 14, 2014, 09:19:12 PM by Yookie »