Author Topic: Touhou FPS (Doom Source Port) HELP WANTED  (Read 7137 times)

Touhou FPS (Doom Source Port) HELP WANTED
« on: August 29, 2012, 07:30:46 AM »
IRC: For now... #Touhou on irc://

Summary: Seeking anyone capable of and willing to create sprites for a Touhou themed mod for the game DOOM II (in particular the ZDoom branch of source ports). Also needed are icons, font, and parts of the HUD. Non-Graphical help is accepted as well.

The goal of the project is to create a single player campaign and multiplayer modes that cross bullet hell with the twitchy shooting style present in Doom. Influences are being drawn from both the bullet hell games and the fighting games (10.5 and 12.3) for the determination of play style and game mechanics. Depending on the mechanics implemented, platforming elements may appear in both single player and multiplayer modes. The project is mostly being worked on at will by the team members and progress is entirely subject to the willpower of those involved.

Note - There are currently three people including myself involved with the project as of now.

Why Doom?
The idea originated inside the Doom community, hence Touhou Doom. Those of us on the project are all capable of creating new content for Doom as well, so for us it is a pretty good fit.

Will it need Doom?
No, if we can eliminate content that is being taken from the DOOMII WAD*. It would be played using one of the source port engines and the Touhou Doom data file.
*WAD's are the file types used for the data with both DOOM I and DOOM II.

What is Needed (Listed by priority)

-Sprites for enemies/player
*English is the only language currently implemented; Latin alphabet font required.

Preferred style of sprites would be something similar to those found in the fighting games

There is a lot of work involved with creating all the necessary sprites... there are 16 angles in ZDoom (we can choose to only use 8 if wanted), meaning at least 16 sprites assuming no tricks are used... if animation is completely ignored, including movement and attack sprites. For more info on sprites in ZDoom, the following two articles can answer many questions
Everything that isn't creation of the graphics themselves can be handled by us. It is also already understood that with the quality of such sprites and number of them that are required this may be an unfeasible goal.

Why do we need help?
As you can see from some of the following screenshots of our first tech demo, we aren't very good at creating sprites. In fact, many were just ripped from other games. The textures come from a texture pack and will likely also need to be replaced.
Last one added for fun...

What have we done?
So far we have implemented life, bomb, and powerup mechanics, some custom weapons, a custom monster, and one completed 'arena' style map with two full maps in the works. We are currently focused on implementing integrated danmaku and dash/fly mechanics that would draw from a single 'ammo' pool (spirit), improving the current features, and improving/completing maps.

We'd accept any help we can get, but anyone considering to lend us a hand should know a few things first...
1. There is no guarantee we will finish our end of the project. This is just something we work on during our free time.
2. Should you contribute, if another piece of graphical content exceeds the one you submitted in quality, it will likely be replaced. (credit will still be given for contribution)
3. If the project is completed, the resulting game may not be all too great; there is no guarantee our current planned mechanics and game style will be successful.

Comments/Critique is also welcome

[EDIT] What are we working on?

C - Single Ammo Pool created, with passive regeneration 9/7/2012
C - Standard ground movement mechanics in progress 9/7/2012
P - Dodge movement mechanics in progress (Spirit burst usage, extremely fast, short distance, one direction --- planned as a double tap of movement key)
P - Dashing movement mechanics in progress (Spirit Drain, fast, one direction at a time --- planned as shift and movement key)
**Charged Attack mechanics
**Spell card 'buildup' system
« Last Edit: September 08, 2012, 11:53:03 PM by Kasrkin Seath »


Re: Touhou FPS (Doom Source Port) HELP WANTED
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2012, 09:41:29 PM »
I can semi-map for Doom Builder (never tried it for ZDoom, though, only vanilla/PRBoom), *might* be able to code, and can most definitely do stress-testing/bug-hunting.

Re: Touhou FPS (Doom Source Port) HELP WANTED
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2012, 05:13:25 AM »
You are welcome to help if you want.
If you are using Doombuilder, the jump to ZDoom is really easy. GZDoom has its own version of Doombuilder that makes placing the features of GZDoom much easier.

Check the top of the thread for IRC information. If you don't have, won't, or cannot use IRC, we can communicate through PM's and in the thread as well.

Re: Touhou FPS (Doom Source Port) HELP WANTED
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2012, 04:52:20 PM »
First off, I would like to apologize for the rather decent-sized bump, but I feel obligated to inform you all that I happen to of been one of the lead programmers for this project. Currently, you require a registered copy of Doom, The Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, or Final Doom (TNT and Plutonia), you may even be able to try this out with FreeDoom but I haven't confirmed it. (EDIT: FreeDoom confirmed to work great with it) Here is a technology demo for the project:

(If you do not own any Doom games, don't try using the Shareware version of Doom, use this instead)

FreeDoom IWAD (The IWAD itself is called DOOM2.WAD)

Touhou Doom tech demo

Although, keep in mind. In order to run this you require the latest version of either ZDoom or GZDoom (These are free! Whoo!)

ZDoom 2.6.1 for Windows
(In case you own a Macintosh computer) ZDoom 2.6.1 for Macintosh
GZDoom 1.6.0 (Windows Only, though you might be able to run it with Wine)

Now, in order to run this the way it is now, create a folder and simply just call it (THDoomTechDemo) or something of the likes. Go into your primary Doom, Doom 2, Final Doom (TNT or Plutonia) or FreeDoom directory and retrieve the most important file, the IWAD. It's usually called DOOM.WAD, UDOOM.WAD, DOOM2.WAD, DOOM2F.WAD, TNT.WAD, PLUTONIA.WAD. Copy one of the following files into the newly created directory for the Touhou Doom tech demo. Next, download and open either the ZDoom or GZDoom zip files (If you are a Mac user, I can't help you, sorry.) and place the files for that into the newly created directory also. Last but not least, download the tech demo itself and place the thdoomtechdemo.pk3 file into the directory. (I do not require you to place the README file in it, but I do urge you to read it if Kaskrin Seath has missed anything in his post) Now just drag and drop the thdoomtechdemo.pk3 file into either ZDoom or GZDoom (whichever one you downloaded and installed) You may need to configure it to your tastes in order to properly play it without any possible annoyances. A current problem would be the speed of the flying up and down. This is something I cannot fix, and has to do with ZDoom directly itself.

There are also other members of this project which have not been mentioned only because we do not know what they like to be called by.

If you would like to help please do not hesitate to post back and say what you would be able to do for the project.

~~~Snake Out~~~
« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 05:36:48 PM by Big Boss »