Author Topic: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.  (Read 249489 times)

Alice Fact

  • Kingdom Hearts
  • let's play shintopuncher
東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
« on: April 23, 2009, 07:39:17 PM »

This is the new thread for the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.

Rules: 3 lives, slowdown rate must not be more than 5%. Replays are required for new first place scores. Version 1.00h is highly recommended, and you can update to that version by doing the following:

- First you must patch to 1.00f, which can be found here.
- Then you get the 1.00f to 1.00h patch, found here.
- After you patch up to 1.00h, you may also get the English translation patch. This patch requires 1.00h to install, and does not modify gameplay.

- Please do *not* use the hitbox patch for submitted scores.
- The retexturing patch isn't exactly recommended, though replays should still work fine between retextured and nonretextured game files.
- If you have uploaded your replay on, link to the replay description page, and not the actual file. You'll know it's the description page if the URL has the word "download" and a number contained in it. You'll know if it's the replay file if the URL has the replay's filename contained in it.
- User "lite" in the score boards is myself; this is the name I use in the game's internal score boards. Honestly, I use that name because I feel like it, but "lite" and "lgb" relate to the same thing. If you would like to use the name you use in the internal score board here, feel free to do so.

Code: [Select]
Post each score as follows:



 1. kana0603        - 135,562,000 - C - 0.250% - Replay
 2. Heartbeam       - 116,902,270 - C - 0.233% - Replay
 3. Nal Yoo         - 101,251,670 - C - 0.546% - Replay
 4. lite            -  83,891,870 - C - 0.137% - Replay
 5. CyberAngel      -  69,117,630 - C - 0.380% - Replay
 6. lmagus          -  67,878,470 - C - 0.381% - Replay
 7. unknowen        -  47,392,710 - C - 0.351% - Replay
 8. kurzov          -  16,160,100 - 4 - 0.398% - Replay
 9. saiyoucho       -   2,437,490 - 4 - 0.825% - Replay (No Attack, No Bombs Pacifist Run)
10. GeneralGuy      -   1,862,370 - 4 - 0.507% - Replay (No Shooting)
 1. kana0603        - 142,797,490 - C - 0.141% - Replay
 2. Heartbeam       - 128,336,050 - C - 0.245% - Replay
 3. HotoCocoa       - 108,830,320 - C - 0.055% - Replay
 4. ShiningDrake    -  76,766,730 - C - 0.347% - Replay
 5. Clyceer         -  72,935,640 - C - 0.350%
 6. CyberAngel      -  62,382,240 - C - 0.372% - Replay
 7. xtwor           -  62,365,880 - C - 0.462% - Replay
 8. Sparky          -  42,955,460 - C - 0.724% - Replay (no focus)
 1. Heartbeam       - 112,604,860 - C - 0.332% - Replay
 2. Karisa          - 109,499,000 - C - 0.342% - Replay
 3. Kainti          -  91,972,080 - C - 1.457% - Replay
 4. CyberAngel      -  73,740,110 - C - 0.460% - Replay (no miss, no bomb)
 5. xtwor           -  58,643,640 - C - 0.446% - Replay
 6. kurzov          -   3,781,270 - 2 - 0.479% - Replay Results
 1. Heartbeam       - 129,782,280 - C - 0.250% - Replay
 2. Sir Gangi       - 120,775,670 - C - 0.049% - Replay
 3. Nal Yoo         - 103,324,110 - C - 0.467% - Replay
 4. DarkShadow      -  79,351,710 - C - 0.752% - Replay
 5. SAM             -  75,961,430 - C - 0.483%
 6. CyberAngel      -  56,737,930 - C - 0.401% - Replay
 7. Mewkyuu         -  38,579,720 - C - 0.521% - Replay (No vertical)
 8. kurzov          -   8,129,430 - 3 - 0.470% - Replay
 1. kana0603        - 257,069,950 - C - 0.046% - Replay
 2. RLRBS           - 216,834,470 - C - 0.259% - Replay
 3. marus-MPO       - 203,576,160 - C - 0.259% - Replay
 4. Heartbeam       - 192,767,160 - C - 0.259% - Replay
 5. bananaboatkirby - 178,721,630 - C - 0.234% - Replay
 6. Leviathean      - 172,067,300 - C - 0.189% - Replay
 7. gof             - 146,946,500 - C - 0.258% - Replay
 8. Torri           - 142,678,780 - C - 0.411% - Replay
 9. NC              - 136,118,920 - C - 0.390% - Replay
10. Lynx190         - 132,357,260 - C - 0.324% - Replay
11. Benny1          - 131,867,520 - C - 0.385% - Replay (No Focus)
12. Mikuru          - 116,617,010 - C - 0.343% - Replay
13. Bryan           - 114,265,010 - C - 0.326% - Replay
14. ZephyrSB        - 111,103,000 - C - 0.560% - Replay
15. Katchura        - 108,013,420 - C - 0.806%
16. lmagus          - 105,114,160 - C - 0.287% - Replay
17. CyberAngel      - 104,156,700 - C - 0.474% - Replay (no bomb)
18. Clyceer         - 102,768,580 - C - 0.455% - Replay
19. pentarou        - 102,371,060 - 6 - 0.477%
20. Makai           - 100,840,540 - C - 0.333% - Replay
21. Blargel         -  94,924,980 - C - 0.627%
22. lite            -  88,495,510 - 6 - 0.107%
 1. Cactu           - 334,480,220 - C - 0.303% - Replay
 2. marus-MPO       - 313,942,950 - C - 0.223% - Replay
 3. kana0603        - 300,872,770 - C - 0.244% - Replay
 4. Heartbeam       - 270,775,140 - C - 0.219% - Replay
 5. J Lau           - 222,775,690 - C - 0.339% - Replay
 6. Mikkey          - 128,477,360 - C - 0.192% - Replay
 7. b0xR            - 120,284,680 - C - 0.376% - Replay
 8. Railgun         - 117,183,100 - C - 0.524% - Replay
 9. Smashy          - 114,130,970 - C - 1.593% - Replay
10. Gray            - 111,217,040 - C - 0.424% - Replay
11. MMX             - 106,991,960 - C - 0.190% - Replay
12. xtwor           - 101,548,790 - C - 0.367% - Replay
13. meronpan        - 100,457,380 - C - 0.352% - Replay
14. Bryan           -  99,966,070 - C - 0.336% - Replay
15. Sokkan          -  98,942,350 - C - 0.460%
16. CyberAngel      -  92,883,400 - C - 0.450% - Replay
16. DuskTape        -  77,035,090 - C - 0.393% - Replay
17. lite            -  55,201,550 - 5 - 0.803%
 1. Heartbeam       - 231,203,420 - C - 0.241% - Replay
 2. marus-MPO       - 217,886,260 - C - 0.237% - Replay
 3. JC              - 159,058,430 - C - 0.457% - Replay
 4. kana0603        - 154,367,520 - C - 0.330% - Replay
 5. Kainti          - 145,487,830 - C - 0.425% - Replay
 6. Nyyl            - 145,372,240 - C - 0.409% - Replay
 7. Akuun           - 120,407,940 - C - 0.403% - Replay
 8. Esupanitix      - 118,573,820 - C - 0.405% - Replay
 9. Zimeon          - 115,284,340 - C - 0.520% - Replay
10. Railgun         - 109,667,710 - C - 0.485% - Replay
11. KennyMan666     - 108,232,350 - C - 0.500% - Replay
12. Makai           - 105,845,410 - C - 0.351% - Replay
13. LOL             -  97,648,500 - C - 0.426% - Replay
14. Kaorin          -  94,122,690 - C - 0.330% - Replay
15. CyberAngel      -  92,472,220 - C - 0.377% - Replay
16. xtwor           -  89,971,330 - C - 0.439% - Replay
17. lite            -  88,272,010 - 6 - 0.341% - Replay
18. Archianime      -  64,469,010 - C - 3.018% - Replay
19. kurzov          -   2,841,920 - 2 - 0.517% - Replay
 1. Sir Gangi       - 256,095,680 - C - 0.302% - Replay
 2. Noobzor         - 230,308,700 - C - 0.220% - Replay
 3. Heartbeam       - 223,072,630 - C - 0.245% - Replay
 4. bananaboatkirby - 202,412,240 - C - 0.323% - Replay
 5. kana0603        - 183,816,330 - C - 0.323% - Replay (no bomb)
 6. yukariguruma    - 169,029,890 - C - 0.351%
 7. J5983           - 159,972,170 - C - 0.527% - Replay
 8. Mikkey          - 141,729,850 - C - 0.294% - Replay
 9. S-TORA          - 130,737,040 - C - 0.372% - Replay
10. Eltegantis      - 129,934,980 - C - 0.394%
11. Torri           - 129,697,540 - C - 0.508% - Replay
12. Maryn           - 119,568,830 - C - 0.37 % - Replay
13. Archin          - 117,831,770 - C - 0.292% - Replay
14. mannik          - 113,170,030 - C - 0.469% - Replay
15. Dino_246        - 109,777,700 - C - 0.137% - Replay
16. Railgun         - 108,022,410 - C - 0.435% - Replay
17. Kou             - 107,423,930 - C - 0.420% - Replay
18. aselus111       - 100,264,350 - C - 0.598% - Replay
19. Alpha Werewolf  -  98,281,120 - C - 0.369% - Replay
20. Herbert         -  96,145,480 - C - 0.611% - Replay (No Focus)
21. CyberAngel      -  94,186,440 - C - 0.361% - Replay
22. Archin          -  87,168,050 - C - 0.283% - Replay
23. Sparky          -  86,477,620 - 6 - 0.374% - Replay
24. lite            -  77,179,510 - 6 - 0.193%
25. Garlyle         -  70,087,940 - C - 3.003% - Replay
 1. Nal Yoo         - 303,941,110 - C - 0.456% - Replay
 2. RLRBS           - 253,348,650 - C - 0.305% - Replay
 3. Mikkey          - 211,677,340 - C - 0.269% - Replay
 4. Heartbeam       - 202,880,500 - C - 0.338% - Replay
 5. Leviathean      - 179,934,530 - C - 0.353% - Replay
 6. Eltegantis      - 156,080,430 - C - 0.350%
 7. Wow560          - 117,987,490 - C - 0.262% - Replay
 8. dosboot         - 113,147,950 - C - 0.345% - Replay
 9. AiD             - 104,404,140 - 5 - 0.320%
 1. Cactu           - 434,910,190 - 6 - 0.044% - Replay
 2. Nal Yoo         - 305,575,290 - C - 0.945% - Replay
 3. Heartbeam       - 273,900,510 - C - 0.232% - Replay
 4. bananaboatkirby - 262,892,720 - C - 0.386% - Replay
 5. b0xR            - 184,378,820 - C - 0.355% - Replay
 6. lmagus          - 128,129,750 - C - 0.388% - Replay
 7. SAM             -  30,908,900 - 3 - 0.683%
 8. kurzov          -   2,971,710 - 2 - 0.487% - Replay
 1. RLRBS           - 264,361,970 - C - 0.210% - Replay
 2. Heartbeam       - 245,528,190 - C - 0.268% - Replay
 3. Nal Yoo         - 175,246,670 - C - 0.674% - Replay
 4. Smashy          - 142,121,000 - C - 2.554% - Replay
 5. The Kid         - 125,963,640 - C - 0.322% - Replay - Video - Screenshot
 6. Kainti          - 117,324,800 - 5 - 0.498% - Replay
 1. Sir Gangi       - 322,823,520 - C - 0.335% - Replay
 2. Nal Yoo         - 246,497,110 - C - 0.469% - Replay
 3. Heartbeam       - 239,841,220 - C - 0.310% - Replay
 4. bananaboatkirby - 207,932,710 - C - 0.634% - Replay
 5. J5983           - 188,706,340 - C - 0.470% - Replay
 6. yukariguruma    - 141,041,680 - C - 0.322%
 1. kana0603        - 509,954,480 - C - 0.221% - Replay
 2. Cactu           - 443,200,840 - C - 0.071% - Replay
 3. Nal Yoo         - 308,313,910 - C - 0.508% - Replay
 4. .ASP            - 265,903,660 - C - 0.054% - Replay
 5. L3PiK           - 252,599,240 - C - 0.247% - Replay
 6. J Lau           - 217,097,990 - 6 - 0.455% - Replay
 7. Mikkey          - 208,347,740 - C - 0.227%
 8. Schpwuette      - 201,586,180 - C - 0.367% - Replay
 9. Heartbeam       - 187,556,550 - C - 0.386%
10. FallenAngelV    - 145,512,990 - C - 0.381% - Replay
11. Kefit           - 125,330,190 - C - 0.333% - Replay (No Focus)
 1. Cactu           - 663,579,260 - 6 - 0.056% - Replay
 2. kana0603        - 633,309,420 - C - 0.050% - Replay
 3. Gibbi           - 498,335,730 - 6 - 0.055% - Replay
 4. .ASP            - 387,624,990 - C - 0.116% - Replay
 5. Nal Yoo         - 330,402,810 - C - 0.527% - Replay
 6. Azinth          - 250,650,060 - C - 1.349% - Replay
 7. Heartbeam       - 202,004,910 - C - 0.371% - Replay (No Bomb)
 8. J5983           -  78,558,160 - 4 - 0.420%
 1. kana0603        - 504,818,890 - C - 0.081% - Replay
 2. Cactu           - 384,304,550 - 6 - 0.351% - Replay
 3. Nal Yoo         - 247,966,390 - C - 0.586% - Replay
 4. Heartbeam       - 232,631,130 - C - 0.260% - Replay
 5. Imouto          - 192,857,850 - C - 0.553% - Replay
 6. Mikkey          - 133,739,290 - C - 0.275% - Replay (no focus)
 7. Leviathean      -  50,986,800 - 4 - 0.451%
 1. kana0603        - 503,277,040 - C - 0.199% - Replay
 2. Sir Gangi       - 464,761,990 - C - 0.300% - Replay
 3. Cactu           - 395,753,490 - C - 0.114% - Replay
 4. Nal Yoo         - 263,120,310 - C - 0.529% - Replay
 5. .ASP            - 249,056,540 - C - 0.326% - Replay
 6. Heartbeam       - 248,857,180 - C - 0.253% - Replay
 7. kana0603        - 244,306,440 - C - 0.295% - Replay (no bomb)
 8. bananaboatkirby - 217,424,440 - 6 - 0.850% - Replay
 9. The Kid         - 154,976,300 - C - 0.327% - Replay - Video - Screenshot
10. kurzov          -   1,456,290 - 1 - 0.874% - Replay
 1. Heartbeam       - 510,843,100 - C - 0.096% - Replay
 2. kana0603        - 510,662,790 - C - 0.046% - Replay
 3. RLRBS           - 415,060,590 - C - 0.104% - Replay
 4. dosboot         - 273,028,690 - C - 0.110% - Replay - Video (no miss)
 5. Nal Yoo         - 258,360,650 - C - 0.511% - Replay
 6. .ASP            - 215,903,070 - C - 0.140% - Replay
 7. VgameT          - 215,420,750 - C - 0.329% - Replay
 8. xtwor           - 117,405,030 - C - 0.135% - Replay
 9. Yao             - 115,458,550 - C - 0.193% - Replay
10. NC              - 110,691,260 - C - 0.128% - Replay
 1. Cactu           - 615,234,480 - C - 0.346% - replay
 2. Heartbeam       - 530,174,200 - C - 0.093% - Replay
 3. RLRBS           - 530,130,000 - C - 0.073% - Replay
 4. kana0603        - 524,707,260 - C - 0.074% - Replay
 5. .ASP            - 440,870,030 - C - 2.778% - Replay
 6. J Lau           - 376,730,120 - C - 0.375% - Replay
 7. Nal Yoo         - 370,895,030 - C - 0.737% - Replay
 8. dosboot         - 284,228,820 - C - 0.105% - Replay - Video (no miss)
 9. bananaboatkirby - 249,371,910 - C - 0.310% - Replay
10. b0xR            - 225,711,140 - C - 0.205% - Replay
11. Momijitsuki     - 194,889,360 - C - 0.369% - Replay
12. Mikkey          - 184,672,810 - C - 0.088% - Replay
13. Henduluin       - 152,063,250 - C - 0.143% - Replay
14. Roukan          - 139,056,910 - C - 0.165% - Replay
 1. kana0603        - 508,829,400 - C - 0.025% - Replay
 2. RLRBS           - 508,777,110 - C - 0.446% - Replay
 3. Heartbeam       - 379,644,570 - C - 0.106% - Replay
 4. Nadie           - 352,928,930 - C - 0.348% - Replay
 5. HarryHedgehog   - 327,724,670 - C - 0.115% - Replay
 6. Nal Yoo         - 309,436,760 - C - 0.400% - Replay
 7. Nereid          - 266,845,110 - C - 0.035% - Replay (No death, no bomb)
 8. JC              - 235,805,410 - C - 0.873% - Replay
 9. Fox Fanatic     - 226,942,120 - C - 0.151% - Replay
10. Kefit           - 219,052,140 - C - 0.143% - Replay
11. .ASP            - 206,910,810 - C - 0.269% - Replay
12. Kil             - 202,604,180 - C - 0.437% - Replay
13. theshim         - 198,912,370 - C - 0.117% - Replay
14. Kainti          - 184,816,820 - C - 0.142% - Replay
15. Kaorin          - 184,703,590 - C - 2.363% - Replay
16. J5983           - 183,292,530 - C - 0.204% - Replay
17. Akuun           - 177,220,980 - C - 0.163% - Replay
18. Smashy          - 167,383,710 - C - 1.592% - Replay
19. Blargel         - 160,284,370 - C - 0.129% - Replay
20. Dodgeball       - 144,762,120 - C - 0.400% - Replay
21. Zidnox          - 134,360,980 - C - 0.369% - Replay
22. Halbarad        - 127,605,330 - C - 0.138% - Replay
23. FieryDragon66   - 119,063,250 - C - 0.126% - Replay
24. mannik          -  96,821,980 - C - 0.521% - Replay
 1. Sir Gangi       - 608,183,070 - C - 0.106% - Replay
 2. Cactu           - 607,781,680 - C - 0.303% - Replay
 3. RLRBS           - 544,205,700 - C - 0.086% - Replay
 4. kana0603        - 514,454,390 - C - 0.098% - Replay
 5. Heartbeam       - 451,908,410 - C - 0.099% - Replay
 6. .ASP            - 444,418,430 - C - 0.077% - Replay
 7. Thanuris        - 406,507,200 - C - 0.125% - Replay
 8. Sapz            - 380,738,980 - C - 0.136% - Replay
 9. Nal Yoo         - 330,003,840 - C - 0.487% - Replay
10. Leviathean      - 247,324,530 - C - 0.414% - Replay
11. yukariguruma    - 219,332,770 - C - 0.263%
12. Dino_246        - 165,508,720 - C - 0.075% - Replay
« Last Edit: September 06, 2018, 09:11:55 AM by Karisa »
Regarding score threads: For the time being, I'm not going to be online much; I would suggest that you simply do as you normally do, because I will come back and I will want those threads when I do.


Re: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2009, 07:45:17 AM »
Lunatic - Reimu B
.ASP - 245,861,640 - C - 0.095% - Replay

Extra - Marisa A
.ASP - 206,910,810 - C - 0.269% -  Replay
« Last Edit: June 09, 2009, 07:45:48 AM by Zetzumarshen »

Alice Fact

  • Kingdom Hearts
  • let's play shintopuncher
Re: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2009, 05:56:52 PM »
Might have missed something, but I don't entirely think so.
Regarding score threads: For the time being, I'm not going to be online much; I would suggest that you simply do as you normally do, because I will come back and I will want those threads when I do.


  • A retired Lunatic
Re: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2009, 10:00:20 PM »
how can sb have 28+% slow rate when the fps shows 350+ ????
dunno , i guess linux power...
anyway i had to post one of my crapy reps here too so here :

normal - MarisaB
ghost333 - 113929050 - C - 28.679% - REPLAY

Re: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2009, 12:25:16 AM »
Oh hey I guess I'll post it here too.

Lunatic - Reimu A
Schpwuette - 201,586,180 - C - 0.367% - Replay
Advocate of Transhumanism


Re: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2009, 01:54:41 PM »
Extra - Reimu B
.ASP - 440,870,030 - C - 2.778% - Replay

Slowdown because i had to use other computer.


Re: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2009, 06:52:31 PM »
I can't play other games at my laptop; the keyboard is killing me.

Lunatic - Reimu B
.ASP - 269,426,000 - C - 1.028% - Replay

Re: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2009, 02:52:09 PM »
Extra - MarisaA
Nadie - 303186090 - C -  0.352% - Replay

Nadie's the name I use everywhere else besides ShrineMaiden, including Touhou. D:

Re: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2009, 05:40:26 AM »
Lunatic - ReimuB
Azinth - 190,585,680 - C - 1.496% - Replay

One of these days I will manage to make a consistently nice lunatic run dammit...

Re: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2009, 07:03:28 PM »
Lunatic - ReimuB
Azinth - 211,474,690 - C - 1.561% Replay

This time I decided to not waste bombs like an idiot.  It helped somewhat.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2009, 06:10:53 AM by Azinth »


Re: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2009, 01:55:36 PM »
Lunatic - ReimuB
.ASP - 307,294,330 - C - 0.065% - Replay

Alice Fact

  • Kingdom Hearts
  • let's play shintopuncher
Re: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
« Reply #11 on: August 10, 2009, 07:16:31 PM »
Easy - Reimu.A
lite - 83.891.870 - C - 0.137% - Replay
« Last Edit: August 10, 2009, 08:23:09 PM by lgb »
Regarding score threads: For the time being, I'm not going to be online much; I would suggest that you simply do as you normally do, because I will come back and I will want those threads when I do.


Re: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2009, 09:54:24 PM »
Normal - Marisa.B
Herbert - 96.145.480 - C - 0.611% - Replay

No focus run. Totally naked at the end (need ask Alice make some new clothes).


    • My Youtube
Re: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2009, 11:53:07 PM »
Easy - Reimu A
lmagus - 67,878,470 - C - 0.381% - Replay
Current Goal: PCB Lunatic 1cc
Watch me on Youtube


    • My Youtube
Re: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
« Reply #14 on: August 29, 2009, 08:57:39 PM »
Normal - Reimu-A
lmagus - 105,114,160 - C - 0.287% - Replay
Current Goal: PCB Lunatic 1cc
Watch me on Youtube


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Re: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
« Reply #15 on: September 03, 2009, 04:50:32 AM »
Normal - ReimuB
meronpan - 100,457,380 - C - 0.352% - Replay

Re: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2009, 08:30:03 PM »
Extra - Marisa A
Zengeku - 225,381,900 - C - 2.451% -

And this one.

Normal - Marisa A
Zengeku - 136,007,620 - C - 1.113% -

The normal run was done no-bombs so it would be nice if you would label it as such.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2009, 08:32:51 PM by Zengeku »

Seian Verian

  • Snuggledragon
  • Snuggles for everyone
Re: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
« Reply #17 on: September 25, 2009, 05:53:50 AM »
Never thought I'd actually be posting in one of these high score topics... Anyway...

Easy - Reimu B
 - 76,766,730 - C - 0.347% - REPLAY


Re: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
« Reply #18 on: September 26, 2009, 10:18:26 PM »
Silly post.

Lunatic - Marisa B
Heartbeam - 248,857,180 - C - 0.253% - Replay

One of the worst decisions ever made against Vampire Illusion.

Hard - Marisa A
Heartbeam - 245,528,190 - C - 0.268% - Replay

Amazing, I don't even recognize my own stage five performance.  And that little bit with Patchouli's second noncard.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2009, 11:58:22 PM by Heartbeam »

Re: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
« Reply #19 on: September 27, 2009, 02:05:23 AM »
Lunatic - ReimuB
Azinth - 250,650,060 - C - 1.349% - Replay


Re: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
« Reply #20 on: October 01, 2009, 08:12:57 AM »
Lunatic - Marisa B
.ASP -  249,056,540 - C - 0.326% - Replay

No planning whatsoever and lucky vampire illusion ;D


Re: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
« Reply #21 on: October 03, 2009, 01:51:44 AM »
Extra - Reimu B
mikeKOSA - 234,206,420 - C - 1.480% - replay

i got a higher score on a different run but i used the visible hitbox
« Last Edit: October 03, 2009, 02:04:09 AM by mikeKOSA »

Re: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
« Reply #22 on: October 10, 2009, 07:04:30 PM »
Extra - MarisaA - Nadie - 352928930 - C - 0.348% - Replay

Why in god's name did I bomb on Q.E.D.


Re: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
« Reply #23 on: November 04, 2009, 05:40:20 AM »
just reviving this thread. lol its funny how much i fooled around and still got a decent score

Extra - Marisa A
mikeKOSA - 277,103,390 - C - 0.807% - replay


    • My Youtube
Re: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
« Reply #24 on: November 05, 2009, 01:12:27 AM »
Hard - Reimu-B
lmagus - 128,129,750 - C - 0.388% - Replay
Current Goal: PCB Lunatic 1cc
Watch me on Youtube


Re: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
« Reply #25 on: December 05, 2009, 10:57:52 PM »
Extra - Marisa B
.ASP - 444,418,430  - C - 0.077% - replay

I'll try again soon.


Re: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
« Reply #26 on: December 07, 2009, 05:37:23 AM »
some highscore runs... im not good at this  :P

Extra - Reimu B
mikeKOSA - 370,895,030 - C - 0.737% - replay

Easy - Reimu A
mikeKOSA - 101,251,670 - C - 0.546% - replay

Extra - Marisa B
mikeKOSA - 330,003,840 - C - 0.487% - replay

Hard - Marisa B
mikeKOSA - 167,989,470 - C - 1.178% - replay

Re: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
« Reply #27 on: December 13, 2009, 06:15:49 AM »
Wasn't a score run, but I'll post it up here anyway :V

Normal - ReimuB
DuskTape - 77.035.090 - C - 0.393% - replay


Re: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
« Reply #28 on: December 28, 2009, 12:13:20 AM »
Extra - ReimuA
mikeKOSA - 258,360,650 - C - 0.511% - replay

i was hoping for a no-miss clear.... oh well and this..

Hard - MarisaA
mikeKOSA - 175,246,670 - C - 0.674% - replay

Easy - MarisaB
mikeKOSA - 103,324,110 - C - 0.467% - replay

i like doing this score runs
« Last Edit: December 28, 2009, 11:07:58 AM by mikeKOSA »


Re: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
« Reply #29 on: January 02, 2010, 03:15:01 AM »
Hard - ReimuA
mikeKOSA - 196,560,000 - C - 0.507% - replay 

dont want to edit that post again... anyway i finally 1cc hard with reimuA, lots of clipdeaths throughout the game