Author Topic: Mystery Case Files: Hidden Object - Hakureiville  (Read 2683 times)

Von Stein

  • Just some insane airhead.
  • What's this newfangled stuff?
Mystery Case Files: Hidden Object - Hakureiville
« on: August 19, 2011, 09:04:37 PM »
Mystery Case Files: Hidden Object - Hakureiville


It's Always a Hysterical Dame

Gensokyo. The Land of Opportunity, they said. The Land of Freedom, also. A land where you always knew where you'd get your next meal. A land where your house would be your castle, and nothing could take it from you. A land where the winters where warm, and in the summers and gentle breeze brought relieve. A new kind of land where all kinds of people would mingle without regard for species. A land where dreams could become real, and everyday could be a pleasure cruise. A veritable Wonderland.


It was a hot, sweaty afternoon again. Kirisame Marisa, the Wicked Witch for the library and mild annoyance for anybody with valuables flew low over the forest of magic trying her best to cool off. Sure, she just threw down with an ice fairy, but while it was a cool battle, it was also incredibly heated, as Cirno proved to have grown a lot stronger. She grinned the grin of a loon who loves battle, and then proceeded to heartily laugh, as she approached the Hakurei Shrine.

And hit the Hakurei Shrine. Head on. Remember kids, eyes up front when flying.


Tired eyes slowly opened to a sun that slowly was becoming shy and turn red with bashfulness as it retreated for the night.
Hakurei Reimu, shrine maiden and keeper of the Hakurei Shrine sat up and stretched. Only way to really beat the heat around here. Sleep through it. Still groggy the red-white miko looked around the shrine's courtyard and was relieved to see it still clean. Looked like some of the grass had been trampled, but nothing the grass itself couldn't work out. She looked behind herself to see that the shrine itself was still standing too. It was. Life was good. A quick trip inside, some iced tea prepared, she decided to check up if anybody was so kind as to leave her a donation. Sipping the tea she walked around her abode to the donation box and froze.


Sweet, cold liquid in the face. In this heat a wonderful relieve. Marisa stretched out in her bed and tried to turn around, but found that she felt too heavy to do so. Oh well, this position wasn't too bad anyways, no need to wake the body up more than necessary.


Her eyes flew open. Liquid in her face? Too heavy? Bed? She had just flown headfirst into the shrine, where would all these things com... oh, Ibuki Suika, a small oni, collapsed on top of her. Eww, drool. And no bed, just the hard wooden floor. Eh. Just another day.
At least evening was coming around, and the air started feeling a lot cooler. The night birds started singing, the breeze rustling the trees had become stronger, shrieks of pure terror filled the air, Suika snored a forest into toothpicks, chanting from the Myouren Temple gets carried on the wind to the shrine in a haunting manner, and the spring in the back was splashing peacefully.


Oh right, shrieks of terror, what was that abo-



"THIEVES!" She shouted at the two girls on the floor.
"THIEVES!" She shouted again, hitting them once more with her Gohei.
The two suspects were laying on the floor, rubbing their heads and wondering why the sky had fallen onto their heads.
"Reeiimuuu, why you hit me?" Suika asked, intoxicated as literally always, and still half asleep.
"Ouch! Why'd you throw your shrine at me?" Marisa is not much more coherent, it appeared.
"WHERE IS IT?" The shrine maiden now screamed at the two clueless girls on the floor, "WHERE IS IT?"
"What bus are you looking for again?" Reimu couldn't tell which one of the knocked out girls on the floor said that, but she smacked them both so hard for it, her Gohei felt like it almost broke. Somehow that sensation jolted through Reimu, and managed to give her an ounce of composure back.
"You two idiots are lying in the spot where the shrine's donation box is supposed to be. Now WHERE THE ****** **** **** **** ******* **** ******* **** IS IT?"
The two girls on the ground managed to pick themselves up from the floor during Reimu's undignified moment of spouting uncharacteristic obscenity and began cluing things together.
"So that empty box is gone?" Marisa was still dumbfounded despite having regained knowledge of where up and down was.
"Who cares about that thing?" Suika showed all her tact in one go.


In the bushes not too far away, two eyes glistened with mischievous glee and then disappeared.


The sun had set and night had fallen. Reimu, Marisa and Suika sat side by side in the spot once occupied by a worthless crate of wood that was supposed to hold money, but was usually left hungry.
Reimu sighed, patting the floor wishing her precious money box was back.
Marisa sighed, patting her head, wishing the headache would finally die down.
Suika sighed, downing more sake, having beaten the headache into submission already and wishing it would return and amuse her.
Mima sighed, downing some of Suika's sake, wishing people would tell her what just happened.
The first three girls blankly stared at Mima.
"What? I'm bored!" The formerly vengeful ghost replied, returning Suika's gourd to the oni.
The blank stars turned into suspicious stares.
"Why are we sitting here anyways. And where'd the dustcatcher go?"
Reimu shook her head, "Somebody stole it..."
"Well, then let's go and find it!" Mima sprung up and looked resolute. The other three girls looked more destitute.
"What does it matter anymore, I don't have my income box anymore." Reimu responded...
"I wanna sleep, my head hurts..." Marisa whined...
*gluglugluglug* Suika drank...
Mima applied the palm of her hand to her face and shook her head.
One glance at the courtyard, and she smacked all three girls upside the head and pointed at something.
"The box was carried away and put back down periodically... there are still tracks in the grass!"
6 wide eyes later the four wannabe sleuths were off.


I guess they were right about that part. It is a Wonderland.


Rewrite of a story I didn't update in 10 months...
I decided to go for a different angle... again.
Let's hope it turns out ok. =3
Criticism, both positive and negative welcome, feed my attention whoring needs~

... Oh and yeah, I am back... I think.
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?