Ch 2
As Autumn dragged on, Reimu did what she could to prepare for the winter to come. There was only so much that could be done, however, as there were visitors. At least, Reimu thought, they brought something.
And indeed they did: their wonderful personalities.
"There has always been something about autumn that make one just want to picnic, wouldn't you agree, Sakuya?" Remilia asked sitting beneath an umbrella.
"Yes indeed, Mistress." Sakuya responded in a relaxed manner.
"Although, it is a shame that Patchy couldn't come along as well. She's too tied up in her reading for some reason." Remilia frowned.
"Yes, it is a shame," Reimu grumbled, "Why do you have to have a picnic here?!?"
"Well, you see, Reimu," Remilia began, "The shrine is just the place to relax in the country side. The rural feel to it makes one feel like they are one with nature."
"...You just came to bug me, didn't you?"
"Oh, I wouldn't put it that way, Rei-Rei."
Sakuya giggled at the name. Rei-Rei, it almost sounds like the name of a pet. Reimu was visibly unamused by the name.
"Actually, Sakuya insisted we have the picnic here. I would have wanted to have it in front of the Mansion." Remilia said, a little dissapointed that she couldn't have the picnic there. "The view of the lake is so majestic."
"Don't you see that lake every day? And besides, a picnic in front of the mansion wouldn't really be a picnic at all, would it?" Reimu stated.
Marisa flew down to the shrine, bearing a variety of mushrooms that would kill a normal person. Good thing for Marisa then, seeing as she's abnormal. Actually, she was even more abnormal that normal. Reimu felt an unusual power coming from beneath Marisa's Devil Summoner cape.
"Hey Reimu." Marisa said in her normal, cheery voice. She noticed the two SDMers and her manner and attitude suddenly changed. "Good Afternoon, Lady Remilia, Miss Sakuya. What a lovely day it is today."
"Eh?" Sakuya seemed rather confused, but Remilia took this in stride.
"I see you have learned how to be sophisticated" Remilia noted. "Perhaps one of the books you took from Patchouli's library was one of etiquite?"
"Indeed," responded Marisa, tipping her hat down a little. "I wish to discuss a few matters with you."
"Yes." Marisa tipped the hat down again. "On the matter of picnicing here. You originally planned to picnic in front of the mansion, however Sakuya said that the picnic should have been held here. Even though you had the authority to stay in front of the mansion you still decided to do so here. Why is that?"
Remilia thought on this for a moment. "Well, I thought a change in pace would be nice."
Marisa tipped her hat once more and stood there silently. "I see. On another matter, Sakuya's recommendation."
Sakuya perked up a little. "hm?"
"Is there not another reason," Marisa asked, "that you, Sakuya, would want to have the picnic here?"
"No, not at a--"
Sakuya stopped in mid-word as a dreaded sound filled her ears...
"...nee-saaaaaaamaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" Screamed Youmu as she flew towards Sakuya.
"NOT AGAIN!!!" yelled Sakuya as she darted off.
"Now look what you did," Remilia groaned "you went and scared off my maid. Well, at least it's cloudy today, so the sun doesn't have an effect on me. I shall see you later, Rei-Rei." She waved a dainty good-bye at Reimu, who seemed to have shuddered.
"Say," Reimu started up, "what was with all that hat tipping about?"
Marisa smiled. "I used a demon to help with my investigation of Remilia."
"You WHAT?!?!?" Reimu's mouth dropped.
"Yeah. Apparantly this suit is the real deal. 'cept for the sword. That's fake."
"Yes indeed, that is the real deal." Yukari said, as she stuck her head out of Reimu's sleeve.