Author Topic: On the Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [Discussion Thread]  (Read 23173 times)

On The Boundary

When the bell tolls,
And Fate calls your name
There you stand, On the Boundary
Between Life and death, Harmony and Chaos
Existence, and Extinction
Which will you choose?


The Hakurei Shrine.
The Shrine on the eastern border of Gensokyo.
As the seasons changed, so did the temperature.
The color of fall slowly began to drain, leaving the trees bare.
As the hues of red, orange and yellow drifted to the ground, an aura of loneliness enveloped the shrine.
Yes. This is because that place is no longer a home.

Leaves blanketed the ground, making the stone pathway below not visible. However, if one were to see it, one could possibly not even know it is there. Grass had begun to sprout forth from the various cracks that sat between every stone.
The grass that grew on the sides of the shrine was untamed and overgrown, making it seem more like a forest than a pristine building.
The large red torii still stood proudly in it?s place at the top of the stairs, as if it was watching over Gensokyo, and would continue to for eternity.
The shrine itself however, did not look so proud.
The building sat silently, as if it had been forgotten for ages. The interior was covered in dust, left untouched by any sort of creature. None would dare defile this shrine however. Even if it was in disrepair, even if it was desolate, even if it had long been abandoned by the humans of Gensokyo, it was still the great Hakurei Shrine. The Shrine which exists to protect the thing that allows Gensokyo to exist at all.
The Great Hakurei Boundary.

A gentle breeze ruffled the leaves that still remained on the trees, knocking one down.
As is slowly floats down, the breeze stops, and silence reigns over the shrine once again.
Eventually, it hovers only centimeters above the ground. Just about to touch.

An instant gust of wind impacts the walkway, tossing the leaves into the air chaotically.
As the leaves drift towards the ground, the cause of the gust frowns.
?So there?s still no one here??
The girl has short black hair and is wearing an outfit mainly comprised of black and whites.
Hesitantly, the girl lets out a sign and turns to leave.
She casts one more glance at the lonely state of the shrine before leaving in another gust of wind.


The Scarlet Devil Mansion.
The home of the famous Scarlet Vampire.
Despite being late in autumn, the garden was still filled with vibrant colors.

A woman with flowing scarlet hair moved slowly and smoothly in front of the mansion?s gate. To those unfamiliar with this practice, it would appear as if she was dancing.
After a few minutes, she stopped.
?Hah!? She said as she placed her hands on her hips and took a few deep breaths.
As if on cue, a small winged being flew over to Meiling. In her arms, she carried a bottle of water. Without saying a word she offered it to Meiling.
?Ah. Thanks? Meiling said as she took the bottle from the fairy maid and took a large gulp.
?Ah! That?s better?? Meiling says aloud to no one in particular. She hands the bottle back to the fairy maid and the small being retreats back into the mansion.
?Well I best re-? As Meiling is speaking, something catches her eye. She turns her head and gazes in its direction.
There in the garden sits a small girl with wings wider than she is tall. She holds an umbrella over her delicate looking body. Unaware of Meiling?s presence, she continues to mouth words that Meiling can?t hear from the distance at which she stands. In front of her is a large rock.
Meiling?s expression becomes one of worry. Her blue eyes seem pained, as if sympathetic. She whispers as she gazes at her.


The large mansion overlooking the netherworld.
The change of seasons was no exception here.
?Ah~ This is so much better than the summer heat~?
Yuyuko Saigyouji sits on the veranda, watching the autumn scenery.
A moment later, Youmu comes into the room. She?s holding a small tray with two cups of tea on it. She calmy walks over and places it down beside Yuyuko, sitting down beside the tray in an orderly fashion.
?Ah, Thanks Youmu? Yuyuko says as she picks up a cup and takes a sip. Yuyuko makes a pleased sound as she looks out at Hakugyokurou?s grand garden.
After a few moments of silence, Youmu speaks up.
?Lady Yuyuko, you seem very cheerful as of late? She says as she turns her gaze to Yuyuko. ?Why is that??
?Well,? Yuyuko begins, keeping her gaze on the autumn leaves that dance to the ground. ?That?s because it will be a short winter?
Youmu looks puzzled. ?Um?I don?t quite understand?How do you know??
?Well,? Yuyuko turns and smiles at Youmu. ?The flowers are eager to bloom right?? Her smile flickers for a moment. ?Next year will be a fun year?


Moriya Shrine.
Log ago, the Hakurei Shrine was the only shrine in Gensokyo.
But years ago, Kanako Yasaka, the resident god of the shrine, decided to move it to Gensokyo in order to gather youkai faith.
Many years have passed since then, and the amount of faith hasn?t changed very much.
Maybe the concept of Faith has changed since the days of old, when power and dominance gained worshippers. Maybe now faith is more transient, and that the gods will need to work hard to garner faith.
Or maybe, there is no more faith.

The autumn leaves danced gently in the cool breeze.
Sanae watched from inside as they whirled about, a warm smile on her face.
Life had been good to her. She had ascended to godhood at an early age, and even though she had to leave the advanced society of the outside behind, she was able to live normally here in Gensokyo.
As she watched the leaves without any cares, a voice called out to her from the front of the shrine.
Sanae blinked, her awareness returning to the present. She quickly got to her feet and began heading towards the shout.
?Coming!? She called back.


A shop that specializes in goods from the outside world.
However, due to the owner?s poor business sense and no one knowing how to use the items that reside on its shelves, not many things sold.

Rinnosuke sat silently in his store, a book in his hands and a cup of tea within reach. As he flipped through his book, the bell of the shop rung.
Rinnosuke quickly looked up, his words moving faster than his eyes.
?Ah. Is that- Oh, it?s you.?
A small girl with wings came around the corner.
The girl frowns as she flips her hair out of her face. ?You don?t sound to happy to see me? She says as she walks over to Rinnosuke.
?It?s not that, it?s just?? Rinnosuke starts, but the girl cuts him off.
?She still hasn?t shown up?? She asked as if reading his mind.
??Yeah? Rinnosuke says as the girl sits on a near by stool. ?Would you like some tea??
The girl looks at him then nods.
Rinnosuke retrieves the tea and returns soon after. He hands it to the girl and she takes a sip.
?So?? She starts, looking out the window at the sky. ?Has there been any sign of her??
Rinnosuke hesitates, then shakes his head.
?Mr. Kirisame hasn?t heard from her either?
?Oh.? The girl says, lowering her head slightly.
??Are you worried?? The girl says.
Rinnosuke looks at her, then he smiles faintly.
?I imagine it?s natural to worry? He starts, his gaze moving to the window. ?But she?s stronger than I, she can handle herself?
The winged girl looks slightly surprised, but smiles.
?I hope she?s alright.?
?As do I??


Year 159. Winter. New Years Eve. Dawn.  Location, Hakurei Shrine.

The abandoned shrine sits silently in the darkness. Not a single sound is heard. Nothing stirs, not even the wind blows. Human and youkai alike are sleeping in their cozy beds, dreaming. All of Gensokyo is still, as if it was just a photograph.

As the time slowly passes, a faint light begins to glow at Gensokyo?s edge. As the dim light reaches the desolate shrine, a figure appears from darkness.

A tall woman steps out onto the snow covered pathway. Her clothes are extravagant, decorated with countless frills and ribbons. She holds a lace parasol in her hands, much like one would rest their hands on a cane or a scepter. She gazes at the uninhabited shrine. Her expression is devoid of emotion, her eyes as sharp as a needle.

As more light begins to pour into Gensokyo, the marvelous scenery becomes more visible.
The woman stands silently and firmly, her gaze locked onto the shrine.
Moments of silence pass slowly, making them seem eternal.
As the sun reaches the horizon, the silence is broken.
The woman shifts slightly, turning her head just enough to gaze at her shikigami from the corner of her eye.
?The unrest amongst the youkai is growing. If something isn?t done soon??
The woman turned to face her subordinate.
?I?ll take care of it.?
Her eyes met with the fox?s, immediately silencing her.
??I understand.? Was all the shikigami could say in the face of her master.
Without a moment?s hesitation, the fox vanished, as if she had teleported to somewhere far away.

The woman turned her gaze back to the shrine.
?It?ll be soon, don?t worry.? She whispered.
She stood there, as if she was watching over the shrine.
And she did so until the sun had risen into the sky.


?   Year 160, Early Spring ? New Hakurei Shrine Maiden
And this is where our story begins?


1.   I control the world, you control your character.
2.   What I say goes. My final decisions are absolute.
3.   Killing is prohibited unless otherwise stated.
4.   I will be playing with my own character just like everyone else.
5.   Players can, and are encouraged to discuss and negotiate with me. Don?t be afraid to ask if you would like something to happen to your character or you have ideas for any sort of addition to the roleplay in general.
6.   All players will be human.
7.   No one shall be overpowered. This rule will be heavily enforced.
8.   The best way to gain my approval is to impress me with your ideas. This does not mean to make them big and flashy, but to make them interesting and appealing.


Daidouji Kohaku, The New Shrine Maiden of Paradise
Ayatsuya Sora, The Amateur Maid of The Scarlet Devil
Kochiya Amaya, The Fledgling Shrine Maiden of Moriya
Nanbu Takuma, The Rough and Runic Human Magician
Furuika Sanaya, The Traditional Youkai Exterminator
Laresa Krales, The Direct and Laconic Youkai Exterminator
Kyoki Kisei, The Relentlessly Reckless Apprentice Thief
Tetsumaru, The Conceptual Blacksmith Apprentice
Yamagishi Senri, The Elegant and Handsome Tea Server
Kikasu Nanaya, The Young and Innocent Aspiring Hermit
Ohno Hotaru, The Wanderer of Phantasmagoric Sensation
Shimizu Yumiko, The Library Assistant of Reminiscence

?   All player characters are human
?   Abilities will be monitored
?   Combat Abilities will also be monitored
?   If you are unsure about anything, don?t be afraid to ask
?   Be creative and unique. It?s no fun if everyone is the same old boring thing.
?   Give your character life. It?s boring talking to a wall.
?   I will try my best to be fair and equal.

« Last Edit: June 06, 2012, 10:18:30 AM by Sonae »

Re: On the Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2012, 10:48:08 PM »
Yay!!! The Discussion Thread is back and better than ever! \o/
(???well maybe not better than ever...)
Welcome back (?) everyone. Summer is just around the corner.
But firstly however, there are some matters we need discussed.

Participation and Speed::
      Okay, first things first. Things have been going VERY slow lately. (Mostly cause of me, but w/e) We?re going to need to fix this some how, else things won?t move forward. As a warning, once summer is here and I no longer have school to worry about, I will be able to post MUCH faster than I have been. I will NOT wait a week or two for you to post If you?re just being lazy. Please understand, we have lost momentum. This is a bad thing, and I don?t want to lose interest next.

   After the Feast::
      Second, after Keine drops the bomb, we shall be moving on to the next day in the rp. Things will change at this point. More freedom will be allowed than has been so far. This is a good and bad thing. Good because players can do what they want within reason. Bad because it puts more weight on the players shoulders, which means they could take even longer to post. If you want, I can still reply back and forth with you if you feel uncomfortable about it. However, there is a catch to it. There are a few ?conditions? that will need to be abided by for these days. First, no one mentions Reimu. Second, no one mentions Yukari by name or in excessive detail. Third, NPOCs are still under my control, and you are NOT allowed to take control of them. Fourth, certain characters I may not allow to be played for certain time frames. I?ll try to make a list of who cannot be controlled at certain times. I please ask that players try to keep portrayals as canon as possible and not to throw in ridiculous things that will make issues for me.

      An important tool I have created to give players something to do on these off days when plot related events are not occurring are these Missions. There are a wide variety of things one can do, and if you don?t want to do a mission then you don?t have to. These missions are supposed to act as a sort of inspiration to get you started. So if you don?t know what to do, you can take on a mission to pass your ingame time. I have created a handy little Mission template for the submittance of mission ideas. These will be added to the Mission Database (and this Mission Database may be online eventually). Just notify me either in this thread, by PM, or idk, find me somewhere else? I hang out in the Saniwa Shrine Chatroom more often than enough.
So without further delay, here?s the template;

Mission Submittance Form

Mission Name:
Mission Type:
Mission Goal:
Mission Description:
Mission Giver:
   (If Mission Type = Catch, Defend, Theft, Retrieve, Rescue, Investigate, Escort, Deliver, Exterminate)
   If Mission Type = Training, Theft, Retrieve, Scout, Race, Investigate, Escort, Deliver, Exterminate
   If Mission Type = Race, Duel, Spar, Shogi, Challenge
Confirmation of Mission Complete: (If applicable)
Special Conditions: (If applicable)

Mission Types

Assist: Aid someone with a task. Example; Help someone carry things, Help someone with preparations.
Catch: Chase down something that is fleeing. Example; Catch a runaway pet, Catch a thief.
Training: Learn new skills or sharpen old ones by visiting a mentor.* Example; Visit Tsukasa at the Dojo.
Defend: Protect someone from an attacker. Example; Protect a woman from an angry drunk.
Theft: Steal something from a place or person. Example; Steal a letter.
Retrieve: Recover a lost object or fetch something for someone. Example; Find something someone dropped, Pick up a package for someone.
Scout: Explore an area of request or an unmapped area. Example; Scout out a meeting place, Explore inside a hollow cavity in a mountain.
Rescue: Save someone from danger. Example; Save a child from a hungry youkai.
Race: Compete in a challenger's race. Example; Race against an opponent, Beat the best time for the course.
Investigate: Investigate a suspicious object, person, or location. Example; Uncover a planned ambush.
Escort: Escort someone to a specific location. Example; Escort someone to the Hakurei Shrine.
Delivery: Deliver something for someone. Example; Deliver a love letter, Bring offerings to a shrine.
Exterminate: Track and defeat someone. Example; Defeat a troublesome youkai.
Duel: Challenge someone to a formal duel. Example; Challenge someone to a Spellcard Duel.
Test: Test out a new idea. Example; Test run a kappa's new invention.
Spar: Test out your combat skills. Example; Have a friendly match with Meiling.
Shogi: Play shogi against an opponent. Example; Play Dai Shogi with Momiji.

      Now for the fourth concern. Soon, in the not to distant future, I will open the field for player spellcard creation. This is set for a certain timeframe, for the players to be instructed by someone how to make Danmaku, starting with the basics of course. Players can develop their combat skills in any way they wish, so it is not required that everyone makes spellcards.

      Yes, you read right. Eventually all characters will fly if they wish to do so. Currently, none of the player characters can fly. But this will not be the way it is throughout the entire rp. If you want, much later, your player can attempt to learn to fly. However, you will need an explanation for it. Your character cannot just wake up one day and find themselves able to fly. You will need a reason for why the suddenly become able to fly, along with them learning from the start about how to fly. I?d prefer if they did not innately know how to fly, since they would have never flown before in their life. Players may attempt multiple methods and fail at them before finding the right one. As I said, flight is also entirely optional. If you do not wish to fly, you do not have to.


And those are all the concerns at the moment that I can think of. Please discuss them since well, this IS the discussion thread.

I also had some notes, but I forgot them. /shrugs

Atm, I?m currently in about my last two weeks of school. I?m very busy, and likely will be for at least a week maybe. I?ll see if I can get an update done during the coming weekend. But no promises.

Re: On the Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2012, 08:50:47 AM »

Edit the title of this thread to denote that it actually IS the discussion thread. First time I saw this one, I thought, 'why's Sonae starting thread two already?'

Re: On the Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [Discussion Thread]
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2012, 10:19:16 AM »
Huh. I thought it wouldn't work to name it the same. Guess I was wrong.

Now discuss! o/


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: On the Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [Discussion Thread]
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2012, 06:56:12 PM »
      Now for the fourth concern. Soon, in the not to distant future, I will open the field for player spellcard creation. This is set for a certain timeframe, for the players to be instructed by someone how to make Danmaku, starting with the basics of course. Players can develop their combat skills in any way they wish, so it is not required that everyone makes spellcards.

      Yes, you read right. Eventually all characters will fly if they wish to do so. Currently, none of the player characters can fly. But this will not be the way it is throughout the entire rp. If you want, much later, your player can attempt to learn to fly. However, you will need an explanation for it. Your character cannot just wake up one day and find themselves able to fly. You will need a reason for why the suddenly become able to fly, along with them learning from the start about how to fly. I’d prefer if they did not innately know how to fly, since they would have never flown before in their life. Players may attempt multiple methods and fail at them before finding the right one. As I said, flight is also entirely optional. If you do not wish to fly, you do not have to.

It's always seemed odd that none of our characters are able to do either of these things. I can certainly understand some of them not being able to, especially when it comes to spellcards, but some characters are more... well, involved in combat. A youkai exterminator like Laresa, for example, really should know how to use danmaku already, given that the spellcard rules are how such things work in Gensokyo. For there to be youkai exterminators who don't know how to use danmaku, Gensokyo would have to have undergone significant changes since Reimu's time (if this is the case, of course, then it all fits a bit better).
Flight also strikes me as something that such people would learn.

Regardless of your overall decision, it really goes against Laresa's character for her to not know how to fly or use danmaku. Flight, especially, is a skill that could be useful in many different situations, and Laresa would have made learning it a top priority. And while there's no reason she can't have found this difficult, I just can't see her having failed to learn it by now, especially given the amount of effort she would have put into it. This also applies to danmaku, of course, although not to quite the same extent (especially if it has become less common, although even then, she'd still learn it just in case. It'd be fine in that case for her not to have figured it out just yet, though, since it would have been a significantly lower priority). I could see her not being that good with it yet, although I'd think she'd at least be able to produce basic shots.

Since this is your RP, the final decision is of course up to you, but given that lacking those abilities (especially flight) would really go against Laresa's character (and maybe some of the others', as well; I'm just most familiar with my own character), I'd really rather she do have those abilities at least to some extent (again, especially flight), since I really do not want to be forced to have her break character (or have broken character; whatever).


  • 不聖女
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Re: On the Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [Discussion Thread]
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2012, 12:57:08 PM »
I have university again.

I also have virtually no idea what to post at the moment. I guess I'm kind of screwed in that regard.

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale

Re: On the Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [Discussion Thread]
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2012, 03:06:30 AM »
My apologies for not having updated yet.
School's over for the summer, and I graduated. So that's out of the way.
But Right now I'm feeling like absolute shit because I can barely move my head without experiencing pain.
Anyways, let's just hope the swelling, as well as the pain, goes away soon. Since it's a pain in the ass.
I'm trying my best to finish the update. If shit can stop getting in my way though, that'd be very helpful. All I can do is hope for the best though.


  • The Main Character (Really!)
    • Blank
Re: On the Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [Discussion Thread]
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2012, 06:06:57 AM »
Well you can take a bit more time if there's still a couple more problems.

...Where's my game?

Re: On the Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [Discussion Thread]
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2012, 06:09:17 AM »
but it's pathetic for how long it took

Now EVERYONE has something to react to. Or most everyone.
And I expect a post from you Yog about Hotaru setting up camp for the night and going to sleep, bonus points for details~

Okay so, in particular, I haven't seen a post from Hanzo, Dorakyura, YJ, Trance, and...uh... well that's about all, in forever. What happened you guys? You dead or something?
« Last Edit: July 10, 2012, 06:14:09 AM by Sonae »

Re: On the Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [Discussion Thread]
« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2012, 10:56:26 PM »
Popping by to say I'll be away for three days. I still need Kisei to eavesdrop on Kohaku, although that would mean reentering the shrine amd possibly meeting Yuyu again.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."

Re: On the Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [Discussion Thread]
« Reply #10 on: July 19, 2012, 01:48:43 PM »
Okay so, There's something I'm concerned about for what will follow after the first day ends.
And that is in game time.
Not all of us will be active/doing something at the same time.
So I'm unsure what to do about this. I don't want to have people waiting for one person to play out their day, or for one person to be left out.
Any ideas guys?


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: On the Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [Discussion Thread]
« Reply #11 on: July 19, 2012, 02:29:55 PM »
Um... I'm not completely sure what you mean there.

Re: On the Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [Discussion Thread]
« Reply #12 on: July 19, 2012, 02:34:11 PM »
Like, for example, Kisei is nocturnal. so she's active at night. When most are asleep.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: On the Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [Discussion Thread]
« Reply #13 on: July 19, 2012, 02:40:28 PM »
Ah. Well, um, I don't know that there's a whole lot you can do, at least not in a general sense. I'd recommend figuring something out individually with each nocturnal character (since most of us will be active during the day, that's the preferable option, as that way there are fewer characters to have to figure something out for).

Re: On the Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [Discussion Thread]
« Reply #14 on: July 19, 2012, 08:12:18 PM »
Update is coming along.

I finally wrote up some missions! \o/
Here's the titles of the few I've written up so far;
Coffee Beans
One Loss, No Gain
Heaven Opposing Everything

Guesses to their content is welcome~
So, is anyone interested in hearing more about these not so lovely quests~?


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: On the Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [Discussion Thread]
« Reply #15 on: July 20, 2012, 06:40:51 AM »

Re: On the Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [Discussion Thread]
« Reply #16 on: July 20, 2012, 07:10:55 PM »
Is anyone else interested~? Hanzo? Crow? Anyone?

Btw Crow, you will get an update shortly after Laresa proceeds down the hall and into the room.

Re: On the Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [Discussion Thread]
« Reply #17 on: July 21, 2012, 12:21:22 AM »
I'd be interested in those COFFEE BEANS. I'll be waiting for that update.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: On the Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [Discussion Thread]
« Reply #18 on: July 21, 2012, 04:46:09 AM »
Heaven Opposing Everything....Sounds like a fight. Odds are Tenshi's looking for someone to spar with.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Re: On the Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [Discussion Thread]
« Reply #19 on: August 04, 2012, 10:10:03 PM »
Okay so!
It's about time I give everyone lists of the areas that will be accessible for the next few days or so in-game.

Hakurei Shrine - Free to Visit. Unguarded.
Scarlet Devil Mansion - Can be visited. However, certain 'events' will be taking place here tomorrow night in-game. Meiling is guarding the entrance.
Misty Lake - Free to Visit. Officially Unguarded.
Human Village - Free Passage.
Myouren Temple - Could be accessed, but there will not be much to do there.
Cemetery - Technically Could be visited. Dangerous Area.
Kourindou - Free to Visit.
Forest of Magic - Technically can be visited. Dangerous Area. Going to Marisa's house is not advised, if not disallowed.
Garden of the Sun - Could be visited, but there's nothing there at this time.
Nameless Hill - You can go there, but it's not advised in the least. Very Dangerous, if not Deadly area.
Spring Path - Wherever the hell that's located...
Genbu Marsh - Can technically be accessed. Relative Location is unknown.
Bamboo Forest of the Lost - Free to Visit.
Eientei - You'll only get here if you're lucky. Really Lucky.
Youkai Mountain - Mostly Free to Visit. By Location:
  The Great Youkai Forest - Accessible. Mildly Dangerous.
  Untrodden Valley - Accessible. Not Very Dangerous.
  Giant Toad's Pond - Accessible. Slightly hard to find.
  The Waterfall of Nine Heavens - Partially Accessible. The Bottom and Top can be easily visited. Dangerous Area.
-Intermediary Zone- This is where the trees start to disappear. Refer to this; The Most Dangerous Area on the mountain.
  The Wind God's Lake - Not advised to visit. Nothing there.
  Moriya Shrine - Free to Visit.
*For one to reach the Moriya Shrine, they need to climb the Mountain. This will lead to the character more than likely passing through the following areas; The Great Youkai Forest, Untrodden Valley, The Waterfall of Nine Heavens, and the Intermediary Zone.

That's about all. Most of the Remaining Areas will become available after being 'discovered'. By discovered, I mean visited, but it could be something else that prevents you from entering a certain area. For example, The Netherworld is currently Inaccessible. The main reason for this is that the Netherworld is located in the sky, making it inaccessible to our Human characters that are unable to fly at the moment.

And I hope none of you are foolish enough to even try to get to Higan.

A list of encounter-able characters will be created soon enough. Encounterables will be more confusing, because due to location, and even plans (which may guarantee that a player will encounter someone *coughyumikocough*), who one person can encounter may be different from another.
Note that not everyone will always be encounterable at any given time, either because of their location at that time, or other circumstances. For example, Shikieiki is located in Higan, where the living cannot go. She is only encounterable when she comes to Gensokyo, which is a rare occurrence.

Though, if anyone would like to request meeting someone over the next two days or so, then please, by all means, ask.
When you ask, I can make arrangements to allow you to meet the character, assuming they aren't already planned to be doing something somewhere else.
For example, let's say....who should I pick on today... Crow wants Kisei to raid the Myouren Temple and be caught by Byakuren.   At the current moment, I may have something else planned for Byakuren  Depending on Kohaku, and thus, she may not be at temple.
For another example, let's say Takuma wants to take out his anger over his recent misfortune out on an unsuspecting fairy, So he heads to Misty Lake in order to encounter and battle with Cirno.   Because I have no plans for Cirno, I would arrange it so that what Hanzo wanted would happen.
*Please do not go ahead and add whichever characters you feel like adding to your posts. This can cause various problems.

So just contact me any way you can to ask.
That's it for now I spose....

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: On the Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [Discussion Thread]
« Reply #20 on: August 09, 2012, 03:36:06 AM »
All in all, things are pretty well-thought out, huh? At any rate, I'm rather interested in quite a few sidequests.
Heaven Opposing Everything(Tenshi, are you up to your old antics again?), and One Loss, No Gain. (Archer, is that you?)
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Re: On the Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [Discussion Thread]
« Reply #21 on: August 09, 2012, 07:39:30 PM »
Due to 'issues' the update is late. I sowwy...

A list of Who knows is in progress. And it shalt be color coded! COLOR IS FUN

In the meantime, have some missions.

Mission Name: Rarity
Mission Type: Assist/Retrieve
Mission Goal: Collect early spring herbs for Eirin.
Mission Description: With Reisen unable to go into the underground, and Eirin busy with her work, she needs someone else to collect early spring ingredients that grow in the underground caves.
Mission Giver: Eirin Yagokoro
Location: Within the Dark Blowhole
Dangers: Unknown/Varible
Confirmation of Mission Complete: Required
Special Conditions: Teams are allowed.

Mission Name: Pilgrimage
Mission Type: Escort
Mission Goal: Escort a Human from the Village to one of Gensokyo?s shrines.
Mission Description: One of the Villagers wishes to go to one of Gensokyo?s shrines to pray. This mission allows for the  player to choose where they go and what their journey will be like.
Mission Giver: Unnamed Human from the Village
Target: Unnamed Woman from the Human Village
Location: Hakurei Shrine or Moriya Shrine
Dangers: Varies
Confirmation of Mission Complete: Not Necessary
Special Conditions: Can be done more than once and by more than one player, but only one player at a time.

Mission Name: Heaven Opposing Everything
Mission Type: Investigate
Mission Goal: Investigate the strange and ominous aura roaming through the Great Youkai Forest.
Mission Description: Part 1 of a series. Recently, Kanako has been worried about an ominous aura that has been felt around the Great Youkai Forest. However, because Amaya, the Moriya Miko in training, is not experienced enough yet to set out on her own, the Sky Goddess needs to find someone else willing to do the job.
Mission Giver: Kanako Yasaka
Target: The ominous aura wandering near the foot of the mountain
Location: The Great Youkai Forest
Confirmation of Mission Complete: Encouraged, but not Required
Special Conditions: More than one person may attempt it at one time. Teams are allowed.

Mission Name: One Loss, No Gain
Mission Type: Exterminate
Mission Goal: Uncover the identity of the sneak thief and teach them a lesson.
Mission Description: There have been various reports of people finding their possessions missing. Unrest in the village over a possible ?serial thief? has caused some to complain to Keine.
Mission Giver: Keine Kamishirasawa
Target: Undiscovered
Location: Mainly the Human Village
Confirmation of Mission Complete: Unneeded.
Special Conditions: You can talk to villagers about their stolen property, and the details they recall.

Mission Name: Coffee Beans
Mission Type: Catch/Exterminate
Mission Goal: Catch Luna and teach her a lesson
Mission Description: All the teahouse?s coffee beans have disappeared. A lot of people are complaining because they are unable to have their morning pick-me-up. The Coffee Bean Thief needs to be stopped.
Mission Giver: Teahouse Staff/Manager
Target: Luna Child
Confirmation of Mission Complete: Unneeded

If anyone wants to take on a mission, speak nao! So I can know to set things up.
Oh and if there are any questions, just ask :3


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: On the Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [Discussion Thread]
« Reply #22 on: August 09, 2012, 07:59:44 PM »
I'm not completely sure if Laresa will take the job or not (it'll depend on what may or may not happen between now and then), but put me down for Heaven Opposing Everything.

Re: On the Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [Discussion Thread]
« Reply #23 on: August 15, 2012, 06:53:09 AM »
My apologies to everyone. Some issues have come up. Issues that will tamper with my abilities to finish this update soon.
I shall try my best to get the update out.
I do not want my rp to die.

I am not giving up. I'm just a little troubled at the moment.
I'm sorry for all the delays. I really am.
Please forgive me.

Some things just happen in life. Be it 'Fate' or what have you. There are just something things that can't be prevented. That can only be regretted.
I'm sorry.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: On the Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [Discussion Thread]
« Reply #24 on: August 15, 2012, 07:01:41 AM »
Eh, it happens!
Rarity strikes me as interesting as well. Being a Magician, Takuma's moderately knowledgeable on herbs.
(Much humor was early on when he mistook a mild herb for a spicy one.)
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Re: On the Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [Discussion Thread]
« Reply #25 on: September 11, 2012, 12:17:25 AM »
The bomb has dropped! I repeat,, The bomb has dropped!!!
YAY~ \o/

Anyways. It is it almost time to move onto the next day, all that remains is for a few conversations to end.
Here's a list of everyone who's ready for the next day.

Player List:

So I'm waiting on a few people to finish interactions within a couple posts. Then we'll be moving on to better things!

Since no one has posted. Reposting.

Anyways, I want the players to use this thread. Post in this damn thing, that's what it's here for.

Second order of business. From my knowledge, no one is doing anything during the next day.

Finally, I want the players currently active in conversation to CONCLUDE their interaction. Stop asking questions. Stop playing around. If you have questions, they'll be answered later.
We need to move on. ASAP
I've given Kisei a way out by Yuyuko turning the conversation towards her father.
I want Laresa and Kohaku to leave the room they are in and give up the questions for the night. It's not like Keine will disappear, there will be plenty of time for questions later. And to different individuals.
Amra, you can disengage in your next post if you wish.

My apologies if I seem a tad irritable. Family problems suck.

tl;dr - Use this thread. Stop doing shit so the next day can start.

Re: On the Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [Discussion Thread]
« Reply #26 on: September 15, 2012, 12:55:36 AM »

We have finally said goodbye to March 28th. Now we begin a new day.
The next day will start in the morning. Likely for most, it would be late morning. Like 10AM or something. Those who aren't drunk may wake up a bit earlier, closer to 8am. Time progression will be an issue, but hopefully everyone will be good and not screw with time. Since none of you are Sakuya

Anyways. Status Information!

Sora - Has a headache. Will wake up a bit late. Will awake in the SDM.
Sanaya - Hangover? Will wake up a bit late. Will awake at home.
Takuma - Hungover. Will wake up late. Will awake at home.
Tetsumaru - ???(You choose if you want him to have a hangover or not) Will awake at home.
Laresa - Not drunk? (Wow she handles alcohol well) Will wake up early? At the shrine???
Kisei - Underaged Not drunk. Will be awake? Will resume at home.
Kohaku - Not drunk? Will wake up early? At the shrine???
Senri - Hangover? Wake up late? Will awake at home. (Youko carried him home?)
Nanaya - ??? (your choice) Wake up late? Will awake in home-cave.
Amaya - Not drunk. Wake up early? Will awake at home.
Yumiko - Not drunk. Wake up- wait you can't tell time in that library. Awakes in the Library.

No I'm not trying to limit your guys' freedoms, these are just mostly my guesses and can be changed. Locations are a little more final than the rest, which the rest doesn't matter.
Sour, Guy. By the morning, everyone has left the shrine. Crow, Idk what you want to do with Kisei for the day. Orphea, you're free to post now, and you'll wake up to find a blanket over you and detect a light/sound around the corner or just happen to head in that direction (The one Patchy is in). YJ, No, you're not going home with Senri. Yog, where the fuck are you Hotaru will awake to a sword pointing at her. Rest should be able to figure something out on their own or something...

Welp. That's about it. Have fun! o/


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: On the Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [Discussion Thread]
« Reply #27 on: September 15, 2012, 01:49:26 AM »
I don't think Laresa drank all that much.

Anyways, Sour, you post first; I'll post after you.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: On the Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [Discussion Thread]
« Reply #28 on: October 09, 2012, 04:38:56 AM »
My last post had the first mention of a new character, Vaxla, whom Sonae has already approved. Here is her profile:
Name: Vaxla Senekas

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Occupation: Youkai exterminator

Appearance: Tall, with long, black hair and blue eyes. Like Laresa, she prefers simple, easy-to-move-around-in clothing. She's quite beautiful, although her beauty is marred somewhat by her numerous scars, especially the ones on her face.

Ability: Manipulation of physical force. This allows Vaxla to greatly strengthen her strikes, and also allows her to strike from a distance; she can hit someone with the force of a blow even when they're farther away. This ability effectively gives her enhanced strength, as she can strengthen the force with which she lifts, pulls, pushes, or does anything else. By increasing the force she pushed off the ground with, she can greatly boost her jumping distance, or even increase her movement speed, and is also able to use this ability to fly. She's also able to manipulate the force exerted by others, although she is not yet as skilled at doing so. She mainly uses this in battle, to blunt the force of enemy strikes. She is able to render strikes completely harmless, but this requires perfect timing and is extremely much harder than simply weakening the blows, and thus not something she ever relies on.
Backstory: Another person with a fairly ordinary childhood, Vaxla was fairly ordinary for quite some time. Until one night in her seventeenth year of life. Nobody knows what happened, but after whatever it was, Vaxla was... different. For a few days, nobody saw her at all. Then she reappeared, but she was... different. For one, she had become extremely antisocial, and was likely to react violently to physical contact. She began learning to fight at this time, and was quite obsessive about doing so.  She also began obsessively practicing and developing her ability, which she'd never before given any sort of thought to; in fact, some people wondered if she'd even realized she had it until whatever happened that night. Vaxla quickly turned herself into a deadly fighter, and began working as a youkai exterminator, a field she quickly made a name for herself in.

Personality: Extremely antisocial. She usually ignores people who speak to her. Physical contact, on the other hand, is generally met with violence, though generally she doesn't truly injure the one who attacks her. She has an extreme dislike of youkai; specifically, of those who appear human. She takes jobs hunting such youkai whenever she can, and has even been known to interfere with other exterminators who are on such jobs, killing their targets herself (although she does allow them to collect the pay). Vaxla never attempts to settle things peacefully; she always aims to kill. And she's generally very brutal about it; it's very rare to find a victim of hers whose body is intact. Sometimes, she'll even take something from inside as a prize, usually the heart.

Other: Vaxla's weapon of choice is a spiked mace.

Other other: Vaxla and Laresa are the closest thing each other has to a friend, and are the only people who know of what happened to each other.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: On the Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [Discussion Thread]
« Reply #29 on: October 09, 2012, 07:16:16 AM »
She just better be careful she doesn't end up as the very same thing she hunts then yo. He Who Fights Monsters and all that jazz.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure