Author Topic: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Summary/Status Update Thread)  (Read 38945 times)


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
This is where summaries and status updates go so you wouldn't have to sift through the discussion thread to find summaries and updates.

Quote from the discussion thread summary:

Gensokyo was on the verge of complete destruction. The Hakurei Border was collapsing. Gensokyo's source of spiritual energy, the mana leylines under it, which fuels its existence had suddenly failed for some unknown reason. In an emergency meeting, Yukari met up with Reimu at the Hakurei Shrine a good few hours before the predicted complete collapse of the border. They agreed that there was no chance to save Gensokyo now. There was little time and neither of them knew the reason behind the mana leylines failing. The only option was to escape and bring as many memories of Gensokyo with them as possible. Using Those memories, they may one day restore Gensokyo to its former glory along with everyone in it once they have managed to return its mana supply.

There was one problem. The outside world lacked spiritual power, having advanced and modernized beyond the need for spirituality. The beings of Gensokyo, whether youkai or human, are used to the great abundance of mana and thus their mana expenditure is less efficient and higher than your average outsider. They would quickly run out of mana in the outside world and die long, protracted deaths. It?d be a living hell for them.

Thankfully, there were outsiders within Gensokyo who had befriended certain members of the Gensokyo community. They would be able to ?partner up? with certain refugees and share mana. The mana sharing is proportional the strength of the outsider (physical and mental) and the strength of their relationship and trust and is inversely proportional to the distance between them. (read the notes at the bottom). If they escape together, they may stand a chance at surviving the outside world.

The two set off to prepare a gateway through the Hakurei border through which refugees may escape. After that Yukari sets off to warn as many people as she could while Reimu starts?well?packing with her newfound outsider friend, Mitaka.

The SDM crew, with the three outsiders, Remilia?s friend - the samurai Kojiro, Flandre?s companion - Zei, and the SDM butler and wife to Sakuya - Taihou, finally make it to the shrine after their mansion was completely swallowed by the earth due to the increasingly unstable earth underneath Gensokyo. Around that time, outsider Jeremy Nezu arrives on his own, wondering why Reimu has yet to save Gensokyo. Aya and her outsider companion Sumire soon arrive and reveal that Yukari has yet to spread any news.

Worried, Reimu decides to take on the task of spreading the news with Aya and Sumire?s help. Meanwhile, Mitaka was charged with getting the group to the gateway waiting at the border.

As they journeyed, they met up with outsider martial artist Alex and his girlfriend, Lily Black. Soon, after getting past a treacherous stretch of geyser land, they come across Parsee and her outsider companion, Hiroko, who had both somehow managed to leave the underground world through a geyser.

They soon reach the border gateway. However, a mysterious voice suddenly fills the clearing surrounding the gateway, mocking them for their ?futile? attempts at escaping and telling them that the destruction of Gensokyo was a mere ?by-product? of her hijacking the mana source for her own nefarious ends, a ?grander scheme? according to her. She summons many small shadow creatures and challenges the group to defend the gateway against them. The group stands their ground and valiantly fights. Meanwhile, Reimu, Aya, and Sumire had managed to spread the news and had returned with Yuyuko and her outsider companion Sho, Suwako and her outsider companion Myon and the outsider Demonlord Pichu and his Makai contingent. They too join the fight.

Taihou?s hidden strength finally decimates the shadow army, allowing the party a brief respite. Soon more refugees arrive at the gateway. Together they waited for the collapse of the barrier, when it would be unstable enough for them to pass.

However, the mysterious disembodied voice wasn?t done yet. She returned, and this time she summoned a giant shadow snake. She tells them that she doesn?t plan on letting them leave and reveals that this was a bit of revenge on Reimu. The team once again fights to protect the gateway while Sanae and Reimu tried to keep the gateway open. The team tried many things, including hacking the surrounding forest to create traps, creating diversions, etc. anything to keep the snake occupied to buy time for the evacuation.

Jeremy somehow managed, with Kaguya?s help, to create a replica of Simon?s drill from TTGL, and used it to channel spiral energy into the airship that Nitori, Alice, and Marisa had used to arrive. The airship transforms into a humanoid form and charges at the snake. Further battle ensues, culminating in a final kamikaze charge with the entire party of outsiders onboard the mecha charging for the snake. The collision threw everyone overboard, while the snake and mecha together sailed over Gensokyo.

The rest of the party escapes through the collapsing gateway, leaving Reimu, Mitaka, Marisa, Alice, Ruukoto, and Suika waiting by the gate to keep it open till the last minute for Jeremy?s return and hopefully Yukari?s arrival.

Meanwhile, Jeremy manages to find Yukari, Chen, and Ran in an underground cave where Yukari had been sealed in a box. With the drill?s help, he liberates Yukari, and together they escape. They reach the gateway just in time as the gate was about to collapse, bashing straight into the people waiting by the gate and shoving them through to the other side.

Outsider Mcwallace and his companion, Eirin, manage to reach the portal just before the destruction of Gensokyo.

On the other side, Kojiros had landed near the Suwa lake and had rendezvoused with Remilia. He ended up having to make a contract with Patchouli, Koakuma, Youmu, and Minoriko Aki to save them. Meanwhile, Alex had landed a good deal further away, at the Heavenly Dragon Dojo, right beside the abandoned Saniwa shrine and inn in Karuisuwa.

Meanwhile, Amarillo had successfully escaped on her own from her home in the Forest of Magic with Lily White and had emerged in the outside world in the town of Karuisuwa. They managed to get room and board along with a job in the local Tourist Helpers store.

At the same time, Renko and her friend Sanasan were en-route to the abandoned Hakurei Shrine in the Yatsugatake National Park to make an attempt to reach Gensokyo once more.

The others landed around the old abandoned Hakurei Shrine in the aforementioned national park. Gpop managed to link up with Sanae, Merlin, and Satori and reached the shrine first. Hiroko agreed to enter a contract with Iku before making their way to the shrine. Upon arrival, Mitaka decided to make a contract with Marisa, Alice, Ruukoto, and Suika in order to save them, causing him to collapse due to the shock of the sudden mana depletion. He should have died. However, Gpop finds him and together with Pichu they dragged him into the shrine. Yukari reveals to him as he comes to that his sudden bravery had caused him to develop greatly mentally, and thus his mana supply increased quite abruptly. However, he was still severely weakened.

Everyone else eventually manages to make it to the shrine.

Taihou, meanwhile, manages to form additional contracts with Keine and Mokou. As they made their way up to the shrine, they were attacked by three men in black armour and helmets. Mokou quickly dispatches them at the cost of Taihou?s energy. They quickly make their way to the shrine to warn the others.

Meanwhile, the group at the shrine were discussing things when Taihou arrived. Shocked by the sudden appearance of more enemies, the exhausted group gets to their feet. Jeremy manages to get his internet working in time to reveal that things have changed while they were away. The Prime Minister had a new secretarial aide, Saaya Kikuri, who they suspect is the Kikuri they knew from Makai.

There wasn?t much time for further thought. The agents had found the shrine and attacked with smoke canisters. Satori blasts a hole through the back, having sensed that the opposition didn?t expect them to escape that way. They successfully escape and, using Satori?s powers further, they managed to avoid the search nets combing the hill. After 3 hours of trekking and hiding their tracks, they meet up with ThirtyFour who was trying to get his Challenger II tank moving with Rika?s help. With the help of Jeremy?s dying spiral drill, they get the tank moving again and head for Karuisuwa.

They decided to stay at an abandoned shrine that night, the Saniwa shrine. Kojiro and his team rendezvoused with them after a little confrontation with some agents of their own. They settle down in the shrine, exhausted. Shortly after midnight, they tried to discuss what to do and where to go, but in their exhaustion they failed to reach any conclusions. They finally agreed to rest, recuperate, and discuss things further the day after.

Right, what has happened in the last 1 hour?

The girls had discovered the hot springs bathhouse in the abandoned inn. How they got it to work or cleaned up enough to use, I don't know. Male labour, perhaps? The men were asked to gather in the male changing room so that they could continue supplying mana while the girls bathed. A few of the ones still unconscious were dragged out bodily into the changing room from the shrine. Alex and a few of the men decided to try using the male baths.

Amarillo and Lily White arrived at around 7.30, following the spiritual link between Lily White and Lily Black. However, they spot a sniper. Amarillo tells Lily White to send a warning to the others while she takes care of the sniper using mind-trap telepathy, at the cost of a significant proportion of her energy. Aware that she only had mere minutes of consciousness left, she began interrogating the man and found that they had a headquarters nearby. Most importantly, he was alone and nobody knew where he had gone. She also brainwashed him into returning to his HQ and telling his superiors that he had found nothing. This should buy the team some peace and quiet for a while.

Alex arrives on scene with a few of the others. After getting Amarillo to a safer resting place, the team gathers around the sniper for an interrogation session of their own. They gather more details regarding the enemy HQ and the people leading them.

Meanwhile, Sho had managed to find an internet cafe in town with Yuyuko (who had found a food source in town somewhere, judging by her melon and drink). He reveals that they may not have to fully depend on the contracts, as a few mana leylines may still be active in the region. If they could find the nodes of said leylines, the keystones of the Hinanai family, they could easily tap onto a good source of mana. And Sho had a good feeling he knew where the nearest node is...the Saniwa shrine...

Mitaka, meanwhile, had opted to stay behind in the changing rooms, being too weak to move about too much. He met up with the rest of team FUBAR and they chatted before deciding on eating. After breaking open their food stores in the main hall, Sho arrives with news. But before he could share, Saniwa Kyoji, the shrine's owner, arrives.

Saniwa, after hearing their story, decides they were quite decent people, and as he had nothing to lose, decides to have them help him reopen the shrine and inn. He gave them some cash to start but told them they are on their own from then on...though they'd be able to keep any revenue they earn to themselves, which was a huge bonus.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2009, 10:35:19 AM by Mind-The-Gap »


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Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Summary/Status Update Thread)
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2009, 11:02:39 AM »
Stuff I will be doing:

- Finding out what this SWAT team is doing, and especially why they're doing it
- Explaining Gensokyo and Touhou to Renko, keeping her with us if at all possible, and trying to find Maribel - if she probably wasn't taken by said SWAT goons
- Finding out what this world's internet has to offer - see if Touhou is known, what sites are available... no posting yet, but I'll be scheming about several ways to abuse it for fun and profit...
- Find ZUN
- Find Yumemi
- Research Kikuri
- Avoid drawing attention
- Some other stuff that isn't worth going in to here

Dropping Nitori, since I mainly wanted a mechanic around and she was a decent fit. :x
There was something here once. Wonder what...


Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Summary/Status Update Thread)
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2009, 01:07:00 PM »
I'm planning on separating from the group, and put my weaknesses into action somehow (involving Koishi and Satori especially).


  • Have Faith.
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  • And keep it.
    • NMforce
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Summary/Status Update Thread)
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2009, 02:00:16 PM »
Checklist in Team Tourist:
[!] : Top Mission: Stay Alive
  • : Semi-Top Mission : Work with friends
  • [-] : Least Mission : find out exactly what is going on so Spark and Fairy can interfere after Gensokyo had been restored.

    - Old Jason is missing [!]

    - Find clues on HQ and the mysterious enemy [-]

    - Find Gpop and Satori's tram to have Satori unlock Amarillo's other 50% power. (Which will enable her healing magic field and a fairly weak - but useful when needed - Telekinesis)

Break anything that stands between you and them!

Demonlord Pichu

Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Summary/Status Update Thread)
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2009, 02:50:23 PM »
OwlBear's 'To Do' list
-Find out what we can about the SWAT team's reason for involvment is and if this Kikuri is the one who happened to sic them on us.
-Find a better way to sustain Shinki and the other Makai residents in the outsider world. Apparently Magic Circuits are out due to various complications. But this still maybe implemented via different means (or at least a way that combines both Type-Moon and Nippon Ichi elements).

I'll basically follow close behind the main group, but in time when I find a different agenda I'll post it here.


  • Crimson Asuratic
  • Touhou, Disgaea, Neptunia. Holy Trinity
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Summary/Status Update Thread)
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2009, 04:06:53 PM »
To Do List...
Rest at Hot Spring done
Ask Zei if he still wants to head to my estatedone
Give another layer of mana to ward off hunger a bit more to the girls done
Get to a restaurant and introduce Pizza to them done
Get home and introduce Pearl (and her role for the story) done
After that anything is in the air
Basically my main goal now is to get home to a place safe to let them rest for a while

Edit: alright now that THAT'S taken care of i'll have to think up new plans. I'm at a safe haven with my party and Zei's and anythin that happens now is up for grabs (meaning i don't knwo what to do yet XD)
« Last Edit: April 23, 2009, 06:22:51 AM by Kojiro »
See the patterns, feel the patterns, become one with the patterns, avoid the patterns
In order to live through the patterns, you must understand the patterns for everything else there is MASTER SPARK.


Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Summary/Status Update Thread)
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2009, 05:25:27 PM »
Tasks on the way:

Train so that he could crumble fortifications with either the fire or lightning. may or may not succeed. (range: 15 m)

Keep Eirin alive.

Will probably set up a clinic or pharmacy at the shrine.

Will keep shady drugs to a minimum until Eirin can survive the waiting period between his death and regeneration.

Try to horn in on that nautically flavored racket. (Will join escapees on raid of the armory. Will have smoke bombs and cloaked mana from a well tested drug.)

Deal with the aftermath of that dream, Eirin's not feeling too well. (I realized that while knowing that there is a problem is the first step, the second step is identifying the problem correctly. This I did not do. Eirin's feelings are of isolation and recrimination. Dealing with the first, have no idea on the second. May need an intervention.)
« Last Edit: April 27, 2009, 03:59:17 PM by Madness Chaser »
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.


  • Charisma!
  • *
  • O-ojousama!?
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Summary/Status Update Thread)
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2009, 06:17:56 PM »
- - -
« Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 01:04:44 PM by Helepolis »

Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Summary/Status Update Thread)
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2009, 06:46:19 PM »
my to do lists


- bring daiyousei and the 3 fairys into a more active storyline role

- offering to have him help train Mitaka to be a better his mana supply to his links

- intensting Alex's relationship with Lily Black

in the Rai force 1 thread


- tighten his hold over Yuka.

- reveal more about Yagi.

- go on their first mission together.


Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Summary/Status Update Thread)
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2009, 06:53:45 PM »
Ah, yes the other


Working on the application of magic through infusion. The Mana generators will prove useful, but he want to know how to extract natural mana, or where it is stored.

Is his own test subject for very low dose trails of fairy infusion.

Preparing to expose Maribel to anti-magic gas. (I have the briefing set up. I need only the RAI players to respond.)
« Last Edit: April 25, 2009, 04:27:20 AM by Madness Chaser »
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Summary/Status Update Thread)
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2009, 07:18:39 PM »
Ok, status update time!

Old man Saniwa has decided to give us the shrine, inn, and attached dojo. We have been challenged to turn it and the entire town around within a year to win a bet against the Amakawa family. Whether or not we stay long enough to do that remains to be seen.

Everyone is currently either inside the inn or in town somewhere with a supply of cash to spend on either new clothing, supplies such as bedding or whatnot, and whatever else you can think of. Food perhaps?

Hiroko, Iku, and Parsee left the shrine earlier in the morning for food and information in a local internet cafe.

Owlbear/Pichu went off into town with his Makai contingent to visit the local library.

Sho and Jeremy have left for the city, and have revealed that a good few of the others have left too.

Kojiro will probably soon leave with his team to his mansion.

Mitaka is now running after a distraught Alice with the rest of team FUBAR in tow.

We're all planning on meeting up in Amarillo's place (Tourist Helpers Store) after we're done with shopping/exploring/whatever.

Mitaka's current plans:
- Find and bring back Alice before she fades from mana depletion.
- accomplishing that, they will probably go and find a new wardrobe for team FUBAR followed by supplies.
- Meet up with Owlbear and Hiroko and learn of any new information. Meet up with everyone else in the city and then head back to Amarillo's place.

Mig's current plans:
- move into Karuisuwa
- Learn more about Lyrica and Lunasa


  • Have Faith.
  • *
  • And keep it.
    • NMforce
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Summary/Status Update Thread)
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2009, 07:46:24 PM »

We're all planning on meeting up in Amarillo's place (Tourist Helpers Store) after we're done with shopping/exploring/whatever.

Remember that Amarillo didn't awake until 0330pm.

the cool down time for a "Exhaustion" is 8 hours, and will always been 8 hours.

(BTW, In the previous works she have a Final Attack called [Big Yousei Parade] aka [UYW] which will SURE HIT and MENTALLY DISABLE ANY ENEMY FOR A MONTH which have a cool down time of 20hours, however since we are out of Gensokyo sure she couldn't call forth that big amount of fairies, just some off-topic writings XD. I should find a chance to translate An Age of Chaos into English, it have 4 story arcs now..)

So watch out the time stamps.

There will be a plot twist in my route soon after, mostly connect my old works with this one so it can be ignored.

However, another plot twist that I'm always been planning - See the discussion thread - may be more important.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2009, 07:51:24 PM by nemoma »

Break anything that stands between you and them!


  • Good gravy!
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Summary/Status Update Thread)
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2009, 08:25:27 PM »
Looks like I've missed quite a bit over the last couple days?

Anyway, current list:
-Look for Maribel
-Random things like eat, buy things for the shrine, etc.
Otherwise, sticking with the group.


  • Charisma!
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  • O-ojousama!?
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Summary/Status Update Thread)
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2009, 10:19:45 PM »
- - -
« Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 01:04:37 PM by Helepolis »


  • Crimson Asuratic
  • Touhou, Disgaea, Neptunia. Holy Trinity
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Summary/Status Update Thread)
« Reply #14 on: April 23, 2009, 12:03:12 AM »
ah really? then i'll edit my departure a bit to give you directions as well thinking about how you 2 would probably want to stay with the mistress.
See the patterns, feel the patterns, become one with the patterns, avoid the patterns
In order to live through the patterns, you must understand the patterns for everything else there is MASTER SPARK.


  • Charisma!
  • *
  • O-ojousama!?
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Summary/Status Update Thread)
« Reply #15 on: April 23, 2009, 03:03:47 PM »
- - -
« Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 01:04:17 PM by Helepolis »


  • 不聖女
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    • himegimi
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Summary/Status Update Thread)
« Reply #16 on: April 23, 2009, 03:16:11 PM »
Here's the top priority i have to get around to doing:

FIND PEOPLE so Meira doesn't get pissed off. :V
Find shelter.

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale


Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Summary/Status Update Thread)
« Reply #17 on: April 23, 2009, 06:06:51 PM »
For RAI 1 players:

First available mission: Escort high-ranking scientist on a picnic. It is part of his research after all. And would give an oppurtunity to test out these bindings and powers.

Who's going?
« Last Edit: April 23, 2009, 09:12:13 PM by Madness Chaser »
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.

Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Summary/Status Update Thread)
« Reply #18 on: April 23, 2009, 06:49:11 PM »
In short, spoiling that everybody does in this thread.


After you've done with the mercs:
  • Eat some jerky
  • Walk around the shrine
  • Drink Absolut Kurant bottle to the end Day 2's evening
  • Fall shitfaced into the bed and sleep to atleast afternoon of Day 3

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Summary/Status Update Thread)
« Reply #19 on: April 23, 2009, 07:56:22 PM »
To-do list.

1. Bury dead people

2. get more tanks for parts

3. figure out where in the world we are

4. plug laptop in

5. fap look for weapons

so far, anyways...


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Summary/Status Update Thread)
« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2009, 08:31:55 AM »
To-do list:

1) Meet up with Jeremy in the park
2) Resolve matters with Alice
3) Get surrounded by Yakuza (Discussion thread for details)
4) Others might arrive to help out...or just watch or whatever.
5) Survive Yakuza brawl (+EXP and TEAMWORK POINTS for team FUBAR! And anybody else who survives)
6) Go shop. Need clothes and supplies.
7) Meet up at Amarillo's. Discuss what to do from now on.
8) Agree to continue living at the shrine while rebuilding strength. The target is to return most of the Gensokyo refugee's special powers by improving the mana supply from their respective outsider partners.
9) Sho will reveal the details regarding the keystone leyline node under the Saniwa Shrine. If we can activate it, we will have a small source of mana for ourselves. Thus we won't have to stick close to our partners to supply mana while we're within the shrine grounds. We thus agree to go search for the keystone at the first available opportunity.
10) Agree on plans to reopen the shrine to make a living while we continue to investigate Kikuri and prepare for a retaliation. Decide on what must be done to make the shrine and inn usable.
11) House Party!

Demonlord Pichu

Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Summary/Status Update Thread)
« Reply #21 on: April 24, 2009, 01:51:21 PM »
=OwlBear's (new) To-Do List=
-Ponder what dream meant
-Along the way get wrapped up in the Yakuza fiasco (character development)
-Fight (and win) above battle with Yakuza group
-Buy Shinki and the rest of team new duds (casual wear, something less conspicious of the outside)
*Slightly changed*

-Train to increse Mana reserves
-Learn first skill: Falling Heaven (see 'Makai Kingdom' movelists)

=Shinjiro's 'To Do' List=
-Link w/ Tewi Complete
-Establish Link w/ Yuugi Hoshiguma to further strategic advantages Complete (as of my next post)
-Take up 1st mission as a means of training (if none can be taken beforehand)*
-Make Peanut Butter covered Kalamari for mission (or make them when mission is over, if it is not possible to make them beforehand)
-After mission is complete, research on the other Gensokyo Refugees who supposedly oppose Rai Force

='Alternative' Shit to do=
-Look for other potential recruits for squadran (if the need for another arises)
-Interact w/ fellow Rai Force 1 memebers and their parties (optional)
-Realize the power of a Reality Marble (optional, maybe a plot point later in an upcoming battle)

*The mission will most likely be the one Madness mentioned above. So my next post will probably be of him taking that mission (albeit disdainfully).
« Last Edit: April 24, 2009, 09:07:27 PM by Demonlord OwlBear »


Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Summary/Status Update Thread)
« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2009, 05:01:11 PM »
Kwai's current forces

2 scout regiment (includes snipers) Individual squads make a point of sticking together.

1 tank regiment with tank hunter supplement

The Dominion

It is currently parked next to the "graveyard." The citizens mistake it for a simple army base, though that is part of its purpose. It bristles with heavy guns, machine gun nests, and sniper nests. It has enough artillery fire to flatten a minor city with a range of 1 to 70 kilometers. It was designed to not have a blind spot. It is equipped with an experimental shield generator developed from the mana generator research and has a top speed of 20 mph. It will not move from where it is parked except for extreme circumstances or Kwai being deployed to another front.

The Dauntless

As large as an apartment building, this behemoth packs 60 60 mm cannon, and 20 machine gun nests. It uses armor penetrating and explosive shots.

The Yamato

This one is as large as the Dauntless. It is mounted with 30 60 mm cannon and 4 90 mm cannon. It uses armor penetrating, and anti-magic gas rounds.

Edit: About anti-magic gas, it saps the victim of mana as long as it is in effect. It is odorless, colorless, and tasteless. The only way to tell if it is present is if people start fainting and withering away a few minutes later.

Edit: I felt that something called a "mobile fortress" should be bigger.

All his men, including him, wear gas masks with clear visors. The visors will tint on a bright day.

Kwai issues the order that all personnel will wear gas masks.

His priority is to get everything in order so that the government forces aren't running around like a headless chicken. Will probably leave the internal organization of RAI to Yagi. He want to find out as much about he situation as possible. Will send the RAI as one of many scout teams whose priority is to find out where the targets are. Yagi may feel bothered about the order not to engage, but then again he can give himself missions. Will prepare tank hunters when he discovers the pirates in the wastes. The information about pirates existing would increase his authority to bring more forces. I expect to bring in the Shinigami and the Suzaku before the game is up.

The Suzaku

Land cruiser

Shield generator

9 88 mm cannon

6 machine gun nests

15 napalm hoses

Uses EMP and Incendiary shells

Has a napalm dropping helicopter

Max speed of 50 mph.

Note: The crew has a special tactic they like to use. They cover the top of the opponent's fortifications with napalm and charge in wearing special suits. They then continue to flood the remaining areas with burning napalm.

The Shinigami

Land cruiser

shield generator

15 88 mm cannons

6 machine gun nests

1 Obelisk of Light (a la Command and Conquer)

Uses High Explosive Anti Tank shells, anti-magic gas shells, and EMP shells.

50 mph top speed


« Last Edit: May 03, 2009, 11:17:39 PM by Madness Chaser »
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.


  • Red Tenshi
  • 3x More Touhou
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Summary/Status Update Thread)
« Reply #23 on: April 24, 2009, 09:50:23 PM »
Rabbit's To-do List
- Understand where the hell he fits in to the plot.
- Interact with Yumemi.
- Develop actual skills that will be of use.
- Not become a joke character.
Too much of a good thing, and it is no longer good.


  • Charisma!
  • *
  • O-ojousama!?
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Summary/Status Update Thread)
« Reply #24 on: April 24, 2009, 10:59:57 PM »
- - -
« Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 01:07:36 PM by Helepolis »


  • mrgrgr
  • *
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Summary/Status Update Thread)
« Reply #25 on: April 24, 2009, 11:08:53 PM »
So, this is sort of a self-insert RP? If so, I can probably whip up a profile quickly and get started...

1. Establish character and situation.
2. Run into Kojiro's character and establish connection with Pathouli (& possibly Koakuma).
3. Figure out what's going on with the faction.
4. ???

I'll be back in an hour or so; if anyone has any tips/concerns (I'm looking to you, Kojiro, but anyone else is fine too), let me know. Posting or PMs are fine.


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Summary/Status Update Thread)
« Reply #26 on: April 24, 2009, 11:47:14 PM »
My personal to-do-list.

EDIT: Additional point - I have to read everything (haven't finished reading through everything just yet)

1) Sort out what's happening where and when. Please everyone, read my post in the discussion thread and help me out by making that list I requested. There's too much happening in different times and places for me to keep track.
2) Get everyone together into as big groups as possible. I envisage three possible super-groups at the moment and I wish to work towards gathering them together- the group out shopping in the city who will gather to fight the yakuza, the group at Maribel's place, and the group at the opposite mansion (all of whom seem to be taking a daytime nap). I would try and fuse the opposite mansion group with the yakuza-battle group but it appears impossible chronologically (Unless the opposite mansion team somehow twists time in their favour).
3) Re-unite the storyline. We have too many fragmented storylines here. As I said in the rules, please stick together in groups of at least 3 to prevent fragmented storylines. It's difficult to follow and not as interesting as playing together.

Once the summary and status list is done, it will be posted here. Thanks in advance.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2009, 11:49:51 PM by Mind-The-Gap »

Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch

  • The return of something
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Summary/Status Update Thread)
« Reply #27 on: April 25, 2009, 12:29:26 AM »

Help renegades

Raid mansion for supplies during day 2 12:00

Raid shrine for hot spring water.

Raid mall for electronics. (optional)

Regroup in wastes


Land cruiser Sky Ray

The Sky Ray is equiped with a War Factory: a vehicular-production facility. Ria can make vehicles as needed, provided she has the raw materials. She lacks mining capabilities, so other vehicles are raided for their parts and metal.

20 tanks

40 desert buggies mounted with missile barrage weaponry

and 1 regiment of pirate raiders
« Last Edit: April 25, 2009, 04:14:26 AM by Etch-E-Sketch »


  • Crimson Asuratic
  • Touhou, Disgaea, Neptunia. Holy Trinity
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Summary/Status Update Thread)
« Reply #28 on: April 25, 2009, 02:05:49 AM »
Hey guys I'm not gonna post for a bit until
A: Jan-san finds a way to get Patchouli (and Koakuma)
B: Xan wants to get Youmu
C:more people catch up to my time (5pm Day 2) I don't want to be too far ahead o,o ( i took a 4 hour nap so sadly i missed out on the Yakuza action -_-)

Until any of those happen i'ma sit put for a while o,o if that's cool.
See the patterns, feel the patterns, become one with the patterns, avoid the patterns
In order to live through the patterns, you must understand the patterns for everything else there is MASTER SPARK.


  • Have Faith.
  • *
  • And keep it.
    • NMforce
Re: RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Summary/Status Update Thread)
« Reply #29 on: April 25, 2009, 02:16:33 AM »
Actually I'm not gonna post until everybody had reached around 5pm Day 2.

It seems we are moving fast .

Break anything that stands between you and them!