Author Topic: Dishonored, by Arkane Studios  (Read 1182 times)

Paul Debrion

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Dishonored, by Arkane Studios
« on: October 10, 2012, 02:03:20 PM »
(you can merge this with the other thread if appropriate)

I'm almost done with my first run through the game on Very Hard and I have to say I love this game. It's been quite a while since AAA game has made me like it this much.

I absolutely adore the level design in this game. The levels feel like they were made for a Thief 1 or 2 successor with even more vertical elements (if I recall correctly, a couple people known in the Thief community for their FMs did some of the mapping for this game). There are lots of room for stuff to move around and to attack your enemy from many different angle.
This game only has a few missions but I'm totally fine with this given how complex and detailed the levels are.

I also like how fluidly the game lets you transition between different approaches to your enemy. I dislike it when games seem to arbitrarily divide play-styles as I like being able to improvise on the spot. I love how I can sneak up behind someone, kill the guy in front of him with a crossbow bolt, grab and knock him out before he can react to his buddy's death, then blink up to the ceiling light when his comrade comes in to investigate the ruckus to drop down from above with my blade.

Going around exploring the levels for every last bit of loot is just so addictive too.
I'll come up with an evil scheme later. First, it's time to build a giant robot!

You can't have a good evil scheme without a giant robot!