Author Topic: Touhou Dream Thread  (Read 320410 times)


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #630 on: July 23, 2016, 11:45:10 AM »
I had 2 touhou dreams within the last 3 days. 1 was some sort of yoga with Yukari. It got weird and I don't remember much of it.

The other one was that ZUN came to my house. I didn't know what to do at that point. I didn't know what to ask him nor what to do. I was wondering if I should make a thread on this website. I can't remember what we talked about. His english wasn't very good though.
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!


  • pichuun
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #631 on: July 24, 2016, 07:09:47 PM »
I'm back to tell dreeeaaammmsss!!!!

Anyway this one was really short.
I was just reading the Bunbunmaru newspaper at a cafe. Mystia was singing there.

Oh and the headline was "Sekibanki Smiles?"
Unbefore seen footage of Sekibanki actually smiling with Kagerou!

oh look at that, new gifs
(I apologize if I made you constantly reload)


  • pichuun
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #632 on: July 27, 2016, 10:36:39 PM »
So this time I was in Alice's house.
She wasn't home and I was in there for unknown reasons.
Tere was a life size Shanghai walking around in her house.
More importantly though, there was a half a gallon of milk in the kitchen.
I have no idea why, but I REALLY wanted milk and ended up drinking it all. By the time I finish, Alice comes in the house sees that all the milk was gone.
She got really pissed off and kicked me out...literally.
I was punted out the door and landed on my face. Not really sure what to do next, I just sat down outside. Some of the dolls came outside to watch me while I sat there.
I could Alice grumbling sounded like she was saving that milk for some sort of spell, but I never found out what it was.

oh look at that, new gifs
(I apologize if I made you constantly reload)


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #633 on: July 30, 2016, 04:49:30 PM »
Alice kind of appeared in my dream. Unsure if it was just my brain using her image to display another character though (in a shorthand way of saying "this is a person you trust and love") but she appeared in it in some way. I was in London and looking for a person named "Gon" (too much hunter x hunter) as I'd been tasked with their protection. After a brief amount of time looking in a primary school (with no success) I left to look elsewhere. My sgian dubh (a small knife you're allowed to carry if you're wearing a kilt) had the top half of it's blade cut off rendering me unarmed. I quickly met Alice when exploring and noticed a clone of her on the balcony. Unsure if it was like an evil part of her or not, I hid out of sight but still watching. Eventually I lost sight of her. This was actually because she saw me and came down from the balcony to see me. She wasn't actually evil and was just the 2nd half of the Alice I met. They both disassembled and I (with the work of helpers) assembled her again. From this point on Alice just looked like a skeleton. The first 2 attempts failed as we forgot to add the logic core. The 3rd attempt failed as we forgot to add the evil core and the Alices split again.
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #634 on: August 02, 2016, 01:26:10 PM »
Ohhh, this kind of thread exists?

Well, I think I had dreams but incredibly vague. But weirdly though. I had this one dream when ZUN was in my room. He was kinda disappointed on how my room was messy and not filled with Touhou Items (I think?), then I did ask him,"Who're you again?" Then I don't remember much about my dream, sadly. When I woke up, I realized that it was the effing ZUN.


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #635 on: August 05, 2016, 09:19:10 AM »
Had a dream in which Yukari gave me a mission. I was conquering Japan with the total war UI when I was told to go to a specific house I conquered. Recognising the symbol on the door, this was Tokugawa's house. I went inside and the outside gate would shut. If I shut the gate then the gate would shut. Yukari would be giving me instructions as I was inside. Eventually, I walked out with a box. I then went back to conquering Japan. Yukari went on to conquer the parts of Kyushu that I didn't own. After she did that, sea monsters began to attack cities. They didn't seem to be bothering mine though so I continued conquering. A few battles and a miracle defence (I managed to win against a force twice my size) later, I got a text from Yukari through my mum's phone as that was the phone closest to me. My family ended up returning early so I had to read the message quickly before my mum came back. After a lot of panicing trying to figure out how to read the message, I eventually managed to read at least part of the message. it said that Yukari no longer had a use for the box I took and that I was just to smelt the gold bar that was inside. I couldn't find the box.

I had a dream where I made a wriggle nightbug jelly cube thing
« Last Edit: August 08, 2016, 11:19:06 AM by aListers »
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!


  • pichuun
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #636 on: August 11, 2016, 12:34:46 AM »
it said that Yukari no longer had a use for the box I took and that I was just to smelt the gold bar that was inside. I couldn't find the box.

Marisa stole it

oh look at that, new gifs
(I apologize if I made you constantly reload)


  • Vocaloid for the win!
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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #637 on: August 13, 2016, 11:22:58 AM »
I had a rather political dream. A lot of touhou characters were on a spaceship I belive and brexit happened. This split the community heavily with Daiyousei being extremely pro brexit. There was talk about deserting as well. Later Daiyousei was missing and I asked Koakuma (who was lying on my lap for some reason) "if Koakuma and Daiyousei have deserted" and she replied yes. I replied "oh wait, you're koakuma" having just noticed that. I think Koakuma was against brexit.

At some point I also had a total war battle commanding Alice's army against Marisa's. Somehow Marisa's troops didn't rout and I was literally just commanding Alice micromanaging her to dodge arrows and charge the last 5 or so of Marisa's archers. Unfortunatley they got a lucky shot and Marisa won.

Just had a couple of dreams with the common theme of chasing Gensokyo. The first one involved somebody seeing a touhou character in a large crowd in a castle. From the description it sounded like Yukari or Reimu so I ran with the people who were running towards the castle. I got split up from them and ended up looking myself. Unfortunately I didn't find anybody - just mostly game of thrones characters. Everything else was just the same from when I went there in another dream and it just became a sequel to that one. The next dream I can still remember included Alice. We were having a 3 person conversation. At one point I hugged Alice for quite a long time - trying to burn into my memory what it's like to hug her. I believe it was a small mention of a place in the outside world that made Alice a little bit depressed and I hugged her to cheer her up. At some point during that dream Alice stopped being Alice and the dream normalised as I continued chasing Gensokyo. The last dream was mostly about me looking at the idea of mirrors as portals to other places. With one person claiming to have a mirror that transports them to the netherworld, I was interested as it may be the key to Gensokyo. Unfortunately I didn't really find anything.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2016, 02:15:55 PM by aListers »
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!

Toushiro Scarlet

  • The Dragon Magician
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #638 on: August 27, 2016, 09:47:40 AM »
It might be a little late, but I'm going to share my experience about a Touhou dream. Oh well, it might not be able to call it a dream, because it actually is an astral projection. (The key difference is, you can clearly recollect every single detail even after months of an astral projection dream since your soul literally experienced it, and for a normal dream, you almost instantly forgets it. And even if you don't, two months is usually the maximum time you will remember.)

The dream is rather short and confusing. It starts with my soul left my body (you will feel a little tingle when that happens), and went straight into Gensokyo. It was nighttime over there (consider New Zealand is only 3 hours ahead of Japan, without Daylight Saving), and my soul drifted to a bamboo forest, and a small Chinese (Or Japanese) style corridor inside it. Over there, I saw Maribel, standing on the corridor and looking outside, and somewhat, my shadow was project on the handle, and I have very "tiny" sense of presence over there. (It was really hard to describe that feeling). And after some moments, my soul returned to my body (again, the tingling) and I woke up.

I only discovered the "spirited away" wiki page on Touhou Wiki a few days later, and surprisingly found everything I've been through exactly matches the criteria of said phenomenon. Too bad, though, I didn't brought back a bunbunmaru :(
Real Science is when you try your hardest to prove your own theory wrong.


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #639 on: August 27, 2016, 11:04:07 AM »
I had this one dream of me playing a Touhou Real-time Tactics game on my computer. I don't know the title but its gameplay style is pretty much the hybrid of Company of Heroes and Men of War: Assault Squad.

The mission started with me viewing an attempted Fairy assault on The Garden of the Sun (A.K.A. Yuuka's location). I was given control of a grunt squad of 6 Fairies among all the AI-controlled tanks and Fairy infantry charging up the hill through the Sunflowers. High-calibre anti-tank guns manned by Fairies of the opposing side easily cleanse off the armoured assault while well-positioned machinegun nests suppressed our infantry from advancing. My squad was also suppressed and they could hardly move under the rain of bullets. Then Yukari's portrait appeared from the side of my screen and told me to threw smoke, as if I was in a tutorial. I did what she said.

As smoke erected fast, the machinegun nests was unable to fire anymore and my squad together with the AI's squads moved up the hill and got near the machinegun nest, this time in range of grenades. Again, Yukari's portrait appeared an she ordered me to throw a satchel charge. I ordered my squad to do so and a few seconds later, the nest was obliterated. My view shifted to a Fairy squad 'nading the AT gun positions, freeing our tanks from danger. My view shifted again and this time, I was given control of a Fairy medium tank, some sort of "Type (two digits)". In the same time, reinforcements arrived and Yukari ordered me to directly control the tank. I did so and I advanced through the Sunflowers together with the masses of allied tanks around me.

Soon, enemy tanks appeared and we pit ourselves into an intense tank battle. A hint was given about changing ammo with a spacebar. I changed to AP shells and I took out an enemy tank by a shot through the hull and destroying the engine. That was just one tank and I took out another by 'ammo racking' it. The enemy lost most of the deployed tanks and retreated while leaving an abandoned AT gun behind. The flag was just on top of the hill and a Fairy squad attempted to capture it, before a sniper took out one Fairy out of the battle.

The rest of the dream was a bit blurry but in the end, the sniper was taken care of, the point captured and I completed the tutorial.

A Hellcat went down the Hell's Highway after the Battle for Caen, "Byou". - Hannibal

MANoBadAssGar Jr.

  • look at dat pose, look at dat face
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #640 on: August 28, 2016, 12:10:01 AM »
The dream begin in horror thriller but end in stupid way

Start with me in what seems to be narrow alleyway in all white, getting explanation about a person with nasty hobby. Hanging a corpse in transparent plastic bag occasionally mix in with alive but unconsious person, so sometime people checking the bags to see if theres alive people. I somehow knew or was told doing that considered really brave probably because those who do that will become next victim.
Despite knowing that i were checking the plastic bag and there's 2 or 3 person alive in the hanged plastic bag. After coming back from that,  my female friend tell me how brave i am before she claim i was doing that just because my male friend(lets call him Ultra) was doing it before.

Scene shifted to what seem to be white waiting room with chairs. someone seem to shout "the witch is coming" or something like that & everyones hide with exception of my male friend(Ultra). The witch they talked about is Yuuka, she looks pissed. as she passess by, she glance at my male friend(Ultra) for a second but didnt do anything. After she gone everyone else come out from hiding, but Yuuka comes back, everyone startled & frozen stiff, Yuuka turn right entering room then comes out with PS4. Everyone seems curious, but only me tailing her. She seems to be smelting the PS4 for making something else, theres other stuff that seems like steel frame.

Then the other Touhou characters seem to come out as well, i think there's Ran and Yukari, i cant make it clear what is happening, but seems it got chaotic with used spell card scattering everywhere.
As i cleaning up those scaterred spell card (they look like MTG card lol), i eventually got near where Yuuka who still looking intimidating and someone else with a more sweet expression who seems to be Letty both sitting in chair, near them i found this small jelly or rubber ball like thing in the ground (it resembles titties toys lol). as i squeeze that thing, i mumbled "kono puni puni", then it seems Letty let out a yip, at the same moment Yuuka kick me in the gut. im down to the ground, i notice Yuuka wearing white heels, she grinded my stomach with her feet, and i hear some sound of what seems to be cracking bone, i got x-ray vision of a twisting bone or just me imagining my bone twisting. :derp:

Then woke up, see it's 3 am. my first dream that had Touhou........damn it.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2016, 12:27:28 AM by MANoBadAssGar »

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #641 on: August 28, 2016, 01:04:04 AM »
It might be a little late, but I'm going to share my experience about a Touhou dream. Oh well, it might not be able to call it a dream, because it actually is an astral projection. (The key difference is, you can clearly recollect every single detail even after months of an astral projection dream since your soul literally experienced it, and for a normal dream, you almost instantly forgets it. And even if you don't, two months is usually the maximum time you will remember.)

The dream is rather short and confusing. It starts with my soul left my body (you will feel a little tingle when that happens), and went straight into Gensokyo. It was nighttime over there (consider New Zealand is only 3 hours ahead of Japan, without Daylight Saving), and my soul drifted to a bamboo forest, and a small Chinese (Or Japanese) style corridor inside it. Over there, I saw Maribel, standing on the corridor and looking outside, and somewhat, my shadow was project on the handle, and I have very "tiny" sense of presence over there. (It was really hard to describe that feeling). And after some moments, my soul returned to my body (again, the tingling) and I woke up.

I only discovered the "spirited away" wiki page on Touhou Wiki a few days later, and surprisingly found everything I've been through exactly matches the criteria of said phenomenon. Too bad, though, I didn't brought back a bunbunmaru :(

A Japanese/Chinese house in a bamboo forest, it may be the Eientei ?

Failure McFailFace

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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #642 on: August 28, 2016, 04:49:58 AM »
A dream I had a few days ago involved the Tsukumo sisters hanging out at my house. This was in the middle of an otherwise non-Touhou-related dream.
1cc Easy: DDC (all) | 1cc Normal: UFO (SanA autobomb),  DDC (ReiA, SakA) , LoLK (Sanae PD)| EX clears: DDC (MarB Ultra) | Puzzle Games: StB: 10-X, DS: Hatate unlock, ISC: All clear


  • Lurker and poster
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #643 on: August 28, 2016, 03:28:40 PM »
I dreamed I was riding on Marisa's broomstick, sitting behind Marisa, flying over...somewhere. It was nighttime, and Marisa was singing "Katyusha" the whole time, for some reason.

When we landed, we did so in a place that I, somehow, immediately recognized within the dream as "Wallachia during the 1500s", but the SDM was right in front of us. We could hear "Kalinka" and "Erika" being sung loudly from within the SDM. I remember thinking, why would French (?) vampires be singing Russian and German songs in the middle of Romania.

I don't remember much else. I blame it on EU4 and spending too much time researching German and Soviet war songs.
I have the tendency to call everything from my side of the world "Eastern" (with the characters in "Touhou", I'm Chinese).


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #644 on: August 29, 2016, 06:18:51 PM »
After so many pages in this thread; I am sometimes truly wondering how many actual 'true stories' are being told in this thread. Especially some who are having Touhou dreams on almost a daily base?

I find it slightly unbelievable.


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #645 on: August 29, 2016, 11:36:50 PM »
After so many pages in this thread; I am sometimes truly wondering how many actual 'true stories' are being told in this thread. Especially some who are having Touhou dreams on almost a daily base?

I find it slightly unbelievable.
Yeah, maybe at least a week there are two occurrence for each person. Not that I'm jealous for their dreams but I also find it hard to believe that one person could actually dream about Touhou on a regular basis.

They are great stories but were they dreams or hallucinations?
« Last Edit: August 31, 2016, 04:59:12 AM by Hannibal_Kills »

A Hellcat went down the Hell's Highway after the Battle for Caen, "Byou". - Hannibal

MANoBadAssGar Jr.

  • look at dat pose, look at dat face
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #646 on: August 30, 2016, 02:26:37 AM »
At least one are even stated to be not exactly a dream, so i guess we at least have to believe that not-a-dream one as not a dream.
Anyway, i could convince myself dream like Hanibal_Kills fairy game or Tribow random but short & simple cafe thing for example to be genuinely believable.
Look at mine, the only pleasant part are collecting the spell card. It even begin in Horror/Thriller situation which is the game genre i avoid.

It comes to my minds, do you guys can think of a reason why are your dreams going like that? or what are your thought about your dream?
Not me though, they're all just seems random to me. But what i thought about my dream are that im dissapointed that neither Komachi nor Hina appear in my dream and Yuuka only abusing me, yet im quite satisfied that Yuuka & Letty even appears in my dream. Score : 4/10 shitty Touhou dream (or rather, random dream that had some random non-sensical Touhou in it)

though i probably kind of a bit happy even with the abusive attention Yuuka gave me
cmon man, witnessing someone smelting PS4? dude, what? r u a pissed GF/mom ?
getting kicked might be my fault, i myself dont understand why i said kono puni puni instead of "whoa looks like boob toys", i actually giggled when i wake up & remembers that. that impact become main reason why i could recall my dream. partly happy i finally get to dream about Touhou like the others only to realize it's not that fun when what you get is seeing the thing you wanted get smelted & the only physical contact you had only cause you to twist a bone (i actually dont get why getting my stomach grinded would cause me a twisted bone, and im not even sure which bone get twisted).

I rather choose not to have another Touhou dream if it would just caused me to develop a deviant hobby.  :derp:

Btw its been 3 days since i had lower back pain, now that i think about it, its probably what affect the bone twisting part in my dream.


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #647 on: August 30, 2016, 10:11:22 PM »
I've joined this forum back in March and had seen this thread with a bit of sadness that I, a person who hardly ever dreams, couldn't dream about Touhou. Bear in mind that the world of Touhou Project has been a part of my life for eight years, but never once had I ever had a dream solely focused about it. I never expected that to change and in the way that it did.

I consider this a blessing too because it was the first really awesome dream I had in a while, and because it really relates to me as a fan of Touhou, so I hope I can mitigate the doubts of believability that Helepolis mentioned, which is what spurred me to sit down in complete the outline taken on my dream; here's what I wrote completely describing this happening:

"The date was July 23, 2016 when I woke from this dream. In the dream itself, I was walking inside a white building with hallways lined with variations of push and knob doors all adorned with windows to see in. I saw rooms inside had an abundance of stuff I was familiar with. My wandering would lead to a double door that called out more than anything else there. Humoring its calling, I opened it to find a room ahead down a less lengthy hallway with a large abundance of familiar Touhou characters from the Windows Era. It was packed and I likely would have projected every character from Touhou in that dream had my interest been there. However, instead of joining the crowd, I looked off to the side to find a branching hall right by the entrance. I looked down it to find some of the PC-98 era of Touhou characters.

Being the huge fan I was of Touhou PC-98, I approached some characters I saw such as Sara, Rikako, and Matenshi heading into what appeared to be a meeting room. They all seemed to be starting a board meeting as there was a school projector setup and huge meeting table inside (much like something out of my college). As more of them, moved past me, I made the assessment that there were a few missing since I saw Sara glancing around for them, so I did actually set out of that room to find some more of them.

Cut came in the dream to a pathway drastically different in color and tone from the white building. The best way I can describe it is that it was something out of the end-game Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World architecture (a game I was playing at the time) only not as sharp and brighter. There, I spotted a character struggling with what looked like a monster I couldn't identify right away. Getting closer to the struggle, it looked like it was Ayana (an originally nameless midboss I’m fond of) avoiding contact with a purple, venomous slug.

In the cheesiest manner possible, I stepped in as the thing tried biting her with fangs hidden under it; I stuck out my leg which had the mightiest sock on ever conceived by human race because not only did it stop these needle-like fangs from getting to my skin, but the slug gave up and went away. I conversed a bit with Ayana, but didn't actually hear anything we said, who soon set off for I presume the meeting after a quick thank you. I checked the bite spot before I left, and at first I thought I got a legit bite from that slug, but it seemed more like a bruise from its attempts to chomp me. I would take my leave there and followed Ayana back, and that's where the dream cut off and I woke."

So that was my dream. I really wanted to know what happened after that, but nonetheless, it was a very visually pleasing, vivid dream that held a lot of things I recognized. I like the idea that I went back to their meeting room and became a part of their circle as some sort of representative for the PC-98.

From this dream I can infer a few things from it: I rarely dream at all, and the few times I have over my life it'd been either when something has been on my mind for a long period of time, or if something major happened that affected how restful my sleep is. Tragically, this is likely why more bad dreams and even outright terrible nightmares happen, so when I actually dream, I infer that it's supposed to be meaningful and something to speak to me.

The second real inference I have is that, as my signature would tell you, I'm an advocate for obscure Touhou material, and more often than not Touhou PC-98 games and characters from there do fall under that obscurity. However, any friend I have will be able to tell you that my focus is on a more niche part of even that; the midboss characters of PC-98 and other such lesser-known characters from the Windows era. I infer that this dream was spawned from that passion for these kinds of characters.

I've made it my goal long before this dream to help give characters like Rin Satsuki, Noroiko, Matentshi, Rengeteki, Ayana, and the rest of the bipedal characters without official names attention from fans. I got from this dream a stronger desire for others to care about those kinds of characters; to give them the kind of fan treatments Daiyousei and Koakuma got because those names are cemented in the community by now. Heck, with some of them still nameless like these two (with other I didn't talk about being here on this page), I can honestly admit that I especially want at the very least enough interest in characters like I referenced to rise so that they are at least known, all have names, and have some sort of followings. If I do make something of this desire, I'll likely share it with this forum in the future.

I dearly hope I get more dreams about Touhou. I wouldn't count on it since that's the first dream I've had in almost three years tops, but heaven knows that after eight years of being a fan of Touhou, it has led me to want dreams about the series I love so dearly, so you can bet I was happy about this.

This is easily my new favorite dream experience. ^^
« Last Edit: August 31, 2016, 01:58:59 AM by DeityDiz93 »
I'm a decade-old Touhou Project fan. I heavily advocate for what's obscure and less popular in this series such as the PC-98 era, not-often-heard ZUN music, and the much of unpopular/unused characters.

MANoBadAssGar Jr.

  • look at dat pose, look at dat face
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #648 on: August 31, 2016, 12:06:55 AM »
I've joined this forum back in March and had seen this thread with a bit of sadness that I, a person who hardly ever dreams, couldn't dream about Touhou. Bear in mind that the world of Touhou Project has been a part of my life for eight years, but never once had I ever had a dream solely focused about it. I never expected that to change and in the way that it did.
Im thinking like this, i havent really thought about wanting to have dream about Touhou untill i found this thread which is a few months back. I only start crazy with Touhou on Oct 2015 by looking at the oldest Touhou file on my PC (though i feels like its longer than that). Its probably just similar to me, we just don't really demanding "compensation"(?) from our dreams because we actually already feeling had enough of whatever Touhou exist out there.

AH SH*T, not only I kissed a Touhou character but I exactly felt it! The saliva the emotions, My GAWD.  :getdown:
So that I don't get beaten up, I'll have to leave the character to your speculation.
Right, no one gonna believe that, you stupid, even if somehow proven to be true, i refuse to believe it. You probably just got kissed by your mice *snort*
But if that character is Tupai i cant help but believe it.  :derp:


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #649 on: August 31, 2016, 04:58:48 AM »
Right, no one gonna believe that, you stupid, even if somehow proven to be true, i refuse to believe it. You probably just got kissed by your mice *snort*
But if that character is Tupai i cant help but believe it.  :derp:
Yeah, it may look I'm being a hypocrite but I just wanna tell it. But it seems to annoy you so I'll just erase it and keep it to myself.

A Hellcat went down the Hell's Highway after the Battle for Caen, "Byou". - Hannibal

MANoBadAssGar Jr.

  • look at dat pose, look at dat face
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #650 on: August 31, 2016, 06:39:17 AM »
Yeah, it may look I'm being a hypocrite but I just wanna tell it. But it seems to annoy you so I'll just erase it and keep it to myself.

Shit, now i feel bad, sorry i didnt think you were serious
Hah! as if! you thought im gonna say that!? too bad!
I can see through your scheme, you're trying to make me feel sorry, and make me think you were serious in an attempt to make me believe your lies & make a fool out of me? & you have the last laugh in the background!? shame on you! it didn't work! lol

btw, im just fooling around so dont take it seriously,but if you guys find it a funny read then good.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2016, 06:40:58 AM by MANoBadAssGar »


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #651 on: September 01, 2016, 10:41:34 AM »
I had a dream in which I discovered power bracelets in Marisa and Reimu's homes. I believe there was a plague going around the human village and a lot of people had gathered in a place. Kosuzu was there and played a large part but I can't remember what it was she did. I ended up investigating a lot of Marisa's things and saying "that's very Marisa" as well as peeking around the hallway of one of Reimu's rooms. Eventually we all gathered in the room. I'm sure that the power bracelets had something to do with it but there were 3 objects that permanently gave their users the power to manipulate reality. A man in a blue suit used it first. He was an alright person and could be trusted not to mess up Gensokyo or the world with this power. However, the 2nd person to use it was a Cell like character. He kept the object and magically removed the other man's face. His face still moved and talked but was put in a box which the cell guy also kept. The face on his body was replaced by a radio which was reporting on the situation we were in. Immediatley, me, Marisa and Reimu got out of the area and began trying to think up a plan to defeat this character.
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!


  • Lurker and poster
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #652 on: September 03, 2016, 12:38:04 AM »
I dreamed that I was in the university in the city where I live and was apparently trying to make PC-98 Alice a Lumen. I don't remember the details though, except that we ate at a restaurant overlooking a cliff, I got pushed off, turned into a phoenix and flew back up. The map appeared to have not been properly generated there, and everything below the cliff looked like its textures had been replaced by gap.

I blame it on playing too much Long Live the Queen.
I have the tendency to call everything from my side of the world "Eastern" (with the characters in "Touhou", I'm Chinese).

~Shin Kuroi~

  • Sleepy Cat
  • fuwaaa... sleepy...
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #653 on: September 04, 2016, 09:56:04 AM »
i had a dream that reimu asked me tew murder shingyoku for her for eating her salad...?


  • Vocaloid for the win!
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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #654 on: September 21, 2016, 08:27:43 AM »
I had a dream in which I was on my way to a museum like place and met Youmu on the way. She was also heading to the place as she had been told to investigate the museum for studies into eternal life. She was dressed in a kimono so it felt somewhat awkward escorting her. We eventually got there and split up as I started investigating what I was there for.
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #655 on: September 23, 2016, 03:37:38 PM »
I was on holiday with Remilia, and we were trying to get to Warwick for some reason. The shortest way was through a university, but when we tried to go in, the porters took fright at Remilia and shut all the gates. The university was like a colossal fortress -- or maybe like Oxford if all its colleges were combined into one building -- so there was nothing to do but find another way round. Then we found a stop where we could get a number 38 tram (yes, a tram in between towns) but there was about half an hour to wait. While we waited, Remilia got chatting with a family consisting of a black mother and her two kids. Finally the tram arrived, but when Remilia got on and said "I want to go to Warwick", the driver just said "He's right there, love," and pointed at the actor Warwick Davis, who happened to be nearby, and then he drove off.

MANoBadAssGar Jr.

  • look at dat pose, look at dat face
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #656 on: October 05, 2016, 01:05:10 AM »
Got dream about(more like i saw) Sumireko & Reisen, i only remember poking Sumireko eyes & saying "it's small" something like that.


  • Salty bitch
  • I'm very salty. Sometimes.
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #657 on: October 05, 2016, 08:32:36 PM »
I'd really like to sleep more but since getting a job, I've had to wake up at 4:00 AM and I just can't sleep before 00:00 AM unless I'm super tired. I've been pretty interested in lucid dreaming and I've increased my dream recall a bit. Well, goodbye to that since I can consistently only get two dreams a night with a sleep routine like this.

If anyone needs information about lucid dreaming or dream recall, please do read Stephen LaBerge's studies or watch his talks/explanations. Fascinating stuff.

By the way, did you know there is a psychologist/researcher by the name of Keith Hearne who has studied -- guess twice -- lucid dreaming! Could Maribel Hearn be a reference to him? Touhou has references to psychology, especially the study of dreams.


  • Vocaloid for the win!
  • Gensokyo forever!
    • Newgrounds
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #658 on: October 08, 2016, 10:05:43 AM »
A lot of things seem to have happened in my dream so I'm not entirely sure of the details but there was a point in which only 1 Touhou character could appear in my dream at a time. For a while it was Yukari as it seemed to choose the most powerful out of a selection of characters. Then it did the calculation again and I looked closely for Alice like I normally do on these kind of things. I then found her and she was way ahead of everybody else. Her numbers then spiked and she won by enough to trigger a special animation. Alice then popped into the room in place of Yukari (didn't replace the clothes though so she was wearing Yukari's clothes) and I immediatley ran over to hug her. I can't remember what I said to her while hugging her.
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!

MANoBadAssGar Jr.

  • look at dat pose, look at dat face
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #659 on: October 11, 2016, 10:13:20 PM »
Dreamt playing Battlefield of the Flower Threshold with trumpet. was listening to Mythic set ~ 華狭間のバトルフィールド by kuroneko lounge before sleep.........