Author Topic: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet  (Read 240253 times)

Third Eye Lem

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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #30 on: September 20, 2013, 02:42:36 AM »
> Walk forward and pray.
> You're not much of a religious person, but considering how devious Tewi's traps can be, a little prayer wouldn't hurt. You mutter a small prayer to your (ahem) Lady and Savior Hijiri, and Alice does the same.

> Once you're done, you enter the forest proper...A few feet in, you can feel the ground sag a bit. Your gut tells you this might be a (poorly designed) pitfall trap, but you can't be sure.

> _

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #31 on: September 20, 2013, 03:29:59 AM »
> You're not much of a religious person, but considering how devious Tewi's traps can be, a little prayer wouldn't hurt. You mutter a small prayer to your (ahem) Lady and Savior Hijiri, and Alice does the same.

> Once you're done, you enter the forest proper...A few feet in, you can feel the ground sag a bit. Your gut tells you this might be a (poorly designed) pitfall trap, but you can't be sure.

> _

> Step back a foot.

> Aim hakkero at ground. Shoot ground.

> Aim hakkero straight ahead. Shoot straight line through bamboo forest.

> Avoid any holes. Continue walking.

Third Eye Lem

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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #32 on: September 20, 2013, 04:21:12 AM »
> Step back a foot.

> Aim hakkero at ground. Shoot ground.
> You step back, and fire a low-powered laser shot at the ground, tripping the trap. A net springs up, catching nothing but leaves and sticks, and the area below it collapses into a pitfall. A net to trap intruders and a pit to catch them when they try to escape...Clever, Tewi.

> Aim hakkero straight ahead. Shoot straight line through bamboo forest.

> Avoid any holes. Continue walking.
> Alice sighs as you prepare to take aim. "I thought you'd be a little more restrained than this. I don't think blasting a path through the forest will win us any favor with the rabbits. What if we hit the mansion?"
> She has a point. A hit with a non-spellcard Master Spark would damage much of the forest and punch a hole in the mansion. You opt to hold off on the heavy ordinance for now, and press onward, keeping an eye out for any more pitfalls. As you walk, something brushes your hat and drags it off your head. You look up to see what could have unseated it from your head, but you see nothing.

> _

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #33 on: September 21, 2013, 06:12:56 PM »
> When have we ever restrained ourselves?

> Get paranoid about hat. Call out into forest. Blast forest if no one responds. Check hat from traps. Then put on hat.

Third Eye Lem

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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #34 on: September 22, 2013, 06:16:17 PM »
> When have we ever restrained ourselves?
> The Subterranean incident comes to mind. Okuu's birdbrained planning, Kanako's involvement and your immense dislike of caves pushed your patience to the breaking point. Both Reimu and Alice (whom was spiritually connected to you for support) had to talk you out of raiding the Moriya Shrine (again), but if given the chance, you'd probably give Kanako at good whack in the face with your broom. What kind of idiot just leaves that kind of technology sitting around?!

> Get paranoid about hat. Call out into forest. Blast forest if no one responds. Check hat from traps. Then put on hat.
> You turn and look at your hat, in an accusing matter. Is it conspiring to murder you in your sleep? Alice looks on, worried, and a quick glance at her face makes you snap back to your senses.
     > "Are you feeling all right, Mari?" Alice asks. "If this is too much for you...We can head back."
     > While you consider your response, you retrieve your hat and brush the debris off it. You don't see any traps or the like on it, so you put it back on.

> _

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #35 on: September 22, 2013, 08:15:30 PM »
> "The hat getting knocked off bothers me, I think there's definitely something nearby. Don't really want to turn back, but can't think of a better way to clear all the booby traps than to blast a path to Eientei. Seriously, what kind of doctor lays booby traps for all the incoming patients?"

> "I guess we could try finding Mokou instead, she's probably used to this kind of thing. Unless you have a different plan?"


Third Eye Lem

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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #36 on: September 23, 2013, 01:55:01 AM »
> "The hat getting knocked off bothers me, I think there's definitely something nearby. Don't really want to turn back, but can't think of a better way to clear all the booby traps than to blast a path to Eientei. Seriously, what kind of doctor lays booby traps for all the incoming patients?"
> "I think it's moreso the rabbits' doing than the doctor...I assume her regular patients have a safe route to follow," Alice says.

> "I guess we could try finding Mokou instead, she's probably used to this kind of thing. Unless you have a different plan?"
> Alice shakes her head. "I have a better idea." She asks some of her dolls to spread out and look for traps. Surely enough, they trip over nigh-invisible objects, making an erratic melody of *TWING* noises in the process. You surmise that there are trip wires around the area, which might explain your hat being dislodged from your head.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #37 on: September 23, 2013, 02:33:05 AM »
> "I suppose your way will get us in less trouble."

> Be disappointed that Alice's way doesn't involve any explosions whatsoever.

> Have Alice take point and continue to Eientei.

Third Eye Lem

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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #38 on: September 23, 2013, 03:14:00 AM »
> "I suppose your way will get us in less trouble."

> Be disappointed that Alice's way doesn't involve any explosions whatsoever.
> Alice smiles a bit. That smile...You find it both adorable and smug at the same time. You hate it when she one-ups you like this.
     > At any rate, Alice uses a lot more finesse and trickery when she fights, but she's willing to pull out the big guns when she has to...You know that scenario all too well.

> Have Alice take point and continue to Eientei.
> You reluctantly let Alice take the lead, making your way through the maze of wires and pitfalls. Eventually, you see the HOUSE OF ETERNITY though the trees. The mansion looks as pristine and well-kempt as you remember, no doubt to Kaguya's magic and the mass of rabbits in charge of it. You can hear a light hum of electricity in the air...Various antennae and receptors emerge from the uppermost rooftop, as evidence of the Lunarian devices at work here.

> _

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #39 on: September 23, 2013, 03:39:05 AM »
> Knock on door.

Third Eye Lem

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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #40 on: September 23, 2013, 10:19:33 PM »
> Knock on door.
> You knock on the door. There's silence, then the door opens up a bit. On the other side is a familiar-looking Usagi, who meekly asks "Uh, can I help you?"


  • Master of the lurk
  • *sips tea*
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #41 on: September 23, 2013, 11:29:19 PM »
>"We'd like to see Medicine."
>"The doll, I mean."
Off The Rails [complete!] 1  2 - Sharks jumped: Somewhere between one and all of them
Talking to yourself isn't a sign of madness. Expecting a reply is.
Stare too long into the abyss and the abyss stares back, and then it gets awkward until one of you breaks eye contact.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #42 on: September 24, 2013, 01:19:07 AM »
> Wonder when Sailor Moon started working at Eientei.

> Wait, this is a different usagi, isn't it.

> Do we know the rabbit's name?

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #43 on: September 24, 2013, 04:15:58 AM »
>"We'd like to see Medicine."
>"The doll, I mean."
> "O-Oh, may I ask why?" the usagi replies, her meekness fading once she realizes you're not hostile.

> Wonder when Sailor Moon started working at Eientei.

> Wait, this is a different usagi, isn't it.

> Do we know the rabbit's name?
> You should know this rabbit's name, it's REISEN. You've seen her a few times, once during the Flower Viewing incident and again during Tenshi's MISCHEVOUS RAMPAGE. She looks meek, but you know better not to mess with her...Those eyes, man. Those Lunatic Eyes.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #44 on: September 24, 2013, 05:15:10 AM »
> Respond in best bored voice, "Doll army recruitment drive. Today Gensokyo, tomorrow the world."

> Let Alice explain it. She understands this stuff better than us anyhow.

Third Eye Lem

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  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #45 on: September 25, 2013, 12:15:05 AM »
> Respond in best bored voice, "Doll army recruitment drive. Today Gensokyo, tomorrow the world."
> Your monotone voice catches Reisen off guard, but the surprise doesn't last for long. "You do realize I'm partially psychic, right? If you were really a doll, you wouldn't have a mind to read." Reisen chuckles a bit. You know she merely jests.

> Let Alice explain it. She understands this stuff better than us anyhow.
> You and Alice explain what's going on. "Ah, so you want Medi-chan's help? Well, she has been getting bored as of late...Maybe a bit of fresh air will do her good," Reisen muses. "I'd rather let Eirin-sama know of this first, why don't we go talk to her together?"

> _


Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #46 on: September 25, 2013, 02:30:25 AM »
>Respond to her with a lazy, bored voice " Ffiinnne" XsighX.

>Follow Reisen to Eirin.

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #47 on: September 26, 2013, 04:21:56 AM »
> "Sure."

> Let Alice handle all the diplomacy stuff with Eirin, she's better at those few things in life which don't involve explosions, giant lasers, or burglary.

Third Eye Lem

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  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #48 on: September 26, 2013, 05:58:41 PM »
>Respond to her with a lazy, bored voice " Ffiinnne" XsighX.

>Follow Reisen to Eirin.

> "Sure."

> Let Alice handle all the diplomacy stuff with Eirin, she's better at those few things in life which don't involve explosions, giant lasers, or burglary.
> You sigh sarcastically and let Reisen escort you in. The mansion is just as corridor-heavy as you remember: doors upon doors lead to other hallways, and those lead to more hallways...You get the sneaking suspicion that Kaguya is using the same space-bending magic that Sakuya uses on the SDM. You even considered if Sakuya was a Lunarian at some point, but you quickly debunked that theory.

> Despite the mazelike design, it doesn't take you very long to reach EIRIN YAGOKORO'S LAB/INFIRMARY. Compared to the old world design of the mansion, the room itself looks anachronistic. Technology akin to what you read about on the net can be seen all over the place, from fancy-looking analysis equipment to a medical chair that looks like something out of an episode of Star Trek. Eirin herself, as well as Medicine, are staring at an X-ray plastered on a light-up wall in the back of the room. Reisen calls for her sensei's name, which seems to snap her out of her train of thought.

> "Ah, sorry..."
> Eirin turns to her, as does Medicine. "Actually, I'm glad you came back...My brain was running in circles trying to figure out what just happened."
> Reisen looks concerned. "Has there been another...Accident?"
> Eirin nods. "I'm afraid so. Fourth one this month...But we can discuss this later," she says, looking over at you and Alice. "What brings you here to my lab?"
> "Your assistant, Medicine." Alice says. "I was hoping we could borrow her for a bit."
> Medicine crosses her arms and looks sternly at you two. "Can't you see we're a bit busy right now? I don't like having to be called away from work..."
> While Alice tries to convince Medi that her intentions aren't malicious, you look up at the X-ray. You can't see it fully, but it looks it was taken from an inaba.
> "Oh, you're curious about what happened, I see," Eirin says, stepping aside so you can get a better look. "I don't blame you, you kinda caught us in the moment here. Something's been happening to our staff here at Eientei, but...I'm not sure if I should discuss it with you. You know how rumors and gossip attract those vultures." You assume she's talking about the gossip-happy tengu. You're not entirely sure what's going on here, but your CURIOSITY COUNTER is ticking up pretty damn fast...

> _

Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #49 on: September 27, 2013, 04:04:05 AM »
>What happen.
>Did someone set up us the bomb?

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #50 on: September 28, 2013, 06:08:17 PM »
> The parser would like to apologize for the lack of updates lately, he has been consumed by a rampant Etrian Odyssey addiction.

>What happen.
>Did someone set up us the bomb?
> You ask Eirin a simple question, and she sighs. "I guess I can't hide anything from you, huh? You have to promise us not to breathe a word of this to anyone." You assure her that a magician never reveals her secrets, and she chuckles. By this point, it seems Alice and Medicine have finished their conversation, and have turned to join in with you and Eirin.

> "Anyways...Ever since we've opened up our LunarCast network, the tech support staff have taken to browsing the net and playing online games during downtime. I'd normally discourage this sort of thing, but the inaba's work ethic is...Amazing. You ask them to do something, and they do it, but I'm getting a bit off track here." Eirin pauses for a second, as if thinking about what to say next. "About a month ago, Kaguya-sama started playing some online RPG...I didn't catch the name. And since then, she's been playing non-stop. As in...She doesn't eat, she doesn't sleep, she hardly if ever leaves her room; even during a regular gaming session she at least stops to get some fresh air once in a while...And pick on Mokou."

> "Sounds like they're still feuding," Alice chimes in.
> "Not as much as they used to," Eirin replies. "They seem to have gotten over their little dispute and now they just pick on each other for fun...But now and then..."
> "There's a reason why we have a fire extinguisher in every room," Medicine says.
> "Yes...Good point, Medi. But back to what I was saying earlier..." Eirin continues with her story. "I tried to separate her from her computer many times...But Kaguya has literally sealed herself in her room, it's impossible to get in. So I've been working with Medicine on a special acid that can destroy Kaguya's door. In the meantime, I attached a life monitor to her window to keep an eye on her."
> You ask Eirin why an immortal like her would worry about her health, when she could just die and reincarnate again. "Well, for some reason she hasn't. She's like a zombie. Her body's been put under immense strain by the Hourai Elixir to stay intact...The problem is, it's slowly driving her mad. Her vitals are getting worse by the day. Even if she can't die, she could lose her sanity due to the pain her body's being put through...I think whatever game she's playing is to blame, and that brings me to this." Eirin motions to the X-ray behind her.

> "Once the staff caught wind of what game she's playing, they started playing it themselves. At first, nothing strange happened aside from a dip in productivity...But once a couple of the staff started to pass out, I got worried...Even moreso when I saw this." She points to the head on the X-ray, specifically a suspicious-looking mass in the patient's brain. "It's some kind of tumor...These started showing up just after the fainting spells began. I've judged the tumor to be benign and non-fatal, but I have a sneaking suspicion this has to do with the game Kaguya-sama discovered...And possibly Kaguya-sama's madness herself. So far, I've devoted most of my time to destroying this tumor, but my efforts so far have been fruitless. Now do you see why I don't want this getting out?"

> You nod in agreement. But a question appears in your mind, and you ask it: what's the name of the game Kaguya discovered?
> "I believe it's called Guildies...Have you heard of it?" Eirin replies.

> _

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #51 on: September 28, 2013, 08:29:49 PM »
>Look to Alice. "Well, looks like we'd better give up on that huh? If it really is causing a mess like this, then even I'm not crazy enough for that."
>Then turn back to Eirin. "As for the whole sealing herself in her room thing, maybe I can fix that too. After all, there isn't an obstacle I've run across yet that can stand up to me."
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #52 on: September 28, 2013, 10:50:27 PM »
>Look to Alice. "Well, looks like we'd better give up on that huh? If it really is causing a mess like this, then even I'm not crazy enough for that."
> Alice looks unsure. "I dunno...I don't think we should ignore this."

>Then turn back to Eirin. "As for the whole sealing herself in her room thing, maybe I can fix that too. After all, there isn't an obstacle I've run across yet that can stand up to me."
> Eirin grins. "Considering your firepower, feel free to give it a shot...Just don't blow up the second floor when you do, okay?"

> _

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #53 on: September 28, 2013, 10:57:59 PM »
>Grin at Alice. "Since when did I say I was giving up on this mess? I was talking about playing Guildies. If it really is behind this, then we'll just have to figure out who's behind it and give them a bit of the old 'Gensokyo Hello', know what I mean?"
>Then look back to Eirin. "Well, I'll do my best, but I can't guarantee the area won't have at least some collateral damage. If it comes to it, I might need to use my strongest spell to bust through."
>Shrug. "Alternatively, we could find some way to remove that room itself from this place, and then I blast a way in. I bet someone with a brain like yours could figure something out."
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #54 on: September 28, 2013, 11:20:29 PM »
>Grin at Alice. "Since when did I say I was giving up on this mess? I was talking about playing Guildies. If it really is behind this, then we'll just have to figure out who's behind it and give them a bit of the old 'Gensokyo Hello', know what I mean?"
> "Oh!" Alice perks up. "The way you worded it said otherwise...But I'm glad to hear you say that." Alice smiles at you.

>Then look back to Eirin. "Well, I'll do my best, but I can't guarantee the area won't have at least some collateral damage. If it comes to it, I might need to use my strongest spell to bust through."
> You propose Eirin your usual tactic of overcoming barriers (that doesn't involve flying right over them) ...

>Shrug. "Alternatively, we could find some way to remove that room itself from this place, and then I blast a way in. I bet someone with a brain like yours could figure something out."
> ...And a method that sounds like something Yukari would come up with. Eirin puts a hand to her chin and thinks. "That is a possibility...Kaguya-sama's magic preserves the time of something, but not its space. I wonder..." She looks to Reisen, who's been standing patiently off to the side this whole time. "Reisen, do you have that emergency teleporter from your ship, still?"
     > "I think so!" Reisen eagerly replies.
     > "Could you go get it, please? I think we can extract Kaguya from her room with it."
     > Reisen nods and heads off, then Eirin turns back to you and Alice. "We may need your magical expertise for this, would you mind?"

> _

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #55 on: September 28, 2013, 11:27:30 PM »
>Grin. "No problem, I was originally doing this to kill time, but it looks like I've beaten Reimu to the punch in finding a possible incident for once."
>How does Reimu take the fact of people beating her to the punch in Incident Resolution?
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Third Eye Lem

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  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #56 on: September 29, 2013, 03:42:51 AM »
>Grin. "No problem, I was originally doing this to kill time, but it looks like I've beaten Reimu to the punch in finding a possible incident for once."
> "Hmmm, I wonder how she's doing as of late..." Eirin muses, but shakes her head and pushes aside the thought. "Why don't we meet up outside Kaguya-sama's bedroom? Medicine can escort you up there." She looks at her other assistant, who isn't exactly enthused by the prospect, but she nods in agreement.

>How does Reimu take the fact of people beating her to the punch in Incident Resolution?
> You recall Reimu having mixed feelings about it. She doesn't like the idea of being watched by the world, since she feels it puts too much pressure on her. On the other hand, she needs the exposure to gain followers and donations for her shrine. You recall her telling you what Aya told her: "You can save Gensokyo as many times as you like; no one's going to take you seriously without some kind of proof." In spite of that truth, you believe that there are still people out there who hold Reimu as their savior, otherwise Reimu's powers would have faded away by now. While you do enjoy solving incidents with Reimu, you usually let her take the lead; you only get involved if there's something in it for you, or if you're bored out of your skull. Sometimes, it's both.

> _

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #57 on: September 29, 2013, 04:14:32 AM »
> Use cell phone to create video proof of incident resolution on future incidents.

> Starting with this incident.

> Go to Kaguya's room.

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #58 on: September 29, 2013, 04:42:49 AM »
> Use cell phone to create video proof of incident resolution on future incidents.

> Starting with this incident.
> You don't have a cell phone! In fact, the only person you know of that has one is Hatate...The Kappa and Lunarians tend to use bulky-looking walkie-talkies, which you find somewhat unappealing. If you could get a cell phone, you would, but so far no one is making them yet.

> Go to Kaguya's room.
> You express your interest in helping out, and Eirin smiles. "I'm glad to hear it. I'll see you upstairs, I need to see if Reisen needs any help with the teleporter." With that, she leaves, and Medicine beckons you to follow her. Her tiny counterpart, Mini-Medicine, follows as well.
     > After being led through a series of corridors, and up a staircase, you arrive near Kaguya's room. A set of double doors, decorated with Kaguya's signature pink flower pattern, marks the entrance to her lair. As you approach, you can feel an immense magical pressure. It's like being in the presence of static electricity, except your hair doesn't stand on end. You suspect this is because of the seal spell Eirin mentioned earlier.

> _

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #59 on: September 29, 2013, 05:37:24 AM »
> Proceed.