Author Topic: Suika Fortress: Cross Forum Edition! R.I.P CrossedHorns: (BAD END)  (Read 39587 times)


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
One day, not too long ago Suika Ibuki decided to run along to Reimu?s shrine to go hang out with Reimu as she use to do. She ran in her silly drunken manner as she had always done until she arrived at the shrine.

?Reimu~ I?m heeeeeeere!?

But there was no responds?.

?Huh where are you Reimu??

She looks up and spot a piece of paper sitting by the front of the shrine?

?Gone out with Marisa to talk with a fellow hermit, be back later.

PS Don?t take anything from the donation box!?

-Hakurei Reimu

?Awwww?. This is no fun? she?s always so busy now.?

Suika beings to pout and she sits down by steps of shrine and beings to drink here Sake when suddenly a gap opens and familiar face walks though?

?Good day to you Suika.?

?Yukrari what are you doing here??

?Perhaps I should ask the same from you. You do realize that with all the new individuals that have come to Gensokyo these day that our shrine maiden has been very busy. It not quite how it use to be in the past. ?

?Yeah, but I want to be able to just hang out with her??

Yukari ponders for a moment and then she comes up with an idea.

?Suika, how about we attempt ?The challenge? again??

?Wha do ya mean??

?You know, the one where I test your survivability!?

?Wait you mean the one where I have to go build something in your little werid world you made again??

?Yes, and this time it?ll be far different from last time too. The challenges will be far greater and even more dangerous compared to before hand. In fact, I would find it very FUN to see if you could even attempt to live and survive in a fort for 20
years and get a well established system running including having a thirving populations, and a functioning military.?

?How much different is now??

?Let?s say you?ll encounter things you never seen before Suika. And many of them may even shock you! But knowing you, you wouldn?t back down from such a challenge would you??

?Of course not! We oni know how to handle ourselves no matter what the challenge is!?

?Let?s see if you have what it takes to survive then?. Suika, take out a few pieces of your hair please.?

Suika once again removes a few small pieces of her hair and creates tiny replicas of herself and Yukari takes out a small replica of a world and Suika places the tiny Suikas upon the world.
Yukari ends up taking out of  gap what appears to be tiny replica of various things, including yukkuri, humans, kappa, some various Touhou character and various other things...

?What?s this Yukari??

?I told you this time  it would be a lot different?.I wonder if your kind can survive in this new dangerous world? Are you really up for the challenge??

?Definetely!? Suika said with extreme confidence as she took a big drink from her gourd.

?Then let us get this world running!?

And so with that Suika has once again taken on Yukari?s challenge to once again face off in?


Greetings everyone, I?m Totaku, modder and host of the Suika Fortress mod!

It is once again that time of the year where we will once again embark on another crazy journey into the world of Suika Fortress the Touhou themed DF mod. We now begin the third year of the challenge and this I will be doing an all time first experiment!

A Cross-forum project!

By this I mean what I?m going to do is get 2 forums involved in playing this game. MotK, the place where Suika Fortress originally did it?s yearly challneges. And Bay12 games, the forum that?s dedicated to Dwarf Fortress!
Before we being, let me cover the basics:

So you may be wonder what is this Suika Fortress all about?

Well if your familiar with a game called Dwarf Fortress then it?s basically that except it?s been modified with have Suikas instead of Dwarves.

What's Suika Fortress?

The best way to answer this is to first answer what Dwarf Fortress is. Imagine what would happen if you?re cross together Dungeon Crawler with the Sims that?s kind of a rough summary of what Dwarf Fortress is. Then throw a really really steep learning curve for good measure. Basically your trying to help your dwarves make a living by building a fortress and help them be able to survive against just about anything. Wether it be Elephants, Unicorns, Goblins, you name it. And at the same time, make sure they can survive, get food and water and be comfortable and happy as possible.

In Suika Fortress, we do pretty much the same thing, except it?s with Suikas, and most of our livestock and predators are yukkuri, sukusuku hakutakus, and other weird things, though there are some animals out there too?

It?s also important to note that every Suika has their own personality and quarks too so be alert with how they behave too.

What does it look like?

Imagine a world full a Suikas mining caves, managing yukkuri, and all sort of other things just to making a living and survive. The game flows in real time and you will spend your time managing the activities and actions the Suikas do. You can pause it however if you need to plan things out. Before letting the game continue. It should look something like this,

All these nice graphics while they attempt to build a fortress. It should be fun to see how this develops? and yes I created the suika graphic tile sprites for this(there are some animals though from another creator, but hey, it adds flavor).

The interface mainly consist of the following:

On the left is the activity screen where you can watch the mini suikas as they run around doing what they do best. Get drunk and work.

The middle is the menu, you will be pressing the keys to that cordinate with what every option you want to select, this is vital for especially because you will need to tell the mini suikas what to do.

And on your right is the map or your region. Here you'll see that suikas are marked in red while other creatures are in read. While it may look simple it's important to know that the map consist of many levels and to alternate between the levels you'll have to press the < or > keys to work with them.

I'll be covering some more as I play the game...

Where can I get the game? What version do I need?

As of today I?m using Dwarf Fortress 0.34.11 and have modded it with my mod I?ve worked on and off for 3 years now.
You can download Suika Fortress 0.7.5 at:

The Dwarf Fortress File Depot (PC Version)

Media Fire (PC Version)

Media Fire (Mac Version)

If you still have complications please let me know...

This game seems hard, it there an easier way to understand it?

Well, it is somewhat hard at the start, even the tutorial only gives you enough info just to start and learn the simple basics. But if you feel you want to learn more things without as much struggle then to the Dwarf Fortress Wiki here.

Here you?ll find pretty much all the ins and out about how everything works in the game. It?s rather useful so I highly recommend looking through it when you having trouble. Pretty much everything from this wiki will apply to Suika Fortress as well. Just remember though, while it's important to understand the game it's also important to now cheat either and spoil yourself from the real adventure of Dwarf Fortress cause after all one thing they always say is..."Losing is Fun!

So how?s the process going to work?

What?s going to happen is I?m will currently allow you a few days to a week to sign up.  Players need to register in order to participate in the community game project I?m conducting. While I allow sign up, I will be explain you the theme and asking you a few series of questions that will be important in terms of Fortress and where we will embark. I require that we get some answers so I can set it up in advance. (it will take several days to put it together, I?m certain of it.)

From there, I will probably have a few locations picked and we will determine form there what we will do. Don?t be surprised though, I?m going to leave some thing a surprise, because some times the best kind of challenges are the ones that are blindly.

We will determine where to embark based on the questions, pick our location, and from there work together to determine supplies and skills before we embark on location.

Depending on the number of people who sign up to play I will allow them to get first dibs on having a Suika named after them.

Also I will allow a spectator section for those who just want to watch the game and see how everything unfold. They will get a Suika named after them too, but only after the actual players?

When we embark, I will randomize who will go first in terms of the players who signed up. So I?m going to suggest that you prepare to possibly get the first turn.

When we begin the game, I will be sending posts that you guys make to Bay 12 and messages from them back to you all so that you can get a full idea what everyone is saying at the time.

As for you guys you can watch the bay 12 forum Suika Fortress thread from:

Gameplay rules

We shall play Suika Fortress as a succession game. When the game begins, you will have one year to do whatever you got to do to help your Suikas develop their fortress. Get materials, build things, fight creatures, whatever. During the run you should take pictures of some of the events that unfold during your year. Try to update periodically as I know a year takes a while go through. Because speed can vary based on one?s computer, I will give the player one week (7 days) in real time to complete the task, and if an extension is needed, he or she must provide an update with pictures on where he or she is at so I know where they stand. And if progress that is made shows some promise of progress I will allow another 2 days of extension.

The players turn will come to an end when the Lily White comes along and announces that ...

or rather ?Spring has arrived!? which will appear at the bottom of the game window.

From there you must pause and save your game. To do that press escape, and then go down the menu and select  "Save game and press enter. And then take the save file which is located in  data -> saves -> Reigon folder. Take the region folder that contains the Suika Fortress data and then zip it (or rar it) and upload it to Mediafire, Dwarf Fortress Depot and so forth and please link it in the thread. I want to make sure I can see the file and look through it.

The next person will then take the Region folder and place it in save folder and start off the game and continue from there till the next spring.

Because the game lasts for a long time we will end the game under two conditions:

1.We create an epic Suika fortress
2.The Suika Fortress dies in an epic death (ala boatmurdered or something along the line)

My only exception to this is that I would like to see if we can  make the fort run for a long period of time. Say? about 20 year maybe?

If for some reason the Suika Fortress dies way before the 15-20 years has passed. Then that players turn will end and the next player will use the last save and continue from there until the next Spring.

Finally if the person is unable to complete the run in time, his run will be nulled as we will return to the last save?

Also it is important to know that you can resign yourself up for another round though you will be placed on the bottom of the waiting list and I will contact you when your turn is up.

The theme

This year in Suika Fortress I wanted to incorporate a new theme to make things more? interesting for our Fortress fun. The game is already challenging as is, but I think I want to make it even more challenge this year so this year theme is?.


That?s right, this means we?re going to aim to embark into an evil location. But only based on the difficulty level we select. What this means, is we?re going to set off into the dangerous undead zone, but we don?t have to stay in it entirely. Unless your crazy and suicidal enough to. So what I?m going to do is base the location on a % rate. Meaning some land can be corrupted by evil and others don?t have to be. The higher the difficulty the more likely we will face an on slaughter of undead at more dangerous magnitudes.

So here are the settings:

Easy Mode: For the lazy oni who only care about drinking and now about the challenge. They can be such casuals.... 10%-30% evil (haunt ? sinster undead , Tower is optional)

Normal Mode: For the standard oni who want to look for something to test thier skills. They at least know how to stand up on thier two feet  30 -50% evil (haunted ? Terrifying undead Tower is optional)

Hard Mode: For the oni who feel that are really tough and looking to face a very serious challnege head on. They will attempt to plow through anything given the chance! 50 ? 75% evil (sinister ? Terrifying Undead, Tower in range)

Lunatic mode: For the deranged oni who are willing to take on suicidal challenges. You will not survive! 75% - 100% evil (Terrifying Undead, Tower in range)

Please pick your difficulty setting and sign up so I can begin generating the world!

And don?t forget? Have FUN!

Also I'm signing up but being the creator, I will not choose the difficulty level, that's for you guys to decide.

Edit: Even though we have already selected our land you are all welcome to continue to sign up as a player or spectator, the more Suikas, the more FUN can be had. XD
« Last Edit: October 08, 2012, 10:03:21 AM by Totaku »
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Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Reserving post for Sign up thread and creature definitions!

Suika Fortress Sign up: (for those actually participating in the game, now set based on turn order)

Player Turn Order:

1. GoombaGeek [Bay12]
2.NekoRex [MotK / Bay12]
3. Scruffy [Bay12]
4. Syanas [MotK / Bay12]
5. Notapirate[Bay12]
6. Grimlocke[Bay12]
7. Wymar [Bay12]
8. Highzealot [Bay12]
9. Totaku (mason/engraver) [MotK/Bay12]
10. Captainarchmage (Weaponsmith) [Bay12]

Suika spectator sign up: (for those who want to watch)
1. Third Eye Guy (Lunatic) [MotK]
2. Raikaria [MotK]
3. Arashi Kurobara [MotK]
4. Alkhemia (Lunatic) [Bay12]
5. mokou-power (Lunatic) [MotK]
6. Chaore (Lunatic) [MotK]
7. Anthy (Lunatic) [MotK] [AxeSuika]
8. Hideki [MotK]
9. Scotty297 (Hard) [Bay12]
10. Patchy (Lunatic) [Bay12]
11. AaronIII [Bay12]
12.Eerol (Lunatic) [Bay12]
13. Purvis [MotK]
14. Patchouli [Bay12]
15. Gappy [MotK]
16. Stuffman [MotK]
17. Heliopolis [MotK]

Note: All those who sign up will have Suikas named after them. Also as mentioned above the order will be randomize before playing so nothing is final ATM.

What is what in Suika Fortress?

I got asked this several time since I mentioned before that a good number of animals in the world of Suika Fortress got replaced or changed so here's a list of what replaced what.

Domestic Animals
Yukkuri Reimu = Donkey
Yukkuri Sanae = Mule
Yukkuri Marisa = Mandrills that are domesticated and trainable
Yukkuri Keine = Cow (complete with the ability to change it's form once a month.)
Yukkuri Aya = Horse
Yukkuri Hatate = Another horse....
Mofuji = Alpacas and Llamas
Domesticated Night Sparrows = Chickens
Yukkuri Chen = Cat
Yukkuri Sakuya = Dog
Yukkuri Youmu = One and two humped camels
Yukkuri Reisen = Rabbit

Wild Land animals
Proto Yukkuri Reimu = Wild Donkey
Proto Yukkuri Marisa = Wild Mandrill
Sukusuku Hakutaku breeds = Muskoxen with unique powers
Yukkuri Rumia = Jaguar and Leopard
Yukkuri Shou = Tigers
Yukkuri Kogasa = Troglodytes, except they live above ground and fly
Yukkuri Remilia = Giant Bat
Yukkuri Flandre = Old Giant Eagle from d40 days
Yukkuri Alice = Elephant
Yukkuri Yuuka = Elephant from boatmurder days and prone to RAGE
Proto Yukkuri Yuuka = Elephant from boatmurder days and prone to RAGE EVEN WORSE
Yukkuri Letty = Yeti with freezing powers
Yukkuri Yuugi = Unicorn
Yukkuri Mystia = Harpy
Dapeng = New giant eagle
Yukkuri Orange = Red Panda
Yukkuri Patchouli = Groundhogs and Harry Marmots
Yukkuri Cirno = Ice man
Yukkuri Tenshi = Mudman
Yukkuri Ran = Foxes
Yukkuri Mamizou = Racoon with some extra stealing tweaks
Yukkuri Yuyuko = Hippo with an appetite for food

Aquatic life
Yukkuri Iku = Carp
Yukkuri Nitori = Merpeople
Yukkuri Murasa = Sea monster
Yukkuri Komachi = Cogthrogen (or whatever they're called)

Underground life
Yukkuri Orin = Cheetahs except they now live underground and can breath fire
Yukkuri Nazrin = large rats and giant rats
Yukkuri Yamane = Giant Cave Spider
Yukkuri Suwako = Giant Toad
Yukkuri Tewi = Grimelin
Hell Cats = revised wild cats that breath fire
Hell Raven =retweaked ravens that breath fire
Yukkuri Wriggle = Ant People

Semi Mega beast
Yukkuri Meiling = Minotaur

Mega Beast
Yukkuri Moko = Dragon

The rest are completely made up an aren't connected to any animals that are within the original DF game and or too spoileriffic....

Suggestions for Fort names

Every Fortress need a good name to stand out, especially for a Suika Fortress, so why not throw out some names so that we can decide on a good name for our little fort?

Decided name:

Suggestions for Group names
Every Suika need a group name to also look good too. So why not come up with something for our new exploration Suika Team!

Decided Name:
"The Gleeful Urns"


Yukari's request
Survival of the Fittist: Yukari wants to see if your fort can last for 20 years without any mishaps happening (except may be for the first year). Keep the fort going for 20 years and don't let your fort die off!
The Suika Kingdom: Establish a full fledged Kingdom complete with a king by the end of 20 years!
The Busy world of the Suika: Survive with at least 150 Suika by the end of the 20 year period!
Fight like a proper Suika!: Handle all battle  and training without using rapid training devices like danger rooms to train your Suikas. FAILED!

Marisa's request
We the Founders:Keep the Founders alive at all cost! Do not let them die (exception is old age of course) FAILED!
Proper respect of your fellow founding Suika: Bury your founding Suikas in a proper burial site) Condition must be completed before next spring SUCCESS (But only because after talking to a view players I found out the quest was too vauge. So while she did set up the coffins for the founders, well that doesn't matter. From this point onward, I'm going to go into deep detail about everything from here on out.)
It takes a thief...: Capture an Inaba or Yukkudaiyousei thief... ALIVE! Condition must be completed before 4 years from Spring
Surface housing:Build an basic above ground fort establishment in which the migrants and caravan from above ground can easily enter into to reach thier destination inside the fort. It must be built in the location where you first began building your fort (as in that small hill) (You must compelte this in 2 years before Spring.) Protip: If you already have a building in the works, you can find a way to connect it. FAILED!

Alice's request
Tidy management: Create a storage room and store 90% of your belonging you own, trade, or taken within bins, pots or any other storage device! (Must be complete be next spring!) SUCCESS!


NekoRex Year 106

Spring: Adjusting to the new hellish lifestyle
Summer: The lost Traveling Suikas and Neko Rex's Nightmare.
Fall: The worlds come tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling dooooooowwwwwnnn
Winter:Reassessing and planning in hopes of keeping things going for next year.

Intermission: Reimu and Marisa's return to the shrine - Marisa's request

Year 107: Syanas

Intermission: Magician's double dare: Marisa and Alice's Request

Notapirate: Year 108

Intermission: Scarlet Meeting - Remilia and Sakuya's Requests

Grimlocke: Year 109

Spring: Planning developments and how Totaku plays the game of Zombie Tag
Summer: The Insanity, the horror, the inventions!
Fall: Attack of the Bronze Disc Yukkuri, and the rise of zombie depression syndromne
Winter: The Demilitarization of Crossed Horns

Intermission: The Disrespectful Hermit - Seiga's Request

Wymar: Year 110

Spring - Summer : Population woes, the beakless shelled mocking bird and the weregecko!
Fall - Winter: Uneventful slow turnings...

Highzealot: Year 111

Spring: The rise of a psychotically deranged Suika
Summer: Death and Chaos continue to rise and the plot to rid a false god
Fall: Breaching the inner depths
Winter: Fall of the makeshift army and the rise of army of the dead

Intermission: The Kappa's metal detector - Nitori's request

Totaku: Year 112

Spring: Zombie extermination plans
Summer: Surface breaching, and more zombie depression woes...
Fall: One loses an arm, another loses a horn, some die, our VIP? The sharpshooter!
Winter: Tantrum spirals, murder, and insanity as the fort falls to madness

CaptainArchmage: Year 113 Part 1

Cleaning up the clutter
(Note: GoombaGeek did not finish his turn, there for we're moving on to NekoRex who did complete his turn....)

NekoRex: Year 113 Part 2

Summer: The plan to bring the fort back to it's former glory
Fall: The bridge and the path to safety andthe reconstruction of bridge trap system
Winter: Safety First, Biokkuris vs. Zombies, walling off the fort grounds and seeking vengence.

Scruffy: Year 114

Spring - Summer: How one who doesn't pay attention to the changes ultimately cost the fort it's death.


Suika Fortress Ending No.3 BAD END: Two Bumbling Youkai and a Grumpy Shrinemaiden
« Last Edit: October 17, 2012, 07:36:25 AM by Totaku »
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Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Saber Nero

  • 我が奏者よ!
Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2012, 06:38:57 AM »
I'd love to sign up for an early turn, either the second or third year or so, sometime before needing a military is absolutely required. Also, suika me as one of the original 7 please :3

As for difficulty level, I'd say we jack it up to Lunatic and see how far we get as challenges like these don't come often. If a lot of new people are playing, maybe normal or hard then.

Third Eye Lem

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Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2012, 06:56:30 AM »
I'll sign up as a spectator, and also vote for lunatic. I wanna see Suikas and undead punching each other across vast distances!


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Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2012, 08:00:29 AM »
I'd sign up to actually play but I have 0 experience with EVIL! biomes.

So I'll just spectate.
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.

Saber Nero

  • 我が奏者よ!
Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2012, 08:13:38 AM »
Side effects of evil biomes may include necromancy, bloody rain, undead hordes, eyeballs, pubic hair, etc.

There's not too much of a difference between playing in a normal field and playing in an evil one. You just have to be a little more careful in plugging the holes in your fortress and making sure no one stays outside for too long. Like for example, not having anyone with the fishing or hunting job on. As long as the resources are plentiful, you'll be able to manage. I'd rather settle in an evil biome than on a glacier, for example.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2012, 03:37:34 PM »
My lord we're all gonna be suicidal aren't we? This kinda scare me, cause I didn't expect us to take on such a dangerous challenge. I'm going to try to generate some words for lunatic difficulty and try to get some touhous to survive so we can face this insane madness that will befall upon us Suikas after the next few days...

(I just hope we won't regret this)

If it becomes too much we can always take it down to hard or normal. Cause I'll be fair, to jump into a nearly or complete Terrifying undead zone is almost suicide, not impossible but it's still pure madness.... I'm going to love this.

Anyways, here's some responds of those who have decided to join the game..

Quote from: CaptainArchmage
Sign me up for a turn please (Lunatic Difficulty)! My preference is a weaponsmith.

Quote from: Grimlocke
Signing up!

While my knowledge of the touhou universe is limited at best, I know my way to the wiki  :P

Lunatic difficulty is the way to go, though it would be nice if the weather is not completely crippling.

Prefered profession would be the cornerstone of society, brewer! If no specialist is available I will take any farmer or peasant set to brewing.

Quote from: highzealot
Signing up and voting for hard.

Preferred profession is the broker and cook.

Also while I'm at it, I'm taking profession as mason and engraver like always...
« Last Edit: July 15, 2012, 04:54:52 PM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
My Deviant Art site gallery
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Maid Xan~

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Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
« Reply #7 on: July 15, 2012, 06:18:29 PM »
You've got me, sir. I'll need a bit of tutorial-ing but you've got me, you magnificent bastard
There are people in this world who enjoy being alone. But there isn't a single person who can bear solitude.

Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
« Reply #8 on: July 15, 2012, 06:19:26 PM »
I'll be a spectator~ Especially if you can find a job for my Suika that's sorta chemistry-feeling, I'm not really sure what all there is. But I'm not fussy over what I be if there's any gap I need to fill. I am apathetic about difficulty since it's not like I'm the one that's gotta deal with it.

Saber Nero

  • 我が奏者よ!
Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
« Reply #9 on: July 15, 2012, 06:29:21 PM »
You've got me, sir. I'll need a bit of tutorial-ing but you've got me, you magnificent bastard

Get on the IRC channel, we'll be happy to spread the madness :o


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
  • I want to be a little NEET moon princess
Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
« Reply #10 on: July 15, 2012, 07:58:25 PM »
Well the word's changed up here a bit:

Pesco's decided to move the Suika Fortress Yearly challenege to Akyu's Arcade for now so that Bay 12 can have accessibility. To see our community game as we play it.

Since the other message board can now "see" what we this will make things a bit easier, I'm still going to relay messages from them to you and back to an extent, but I will since the forum can see it, it'll be limited once the game starts to game related stuff and advice.

In the mean time, I'm busy generating worlds. I kinda had to beat around with world gen configurations a bit to ensure some Touhou characters DID survive. But at least that now will....

As of this point I have one world generated that meet all the specifications (Necro tower, 60-80% evil), and several other things like that. I'll cover more details on this once I get some more worlds put together. But hopfully I'll get at least 5 worlds that meet the specifications I'm looking for to test your skills. Since it especially looks like we're going to Lunatic at this rate. XD

In the mean time, here's the some responds from bay 12:

Quote from: highzealot
Signing up and voting for hard.

Preferred profession is the broker and cook.

Quote from: NotaPirate
Signing up, voting for hard.

Quote from: highzealot
Also, we should make some rules to limit (or forbid) breaking game mechanics such as danger rooms.

Quote from: Alkhemia
Nice set up I don't trust my self in a evil biome so I'll just watch but I'll vote for Lunatic.

Also yeah I am considering the possibiltiy of limiting danger rooms, but not entirely since I feel they may still be important to some degree....
« Last Edit: July 15, 2012, 08:15:08 PM by Totaku »
That's one small step for man, one giant leap for Otaku Kind.
Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
« Reply #11 on: July 15, 2012, 08:46:26 PM »
Good Luck, Do people even play a lot of DF here? If not this Challenge might not last to long.  Well you can always reclaim.

Saber Nero

  • 我が奏者よ!
Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
« Reply #12 on: July 15, 2012, 09:39:05 PM »
That's why we have collaboration with the very experienced members of bay12.

Quote from: highzealot
Somewhere between 200 and 500 would be the most fun and DFhack use should require a vote first. I say allow its use, 75% must vote for it.

Also, some of us could relay our own posts to the other forum though updates would best only be linked since I'm worried that some of the pictures would be above the size that MotK allows.

DFHack should be used purely for FPS purposes and I don't mean to clean up the blood and puke and rotting forgotten beast powders and stuff. It should only be used when there is something that is completely beyond our reach and is causing serious harm to the FPS. Everything else is a feature or a challenge from the depths :moogy:
« Last Edit: July 15, 2012, 09:41:39 PM by Syanas »


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Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
« Reply #13 on: July 15, 2012, 10:22:36 PM »
Going to show you guys a current responds I did with bay12 since it also relates to here too.

Quote from: CaptainArchmage
What kind of mineral scarcity do we have? Normally 100 or so works. Also for embark, I generally suggest copper ore, cassiterite, and bismuthinite, and maybe some iron ore too. Also DFhack should be acceptable, say, if you have to plug a whole in the ocean floor through which the ocean is draining into an aquifer, and is causing significant damage to your FPS.
Quote from: highzealot
Quote from: CaptainArchmage
What kind of mineral scarcity do we have? Normally 100 or so works. Also for embark, I generally suggest copper ore, cassiterite, and bismuthinite, and maybe some iron ore too. Also DFhack should be acceptable, say, if you have to plug a whole in the ocean floor through which the ocean is draining into an aquifer, and is causing significant damage to your FPS.

Somewhere between 200 and 500 would be the most fun and DFhack use should require a vote first. I say allow its use, 75% must vote for it.

Also, some of us could relay our own posts to the other forum though updates would best only be linked since I'm worried that some of the pictures would be above the size that MotK allows.

I think I'll go ahead and point out that the mineral scarcity is set at 1000. Why? It's not too little, it's not too much, and it requires a bit of exploration mining to locate them. And overall, I haven't really complaned about it being at 1000. It's really that bad.

As for DF hack? Well like Syanas said. FPS purposes only!  We know we'll encounter them, It's going to happen, that's kind of the only time I'll permit DF hack be used is to help get the FPS up if it get dramatically slow....

Quote from: highzealot
Quote from: Syanas
That's why we have collaboration with the very experienced members of bay12.

Quote from: highzealot
Somewhere between 200 and 500 would be the most fun and DFhack use should require a vote first. I say allow its use, 75% must vote for it.

Also, some of us could relay our own posts to the other forum though updates would best only be linked since I'm worried that some of the pictures would be above the size that MotK allows.

DFHack should be used purely for FPS purposes and I don't mean to clean up the blood and puke and rotting forgotten beast powders and stuff. It should only be used when there is something that is completely beyond our reach and is causing serious harm to the FPS. Everything else is a feature or a challenge from the depths :moogy:

Hope you don't mind me relaying some posts Totaku

Quote from: CaptainArchmage
How do people normally put pictures on their posts?

I personally use
Code: [Select]
[img]*image link*[/img]

Don't mind at all, and how you posted them is correct for here. As for MotK, depending on what site you use. (Imageshack is a trusted one for MotK since it shrinks images down to thumbnails) You may have find a site that posts thumbnails or if worse comes to worse. Link them! MotK has require that the pictures remain below a certain size for 56k people. (because yes, they still exsist even today)

Also got two worlds to meet requirements... Works on some more.... Also heading to work in an hour from now so I won't be back to work on genning the worlds till after midnight.

Good Luck, Do people even play a lot of DF here? If not this Challenge might not last to long.  Well you can always reclaim.

I'll tell this much about the crew here... The first year's crew did a wonderful job, but of course that was 40d16 so it was pretty easy. Afterward we ptired a bugged 2010 version and things didn't go so easy. But since I usually give MotK some time in advance to prepare at least those that are interested usually stand a chance.
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Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
« Reply #14 on: July 15, 2012, 10:40:56 PM »
Quote from: highzealot/me
Quote from: Totaku
Don't mind at all, and how you posted them is correct for here. As for MotK, depending on what site you use. (Imageshack is a trusted one for MotK since it shrinks images down to thumbnails) You may have find a site that posts thumbnails or if worse comes to worse. Link them! MotK has require that the pictures remain below a certain size for 56k people. (because yes, they still exsist even today)

The example was just to show CaptainArchMage how its done. It was from a Corrosion succession game by IT000 where I basically killed almost everyone trying to complete my order to capture some zombies and then have them be released in the next person's turn. Now that I think about it, we could do something similar to orders though we might have enough FUN as it is.

Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
« Reply #15 on: July 16, 2012, 02:07:06 AM »
Since Lunatic might win  you might get lucky and have some Husks  mist that would be a lot of FUN.


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Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
« Reply #16 on: July 16, 2012, 02:38:08 AM »
Sign me the hell up, this is something I am seriously interested in trying.  I've never done Succession  but I've done an amateur LP before, so I'm pretty down with the ropes.
Let's d this HARD MODO. I don't think I can handle Lunatic, to be honest, but I suppose if I have to face the Ultimate Challenge I will gladly do so.

I'll be posting in both threads, since I post here a lot and lurk on Bay12 a decent amount. My account on Bay12 is named Nyotor Lizardhammers.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2012, 02:50:41 AM by NekoNekoRex »
Kilga is this right; like is this person seriously the player, and it's not some alias or something that's designed to be deliberately obfuscating? NekoNekoRex. Who the hell is that :C   ~Poya Aaaa (Serela), Bunny Must Die Mafia


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Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
« Reply #17 on: July 16, 2012, 05:40:40 AM »
Ok back from work and added all the recent people who applied. Current vote count for regions:

Lunatic: 5

Hard: 3

I'm beginning to think I'm going to need to generate some regions just in case hard gets the upset vote. But we shall see how that goes. I'll continue generating the worlds till I get the ones that meet all the specifications for both Hard and Lunatic.

For those that already signed up maybe it might be a good idea to ask this one right now to help pass the time while I continue to generate the world:

What do you think would be a good name for a Suika Fortress?
What do you think will also be a good name for group?

Current Fort name suggestions: Facehugged (Captainarchmage)

I will make a section in the second post regarding fort names so to keep things from being cluttered...
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Tsunami Channel Home of  Japanese webcomics Artist Akira Hasegawa.
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Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
« Reply #18 on: July 16, 2012, 06:02:46 AM »
Quote from: highzealot/me
Fort Name: Crossedhorns

Group Name: The Dweller of Drinking


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Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
« Reply #19 on: July 16, 2012, 06:18:03 AM »
Randomly generated names I got that fit
Fortname: Wheelsdrinkers
Groupname: The Gleeful Urns

I was going to suggest "The Ferocious Bust" but Suika is flat as a pancake >w<
Kilga is this right; like is this person seriously the player, and it's not some alias or something that's designed to be deliberately obfuscating? NekoNekoRex. Who the hell is that :C   ~Poya Aaaa (Serela), Bunny Must Die Mafia


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Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
« Reply #20 on: July 16, 2012, 06:42:58 AM »
I'll sign up as a spectator.  I don't understand what's going on but I would like to watch.  Also I vote for lunatic.


  • The Traveling Otaku of Gensokyo
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Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
« Reply #21 on: July 16, 2012, 05:11:50 PM »
Ok the good news is I got the land I needed generated. The bad part is, most of them are flat as a board (or maybe that's a good thing for some of you.

I'm going to generated some more land to see if I can get some terrifying land with Elevation in it and tower. (should be possible) So I'm going to allow at least till sometime tomorrow before I start posting up the embark areas we will pick from that will consist of whatever land type we are seeking.

Also note that I usually like setting up 5x5 embark zones. But that's up for debate. Anyways, keep coming up with names and we can vote upon them later on.

Edit: FINALLY, got a nice place with a high elevation to pick from!
« Last Edit: July 16, 2012, 06:38:01 PM by Totaku »
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Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
« Reply #22 on: July 16, 2012, 07:55:36 PM »
Spectator signup here. LUNATIC OR BUST >:D

Interested to see how this turns about.


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Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
« Reply #23 on: July 16, 2012, 11:47:20 PM »
I'm willing to watch for now and become the dwarfiest suika suikaest dwarf suika there ever suikadwarfed, and by that I mean lets Axe it up a little >:D


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Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
« Reply #24 on: July 17, 2012, 12:03:47 AM »
I'd like to sign up as a spectator.  I only have a general familiarity with DF, and 1 semi-successful fort under my belt.  I will like to be entertained though.

Also, can you link to the Bay12 thread?

Badass bookworms


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Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition!
« Reply #25 on: July 17, 2012, 06:19:24 AM »
I'd like to sign up as a spectator.  I only have a general familiarity with DF, and 1 semi-successful fort under my belt.  I will like to be entertained though.

Also, can you link to the Bay12 thread?

I posted it back on the first post, but I'll post it again for you.

Anyways, I'm here to announce that I have 6 locations picked out already and I will post them up tomorrow for voting. They will all range from 80 -100% Evil and all contain terrifying regions and towers in range meaning MAXIMUM fun will be had in one form or another.

These will be posted sometime in before 10 AM Central time hopefully.

So this is a good oprotunity to remind you once more that I'm giving you guys a little more time to come up with names for the fort and groups.

Because what will happen as of tomorrow will be that we will vote on all 3 of these things.

The embark area, the fortress name, and the group name

Once the decision is reached, we will move on to supplies and skills, that each of our suikas will have. Course those who already decided on some position will have to keep their position as such (they can add more to them if needed) For example, since I want to be a mason, I will be setting my Suika to have mason skills for embark. But I'll leave room for other things to decide on before embarking.

Anyways for now I'll give you guys a few more hours to think up some stuff before I post the next step and move on...

also in the mean time have some responds from the bay12ers....

Quote from: CaptainArchmage
I'm OK with 5x5 locations, although I'd suggest something like a 3x8 or 8x3 instead. I've noticed long embarks seem to save FPS.

Suggested Group Name: The Star-King of Drunks

Quote from: Grimlocke
5x5 or 6x4 seems ok, 8x3 is a bit too streched. Might as well just make it smaller at that point.

I'll be fair on this, I prefer what grimelock said here, setting the land to 3x8 or 8x3 is kind of a mess and feels unatural. Plus it wouldn't give much time for the Suikas to react if the enemy came in from the sides. So yeah I much preffer 5x5 embarks especially since this is LUNATIC difficulty were playing here....
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Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition! Voting Time!
« Reply #26 on: July 17, 2012, 03:23:05 PM »
It's time to vote! Since Lunatic won, I got all 6 locations set up for us to pick from, they all have some form of variation to them and also all areas consist of at least 80% -100% Terrifying areas. Only a few contain slight haunted or even a hint of untamed wilds.

What do all the locations have?

Well other than the fact that almost everything is out to kill you here the one thing the one thing I've made habit of doing with these area are the following:

They *Almost* all contain a river of some kind (only one doesn't)

They all contain shallow metals, deep metals, and flux stone.... cause trust me... in the long run, we're going to need it!

Here's the catch though, we don't know what kind of metals we're going to get.

And also we don't know what kind of terrible things might happen while in these terrifying areas....

So if we get stuck with gooey rain melts our faces off from the get go and kills us all.... well... I guess we'll have to vote on another spot then. XD

Anyways without further ado, let me introduce you to our locations!

Area 1: The Great Youkai Waterfall

The Good:Clay, Deep soil, Lots of elevation, Nicely sized river, waterfall that seem to show it goes down a great height (based on heigth description), temprate climate, lots of trees

The Bad: Aquifers are present! Careful planning must be done. Though at large heights most can by pass the aquifers easily.

If what I see about this place is corret, it would make a nice location. Nothing too bad to worry about except maybe everything that wants to rip you head off and the Aquifers that are here.

Area 2: The Barren Land Gensokyo has Forgotten

The Good:Elevation, waterfall, soil, river, Land is devided into one area containing metals and one area contaiing flux stone.

The bad: Hot dry climate, no trees or vegetation, aquifer

A barren wasteland that is located deep within the outsirkts of Gensokyo where no one goes. This area seems good, though very empty since it lacks in tress or vegitation. Serious preperations will be needed before we go here.

Area 3: The Nameless Hill

The Good:Some elevation, trees and vegetation, small waterfall

The Bad:Due to the low height and aquifer, planning is going to be needed to bypass it, also hot climate..

The accursed hill where the Suzurans bloom. This place may look pleasant at first glance but will likely be terrifying once you try to settle in it! Planning will be needed to bypass the aquifer

Area 4: Letty's Wonderland

The Good: Mostly flat land

The bad: Freezing cliamte, Aquifer, little to no vegitation and no sign of trees, aquifer

A land blanketed in nothing but snow and only a few plants as far as the eye can see... and yet a foul air roams around the area... what cursed land could come upon a freezing climate? Worse part is an aquifer stands between the soil and the rocks! Should we even try?

Area 5:The forest along the way to the Genbu Marsh

The Good:Vegitations, trees, flat land, river, little to no aquifer!

The Bad: Flux stone is located all the way at the eastern point of the map along the untamed wild hills. Aquifer just so happens to be in said location

To be honest, this land isn't so bad, at least for the Kappa it ain't. Course for our case that may vary. We're going to need to do exploration mining to get what we need here...

Area 6: The Dark Road Forest
The Good:No Aquifer, flat land, lots of soil, trees, vegitation, warm climate

The Bad: Hard to say.... except for the obvious....

In the accursed woods rest a cursed god who's misforture cursed the forest around we dare choose to embark in such a place risking misfortune?

That's it for the embark locations, now the other things to vote on! The names of our fort and group!

Fort Names:

Current Suggestions:
1."Facehugged" (CaptainArchmage)
2."Crossedhorns" (highzealot)
3."Wheelsdrinkers" (NekoNeko Rex)
4."Sludgefeast!" (Grimelock)

Group Names:

1."The Dweller of Drinking" (highzealot)
2."The Gleeful Urns" (NekoNeko Rex)
3."The Horn-Horn" (Grimelock)
4."The Star-King of Drunks" (Captainarchmage)

Now, it's up to you guys to decide the land we embark on, on the name of our Fortress, and our group name!

I will give another day or so for the voting and I to shall vote on this:

In my opinion:

Location: #1 I'm a sucker for water fall locations despite the aquifers, it's easily manageable if planning is done in advence, course all these areas are a bit intimidating to be honest....

Fort name: Crossedhorns I was split between Nekoneko Rex and zealots's name choice, but for some reason, the idea of this title just sounds oni enough to work to me....

Group Name: "The Gleeful Urns" Repesent Suika as a whole if you ask me.... always drunkenly happy and carrying her gourd around.

Anyways, time for you guys to vote! And I'll decide based on the votes where we go from here!
« Last Edit: July 17, 2012, 03:35:41 PM by Totaku »
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Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition! Voting Time!
« Reply #27 on: July 17, 2012, 04:26:26 PM »
Quote from: highzealot
Area 5 appeals to me best. I vote for Crossedhorns for fort name of course and I'm gonna vote for The Gleeful Urns for group name.

Maid Xan~

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Re: Suika Fortress Yearly Challenge : Cross Forum Edition! Voting Time!
« Reply #29 on: July 17, 2012, 05:58:13 PM »
Area 6, "Wheelsdrinkers" for fort name, "The Star-King of Drunks" for civilization name
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