Author Topic: About Terraria....  (Read 5559 times)

About Terraria....
« on: July 07, 2012, 01:32:28 PM »
Since terraria stopped developpement and won't ever be updated anymore....

Who would like to see a touhou mod for it ?

More to the point: would you guys play terraria if it had a touhou mod ?


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Re: About Terraria....
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2012, 02:15:07 PM »
What is Terraria?


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Re: About Terraria....
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2012, 02:50:59 PM »
What is Terraria?

Think Minecraft in 2D.

What exactly would a Touhou mod for Terraria even entail? Details! Also, not even sure if this is the right forum for this.


Re: About Terraria....
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2012, 06:56:03 PM »
Thread moved to proper forum.

Anyway, I dunno. I haven't actually played Terraria since its big update a few months back. I don't even know what it's like anymore :P


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Re: About Terraria....
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2012, 07:14:03 PM »
Bought it last summer, played it a bit, and while it has interesting bits I didn't really enjoy it that much.

After hearing about development stopping abruptly and later this video from AcesGamer (who has a high degree of respect in the TF2 community), it leaves even more sour aftertaste.
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Re: About Terraria....
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2012, 07:19:00 PM »
I've played Terraria before.  Amusing game that leaves more to be desired. But sadly got thrown to the corner by the creator. No source code, no willing to let another company take over. To make room for a space exploration game...

As a creator of a Touhou based mod of Dwarf Fortress that I hold yearly at the forums. This would interest me, but only if it can be made worth while.

But like everyone else has mentioned before.... what would a mod like this allow us to do, how would it go about being executing it, would be bring more to the table than what the original Terraria had? or would be be a simple graphic overhaul?

Alot of things like this come to mind when considering if Terraria mode will be worth while in development. But like everyone has said, it's what the mod has to offer that'll play the deciding factor on this....

PS AcesGamers describes Terraria developers in a nutshell pretty much.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2012, 07:31:23 PM by Totaku »
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Re: About Terraria....
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2012, 07:30:42 PM »
Terraria was alright and had potential. Then the developers slapped on updates that didn't really add much besides new items and sometimes new enemies which was irritating. Then it was abandoned to make way for a new game with players told that modders will not be given a SDK, no source code release or anything else. Kind of expected it for a while before it happened, but it was still lame nonetheless.

I might consider opening up Terraria again if it had a Touhou mod for it so long as it wasn't just a simple change of graphics and a couple of useless new stuff, but other wise I won't touch it again. It's not a very fulfilling game once you played it for a bit with some friends.

Re: About Terraria....
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2012, 08:09:08 AM »
Let me go more in depth here

After seing one little video I wondered ""what if terraria had touhou boss fights ?"

And here I'm saying boss fights with danmaku spellcards and all the good stuff

All in all what I have in mind is basically

1: New biomes
corresponding to the levels seen in touhou games inhabited with the mobs that SHOULD BE THERE

2: New sets of items and weapons
 with effects that have nothing in common with what is currently available
(Sakuya's throwing knives, Luna Dial...just to name the most obvious....)
Including new vanity items for thoses who want their characters to look like the original touhou cast

3: New bosses !
Thoses bosses would be summonable only when in a certain Biome and would basically be the Touhou bosses rainning hell on you from above, with spellcards and bullet and errything  !

4: Gensokyo map !
Adding loads o' new biomes and mobs the map would be shaped like gensokyo would be and hence you'd find the iconic locations
(from wich you can summon the bosses)

THAT would be the kind of mod I'm referring to...


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Re: About Terraria....
« Reply #8 on: July 08, 2012, 11:20:25 PM »
Have to agree with the "terraria is underwhelming" comment. After the last few updates it just felt stale and was easy to not be immersed in. On the note of modding; if you want something to try, tConfig is a pretty good start. As far as I know it can do mobs, bosses, items (armor, weapon, acc.), and has tutorials on how to make most of those (at least basic ones I believe).
« Last Edit: July 09, 2012, 02:13:55 AM by Zeroxes »
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Re: About Terraria....
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2012, 12:02:18 AM »
I've played Terraria before.  Amusing game that leaves more to be desired. But sadly got thrown to the corner by the creator. No source code, no willing to let another company take over. To make room for a space exploration game...
In essence, that game is supposed to be Terraria 2, to be fair - ability to explore entirely different world styles beyond just the standard construct.

But yeah, I dunno.  I played Terraria for a while, beat the bosses with friends, and... that was it for me.  I still played it more than Minecraft, but...