Author Topic: [P4] In Which We Continue To Stalk A Young Man In Inaba  (Read 5158 times)


  • Fighter than anyone else
[P4] In Which We Continue To Stalk A Young Man In Inaba
« on: August 01, 2011, 04:41:32 PM »
Day 94, July 13th, 2011.

This afternoon, Souji impresses the sports teacher with his knowledge of common metaphors.

  Whoa, there, Narrator. Leave the snark to me.

Souji meets up with Yukiko after school, and the two head back home past the Samegawa river.

  No surprise developments this time around.

Despite his misgivings, Souji continues his work at the hospital that evening.

  Serial-killer nurse is still stalking me. I try to spurn her advances, as it were, but it seems to only excite her even more. Narrator, if you don?t hear from me in two hours? you come here and get me!

The nurse compliment?s Souji?s demeanour, commenting on the short-sightedness of her other acquaintances. She is determined to find out what secret Souji hides in him.

  I hope that?s metaphorical.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: [P4] In Which We Continue To Stalk A Young Man In Inaba
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2011, 05:09:58 PM »

Day 95, July 14th, 2011.

In class, Souji is asked to explain the difference between civil dawn and nautical dawn.

  Civil dawn is brighter. Because it?s civilized. How?s that for a stupid mnemonic? Ain?t gonna forget it now!

After school, Souji decides to catch up with Yosuke, who is eager to make Souji an offer he cannot resist.

  Somehow we cut to Junes, me having been roped into helping Yosuke restock. Didn?t think I?d be a victim of this particular trope. Still, the pay is decent, so I won?t complain.

After work, Souji and Yosuke meet up at the food court. Yosuke explains the situation ? the work was last-minute, and he was desperate for assistance from his father?s insistence.

  No problem, Yosuke?d do the same thing for me. Before somehow making life worse for himself, but that?s another issue entirely.

While Yosuke and Souji talk, the two girls who had complained to Yosuke about their work hours before come up to him again.

  Blah, blah, pay, blah, blah, raise, blah, blah, money, blah, blah, Saki, blah? wait, huh?

The two girls had started talking loudly after complaining to Yosuke. They gossip about Saki, and how she had apparently run off with a college student before coming right back.

  Yosuke?s putting on a calm appearance, but I can tell he?s this close to doing some things he wouldn?t be proud of. Still, he?s figured out his place in all this, and is at least trying to convince himself not to let worthless opinions get to him. He?s maturing, bit by bit.

In the evening, Souji goes to the hospital.

  There I am, cleaning windows, when an old lady in a mourning dress comes out of nowhere. I?m telling myself that of course she?s real, Souji, it?s not your time to die yet, you?ve so much to live for, and that you wouldn?t get a surprise dead end because you?re the main character, and she just turns around and leaves. Yeah! Take that, terrifying apparition! Quoth nevermore this!

While Souji is recovering from his shock, he is found by nurse Sayoko, who brings him to a vacant ward.

  Wait, when did I agree to go along with her?

Sayoko compliments Souji?s dedication to his work, and asks him why he is working at the hospital at all.

  I tell her up straight that the pay is phenomenal.

The nurse comments that Souji is wasting his time doing menial chores like his, and, with a sly smile, asks him if he has a girlfriend.

  Whoo boy. That?s a question loaded with high-explosive ammunition. I go for a vague yes and hope she doesn?t pry.

Turning away, Sayoko comments that, despite the seemingly-small 10-year gap between her and Souji, she sees his life as completely alien, as well as very enviable. With a cruel grin, she admits that it is because of this that she wishes those like Souji get ruined by life.

  Oh, hah, joke, sure, serial-killer lady. I?ll take it that you?re a bit impatient with how life is going about its business and have decided to take it into your hands? I?m pretty sure I read a book about that once. Stop reminding me of terrible literature!

Souji?s vehement response only excites the nurse further, and she says as much. She leaves afterwards, saying that she has work piling up.

  Work? or corpses?


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: [P4] In Which We Continue To Stalk A Young Man In Inaba
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2011, 05:55:27 PM »
Day 96, July 15th, 2011.

During geography class, Souji correctly answers about melon-growing practices in the Andes.

  An overwhelming compulsion came over me just at the end of school, and, one thing led to another, and here I am, at the day-care centre. Despite me being prepared for anything, it?s actually a pretty pleasant time, without anything coming up.

However, on the way back home?

  Oh, thanks, Narrator. Soon you?ll be throwing ?little did he know? in my direction, and we know how that ends up.

Souji sees Yuuta?s mother sitting by herself in a gazebo by the river. She starts, realizing what time it is, but looks away, seemingly devoid of any desire to leave. She explains that her legs suddenly felt weak as she was coming to the day-care centre.

  It?s psychological ? she explains that she?s Yuuta?s stepmother, having lived with him for six months.

Despite a seemingly long time spent together, Yuuta and his stepmother have never spoken to each other. Surprised at Souji?s encouragement, she apologises to Souji for bringing him into her business so abruptly.

  As I suspected, the flash hits. She?s the Link for the Temperance Arcanum. There?s a lot of these stacking up now, and I don?t think I?ve found them all, either.

The young mother introduces herself as Eri Minami. Souji parts ways with her and continues on his way home.

  I got a call from Kou just as I get home ? apparently he wants to gather up Daisuke and go studying and I?m invited. Is? Is this how kids spend their youth these days?

As evening comes along, Souji goes to his work at the hospital.

  I? I do? I?ll trust you, Narrator, but, if I didn?t know better, I?d think that you were trying to get me killed.

Souji is surprised to see the old woman in mourning garb in the hallway again. With a slow walk, she approaches Souji and, wearing a thin smile, she greets Souji.

  Don?t move, Souji. She can?t see you if you don?t move.

The old woman apologizes for staring at Souji the day before, saying that he looked like someone she knew. She tells Souji that she has a grand-daughter around Souji?s age, and says that she believes meeting Souji here is some sort of wonder, but that she will not be returning to the hospital again.

  No, wait! That was for dinosaurs! ?Huh? Then why is she here, if not to ferry my soul away on some form of nautical vehicle?

The old woman laughs weakly and tells Souji to meet up with her. She says that she likes to spend time on the riverbed on Sunday afternoons, and walks off.

  I? think I prefer the nurse. And, speaking of the Devil?

The nurse curtly tells Souji that a room needs to be cleaned. Souji complies.

  Turns out that a patient in here made a miraculous recovery and was discharged recently. That?s not creepy? for the moment.

The nurse continues to tell that the patient was a young president of his company, handsome and independent.

  Now it?s getting creepy. Oh, I?m just sure he was ?discharged? just fine. In a body-bag. Several body-bags. Over several days.

The nurse reminisces how the patient had thanked her for everything, even going as far as proclaiming his love for her. She bitterly comments that, despite that, he left just as every other patient does.

  I smile and nod. She tells me to just head home. I guess she?s not on her killing game today?


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: [P4] In Which We Continue To Stalk A Young Man In Inaba
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2011, 06:02:59 PM »
Day 97, July 16th, 2011.

Souji talks with Chie on the way to school. Chie wonders what Morooka?s murderer is like, and how the investigation is going. She says that is unable to stop worrying about it, which is distracting her from studing for the upcoming examinations.

  I shout encouraging, but ultimately unformed sentences at her, hoping that, if I don?t make literal sense, at least my enthusiasm will carry across!

In school, Souji answers a question about ancient Egyptian cosmetics, and their practical application as insect-repellent.

  Rainy day. Aiya. Go time.

The rest of the day finishes uneventfully.


  • Small medium at large.
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Re: [P4] In Which We Continue To Stalk A Young Man In Inaba
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2011, 06:52:03 PM »
Oh man.  The hospital shenanigans were definitely the highlight of this update for me. :3

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: [P4] In Which We Continue To Stalk A Young Man In Inaba
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2011, 05:14:09 PM »
Day 98, July 17th, 2011.

Souji is off from school today. He remembers about his appointment with Kou and Daisuke.

  We get together at Junes ? I don?t actually need help, mind you. That said, judging by what these two comedians are talking about, they both need help. Very serious help.

While Kou and Daisuke argue about Daisuke?s scholar competence, Chie and Yukiko come by. Chie asks if she can join the study session, and Kou eagerly invites the girls in.

Kou is blabbering like a little schoolgirl at Yukiko's presence. This is going to be? interesting, at least.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: [P4] In Which We Continue To Stalk A Young Man In Inaba
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2011, 05:28:51 PM »
Day 99, July 18th, 2011.

Today is a public holiday, so Souji enjoys another day off from school.

  I somehow spend my day off at the day care. I blame the narrative.

At the end of the day-care day, Yuuta’s mother comes to pick him up, but the boy runs off, shouting dismissal of Eri. Eri asks if Souji likes children.

  There’s a very big maybe on that. On one hand, we have Nanako, who, by all rights, has descended from up above to save us all. On the other hand, we have Yuuta, who’s, well… unimpressive.

Eri talks about her difficulties with child-raising, and admits, at Souji’s question, to having problems with Yuuta, although she clarifies the issue as being more complicated.

  Eri gets flak from the other housewives who bring their children here. It seems using the words “as a mother” give the speaker the impression that their opinion somehow carries any weight.

Souji goes home soon afterwards.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: [P4] In Which We Continue To Stalk A Young Man In Inaba
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2011, 05:33:06 PM »
Days 100-104, July 18th-22nd, 2011.

Souji does extremely well on exams, the answers flowing freely from his practiced hand.

チソウ タイゼン

  • tarzan cheetos
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Re: [P4] In Which We Continue To Stalk A Young Man In Inaba
« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2011, 05:41:52 PM »
Days 100-104, July 18th-22nd, 2011.

Souji does extremely well on exams, the answers flowing freely from his practiced hand.

Don't be me and forget all your gifts.

That being said, do you know when your shoe locker is available for inspection?


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: [P4] In Which We Continue To Stalk A Young Man In Inaba
« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2011, 05:56:15 PM »
Don't be me and forget all your gifts.

That being said, do you know when your shoe locker is available for inspection?

Gifts are being kept in mind, of course. I've actually completely forgotten about the shoe locker. Thing is, the shoe locker shenanigans aren't particularly plot-important, so they wouldn't come up on my already-compressed write-ups anyway.

Day 105, July 23rd, 2011.

Examinations have finally concluded, and the investigation team gathers to discuss their performance.

  Chie, once again, works valiantly to dash her hopes of a good grade by asking Yukiko what she wrote on her tests.

While Yosuke heckles Chie, Kanji and Rise come to their classroom. Both look exhausted from the examination schedule. Rise asks Souji how he felt he performed.

  As hot as I usually am, I was on fire this time around! Eh, eh? You people are a tough crowd.

Rise expresses admiration at Souji?s prowess


but Kanji quickly asks that the discussion of examinations be brought to an end, instead asking how the murder case is proceeding. The group heads to Junes to discuss.

  Everyone?s being all moody at our status as local superheroes being so unceremoniously taken away when Adachi walks by, talking loudly to himself how they still haven?t managed to catch their suspect.

In a sudden non-sequitur, Rise asks about a question on her chemistry examination, wondering what HCHO was.

  Wikipedia says Formaldehyde. As in, gives-you-cancer Formaldehyde!

Rise coyly asks Souji if he would help her study, telling Chie that a mentor of the opposite sex would be more beneficial.

  Whoa. Gotta be on my feet around Rise.

Chie abruptly tries to change the subject and asks about Teddie?s well-being. Yosuke only needs to point to his left to demonstrate, in the distance, Teddie handing out balloons on the food court. The group decides to head over to talk to Teddie, leaving Rise and Souji alone.

  Rise tells me that she wants to see the sights of Inaba now that she has gotten the hang of school. Oh, sure, Rise, won?t take all of five minutes.

Rise explains that she tends to get recognized frequently, and is anxious about traveling alone. She cheers when Souji agrees.

  Bam. Rise?s Link opens up, and, what do you know, she?s Lovers. Probably one of the more unambiguous Arcana.

Rise tells Souji to remember her if he has any spare time. Then, the two head over to meet up with the rest of the group and Teddie.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: [P4] In Which We Continue To Stalk A Young Man In Inaba
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2011, 04:53:48 PM »
Day 106, July 24th, 2011.

Souji remembers Rise?s invitation from yesterday and decides to follow up on it.

  And so we head off to see the, uh, sights of Inaba. First stop ? Souzai Daigaku, and its vast selection of meaty treats.

Rise compliments the stall?s food, grateful to Souji that he was able to accompany her. She explains her hesitation to come alone that atmosphere is as important as the food itself.

  Which suddenly brings on an introspective mood, I guess.

Rise tells how she had strict parents and few friends, the latter due to her not attending school for most of the time. After wondering on the subject for a few moments, Rise cheers up and changes the subject, deciding to talk about the present and the opportunities that she now has available.

  While Rise?s fun to be around, she can be pretty intense. I weather her barrage of questions and head home.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: [P4] In Which We Continue To Stalk A Young Man In Inaba
« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2011, 05:36:59 PM »
Day 107, July 25th, 2011.

On the way to school, Souji discusses the police?s investigation with Yukiko. Yukiko suggests that, due to rain being predicted to fall for a few more days, the investigation team keep their eyes on the Midnight Channel.

  Good thinking. The culprit is likely someone the police can?t handle without mystical superpowers.

During lunchtime, a girl announces that examination results have been posted. Souji is pleased to learn that he attained the highest score!

  I decide to work off the tension at football after school. Plus, it?s about time we put into action Kou?s harebrained scheme.

Kou forces Souji and Daisuke to abandon football practice and brings the two to Okina city. Daisuke?s question about what they are doing there is cut short by the arrival of three girls, who appear to know Kou.

  Here it is, ladies and gentlemen, Kou?s plan. A group blind date for the three of us. I don?t mind, but, well, Daisuke?

Daisuke, unamused, starts to leave.

  Kou chases after, shamelessly blowing the girls off. I can do nothing but smile awkwardly at them and follow Kou.

The trip home is filled with tension. As the three young men walk along the flood plain, Daisuke comments that he never asked Kou to provide him a date.

  Kou tells Daisuke that?s it was all for him, to try to break him out of his act. Daisuke challenges him right back, and, if it weren?t for me getting in between the two, I?m sure they?d have jumped into a fight there and then.

Kou apologises, but continues to press about Daisuke?s rejection of female company on grounds of fear of being unaccepted. Kou makes the connection to Daisuke?s football performance, where Daisuke has been playing sub-par, afraid to perform seriously.

  Daisuke retorts that he doesn?t need a ball-polishing schemer?s lectures on life. He even plays the ?stay out of my life? card. That won?t fly with Kou, I don?t think.

Kou yells at Daisuke for being so thoughtless, and, Daisuke, shocked, profusely apologises. The three head down to the riverbank to cool down. Daisuke admits his trouble with girls and their constant inability to understand him. Kou narrows the issue down to the relationship Daisuke had in middle school, where Daisuke?s girlfriend claimed that Daisuke was not the person she thought he was.

  Like Kou said ? there?ll be people like that. It?s actually their fault for being terrible people.

Daisuke says that, despite the encouragement, the feelings of remorse will still remain. Kou suggests that Daisuke confront the issue directly.

  While the problem might not be solved yet, at least we?re in this together.

That evening, Souji spends time with Nanako, who, having heard of his test results from Dojima, made him a Paper Armband.

  A small token like this bestows upon me superhuman prowess. It is awe-inspiring, Narrator, that Nanako gives away such an artifact like it was nothing.

With a tense expression, Nanako asks Souji a difficult question indeed ? why do people live and die? Souji tries his best to give a truthful answer, and Nanako appears to understand, thanking Souji for his help. Her next question is no less challenging - where people go when they die?

  I? I can?t do it. I break down and go for the easy-way-out answer. They go to Heaven, Nanako. That?s where your mommy?s gone, and I?m sure she?s happy to see you growing up so strong.

Smiling, Nanako nods. She proceeds to wonder why bad people do bad things, telling Souji that there were fewer crimes before, and that Dojima would always pick her up from kindergarten. Cheerless, she wonders if bad people are more important to Dojima than she is.

  I manage to tell her that he?s doing his best to protect her and everyone around.

Nanako decides to change the subject, and the harrowed Souji agrees.

Re: [P4] In Which We Continue To Stalk A Young Man In Inaba
« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2011, 11:03:04 PM »
Like Kou said ? there?ll be people like that. It?s actually their fault for being terrible people.
I like how matter-of-fact he seems to be saying this, as if this was some kind of technical explanation (i.e. "There'll always be math problems like that; it's actually because it's easy to check whether an individual attempt at a solution is correct, but no general way of determining in advance what attempt it better or more correct").


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: [P4] In Which We Continue To Stalk A Young Man In Inaba
« Reply #13 on: August 06, 2011, 01:16:21 PM »
Day 108, July 26th, 2011.

Souji goes to Drama practice to check up on Yumi, but she is not present. Souji decides to go to the hospital in the hopes of catching up to Yumi there.

  I do find her there. Turns out that her mom finally succumbed to the stress, and has been hospitalized.

Yumi says that her mother is pushing herself too hard. Despite Souji?s recommendation, Yumi has trouble supporting her mother due to her constantly being near Yumi?s father.

  Yumi?s pushing herself down a dead-end alley. She?s going to quit the drama club to free up time to take care of her mother, all the while beating herself up over it.

Yumi laments that no circumstance falls in her favour, all because of her parents? holding her back.

  I remind her that she needs to look after herself as well. There is little point being harsher than that, Yumi?s plenty beat up as it is.

Souji tells Yumi that he is willing to support her through her troubles, and Yumi, blushing, thanks him for his dedication.

  We part ways and I head home.

That evening, Souji experiments with suspect barley tea.

  That? That wasn?t barley tea. Why, Narrator? You knew all along, didn?t you?

Despite his feeling unwell, Souji remembers to pay attention to the Midnight Channel that night. Against all odds, an image appears!

  A really vivid one, at that. It?s some kid, and I?m sure I?ve seen him before.

The boy taunts the viewers, challenging them to catch him. The transmission ends, and Souji immediately gets a call from Yosuke and Teddie. Teddie explains that the boy?s suppressed emotions resonate with the world beyond the television screen and then are received by the televisions in the real world.

  I tell Teddie and Yosuke that we should get together to plan.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: [P4] In Which We Continue To Stalk A Young Man In Inaba
« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2011, 01:34:50 PM »
Day 109, July 27th, 2011.

Summer vacations start for Souji today, and none too soon, with last night?s new development.

  We gather at the food court as usual.

Kanji expresses his ire at the strange boy?s taunting. Souji briefly wonders if the boy is the killer that they?ve been trying to apprehend for so long, but decides to consider the matter more cautiously. The rest of the group latch on to the idea more readily.

  That kid wasn?t doing himself any favours, mind you. His speech is something straight from a bad murder novel.

Yosuke hypothesizes that the boy has taken refuge in the realm behind the television screen from the police, who are no doubt after him for the murder of Morooka.

  While reasonable, something still stinks about this whole mess.

The group decides to acquire the answers directly from the boy himself. As this is said, Rise ? who had been investigating with Teddie - runs up to the group. She explains that there is not enough information for her and Teddie to pinpoint the boy. The group agrees that they are the only people able to get to the boy as the situation currently stands.

  Kanji tells me to ask Dojima. Why not?

Dojima, however, refuses to tell Souji anything. Souji decides to look for another policeman, but is unable to find one. The group decides to try the next day.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: [P4] In Which We Continue To Stalk A Young Man In Inaba
« Reply #15 on: August 07, 2011, 08:30:23 PM »
Day 110, July 28th, 2011.

Souji resumes his investigation of the strange boy. At the riverbank, he learns of a policeman who spends his breaks at Junes.

  Of course, who else could it be but Adachi. I am not kidding when I say that I browbeat him into telling me about the case. All I have to do is say Dojima?s name and Adachi spills the beans that the boy had a part-time job in the shopping district.

Souji eventually learns from Souzai Daigaku that the strange boy used to work there, and had a friend who did the same. With a description of the boy on-hand, Souji continues with the investigation effort.

  The friend apparently hangs around the area, but I can?t find him. Maybe tomorrow.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: [P4] In Which We Continue To Stalk A Young Man In Inaba
« Reply #16 on: August 07, 2011, 08:47:49 PM »
Day 111, July 29th, 2011.

Souji continues his search for the boy?s friend, hoping to find a photograph to identify the boy.

  Didn?t take long this time ? I find the friend in the shopping district, and he just gives me a photo and a name ? Mitsuo Kubo. I assemble the Justice Friends at Junes and confirm the situation. We now know who we?re looking for, and just about what sort of person he is. The fog isn?t going to set in for a while, so I figure I can strengthen the old Social Links some more today.

While little happens to Souji at the day-care centre, he does engage in more heart-to-heart conversation with Nanako that evening.

  How do we manage to get these topics every time, Narrator? This time Nanako?s been watching a documentary on a guy looking for his real father. She asks me what they mean by a real father. It?s like Nanako has a checklist of the most awkward questions that she can possibly ask a callow youth like yours truly.

Nanako induces from Souji?s answer that Souji is her real big brother.

  You?re pretty great too, Nanako. Don?t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Nanako, suddenly sullen, wonders if she is her father?s real daughter, judging by his constant absence.

  I try to change the subject, narcissistic as it might sound. All I manage to do is to get Nanako talking about her mom instead.

Nanako says that she went out together frequently with her family when her mother was still alive, and remembers the closeness they used to have.

Re: [P4] In Which We Continue To Stalk A Young Man In Inaba
« Reply #17 on: August 07, 2011, 10:44:11 PM »
The phrase "Justice Friends" just made me giggle.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: [P4] In Which We Continue To Stalk A Young Man In Inaba
« Reply #18 on: August 09, 2011, 05:11:15 PM »
Day 112, July 30th, 2011.

Souji goes to the day care centre this morning.

  Yuuta is still giving his stepmother flak.

Yuuta asks his stepmother when his father is coming back and Eri, flustered, answers that she does not know. Indignant, the boy runs off, saying he will go home with one of his friends. Eri bitterly says that she is a stranger to the boy.

  It turns out that Eri only found out about the child practically as she was getting married, but decided that she would make it work out. The cherry on the misery cake is, of course, that the husband gets called off to work in China or something.

Eri says that she is no longer sure that she loves her husband, but does not seem emotionally involved enough to call for a divorce. She wonders if she rushed into marriage too quickly.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: [P4] In Which We Continue To Stalk A Young Man In Inaba
« Reply #19 on: August 10, 2011, 05:47:16 PM »
Day 113, July 31st, 2011.

  Today?s the day! Time to find us some creepy kid!

Once the group is through, they gather together. Souji shows them the picture of Mitsuo Kubo, and the group confirms that it is the correct person. Chie recalls the boy asking Yukiko on a date much earlier in the year.

  Yukiko, as ever, remains oblivious.

The group assembles reasons why they believe Mitsuo Kubo is the correct suspect from their own experiences with him.

  I still think they?re too quick to judge. Everything we have is what is so correctly called ?circumstantial evidence.? Kid could just have some really bad timing. That said, the Morooka incident is slightly different.

Rise quickly pinpoints the boy, and the group heads into her indicated direction.

  We find his?lair. Chie puts it well ? it looks like some sort of game. An old one, at that. We buck up and head inside.

Eventually the group reaches the last level of the game-like dungeon, all the while listening to Mitsuo Kubo?s shadow break down further and further into nihilistic madness as it begins to come to terms with its own emptiness.

  I am capable of engaging it right now, but I have plans for this shadow. We wrap it up for the day.

チソウ タイゼン

  • tarzan cheetos
  • you'll thank me for the cropping later
Re: [P4] In Which We Continue To Stalk A Young Man In Inaba
« Reply #20 on: August 10, 2011, 06:28:22 PM »
Oh boy, it's that boss.

I wasted my one and only Soma on it ;-;

What difficulty are you on, again?


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: [P4] In Which We Continue To Stalk A Young Man In Inaba
« Reply #21 on: August 10, 2011, 07:08:58 PM »
Oh boy, it's that boss.

I wasted my one and only Soma on it ;-;

What difficulty are you on, again?

Only Medium. I can breeze through the game effortlessly and actually write this record without burning out that way.

Day 114, August 1st, 2011.

  We pile right back into the TV, and I make a beeline for the Velvet Room. You see, there is a five-persona fusion that just begs to be made, and today is a bonus XP day. Without further ado, arise, Black Frost!

New Persona in hand, Souji and the rest of the group rush into the confrontation with Mitsuo Kubo. However, the boy appears to be in a confrontation of his own ? with his shadow.

  Kubo goes on and on at his shadow about how he killed the people he said he killed, how nobody thought of him after the first two murders. All the shadow does is stare silently at him. The guy is quite desperate to prove that he killed the reporter and Saki, but?

The Shadow intones that it has and feels nothing and, thus, is nothing. Mitsuo Kubo rages at the Shadow about the untruths that he believes it is saying. Finally, he notices the investigation team and asks them who they are. Kanji retorts that they came after him.

  Chie asks him if he is the killer, and he gleefully admits everything. Like an infant trying to take credit for actions that aren?t his, almost.

The Shadow grows in power as Mitsuo Kubo yells at the group that he will kill them, that he is able to do anything and, as Kubo collapses from the strain, turns into a vast floating fetus.

  I blow apart its armor and never let it reform with Black Frost?s firepower. The Shadow?s Ghastly Wails take out Yosuke and Chie, but Kanji and I beat it down in the end.

Mitsuo Kubo wakes up to find the investigation team surrounding him. Souji and Yosuke explain to the boy what his situation is, and the boy, once again laughing, admits to perpetrating every murder case so far. The boy?s Shadow disappears and, before anything can happen, the group takes him outside.

  I press him once he gets his bearings. Did he really do it? He just responds by laughing and congratulating himself, saying how everyone is talking about him. I remember how he had no idea who we are when we first met him inside the TV, despite three of our group being his so-called victims. Damn it, he isn?t the killer. He?s just some attention-seeking copycat, as I imagine he could very well have killed Morooka and strung him up on that balcony, understanding the MO, but not the cause. I ponder the ramifications of this as the police takes him away.

While Souji is deep in thought, the rest of the investigation team are blissfully unaware of the inconsistencies in Mitsuo Kubo?s testimonies. They speak light-heartedly of the case being over and reminisce about the embarrassing secrets their own Shadows brought to light. Kanji mentions how the investigation group has no purpose any more and Rise suggests a celebration is in order. It is eventually decided that the party is to be held at Souji?s house and that the group would cook food for themselves and Nanako. Yosuke immediately grows hostile at the idea of Chie and Yukiko cooking, but makes no ground.

  Before I realize it, we?re at my house, and everyone?s already cooking some nightmarish delight. I figure it?s not the best time to discuss what I?ve been wondering all afternoon.

As the group prepares their dishes, Teddie discusses his promise to Souji and Yosuke with Nanako. He wonders if he should be heading back to the realm behind the television screen soon, and Nanako asks him if he could stay to play with her instead. Souji tells Teddie that he need not leave, especially if he is to fulfill his new promise to Nanako. Teddie thanks Souji profusely just as Rise declares the food ready.

  It is up to the guys to taste-test the wonders of the girls? cooking before Nanako gets at them. To summarise: Rise?s omelette made me literally bleed in my mouth from the spiciness, Yukiko?s was perfect to counteract the effect by not having any taste whatsoever, and Teddie gleefully reports that Chie?s tastes awful, which I later confirm. Nanako, of course, beats us all by having each of the omelettes and, to top it off, reassuring Rise, Chie and Yukiko that all of their food tastes good.


  • Fighter than anyone else
Re: [P4] In Which We Continue To Stalk A Young Man In Inaba
« Reply #22 on: August 13, 2011, 07:26:31 AM »
I apologize for the content-less update, but, unless some brave soul steps in and continues, there will not be updates in the next two weeks, as I am going on holiday again! See you all in September!