Author Topic: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!  (Read 33175 times)


  • Fighter than anyone else
Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« on: September 01, 2011, 08:46:12 AM »
> You are Akyu, youngest scion of the Hieda clan.
> In an effort to put an end to the unwinnable tournament that has Gensokyo in a deadlock you have assembled a host of Youkai at your back to bring a protest to the organisers themselves.
> Your victories - numerous, your exploits - the work of legend. Your combat prowess is enough to bring even the strongest combatants in Gensokyo to their knees, and your Compassionate nature is potent enough to soften even the most jaded of hearts.

> The cloud, against your expectations, is rock-solid beneath your feet as you are set down upon it. Youkai of all shapes and sizes, mostly fairies and Oni, land all around you. So great are their numbers that they crowd your cloud, and all the neighbouring ones, and the ones beyond them.
> A low hum announces the appearance of the swirling portal that you have so often seen before. Stepping out purposefully, Shikieki wears a grim expression. She addresses the congregation in its entirety.
> "I will not insult any of you by asking you to turn back. Your dedication deserves more than that. Indeed, many of my colleagues sympathise with your cause. However, this is a flagrant violation of the terms of the tournament, and, as such, it comes down to the Judges themselves to put an end to this protest."
> The hum doubles, triples in intensity as more and more portals appear behind Shikieki. People - Youkai - most of whom you do not recognise step through them:
> The Goddess of the Moriya Shrine, her expression serene and imperious.
> The Child of the Moriya Shrine, entirely devoid of mirth.
> Kind Byakuren of the Myouren shrine, dressed for combat.
> An enigmatic lady, her eyes just peeking over her elaborately-decorated fan, her pink-and-purple kimono, elaborately decorated in butterfly pattern, gently swaying in the breeze.
> A short, almost childlike Oni, her outfit a riot of colour and patterns, an excited grin on her face.
> Her back turned to you, a woman in a luxurious white dress with billowing skirts strikingly overlaid by a strict chinese one, her head almost entirely concealed by her lily-white parasol, revealing only a few golden locks of hair.
> You hear Youmu, standing just behind and to your left, start to draw her sword.
> You hear the collective clenching of teeth from the Oni.
> You hear Yuka crack her knuckles.
> The compass in your hand shudders, its arrow firmly pointing at the woman with the parasol.
> Shikieki gives you a brief pained look that nobody else notices.
> "No lawbreaking shall be tolerated."
> Each Judge brandishes a Spell Card. You know, with the certainty of experience, that combat is inevitable.


  • Small medium at large.
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Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2011, 06:02:20 PM »
> Skills
> Stances

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2011, 06:15:10 PM »
Merging this with the last thread if it's still a continuation.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2011, 06:53:41 PM »
>"I refuse your challenge."
>Have a seat on the cloud, place the ying yang orb in out lap
>"We did not come here to battle anyone. We've come to let it be known that the entire event is now null and void, there is no longer a tournament. It's laws have run their course, and may be placed into the rolls of history where they belong. I am certain that you, Yama, understand the idea that the spirit of the law supercedes its letter. And, I ask you, what does it say about striking one who does not strike back?"
>Pat the orb.
>"Or, what does it say about harming the property of a bystander? There is no tournament. The stadium has long since emptied out. Your services, by extension, are no longer necessary. However, if you have been upset by this event as have we, or simply inconvenienced, I would encourage you to come join me."


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2011, 09:27:06 PM »
Merging this with the last thread if it's still a continuation.

The last thread was approaching its limit soon enough, and this particular bit still has some stuff to go through. Unless the merge is completely necessary, I'd rather it not happen.

> Skills
> Stances

> Skills:

Eidetic Memory: 5 - you remember everything you've experienced at least once. Also governs learning and pattern recognition.

Brawling: 5 - You are a warrior paragon, capable of performing Moves and adopting Stances that stretch the limits of mortal capability. You are nigh-invincible against mortal opponents, and many Youkai will think twice before challenging you to combat. Many of your Moves and Stances have improved directly as a result of your new-found prowess. Governs attack power and difficulty, also physical strength and general fitness.

Martial Arts: 5 - Your focus allows you to perform near-superhuman feats of agility, and, even without tapping on your Qi, your resistance to supernatural effects is phenomenal. You have no limit on the amount of actions you may try to perform simultaneously, but the quality of each one will suffer with each additional action. You can understand the purpose of any Move or Stance as it is being used even if you have never seen it before. Governs technique, combination attacks, agility and spell resistance.

Calligraphy: 4 - your calligraphy skills are unmatched among the human population of Gensokyo, and you'd give many Youkai a run for their money. Also governs reading and writing.

> Moves:

Kiai Shout - You are the master of your Qi. The user of this move focuses her Qi by drawing it from key points in her body, and releases it in a mighty shout. Whilst it has no direct offensive use, the advantages that a kiai provides are plentiful.

Nimble Shift - Agile and quick, the user of this move takes advantage of her opponent's surprise to immediately slip behind her foe, bypassing many defenses for a brief moment.

Flying Hieda Tackle - You are the most reliable projectile you've ever used. The user of this move launches herself bodily at the opponent, providing a bonus to attack, as well as quickly closing distance. When used for the first time in a fight, also counts as a surprise attack.

Cross Counter! - In a clash of heroes, there is no time for defense! The user of this move must ready a counterattack action, or be in a stance that enables counterattacks. When hit, this move alleviates some of the damage received in exchange for an attack against the opponent that is unblockable.

Sledgehammer Fist - The force of your strikes is such that air whips around them, and the earth shatters beneath them. This move cannot be dodged.

Tiger Claw - The vast power of your strikes is unstoppable. This move cannot be blocked.

Qi Release - Power is nothing if it is not used against one's foes. The user of this technique explosively releases any accumulated Qi - whether in the body or stored elsewhere - to augment a single attack. The attack becomes unblockable and undodgeable under normal conditions, and gains a great increase to damage.

Heavenly Guardian Defense - As long as you hold love deep within you, your body will remain unbroken. This move automatically and completely blocks any single attack, including such attacks that cannot be blocked. Flaw of Invulnerability: You may not use this move if not fighting in the presence of a target of your Compassion.

Spell-Shattering Palm - The mightiest of spells wither at your touch. The user of this technique focuses all her Qi into a single, perfect strike aiming to disrupt the flow of magic by crushing it with her force of will. This move completely destroys many Spell Cards, but might require multiple precise hits against stronger magics.

> Stances:

Eagle Hides Talons - An opponent is weakest when committing to an attack. The stance's user sinks into a low position, waiting for attacks to her upper body and shoulders, blocking and counterattacking each one. All offensive capability is sacrificed for improved defense and the ability to counterattack. At Complexity 5 the user is able to counterattack any attack made against her regardless of position and direction.

Tiger Rends Prey - No defense is necessary when your opponents lie bleeding at your feet. This stance puts the user into an unbalanced position on the tips of her toes, outstretched arms crossed in front of her. This is a highly aggressive stance that gains speed, damage and accuracy in exchange for defense, control and technique.

Berserker Rage - Hell hath no fury like an Akyu scorned. The user of this stance flies into a berserk frenzy, attacking friend and foe alike until nobody stands but her. This stance severely boosts all physical attributes and ignores fatigue and damage penalties for its duration. Whilst this stance is active the user must attack everything that can be considered to be a threat. The stance only ends when nobody else can be perceived, or the user falls unconscious.

Marble Bulwark - Attacking you is akin to attacking a mountain - pointless and futile. The user of this stance prepares to defend every vulnerable part of her body with both arms and legs. The stance sacrifices attack power and the ability to counterattack due to the concentration required to maintain a strong defense. At Complexity 4 the user no longer receives penalties whilst in this stance.

Marble Carapace - Surrounded on all sides, your defense remains unwavering. Marble Carapace augments the effects of Marble Bulwark when you employ Two Fight As One. During this stance, you take no penalties to defense against multiple opponents, and cannot be caught off-guard in combat. At Complexity 5 your defense cannot be reduced by any effect when in this stance.

Meiling's Tower - Power gathers to those who are strong. The user of this stance is able to fully tap the channels of Qi in her body, and shape them to her will. While offensively and defensively weak, this stance is able to quickly counter attacks with a mystical component, as long as they can be affected by touch, simply by channeling Qi to the correct location in the body. To the outside observer, the user of Meiling's Tower would seem unmoving and unflinching even as attack after attack breaks itself upon her. Once her Qi has been shaped, the user of this stance does not need to remain in it to enjoy its effects, but would have to return to it to alter the flow of her Qi into another fashion.

Two Fight As One - Transcending words and emotions, the two users of this stance share a bond on the instinctual level. When fighting together, their combined co-ordination and strength become greater than the sum of the parts. At Complexity 5 the bond goes so deep that the two combatants share senses, emotions and pain. It goes without saying that there is a mystical component to the use of this stance, and someone without magical aptitude or who is not in touch with their Qi cannot use this stance. The stance can be further enhanced with magic to a level where the two users of this stance do not need to be close to each other to benefit from its effects.

> Miscellaneous:

Snake Coil Parry - Like a snake winding around its victim, always avoiding a direct confrontation, so does the user of this technique avoid blocking powerful attacks head-on, instead using agility and flexibility to redirect their momentum. A Permanent effect that requires no activation, Snake Coil Parry enhances the user's blocking ability, reducing by half any damage incurred from attacks that damage through a block. At Complexity 4 this technique perfectly cancels damage from attacks that have been successfully blocked.

Opening the Mind's Eye - The five senses are limited and imperfect, easily confused and misled. The user of this technique subdues all her other senses in favour of perceiving everything around her through her Qi. A Permanent effect that requires no activation, Opening the Mind's Eye enhances the user's Qi sense, when applicable, to perceive anything around her with a mystical component. Only situational in the real world, this is a perfect sense in Gensokyo, where everything has such a component.

Your Compassion drives you and guides you - You can never be forced to hurt your allies, even if your mind itself is in the clutches of your enemy.

>"I refuse your challenge."
>Have a seat on the cloud, place the ying yang orb in out lap
>"We did not come here to battle anyone. We've come to let it be known that the entire event is now null and void, there is no longer a tournament. It's laws have run their course, and may be placed into the rolls of history where they belong. I am certain that you, Yama, understand the idea that the spirit of the law supercedes its letter. And, I ask you, what does it say about striking one who does not strike back?"
>Pat the orb.
>"Or, what does it say about harming the property of a bystander? There is no tournament. The stadium has long since emptied out. Your services, by extension, are no longer necessary. However, if you have been upset by this event as have we, or simply inconvenienced, I would encourage you to come join me."

> You see Shikieki struggling against the same overbearing will that held the Goddess in its grasp. It is futile, however, as her expression falters.
> "If you will not come to the tournament, then the tournament will come to you. The Heavenly Doctrine is unilateral."
> A strong hand squeezes your shoulder.
> "Stick to your guns, Akyu, stay outta the fight," says Marisa. "Figured there was a reason we came here - if you won't fight, then we're going to keep 'em off you. If it helps, we ain't fighting for the tournament - we're fighting for you."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2011, 09:41:33 PM »
>"Thank you, Marisa, but no one is fighting. Sit with me, instead."
>Look toward Shikieiki
>"That would simply empower the the force that binds them, and they would have even less choice. No. Instead, I wish to see if the Yama can truly stand aside when someone who offers no threat is harmed."
>Address the yama directly.
>"It does not matter what the letter of the law says,. We have abandoned the tournament. It's laws are now defunct, and hold no more authority than those of the civilizations whose time has past. We invite you all to resume your normal lives; there is no longer a tournament to compel you. If the organizer has a problem with this, the organizer may speak. It is no longer anything you need be concerned with if you do not wish to. If you have a lingering issue with it, then you may join us. There is always room. But no, we shall not fight. We do so when we feel the need, not because someone has given us an order. Our needs have been more than amply sated."


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2011, 08:08:11 AM »
>"Thank you, Marisa, but no one is fighting. Sit with me, instead."
>Look toward Shikieiki
>"That would simply empower the the force that binds them, and they would have even less choice. No. Instead, I wish to see if the Yama can truly stand aside when someone who offers no threat is harmed."
>Address the yama directly.
>"It does not matter what the letter of the law says,. We have abandoned the tournament. It's laws are now defunct, and hold no more authority than those of the civilizations whose time has past. We invite you all to resume your normal lives; there is no longer a tournament to compel you. If the organizer has a problem with this, the organizer may speak. It is no longer anything you need be concerned with if you do not wish to. If you have a lingering issue with it, then you may join us. There is always room. But no, we shall not fight. We do so when we feel the need, not because someone has given us an order. Our needs have been more than amply sated."

> "She don't get it," says the small oni, her Spell Card burning white in her hand.
> "Even in the face of our divinity," says the Goddess.
> "We don't get a choice in the deal," says the Child.
> "Laws are not lifted when someone, no matter how well-intentioned, merely says them to be," says Shikieki.
> You hear Youmu's quiet murmur at your side.
> "I have seen what they speak of. My Lady - that is her over there," she says, nodding at the figure in the kimono, "was helpless against some arcane geas laid upon her."
> The small oni rolls her eyes impatiently.
> "What they're trying to say is, you're getting a fight whether you like it or not, and I am going to like it a lot."
> With her words, the Spell Cards in the Judges' hands glow and flash.

> The small oni barrels into the oni crowd, sending dozens flying with her first tackle
> Byakuren vanishes between moments, Youmu following suit with a quiet rustle
> A cloud of fairies sweeps over and engulfs Shikieki even as she charges you, her baton surrounded with a sword-like fiery blaze
> A chill wind blows as Youmu's Lady vanishes from sight, ghost lights appearing in her absence
> A glowing orb grows in size with each passing moment above the Goddess' outstretched hand as she starts to chant
> Two figures shoot up through the clouds to tackle the figure with the parasol from below
> Steel rings out as Youmu and Byakuren appear in front of you simultaneously, the former parrying an open-palm strike from the latter an inch away from your face

> You are Marisa.
> No matter what the right way is, combat is where you find your true self.
> As long as you fight, others do not have to.
> What do?

> You are also Youmu.
> You have been defeated once, never again.
> Your mind would have to be flayed and your body broken before you would let the march fail.
> What do?

> You are also Akyu.
> Violence has exploded all around you as the Judges lay into the congregated march.
> Your goal, however, is far ahead and above.
> What do?

Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2011, 08:28:23 AM »
>Marisa: Moves? Do we have the hakkero?
>Marisa: What threat is closest to Akyu? Engage.

>Youmu: Moves?
>Youmu: Byakuren is trying to hit Akyu, teach her who her opponent is.

>Akyu: Who are the two figures that are trying to engage the parasol?
>Akyu: Follow the compass, by leaping if need be.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2011, 08:36:22 AM »
Not yet. We didn't come this far just to lose control at this juncture.

>Akyu: "Everyone! Stand down."


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2011, 10:44:01 AM »
>Marisa: Moves? Do we have the hakkero?

> Yes.

> Moves

Arcane Grapple: Your technique is your first weapon. The user of this move locks their opponent in a vice-like hold, able to perform a variety of takedowns. This move cannot be blocked and can be used as a counterattack.

              Arcane Grapple ~ Spinning Piledriver: Leap high and plow your opponent into the ground! Stuns opponent and breaks grapple.

              Arcane Grapple ~ Starform Suplex: Arch your back into a spine-crushing drop! Chains into itself twice, then breaks grapple.

              Arcane Grapple ~ Galactic Toss: Throw your opponent into obstacles! Breaks grapple.

              Arcane Grapple ~ Quickthief Reversal: Force your opponent to move at your whim! Maintains grapple.

Mighty Hold: Your strength is your second. As long as you are grappling, your moves work regardless of your opponent's size and mass.

Versatile Spellcasting: Third comes your experience. You may use any spell in your repertoire even whilst grappling.

Spell Card: Love Sign: Master Spark: With magic the fourth pillar of your might, you are invincible. You fire a blinding beam of coruscating light in a straight line in front of you. This move is unblockable and undodgeable.

>Youmu: Moves?

> Moves:

Spell Card: Ghost Sign: Phantom Pain. Being half-dead has given you great insight into the art of battle. You exist both in the mortal and the spirit worlds, and your strikes affect the two simultaneously. For the duration of the Spell Card's effect, for every attack you make, you can make two instead.

Sun-Through-The-Clouds - The first strike decides the outcome of a battle. This move can only be performed whilst your sword is sheathed - you draw and attack in a single motion. Regardless of circumstances, this attack will always be the first to hit. The actual strike can be performed with either sheath or blade.

Tsubame-Gaeshi - Your attacks are so swift and accurate that you can split the feathers on a swallow's tail mid-flight. This attack cannot be blocked or dodged, but may be the only attack performed in an action.

Seven Shadows Evasion - You move so quickly that you arrive at your destination before you have left. This move successfully dodges any attack made against you, including attacks that cannot be dodged. Due to its difficulty, you can perform it a limited number of times per battle.

>Akyu: Who are the two figures that are trying to engage the parasol?

> You do not recognise them. One is dressed in red trousers and white shirt under a red vest, two black tails poking out from behind her. The other is dressed in an elaborate white-and-blue robe, a magnificent mass of fox tails - nine of them, you count - billowing out behind her from the folds of her robe.

Not yet. We didn't come this far just to lose control at this juncture.

>Akyu: "Everyone! Stand down."

> Despite the authority and strength carried by your voice, the violence does not cease - the Judges act as though they are not in control of themselves.

Fightest's note: I do know this is heavy-handed, but I hope nobody was seriously expecting me to sail so far off-genre so as not to have an unavoidable fight every once in a while.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2011, 05:26:16 PM »
I kinda was, yeah, given how the plot pretty much changed to fighting is stupid. I'll have to ponder for awhile what to do next, I was hoping to have more time to set things up.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2011, 09:47:36 PM »
I kinda was, yeah, given how the plot pretty much changed to fighting is stupid. I'll have to ponder for awhile what to do next, I was hoping to have more time to set things up.

Apologies. I had hoped to get across the feel that fighting for no good reasons is stupid, fighting for a cause is just fine. Standard shounen set-up, basically.

Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2011, 06:24:31 AM »
I kinda understand that, because even though we may have the compassion, others might not.

Okay to go ahead with previous commands Purvis?
« Last Edit: September 03, 2011, 06:26:56 AM by Uncle Bob »

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #13 on: September 03, 2011, 06:51:19 AM »
Still thinking.

Part of the problem is we have no real idea how committed either of our new characters are to the whole crusade as it is. How likely are they go go with Akyu's wishes, and how likely are they to just say to hell with it and beat judges half to death?


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #14 on: September 04, 2011, 03:56:16 PM »
Still thinking.

Part of the problem is we have no real idea how committed either of our new characters are to the whole crusade as it is. How likely are they go go with Akyu's wishes, and how likely are they to just say to hell with it and beat judges half to death?

No problem there, we have flashbacks for exactly that sort of thing! There is enough time between the Hakurei Shrine and the top-of-the-clouds gathering to get anything you want straightened out.

> A few hours earlier...
> The path up the mountain is majestic in the noonday sun, and the clamor of your cohort as they scale the slopes is akin to nothing you have heard before.
> Remilia Scarlet and her group is not here yet - Meiling, who is now walking proudly at your side, has explained that her Mistress will catch up shortly, and sends word insisting that you start heading up without her.
> Despite the excitement and determination of your allies, you can feel a tension in the air. Now is a good a time as any to resolve it.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #15 on: September 04, 2011, 08:13:12 PM »
>Assess our allies.


Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #16 on: September 04, 2011, 08:51:31 PM »
> You are also Youmu.
> You have been defeated once, never again.
> Your mind would have to be flayed and your body broken before you would let the march fail.
> What do?

Wasn't the purpose of the march to be a non-violent protest that ends the tournament? The march would fail if the protesters fought. Youmu is a protestor.
Thus, attacking Byakuren is against this motivation.
Would being a half-ghost shield be fighting?
Little did he know, the shed was near Yuyuko, who was in a role-play of Dune. As a sandworm.

Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #17 on: September 05, 2011, 07:48:17 AM »
Youmu is the half-ghost, and using a shield would be defending, an integral part of a battle, due to putting up resistance, thus for the purposes of a non-violent protest, defending might be in violation.

Another thought: if the judges are constrained by the rules, and the rules say the one attacking a participant becomes a participant themselves, the judges are now participants; unless there are unknown exception rules in play.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #18 on: September 05, 2011, 09:06:06 AM »
>Assess our allies.

> Meiling walks proudly at your side. There is a serenity and determination in her poise that you saw before when sparring with her.
> Marisa sails overhead, her expression jovial, yet filled with an almost hunger-like tension.
> Keine and Mokou are off to the side, the former wearing an expression of concern, the latter grim and ill-at-ease.
> Youmu keeps pace a step behind you and to your left, her manner inscrutable, her right hand casually resting on the hilt of her sword.
> Kaguya and Eirin are a bit behind, chatting casually and sharing a laugh every so often. Yet there are no openings in their posture, trained through centuries of experience.
> Swarming all around are the fairies, kept barely in line by Cirno and the Great Fairy. You notice Cirno brandishes a variety of iceform weapons hovering in place behind her back.
> Every so often an Oni will leap past you up a sheer cliff. It looks like they've turned this climb into another contest of prowess. Yuugi joins in the cheers and jeers of other Oni. You sense a subdued disappointment at the lack of a proper fight, kept in check by fierce determination to follow the code of the Trials.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #19 on: September 05, 2011, 09:31:23 AM »
>"Ease your hand, Youmu. There won't be any need for such wariness."


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #20 on: September 05, 2011, 11:03:33 AM »
>"Ease your hand, Youmu. There won't be any need for such wariness."

> Youmu shakes her head.
> "The messenger of peace walks amongst enemy banners, my Lady. It would be inexcusable if aught were to happen to you as a result of my negligence."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #21 on: September 05, 2011, 07:09:33 PM »
>"Perhaps so, but we must consider everything. When someone at my hand is so clearly wary, the others will notice. Some will feel that they should be the same, added tenseness means a riot is more likely if things go poorly."


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #22 on: September 05, 2011, 10:31:15 PM »
>"Perhaps so, but we must consider everything. When someone at my hand is so clearly wary, the others will notice. Some will feel that they should be the same, added tenseness means a riot is more likely if things go poorly."

> "It is not for my caution that they are on-edge. I do not know if you realise, but you have captured the hearts and minds of many - and they feel that it is their duty to ensure your safe passage to the highest echelons of Heaven."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #23 on: September 05, 2011, 10:36:25 PM »
>"That is why I am careful not to show any trepidation. And why it would help if you were to do the same."


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #24 on: September 06, 2011, 06:33:24 AM »
>"That is why I am careful not to show any trepidation. And why it would help if you were to do the same."

> "Forgive me, my lady. I will conceal my intentions better."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #25 on: September 06, 2011, 07:06:31 AM »
>Pat her on the shoulder. "You meant well. I appreciate that."
>Drift over toward Keine and Mokou. "You both seem worried."


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #26 on: September 06, 2011, 07:54:48 AM »
>Pat her on the shoulder. "You meant well. I appreciate that."
>Drift over toward Keine and Mokou. "You both seem worried."

> "Mokou thinks we're walking into a trap," says Keine.
> "Yours truly don't sodding think, Keine. It's plain as the horns on your head, 'n' we'n mise well bring some forks 'n' knives to a-sodding-company the silver platter."
> Keine shrugs to you apologetically.

Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #27 on: September 06, 2011, 08:02:26 AM »
>"And how do you feel Keine?"


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #28 on: September 06, 2011, 09:55:42 AM »
>"And how do you feel Keine?"

> "History is against us, I am afraid. Revolts - no matter how peaceful - tend to provoke very violent reactions from the opposing side. I fear the worst."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Pound on the Gates of Heaven! Akyu Quest Concluded!
« Reply #29 on: September 07, 2011, 09:18:53 AM »
>"History has no parallel for this, I think. Have so many disparate peoples come together before, without violence to match the anger in their hearts? I cannot think of a single time it has been so. I have faith that it will be obvious to anyone, they may apply force, but what will it mean? They can beat all of us, but what will it change? No one supports this any longer. I do not think they are foolish enough to pretend otherwise."